PXQ15J BIX METTFORT) WATti TTBUyK, HrEDFOKD. ORTCC10N. MONDAY, .TUT,Y 22, 1012 nr-TTTs: "MADE IN OREGON" Your own prosperity demands that you give these Oregon firms preference when making purchases. Ask the local dealer or representative for their products MADE IN OREGON.! MADE IN OREOON.ft V-' 'rES"""! "" nn- rT Iff. a Qrcgonfifc has Its entire operntlns plant In Oregon, makes nil ot Us Investments In Oregon Rccurltlca only, lms an unmatched record ot success, la growing greater dny by da, ami rccolrca prefetvneo from all discriminating buyers ot life Insurance In Oregon. Best for Oregonians KEKS A. I MILLS Prcsldont U SAMUEL General Manngor H 'icagatiHLLi Rope and Binder Twine FOUR LEAF RED CLOVER BRAND Trade Msrfc MiTp in Uif Northwest ter Northwest rttmrmr. Ask j-cmr merchant fur our IIOPK AND IIINIIKII TWINB. Krery article represents In cost US per crnt to 6( per cent In l.ilxtr etniiloyrd. Happort the msnufneturer who kIvw rmplojtnftit to labor which. In turn, consumes four proJucts ; also lecrpa jour money at home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. ractorlca : I'ortUad. Or. : Seattle, Wash. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. 1249-59 Macadam Road, Portland "QUALITY" OUU SLOGAN CI Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah Lumber&BoxCo. PORTLAND, OREGON WHY DRINK WATER WHEN Pl Si IMr A ifl A YOU CAN GET SALE.M BEER? G. S. Brand cider Vinegar IN I1ARRELS AND BOTTLES Quality superior to Eastern or Cal ifornia Vluegar. Wo solicit Inquiry direct. Also sold by wholesalers. GIDEON ST0LZ COMPANY SALEM, OREGON ay aP"3 3 Wi,.-Js uKl.ft4siBCWfc. Hsfe wlas flLnbk2lSlHel Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager THE lrwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLElSCHNER,MAYER&CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" ?. Veal '& Son ALBANY. OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest hops and tho finest barley malt, brewed scientifically in just the right way, are respon sible for Its absolute purity and excellence. Mall us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery PORTLAND, OBEGOX "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RICHEST IN SUGAR FINEST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup t Manufactured by tho PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND. OREGON PORTLAND BAR FIXTURE. COMPANY Designers and Manufacturers of SALOON FIXTURES SODA FOUNTAINS, Etc. Designs and prices on application Office: 320 to 323 Y'eon Hulldln Factery: PORTLAND, OREUO.V "MADK IN OREGON" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COMMERCIAL CLUn RLDG. PORTI.ND Hollov Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Fire Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Fire Brick Fire Clay ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 1JB A. HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 Blumauer - Frank Drug Co. DISTRIDUTORS - tsBary f -- ' r"i ms IcOSISYOUNOTHINGTOTRr IflslalstillTflilM our guarantee: . m t, mi f w DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON manufacturrrs of ntcm.aRAiL MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise we offer for sale Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND. OREGON THE CEI.E11RATEI) REH03CANN SHOE, made In Portland, Oregon Gil Thurmau Street MADE IN OREGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and make the celebrated ALSO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory. ICth and ICth and l'cttygrove streets America's Largest Music IIouso EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General Offices' Ellera RuHilInjr Alder Street at .".-Tenth. Portland, Ore. KORTV STOUK8 PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Coffee Drums, Furniture Stock, Ekj,' Cases, Tint op Fruit liaskets, llnrrel Stock and Rotary Cut Veneers P. Autzcn, President nnd Treasurer ST. JOHNS. OREGON Portland Wood Pipe Co, Wood Stave Pipe MADK IN OREGON OF OREGON FIR HV AN OREGON COMPANY Twenty-fourth and, York Strcots Portland, Oregon V. O. Dox 71. Portland Elevator Company Manufacturoi s of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory East Ninth and Mill Strcots PORTLAND, OREGON syaaa S!Tvv. km ii m " f issW tnp wmmmmmmmmimmmmm,XMmvKammmaMJmmummr 2v C H U R N SP rgBEAN POTS s FLOWER POTS gi $u CHICKEN FOUNTAINS O ' MILK PANS' OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Otir new fabrlca, designed exclu sively for women's and men'H tail oring, nro made of tho boot grades ot wool and warranted fast colors. Yorn T.m.oit rtx pekchase DIRECT FROM THE- MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes Made In Oregon PAriFIG COAST 1USCUIT CO. Portland, Oretzoii LOOrC FOR this LABEL, OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Lino CHAIRS O All Oak used In AziffcAA line grows inAiorrhcriijapAn uherc winters arc cold, uhlch Is nccessAru to tiighesrcl&ssOaA'. ung &Ms branded into the wood of this line cJidlsa guarantee of the O&Ar, SuperiorilVof QuaI: irV, Worbnanshlp and absolute Satisfaction. II nm4 llw OP.CGON, KfCllAlRCQ. WILLAMETTE TENTS AWNINGS, COVERS, ETC. Roso City Aqaspellc Waterproof Appell South African Water llag . Finns of all kinds Wlndovr Shades, Etc Watch for our label "If It's mado ot canvas wo inako It" Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Mffia. and Jobbers Portland THE "ECONOMY" LEATHER TIRE COVER Mado from tho best cromo-tanned leather, with oil-tempered studs. Absolute (uiKturo proof. Insures safety over mountain roadn. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. COO Williams Avcnuo, Portland, Or. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon at Portland, 270 First Street Ed VrSlOnTiV Jmms ifKairftgOHoQ, J ifffiflSiiffyfffl If P?-l I ntf.Wa -- II . -rr. Q IJUALITY HEST price EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not drutiind them from your dealer! W. H. McMonies & Co. PORTLAND, OHKUOX Schiller Cigar Factory PORTLAND OHKUOX Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere olu RANO Hams Bacon Lard VNION MEAT CO. I'lONKHIt PACKKRM vf Iht I'At'lr'IC Columbia Milling Co. PORTIAND, OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory" Wheat Flakes , ARE HEST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains Llco Killer, Sheen nud Cuttle Dip Wood Prcscrintlte Rust RroNtliiK, Damp Proof Coucreto Point Darn nnd Hoof Paint, House Pulut Floor Paint, Yarnlshes PalntN, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. .Works at Llnntoo PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERQ Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS Manufactured by Coast Culvert and Flume Co. iw k. aovciitn m., Portland, Oro. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Firo Doors Sheet Motitl Woik and Hootlni; Portland Sheet Metal Works 129 H. Madison St. Portland, OroKon The Lutke Manufacturing Company Manufucturcni of . SHOW CASES , BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Cdrnor Hlxth and Iloyt Strcots PORTLAND, OREQON BBm 7Tt TiiiiiiP Bl PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING Kit OREGON WOOL Kuch yenr we msniifsrlnre ami sell nearly Irn tlininsiiil Mni n mitt ll.y H til 14 friim OreKuti clotli, ttmile ly tlio tlirrtf Me wihiUii mill III llriwh"Vlllr, Hrtleui RI lldKrii". Yull mil Imr tlie.. Suits nt rerjr rriturmililn prlcew tir semi for nuilri ( rtttier of uur stores, Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Porllnui Euiteuo Murithlleld Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT VlV(mVIVJLiI VVs Dri'Kou Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of all Muds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and t'pshur Streets PORTLAND, OHEtlON Willamette Roll News, IS MADE AZ Oregon City, Oregon "MADE IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila nnd Wire Cables, Pipe and CbnIiik, Drilling and Fishing Tool The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 13th and Clinton, Portland "x,y ios-foimotii Xrfl ,. numK-nuivn: iwm wi roCAiMit Y. In t-rYTl'llUL4 l UVNACHiNEiary lux zr. tZV-. .J. hit a no; THE BEST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADK nY Tho Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND, OREQON FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Price 2T Cents Tho kind that kills; bus boon Hiiaoossfully used for thirty yours. Small slro for rats nnd tnlco, lOo each. DANIEL J. FRY ' Manufacturing Pharmacist Haloin, Oregon Fry's Hcnduclio Tablets wilt euro; prlco 26c, by mall freo of charge, if you cannot got from your doulor. CONTAINS NO LYE, ROSIN. ACID Oil AMMONIA A Concentrated Cnmphorated Product Heals tho lUuds Wilt Not Injurs the l'liieit IMiria ASK VOUK CMCtR MINUTU wa'sno COMPOUND HMMSMSItM ..! I,-mU.1-. M i iliim. llsll this lo us and tet free ssmpl United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREOON Otflc.r 70S UimIm HiilldliiK INtetory. Kenttiii Miiiiufurtiirert of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Pnying Machines DRINK THI'E FHUIT FLAVOR Sen that Trade .Mark Is ou Itottlo A Pun-, Delirious, Soft Drluk A Huro Thirst Quell Made lit Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. !91.aS3 East Pine Street, Portland "LIONITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADK IN OREGON CALLAN & KASER .Selllnir AgenU 722 Teon llulldliitf, Portland, Ore. Main 1633 ilnlu 1700 ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal Sf ANUFACTUHED for tho PACIFIC COAST TRADE AT Salem, Oregon MP Si i iai EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER MADE OF PI'HE CHEAH OF TARTAR PACKED IN ULAHH J A HH C.M.Eppley Hiilein, Oregon pltaltj feltalM lAZi?zl riBBsWW. ffERFECTi iWlfifiW " HREEDBRj "MHOBtwa- PenrecTioK f ! UtMB) REGON w MHff AlUnjOIUiuwHT I ij. V 4 ftt , " hi. t .