MWrFOUT) M7HT, TIlfBUNR, MTIDFOUT OKKCION, MONDAY, JULY '22, 1012 jPXGIU THRT5U -i vi H ; BULL Hff PARTY IN THK COUNTY TO BE LAUNCHED SOON Tint Niiliouitl I'luti'KUn iiiily will lin I'urmiilly liitiiii'lu'tl In .liicltHoti coiiiily ill a incclng to lot lifltl ul Hid llntiil Mnlfniil TiU'hilny uvi'illliK, .Inly 'j;i, ul which limit tlnk'K'ilim will ho Hl'll'l'ldt) I'll)' l Hllllll Illl'I'lillU In ho hold at I'imIIiijiiI, TliuiMiliiy, .Inly iW, wlwii live ii'('kiiIhk will hn cIiokimi to iiUiunl tim iiiiIIiiiiiiI convention to lie lii'M ut Clili'iiun, AuuiihI .'i. Tim cull for tlio iiHmllnn lo be Imlil Tni'hiliiy nvotiiui; wiih UhiumI liy A. K Wunt. pichliluul, mill (li'orpi I!, Itoo, M'uri'liirv, of tliu Hotmcvi'll club. All V(i(iiH itiopcclivn of llicr loruit'i' I'M il. y afrillnlloiiH n in Insitccl to lnlii' mi iit'livn inturrxl In (hit t'oriiiutloii of tliu now party In .IihIhmi ooiinlv, ILL TROEW TYPE PAW Tint city rouiiull ut n jocIhI moot I ii K till ufUtninoii ilt-eltleil (o try out n ui'w typit of iwivint'iU on Myrtlu Mrnt't on tttu ('nut kIiI"', nil oil in a en item offoriul by Hcticll A HcIkjII con trm:t(irH. 'I'hi! nuw lypti of iitvimont l hiiIiI to Ihi MiitlHfnctory for HtrculH on which Uiuro I light trnffla ntut Ih much cheaper thnn tho puvomoiit which hni lieun unail In tint pnrit In IIiIb city. Tim contractor! offttr lo ny It for $1.10 n munr ynnl. Thin lit 40 o'litx it mpinru yard rluupttr thnn tlm light imminent which linn heen lnlil In thn city. 'Urn rouiicll pnimcil an onllunncn rc'iulrliiK each propuriy . owner In thn city renldltiK m n pnveit Mreel to grmlo ntut park tliu atrip Itctwcou (In alitowulk anil the curb. Couiictlmnii Millar nttumpteri to re-opnn the Klovcnth Mrcet nnvliiK (iieton ftKaln h' movliiR, for a to contililcrntlon but fallcil to flint n Hccomt for thn motion. Property owimrn on that Htrcct threaten In Junction prorccilliiKH iiKnlnnt thn city to keep It from pnvliiK Hint treat. JUDGES NAMED FR MADE MEDFORD DESIGN A. II, Miller, II. ('. Kentner ami II. (I. (Jarnclt liuvo been hiiiikmI ait JihJkom In (ho content liiaiiitniati'it by tim Npvclnl "Mjulo In Meilforil" commit loo iinmed by the Commercial Club lo Ktlmiilnto home InilimtrlcH, Tlmro lire threw prlsren for the bent iIchIkii offeieil, ami no Htlptilallou Ik miiile except that Hid worilx "Miulo In Med ford" muni appear upon It, Kvoryono who haa IiIimih on the fiilbjecl In Invited to get biiMy, The content done Heplcniber I. NORMA L mm. i 0 ON STOCK EXCHANGE NKW YOltIC, July thirty mluiilcM of an uneven oponliiK todny'H Block market developed Keuerul upward movement and many: leader IncliidliiK IteadltiK, Union I'aclfle, AtualKnmitted Copper anil Krl miulo fractional advanceii. To bacco lnHUeti mad it advancen of from market ennod off am) Iradliu; dwindled to nlmont nothing. Tliilinler mIiowcih uliieli tenclied n eliiiuix Hnliirdn.y when .'J of mi inch of mill fell in Medfoid linn ciillHeil u drop ill the tempernture wliieli milled ft it'll hi Hie valley IiihI week. The maximum Ktuiduy wiih 71.5 with n lelullve Immiditv of VI per cent. The ,'J piccipilitlinii Ik 1-lOOtli nliove normul foe duly. The predic tion for TueMflnv Ih Inn' uiiil wuimcr. JAP COMMISSIONERS VISIT PANAMA FAIR HAN KHANCIHCO, Cnl., .Inly 22. H. Yawmaylkn and V. .Inyltlina com mltiHloiierH to the I'aiiaina I'aclfle ex position on behalf of the Japaneno Kuvernmeut, which hn protnlned n miiKulflcont dlHplay at the 11)15 fair, were Klveu a Mplemllil reception upon their arrival hern on the liner Hlilnyo Maru by city, expoHltlou and military orriclnlH. Headed by a troop of cavalry and a mounted baud from the Presidio and a platoon of police, tho caval cade which accompanied thn dlMtln i;ulnhcd vlnltorit went to tho l'alr mont Hotel, where (he rommlttsloncrii will make their "headquarter; while In tho city, DRIVE FROM LAKE IN 5 HOURS 40 M. II in now iOMil)le lo dnve iiiiIom Id the tim of ('ruler J.alie iieeordiiik' lo Kobert A. Klyyn mid duck Merrill who ref'uriied Hiiiidnv .iiiii(r from trip to Klumnlli FnlU roliirniiifr '' wny of the Inke. Tln-y nenrly lowered tin; record for time between the lake uud Medloid mukiui: the diKtnnce in five hour and 10 miriiituM in Merrill' locomobile. "We drove wllilu a half mile of Hie rim," HtntcM Mr. I''I.miii, ami men are mpidlv (.'cllinj,' I he rctnninder of Hie road in condition. I am certain iiinchiucH reached the tim today with out tiouble. ''The iieeomodiilioiiM at the rim are fii'Ht-cliiHH and the m.'mmui in open in eitrncHl. A Inrce number of neonlc arc ulieudy ul Hie lake" EXCISE TAX BILL TO BE PASSED BY SENATE WASHINGTON, Jly Jli.-l,eaders who have inadc u cnuuihH of the ven ule loduy predicted the panning of the Deinocriitio e.xcihe tax bill. The hill conicH to it vote in the senate on Fridny, having already piiHM'd the Iioiihc, The 1)111 pratcically extends the provihioiiK of the corporation tux to, all perhotirt and co-partucrhliips "do itiL' mi annual biiHinexh of more tuhn ..(I0()." RAILROAD MN TO CONFER All of tho orficlaU of Hip IVntisyl. vaniit railroad HyHlcm on tint I'aeifie CduhI nrn on llicir way lo Mcdford for t lie purpose of lioldiwr confer ence recnrdiriK Hie i-oiibI buHiucx of Hie Hyutcm they rcprenent.. Six re preNciilntivcH nrrived today mid more are expected to arrive HiIh cciiiue; from Cnlifornia (Ktiuti. The idx who lire here nre: J. S. ('amplndl, Seattle. F. X. Kolloek. I'orllund; N. F. Kenny, Spokane; K. F. Vcaton, Senttlc; J. F. Smith, Portland uud A. S. .1. Holt, Seattle. The conference! will be held Tues day Hie men returning to their homes Tuesday ewnine; uud WedncHday. The conference wiih called by A. S. ,1. Hilt of Seattle. Alteulloii KiiIkIiIm of 1'ytblnM. Vour presence, wanted nt Castle Hall tonlRlit. Work in third rank. Visitors welcome. Kofrenhmcntn. E. G. TROWUIIIDOK, Jr., C. C. Draperies Wo carry a vry complctB line of flrnM-rl'H, Incn ciirtnlnn, flvturrn, etc., and lo nil clnRHrn of upholntrrinc A xpcclnl man to look after thl work exclindvrl and will Klvc an kowI ("rvlco nil la ;i'(tljo to net In even flic Inrci'Kt cltlfN. Weelcs & McGowan Co. Now and Second and Lumber for Sale Cheap. Wc arc tearing down our warehouse buildings on railroad property opposite Southern Pacific pas denger.Htation and are offering for sale material takon therefrom at very low prices. FRUIT BOXES J3erry, poach, penr and apple boxes for sale cheap. We have an assortment of boxes which wo desire (o dispose, of at once at very attractive prices. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY Call at factory opposite So. Pnc. passenger station. To fustcu the cud of n rope with p)il linoltlnr, It. n WJncfl,Mlu Inventor tins patented a spiral piece of metal nround which It umy be wrapped. f ? T i t i t ? T f t y t t r r t Wc arc on the eve of great prosperity in Mcdford. At an early date, real estate prices wil commence to jump. Better se cure one of the well-.built (bites cottages on Woso a venue while the prices are rock bottom. H. E. GATES ROSE AVE. Y f f y y y y y y y y y y y y y MX4N Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Orogon Tt has succeeded because of . , J ; Soundness of principle v " Economy of management , Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 U' Y. I. Vawtcr ,President G. R. Lindley, Vice Pres. , C. W. fcDonald, Cashier ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (2b Storage Co. t : y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y i Cleaning Up For Fall Stock Real BargainsMoney Saving Prices Is there anything you need in Summer and Fall wearing apparel? We are cleaning up our stock for Fall. While there is still left a good long period of warm weather before us you perhaps have overlooked something you can use for the balance of the season w i and have good garments for next season. ! y y 'p 4 , "Wo aro offering everything in Summor Weight Underwear at 25 Per Cent Discount. This moans you can buy the best $1 Suit of Underwear ever sold for 75c tho suit, or the bost $1.50 Suit for. $1.12, and tho same porcontago all through our ontiro stock of Summor Underwoar. A fow Men's and Young Mon's Suits loft at Half Prico. It will pay you to look thorn ovor. One lot Boys' Knickerbocker Suits ranging in agos from 6 to 15 worth rogularly $4 to $15, whilo they last 5j3 to $10, A nice selection of sizes and patterns in Fall Weight Suits at 25 Por Cent Discount, strictly new and up-to-date. Do you good to look them over. Wo have a Straw Hat loft that will fit you, regardloss of former prices, nothing worth less than $2.50 and on up to $5. While they last choice for $1.50. All Khaki Clothing and Linen Dusters at 25 Per Cent Discount. Many other bargains too numerous to itemize hero. Come in and soo them. y y i y y y y y y y y y y X These prices will be in effect until August 1. We sacrifice our prices for cash only, do not ask for credit T y y y y y y y y y :: MODEL CLOTHING CO. - .4tjUMM,Al .M.jA