Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 22, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i il. .......) .l, ..-, m,i,
Iiik at Cdlestln arc: Mr. and Mrs. Kd
Warner, .Mrv and Mrs. W. 1 Hau, Mrs.
J, W. Keyc, Harry Child and
Krflnk Way.
Dr. E.' II. Porter with a party of
friends) aro, at Crater Lake on a
njiuri u iii.
Jlamtnorlca. pnortlng goods, bluo
flatno.onlorlcas oil atovra, refrigera
tor, Vc Prices rfehl. Sliatrielgh
Hardware CO.. 3$ South Central.
Mr. and Mrn. V. J. Kmorlck, Mr.
and,MV. I. 1. Neff. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Woaly, Mm. II. F. Plait. .Mrs. K.
.Cj qaddes, Mrs. II. I). Howard, Mrs.
William "Anglo, Mr. and Mrs. K. P.
Little, D. O. Karnes and son. Mr. and
Mrs. Clando Miles, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Saylor, Mr, and Mrs. J.
MclRtro, M,r. and, Mrs. 0. Alder and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hyatt and
family of Nebraska and A. Coleman
wcro amonR the local people who took
advantago of the Pacific & Eastern
excursion Sunday and spent tho day
atjlutte Falls.
r Pasturago at Isaacs' ranch. G9l
R.-I. .
J. W. Casey of Portland, travel
ing freight and passenger agent of
tho Chicago, MUwaukeo and Pugct
Sound railway Is In Medford on busi
ness. Mrs. Frank Bennett, neo Bess
Nickel, of Durns, Ore., formerly a
resFdent of this city Is visiting rela
tives at Jacksonville.
Special aalft of stamped pillows,
centers and tablo runners at The
Handicraft Shop.
Mlfts Kate O'Connor the famous
suffrage leader of Kocford, 111.. Is
Im Medford on a short business trip.
Among tho Medford people who
spent Sunday at Colestin were: Mr.
and Mrs. Butler, Miss Mabel Woods,
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith. Miss
Jeannesa Butler, Miss Fay Sears, Miss
Ella Gaungaw, Miss Helen Yockey.
Miss Ethel Curry. Mrs Mary Yockey.
Miss May Buchanan, Miss Newberry,
Mrs. Louis Ulrlch, Miss Flora Thomp
son, Jack Barnum, Jack Wilkinson,
Grovcr Corum, Fred Strong, Dr. C. R.
Ray, Judge Oolvlg, Mrs. Clarence
Reames, Col. George P. Mlms, M. I.
Adams. Harry Helms, Charles Ctr
ney, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan.
Moved to 31 Jf. Grape street The
Medford Conservatory for music and
laBgaages. G. Talllandler, director.
Opea all summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eads mo
tored to Celestln Sunday.
Marlon Lance 'with a p3rty of
friends at Crater Lake on a short
E. A. Hicks has returned from an
automobile trip to Slsaon, Cal.
' E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapfeern, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1-471
.Henry Boyd of Ashland Rpent Sun
day with friends In Medford.
W. A. Sumner, manager of the Pal
mer Investment Company, owners of
Modoc orchard and the Palmer or
chard, Is expected tbls reek from
Sarasota Florida, to look over local
Wanted to trade acreage In Oak
dalo Park addition for a small house
and lot In Mtjdrord. W. H. Ever
hardip'W. 9th, phone C671. "
Will 'Stewart landed an 16-pound
salmon on a C-ounoo fly road at Trail
Sunday. t '
'Muddy water prevented fishing on
tho Rogue Sunday. Tito water is
rapidly clearing and by tho latter
part of tho week will be in fine con
dition again.
Apricots for sale. Telephono Pa
cific 591-J-l. 104
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson are
home after an extended tour of Cali
fornia by automobile. They had no
trouble until they reached the Sis
klyous on tho return when tho mag
neto caused considerable delay.
Peter Steenstrup of tho Pacific
Moter Supply Company left Monday
morning for an extended business trip
throughout tho northwest. Ho will
visit Port (and. Seattle and Vancouver,
II. C, beforo returning as well as
many intermediate points.
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes
ton4'tt, opposite book stor'e.
Mr and Mrs. w. F. Isauca left Mon
day ffr an automobllo trip to Crater
Lake and tho Klumuth country.
'John Wilkinson left Monday for n
three months' outing In tho Klamuth
country. Jack says he is going to cat,
loaf, hunt, fish and grow fat.
Carkln & Taj lor (John II, Carkln,
Glenn O. 'Taylor), nttornoys-at-law,
ovor Jackson County Bank Building.
Miss Alberta Gouldor ot Medford,
who 'lias been spending some days
wltu Mrs. J. I), Fry and other friends
nt Grants Pass returned to her bomo
Weeks & McGowan Co.
jr VU0U9 8371
xurbt PtaQBAft r. w. wk son
A. XI. Orr 3692
Mayor K, 0. Smith of Grants Pass
has left for Ooldfleld, Ne., on a
biiHlncss trip to extend till August 1.
llo ylll also visit Los Angeles on his
way home.
Mrs. Fred Slfer of Tolo, who was
operated on In tho South Pacific hos
pital at Grants Pass last week tor In
testinal obstruction by Drs, Coffee and
LouRhbtiiiRt Ih Improving very at
isfnctorlly. She has many friends in
this city.
See U. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County Bank.
One hundred and fifty tons ot the
best grade of hay naa dostroywl by
fin recently on the Champtaln
Urbthers ranch on Foots Creek.
The hay had been put In tho stack hi
Uorfect condition. The fire Is sup
posed to have been smarted by snmt
careless smoker.
Special sale of stamped pillows.
centers and tnblo runners nt The
Handicraft Shop.
Major John D. Black, formerly of
Valley City, N. ft , now a resident of
Snn Dleso, was a visitor In tho city
Monday. The major was attached
to General Miles' staff, during both
the Civil and tho Cuban Wars.
Apricots for sale. Telephone Pa
cific 59 KM. 104
The Medford ball team Is expected
to return tonight after playing three
games in northern California. The
Medford team won the first two
panics playMl defeating Yreka 11-3
and 5-4. The result of Sunday af
ternoon's game Is nq known.
Berlin, the ladles tailor says to
the ladles of Medford. "Got Tho
Habit," Wear a Berlin Tailored
suit for your own sake. 103
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson ot
Trail are spending n few days In
Medford on business.
S. A. Newell. ladles' tailor. 4th
floor M. F. & H. bldg.
Mrs. Sarah Williams of Rogue
River spent Sunday with Medford
Apricots for sale. Telephono Pa
cific G91-J-1. 104
J. R. Crawford has returned from
a short business trip to Seattle,
Beds. Beds, Beds. 1.00 por week
at the Park View Hotel. 123 South
Holly. 112
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Williams are
hero from Eugene to spehd a few
days visiting friends.
A. B. Schuster, advertising mana
ger ot the Mall Tribune, who has
been confined to bis borne for the
past two weeks by a severe attack of
blood poisoning has so far recovered
as to be able to return to his desk.
WASHINGTON, July 22. Former
Senator Scott of West Virginia testi
fied today before the senate cam
paign contributions investigating
committee. He was a member of tho
republican national commlttco in
"George W. Perkins," said Senator
Scott, "asked me that year regarding
the situation in West Virginia. I
said there was some doubt of the re
election of the republican candidate
for governor. He said ho was a
friend of Colonel Roosevelt and
would not like to seo West Virginia
go democratic, and. then he gave
115,000 to help the campaign there.
I contributed nothing to tho na
tional fund, but gave $30,000 or 510,
000 to the West Virginia fund."
Scott said he know of no contri
butions by Morgan, Havemcyer or
other trust magnates.
Tho funeral services of John II,
Hart wore held from the K. of P.
Saturday morning, tho Rev. "W. T,
Goulder officiating. Tho deceased's
daughter and ber mother, Mrs. Poll
ard, of Oakdale, attended tho body to
the last resting place In the I. O. O.
F. cemetery. Six Knights of Pythias
acted as pallbearers. They were:
William Elfort, Ben Trowbridge, II.
Wortman. C. W. Potter, E. W. Trow
brldgo nnd H. Hensleinan.
Voter of Jackson County Attention!
There will bo u meeting ot all
voters who wish to Join tho new Na
tional Prpgresslvo Party at tho Hotel
Medford on Tuesday ovening, July 23.
at eight o'clock for tho purposo of
selecting delogutes to the etato meet
ing to bo held at Portland Thursday,
July 25, when five delegates to tho
National Convention to bo held at
Chicago August 5, will bo chosen.
All voters irrespective of formor
party affiliations aro invited to bo
present and take an active part In
the formation of tills new party In
Jackson county which will bo a part
of tho new National Progressive
Party now rapidly forming nil. over
the United States to take an active
part in national and state, politics
along progressive lines entirely indo.
pendent 'of tho old parties.
(Slgnod.) '
President Roosovolt Club.
GEO. E. noos,
Secrolary Roosovolt Club,
(Written for tho Mall Trlbuno
Col. K. Hofer, Mnnnger Mado
In Oregon Campaign.)
, No better work is being dono for
the temperance cause than tho grad
ual substitution At milder drinks.
The ic-ople are rapidly going away
frolu the stronger and more fiery
kind ot boU'Yngos and tht lllno will
eomu when tho hard drinker will be
ns great a curiosity as tho Wonjau
Four soars ago there was In
vented and put on the market a soft
drink that Is going Into general use
all oxer the Pacific Coast and sales
are now only limited by capacity of
the preseut plant of tho Purtltan
Manufacturing Company ot East
This beverage Is non-alcoholic. Is
colored a beautiful pink rend and
flavored by tho puro trult Juices of
the rnspberrys and Idganbcrry, Ore
gon products and Is not carbonated
It was discovered by Walter II. May,
a young man who has followed soda
water making ajl bis life, and iuIto
acctdeutly fell upon something new.
Think of a perfectly delicious,
sparkling, rose-colored wine flavor
liquor, produced without pressure,
not carbonated, refreshing, without
use of carbonic acid gas, marble dust
or sulphuric acid. No ethers or
etheral extracts, no saccharine r ar
tificial sweetening, no anallnc or
cool tar coloring matter, n pure
food product with the stamp and ap
proval of tho government.
We have all ready of the great
fight the pure food champion, Dr.
Wiley mndo to secure protection for
the children against adultorated ice
cream. As great credit belongs In
another way to the Puritan Manu
facturing Company for giving the
consumer a pure drink product, that
keeps clear and sweet after It Is
opened and does not loso Its color
when exposed to the light.
It gets Its glow from the rosy red,
sun-kissed berries raised on the fruit
ranch of Oregon, and Is registered
under the Pure Food net of April
1910. It Is now sold In four states
on the Pacific Coast. It Is prefer
rable to carbonated drinks, which are
charged with a gas made from the
product of grain distilleries, because
It is perfectly freo from any nlco
hollc or acid product.
The R-Portcr, made by the Purl
tan Manufacturing Company is an
Oregon invention, mado of all Ore
gon material, and by Oregon men, nnd
Oregon people will tlnd it on sale by
their dealors at tho grocery stores, In
soft drink parlors and It Is rapidly
being taken up In all progressive
drinking places.
Tho campaign for Mndo In Oregon
products would not be complete with
out mention of the minor products,
the little things that aro consumed
by tho millions being tho employers
of tho jurgest payrolls. If Oregon
people would give preference in what
they eat and drink to mado In Ore
gon products, many million dollars
would bo kept in this stuto.
FOR RENT 10 acres on upper
Rogno River, beautiful mountain
home, flno bunting and fishing
good houso and barn, alfalfa field,
garden nnd irrigation ditch. Ad
dress P. O. Rex 702, Medford,
WANTED Fresh ranch eggH, wo pay
cash for them. Tho Park Grocery,
422 West Main Streot.
WANTED Forty or fifty April or
May hatched pullets, White leg
horn or Rhode Island Reds pre
ferred. Inqulro Janes Bros.,
Home phono 301-X.
LOST Ono watch, 101G fob at
tached, Waltham, open face. Return-
James Hamrlck, Central
Point, 108
500 popular reprint
copyright books
A splendid selection
You should have a few
on that vaealion
MEDFORD, OREGON, "MONDAY. nrr.Y 132, 1012
i pouri.Ni). oio July aa -ah
the result ot iuvoKiigittlona of tho
high cost of thing, mtido by a com
mlttco appointed by Mur Rushlight
several months ngo. the iirst co
operative giocory si no In Portland
was lu full operation today.
The wtoro wns furnished and
stocked at a vosC of 12,000. rchlUuil
through tho sale, nt $10 each, ot
iitomborMilps In tho First MitOinllst
Association, the of filial utimu. ut the
llouotlta to 'tho 200 members of tho
association will not nerrun through
tho sale of groceries nt loss thhlt tho
prevailing market price, but tbroilgh
tho division of profits at tho etui of
each three months, In proportion to
tho initio of tho purchases mado by
members during that period.
Any person may make purchases at
tho co-operatlvo store but Humidors
bulj are permitted to xlmro In tho pro-
SEAGIRT. X. J , July 22 Gover
nor Wilson wont Into seclusion this
afternoon, uud will rccelio no visitors
until after re has finished his speech
of acceptance. Jt Is expected that It
win retiulro two dajs for Governor
Wilson to prepare his speech.
SAX MF.fiO, I'nl.. July ft!.-The
women tit Sau I)Uko are to luivo a
Woodrow Wil-nn elub all their own.
It i tiiinottueedfifimv tlint it would
bo formed luimcdiuteK, that it would
have 110 connection with nnv ineuV
elub, iiuil that it would lorm part of
a louguo wliich-il i pn med to stall
in the state.
At Fountains & Elsewhere
Ask for
Yht Original and Qsnukis
Thi feti-tM far AH Jgis.
At restaurants, hotels, and fountains.
Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home
Don't travel without it.
A quick fancli prepared in a minute.
Take no imitation. Jtut say "ilORUCn."
Not in Any Milk Trust
Does it Pay to Save?
llKW.IN. July 22 That tho lour
of Europe locoutlj started by former
Prince Kutnurn trf Japan Is to nego
tiate an ulllnuco between the Mlluulo
and tho Kalsor l tho ntuujrttuti 1)111110
In diplomatic circles hero today.
It, Is announced that Japanese
want to dissolve partnerships with
tho English and are propnrod to
gimrnutco protection to Uermun In
terostH In the Orient lu tho event of
tin Auglo-Guimati war, Tho Kaiser hi
reported as looking ashauco at the
plan, how ever, principally because bo
thinks It won hi embarrass him lu
the ovout of friction between Japan
and tho Ibttlod Stales.
Prince Katsuru, who Is In St.
Petersburg today, has wild repeated
ly that the tour Is purely for pleas
Dell Phono Main r.G12, 422 W. Main.
Our Bridge Work
1 1 lilt"
tutu intuitu: WORK
Is tho kind that lasts, tho kind that
untlstlcH tho kind that helps keep tho
mouth comfortable. livery patron
who ban had such work dono hnro
speaks highly of It. We do all kinds
of first-class Dentistry nnd ore ex
tremely carefull lu ovary ocmtloii.
'Kxtrnctlui; n specialty palulotm and
I satisfactory. If you wnnt any kind
of Dentistry done, you'll col tho best
service hero.
Iiily Attonilaiit
Tin: iiK.vnsT
Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific
Phono 2G28. Iloitn, Phono 352-K
BK'w2 ? ttm
Yes, most people think it Pays to Save
those who have tried it know that it does.
The difference between thinking and know-,
ing is the difference between failure and suc
cess. $1.00 will start a SaVihgk Account
You can always find many who are willing
to assist you in spending your money, but few
who will aid you in your determination to
Save :This barik'will aid ybii ahd pay you
Ao interest on your Time Deposits.
First National
Himi'hiirii, Ails, July 22 Aitllcl
paling tionblo tin the Mexican border
lu tho vlelnltv of Nhko'iJ, AiIx
Brown Glass Water Set
por sol, Seven pin'i'H
Wo will pui on salo here tomorrow US Hlown
(Jlnss (Jul Star water ho(k t'OiwirtUiu? of one
Blown (.Mass Cut Slar half gallon jiitf and six
Hlown (Mass Till Slar, glasses to match. Spcoial
lirioo ror'hiusda vand Wednesday, per sot, .seven
pieces . s,'-,
Uf dozen lartfo size,
faney shape, hih col
ored indoseont tflass
vases, the -fie size and
(pia'Jity everywhere,
here ehoiee
.10 gold and .white 'IBS-piece, dinner hoIs, a
$7.00 value anywhere, here tomorrow price per
set v $. $5.00
200 pair Men's leather work gloves, regular
$I.L'f to $1.75 quality, including long gauntlet
gloves, closing out price, pair $1.00
IIiioo Iroopn of llm Fourth United
HliilOH cavitliy 011 tbelr way it) tlml
point today undor tmloirt fronl tho
war tkM'Mtmelit lit WlishlhBtoil. Ain.
munition litid VunjillA nro ImliiK
niMhed to NWiIen.
' Horn,
.inly 22. It' 1 2, to Mr.
A Ev111nu1n.1t diuiBlitei".
Mih E
L'O (
lozen fancy shape
hili colored miles
cent glassware in nut
bowls, comport, salad
dish, nappy, rose howl
Klass basket, jelly,
honrhon dishes, Oti
, ' ' .
a -.po article
where, choice
il mm