- . t 1 ?, ... r Jeff Is Always Looking for rsAovjirA?, I f Ttl LrtK Vi?KC'LTo -,nc 1 G- GAT FACING HIS ) I I " " V . VVOU DiWKAtCO XS --N TUG MOW. & y J J T)ON'T KNOW ' JS2 ss-SSi- w e?0 ' jf-sjcr- - ' I .. -.,, I , ' FURTHER EVIDENCE IN DEAR CREEK CASE The fntu f the Himr creek bridge again hnngs In tho Imlnnco for n week, when II will become known whether tho city or Messrs, Dowers mid Cnrllon will appeal tho cnoo to tho higher rourln. Friday thn argument advanced lit Hut (Irnt hearing, which wnii lntlil In rnrtlntut Insl Juno, with additional tivlririiiro, wore advanced beforo Judge Cnlhlu or Ashland. Tho honr lug wont oven moro Into detail and oery additional scrap of evldcneo Hint ronlil m found watt Introduced Hy Clly Attorney Porter J. Neff. Judge Calkins promises n decision within n week. Htf(iri lii ml 1 11 15 it own his decision Judge Cnlklns mny nmkti n trip to H'tltiin In commit nthur Inw nulhorl Htm In thn ntnt tllirnry. r OliniNANCI-: Nt). 071). All Ortllitnnco miKenKltiK tho proper ly uiljiirent to itiul ln'imflleii liy tho it-lneh litternl newer roimlrnclcil on Ijtnrol Mtreel (rom eleventh utreel to Thirteenth utreel for the rout of eoiiHtruclliu; tho tttimi) nmi provltllni; the initiner of I'lirryliiR until nms nient Into full effect. The City of MmHnl Doth Onlnln nit follewN: Hedlon I.Wherenit, the City Crtim nit 1II1I heretofore provide hy Onllu nnctt for the nervltiK or the own cm of propel ty iiil);u'nt to unit tieneflted Ity the roimtriirtlon of the Intonil newer hiirelnuriur dmrrlhed to m penr before unlit coonrll nnd nhow miiKK, ir nny, why nld property nhoiild not lx noteid for the con litiuetloii of nld newer, nnd did fix n tlmo for henrlni; nny ntich protentn. which noilrn wnn Khen In nciordnnco with wild OrilliKinie moro thnn ton itnyit liefore the hefslnnliiK of thn con. ittrnrilon or aI'1 nower. hut mi pro leniH iiKuliiht mild conittriirtlon or nnneiuiiiieiit or tho rout thoreor wi nmde hy nnone nnd unld newer wnn, oy until council, ordered conittructed, And Wherenn, tho cont of the con ittriirtlon of itiild newer Iiuh heen nnd hnrohy In detrrnilnoil to ho tho mini of 9070.00. Now Therefore, nnld City doth or ilnln nnd declnro that each parcel of property dencrlhed helow In ndjncont to mill heiieflted hy thnt rortnln lat eral newer 0 InrhcH In itlxo, roiiNtrue tei on no ii tli laurel street from Klevenlh ntree) to Thirteenth titreol nnd Hint the proportion or the com or nnld power which each or wild pnr cnli or land nlioulil hear, tinned on tho lienoHtH derived reHpecllvely hy mild several tractH or land, Ih tho nnionnt net opposite tho dcncrlptlon or each parrel helow, and that each of itald parceln Ih nctnnlly ktnofllml In tho ninonnl nel oppoHlto Km deitcrlpdon Ixdow hy the coimtrucllon of nalil newer nnd that nnld xeveral ainotintn rcnrcHcnt the iirnnortloiinl JietiofltH or mild several pnn-oln rrom mild nwur.ltttrwl r.5 reel north or the north lino And each of aald nan-els la hereby nn sensed tho amount net opposite Itn description helow for tho construction or said sewer. The name uppoaiing nhnvo each Oomtrlptlon being tho name or tho owner, or reputed owner or en cli such lot or parcel. Assessment ror n 0-Inch sower on Laurel street rrom Kleventli street to Thirteenth street. Assessment No. ,1. M. J. Hawk. A pnrcel or land mnrlted "C K." on tint city plat, rrontago 220 reel on tho went flldo or Laurul Htreet ,iih described In volume 50, pngo 00, of thn county recorder's records or Jnck soii county, Oregon. 120 reot, rnto 05 runts. $78.00. Assessment No. 2. Miuulo M. Mun ray, A parcel or land In lot 1, hlk, 2, llan'a Addition to tho City or Med find. Oregon, situated on tho west nldo or Laurel Htroot and having tho south lino 00 root north or tho north linn or lot I) III It. 2, Huunysldo Addi tion, having a frontage or 50 reot on tho west sldo or Laurel Htreet, ns described In volume 77, imgo 581, or tint county recorder's rocordH or Jack son county, Oregon, 50 root, rnto 05 contH, $32,50, Assessment No. 3, It, V, Willis. A parcel or land comprising tho south west cornor of lot t, hlk. 2, llarr'fl Addition, having n frontagoor 00 root on I ho west sldo of Laurel street, iih deiicrlbed In voliimo 81, pngo 330 oj tho county ronorilor'H rocordH of Jaeksou county. Oregon. CO feet, rnto 05 routs. $30.00. AsHosHuiont No. 1, 13. J. llunynrrt. lot 1, bile. 2, Hunnysldn' Addition of tho City or MoiUovd, Oregon, rront ngo 55 root on tho went sldo or Liutrol Htroot hh described In voliimo tin pngb 50 and 51, or tho county rocordor'H rocordH of JiiokHon qnitnty, Oregon. 55 foot, rnto OR uoiitH, $35.50, ' ABHoHHinout, No, 5. W, 11. Hnrrls. Lot 2, bIK 2, HnnnyBldo Addition of tho Oltv of Medford, OroKon, front njto 55 foot on tho wot nldo of TiniiiTl street h desprlbed In volume 77, pago 500 or tho- county recorder's record, of JnftkROh. crtlimi', OrofeOh. 05 (got, rtttc gc cents, jaMv, AMoxmnont No, 0, Ham Ilanor. I,ot :t, hlk. 2. Kiiniiynldo Adillllon to tho City or Medford, OreKon, front hko ftR feet on tho went Mile, or l.an nil Mr cot iim di'Hcilhed In volume 8.1, Piiro 11SK or the county recorder' rec ordN or JackHon county, OreKoii. UU feet, rnto or. centu, (35 r.0, Auhchkiiii'hL No. 7 --John !'. White, U)t 4, hlk, 3, Htinnynlilo Adillllon to thn City or .Medford, OreKon, front nno fr feet on the went tilde of f,nii- ret Htreol, a h dencrllied In volume 71, pane 300, of the county recorder's records of .inrknon county, t)rcKn fr feet, rate (If. centu, $30.50. AnneBHiiient No. K - I'rnnk O. Car- low, A panel of laud coniprlhliiR thn north tr, and tho cant 12K feet ot lot r, hlk. H, Hiiuuyitldo Addition to the city or Medrord, Oregon, front hro it feet on the wet utile of Lau rel ittn-et, mi rirarrllrotl In volume 70, Pbro Sfi, or tho county recorder's rerordn of Jncknon county, Orogou. 15 feet, rnto 05 cents, I2U.S5 Assessnioiit No. 9. Surah M. An drews, Utt ti, hlk I, Hiinnyxldo Atl illtlon or tho 'Hy or Medrord. OreKon, rroutiiKO 55 feet on the Hint hide of I ,n lire) street as doscrlhed In volume . pni?o or the county record er's records or Jackson county, Ore Koii. 55 feet, rate 05 rcntH, J.15.75. AsueHsment No. 10. Gordon Stout, Lot 0. hlk. 1, Kuniiysldo Addition to the City of Medford, Orogon, front n:n 55 feet on tho enst side of lau rel street, as described In volume 75, pace 2.10. of the county recorder's record of Jackson county, Orecon, 55 reel, rnto 05 cents, 135 75. Assessment No. II. KnlRhts or PythhiH l.nli:e. Lot 10. hlk. 1, Hun hyslde Addition to the City or .Med ford. OreKon. tniutnuo 55 feet on the enst side of Laurel street, ns described In volume H4, pane -HO of the county recorder's records or Joekson county, On-Run. 55 feet, rnte 05 cents, 135.75. Asuessmeut No. 12. Henry A., BprnRtto.' I1 11 hlk. 1," Hunn)slde Addition to the city of Medrord. Oro- Kon, frontage 55 fe-t on Hie east side or laurel ntret, ns described In volume SO, pngo 507, or tho county recorder's rveords or Jackson county, Oregon. 55 feet, rnto 05 cents, $35.75. AHseionneut No. 13. Krvln McCall. Lot 12. hlk. 1, Huunysldo Addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon, front- nge 55 reel on the cast stile or Um re street, as doscrllied In volume 71, page 171, of the county recorder's record of Jackson county. Oregon 55 foot, rnto 05 cunts, $35.75. Assessment No. -0. II. P Verities, A parcel or laud Itnninl lately north or tho north lino or hlk 1, Kuunysldn Addlllnu to tho City of Medrord, Oregon, extending rrom Laurel street to King Htreet, mnrked "C K." on pint or the City or Med rord, having n rrontago or 55 fret on the east Hide or Laurel 'atreet, as described In volume 57, pago 4St and volume 00, pago 212 and volume 02, pago 158 or tho county recorders rerordn or Jackson county, Oregon. 55 feet, rnte 05 cents, $35.75. Assessment No. 15.--William Davis A parcel of land beginning at a point on tho east lino or Laurel of Httnnynldit Addition extending east 104 feet and north 55 feet marked "C L," on tho plat or the city or Medrord. rrontago 55 reel on tho east nldo or lnurnl street, de scribed In voliimo 7S, page 258 or tho county recorder's records or .Indium) county, Oregon. 55 foot, rnto 05 cents, $35,75, NEW TODAY A five room house, with bnlh and puntry.lot 15x127, sower and water on tho place and paid. J nut off paving near tho north school. Tho lot Ih nicely Improved, and tho place Ih offered for $1050.00. Two hun dred of tlilti may remain au u loan on tho place, and tho owner will take a team uh part payment. Look thla up. I liavo a tluo boarlng peach, apple, nnd apricot twelve aero fruit ranch near Talent for Halo ror $0000.00. Terms on part, and would tako a small place In trade. Tho plnco has a nlco five room Tioiiho, with kiib In tho liomo for light and cooking, and tho place Irrigates, nicely from a gaHo lino pumping plant. It nhould bo soon to lid appreciated, Ten acres u inllo north of Central Point, lluugalow with largo porch. Half of thla la cultivated, and halt raw land, film (loop soil, nnd water fight gooH with tho place, Will talco a town proporty for $1500.00 and $20(I0.0Q. Can bo mild, $500.00 u yonr, ft Iter tent, C. D. HOON Room 12, JncKson Co. Dank Ohio. Phenes: PacKlo 781, Home 7HK Rcsltlcnct) Phono zw WEDFonD MM Trm3Tjm an Argument Assessment No. 1C. J. I). Klein lug A pnrcel of laud beginning at a point 110 feet north of tho north line or Kunnyslde Addition on the cast line or Laurel street, theuco 101 feet east and 55 reel north marked "C. J." on the plat or the City or Med rord, frontage 55 feet on tho enst side of Lntiril slrret. ns described In voliimo 78, page 115 of tho county recorder's records or Jackson coun ty, Oregon. 55 reel, rato 05 cunts, $35.75. AsneHsment No. ?. -Uorthn. 8. Jnines. A pnrcel or land beginning at n point on the east Una or Laurel street 110 feet south of the south lino or Klovonlh street extending east 104 rent nnd south 55 feet marked "C. I." on tho plat or the Clly or Med ford, frontngo 55 reel on tho enst sldo or Laurel street, as described In volume C2. pngo 97 or the county re cord er'n records or Jackson county, Oregon. 55 feet, rnto 05 cents, $35.75. Assessment No. 18. P. M. Amy. A parrel or land beginning at n point on the enst lino tif L'nurel street 00 feet south of tho south lino of Elev enth street, extending 104 foot east nnd 50 reel south, having a front ngo or 50 reet on the enst sldo of Laurel street, as described In vol atile 02, pnge 420 or tho county re corder's records or Jackson county, Oregon. 50 reel, rato G5 cents, $32.50. .Section 2. And It Is hereby or dered and ordnlned that said several assessments nnd the liens thereof bo entered In tho Lieu ockot of snld City, nnd Hint thereupon notice bo given to tho owners, ro reputed owners, or snld properly, and that tho same bo en forced nnd collected In tho manner provided by tho Charter or said City ror tho collection or assessment ror the Ihiprovenicnts or streets therein. Section 3. 11 is furthor ordered that the notice above provided for bo published one tlmo In tho Mcmorti Mall Tribune, u newspaper published and or general circulation In nnld City, In the manner provided by Or dinance No. 250 of said city. The foregoing Ordinance was lni.sed by the City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, on tho 2nd day of July. 1012, hy the rollowlng vete: Watt, aye; Mitchell, aye; limerick, aye; Campbell, oyo; Mlllnr, nyo, and Summervllle, aye. Approved July 2nd, 1012. W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. K. T. POSS, Clly Itecorder. NOTK'K. To tho owner, or reputed owner, or each parcel or property described lit tho roregolng Ordinance, uh liuhicn therein and In tho Lien declared by said Ordinance, as recorded In tho Docket or City Liens: You aro hereby notified that tho assessment declared by tho foregoing ordinance has been made nnd the lien therefor entered In tho City Lien Docket, nnd that tho same In due and ton are hereby required to pay th" same to tho City Itecordor within ton dnyo from tho servlco of thla notice, which servlco Ih made by the publication or this notice and tno roregolng Ordinance one time In tho Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order of tho City Council at snld Clly. K. T. FOSS. City Itecorder. LOMT LOST A Turquoise mattrix ring, Ttrrnuy setting. Finder return to Mall Tribune and recelvo re ward. ' 102 LOST Taken off desk In Hotel Holland on July 0th, two sill; HcnrfH, one hlnck nnd one whlto. Reward or $35.00 paid ror their return to thla office. 103 ASTRAY $5.00 reward ror Informa tion leading to tho recovery of tho following cattle entrayed from my range In Siuuh Valley: 5 yearling calves, comprising two steorn and threo liolfers, till branded as fol lows Under Hlopo from each oar, unit stirrup brand on loft hip. Goo. McDouough, Sama Vnlley. Orogou, 101 MONHV TO LOAN. TO LOAN Several thousand dollars to loan op Improved property,, ad dress box 80, Tribune. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOMS WHERE? Why, nt tho Park View Hotol, ot courso, good oqunro moats, homo cooking, 25 conts. Cool, clean rooms, good bods, 25 conta a night. 103 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Ovor tho pontotrtoD, with heat and light. Sco A. A. Davla. FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of fico ronniH with olovator Horvlco, Hteam heat, hot nnd cold water. Low rntoH. Apply Medford Fund, two & HUWi Co, topi?oiid, orison, batukday. ;nntf 20, 10,2 I'OU HUNT ITJCMKHKI) AITH, KOII KENT Smith Apis. 217 8. KIT. FOK HUNT Furnished npnrtmont. just Ilka n bungalow. Largo porches, prlvnto baths, now, cor ner Qtiluco and W. Main street. Phono 347 L. HL'KINICSH OPPOKTUNITIK8. IIUHINHSS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wishing to ciikiiro In tho blllinrd business can purchase nil or a hair Interest in the Owl Milliard par lors as owner wlshi to go nway. H.nmo can bo purchased at a vary reasonable flguro, S. I. Brown. KOIt SALTS Lnundry machinery nil ready Installed. Cheap. Call at 201 Gnrnctt-Corey Mils. 101 I' O Jt It i S J IIOUHKKKKI'INU KOOMH FOll HUNT Housekeeping rooms, bath and gas, 345 X. Hartlctt. 101 FOR ItBNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 322 south Central ave nue. Phono 403-R-2. 101 FOlt RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UKNT Largo sleeping room, $1,50 nnd $2 per week. Modem housekeeping apartments, $1G and $tC. Home phono 2CC-1C. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Comfortablo room with bath, cloao In. Phono Pacific 2455. 103 FOR RKM UUVHKB FOR RENT Two room furnished house, rent $8. plenty of fruit and shade trees, three blocks north Nntatorlum. Inquire G14 North Riverside. ,-. 103 KOII RENT F.urnlshcd 6-room house, modern. CIS King st. FOR KENT Modern five-room house. M. A. Under, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR RENT Six room houso, mod ern, paved street, $1G.C0. W. T. York & Co. FOR RENT Close In 6 room hohusu With modern plumbing and elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn nnd cement sldowalks. Call Dell phono 3401. FOR RENT- Modorn five room bun galow with or without furniture, or will sell furniture cheap If taken at once. Parties leaving city. 1121 west 10th, phone 2M3. 10.1 FOR HATiB ACRKAOB FOR SALE Eight ncrcs, Just out sldo city limits, nil planted to 3 year old apples: small houso, good well; $2500. W. T, York & Co. FOR SALE 4 ncrcs, a flno homo on Pacific highway, ono inllo north ot city, a ten room hoiiao with mod ern Improvements and out build ings, it Is tho best land for ber ries nnd truck fanning nnd Ih un der Irrigation, nnd has porpctual wntor right. It Ih partly set to ber ries nnd fruit trees. Inquire of F. S. Carpenter, ownor, Porryilalo Ad dition. 104 FOR SALE tUAND FOR SALE SO acres or Improved land 3 miles from market, 5 room furnished houso, stock and im plements, etc., good water. Prlco $3000. See It whllo crops aro growing. Address Box 52, Jack fconvllle, Oro. 117 FOR SALE lly ovynor, 80 acres all fenced nnd cross fenced, now 5 room house and ham, two chicken houses, good spring, flno young or ohard, good lior.so, wagon and har ness, chickens, household goods nnd tqils, 12 acros In crop. Kvory- iniug goes lor ?muu qtucK saio, $700 cash, lmlanco ono or two years. W. L. Howlnnd, Colestln, Orogon. 121 FOR BALIi HOUSES FOR SALE $2100 nrtlstlo jnodorn bungalow; built In furnlturo, beautiful lawn; paved stroot. In- qulro 309 South Now town. FOR SALE Chenp, woll built mod ern douhlo constructed bungalow, boat location, brand now, Just fin lnhod, maplo floors, tlno olootrlcal and bath fixtures, laundry trays, largo sleeping porch, complete ce ment wnlks, lawn, nrtlstlo whlto brick flro place, two-toned window shades, with colors to match tint ing in each room, kitchen com plete with built In chlnu closot nnd cupboards, largo closets, largo lot, 50x140 root, nlco porch with largo stono plors and a cholco location, hard to heat, close lit, 4 blocks rrom Medford Hotel, Thla beau tiful llttlo homo goes ror lesa than cost. Seu ownotyu, E, gates, 23 Hoso avouuo, 1Q2 FOR SALE HOUSES. FOR BALE Four-room bungalow, electric lights, sewer' and city water on paved street. $050 cash If taken at onre. Inquire of own er at 311 West Jackson street, tf FOn 8ALE 100x258, suitable for 5 lots, two room houso furnished, electrld lights, water paid 15 months In advance, flno large gar den, closo In. Prlco $1200. In nulro at Hotel Medford Dnrbcr Bhop, 103 FOR BALE MISOKIilAjfiJOUS A CHANCE To buy a Vacuum Cleaner, cheap. Watch our win dows. California-Oregon Power Company. 104 FOR SALE 1 S. H. 40 horse pow er, model 17 Otilck, good condi tions. $500.00. 1 4 jmssengcr car, good as new $050.00. 1 5 passenger car good as new $850.00. 132 S. Riverside. 104 FOR SALE Apricots, Pacific 501-J-l. telephone 104 FOR SALE Camp outfit, good team, now harness nnd good wagon, Just In from Los Angeles, Calif., camp broke horses, a'l in first class condition. A bargain for some one. Call 304 Maplo St., at any time after Sunday. 102 FOR SALc Prtmo and apple or chard, 25 acres prunes, 15 acres Italians. 10 Pctltes, 8 years old, all on black bottom land, C4 acres Newtown apples. 0 years old on slight raise. It Interested ad dress box 03 Youcalla, Ore. 114 FOR SALE Apricots. Pnclflc 50W-1, telephone 101" FOR SALE Canary Birds. Rel denco S43 East Otb St.. Pacific phono 350G. 10G FOR SALE BorrIe3 by crato. Call Home phono 310-R, or Booth 5, public market. .111 FOR SALE Apricots, Pacific 501-J-l. telephone 101 FOR SAIjE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modern, with two lots on South Central avenue, cast front, also lot and barn Joining place. Four room houso with two lots closo In, con nected with sower and city water. Sco owner. T. L. Taylor. Phono Bell SG-R-4. 120 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Fifteen acres well Improved, two and a half miles from Medford. School Joins Itlneo. Largo eight room house, Jargo barn, four acres old bear ing orchard. Exchange for clear property. Address, Box 355, Cen tral Point, Oregon. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Cook for orchard. Man and wife, no children or woman and daughter. Position open now. II. W. Blugham, phono 507-J-2. 105 HELP WANTED FK5IALH WANTED-rExporlcnced womnn on ranch for family of tour. No hired men to cook ror. Call or phono Fnrmor S15-F-13. 103 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED First clnss nuto repair man with good rofcroncos, wishes Job, A. F. Mason, 123 S. Holly. 103 WANTED Plain sowing, alterations and children's clothes preferred. $1,50 per day, Mrs. Holghton, phono 811-F-21. 102 WANTED M I SCELLANEOUS WANTED Good double or pump gun, 12 gunge, also 2 automatic rifles, must bo In good condition. Address J. W., caro Tribune. 102 WANTED A light spring wagon nn truck, driving purpobes. Phono 403-R-2. 101 AUTO LIVERY Chenp rates ror all day sorvlco, ror picnics and fish- Ing. Phono 810-F-4. 106 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD Gonornl Accountnnt Your hooka nudltod and kopt ror a roasonnblo figure; your business solicited. Offico, Medford Mall Tiibuno bldg; phono 6611; robl donco phono 6302. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstnlis, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco cool plnco to sntfliu tho. hot Uttoruooiia. By HU8INKSS DIKKOTOIIY Attorneys I). W. JMGSHAW Attorncy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Dank blrig., second floor. Phene: l'a clflc, Main 33. C. L. KEAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Dank bnlldlng. second floor. PORTER J. NEPF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Fosfofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Corey bldg. -Garnctt- MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Dank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Brick nnd Cement. Tho Medrord Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Siio- clalty, ornamental brick for fire places, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimney:), lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots Phohe Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E. Hedges, Mechano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. These systems, including dietetics, cura- tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett streot, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 0 a. in. to 5 p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 0th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and Bcien tHIc massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Main 7073. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water tilings and irrigation work a specialty: sur veys, subdividing, building grades. city engineering, drafting, soWer design, concrete work, nump and caual systems. Room 2, Palm hlk., .Mcilionl, Oregon. Chinese McdltlucH CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines Will euro rhuutuntlsm, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and luug trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic nnd nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front Ht.i Medrord, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Restdeuco phono Main 12. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder Country work a spcclnlty. Plans nnd estimates free. Box 522, Mod ford. Phono Main 5662. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. C VAN SCOYOC Dentists Gnrnett-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTESIUS W. DEANB Dentist. Ortico in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gns udmlnistored for extraction of teeth. Telophouo Main 681. Night phono 4432. Emploj meut Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Goo. Hacker, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of hotp furnished and positions obtained freo to tho omployor. Bell 1681, Home 270 R. 118 tlrunlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; doalers in pressed brick nnd llmo. Ofrico at their brick yard, West Jackson st, Phono No. 3401, GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Mnlu Streot, Doalers and manurncturers of pressod anil com mon brick and tllo, Got our prices tdul ?o our brick and tllo boforo purchasing. Garbage GARBAGE -Get, ,our premises cleaned up ror tho summer, Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Plumb Main 6251, F. Y, AUeu. pager ytvi a "Bud" Fisher ttUSINESS IHREOTORV Kuril I (lira .MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly sts., MedfonL Mission furnlturo inado to order. Cabinet work ot all kinds. A trial order solicited. " Notary Public HELEN K. YOCltEr Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treca aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantso everything put out. Wo aro not Irf tho trust, 11. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-gradt nursery stock. Office 104 8. Fir. Both phones. Printers and Publislirra MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job offico in southern Oregon; book binding, looso lent systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor, 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac 3843 Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY- Physi cians nnd surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 21P-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phono 612. Offico hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 41G and 417 Gnrnctt-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Gornott-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212. phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdalc, phono 7171. Home phono, resiclenco 199, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rcsidcnco Phenes: !. 7981. Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMBNS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, car, noso and throat. Kyea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Ofrico 21G E. Main St.. over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours 8S30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Both phones. rrfV K B. PICKEL. M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Murks Bloqk OfHco phono 4001. Residence 7051, DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician nnd Surgeon. Ottlco rooms G and G Kentnor bldg. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. Phono, Bell 271. Rcsidcnco phono Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prae tlco limited to Chronic Dlscnsos. orrico Hotel Holland. Wtodnoadnya 10-3. Both phones. Rcsidcnco phenes: Farmer lGxx5 Eaglo Point and Rogue River lino. HERMANN F, IIATTB, M. I). Of fico ovor Medford National Bank. Ortico phono G701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D., Prau tlco. limited to Eye, Ear, Nobo and Throat, Eyes scientifically tested nnd glasses furnished when needed. Garnott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor, Both Phones, Medford, Oro. Real Estate GEORGE L. DAVIS, timbor lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Ovor Fruttgrowors Bank. REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and gurdeii lands. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly nnd woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 10 South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; liomo 350-K. Price right. Sovvlcq guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERI. UnderuKer and Kmlmlmer, Office 28 South Bart lett st. Tolpphene: Ds'y, Tloll l 471; night, renldeuoe, Bull 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered ulKht or duy. Ainbulajc? gwlo, !V : it I l