Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 20, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MEDFonn mtt; tribune, medford, qreciox, Saturday, july 20, 1012
C -
-- -
C" A 1TT3 nn1! 2Ci l - Our Correspondents
L I II If I JirCV m -z
Mm. J, V. Ktnlily, primlili'iit of tlm
.Mt'iHoril Kiiiinl HuffriiKo fiHttodiitlnn,
with Mm. Smyth.,, MHN dimly
Hi-iiril, Mm, (J, ,. Hi'lwlff.illii unit
.Mm, Ji I), I limit) wont to lliittn Fa I In
'I'liuriiilay In tint liitoritHlH of (jniil
HiiffrrtRu, Tim iiiuiich of twolvn
Inilli'M iiii rifliHUi men wuro noi'iircil
iih thoHo liituriMtiMl lit Him ciiiimh anil
1111 will lio noon.
Hfor thi'lr iJnimrtnrii for Hullo
I'hIIm, tlin ImlloH lirimkfimtoil with
Mm. It mtily,
Tin) Apollo ton 1 1 iimrtittt hnit
ln'oii uiiKHKi'il to hIiir tor tint Houtli
trii OroKini mill Nortlioiu California
MI11I11K niHKri'iot which runvuiioN for
throo (liiyn In Yrvkn, Cnllfornlit, In
KlmiliiK Tlitimtlny ovoiiIiik. Mr, For
nut Kiliuoiutt'N will Hiihittltiilo for Mr.
K, M. Amlri'WH who U alumni from
thu city.
Mr.niul Mm. C. M. ICiikIIhIi, MUm
llvrlltit ICiikIIhIi, Mr. Ilanlwoll, Dr.
mill MM, i:. (I. Itld.loll, MIm MiuIko
Ifltltloll mill Mr. Itlilillu iiiotorml
ilowu to HIiiiMlu hint hiitiiriluy for
tin- wmk I'liil. Tint trip throiiKh ttu
Hliklyoun pruvtnl moHt tlttllKlilfiil .u
1II1I ulno thu ftiw itiiy at lint NprlitKH.
Tim (mile mtil iihmi of tho Ailiilt
tillilo cIiimk of Hut MclhoillNt chiircli
iiJoi 4 u tiniiiiint ut mkvimi o'rlmlt
Woilnotiiliiy uvi'iiliiK In tliitlr tout
ntoiii iifit r thu church. Thu iiinnitmrn
prvmuit numbered itlxiul nlxty mid
nfltr thu jniiitHt niid a nhurt Intnl.
Mr itii'ntliiK Nii)iit (hit itVHilitK In
rotinl I'Oncourmi.
Mm. I'm 11k UtirKi'wt In enjoying
vIhIi from Imr brolhT mitl tiln wife,
Mr. mid Mm. Forney f Mlwtoiirl.
Mm, HurKoM rrrvntly iitirtulini
thu vnrloim urnuchnn of ihu fumlly
rentdltiK In .Medford, on which dcciih
ton Mm. Hlnlli) Hrtilth nml Mm. lieu
(Inruojt wiru nUo kui'Mh.
Mr. mtil Mm. J. (' Almtwortli of
Portland um) Mr tiu.l Mm. I'. W.
Ilopklim of Coiitrnt Point hnvo r.onc
for it trip to Orator l.uko nml txpit
to rotiiru liy way of Klamnth I'nIU,
Mr. Alimworlh U projililoiit of thu
United HtntoH Ndllouul hank of 1'orl
Tho ladlcN of thu Hiimwt clult mid
tholr htmtiuiida will ho oiiturtalitcd
July '.'2nd at tho homo of Mr. mid
Mm. It. I.. WlUon who I ho on Htmll
Ijiiio. Tlilfi rliih In n him-IiiI ornanl.
xatlou of ladloN In tho woNt nldo of
thu valloy.
FrioiiilH of MIhh Ciillioiiiio HoiIk-
(TM W'llO hpl'lll M'VITIll IMOIllllH llCIII
two ymirM tito, lnr I'nllnir IioIiil; in
toioMtcil In Hut ()i) i,ilii(,( ,vo ro
oolvoil iiiiniiiitii'oiiifiitH of hor I'll.
KiiKt'ini'iil to I.IimiI. W. I!, Hull, V.
K. N, Tin1 woililiiiLf will occur nt
Now York in .MoioiuImi'.
Mr. mid Mm. T. K. DiiiiIoIh who
wtuit to Portland hy autouiohllo for
tho KlltH coiivoiitloii roturtiKil to Mod
ford yoiitordny havliiK Htoppod at nov
oral plucoH 011 tho wny homo to vlnlt
frlondc and to hunt mid fifth.
Mm, J, V. I.awloti who han boon
vInHIiik hor iiiothor, Mrw, Itcuvcit at
Oakland, Cat,, for tho IbnI mouth,
Ioiivoh uoxt wooli for Koiithoru Cali
fornia whoro alio will vlnlt frloudt
In U AiikoIoh mid Han DWko for n
fow WoukM,
Tho yotniK ponplo of tho Proshy
torlnu church linv mado a totinla
court 011 Houth Onkilulo which prom
hin to bo woll patroulzod durliiK tho
miuimor and fall uioiitha,
Mm. Philip Mooro and hor datiKh-
tnr, Minn Kllxaholh MiHtro of Ht.
1, 11 14. Mo., aro thu Ikiiiko nin-tln of
Mr. and Mm, OoorKo , Carpoutor of
Tho l-'oothllln,
Mr, and Mm. Illldobrand, Mm.
Nolllo W'Iiik and Mr. J. W. Uwtou
aro In tho Klamnth country onjny-
liiK n cmupliiK trip.
Mr. .1. II. McKay and Mr. (Icons"
('rnuicr with hoiimi of tholr frlomU
motorod to Doad Indian lut Hun
lay, MIhmoh I.IIIIiiii mid Marjorlo U'oat
crlutid or OIiIciiko aro vInKIiik their
undo, J, A. Wciitcrluud of thla city.
HayliiK '"id t: nil 11 liar vent la In
full bhiNt and nil avallahlo help linn
boon proaitod Into aorvlco,
Harry N'calon la runuliiK hU bin
Owon Wltnon Ih out with lilr. hay
Col, It, C. Waahburn Ih having to
thin nomo of bin apple tho nocond
II mo.
Orchard pooplo aro J tint flnlnhlnK
tho liiht aprnyliiK for coiIIIiik moth.
Mr. and Mm, Hurnum of Phoenix
woro tho KUOMta of Mr. and Mm, J. C.
Pendleton Inwt Haturday mid Htinday.
MIkhom Mary mid Dora llartzoll of
Mod ford woro ffiioRtn at tho homo of
Mr. Popo who formerly readied
hero but now of Oklahoma In vlnlllm;
frlomU In thin locality.
Mr, Woody Hr, who hna been r
hIiIIiik lioro tor tho paHt fow moritliH
ban moved to Oranta Vuhk.
Mm, Nnnoy Ohetiohalu Ih apondlnfj
tho rornalndorof tlu nutnmor In Kla
mnth Falls.
(IcorKo K, Hoo of Medford apont
TbtiMday hero.
Horn In this city July , 1912. to
Mm. A. Ixjvo n non.
Ward Hopklng and Ham Marshall
aro at Yrokn nnd other northern Cali
fornia cltlon thl week playing for
tho Medford ball team.
Mm. II. K. H'.'dford and children
of cattle, on lila mouiilalu rntich, Tho
cnttlo Jiav been Hold to local buy-
Mm, Clara Under, mother of Joo
Under, camo out from Medford (art
Friday nud vlaltod novoral daya at
hor hoii'h homo,
! ..rmi aa.x
Mr. mid Mm, J. II, Lydlard for u 0f Hokum Klvor nro vlnltliit; here,
fow dtiya lat wook. w. P. Wccklor of (Jranta Pans wan
A now orchard pent linn dovelopod , n our cny Thumday.
Mm, Maiulo Mooro loft Monday for
a fow wcokii ' vlall with frlcudii In
otiHtoru OroKon,
Mr. and Mm. A. Couro I'loro nro
npondliiK moiiiu tltno In Crottccut City,
Mr, II. C. Kontiior U homo from a
trip to Portland and to Newport.
at tho Modoc ranch. Tho damago
In conHldcmbto mid waa at flrnt hup
pored to bo tho work of rahbltn but
Iiuh boon dliirovoroi to bo tho work
of PorctiplnoH. Thoy nro bcltiK
Dprnyod with uhot Knn.
Mr. I.ydlard lum nn orcbnrd boar
Hit: I(h flrnt crop thin year nnd about
twenty trccH hnvo proveil to bo "Cnro
Hun Hod Htroak." Thoy aro rlp
now and aro extra f f no.
Tho borry crop of Tablo Hock In
very heavy and picking has Juat be
gun. Hovoral rattlo no ken hnvo boon
killed around tho bano of tho upper
rock lately. Ono wan n veritable
Armlen of flHbormon aro liaiitlng
tho bnukn of ftoguo Hlvor And aro
getting rather a small number of
Tho wlro worm havo materially
damaged the melon patchen In thin
Wo understand that tho Ttogue
Laudx company havo about 100 acres
planted to cantaloups which aro nald
to bo doing well.
Tho hot weather of n few dayn
ago cauiod growing crops to wither
but everything has revived again un
der cooler temperature.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I.arnon of Ash
laud woro . hero vlnltlng friends
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Young left this
week for n several montliH vlnlt to
tho Atlantic Const.
Mr. nnd Mrs. IV. H. Norcross hnvo
returned from Portland.
Mrs. John McDonotigh of Ash
land spent this week In our city.
Miss Agnes Htorcy of Ashland Is
hero visiting friends,
Olonn Owon bag closed his barber
shop In the Hotel Dunlap nnd hns
gono In with John K. Hoss In tho
Merrltt building northennt corner of
First and Pine streets.
O. C. Ounn spent Thursday even
ing nt tho river.
Miss Hollo McKlnney of Olundalo
Is hero visiting relatives.
.u. V.
Tho Imt mooting for tho stiinmor
Of thu l.uillt'M' Aid society of the
Christian church was hold at tho
homo of Mrs. Hon (larnctt on Olson
struct. Mm, M. K. Merrill and Mm,
N I hart woro iiHsUtlng hostesses,
Tho I.ndlos' Aid society of the
Christian church will hold u lawn so.
dial Woduosdtiy .ovouliiK. July 31,
nt tho homo of Mrs. Wold, KUth and
Hartlott streets. Ico cream mid
homo mado cakoH will bo served,
Mr. nnd Mm. J. K. Watt loft Tuos-
day evening for u two months trip
In custom states. Thoy woro Joined
In Portland by tholr daughter, MIhm
Helen "Watt, who has been visiting
friends on tho const.
Mm, H. I., VIIhoii has returned to
hor homo utter u two weeks trip to
Chicago. Hero who attended the
wedding of her son Hlcliiird Wilson
Jr., to Miss Ailolald Hoody of that
Miss Myru Fuller and I.ydlu Aus
tin woro in Ashland u fow duyn this
week, tho guest of Mrs, Chnrleti I).
Hoy who Is camping In tho Chnutau-
(itu park,
Mr. I.. H. Crawford of Scott's Har,
Cnliro'riilii, was In Med ford this wook
In tho IntorostH of thu mining con
grouH to bo held In Yroku beginning
Tho ludlou or tho Prcuhytorlttu
church served the Medford Htitiluoss
Moii'h lunch Mouduy ovoiilug In tho
Hlk'H hall on Hlxth street.
Mr. mid Mm. Dolroy (lotcholl with
Mr. mid Mm. A. H, Hilton iih tholr
liuostu drovo to Wagner Hpringu lUHt
Huudny nftornooit,
, Mr. A. h, l'nrmloy of Long Hoach,
Oullfornla, wun In Medford over Hun
day lint guest or Mr. mid Mrs. L. 1.
J. V; Hutohnsoit mid fnmlly huvo
gono to (lardlnor, Ore,, for a inniith'a
hunting und fishing.
Noi'tnnn Merrill loavoH thla wook
for u cumplng trip nt Coloatlu
The orgmiizntioii committco of
tiio Moilforil Kuffrngo ussoeiiitiou is
gniiiu' to Kiigle Point Monday even
ing to iitteiul n muss tueetiiiK there
urrnugcil by (lie Indies ttf tliut city
for the purpose of .organizing mi
Kiiinl Suffrngo league.
A eommitteo from the Medford
Kiiiul Suffrngo elub will meet with
the Imllett of I'lioeuix at tho reti
tlenee of Mr. K. P. Cope next TIiiim-
day at 2:110 o'clock In tins afternoon.
Mies Knto 0 ('oiiuor of Clugngo,
will bo in Medford about the twenty
fifth of till mouth on her return
from the liieiininl in Sun Kmuciseo
anil will iiildresrt the public under the
auspices of the local suffrage asso
ciation. Miss O'Connor was one of
tho first suffragists of national re
nown to ndilresH the Med ford suf
fragists und nil who heard her ore
looking forward to her return with n
great deal of eagerness.
Hvcryhody Doing It.
Doing what?
(lotting ready for tho Colostln ex
cursion Sunday, Juno 21, Louvo 8
a. in, return "Whon crowd wnnU to"
Hound trip rare ono dollar. Medford
bnnd goes along. Special trains, Medford Printing compsuy carry a
both wuys, personally couductod. full Una, of legal blanks
Misses Nellie Collins nud Kvu
Crunch left for Sun Francisco ono
day this week from where tho former
Mill leave for Missouri mid tho hitter
for lts Angeles to spend the summer.
Harry Miller nt'compiinicd by Mrs.
Win. Matthews of Hurliiighain, Calif.
are speinling it few days with for
mer's mother, Mrs. Mnrv Miller.
Mrs. Clyde Miilouo and baby huve
ret limed to Ashland lifter a few days
visit with Mrs. Fred Fick.
Mr. Jnuies Slownrt sjicnt Inst
week ntjjlvcrh.v on busbies.
Miss F.vit Humphrey has returned
to Jnck'soiivillo lifter u week's visit
with Mrs. Will Hrown of Medford.
Miss I.iln Mee mid Mrs. 0. It.
Hurler were at Medford Thursday
to meet Mrs. Chus. MacMnhon of
Seattle. Mrs, MiicMahon has been
touring southern California mid will
visit in this section for a few days.
Miss Jennie Kitto was a Medford
visitor ono tiny this week.
Mrs. Frank Dennett arrived from
Ilcnd the first of the" week mid will
spend some time visiting friends mid
relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Luciudu Itcnmcs mid daugh
ter Miss I.num Itenuies returned to
Derkeley Tuesday evening after u
visit with relatives living here nud m
Mrs, Kiln Cook is spending the
week with her son Win. MoDauiel of
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Taylor did
not return with the Klk deleguti'tu
Sunday but ivinaiued in Portland to
ulleiid tho A. 0. II. W. convention.
Tobo Stout; of Forest Creel: was
doing business with our merchants
Mrs. Leslie Dogers of Klamath
Fulls Is spending u few weeks hero,
being culled homo by the death of her
father, John Mugreiter.
Mrs. Peachy Is In Phoenix staying
with her grandmother while her lit
tlo sister, Krmn In quite sick.
S. A. Nye nnd family nnd H. N
Campbell wore camping nt tho In
take on Hutto Creek for a fow days
Inst week.
Mrs. Messenger, neo Matllo Dun
Inp, Is over from Applegate valley
visiting Mrs. Joe Under.
Mrs. Mullsslc Stanclirfo of Phoe
nix was qulto III Friday morning.
Tho pretty nnd convenient homo of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Hose west of
Phoenix Is fnst Hearing completion.
Tho qecond crop of alfalfa hay Is
being hnrvosted In this locality and
Ih much heavier than usual.
Joe, Hailer lalrundltig up a bunch
Every Child Should be
Given This Tonici
Whon children havo no oppotlto; '
when thoy tiro continually peovlsh and
Irritable; when they aro restless In
their sloop, It Is almost a certain In- p
(Mention that tholr dlgostlvo organs
aro troubled with worms or other '
parnsltes. This Is a very common
nlluieitt nud easily remedied, Physi
cians will tell you that nearly every
child Is so troubled at somo timo nnd,
In fact, many ndiilts suffer In tho
samo way. Among adults this trou
ble) Is Invariably referred to as In- (
digestion, whon in reality It Is due
to a small paraslto which Infest tho
Intestinal tract. '
For children, Jayno's Tonic Vermi
fuge Ik unsurpassed, ns It Is not only
destructive to these parnsltes, but
completely removes the nests In which
their young nro deposited. Seldom
does It purge, nnd the Improvement
In tho health of tho child will ho
tho first nnd best Indication of the
beneficial results of the medicine.
Not only will tho Vermlfugo destroy
all tho parnsltes, but its wonderful
tonic 'effects will restore tho diges
tion which hns been Impaired.
For children, tho addition of a
little sugar will make It so palatablo
that they will take It readily. Mil
lions of parents have praised It for
more than eighty years. Insist on
Jayno's; accept no other. Sold by
druggists everywhere. Dr. D, Jayne
& Son, Philadelphia, Pa.
Get thm Origin! "Qtwlnm
Pure full-crcam milk and the ex
tract of selected malted grain,
reduced to powder form.
Dflicious, Invigorating
Best Food-drink for all it.
Superior to tea, coffee, oomon
Ask for Horllck'a at sll reuntalm.
A quick lunch digested by the weakest
stomach; prepared in a moment by
briskly stirring the powder in hot or cold
water. Keep at home or when traveling.
Othmrm Arm Imltmtltimm
v om
Hell Phono Main 5G12, 422 W. Main.
Wo curry a very complete tine of
dr.iHTle. laco curtains, flvturrH, etc.,
mul il ull olaHHes of iijitiDlntprltig. A
8!-flnl iimii to look nnnr thin work
xclunlvely and will kIvo as kx1
twrtlco oh Is noitnilile to cet In even
the luriceKt cltln.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
In Hot Weather
mu ju nwiimmamuirmm jraWlti
n i '" m -,. v.i v -mw mxkmw
s'Vr" -r&
"When a New Perfection Com6s
in at the Door Heat and Dirt
Fly Out at the Window.
What would it mean to you to have
heat and dirt banished from your kitchen
this summer to be free from the blazing
range, free from ashes and soot ?
Oil Cook-stove
With the New Pnrctoa Oten. the New Pctlectios
Stove u die niotf complete cooling device on the rouket.
It u juu ti ijukk 4ixl hind, too, (or wKinj tad ironing.
The ALL Wheat Food
Supplies in perfect propor
tion ALL the food element's
needed for nutrition with
least strain on digestion. It
feeds brain and strengthens
nerves. The
blencl of barley '
malt adds a fin
ishing touch
of flavor and is
a big aid to di
gestion. Order today.
Made by
The H-0 Company, Buffalo
This Stove
saves Time
It saves Labor
It saves Fuel
It saves YOU
NU4. wW. I, 2 ad 3
bunxft, mo(Jkimit tciitxa
iKroutbout. Tk J- tad 3.
burr Mom with t4 wiihol a
ctbintt lop, rhach it ttttd wnit
tkepiUUn, low.) ml., tit.
Au detkti ernr th Nw
PnlKtiM Stan. Fr Cool.
Bool vrnh ef rr ilov. Cook
book ln giiie. to roM
Kbil i ccsU to oorcr mul-
Sui FrsncUca.CaJ.
Lo Aru.l.., rt
Sui Dloi.0,
i, Cat.
San Jot, Cat.
Stockton. CL
Sacramonto, Cat
Marravtn. Cat
Fnano, Cat.
Portland, Or.
SattU, Wa.K
Spokan. Wub.
Tacoma, Waah.
Koso Avenue is called ono of tho nice- vosi
denco districts of tho city. Only four blocks
from tho Medford Hotel, Ono now Bunga
low bargain on this avonuo. Whon you buy
a homo always consider a good location is
closo in.
Anything you buy from us in tho Gro
cery line will be right. Our Bakery De
partment is a source of pride to us -investigate.
Allen Grocery Co.
Do you want your fruit ltninllctl by oxpott salesmen T
Do you want tho BEST PRICES tlio Pacific Conpt market af
fords? Do you want to lino up with "Tho Housti of a SqunrovDealt"
If so, get in touch with us NOW. ' X .
Medford, Oregon
Pac. 5621.
Home 307
' Si