. 1 , v PAG TWO f CAL AND PERSONAL H, Von der llellen of Wollcn nnd Curl Van dor Ilollcn wcro Med ford trallora Tfcvlurttey, noy yUlll9 of BhRlo Point was a recent vtallor lit Medford. MIrm Zelln V. Clifford Is spending n vacation at tho ftnyart much on Keftup Rlv.or. She- la wccompahlcd br'Mk I'tiruchor 6f ''this city. ..Jrlaianiockii, epcirllnK goods, bluo flame, nrdorle oil rIoycb, refrigera tors, etc., ,Prk right, Shnpletgh Hardware Co., 2? South Contra!. Jack 'idoQutod of KrrIc Point patwad through Mcdford recently on a buslncim trip to San Francisco. Jaak McArdle hu returned from a short buslncsa trip to Eaglo Point lto Was accompanied by 11. M. Coss. , J. HK Jewel of thn Elk Creek fish hatchery was n recent visitor In Mcdford. Dclbert Morrison or Beagle and Mr. Deck and Mr. Caldwell of North Mcdterk began hauling ore last Mon day from ,tho fluxzard mlno on Klk creek lo Central Point, It. J. Elker of Agate was a recent Mcdford visitor. Ho has sold a largo quality of berries In this city this season. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Smith of Cold Hill wcro recent visitors In Medford. rastarago at Isaacs ranch. G9-1 R.-C B. M. Retter of Gold Hill was a recent business visitor In this city. Miss Ruth and Mary WalWco of Council Bluffs, Iowa aro visiting friends lu tha valley. Mr. nd Mrs. Lincoln McCormlck. Mr. !aad Mrs. Stewart Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Conro FJcro, Alfred Car penter and E. G. Burgess havo re turned from an automobile trip to Crescnt City. Special sale of stamped pillows, centers and table runners at The Handicraft Shop. Al Wolverton, formerly of Mod ford. M hero from New Mexico for a short visit wit hhls parents. A. W. Speyers. superintendent of a largo orchard at North Yakima Is In Medford for the purpose of con ferring with Prof. P. J. O'Gara re garding blight Blight Is making considerable headway at orth Ya kima. F. O. Frohback of Ashland was a Mcdford visitor Saturday. The runeral of John E. Hart was held this morning from the Knlftbts of- Pythias ball Jn this city. Rev. W. T. Goulder officiating. Inter ment in I. O. O. F. cemetery. Ralph Bullock is here from South ern California for a. visit with his parents. Cherries, fresh picked. Hum phrey's. 815 Mala, phono 3094 W, G. Aldenhagcn who .moved recently to Saa Francisco from this cltjr )s here o a short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hultkran of Minneapolis who bavo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westeriund of this city hare left for a visit with friends at San Francisco. M, WoHiack has left for a short business , trip to Kennett, Cal. Moved to 31 T1?. Grapo streot Tho Medford Conservatory for music and languages. G. Talllandicr, director. Open all summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whlsler re turned Friday from an automobile trip to Crescent City. ' q. A. Strang has returned from a visit at Portland. Mi;, and Mrs. F. K. Deuel havo re turned from an autompbllo trip to Portland. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphers negatives mado any tlrao or place by appplutnient. Phone M. M71 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hubbard have returned from a short visit at Port land. V, H. Barr has returned from a short business trip to Grants Pass. He Is ojctouslvcjy interested in min ing in that section. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County Bank. If, A. Bcholl of Grant Pass who has l9n visiting Medford for a few days on business has, . rcturnod to his hprac. ... Jt.,), Van Houson has returned from,a,.vlsH on the Applegate with friends, .Spatial Balo of stamped pillows, centers and tublo runners at The Handicraft Shop. M. S. Johnson of Roguo River formorly a resident of this city spent Friday In .Medford on business. Mrs. Mary .Olbbs o Derby spcht Friday with Medford friends. , Bert Antiunion has roturned from a buslnoss trip to Sun Francisco where he looked after proporty In terests. Wecks&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS ' ' Bay & tin artrbt ? . son " A. T. Ore,, MM Karl Davis Is visiting friends at Phoenix. , 12, H. Watt of Gallce mining dis trict Is In Medford on a short busi ness strlp. Apricots ror alo. Tvlophono Pa cific 5J11-J-1. 104 William Von dor Hellen or Eaglo Point passed through Medford Fri day on his way to Portland on busi ness. John A. Pnintt ot Grant Pass spent Saturday. In Mcdford on busi ness. Bods, Ilcds, lleds, $1.00 per week at tho Park View "Hotel. 153 South Holly. 112 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. -Wilson of Cen tral Point spent Saturday with Mcd ford friends. Mrs. Helen Andrews ot Ashland Is spending a few days In Medfort! visiting friends. Apricots for sale. Telephone Pa cific 591-J-l. 104 Mrs. J. U. Allen of Hlg Unite Is In Mcdford for a short visit with friends. a A. Newell, ladles tailor. 4th floor M. F. & H. hide Mr, and Mrs. Seldon Redden and son and daughter of Forlson, Calif., arrived In Medford Thursday even ing and will visit for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Redden and other relatives. They made the trip In a Ford car and covered the dis tance ot S33 mites In a little less than four days. The rodo all tho way to Medford on Fresno air not having punctured a tire on the en tire trip. Tho roads were wet and very slippery In the mountains, the result of recent heavy rains, nnd somo little trouble was experienced. At Redding the thermometer regis tered 112, which was pretty hot even for a Fresno man, declared Mr. Red den. Wanted to trade acreago In Oak dale Park addition for a small house and lot In Mcdford. W. H. Ever hard, 1013 W. 9th, phone 6C71. C. H. Corey, of the Garnctt-Corey Hardware Company, In erecting a fine seven room bungalow on Jack son boulvcvard, near Bartlett streot The building is to be modern in every partlclluar wlih a large base ment and heating plant. Apricots for salo. Telephone Pa cific 591-J-l. 104 Tho adult Blblo clas of tho First M. E. church held a highly success ful social evening In the large tent Wednesday evening of this week fol lowing the social hour it was re volved into a business session In which business was transacted of im portance to each class concerned. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. A team belonging to WInebnrdt's created considerable excitement on Fir street Saturday when it ran away, starting at the brewery on Fifth street The team atempted to turn Into Main street but took too wide a turn, the wagon crashing into a cluster light polo breaking It down. Tho team and wagon wero uninjured. Carkin & Taylor (John II. Carkln. Glenn O. Taylor), attorncys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building. Medford. Henry C. Stoadman of Applcgate is in Mcdford on a short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Parkerson of St Louis, Mo- aro in Medford for a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams arc spending a few days In Mcdford on business. They reside in tho Sams Valley district. J. H. Ncrf of Ashland spent Sat urday in Medford on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bcntley and two daughters, Mary and Jano of Lima, Ohio, who have been visiting Mrs. Bcntiey'B brother. Jack Ncff and wife, loft Wednesday for their home. They Intend to mako several stops en route tho first being at Portland. Tho Dorcas Neddie, c'ub waa en tertained Tuesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. O. N. Wilson on 4th and Olcson street Mrs. Wilson served- refreshments assisted by Misses Lulu and Goldla Wilson. Thoscp.lrrscnt wero Misses Goldla Taylor, Lulu Wilson, Mary nolle Hen son, Leo Hulley, Susie Flndley, Iva McLean, Goldla Wilson, Jennie Whipple, Mrs. O. N. Wilson, Mrs. Rlloy D. Hanson and Mrs, Montgom ery. Miss Alico Bccraft of Phoenix Is tho guest of Miss Goldla Taylor 819 faylor avenue. MRS. HART NEVER APPLIED FOR DIVORCE FROM HUSIAND To the Editer: In regard lo mi nrtielc appearing in tho Medford Mail Triljuiio of 'July 37 declaring that Mrs. John Hurt had applied for u divorce thin wan altogether a inin tnko. I have never applied for u divorce nor intended to, From the iirliflo one wuuld huddosc that I wiih 'in somo way acupoiihillu for Mr. Hurt h despondency and death. 1 believo tliirt docs inu a grail injtiH tii'o, It i my opinion that hiw nii cide wah rmiiM'd by pliyhicul miffer-iug-hu hud linen a victim of head trouble for many yearn -mid I tliiul; ho was insane nt the time. MHS. SUSAN C. HART. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, liCIIIR 1 WILL OF VALLEY Fl October 1 will mark the oieutng of the enmity fair hold ul Mrtlfoil each year, according to n tleoMo't troxohttd tiy the Vtirwlors oC the Kojsne Uiver Valley Fair iwvu'itition held Friday cxcniiix; nl the Hotel Mcdford. The fair will continue five dayy, closing on the evening of tho ".tli. From H indications tin fair this year will he one of the largest nnd most successful hold in southern OregvtL I'rirc nnd premiums amounting to more than $dOM0 will bo offered. Owinjj to the success uttendiu the races on the Fourth of July, the pub lic i nliNton for imn of the spoii nnd four day of racing has been nrmnged. The mcrchnnts will nrmnuv n j:reut street carnival ditritnr the fair winch is hound lo prove very attrac tive. From this time on the preparation vill proceed regularly. At the Churches Presbyterian Preaching at It o'clock by pastor, subject, "Stand Upon Thy Feet nnd God Wilt Speak Unto Thee." Preach lug at 8 p. ra., subject. "Mark." Good music All are welcome Sun day school at 10 a. m., C. fc. society at 7 p. m. This may bo the last Sunday that wo can uso tho church until tho addition Is completed. German Lutheran At German Lutheran thcro will be German services at 11 a. m., and English services at 7:30 p. m. Subject of evening sermon, "Tho Efficient Means of Grace." Blblo school (English) nt 10 a. m. Methodist Church Mcdford Methodist Episcopal church, comer of Third and Hart let t streets, E. Olin Eldridpo, pastor. Services Sunday ns follews: Preach ing 11 a. m.. 8 p. m., subjects, mor ning, "Christian Optimi.-m"; evening, "Minding One' HuMiiesv" Sunday school and Men's Bible class 0:l" ii. in. Epnorth League o:lo p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 8 o'clock, theme, "Secret of Success." Excellent music. Special feature, solo, Mis Fielder. You are cordially invited. At the Christian Church Bible school meets nt 10 n. in. All classes meet nt the church build ing. Prvaching both morning and evening, C E. nt 7 p. in., prayer meeting on Thurbday evening. A conlial welcome is extended to nil. D. I). Iloylc, minister. St. Marl's Episcopal Church Hcv. Joseph Shccrin, rector. Sun day services ns follews: Holy com munion 7 a. m., Sunday fichool 10 a. in., sen ice and sermon 11 n. in. Evening prayer and sermon H p. in. Services are held in St. Mark's hall and nil are welcome. Rrst Church of Christ, Scientist rimliQr morning service lit 11; subject of lc-json' 'xennon, "Life." Wedncsdny evening meeting nt 8, All are welcome lo these slrviccs. Sunday nchnol at 10. All under the ago of twenty nrc invited to the Sun day school. Heading rom heurs: 2 to f p. in. daily, except Sunday. Churr'i luMful'j Nortli Oakdale. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 140 acres In Sams Valley. CTi ncres In cultivation, 5 room Iioiibo and all out buildings, ono of tho best ni.M. in h. viillfv nnlv IfiO tier aero, or will trado for city properly. MARK n iuu acres in muua vmiu;, uu loi ter soil can ho found. $42. GO per aero. 20 acres. A mile from Seven Oaks, one-half In grain. This can be bought for a short tlmo for $3,500. Wo havo a good 11-room houso, all modern In good location, will mako a good boarding house, to trade for acreage. Wo havo somo bargains In City proporty. If you havo somo good ncrcago to trade for a city homo conio and soo us at once, wo can get Just what you want. ISitsiitcsH ClmiiccM Good span of draft horses J200. Two good 30-30 rifles. Autos at all prices. Kiuployiiiciit Girls and women for general house worlf Women cook for ranch. Waitresses. If you wunt'good hdlp rail Hm up, MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono -11 IIs! Home, 11. Opposlto XnMi Hotel BOOMS ii uiid 7, PALM BLOCK. MEDFORD, OR BOON. SATURDAY, ,)UliY 20. 10112 RALPH 1 IS A IS) I MANAGER - -1- rniii ii ti -n NEW YOUlv. July 30.--Tho exe cutive roiumlttCQ or tho republican national committee, which will man ago President Taft'a cnmalRti for ro clectlon was announced this after noon by National Chairman Charles I). Hlllea as follews: J. T. Adams, lown Charles F. Itrooker, Connecticut; Frederick Es tcrhronk, Now Hampshire; James P. Goodrich, Indiana Atvah T. Martin. IVrglnla; T. 11. Nlodrlngerhnus, Missouri; S. A. Perkins. Tneoma, Wash.; Alfred T. Hogers. Wiscon sin; Newell Sanders, Tennessee; Charles I). Warren. Michigan; Hoy O. West. Illinois, Katph Williams. Dallas, Oregon. All tho new members of tho com mittee agreed tit devote their entire tlmo until election to tho manage ment of tho campaign, llroockor, Esterbrook, Goodrich, Martin and Sanders will romaln at tho New York hendnuarters, Nlcdrlughaus, HoRcrs. Warren and West will di rect tho Chicago headquarters and Perkins and WUllatus will have charge on the Pacific Const. Tho place for the Pacific Coast head quarters has not yet been sclccred. IK TO RESCUE PEKIN, July 20 Embarrassed and harassed In his attempts to re concile tho factions In the national assembly nnd secure his appointments of nn Imperial cabinet, It Is reported that President Yuan Shi Kal today bellovea that his rcitlmo Is endan gered. Tho dissensions In tho now republican government aro being blamed on foreign Interference in China's affairs. LI Yuan Hung and Dr. Sun Yat Sen, though politically strongly op posed to President Yuan, aro today co-operating with him In nn effort to effect a compromise which will sayo the now republic. GTTLE CHANGE SHOWN IN STOCK MARKET NEW YOKE, July SO. Tlic tck market at tho opening today devel oped very littlu change with the ex ception of u isiint riso in Erie first preferred. Steel and other le.idon. were under pro-siny near the clo-.c but had little effect.. F'oth Steel nnd Heading dechncd slightly, while Harvester gained a points The market cofd irregular. I'onds wcro steady. Second Prize Donated The Mcdford Sash and Door C. will design and make ns-sccond prijee for the best design Tor n "Made in Medford cut- n beautiful refrigera tor. The delnils fir the design nnd list of judges will be announced the coming week. CHINESE RFPUBUC HOTEL MEDFORD $1.00JerCovur ,. CanapV a young KadipHiS ' Migiimis M' 'Royal Salmon Baleliere loiiniiCH Dattpliiiio ,f , t$j$Znn Puttie 4f Jvii-HeliwarfHer Pinieh Native IMed Spring Cliieken a la CofLotm Prime Ribs of Export Heet' Demi Cllitcc Now JolatocH it Oreain ? & Green Apple 17ie ' JMoelm hid Creani Swiss OlieeKO Assorted J1Ynit V Sunday, .Tilly 21. M OBERS ' T NEW YOKE, duly 'JO.- Distvioi Atbuucv Whilmau and others in'tivo in ruimiiig down tint uussius i.f llcnnnn Hoscnthiil, tho munhlcr who was killed it is Mispcoltid by Ibe pit lice, for sipii'uliiig, weie notified to day by tuionynioiH lei lew thai if Ihcir efforts, to fertet nut thn m tciy do nut stop, they, loo, will ho assassinated. ( Despite Ibis, Whlltnait dcclurcd today tluil lliu tucli who killed Itos cntlinl are known nnd that ha. will never unit I heir trail until tlicy me iuu down and punished. There is no dnnbl Hull the undrrvvoitd s de Icrmincd to go to any length to Mop the probe, and gruVo fcuw mo felt that other kilUugH mi playui'd. Wliiliunn's dctitclives nro invflsti gtillng ovcryoun connitclcd in any vvnv with tho ItosentluO murtlor. Lieutenant Decker, who bus been connected with the killing in remote vu.Vs mid who is known to have been au intimate of the dend gambler, is still on duty nt police hnuhpinftcrs. Commissioner Waldo refuses to io niovc htm until foinlal chnrgCs tue filed. - WILSON IS DRAFTING LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE SEA OIHT, N. J., duly ao,-nv-irnor Woodrow Wilson spent tlii morning in drafting bis letter of ac ceptance of the democratic presiden tial uouiiuntion, This aftenloon 12H0 congivssmen are expected lo arrive on a speeinl train to visit the nom inee. A reception to tbciu will he held on the lawn and veranda of the "Little white house.' For theprotcctlon of young troes a Florida man has patented a standnid holding a wire guard that can be slid up or down to any desired height Our Bridge Work Biidjic, W)JCl ihaiv r (It'll IIHIIKiE WdltK Is the kind that lusts, the kind that satisfies tho kind that helps keep tho mouth comfortable. Every patron who has had such work done hero speaks highly of It. Wo do all kinds ot first-class Dentistry and nro ex trcmoly carofull In every operation. Extracting a spcclnltypalnlcss and satisfactory. If you wnnt any kind of Dentistry done, you'll got the best service hero, , Lady Attendant. , DR. BARBER THE 1IKNTIHT Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific Phono 2528. Home Phono 3G2-K la Bernu Ripe Olives a la Mario Stuart Wax Beans Anglulfco iMaeedonio Pumpkin Pic Assorted Oako SaKed.WaferH Demi '.Passe Rau-Molir Oo., Props. m HID MB5ss4waP tLjX--T- jTM m&& $ vm CL CALLS ON WILSON HKAOUIT, N, .l.t July HO. CMinnip Olark and Copgremimnu lltmhi "f New Jersey niniohod to the homo of tho piesldeullal nominee at tho head of tho congressional delegation. WIN uon mot Urn piuty on tho steps of his home, hl first act being to grasp the hand tit Bponkor Clark AM m PAOIFIO & EASTERN RY. ' SUNDAY EXCURSION to BUTTE FALLS, ORE. .HTbV4?!, lM'- R0lTND TRIP ONIiY $1.00 I.eavo Medford 8.00 a. .... Itelurn reach Mcdford B.B p. an. Tal your lunch and spend a day ot rent In the cool inniin Uhw. ! Inl water on earth. The Medford Military baud will accompany the excursion and give a grand concert at llutto Falls during tho day. Now and Second and Lumber for Salo Cheap. Wo are tearing down our warelioiwe buildnijjH on railroad proper! v opposite Southern Paeirie pas tiengor station ami are olTering Tor sale material taken therefrom at very low prices. FRUIT BOXES Berrv, peach, pear and apple boxes for sale cheap. We have an assortment of boxes which wo desire to dispose of at once at very attractive nriceH, CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY Call at factory opposite So. Pae. passenger station. THE Sunrise Laundry FMIIV WASHING A SPI'.CIAt.TV. AM. WOllK m'AUA.MTt'll Orders railed for mid delivered. First class work done by hand. Utiles' nud Men a siill cleaned nHd pressed. Tel. Main "Ml: Home. 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Avenno, Tf you arc looking for an suitable for many PAGE will supply )M. 411. ASJ Page Fence - --. "i '"' 1 IM.t 4lU m jlzz zzh zzmz zmz zz Page Rabbit Proof Fence is practical, economical anil absolutely rabbit proof You want tho BPST WE HAVE IT We furnish man and tools and assist in the ereetlon of every rod of Page HVnoo without extra cost to you. Yew and Cedar Posts always on hand, Gaddis &l Dixon "Tho Page Fence Mon" Distributors Northern California and Southern Oregon Main Office Medford, Orogon OUTINGS To Hid Uoachcu nprliiKB nnd Mountains Vi sunset I (OGDEH A5HASTAJ J If you nro lpoklnK for an Idonl plnco to Hpond a portion of tho auminoi4, whom you can find roitt, hoalth nud rucumtlnn, tho outliiK roHortu roachod by tho Houlhtirn l'nclfln nro jwir excollenco. Newport, YuqiilitA Hay, Tlllatnhok Cohnty IIoucIicm, (Jrator Laho, Coloatln CprlitKH, Hlianta Spring, Cnitonilla, lrotoubunh Hot Springa nnd many other HprliiKH ot tnoro or Ickh nolo, IA)W llOUNll THIl" TIOKlVrH With long Hnllta on nalo dally to tho ahovo rdftortn. Out4 hoohlot, "Vacation DayH In OroRoti' doHcrlblni; Uioho and othbr ontliih placoH can bo obtalnud frbm any iiRntit, who will cheorfully fur tilHh Infrtrmatlon nB to faroB, train uorvlco, otc, or a boHtnl card to tho undorslgnod will rocolvo prompt attbntlon. ,10I1K M, HCOTT, (lohoral rnBBcnRor ARoht, Portland, Oroiinn '' (Im,i .lellwrcd a conKrntulntoiy address and presented (lovornor Wilson wltb a leiitlmt-htiuhd hook roiilnliiltK,'Ml'R,,h'of lh" ,!".m'" eratle meiniiets or. tho lioiwo. WIImiii leplled vll-wwpyt'i!li t Huiultn. I which ho Hiild't ' "Tho country expects us lo iniiKii living easier. Thtn l a morn wiloiun duly lieontiHO of lis dlfflmilty. ' And U Is Inilhiit duty tbat 1 wIhIi to -bo your partner and your comrade." XT TolP'trnrthln nppnrnlus of all hinds Iiiih been plncml on the lint of ar ticles rognriH-d by Tin hoy nh contra liaml f war and subject to nelshio. yt:i.,.i: efficient fence a feneo different purposes FENCE your needs Rabbit Proof Ity OREGON Uxcolloiif Train Service- and Low itouiid Trip Far ci