- J-J , t t t PXHI3 BIX MEDFORD' MATTi TRTBUND, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. .TUTA' 10, 1912. 1- - i v- I ti MOTHER AUTO KIDNAPS DAUGHTER huitai.o, n. v., .iniv in. ruiip. iiiK to tho wheel of her nntomohile in it rlmmi Wroxs three counties nl a Hproil of f0 miles nn liour, Mrs. llor innti Lehman of Huffalo was arrested lnro loilny on n Hiarp' of kidnapping Kvclyn Slonn, nn eleven yonr old nH. Tlio woinnn declared the child was her own dnnjhtur. Lost uvening Mrs. Lehman went to Allien, N. Y., accompanied y un otliiT woman anl n man. There .-ho nhduclcd (ho Sloan uir!, who i tho ndopled daughter of John Sloan, proprietor of llu Allien hotel. She placed the child in nn nntomohile and escaped. An alarm was given and the officers gave oli.T-e, hut owing to Mr. Lehman's expert driving the nntomohile renehed Huffalo hefore hu was overtaken. Mrs, Lvhmnn told the officers that the girl was her own daughter, vlwi father, Charles Doming, had taken the child away from her. She had sought the girl for years, he aid. MEDFORD WOMAN IN TROUBLE AT ALBANY MARQUARD AND KEEFE HOLD PITCHING RECORD, ALBANY, Or., July 19. "It would havo been far better for you to have taken a gun and gone out on the street and shot some young boy and had him burled by his parents to fill an honorable grave than to do what you did In this city a few weeks ago when you assisted in enticing a uumber of local young men to a lo cal livery barn and there exposed your person in their presence," said Judge William Galloway, after he had sentenced Fanny Yaughu, col ored, to the maximum sentence of one year in the county jail, after she had been found "guilty as charged In the indictment" by the Jury. After being sworn the woman was closely questioned by Judge William Galloway as to her past lite. She said that she had never been In trou- blo before, that she was born in Med ford and had married at the ago of 15 years. She was asked by the court if she had been to school and If she could read and write, and re plied that sho could; also that she could keep house. Judge Galloway then asked her if she could break away from her old associations and lead a respectable life if given a chance, or whether she thought sho had gone so far that it would be better for her to remain in jail for a year. She replied that she would lead a better life if given a chance. Judgo Galloway then said: "The penalty for a misdemeanor such as the one committed by you Is a seri ous one and Is punishable by confine ment in the county jail from three months to one year or a fine of from $50 to 300. While you were being tried yesterday afternoon I thought that tho best thing for you would be one year In the county jail, provided tho jury found you guilty, but when you broke Into sobs in tho courtroom last night when the verdict of the jury was read, I saw that there was a cbanco for you to become a better woman, so therefore I am going to parole you, believing that you will do better, but remember that the eyes of' the court, tho district attor ney and tho shorlff will be upon you not to run you down, but to keep you from falling again." """ -- iHl&...V(A..;39WX: " . WW$&MKKKBm U x mBmmi jf x iMHI I ik Lm M "HUW'HAKOUAIID Jl.fi- J 11 W T E -M . i 'jj Meyer LIsKner and K. T, Karl, ho testified, wore preuent. Hleffens de clared that he made his plan for settlement to this eoniinlttee, which fltiall aureed that theiv tthould he no Intetfeiepeo with tlio plana of tho illst Hot attorney, should ho decide to act Stcffciis' testimony U Riuuuiarlxed In the statement that he tentltlod that Harrow agreed on November 25 to permit John McXniitnra to plead Kitllty. The following day the eon neiit of the prisoner was obtained, Thla was two days before the in rest or l-'ranltlln for bribery. One fact was noted that will iiuiko It uuno difficult for the proxcctilloii to at lack this testimony Hteffeim de clined that uii other person, with the exception of Judge Cyrus McNtttt, as. Muclnto defense counsel for tho Me Naininas, knew of Divrrow's consent at that time, ditduo McNtitt Is dead, and tho testimony of HtXrfotiM and Harrow iuiihI stand aloiio on that point HleffeiiH' slory was Interniptod soy eiat times by Dhitih't Attorney liedeilckH who luslHted that much of It was hearsay, lie declared that he will call witnesses, practically all ot the coininllteo named by Mteffens as i x t t 2 J AAA : " T T aT. ijxV 1 U KL)A Y Specials TIM"KEEF TAXuTrTisIT Hero Is "Rube" Marquard. the present day king of pitchers, and Tim Keefe. who tveutyflve years ago made as much baseball history as tbi elougateU left-bauder Is making to-day. .Marquard and Kvefe tire tied for tbi pitching record. "Itulw" accomplished the feat of wltiidug uliieleeti consecu Uve victories before meeting defeat, while Tim" Kecfe made the xauic rcor In 1S&S wheu pltchlug for the world's champion Giants, then under "lluck" Ewlng's leadership. Lyman Abbott Says Roosevelt Is Sweet Minded and Doesn't Booze y ' To the editer: The other day the J is addicted to the excessive use of Mail-Tribune had an article from; alcoholic liquor. Thev re without which the average reader might infer that Mr. !noerelt was n man who wns a habitual u-er of intoxientiut; beverages. No one who knows him would be misled bv such nn article hut there are n lot of jxwple here who have never even seen the man and are ready to believe most anything they read. I think the Mail Tribune tries as a rule to he fair in its columns as to all men who are hefore the public eye niul sHiken of for various offices in the gift of the people and so ask you that the following from Lxman Ab bott whose word has never been que--tioned as yet and who is as fearless as he i-. able, li:i to say on this slan der started by some folks who will say of mo.it any man if lie be not an a!olute teetntallUt that he is a liquor fiend. j From the action of the republican state convention of the ;:reat republi can state of Iowa, which by the way I am proud to say is my native state, republicans are ubolved from sup-1 Roosevelt, although it is difficult to the slightest foundation in fact. "Mr. KooMelt is quite as temper ate as 1 am. He never touches, has never tasted a "cocktail" in his life, and hi customary drink when ho lunches Willi me twiee a week is either milk or iced tea. During the Chi cago c'linentiou he did not touch n drop of any kind of alcoholic bever ages. One of the members of my staff in whom I have implicit confidence was with him almost everv hour of the day and evening in u confidential and personal capacity during the Chicago convention, and enn testify that what 1 have just said is a fact. ''When 1 remember that Washinir ton was accused of embezzlement and graft; and that Lincoln was accused of constantly tcllin; indecent and vul gar stories; that Gladstone was ac cused of Iieinir an insane idiot; nud that President Cleveland was accused of brutally maltreatitii: his wife, I en deavor to endure with patience the slanders circulated against Mr. TARIFF AND FINANCE MATTERS TO BE VOTED ON WASHINGTON, July 19. The scuato reached an agreement Thurs day to vote on the three principal do mestic tariff and finance bills late next week. The result came from the democratic filibuster which for two days held up consideration of tho big sundry civil appropriation bill and which threatened to carry tho session of congress beyond Sep tember 1. Tho result of today's proceedings Ih expected to bo an adjournment the middle of August. Important meas ures remaining for consideration are tho tariff bills, tho Panama bill, ap propriation measures uud the Alaska civil government hill. WASHINGTON, July 19. Itail road control of the Panama canal and rights of American ships to free tolls and the form of government un der which tho cauul management Is to bo placed wero subjects ot di rectly opposing arguments today from Senators Urandegeo of Connec ticut uud Townsend of Michigan, Hrnudogeo urged thut all ships be udmltted to tho canal at a definite toll chargo, with no favors to the American vessolu. If railroad owned ships abused tho privileges, congress should then pluco tho offending lines under tho Jurisdiction ot tho Inter state commerce commission. Town send urged legislation to prevent rallrouds getting any grip on the canal, porting the ticket with Taft and Sher man as standard bearers and are left free to vote as they see fit. When such states as Iowa refuse to get in line the campaign for the ticket nom inated by Barnes, Crane, Penrose et ul will have about the hardest job ever attempted in American polities and millions of voters who never yet have voted and countless stay-at-homes will make it a jxtint to go to the Kil!s next .November and express themselves in no uncertain wav. A. K. WAKK. Medford, July l.'i. Lyman Abbott's letter is dated July 3 mid is as follows; "I am familiar with the stories, which can only he characterized as slanderous, which are going about the country reporting that Mr. Uoosevclt do so. Mr. Roosevelt is in splendid physical condition, with a clear brain and an active and wonderfully virile physique. Any physician will tell you that it is impossible for a man to do the mental and physical work which he is lierfo ruling daily and has kt formed for twenty-five years, if his brain were clouded or his body weak ened by the habitual use of alcohol. No man's diameter can be judged so well by anybody ns by his intimates. I have been intimately asiociated with him now for several years, and I know him to be one of the most wholesome, sane, temperate, and sweet minded men that I ever come in contact with. You are at liberty , to make any use of this letter, priwtte or public, that you think proper. Yours Very Truly, LYMAN AIJHOTT." NEW YORK, July 19. Union Pacific was strong at the opening of today's stock market, showing a sub stantia! rise. Tlio metal uroup was feverish, considerable selling being III evidence, on the Imminence of the Stanley steel trust investigation com mittee's report. Vlrvlglnla-Carollrm Chemical roho '1 points. Union Pa cific, Heading and several other ac tive stocks at noon had recovered earlier losses. Tho me oftho special ties wero up 1 to 2 points. The close was Irregulur. Ponds wero steady. A gun thut can be carried on an 'aeropluuo and with which accurate shooting has been dono while flying at high bpeed, bus been perfected by United States urmy officers. Mrs. W, H. Humphroy is spoudlng few weeks at Sail Francisco. NOTIC'i:. To the Public and Whom It May Cencern: As ill rector of tho Medford band, and having by vlrtuo of my office sole power to make all ougugemouts for said baud, I wish to uunoiiuca that tho organization will accom pany tho excursion to Hut to Falls 'Sunday over tho Pacific & Kustcrn, arrangements having been made with the officials of that road to thut ef fect. II. IL Howell, Ilandmuster, Medford Band. BRIBE GIVEN AFTER PLEA OF GUILTY MADE (Continued fiom pugo 1.) Otis, proprietor of that newspaper, received a telegram from the National Erectors' Association protesting against tho proposed settlement, par ticularly against tho dismissal of the charges against John J, McNamaru. This was followed, ho said, by his personal secret understanding with Darrow that John McNamaru might plead guilty, If necessary. The con sent of the McNuinuras, ho suld, was given November 20, two dayH before tho arrest of Pert Franklin for bri bery. Tho witness then told of a meeting of tho so-called citizens committee with members of which tho settle ment had been discussed, after the Franklin arrest. Tho members, ho declared, were ustounded that brib ery should havo heon resorted to, but after discussion decided to go ahead with the plans, Heforo Urlbcry Occurred Many prominent Iron manufactur ers and other business wen of Los Angeles attended this meeting for mer United Stutes Senator Frank P. Flint, Stoddard Jess, then president of tho stute bankers' association; if V y y y y y y y y y y y y y i t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y S10.00 PANAMA SHAPES J?-i.)S Ciomiino HipjW-l loppy I'nnnmns, S iiu'h crown, with brim, actual $10.00 values. Saturday only ijvl.J)S $lf.00 TRIMMED HATS JjW.Sl) Your choice of any Trimmed Hat in stock, values 10.00, jjilti.no and lo. Saturday SfW.Si) Ahli OTHIM AIIMjINKUY RKIHM'Kl) ACCORDINGLY. $10.00 LINEN SUITS $5.00 Two piece linen Suits, handsomely tailered: a ijood model, linen collar; a p;oo(l $10.00 value. Saturday $5.00 Other liin'orie Dresses are LINGERIE DRESSES $5.00 One full rack of Lingerie Dresses in mulls, lawns, white and colors; actual values to $ll!.f0. Special ,..$5.00 Reduced One-Third to Oue-llalf. CHILDREN'S DRESSES SPECIALLY PRICED $1.1 J), $1.:K), $1.58, $ 1 .7!) UP. PARASOLS SPECIALLY PRICED, JKJ, $1.50, $1.80, $U.n!, $2.89, $!.:$!. HOSIERY SPECIALS Boot Silk.Jlosiery, lisle heel, too and soles, garter top, at 29 and -1S Silk Lisle Hose in Tan and Black. Special 4S All Silk Hose, in black; $1.2") values. Special 08 v VJ-, SHIRTWAISTS UNDERPRICED. livery Shirtwaist in stock reduced one-fourth to one-half. Over three thousand to choose from at $1.19, $1.5S, $1.89, $2.19, $2.98 up. oHk y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V . y y y y i ! I I ! I I X I I 1 I : I ! X 1 X ! X ! t y y y y y y y y y t y T I m8mx:hmj NoBrewAnywh equals Pabst BlueRibboo Tk IW of Quljy fmUOBXttvk M Tin iiiili ii mmmEBiwp mmffllk W$f That's the verdict of tourists, returning from Europe where the best German Beer is made, Beer in the "Father land," has always been the drink of gentlemen; Blue Ribbon Beer has made it so in America, wherever high-class service prevails. It has the "smack" that gives a pleasing tingle to the tongue and a full smooth flavor, unknown to other beers. Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles, showing at a glance that it is clean and pure. Don't delay, don't forget order a case today. Phone or write Jesse Houck yioe 2Git well iih others cnuiteoled with (lie agreement to Mottle tho on tie. Iii Plain Black and White If yon don't hnvo yonr Tooth attondtnl to In tliim yon will rocnit It nil yonr lids l)t(lnH aro dainp'rntin, and tint oldur niio kiowh tho worxo tho dniiK'r In Tnltii our advlco and lot tin ox amino yonr Truth and kini thi'in In iroiir vondltlon hy an oonmlonul ox ainlnalloii. Wo aro import lhntlntn with a ropiilatlon (or hli'.h oIiikh work In nil hranrhi4 of tho irotin oloii, l-mly AIIimmUiU DR. BARBER tin: iiicNTisr Ovor l)nnlla for l)nd, I'nrlMn I'hono Wl, lloinn I'hono SfiS-IC For your Summer Reading We have at all times a full line of iMatfn'.inos, paper-covered H o o k s and latest Miction for your inspection. MEDFORD BOOK STORE V nro now lortlng OUR OWN Ice Cream iiicui: is otnt Fon.Mtii.A CroiMn Milk .Huicar ' f 1'opiln Flivorlug No Starch No Flour No leu Croain l'owdor No (Joluttii of nny kind, HASKINS for HEALTH . t. 'i r, 7 7 ft. A SNAP CO ncrtm, hIx iiiIIoh from Medford. Kood Knidud road croinuH tho tract, an froo noil, at f(i0 por noro. ) 10(10 will handlo, uauy tornm on hulauco, I'urt Ih oriiok hottoin land, nultuhln for alfalfa. Snvonil nprliiKH on tho plnco, Timber utioiiuh to pay for tho tract, No hiilldliiKH, In tho Griffin crt'ok dlHtrlct. W. T. York & Co. Ag. MJord fc & Hutum Cii. Medford, Ore, 1 siP Watch Our Addition Grow JnckHoii.Niul Huiiinilt Medford Rqalty and Improvoraont Company M, V, & H. Co. Write, rot (lull. Conduct J I NAMft Or lESUSANh CtllliUlt ClutUI. MuilC. Art. KlurtitiAnaiiJfVMm.f. ttiUtflt,JUilJ,iiiti,JVd)ftidJimii.t,tliiitiUunlut4 lmIUtluairrUliif.WrllilorAitiwuwuinl.Adiit I kr ikt SISTEII or THC i ND MARY, (., AitJmt, tni tjuj t-jMf)f J'.Js.i -j-k4.j-. -,,, j-'-l-ri,.,''-" -" 4 . ,