Mutt and COrflfctfT, Vftil .WA-r B PtS PQR AM MOUK. AND 'thcK Tit. Kill. HUH? MURDERER SHOT REDDING, Citl , July 19 Shot from ambush, William C Lundl. of Huokoye, ho killed Mm. V. C lliniulfonl thorn tun inoiilliii nun III n iiiiIkIiIkiiIiuoiI row, lit ilcad loilny. II In lii'llovi'd h Wrtii ;IIimI (or ri v.'iir.c, mill Wlllliiin ami John Clu iih'iit, niinH or Mr. Hriulfnnl, ami Dim Tlioinimon, tliolr frli'inl, Imvn tii'ii nrrofttnil, I.iuiiIIh v,Uti wnit poKt tii:mtor at Hiittkoy. it ramp nuar Iiith, nliot .Mrn llr.iniiror.l on Mny .11, foltitwlni; n ipiiirrnl. Il rliilmoil m.'lf ilrft'iiHi1, ami IiIh frlmiilx ni'vor ilonbtcd that lut would Ik nc(iiltl(l, Ur nv lilniHi'lf ii nflor tln iihootliiK and li tut Ik'oii In Jail uiilll yifHterilny, when In wan iidrnncil on $ir..ili)0 ball. Tin' iiHToliiiut wiih warni'd away from lliicl()'. but ilcclaii'd ho waH )ir" pari'd ami Would tnko IiIh cIiiiucm. UiiiiIIm' IkiIiii waM hood drlvlnr. nlmiK a lomdy mad by nolKlilKirn, wlidi l.andlU lyltiK llf lfh( In tho mat. Kxauiluatloii tdniui'd that ho bad lii'on nbot from In front, tho hulM un trutlni: bin brumt. IIIh rovolvor, fully liiadiul, lay iii'ur. ICvldcutty ho had neon and recoKiiled IiIh aiumH-i ant but bad lint l.eeo oolek ..iiiiiibIi for him. OltlHNANCi: NO. ll)li On ordlmtilro declurliifC tho cont or tho liniiroMUiieiit by pavliit; of Went Kourth titreot rroiu North Kir Hlreet to North drape utreot, and ntiHcMlui; tho property beueflled thereby ami dcclarliiK hiicIi aHnemiient ami dl lec.tliiK tin entry thereof In the docket or city Hhiih. Tho City or Medrord doth ordnlu IIH rolloWH! .Section I. That no protOHtH hav llii: been filed iikiiIuhI tho liuprove uieut of puvliiK or Went Fourth Htreel rroiu North Fir utreot to North (Jrnpo Htreot. duo notlro or the Inten tion or the council to ciiiiho mild im provement to ho made havliiK been e.lvou, ami Hiild Improveiueiit hnvlni; boon ordered made, tho council has coiiHlderod the matter ami herewith itHCorttiliift the probable coHt or mak Ini: hiicIi Improvement to bo tho mini or $2100.00. And mild council furl her flndH that the Hpoclul and peculiar benefit accruliiK 11 non each lot or part there- of adjacent to mild Improvement ami In JiiHt proportion to henefltH, to bo the ronpecllvo ainoiiutn hereinafter Hot oppoHlto tho niiinlier or deHcrit tlou of ouch lot or part thereof, and hiicIi aiuoiintri reflectively are hereby declined to he the proportionate nliare of each lot or part thereof, or tho cont or hiicIi Improvement and Ih hereby doclnred o lit) iimhohhoiI niialiiBt Hiild lot or parcebi roHpecllve ly, the name appoarliiK nhovo each doHcrlptlou beliiK tho name of the owner, or reputed owner, of each hiicIi lot or pnrqol. AiiHeHHineiit Tor tho prtvhtK of Wi'Ht Fourth Htreel from North Fir hi rent to North Clrapo utreot. Width :u; root, 100 feet. AHHOHUineiit No. I - MoiUord Ilrew hit; Co. Lot 1, bile. II. Orl:lluil Towiuillo of tlm City of Medford, Or nfinil, rrontiiKo or 100 root on tho north Hide or WohI Fourth Htroct, iih iloHurlhed lu volume !I2, pago III I, of the count v recorder'n recordH of Jaekiioit colinly. Oregon. 100 feet, into $r.,25, $r.2r.. AHHeiiHineiit No. 2- Medford llrew Iiik Co. Lot 12, bile. II. OrlKlnul TowiihIIo of the City of Medford, Or oou, frontn:o 100 foul on tho north tilde or WoHt Fouvth Btroot, iih de Hiirlhed In voliuno XI, piiKo 1U8, of tho county recorder'n reeordH of JackHon eounty. Oregon. 100 feet, rate $r,.2r., $r.2r,. AHHiiHHinent No. :i lllf? Pimm I.umher Co. T.ot 13. hlk. 12, OrlK luiil Towiifilto of the Oily of Medford, Oreiton, frontaKo 100 feet on tho Hiinth Hide of Went Fourth Htreet iih deHcrlbed in villoma 7I, pivko 8-13, of tho county rocordor'ti recordH of Jnolt hoii county, OroKon. 100 feet, into $r..2r., $525.00. AHUOHHinont No. 4 -lllB PIeB I.iimlior Co. Lot 12. hllc. 12, OrlR Innl TowiihIIo of tho City of Medford, OroKon, rrdutuBO 100 foot on tho noiith Hldo of WoHt Fourth Htreet, nn deiiorlhod Ju volume 75, duro 3-13, of the county rooordor'n rooordH of Jack- non roiiuly, Oreuoii. 100 foot, rata $5.25, $525.00. ABno8Biuont for prlvnto ilrlvo; FROM AMBUSH Jeff Swat the Fly, " ''' -J -,..,. ,,. - - '-- - ,. 1 i ' m'. no uut t sac r rrrr JM OMVl - IP MG CvGR. , .. ,. I T . ' f good i .. f?l "' r-. mi .m. w v- i r j i-?.-i - - .f. m w i m i i - kiiiiiiLiii. Wcliiliiirdt'H llrowliin drive, IHI.'Jli. KiM'tfriti 2. Tho roconlor of tho City of Mi'dforil In honiby illrccti'd to t'tittr a Ntntouiiuit of tho aHHOHMiiioutH hoinl))- iiiadn In llio doclo't of idly IImiih, mid to kIvo iiotlcn, by niiblliii- tlou a h ri'iiilri'd by Ilio charter and Ordliiancit ,N'o, lifiO In tho .MiMlford .Mall 'I'rllMinn. a unwHiiapor piibllMlicd ami of iH'iioral rlrriilallon In mild rlty. Tho fOK'K'iliic ordluanco wan paint vil by tho city council of tho City of Medford, Ori'Kiin, 011 tho mth day or July. 1 1' 11', by tho following vote: Watt nbni'iit, Mltrhull ayi. Kuinr-li-k nyo, Campbell nyo, Millar nyo, and .Siiinuiiirvlllii ayo. Approved July Ifi, in 18. . II CANON. Mayor. AlU'Ht: !: T. KOKS, Cltv HurordiT. NOTIOB To tho owner, or reputed owner, or earh parrel or property detterlbed In (ho fcirej'dlni; ordinance, iih iiiiiihM therein, ami In tho Hen declared by 11a Id ordinance iih recorded In tho docket or city HeiiH, You 11 ro hereby notified that tho lUMCHHiucnt derlared by tho fonno I111; ordinance Iiiih been made and tho Hon therefor entered In the city Hen docket, and (hat the mime Ik duo and you nro hereby required to pay tho wuno to tho city recorder within ton dayn from tho Kcrvlee of thin initio, which norvlco In tnnilo by piibllrutloi. of the fon'RoliiK ordinance and thin notice ouo lime In the Med ford -Mall Tribune, n nowKpapor publlHhed and or general circulation In mild city. purHiiaul to mi order or tho city council or Haiti city. HI.MKIt T KOSS. City Itocorder. eitm.NANci: no. nHit An Ordluanco declaring tho cont of tho Improvement of Tontli Htre'et eHt from Oakdale avenue to Holly Mr", "y I""' iik ' omohhiiik Mil 1 i' iiroporty heiiefltted thereby, ami dc I'lurliii; hiicIi iiHHiMiueut. and direct liiK the entry thereof lu tho Docket of City LIoiih. The City of Medrord doth ordain iih rollowH.' Section I. That no protoHtH hav lujt bivn riled iiKaliiHt the lmprou ment or Tenth' street WoHt fnnn Oakdale avenue to Holly Htreet due notice of the Intention of tho Council to cuiiko Hiild Improvement to bit made, havliiK been kIvoii, mid Hiild Improvement hnvliiK been ordered made, the council Iiiih roiiHldered the mutter ami, herewith, ancorlaliiH the probable cont of nmklnir hiicIi Iiii- piovtMiient to bo Ih hiiiii of $.1-t0n. And mild Council further flndH that tho Hpoclnl and peculiar hemtflt nccruliiB upon each lot or part there or ndjareut to mild Improvement and lu JiihI proportion tq tionefltH. to be tho ruHHctlvo mnoiintH herelnarier Hot oppoHlto the iiumhor or descrip tion or each lot or part thereof, ami hiicIi umoutitH roHiiectlvely are here by declared to be tin proportionate nliare of each lot or part thereof, or tho coHt or hiicIi InipiovoiOeiit and Ih noreiiy decrnred to lie annoHHOd nHiiliiHt hiiIi) lot or purcolH resp'o lively, tho namo ippoarlnB above each tlcHcrljitlon, beliiK the name of tho ownei. or reputed owner, or each hiicIi lot or parcel. AHH'HHinent for tho pavliiK of Tenth Htreet WoHt from Oakdale avo- 11110 to Holly Htreet, width 30 root. AHKOHHinellt No. 1- II. A. HaiiH uome. Lot 1, hlk, 70, original town rilte or the City or Medford.. OroKon, CroutiiKo 100 root on the north Hide or Tenth Htreet iih deucrlbed In vol ition li 2, piiKo III) I or the County He corder'H records of JackHon County, Oi-okoii. 100 rt., rnto $I.:I7, $1117.00. Amu-minium No. 2 Lillian S, Moore. Lot 12, blk. 70 original lowiiHlto or tho City or Mdrovil, Oregon, rrouliiRo 100 feet on the north iddo or Tenth Htreet iih de Hcrlhed in voliuno 15, pOKo 111 or 'tho County Recorder'! record or JnckHon County, Oivon, 100 rt., rnto $I.:I7, $1:17.00. AHHCHHinent No, li Amelia Hunch. Lot 1, bk. 75 original towiiHtte of tho City or Medrord, Ovi'Kou. front iiko 100 foot on the north Hide or Tentli Htreet hm deticrlhed In vol iuno 77, piiKo 511 or tho County Recorder'H I'ecoi'dH or JackHon Coun ty. OroKon. 100 rate $I.!I7, $i:i7.00. AHHOHHimmt No. I lernlco CiUn-ei-ou. Lot 12, hlk. 75 ovIkIiiuI town Hlto or tho City or Medford, Oregon, r ion taue 100 foot on tho north Hide of Tenth wtroot oh doHcrlbod In vol umo Hi), pane litis of the County Ro corder'u recordH or JnckHon County, OroKon. 100 ft., into $.1.37, $137.00. AHHeiiHineiit No. 5 IJipmii A. Halo. Lot 7. blk, 71, original toWnnlto of tho Clly of Medford, OtoKou, front iii;o 100 feet on tho Honth .hIiIo of Tenth Htreet na deHcrlbed In volume 87, pajjo 2 (S 2 of tho County Record or'H recordH or Jaoknon Comity, Oro on. 100 ft., rate $1.37, $137.00. AHHOrtameut No. C Sylvlu lfl, llal loy. Lot 0, hilt. ?!, orlKlual town Hlto or (ho City of Medford, Oiokou, froutiiKO 100 foot on the noiith Hldo t0 f t It (itijkfvt Ik I t rvusi it 1 1 1 j i 111 inl U JUIIlll pktVVV l UUDUIIUUU III Tll-I TODFOIIT) mm TRrnUNTl, or, Rather, Mutt limn !M, 1mr.11 7 of i ho County Ho conlor'H riTiinlH of Jacknon County, On-Kon. 10(1 ft, ralt t :i7, H:i7.0. Atim'HKiiM'iit No 7 Flrnt Kri'o MothodlHt ChuM'b or MxiHoid. Lot 7, Idk. 71 oilnlnal IowiihIIc or tho City or Mi'iUord, Orr-Ron, frctitii;v 100 rMt on .u wo 11 in Hide or Toutli atri'Ot iih (IckciIIhmI In voIiiiiik tin, piiKo iih: or the County Iteronlur'ii recordn or JackHon County, Oii-koii. 100 rt., mto t :s7, $1:17.00. AmoHHint'iil No, 8 (I. (',. Shirley Ixii li, blk. 71 orlKlunl towriKlto or tho City or Medrord, Oregon, front- iiko 1 00 reel Oil tile HOlltll Bldo or Tontli ntleot Iih di'Hcrlbed In roK puj;n 820 ot the County Recorder' ri'cordH or Jiiikrfon County, ()re;uii 100 rt., rnto II :!7, J CI7.00. AHn'HhiiieiitH for private driven llerulco Cauieiou, 1 drive, 10 ft. wide, $17.01. W. F. Him, 1 drive, I or. ft. wide, $17.78. Mention 2. The Recorder or the City or Medrovd Ih hereby directed to enter a Htateineut or tho ttHm'HM meiilH hereby made In the Docket or City l.leiiu, mid to give notice, by publication n rc(iilred by the Char; tor ami Ordluanco No. 2(iD In the Medford Mall Tribune, u newHpaiier PuIiIIhIiuiI and of Keiieral circulation In eald City. Tho rorcKolut; Ordluanco wa pnKoil by the City Council of the City or Medrord, Oregon, on tho 10th day or July, 1912, by tho rollowliiK vote: Watt, tilment, .Mitchell, aye. Km erlck, iiyo, Cninpboll, uV, Millar, aye. ami Sunuiiervlllc, aye. Approved July ICtli, 1IU2. W. II. CANON. AtleHt: Mayor. K. T. I-'OHS, City Rivorder. NOTICK. To tho owner, or reputed owner. of each parcol or property dencrlbcd lu tho Mroolui; ordluanco, an named therein, and In tho lieu declared by wild Ordinance an recorded In the Docket of City LIuiih. You are hereby notified that tho nRHeHMinent declared by the forci;oinn Ordinance Iiiih been made mid the IW11 Uierefor entered In the City Lieu Docket, and that the name Ik duo and you nro hereby required to pay tho Hnnio to tho City Recorder within ten duyn rroiu tho service or thin Notlco. which service Ih made by publication of tho forego I or. Ord innnco ami IIiIh Notlco ouo time In the Medrord Mall Tribune, a uown paper publlHhed and of general cir culation in Mild City, puraunut to an order of tho City Council of Haiti City i:: T. FOSS. City Itocorder. NEW TODAY A five room hunse, v?lth bath nml pantry, lot 15x127, soweY and water on the place mid paid. JiiHt off paving near the north school. The lot In nicely Impiovod, nml the place Is offered for $1050.00. Two hun dred of this may remain n 11 loan 011 the place, and the owner will tako a team as parj payment. Look thla up. I have a fine bearing poach, apple, and apricot twelve acre fruit ranch near Talent for sulo ror $11000. 0t. Tonus on part, and would tako a smnll place In trade. Tho pluco has a nice rive room house, with gas lu tho hoiiHi) ror light and cooking, and tho place IrrlgatcH nicely rrom n gaso line pumping plant. It should be seen to bo appreciated. Ten, acres 11 mllo north or Central Point. Hungalow with largo porch. Half of IIiIh Is cultivated, and half raw land, flno deep soil, and water right goea with tho plueo. Will tnko n town properly for $1500,00 mid $2000.00. Can ho paid $500.00 11 year, (S per cent, G. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phenes: Pacific 781, Home 78K Resltienco Phone 20H ' Ul'NINF.HS OPPORTUNITIES'. HUSINESS OPPORTUNITY' Anyono wIhuIiir to ougngo In tho billiard business can puroluiso all or a halt Interest In tho Owl Hllllnrd par Ioih as owner wishes to go nwny. Sunto can ho pnruluisoil at 11 very roiiHonahlo figure, S. I. Drown. FOR RALE Ugo Theater, good pro position, muall -money, gooll pro fits, little work, experience un nosBiiry. Apply manager, barber Rhop or by mull, 10 1 FOR SALE Laundry machinery nil ready Installed; Cheap, Call at 201 Uurnott-Coroy lild. 101 m -. - . . , - - -.-li.i. .... f . ..- i i. -,i. -I..,,.. , i M ..I, , ,,.,,,. i..i .... . i . , mmm,lmMm ,. . , i mm. i . MEDFOTID, OPINION, RRTDAY. JULY If), 1012. Does i.OBT -In AHbiaml July fi or 0, Hold nucklaco anil old faalilonod deiilKii or Jowclry, chain with a charm, charm net with iioarlK ami two Kold tnKHtdK attached to charm. Ownor will jvh n good re ward for tho return of Jewelcry. I.eare 11 1 Tribute) ufflco, Medrord, OroKon. 10 J) I.O.ST -A Turqiiolm) matt'-lx Hub, Tiffany Keltliig. Finder return to Mail Tribune and receive. r uiird. 102 AH'ntAV $5.00 reward for Informa tion loading to the recovery of the following cuttlo '"strayed rrom my rmiKO lu Sam Valley: f, yeurllnK calveH, comprlultii; two HteurH and three heirorH, all branded aft fol lows Under nlope rrom each ear, mid ntlrrtip brand on left hip. tloo. McDoiioiikIi, Sams Valley. OroKon. lot MOXKV TO LOAN. TO LOAN Several thousand dollars to loan on improved property, ad dress box 80, Tribune. F O IC It K X T IIOUSKKKKPIXO HOO.MS FOR RKNT HotmekeepInK rooniH, bath mid riia. 345 N. Hartlctt. 104 FOIt ItKNT FUKMSIIKD AITS. FOR KENT Smith Apia. 217 8. Rlv. FOR R10NT Furnished apartment, just like n bungalow. Large liorchea. jirlvato hatliH, new, cor ner Qutnco and W. Main street. Phono 317 L. FOR KKNT OFKICICS FOR RKNT- Over thii postofriw, with heat and light. Sco A. A. DavlH. FOR RKNT Large, cotufortntilu of-i flcn rooms wltli elevator service.) Htoiim heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni turo fc lldw. Co. FOR IlKNT IlOAlin AND ROOMS W1IERE7 Why, at ttio Park View Hotel, of course, good square meals, home cooking, 25 cents. Cool, clean rooms, good beds, 25 cents a night. 103 FOR HKNT FURNISUKn KOOM8 FOR RENT l.argo ulciptug room, $1.50 and $2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments, $15 and $1G. Home phono 2CC-K. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT- Comfortable room with bath, close In. Phono Pacific 2455. 103 FOR KKN1 1IOUHKM FOR RENT Two room furnished house, rent $8, plenty ot fruit mid shade trees, three blocks north Natntorlum. Inquire. G14 North Riverside. 103 FOR RENT Furnished G-room house, modern. 518 King st. FOIt R ENT Modorn f I vo-Voom house. M, A. Rudor, at M. F. & II. Co. FOR RENT Six room houso, mod orn, paved Btroot, I1G.50. W. T. York Jfc Co. FOR RENT Close lu fi room hohuso with modern plumbing and elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn and cement sidewalks. Call Hell phone 3401. FOR MALE HOUSKS FOR SALE Four-room bungalow, oloctrlo lights, sower and city water on paved itrcot. $050 casii If taken at once. Inquire of own or at 311 West Jackson Htreet. tf FOR SALE 100X258, 8u"ltnt)lo"Tor 5 lots, two room houso furnished, electric lights, water paid 15 mouths In advanoo, flno largo gar den, close In. Price $1200. In quire at Hotel Medford Harbor shop. 103 FOR SALE $2100 nrtlatlu modern bungalow; built In furniture, bountiful lawn; paved Htreet. In quiro 309 South Newtown. FOR SALE -Cheap, well built mod ern double constructed bungalow, best location, brand now, just fin ished, nmplo rioovs, flno oloctrlcal and hath fixtures, laundry trays, largo sleeping porch, complete ce ment walks, lawn, artistic whlto hrlelc fire plnco, two-toned window shades, with colors to match tint ing in each room, kitchen com plete with built in china closet and cupboards, largo closets, largo lot, 50xt 10 foot, nlco porch with largo Htouo piers mid it cholco location, hard to bent, close In, 4 blocks from Medford Hotel. This beau tiful little homo goes for less than coat. Seo owner, H, E. Gates, 23 lloso avenue. 102 IQ3T FOIl SATiB LAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ItUSIXKNS DIRECTORY -- -1 - -1 1 FOR SALB 80 acres of Improved land 3 mlloH from market. 5 room furnished house, stock and Im plements, etc., good wate. Price $3000. See It while crops are growing. AddroBH Hox 52, Jack sonville. Ore. 117 FOR BALE Uy owner. 80 acres all fenced mid cross fenced, new 5 room house nml barn, two chlckcn hoiifles. good Hprlng, line young or chard, good horse, wagon and har ness, chickens, household goods mid tools, 12Hcrt-8 in crop. Every thing goes for $1500 fjulck sale, $700 caHh, balance one or two years. W. L. Howland, Colestlu. Oregon. 124 roil BALE ACltKAOB FOR SALE 9 acres, fertile truck, land, perpetual water right. 1 M: miles east of Eugle Point, Drowns horo road. Good family orchard, 5-room house. For terms, address II. E. McNIcholl, Eaglo Point, Oregon. 101 FOR SALE Eight acrea. Just out sldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples: small house, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 4 acres, a flno homo on Pacific highway, one mllo north of city, a ten room house with mod ern Improvements and out build ings. It is the best land for ber ries and truck farming and Is un der irrigation, and has perpetual wuter right. It Is partly set to ber ries and fruit trees. Inquiro of F. S. Carpenter, owner, Perrydale Ad dition. 104 FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Camp outfit, good team, new hnrness and good wagon. Just In rrom Los Angeles. CallL, camp J broke horses, a'l In first class condition. A bargain for some ouo. Call 304 Maple st., at any time after Sunday. 102 'FOR SALE Great bargain, practlc I ally new steel range "Home Coin I fort", cheap. 23C S. Oakdale. 101 FOIt SALE 10 head brood sows. 25 head shoats. Htock A-l. Come pre pared to take away. Home phone I Rural 5-L. D. C. Gleason, Phoo , nix. 101 1 1 ) FOR SALc Pruno and apple or- 1 chard, 25 acres primes, 15 acres I Italians, 10 Petltes, S years old, all 011 black bottom land, GV. acres Newtown apples. C years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box 93 Youcalla, Oro. 114 FOR SALE Canary Birds. Resi dence 843 East 9th Bt., Pacific phone 359G. 10G FOR SALE Herrlos by crate. Call Home phone 319-R, or llooth 5, public market. Ill FOR SALE Span small driving mules, gentle, young, price rea sonable. Address D. P., Tribune of rice. 101 FOR SALE Olt KXCHAXGE FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room houso, modorn. with two lots on South Central avenue, east front, nlso lot and barn joining place. Four room houso with two lots close In, con nected with sower and city water. Seo owner, T. L. Taylor. Phono Hell 8G-R-I. 120 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Cook for orchard. Man nnd wife, no children or woman ami daughter. Position open now. 11. W. Hlughain, phono 597-J-2. 105 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED First class, auto repair man with good references, wishes job. A. F. Mason, 123 S. Holly. 103 WANTED Plain sowing, alterations and children's clothes preferred. $1.50 per day, Mrs. Heighten, phono Sll-F-21. 102 WANTKD SUSCKTiLANEOUa WANTED Burlap sacks MIllA. at Russ ItVSIXKSH DIiYkCTOUY Accountants D. R. WOOD Gonoral Accountant Your hooks audited and kopt for a reasonable Nguro; your buBlnesH solicited. Ofrico, Modiord Mall Tribune bldg; phono 0G11; resl donco' phono G302. Itilliaril Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cl garri and Soft Drinks, Upstairs, Young & Hull bldg. A nlco. cool place to upend tho hot uttornoous. By Attorneys D. W. IJAGSIIAW Attorney-at-Lfiw. Jacksoiivlllo. Ore. Office: Hank bldg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Mnln 33. C. L. REAME8, LAWVKR -Offlco Medrord National Hank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. MCLKEY & CHERRY fR. P. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Dank hldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Dili Posters VERNE T. CANON Hill Poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Rank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Urick mid Cement. The Medford Hydraulic Cement, Hrlck and Illock Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tlio porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E. Hedges, Mcchano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheranlsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acuto and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 X. Uartlett street, next door to JL E. church. Hours. 9 a. in. to 5 j). m. Other hours by ap pointment. Hell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advice In die tetics, i"dlcal gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-IC. Main 7973. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer aim tjurveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm "blk.. Medford, Oregon. Clilneso Medicine CHOW YOUNGS Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, dearness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front St., Medford, Ore., to 4. G:30 to 7:20. Residence phono Main 42. Contractor nod itulliler O. M. ROSE. Contractor and Hullder Country work a specialty. PlaiiB aiul estimates free. Hox 522, Med ford. Phono Mala 5GG2. Dentists DR. W. At. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. C VAN SCOYOC Dentists Gnrnott-Coroy bldg., sutto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTBMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Orrieo lu Rlnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered ror extraction of teeth. Telephouo Main GS1. Night phono 4432, Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hnckor, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of holp furnished and positions obtained freo to tho employer. Bell 1081, Home 270 R. 118 (ttiililto Works MEDFORD HICICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Hrlen Contra'ctora and inanii facturera of brick; dealera in prossod brick and Umo, Ofrico at their brick yard. West Jackson st Phono No. 34 Gl. GOLD RAY ItEALTY COMPANY. 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tile. Got our prices uud wo our brick and tlio botoro purchasing. Garbage UARHAGE - Got jour premises "G"oT cionnoti up ror tlio Bunimor. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service Phono Main 0251. F. Y. Allen, PA'GE TTVB "Bud" Fisher I'lirnlliuo MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th mid Holly sts., Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet workr of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic, firing your work to mo at tlio sign of Tho Mall Tribnn6. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee, everything put out. Wo nro not lu the trust. If. n. Patterson. Offlco removed to office Hotel Nuali, In Bldo entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grado nursery stock. Office 10 i S. Fir, Roth phones. Printers mill Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. litis tho best eqtilpped Job office In southern Oregon; t6ok binding, loose leaf systems, cnt paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 X. Fir Bt. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Rob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians mid Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians ami surgeon, Taylor and Philips bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phonu 501, residence phono CI 2. Offlco hours 9 a. 111. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physiclnns. Moved to rooms I1G and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phone Main G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Orrieo Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale. phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYltTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklus Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldonco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J, EMMENS Physician and SurjjJon. Practlco limited to eye, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 210 K. Main st., over Med ford Hardwaro, company. Houru 8:30 a. m. to Sp. 111. Both phones. E 11. P1CKEL. M. D. OHIco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block Ofrico phono 4U01. ltesldenco 7051. DIt. J. W. J. MAIUON--Physlcltin and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and G Keutuer bldg. OfHco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone. Hell 271. Residence phono Hell 273 Home 347-X. E. K1RCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac lico limited to Chronic Diseases. Orrieo Hotel Holland, WYdiicmlnyu 10-3. Both phonos. Resldonco phenes: Farmer 10xx5 Eagio Point and Roguo River lino. HERMANN F. RATTE. M. D. Of fice over Medford National Hank. Office phono G701. Res.. Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D.. Prac tlco limited to Eyo. Ear, Noso, mid Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when hocdud. Garnett-Corey Hldg., 2nd floor, Both Phones, Medford, Oro. Real Estate GEORGE L. DAVIS, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Over Fruitgrowers Bank. REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa nnd gnrdon lands. Stenographer 10LLA M. GA'UNYAW Pnlm block. Stenographic work done quickly mid well. , Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CQ. Offlco HI South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Service guaranteed. UntlerlakoiH JOHN A. PERL Uudortanor and PEfii Einbalnior. Ofrico 28 South BArt lott st. Tolophouog; Day, Roll 471; night, rt-sidonco, Hell 473, Home 1711'L. Calls answered night or day. Ambulance service. . t )