Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 19, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail tribune
rum-iHiiKD akthhnoon
Tim Orlnocrntlc Tltnn, Tim Medford
Mnl, Thu Medfonl Tribune, Thn South
ern wrcgotunn, tho .Atiiiiniiu xniiiino.
Office Mnll Trlblilio llull.UnR, S6.J7-29
North rtr streot; phono, Jlnln SOU;
Itomn 75,
OnOltOU I'UTMAM, Uilltnr unit Manngor
Kntcrcil as nrcond-clnss matter M
Mctlfnrii. Orogon, undor tho not of
March 3, 1S7P.
Official Vnpcr of tho City of Mrriforrf
Official t'npor of Jnrkwoti County.
Ono yenr, by malt...... 15.00
Oim month, hy mnll 50
IVr month, rfrllvpreil hy cnrrlrr In
Mcilfniil, Jncltsonvlllo niul Cen
tral Point r.o
Patnnlay only, hy mnll, per year.. :.oo
Weekly, per yenr 1.S0
Dally nvprngp tor c ien montht
tng November 30, 1911, !751.
KENO, Nov, .Inly ID. Keller ex
peditions wore today rushed to Ma
zumn and Seven Troupha, Nov.
which wore devastated by a cloud
burst which cost tho lives of twenty
persons. Fully 150 more, It is said,
nro still missing today, and tho pro
perty, damage Is enormous.
Tho cloudburst struck both mining
camps without an instant's warning,
sweeping buildings away in the tor
rent and hurling great rocks down
tile hillsides. Many miners aro be
lieved to be trapped in tunnels and
, It is feared that many were killed
bcsldo tho 20 bodies recovered, as
other bodies wore seen struggling or
floating In the water.
The big hotel at Mazuma, tho larg
est structure In the town, was over
turned and several were killed In Its
Tho relief expeditions wcro badly
handicapped by the Impassable roads,
filled with timbers, bowlders and up
rooted trees, and many could not
reach tho scene. Help was despatched
to doctors and nurses on horseback.
To tho editer: Ever mucc his n
lunic majesty quoted scripture to
Milt his purpose, deluded children of
men lmve been iry.iijj to emulate his
Now we have miti-suff rapist,
quoting Hen LimNey to support their
poor, weak argument. Just think of
it I lien Lintlscy, tho great woman
Hen Lincisey tells how ho nppcak'd
ut the beginning of his btruggle to
club women mid women socially
prominent mid was disappointed, but
be nlso further toll that when be
rang tho front door bell mid could
not interest the wealthy mistress m
his cause, that he went to the back
door and did interest the woman who
did the work in that house.
So successfully did ho appeal to
tho laboring classes of women that
when he won bis enemies siieeringly
said thai the servant girls gave liim
tho victory.
'Judge LiudHcy in giving credit to
ilie women for this victory, realized
bow hard bad been the task to win.
His enemies in order to turn tho vole
of the women from him circulated the
most vile- kinds of stone about him.
Judge LiiidHey in referring to (lib, n
few years ago in u publio nddress,
said, with n pathos which only deep
Mtffuriiig from wrong could produce,
Hint there were good women, yet in
Denver, who believed him, in private
life to be a libnitiue but who said
that they voted for him because they
thought he was sincere in bis work
for tho protection of tho children who
camo before him in the juvenile court.
Judgo LindsoyV, recent re-election
to office by a large majority, mid his
again giving llio ciedit of tho victory
to the women, proves that tho good
women nro being loss and less do
oioved by tho falso-tongued and
falser-lieiirtod politicians.
What brazen nffrontoiy for anti-
Miffrngisls to lift a few of Judge
Lindhuy'ri woids from their original
billing and try to give them a fule
People throughout tho. nation have-
not only read Judge LiiplKoy's writ
ings but many bavo henid him lec
tin o, especially here in tho northwest
Hudson the l'aeifio coast.
Tho good men plus tho good women
bavo made u Judge Lindsey possible
in Denver, just us tho good men plus
the good women made u Mayor Cut
tqrill possible in Scuttle, and jt( lis
tlioy will some day not far distant
ntjiko a llrymi president possible.
The good men ulouo have not been
ii()o to coiKiuur but with thu ballot
ii( Hie hands of good women, old
pally umuliliiog luivu. been broken mid
cast aside. Tammany mid tho steam
roller will bo,on ceneo to bu u power
to umbo or unmake presidents. Neith
er wore orgiinize,d tipr in.vqied by
good women nor by good men cither.
" -4 WOMAN, ,
The following eali Ims been issued
for the Hull Moou patty orgmrixed
in Oregen: ,
Portland, Ore,. July It?, l.)'
All Progrwdvo Voters of Oregen:
Tho National PngivMo Club of
Oregon, n common vuth millions ol
olcrs throughout the land, believing,
as we do, that the bte republican na
tional convention at Chioneo, failed
to fairly nod fully represent the
wishes, views and interests of tho
people ul largo and that it was not
conducted in such a manner us to
bind the cniwcienac of honest men.
or so as to secure mid command their
respect, and to determine their poli
tical acts in the pending campaign;
Whereas a call has been made by
citizens of .some forty states of our
republic, men of like views with ouc
sclvc. for a national convention to
bo assembled in Chicago, August ,".
10 12, to consider the question of can
didate, for the offices of president
and ice-president of the United
Slates, and for the consideration of
Mich other matters of )olitical pol
icies ns may be of moment to the
nation; and,
Whereas, we. as members of this
club are in full sympathy with this
national movement, and being desir
ous that our grand old state of Ore
gon shall be represented in this coun
cil of the nntiou. at the lake's side,
now, therefore, to further that good
intention wc hereby call a mass meet
ing of citizens of this state to con
vene at the East Side Library audi
torium, corner of East 11th and East
Alder streets, Portland, Oregon, at
10 o clock n. in. on Thursday, Jnlv
2."ith, 11112, to take such action as
may be necessary, and to elect five
delegates and alternates to represent
Oregon in the national convention at
Chicago, August ,"i, 11)12. ANo to
elect an executve-advisory commit
tee, etc., for the coming campaign
state work.
All citizens who are in sympathy
with progressive views and purposes
are eordinlly invited to meet with us,
without regard to previous political
National Progressive Club of Oregon.
Hy Dan Kellaber, Pros.
L. JL Lepper, sce'y.
Executive cemmittee: Hon. F. W.
Mulkey, Hon. George W. Joseph, J.
T. Wilson. V. Vincent Jones, Sanfield
Chris Klein of Georgetown, Ohio,
left for his home Thursday after hav
ing spent ten days Investigating the
fruit industry of tho valley as a guest
of Ucnjauiin C. Sheldon. Ho repre
sents a number of tobacco growers of
the Ohio valley who aro considering
moving to this section.
Mr. Klein telegraphed his friends
that ho was more than satlbficd with
tho results of his Investigations and
had determined to return and make
his homo here.
"This Is tho finest country I have
ever seen, and I have been something
of a traveler," states Mr. Klein.
"Everything considered, cllmato, na
tural beauty, productlveneso of your
good lands, up-to-dateness of your
towns and character of people make
a community that can't bo beat."
Mr. Klein's trips of Investigation
covered over COO miles of auto travel
over tho valley and culminated In
his watching some of tho local dis
ciples of Isaac Walton land a bunch
of flvo and six pound steel head trout
at Happy Camp Wednesday after
noon. 115 WORDS A MINUTE
M'UIWUM' YVII., tltliy J'J .Vllnh
Florence E. Wilson of New York to
day is the holder of the world's type
writer speed record for one hour's
contiuuoin writing on ' iitifaniiliur
copy. Competing in the contorts held
under the auspices of the National
Commercial Teachers' Federation,
Miss Wilson wioto 7,211) words in the
hour with 08 errors. Deducting five
words for each error this gave her u
net score of (1,871), or mi avcinge ol
115 .words, u jfiuute
WASHINGTON, July 10, Secio
tary of tho Interior Walter FjHhor to
day began tho enforcement of tho
ww hoiuostead Jaw which reduces
tho area of required, cultivation
where outrymon ucod rollof. Tho re
quired rcBldonco period also Is ie
duced to threo years,
An Ordlnnnco declaring the coat
of tho Improvement by Paving on
South l. street from Klghtli street
to north lino of south Park Addition
and asses-diiK the property bcnetltted
thereby, and dcolailng such assess-
incut, mm directing tao entry there
of In tho Pocket of City Liens.
Tho City of Medford Poth Ordulti
as follews:
Section 1. That no protests, hav
ing been filed against the Improve
ment by paving of South lvj street
rom Eighth street to the north line of
South Park Addition duo notice of
tho Intention of the council to cause
said Improvement to bo made, hav
ing been givon, and said luipiovomeiit
having been ordered made, the Coun
cil has considered the matter and,
herewith, ascertains tho probable
cost of making such Improvement to
bo tho sum of $l2,
And said council further finds
that the special and peculiar bene
fit accruing upon each lot or part
thereof adjacent to said Improvement
and In Just proportion to benefits,
to bo tho respective amounts here
inafter set opposite tho number or
description of each lot or part there
of, and such amounts respectively
are hereby declared to bo the propor
tionate share of each lot or part
thereof, of the cost of such Improve
ment and Is hereby declared to bo
assessed against said lot or parcels
respectively, tho namo appearing
above each description, being tho
name- of the owner, or reputed own
er, of each such lot or parcel.
Assessment for tho paving of south
Ivy street from Eighth stteot to north
lino of south Park Addition, width
SO feet.
Assessment No. 1. Kvn Huberts.
Tho south 50 feet of a parcel of land
marked "P. V." on tho city plat.
slMinte.1 immediately north of tho
south -Park Addition to the City of
Medford. . Oregon, having a front
age of r0 feet on the west side of Ivy
street as described In Register page
07S of tho county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet,
rate $4 '-T., $212 50
Assessment No. 5. Kvn Honoris.
Tho north 50 foot of a parcel land
marked 'P. P." on the city plat
situated 50 feet more or less north
of tho north lino of south Park Addi
tion and Immediately south of that
parcel of land marked "P. O." on tho
cltv plat having a frontago of 50 feet
ou" the west side of south Ivy street
as described in register, page 97S of
the county recorders records oi
Jackson county. Oregon, uo icoi,
rate $4.25. $212 50.
Assessment No. 3. Elisabeth M.
Smith. A parcel of land 50 by 100
feet comprising the south Va of tho
parcel marked "P. O." on the city
plat, having a frontage of 50 feet on
the west side of south Ivy street as
described In register, pngo 101 of
the county recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet,
rate $4 25, $212.50. , w
Assessment No. 4. Elizabeth M.
Smith. The north 50 feet of a par
cel of land marked "P. O. on tho
city plat, having a frontago of 50
feet oa tho west sldo of south Ivy
street as described In register, pago
101 of the county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet,
rato $4.25, $212.50.
Assessment No. 5. I). Cameron.
Tho south 50 feet of that parcel of
land marked "D. M." on tho city
plat, having a frontage of 50 foot on
tho west side of south Ivy street as
described In register, page 91 of tho
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 50 feet, rato $ 1.25,
Assessment No. C. I). Cameron.
A parcel of land at tho southwest
timer of west 12th and south Ivy
streets comprising the north 50 roet
of that parcel marked "P. M." on
the city plat having a frontago of 50
feet on tho west sldo of south Ivy
street as described In register, page
91 of tho county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet,
rato $1.25, $212.50.
Assessment No. 7. A. L. IJoacotn.
Lot 1. blk. 73 Original Townslto of
tho City of Medford. Oregon, front
ago 50 feet on tho west side of south
Ivy street as described In volume 91,
pago 9 of the county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 50
feet, rato $4.23, $212.50.
Assessment No. S. Adrlenno G.
Malony. Lot 2, blk. 73. Original
Townslto of the city of Mcford, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on tho west sldo
of south Ivy fctrcet as described In
volume 78 pago 585 of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Orogon. 50 feet, rato $1.25, $212.50.
Assessment No. 9. Ernest Cle
ments. Lot 3, blk. 73. Original
Townslto of tho City of Medford,
Orogon, frontago 50 feet on tho west
side of south Ivy street as doscrlbed
In volume 8C, pago 470 of tho coun
ty iccordor's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 50 feet, rate $1.25,
Assessment No. 10. Polla Cle
ment. Lot 1, blk. 73, Original Town
site of the City of Medford, Oregon,
frontago 50 feet on tho west sldo of
south Ivy street as described In vol
ume. 87, pago 1C1 of tho county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 50 feet, rato $1.25. $212.50.
Assessment No. 11. E. H. Molso
and C. W. Palm. Lot 5, blk. 73, ori
ginal Townslto" of tho City of Mod
ford, Orogon, frontago 00 feet on
tho west bide of south Ivy street as
described In volume 119, pago C01 of
tho county recorder's recordH of Jack
son county, Oregon. 50 feet, rato
$ 1 25 $212,50.
Assessment No. 12. E. H. Molso
and C. W. Palm. Lot 0, blk. 73,
Original Townslto of tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on tho
west sldo of south Ivy stieet as de
scribed In volume 74, pago 517 of
tho county rocordor's records of Jack
son county, Oregon. 50 foot, trato
$L5, $212.50. -
Assessment No. 18. H. C, Stod
dard. Lot 1. blk. 7 1, Original Town
slto of tho City of Medford, Oregon
frontago 50 feet on the west sldo
af youth ! streot aH described In
volume 90, j-iiyp 522 of the county
recorder's i cords of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon. 00 feet, lato $4.25,
Assessment No, It. H. 0, Stod
dard. Lot 2, blk 71. Original Town
mto of tho Ctiy of Medford, Oregon,
fr-ntage 50 foot on tho west side of
south ivy street as described In
volume 90, pago 522 of tho county
rocorqoi'K records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 50 feet, rato $4.25, $212.50.
Assessment No, 15. II. C. Stod
dard. Lot 3, blk. 74, Orlglnul Tovvu-
site of tho City of Medford, Oregon,
frontago 60 feet on the west sldo of
south Ivy tstruot an described lu
volume 90. pago 622 of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 60 feet, rato $1 25, $212.50.
Assessment No. to 11. O. Stod
dard Lot I, blk, 7 I, Original Town
site of the City ot Medford, Oregon,
frontage 60 foot on the west sldo of
south Ivy stteet, as described In
volume 90, page 522 of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oiegon. 60 feet, mto $1 26, $212,50.
Assessment No. 17 II C Stod
dard. Lot 6, blk. 7 I, Oilglnal Town
slto of the City of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 60 foot on the vvett side of
south ivy stieet as dcscilbed In
volume 90, page 622 of the county
recorder's rccoids of Jackson count v,
Oregon. 50 feet, rato $1 25, $212.60.
Assessment No, IS lvin E.
Hallos. Lot t, blk 71, Original
Townslto of tluv Cits of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 50 feet on the west
side of south Ivy street as doscilbod
In volume 91, pago 7 of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon 60. feet, rate $1 25, $212 50
Assessmot No. 19.- Mueiia uuncii.
Lot 1, blk. 76, Original Townslto
of the City of Medford. Oregon,
frontago 50 feet on the west sldo of
south Ivy street aa described In
volume 77, pago 511 of the county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 50 feet, rato $t 25. $212.50.
Assessment No. 20. -J F. Hale.
Lot 2. blk. 75, Original lownslto of
the Cltv of Medford, Oregon, front
age 50 feet on tho west side of south
lvv streets as described In volume
92. pa
igo 39S of tho county record-1
.eords ot Jncksoa county.Ore-
er s re
con. 50 feet, rate $1 25. $212 50,
Assessment No. 21.- Lou P. Jones.
Lot 3. blk. 75. Original Townslto of
the City of Medford, Oregon, frontago
50 feet on tho west side of south Ivy
street as described lu volume 92, pago
132 of the county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oroiion. DO feet,
rate $4 25. $212.50.
Assessment No. 22 -Elizabeth
Moenkhouse. Lot , blk. 75. Ori
ginal Townslto of tho Cll of Medford.
Oregon, frontage 50 foot on tne wesi
side of south Ivy street as described
In volume 215. pago 032 of the coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 50 feet, rate $1.25,
Assessment No. sa. -rairicK wan)
Lot 5. blk. 75, Original Townslto of,
tho City or .Mcdioro, uregon, iroui
ago 50 feet on the west side of south
Ivy street as described In volume 42,
page 60S ot the county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Oregon.
50 feet, rate $4.25. $212 50.
Assessment No. 21. Patrick Pally.
Lot G. blk. 75. Original Townslto of
the City of Medford. Oregon, frontago
50 feet on the west side of south Ivy
streot as described In volume 12,
pago 60S of tho county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Orogon.
50 feet, rate $4.25, $212 50.
Assessment No. 25 - Sarah F.
Emerlck. Lot 1, blk. 76, Original
Townslto of tho City of Medford,
Orocon. frontago 50 foot on the west 1
side or South Ivy street as described
la volume S3, pago 52G of the coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 50 feet, rato $4.25,
Assessment No. 2tl. Sarah. F,
"' "' . !
Emerlck. The suuUr Vi of lot 2, blk
70, Original Towmlte of tho city of I
Medford, Oregon, frontngo 2ft icei , Tovvuslte of the City of .Medford, Or
011 the west side of south Ivy street ogon, frontage 50 feet on tho east
as described In volume 83, page 520 I Hdo ot South Ivy street, as described
or tho county recorder's records of 1 1 volume 89, page 162, of tho coun
Jnckson county. Oregon. 25 feet, , iy recorder's records of Jackson
rato $1.25, $100.25. county, Oregon. 60 feet, rato $1.25,
Assessment No. 27. W. L. Hnl-.$212 50,
ley. Tho north 4 of lot 2, blk. 70. Assessment No. IS Mrs. M. J.
Original Townslto of tho City or
ModVord, Orogon, fruutago 25 feet on
tho west aide or south Ivy street as
described In volumo 80, pago 32 ot
tho county recorder's records or Jack
son county, Oregon. 26 feet, rato
$1.25, $100.25.
Assessment No 28. W. L. Hal
Joy. I.ot 3, blk 70, Orlglnnl Town
site of the City of Medford, Orogon.
frontago 50 feet on the west side of
south Ivy slP'ot, as described In
volume 80, pago 32 of tho county re
corder's records of Jnckson county,
Orogon. 50 feet, rate $1.25. $100.25.
Assessment No. 29. M. L. Alford
Lot I. blk. 70. Original Townslto ot
tho City of .Medford, Oregon, front
age 50 feet on the west side of South
Ivy street, as described In volumo 01,
pago 72, of tho county rccorder'a
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
60 feet, rato $125. $212.60.
Assessment No. 30 M. L. Alford.
Lot 5. blk. 70. Original Townslto ot
the City of Medford. Oregon, front
ago 50 feet on the west sldo of South
Ivy street, as described In volumo 01,
page 72, of tho county recorder's
records of Jackson counts', Oregon.
50 feet, rato $1 2Ti. $212.50.
Assessment No. 31 M. L. Alford.
Lot . blk. 70, Original Townslto of
tho City of Medford, Oregon, front
ago 50 feet on the west sldo of South
Ivy street, as described In volumo 51,
pago 72. of tho county rocordor's
records1 of Jackson county. Oregon.
50 feet, rato $125, $212.50.
Assessment No. 32 JoHophliio
Itussell -Lot 7. hlk. 09. Original
Townslto of tho City of Medford, Or
ogon. frontago 50 feet on tho cast
side of South Ivy street, as described
lu volumo 03, pago 161, of tho coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Orogon. 50 feot, rato $1.25,
Assessment No. 33 josopnino
Itussell. Lot 8, block 09, Original
Townslto of tho City or Medrord, Or
egon, frontage 50 feot on tho oast
sldo of South Ivy street, us described
lu volumo 03 .page 151 of tho county
recorder's recoids of Jackson county,
Oregon, 50 feet, rato $1.25,
Assessment No. 84 Mlnorvu Nay
lor. Lot 9, blk. 09, Original Town
slto of tho City of Medford, Oregon,
frontago 60 feet on tho oast sldo of
South Ivy street, as described In vol
umo 01, pago 48(5, of tho county ro
cordor's recordH of Juckson county,
Oregon, 50 feet, rato $1.25,
Assessment No, 35 Mlnorvn Nay
lor. Lot 10, blk 09, Oilglnal Town
site of tho City of Medford, Oregon,
frontago 50 foot on tho oast Hldo of
South Ivy Htreot, as described lu vol
umo 01, pago 480, of tho county
iccordor's records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 50 feet, rato $1,25,
Assessment No 3fi F. E. Martin
Lot 11, blk. 09, Original Town- ol
tho City of Medford, Oregon, fi out
age 50 feet ou tlio cast Hldo of South
Ivy street, us described in volumo
51, pngo I2,s, of the county record
er's iccuiibt of Jackson county, Or
ctum, 50 reel, late $1,25, $212 50,
Assessment No. .17- F. l2. Mai tin,
Lot 12, blk, (It), Original Townslto of
tho City of Medfoid, Oiegou, front
ago 50 feet on the east sldo of South
Ivy street, as described In volume 51,
page 128, of l ho county ictoi dor's
records of Jackson county. Oicgon,
50 feet, rato $1.25, $212.50.
Assessment No !1S Harry O.
Stoddaid. Lot 7, blk. 70, Original
Townslto of tho City of Medford, Or
egon, ft outage 50 feet on tho oast
sldo of South Ivy uticct, iih described
In leg. .Kit of the county iccorder's
iccoids of Jacl.son county, Oiegon,
no feet, into $i an, $212.50,
Assessment No. .19 -Harry C
Stoddard Tho north half of lot K,
blk. 70. ot tho Original Townslto or
the Clt of Medfoid, Oregon, fiont
ago 25 feet ou tin cast side of South
Ivy street, as described In leg. page
3!M of tho count) rccm dec's records
of Jackson county, Oregon. 25 foot,
rato $1.26. $1015,26.
Assessment No. 10 liuts Kulpp.
Tho south half of lot n., blk. 70.
Original Townslto of tip City of
Medford, Oiegon, fiontage 25 foot
on the east side of South Ivy streot,
as described In volume 90, page 87,
of the county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 25 feet,
rato $1.25, $UU5.25.
Assessment No 1 1 - Louis Kulpp.
Lot ... blk. 70. Original Townslto ot
the City of Medford, Orogon, front
ago 50 feet on tho east sldo of South
Ivy stieet, as described In volume 90,
iiiiuo ST. of tho roitntv recorder's
records of Jackson county. Orogon.
;,n foot, rato $t 25, $212 50.
Assessment .i, 13 .mo
Pouough. Lot 10, blk. 70. Original
Townslto of the City of Medfoid, Or
egon, frontage 50 feet on the east
sine or sown ivy sueci, as tiotcriueti
In volume S7, page 171, of tho coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 50 feet, rato $1.25,
$212 60.
Assessment No. 13 -Lillian S.
Moore Lot 11. blk. 70, Original
Tbwnslto of the City of Medford, Or
egon, frontline 50 foot on the oust
sldo of South Ivy street, as described
In volume C. page 592, of the coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
couiitv, Oregon 60 foot, rate $t 25,
AKHessmciit N'o. I t Lillian S.
M(lori, (0t 2 , 70. Original
Townslto or the City of Medrord. Or
egon, frontago 50 feet on tho east
side ot South Ivy street, ns described
lu volume 15. page (II, or tho coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 50 feet, rato $1.25,
Assessment No. 15 First Freo
Methodist church of Medford. Lot
7. blk. 71, Original Townslto ot the
City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on the east side of South Ivy
street, as descrltKd lu volume 08.
pago 190, of tho county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
50 feet, rate $1.25. $212 50
Assessment No 10 Ellca J.
Lewis. Lot S. block 71. Original
Townslto or the City or Medrord, Or
egon, rroutnge 60 feet on tho east
side of Ivy street, as described lu
volume 73. pago 38S, of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 50 toot, rato $4.25, $212.50.
Assessment No. 17 lien. J. Trow
bridge Lot 9, blk. 71. Orlglnul
Powell. Lot 10. blk. 71, Original
Townslte of tho City of Medford, Or
egon, frontage 60 feet jm tho east
side of South Ivy street, as described
In volumo 55, pugo US', of. the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 60 feet, rato $1.25,
$212 50.
Assessment No. 49. W. I. Vavvier
and C. W. Palm Lot 11, blk. 71.
Original Townslto of the City of
Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet
on the cast side of South Ivy street,
as described In volumo 73, page 389.
of tho county recorder's recordH ot
Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feot,
rato $1.25, $212.50.
Assessment No. 60- W, I. Vawtor
and O. W. Palm. Lot 12, blk. 71,
Original Townnlto of tho City ot Med
ford, Oregon, frontago 60 feet 011 tho
cast side of South Ivy street, uh de
scribed lu volume 73, pages 373 and
3S9 of tho county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon. 60 feet,
rato $1.25, $212.50.
AssoHHinont No. 61 Sisters of tho
Holy Names of Jesus mid Mary, Lot
7, blk. 72, Original Townslto of the
City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 60
feet 011 tho oast Hldo of South Ivy
street, aH described In volumo ,
pago . of tho county reoordor'a
recoids of Jackson county, Oregon.
60 feot. rato $1 26. $212,50.
Assessment No. 52 Sisters of tho
Holy Names or Jesus and Mary. Lot
8. hlk. 72, Original Townslto or the
City or Medford, Oregon, frontage
50 feet mi tho east sldo of South ivy
street, aH described In volumo ,
pago , of tho county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon
60 feet, rato $1 26, $212 50,
Assessment No. 63 Sisters of tho
Holy Namea or Jchiih and Mary. Lot
9, blk. 72, or tho Original Town-rite
of tho City of Medford, Oregon,
frontago 50 feet on tho oast sldo ot
South Ivy stieet, as described lu
volumo , pago , or tho county
recorder h recoids or Jackson county,
Oregon. 60 reel, rato $1.25, $212.60,
Assessment No, 51 Slstors or tho
Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Lot
10, blk. 72, Original Townslto of tho
City of .Medford, Oregon, rrontago 50
feot on tho east sldo of South Ivy
street, as doscilbod In volqiuo .,
pago - , of tho county rocordor'H rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon, 50
foot, ratb $4.25, $212,50.
AHHosHinont No, 65 Slstors of tho
Holy Names of Joiuis and Mary. Lot
11, blk, 72, Oiighml Townslto of tho
City of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50
feet on tho oast sldo of South Ivy
street, iih described lu volumo -,
pago , of tho county rocordor'H
tocords of Jackson county, Oregon,
50 root, rato $4.25, $212,60.
Assessment No. 60 SIstorH of tho
Holy Names of Jesim and Mary. Lot
12, bile. 72, Original Townslto of tho
Ct- of Medfoid, Oregon, frontago
' ) feot on the east Hldo of South Ivy
Hi root, iih described In volumo ,
pago , of tho county tocordor'H rec
ordH of Jackson county, Oregon, 50
foot, rute ?L20, ?212,5Q,
Assessment No. 67 (leo. (1, Shir
ley. A paicol or land at the south
east como.' of Twelfth mid Ivy
streets, coiupiislng tho north 00 feet
of a pin eel nun Iced "P. M." n the
cltv plat, having a froulagcj of 0(1
reel on tho cant nlrio of South Ivy
Htreet, described lu lop. pago tilt) or
(ho county leroitler'H iccoids or
Jnckson county, Oreaoii. 00 feet,
rato $1.25, $255.
Assessment No. 68 --(leo. O. Sh r
ey. A parcel ot land 100 root by
ill) feot beginning at a point on (ho
east lino of South Ivy street, thence
south (50 feot nloug the east Hue of
South lvv stieet, and extending east
1 nil fool lo tho alloy west of blk. 3,
Helm's Addition, having a rroiitago
or 00 feet ou the east side of South
Ivy stieet, dcscilbed In icg page 109
of the county locoiriorn icconbi or
Jackson county, Oiegou. 00 feet.
rato $4 25, $255.
Assessment No. 69 Phillip H
Crowley. A parcel of laud beginning
at a point on tho east line of South
Ivy street 10 feet south or the
south Hue of Twelfth street, ruunliiK
thence south 60 feet along the emit
lino of South Ivy street, thonco east
100 feet, thence north 60 foot, thuwio
west 100 feet to tho place of begin
ning1, having a frontage of 50 foot
on the east side or sown ivy ncn-m.
as described lu reg. page 95 of the
county recorder's recoids of Jack
son county, Oiegou. V.0 feet, rale
ar.. $212 r.o ,
Assehsiuent no mi- .vgai'i ...
are. A parcel of land beginning at
a point 170 feet south of the south
line of Twelfth stieet. running
thence south 60 root along the east
lino or South Ivy street, thonco east
100 feet, thonco north .10 feot. thonco
100 toot west to the place of begin
ning, having n fiontage or 60 feet
011 the east side of South lvv ntret.
as dcHcilbcd In reg page 630 or the
county recoider'M records or Jackson
county, Oregon. 60 feet, ralo $1.26,
$212 60.
Assessment No 01 F La Houolio
a nnt-1-..l of limit Itt'itluuliiK at a point
220 reel south ot the south lino or
Twelfth street, thetico running south
50 feet on the east line of South Ivy
Htreet, thenco east 100 feet, thence
north 50 feet, thence west 100 feet
to the place of beglnnlim'. having a
rrontago of 60 feet ou tho natl sldo
of South Ivy street, as described In
reg. page 632 of the county record
er's records of Jaokson county. Ore
gon 50 foot, rnte $4 25, $212 50
Assessment No 02 A. L Mar
quis A pnreol ot laud beginning at
a point on the east line of South Ivy
street 270 feet south of the south
lino of Twelfth street, running
thenco south 19 feet along the east
lino of South Ivy street to the north
line of South Park Addition and ex
tending thence west 100 feel to tho
west lino of the alloy east of hlk. 3,
Holm's Addition, having a frontago
of 50 feot 011 the east side of South
ivy btrcet, as described III reg. pngo
582 of the county recorder's records
or Jackson county. Oregon. 19 feet,
rate $1 26, $20S 25.
AsMmsiucnt for private drives:
Louts Kulpp Ono drive, $1151
St Mary's AcademyOne drive,
Suction 2. Tho recorder of tho
City of MuiUord Is hereby directed to
enter a statement ot the nnessmenti
hereby made In the Pocket of City
Lions, atfd lo give notice, by publi
cation ns required by tho charier ami
Ordlnanro No. 250 lu the Medford
Mali Tribune, a newspaper published
and of general circulation lu said
The roregolng ordinance was pass
ed by tho ity council or the City of
Medford. Orogon, on the 10th day
of July. 1912, by the following vete:
Watt absent, .Mitchell aye. Emerlck
nyo, Campbell aye, Millar aye, awl
Suuitncrvillo aye.
Approved July 10, 1912.
W If. CANON, Mayor.
Attest: E. T FOSS,
City Recorder.
To tho owner, or reputed owner,
of oicch parcel or property described
In the roregolng ordinance, as named
therein, and lu tho lien declared hs
said ordinance as recoided lu the
docket or city Hens:
You nro hereby notified that the
asseflHtnent declared by tho foregoing
ordinance has been made awl the
lien therefor entered hi th" city Hen
docket, and that the same Is duo awl
you aro heroby required to pay the
same to tho city recorder within leu
riavs from the service of Ibis notice,
which service Is niado by publication
or tho foregoing ordlnnnco and thin
notlco ono lime lu the Medford Mall
Tribune, a newspaper published and
of general circulation lu said city,
pursuant to an order of tho city
council of said city.
City Uoporder,
Clark 6c Wright
Public Land Matters: Final l'rtidf.
Posort Lands, Content awl Mining
Cuhoh. Scrip.
Steam and Hot Wator
All Wmlc Oiiiiruiitciiil
ll'lt-'OII l(t'IUIUIl.tllU
3S Kowsrd niook, Satrnnco on Oth Ht.
Paclflo aoai. Home aiu.
Crater Lake
Auto Line
Car will loavo Hotol Medford, for
Crater Lake at 8 a, m, Tuosdayn awl
Saturday. Return Mondays mid
Bjiond Siiwln- at Crater Lake.
HosurvatloiiH imirio at Medford
Hotel offlco,
1 -i, .": jt
itOIIO Feet of Llicuscil I'IcIwcn 11(11)0
Admission 10 awl 16 cunts.
Comedian - liiiieisoualoi',
PiiweulliiK 11 comedy singing and
talking mil.
Singer - Coinorilonun'
Smiio songs - Home wufriiobo
Western ill num.
Si'o tho Cbluiiiuuu cook lopluced by
a charming sitting lady.
A iitoirs -maker whmo gloom
Spoctal itiallueciH every Saturday mid
Sunday at 2 p. in.
Evening performance, 7:30
Perfect Ventilation awl Comfort
DON'T LOOK at tho tlioriuoiwititr
.Como where It's cool and look. at
our pictured.
S I'Et'l A 1. :
Extra added alt ruction
(tiiuriiuti'cit to bo tho genuine photo
play of the capture or these
notorious outlaws
I1ESIPES the gorgi-ous two-roll
2000 feet of wes'torn drainu-a whirl
wind of emotions throughout
A clever lougbouso comedy
A "Solax" drama of uuusuul iwiilt.
A couiudy full of excitement and
AL H.TIIEi(in sow;
WOOLWOIITIIS -tho musician
Admission lOo Children 60
Money on hand nt all tiinim
to loan on improved ranches
and city property at lowest
rales with "on or heforo
Phono 3231 320 G -C. Bldg.
Medford Parcel
Express and Transfer
PACKAGES lOo, 15c, 25o
Home 354
Messenger Service
J5N.j7ir. '
Hell I'hoiio Mala 5012, 422 W.Man,
Wo curry a veiy coiniilcln linn ot
llllll)il'H. Illl'll (Mil till IIH, flVtllll'H, (ltd ,
niul do all cIiishi'h of ujiliolHtnrliiic A
siHclitl limn (irluolc artnr UiIh work
exclusively nnil will glvit iim gootl
ski'vIi'o uh in iiiiHstbin lo Ki't in iivcn
lliri mi-gust ulili's,
Wooks & MqGown Co.
v M rV-?frrfi j