MEDFORD MATL TltrnutflD, MKDFOUD, OlfKOON, K1MIMV, JHjY If), 1912. PXGE THU101!! MINERS' KRESS OPENS IN YREKA MANY PRESENT Mining ('oiii'.M'HH opened Imro morning. noli'Kiillnnii mo YRHKA, fill., .Inly IU.--TI10 Noilluiiii ('nllfdiiilii-Hdiillioin Oiogon thin pll'HOIlt fioin AmIiIihiiI, (IiuiiIh mid Modfonl. There In an vliihotnto il Inplay of mineral. Tin following Ih tho pro I'.riuii! Friday, .Inly in, morning homiIou, 11:45 a. in. Ail(ln-H of Wolroino by Mayor V. V. Ilnrliain. Ht'iipouiin liy II, I,, HtirrliiKi'r, Pronlduiit. Opening uddrewi "HlMklyou Coun ty." II. K. Collier. Vroldt. AdilrcM- "lology of Hlnklyon nintrliil," lion. C. II. Wnliion, AhIi Intnl. Add nut -".Mining (iciiiirally." !. W. I'nltiirnoii, Mt'.lfonl. Addrciw "Limning of tint Public l.aniU," It. II Purlieu, AmIiIihiiI. Appointing of Convention Commit li'i'it. Afternoon muuIoh, -' o'clock. Addrex --".Mining In Jwioplilue County," W, tf. Huron, i:. M. Klrliy. AddroM "Mollior I.oilo of Northern California," lion, John DiiKKi'tt. Illnck Hoar Aililri'VN "Fri'iikn In Oro I)i" POhIU," C. J, Doxtir, AhIiIiiihI. Addrcnn Huhjert to tut choHon, O. il, Hlaiu'tiunl, (Irani n Pun. AildroK "Mow to P.ucoiirnKo Mln Iiik." I'rof. II. M. Parka, Ktnto Mln orulogUt of Oregon. Kvmilng mi'nhIoii! S o'rlock. Selection ly Vrt'ka Mrnnn llnml. AddrcM by Hon. W. II. Htornm, Btalo MlnornlngUt of Cnllfornln. Selection liy Ymka llntHii Hnnd. Adilrctm "Copper Honource of HIihkU Comity and the Copper Mar k't." M. K. Dlltinar. Holding. Hnturdny. July SOth, forenoon, U:.'I0 o'clock. Addri'M "Leaning of Public l-andn," I.. H. Mnhnn Portland. Adilr'mi--"l,roiipi,rlliiR for tho tin iihuiiI." H. W. French. Corvalllii. Adilrmn "Tim Morlln Dlntrlct," W. M. Richard. Merlin. HunlnoH Meeting Report of Conitnlttnt'i, Adjournment. Afternoon. Anton leave Convention llradquar lor for Hcott Valley at t p, in. Vliltnrn wlnhtng to Ko milHt tin prompt. Reception nt Ktna and Fort Jonon. Panning, 8 o'rlork. Free Entertainment ami Farewell Reception, Ill M TWO m m w GET SIMON JOB Tln Clark & llonory conntriictloii roniiaiiy hn Jimt been awarded a largo contract at Kltverton, Oro., for paving. Tim coinpnuy entered thn IIhIh ugalnnt nnveral other companies lint woro hiiccchhIiiI In landing the work. " The company hid f I 7ti a nqiniro yanl for pavement they have lieen laying In Med ford at $1.71. They nro gradually extending their opera tlonn throughout the Wlllanietto val ley. WILSON APPOINTS COMMITTEE McCOMBS NAMED CHAIRMAN I THE HARVEST BE? Muml lioyM whole nro you going, WIioio will you npond Hun-day? We'll uiako a dead awoli allowing If you'll only point the way. Our heal tn aro net on pleanimi Come, hoyn, lt'n up to you, Cool initio FiiIIh on the P. A. B. Cool Coli-ntln on tho old H. P. Oh I Hand hoyn where you aro going? Adapted from popular air. Two largo oxcundon will ho run Hominy from Modfonl each of which will afford tho pcoplo of Med foul a nploudld chauco to encnpo from tho city for a day and enjoy thomnelvPH In tho hllln. Tho Pacific & Kanteru Iimh arraiiKed an oxcurnloit to llutto Falln and iho Houthoru Pacific, to Colentln. Tho fare In oach Inntanco In $1 for tho loiiml trip. Tho iitlYactlonn at each place differ Mini" what hut are admittedly a Hlatid off. Colentln Iimh nprlugn, llutto Falln a mountain Htrciim. To choone tho nuperlor ptnro from a ncuulc ntaudpolnt would ho hard Indeed. All of which wan recognized liy tho local official of tho two roailn who arranged tho exciirnlon. A. H. Ilonenliauin of tho H. P. could not decry the merlin of llutto Falln, nei ther could Jon Parker decry tho merllH of Colentln, It looked like n "lake your cholco" proportion when Itonry had a hunch. Ho would take the hand! Ho ho fared forth to ncj the hand thought every thing wan nettled. Then a dlnpute arono. Director I tow oil of tho hand demanded cer tain coucennlonn. Honey refuned Here wan where Joo ntepped In and made a lenntroke. Ho negotiated with Howell for thn hand and Howell nald tho hand would go to Hutto Falln. Now tho hand In nald liy nomn of tho inemhorn to he n (Unorganized or ganization and when Honey heard they wore going to llutto Falln ho got himy. Momhern of the hnnd worn offered $ft each to go to Colentln and nomn of the hoyn nald they would go. And thero you are. Haudinanter Howell ntated today that thn hand wan not (Unorganized and that ho had made nrrnngementn to go to llutto Falln and thero tho band would go. Hiuiday will tell tho tale. In thn meantime both roadn are advertising that they will take 'ho hand along. Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. BUTTE FAILS HAS E A U Several prominent e(ual nuffrago workern of thn city lnlted llutto Falln Tlmrnday and nnnlnted tho ladlcn of that ncrdon In organizing an eiiial nufrage club. The club han a largo membership and prnmlncH to conduct a rapid flro campaign Mrn. J, Cadzow In prenl dent of the organization and Mrs. I.eola Htoddard, nccrelary. HKAdlllT, July 10,- (Jovomor WIIhoii tonight named tho democratic campaign committee which will have nupremo charge of hln campaign. It couulntH of fourteen niombern, with W. F. Mc.CombH chairman. Tho mom limn are: It. H. Hudnpoth of Now Jomey; JoHoplniH Danlola, Wlllanl Hnulnhury, of Delaware: Kohert L. Kwlng- or LouIhIiiiiu; A. M. Palmer of PoiiUHylviinla; J. 10. DiivIh of Win connlni Will H. King of Oregon; HenatorH (loro of Oklahoma, O'dor in an of Now York and Heod of Mln nourl; HoproHentntlvoH MoMUIIr.ndy of Mnlno, lluilenon of Toxaa and Mu A too of Now Yoik. SWISS MINISTER IS TOURING NORTHWEST I'OHTIiANI), .Inly U. Dr. Paul Uitlor, iiiliilHtor from Swileiluiul to Hie Uuiteil Status, today is in Port liinil. Ilo is on a tour of the west to htuily condition prevalent iiuieiil: the Swiss roMilniits iiiul to gain mi idea of what el'fwit tlie oimiiiIiik of Hie I'nuiima camil will luivo on iniinigru tiou to tlm Piioil'io eoiist. Ho loaves tonight for Scuttle 1,081 ANOKIiKsf Cnl., July I '. J. U, Smith of Detroit, fill, arrlvod lioruto(!uy to trulii forvtho ton mile rnciHio will run agaliiHt a relay team of ten otlior Q, A. It. votoraiiH nt thu I, oh AngoleH oncampinont In Boptoni hor, Tho ruco In for a $1000 nldo NFW YOHK, .uly 1! -AdiulttliiR that their chief tank In to got men who will bo able to rnlno campaign fundn, the republican national sub committee hold an exocutlvo confor oiico nt tho Waldorf Astoria Hotel hero today. Tho Huh-commtttoo planned to choone nu ndvlHory and an executive committee and a treasurer. Tho udvlnory conimltteo will domlnato tho campaign. (liy A. C. Howlntt.) Louis K, Hmilli Mini Mrs. I ) ; i i -' Kveus ueiit to AkIiIiuiiI the first of Hid wee to visil her mother. Miss ('htihliitnu I lei fit of Medfoiil enlli'd Inst Monday. She is cniiviiss iuj: for a hook, "Past, I'lesent mil FiiIiiiu." Mrs. (hxinu's is having the iuteiior of Hie Kugle Point Imlcl eliiiiiL-cil. Messrs, Colo unit Hryaiit uiii lining the woik. Mr. .leuel, of the Klk Creek liateh ery, was in our town Tuesday. Mr. Kiker of Agate has been nell iiitr loganheirii'i in our town the past week". Mrs. Ollie Mi-I'herhoii nee Ollie Nichols of I'oiHniiil, is hete iitinj.' her piiieuts Mr. ami Mrs, Thomiis Nichols. .lack McCnoid is to stmt Tliursilay for San Frnncihco. Thu eoiniuiltee of nrrnnxcinciits fur the (I. A. It. met hern TiicmIiiv ami iniiile Hie iiiraiigciiientri for the re union of the onr ilivihious of Hie onler to meet here September 211, Coinmiinilcr V. S. (Imtit of (Iriiiits Push, l.ieiitenaut ('(ilinicl Morris of Itock Point, ami (juartennnster John WatkuiH were the principal officers present, ami Isaac Wolf of Mcilford, were auioiiLr the visitors Hint I know of, besides unite n number of our local members. A uenernl committee of arrangements was appointed eon nifting of John Wntkiiis, A. .1. Florcy mill (1. II. Wauisley ami they are empoweieil to appoint siib-eomiuit-tees. There was also, a committee of five Indies appointed to have gen eral supervision of the culinary Je partment that is to wee that every body lias a-plenty to eat ami take general hiiR'rvision of ami manage incut of the entire atlairsiieli as up jMijiitini: committees to bring in vit mils for (linucrr, look after the musi cal program. The committee is coin IMiseil of Mrs. It. (5. Ilrnwn, Mrs. Frank Salter, Mrs. fl. W. Owings, Mrs. Frank drown ami Mrn. M. ).. Unity iiiul now if those five ladies can't atlenil to the a f fairs of u little thing like liuvini; eight hundred or a thousand old soldiers on our hands for about a week, why it's not worth while for any set of ladies to under take the job I'orr I tell you they will do it ami do it right. Thu visiting committee when they ennui to look over the ground for the encampment decided that our park was just the proper place to meet. They cxect to have a program for every day ami among the most inter esting attractions will be the speech-1 bv the commanding officer ami our ton ii mayor. The 1. & K. II. It. company huc put another force of men at wirk on their road and nro going to place it in good condition. Mr. Ovemuel, one of the stage driv ers mi the Kagle Point-Prospect route, came out Tuesday evening so as to drive the trip Wednesday ami riiursduy while Hoy Willets, the con tractor mid driver went to Medfonl on business. Miss Anna I'nrucker and Miss Zel da V. Clifford of Medfonl eame out, spent thu night nt the Sunny Side ami took passage on the Kagle Point Prospect stngn for the Knynrt ranch to take mi outing. Miss i'uriieker enmu from Pennsylvania about a year ago ami is engaged as one of the teachers in the Medfonl schools, ami Miss Clifford is also from the siimu state hut has been here for two years. They both talk as though they may go hack hut seem to like this country Unite well. .1. I). Me Anile ,lml 11. M. Ctoss stoppeil Tuesday evening for supper. Mr. Uos ih circulating n iKitition to have a new road opened up through or near his laud north of Kaglu Point. Kverytwulyn DoIiir It. Doing what? (letting rendy for thn Colentln ex curHlou Sunday, Juno 21. Leave 8 n. in. roturn "When crowd wants to" Hound trip faro one dollar. Modfonl band goes along. Special trains, both ways, personally conductod. 1 niVERSiPE ripples : Farmers in tliis ieinilv are juU about Hitougli hnyiiig. Mr. I. T. dnl Igar of the Del Rio has an unusually heavy hay crop. He put up about ". tons last week. Mr, ami Mrs. Walil of Medfonl me out on lli'-ir place this week. Mr. Walil who wolks in the Jackson Co. bank is enjoying his yearly mention. Al Woolverlon arrived from New Mexico Tiicsiliiy l visit at the home of his parents ami to recuperate his health, Ilo is juxt up from a six weeks' illness of lplioid t'vver. (leu. .Jacobs who has been alteiiditi Ames Agricultural college in Iowa is here for Hie summer vacation ami is cutting trees on his land preparatory to setting out an onhmd as soon as practicahle. Mr. ami Mrs. Ljnn Smith were out from Oolil Hill Sunday am) spent the ilav at the Sleml home. II. M. Nye is picking his emly peache this week. Messrs. Hitter ami Wmlveitoii each look loads of farm produce to Medfonl the past week. Misses Huth nml Mary Walla -e arrived from Council llluffs, Iowa, Thursday evening and expect to re turn the latter part of August to resume their school duties in Omaha ami Council Uluffs. Mi. Klliott'H nephew Mr. Antic, of Medfornl is here on a short visit. Mr. Chaplain had quite n loss Mon day. A haystack, containing about 80 tons of hay, burned down. The origin of the fire is unknown. MANY CTIONS SEI FIGHT FIRE BLIGHT AND LOSE CROPS According to ndvlccn received by Profcnnor O'Oara vMt destruction of fruit ban occurred all over the coun try by flro blight thin year. The ravages luivo been heavy In many HcctloiiH and reipieHtn for advice from tho local expert and demands for literature Innued by O'Oara aro being dally received by wire and mall. Hut little damage han occurred In tho Hoguo Illver valley, where blight In under good control, duo to the ef ficient patrol of orchards by owners and Inspectors and prompt action fol lowing the discovery of Infection. Hllght In working havoc among 2f square miles of apples and pears In Hrlllnh Columbia, where It In making Its first appearance. Ignorance of effective methods of fighting It Is too blatno for Its npread. In Idaho nil pears and some apples aro affected, and unless prompt ac tion follows many thousands of acres of orchard wilt be lost. In California blight made Its ap pearance early In the spring In many districts but prompt action by au thorities has controlled Its ravages. In somo districts tho crop of this year Is seriously affected. In tho Milton and Freewater dis tricts In Washington, and In other districts, considerable damage has been done, but effective fighting has diminished tho ravages. In Montana, where blight Is a new Importation, practically all tho pears QUARTERLY MEETING SERVICES AT FREE METHODIST CHURCH jam, crab a,')pc8 havo Buffered heav ily, and some other varieties of ap "" " " "' " ,v-' '"".' ,,e are also affected. of Portland) now residing on West !n Georgia the pear Main street, Medfonl, will conduct ipiarterly meeting services at the Free Methodist church, comer 10th nml Ivy streets this evening mid Sat unlay evening nml .Sunday. .Sunday services, Sunday school II :30 a. in. I.ovc feast 10 n. in., sermons 11 a. ui. nml 8 p. m. Come thou with us ami we will do thee good. .1. W. Sharpe. pastor. CAIU) OF THANKS. To tho Modern Woodmen, neigh bor and friends who contributed licautlful flowers, and who assisted tin at tho tlmo.of death and burial of our dear son, wo wish to extend our heartfelt ihnnks. .MR. and MRS. C. V. DOW AND FAMILY. FRECKLES crop Is a total failure and many of the pear or chards destroyed. I Mcdford Printing company carry full lino of legal blanks. f Mitral Ml Df Rfhool for Girl In chri of llltn of HUJoha DptUt lEplKrli CII,IH. AcUaali t Z!,mnUrr Dtputatau, I Mult. Art. EltnU. arntuliB. I For rUle t.Mm THE CISTEB HUrCItlOB I OrnreZ.nt. mien I Kill New Drug Tlint Quickly Hcmoes llivso Homely Spots Thoro's no longer tho slightest need of fooling ashamed of your freckles, bb a new drug, othlne a? Fm The Little Doctor For Sore Throat get Mac Laren's Mustard Cerate "tho little doctor." Hotter than camphorated oil, tur pentine or lard. Gives prompt re lief from pain and congestion. Your druggist has Mac Laren's fi,u,.irl rimtnnr pnn -n If fnr ... ... . .. t ... .. .t. w. wm. n. - -w. uouuio strcngin nas oeen uiscovcrca.yoU( Two szes 25 and 50 cent that positively removes theso homely Jars. Get a jar today. Keep It in spots ho hotiBC. It has a multitudo of Simply get one ounce of othlne- - ?& 2 f&ttir doublo strength, from nny first class , thnn a ,nilh,Iinl ..laster for anything druggist In Mcdford and apply a lit tle of It nt night, and In tho morn ing you will see that oven tho worst freckles havo besun to disappear, while tho lighter ones havo vanished entirely. It Is seldom that moro than an nunco is needed to completely clear tho ukln and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Ho sure to ask tor tho doublo strength othlne. as this Is sold un der guarantee of money back if it falls to remove freckles a mustard plaster's good for. Insist on tho Original MAC LARHNS 2 WILL NOT BLISTER. Accept No Substitute Mcdford Pharmacy and other druggists. ICE CREAM PURE and WHOLESOME AT Till-: RIGHT PRICK In cartoon. 25 cents por quart. 25 cents extra for packers of any size up to one gallon. Any order ovor one gallon at $1 por gallon. Deliveries of packers to any part of tho city. Ico cream served at tho creamery at 5 cents per dish. Medford Cream 51 Butter Co. Y ? f T ? ? t y ? ? ? y y y y ? t t Don't coinparo our now Bungalow Cottages to thu ones that were put up during thu JIUKRY-UI days horo two or thruo years ago. Somo of these houses that wero built cheap and quick have a hard timo holding together at present. We build tho best houses in town and our prices are thu low est, and tbuy sell quick. That is our best ad. H, E. GATES ROSE AVE. r y f y y y : t y y f t y y y y y w IL New and Second and Lumber for Salo Cheap. We aro tearing down our warehouse buildings on railroad property opposite Southern Pacific pns denger station and are offenng for salo material taltcn therefrom at very low prices. FRUIT BOXES Berry, peach, pear ant apple boxes for sale cheap. We have an assortment of boxes which wo desire to dispose of sit once at very attractive prices. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY Call at factory opposite Sd. Pac. passenger station. Notice to Water Users Commencing today, July 17th, tho use of water for sprinkling will lie restricted to the fol lowing districts during the hours designated until further netice: All that portion of the city north of the center of Alain street from 3 p. m. to 9 p. in. only. All that portion of tho city south of thu center of Alain street from 4 a. iil to JO a. m. only. Irrigating with open hose or allowing water to run from any tap or faucet for irrigating with out using a hose on which there is a sprinkler or a nozzle, is an offense and punishable as cited in ordinance No. 669. The above rules will be most rigidly enforced. GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by expert snlesmcnf Do you want the BEST PRICES the Pacific Coast tnnrkct af fords? Do you want to line up with "The House of a Square Denlt" If so, Ret in touch with us NOW. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Home 307 ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (Sb Storage Co. SUNDAY EXCURSION TO Colestin Springs and Return VIA THE ONB PARE ROUND TRIP W SUNSET I OGDEN&SHASTAI I I V ROUTES I I Special Tralu from GruutB I'a33 SUNDAY JULY 21 Another popular oxcurslon by Special Train to Coloatln and re turn front Grants Pass and Intonnctlliito points will bo run by tho S. P. leaving Grants Pasa at G;30 a. tn Medford 8:00, Ashlaud 8:40 a. in. Arriving Colcstlu lOjao a. m. Returning loavo Coles tin 7:00 p. m. For faros, leaving tlnio from any station, seo hand bills or call ou uoarest agout. JOHN M. SCOTT, Gonoral Passongur Agent. x