h .(i wv Hi ;! i l R If If "PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD,. OREOON, FIND AY, .JULY 1D. 1012. J-' PERSONAL Will Smith who wns appointed by .ludgo Calkins of the circuit court to mnlto tho r.lohutiti In the Old Chan nel Mlno has gone to Merlin, from which point ho will take tho stage to CI nil ce, there p carry out tho orders of tho court. He thought that. It would rnqulrn from a week to ten days to recover all tho gold from tho sluice hojoa and riffles. Tliu gold Is to ho prqducod In court and flistrl The threp Francisco hoy Walter and AVnyno and Ross and Frank llogers,ot Medford have loft with a team of draft horses en route to eastern Oregon whero they will look over tho country with n view to homestcadlng. Hammocks, sporting goods, hluo flame, ordorlcss oil stoves, refrigera tors, etc. Prices right. Shaplelgh Hardware Co,, 2$ South Central. Delbort Morrison of Beagle and Mr. Deck and Mr. Caldwell of North Medford began hauling ore last Mon day from the ttuzzard mine on Elk crook to Central Tolnt. J. C. Alnsworth, president of the United States National bank of Port land, accompanied by Mrs. Alns worth will bo tho guest of Mr. and " Mrs. K. H. Hopkins on a trip to . Crater 1-ake leaving Friday evening. The ladles of the M. E. church South, will give an Ice cream social on the church lawn, Friday evening Everybody .invited. 101 Tho first shipment of peaches from the valley this season was sent out by the Ashland Fruit and Pro duco Association last Tuesday. The shipment consisted of a few boxes of Alexanders and wore sent to Port land. The number of Alexanders raised In the valley Is small and car load shipments will not bo made un til the Early Crnwfords come in, which will be about tho middle of next month. Pasturago at Isaacs' ranch. 59-1 It.-4. ft. A. Proudfoot a former well known citizen of Southern Oregon died' at Portland on Wednesday of last week. Proudfoot operated the Medford electric light plant In the early days and sold It to the city when she tried municipal ownership to tfilo electric business. He after wards engaged in the restaurant business In Portland and accumulated considerable property. Cherries, fresh picked. Hum phrey's, 815 Main, phone 3094 E. Jf. Watt of Calico Is showing some fine copper which he seenred from mining: property in tho Silver creek country. The smelting wa done in a small hand forge and was consequently not a perfect test, but ho secured one pound of coper to two hundred pounds of ore. and the one pound of copper carried $10 In gold. Ho has ore which ho states ruii nlnenty per cent copper and car rying good gold values. Moved to 31 N. Grapo street Tho Medford Conservatory for music and languages. G, Talllandler, director. Open all summer. Mrs. R. L. Wilson of Deal Lane has Teturned from a protracted visit at Chicago where she went early in May to attend tho wedding of hor son, Richard Wilson, Jr., who re cently -wedded one of the charming daughters of the windy city. Mrs. Wilson was fortunate- In escaping from tho middle west Just a day or two in advance of tho dreadfully hot wave which has lately been visiting that section. The cooling evening breezes of southern Oregon however, aro wcJcotrio" to her after a few weeks of ordinary Illinois weather. We pay' 25 cents In trade for fresh' ranch eggs. Also groceries sold at right prices at C. L. Earsley's Cash Grocery, No. 2. West Jackson street Preliminary stepB for the annual Rogue River -valley fair to be held in this city In September will be taken at n mooting of tho directors to bo held tonight at the Hotel Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Forney of Brooksflold, Mo,, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Qr Burgess of this city. Beds. Bods, Bods, $1.00 per weo'k at tho' Park. Vlow Hotel, 123 South Holly.", , , , H2 Dr. Ji E. Stricktell, Dr. C. W. Schmidt, Jr., and Leo Wallace of San Francisco have returned from a vlBlt to Crator Lake much pleased with tho trip. Wanted to trado acreage In Oak dalo Park addition for a small houso and lot In Medford. W. II. Ever MtA, 1013 W. 9tn, phono CC71. W. R. Coleman and C. W. Patter son left Thursday to attend tho min ing' congress at Yroka. S A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. V. & H. hldg. J, H. Mossier hatf loft for a camp ing trip to tho Applegate. V. C. Wallace hns returned from an automobile trip to Grants Pass, Mrs. W. G. Goffo and Miss Cordelia nro vlcltlng, friends In Medford from Central Pojnt. Mr. mid Mrs. T. E. Daniels are ex pected to arrive home thls evening from an automobllo trip to Portland. H, 'M. Parks of the Oregon Agri cultural College spout a few hours In Medford Thursday. Mo Is at tho head of tho mining department. 12. D. Weston, commercial photog raphorn, negatives made any time or placo by appointment. Phone M, 1 171 B. F, Mulkey has, returned from a Bhort business trip to Hutto Falls. F. J. Newman Is at Yroka attend ing tho Oregon-California mlng con gress. Prof. P. J. O'Gara has returned from a business trip to Ashland. Soo It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man,, over Jackson County Rank. Mrs. Magglo Evans who Jcft some weeks ago for Seattle expecting to remain unUl September has returned homo, owing to her desire to get back Into the Rogue River valley. Mrs. Mary Peters of Williams Creek Is visiting Medford friends. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposlto book store, Samuel Rosenburg and wife and Col. Green and wife of San Francisco motored from Seattle and are now at their bungalow on tho Rear creek orchard for the summer. Berlin the ladles' tailor says to the ladles of Medford, "Get the Habit." Wear a Berlin Tailored Suit for your own sake. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Curkln. Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Dr. and Mrs. Hearst of Central Point were recent visitors in Med ford. Jack Samuels was a recent busi ness visitor In this city from Cen tral Point. Mr. and Mrs- Ira L. Gleason have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. H. Henry In this city. The funeral services of John E. Hart will be held from tho Knights of Pythias Hall Saturday.Rev. W. T. Goulder oficlating. Interment In I. O. O. F. cemetery. NUN N m MCK PMG Although the cilv council ordered tlio improvement of Wct KUncutli Mrtel hv puxiuir nt the liit regular session of the council it failed to dis pone of the mutter. Now a nunih.M of property owners nro thrpntcnintf injunction prococdinmn "JT the cily prepares to jjo nlieml with the work, Hiiiminy thnt n majority of the pro perty owner on tin street tin not uVmiv the improvement age of 132 R feet on the west sldo of , South Newtown street as described in milium a i, iugo i u or IIIO Willi ty Recorders records of Jnrksotl County. Oregon, 132.5 "ft.. rhto $t,23, Stit'.O. IS. Assessment No. to Win 11. Ham lin. A parcel of land In tills. :t. Hair's addition situated ut tho north west corner of the Intciwcllun of South Newtown and West l'our tconth streets having- a frotitngo of 152 feet on tho west side of South Newtown street as described In vol nnie , page. , of tho Coitutv Recorder' rot orris of Jackson Coun ty, Oregon. 152 ft, into $1.23. ffil2.Dfi. Assessment No. II A. M. Parker, tiot 1 of the Parker Place Addition of the City of Medford, Oregon. huv-S tug a frontage or flu. , feet on the west side or South .Wwjown street ns described In Ug. pue S.V. of the County Hecordcr'H rocordH or .luck son County. Oregon, 57 ft , into II 23, s 1 1. II. Assessment No. 29-1. I). Thomas, A parcel of laud lu hit 1, Burr's Ad dition marked "0. M." on the official plat of tho City of Medford. Oregon, having n frontage of ISO feet on the omit side of South Newtown at root iih (tcscriiiul lu volume 7:1. page ill" unri . Who., the petition forpnvio cuuc I tZ 'ft 'ra in it was neennipunictl hy a protect. . j $;jfi3.5:t. -Neither petition hud n mnjonlv of the properlv fronting on the .street, niiinv property owner refu-iioy: to xfcn one way or the other. The coun cil acted on the mutter oi-ricrim; the street pa veil. The council qplit on the question, Suinmerville. .Millar nud Campbell voting- nvc, kmeriek ami .Mitchell no. Assessment No. 12 M. Parker. Lot 3 Parker Pleo driltlon of the City of Medford. Oregon, having u frontage of 59,7 feet on the west side of South Newtown sticet ns di serlbod In Itcg. page S52 of the Conn- I tv Recorder's records of Jackson County. Oregon, fi'j.7 ft . rate $ t :, $22.53, Assessment No 13. A. Moffutt Lot 2 Parker Place dltlon of Ihe City of Medford. OrcKon. having a frontage of GO feet on the West side of booth Newtown street ns described in Reg-, page 4S9 of the County ueeorder s records or Jackson Coun- Oregon. 00 ft , rate $ I. as, POISON FARM DEATHS RIDICULED BY FARMERS CARLYLE, 111.. July 19 Resi dents of this town' ridiculed today ' ty. the rounrts of tho reoenl nival. rlmia $253 SO Ackerman deaths on the so-called j TlK XcStuiiuIu; poison farm near Mount Vernon, city or Medford, Oregon, having u Investigation today revealed that Jo-' frontage of CO feot on tho west sldo seph Ackerman. reported to have, " South Nowtown Street as desorln- dled last evening, never existed. John Ackerman died two weeks ago. The farm Is now deserted. eitin.v.ixci: o. tint. An Ordinance ilcclnrlin' tit., rout of tho improvement of South Now-I " frontage of iifi.2ii ffut on Hie east ..a. . . ... .. Ifcflil.t nf 0,,iill. V. ..... .. .. J.IL....1 .... .1,. iown sireei ironi west hieventti od In Reg, page 4 5y of tho County uccortier s records or Jackson Coun ty. Oregon. 00 rt . rato $1.23. 1253.80. Assessment No 15 W. I. Brown Lot 12, blk. 2, Newtown Addition to tho City or Medford. Oregon, having YESTERDAY'S SCORES Coast W. Vernon 60 Oakland 57 Los Angeles 54 Portland 4 1 San Francisco 41 Sacramento 39 L. 40 43 45 49 5S P. C. .G00 .570 .545 .45G .414 .407 R. San Francisco 0 Batteries Gregory and Henley and Berry. Portland , 0 Vernon - 4 Batteries Sutor and Stewart and Agnew. Los Angeles 3 Sacramento G Batteries Single, Chech Brooks; Gllllgan and Kreltz. II. E. 4 2 2 0 Rohrer; 7 1 5 0 Fisher; 10 3 11 1 and Northwest W. Vancouver 55 Spokane 52 Seattle 5 1 Portland 42 Victoria 42 Tacoma 3G L.. 40 39 43 49 49 58 P. C. .579 .571 .543 .102 .402 .38 R. I. E. 7 0 2 1 Meek, Victoria 3 Tacoma 2 Batteries McCreery and Crlger; Schmutz and Lalongc. Vancouver 10 17 2 Seattle 1 8 G Batteries WIIIIb and Lewis; Thompson and Whaling. Vancouver (2d game).... 3 5 G Seattle 0 2 1 Batteries Agnew and Sepulvlda; Cortcannon and Wally, Whaling. Spokane . 9 11 3 Portland 0 8 5 Batteries Cochran, Kraft, Noyes and Devogt; GJrot, Doty and Moore, . i 1 Harris. Weeks &McGdwan Co. Buy Pliont 3371 Vlffht yUoatsl V. Vt. Weeks 3071 A. B. Orr 3093 SADY A88X8TAVX National W. New York 58 Chicago 49 Pfttsburg 4 1 Cincinnati 42 Philadelphia 3G St. Louis 35 Brooklyn 31 Boston 23 Chicago 8-4, Philadelphia 9-2. St. Louis 10, Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 2-7, Boston 8-1. Plttsburg-Now York rain. h. P. C. 20 .744 29 .C28 31 .587 41 .500 39 .489 39 .473 48 .892 GO .277 American W. Boston 57 Washington ,...51 Philadelphia 47 Chicago 44 Cleveland 42 Dotrolt 40 St. Louis 24 Now York ...22 h. 2G 33 35 3G 43 45 5G 55 P.O. .087 .007 .573 .550 .494 .482 .300 .28G All games postponed, rain. An Illinois inventor's portable coal bin Is filled at tho top ' and dis charges Its contents through chutes at tho bottom. street to Dakota avenue, bj paving and assessing tho property lieu-flt-ted thereby, and declaring such as sessment, and directing the entry thereof in tho Docket of City Liens. The City of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Thnt no protests hav ing been filed against the Improve ment or boutn .Newtown street from West Eleventh street to Dakota ae nue, due notlco of thu Intention of tho Council to causo said Improve ment to be mnde. having been given. ana said Improvement Tinvlng been ordered made, the Council has con sidered the matter and, herewith, as certains the probable cost of making such improvement to be tho sum of 19339.12. And said Council further finds thnt tho special And peculiar benefit ac cruing upon each lot or part thereof adjacent to said Improvement and in Just proportion to benefits, to bo the respectlvo amounts hereinafter set opposite tho number or description of each lot or part thereof, and such amounts respectively are hereby de clared to bo the proportionate share of each lot or part theruqf, of tho cost of such improvement nnri Is hereby declared to ho assessed against said lot or parcels respective ly, tho name appearing abovo each description, being the name of the owner, or reputed owner, of each sucu lot or parcel. Asse&iment for tho paving of South Newtown street from Eleventh street to Dakota avenue, width 30 feet Assessment No. 1 H. E. Gudehiis. A purcel or land In lot 1, blk. 3, Barr's addition at tho southwest cor ner of the Intersection of Eleventh and Newtown streets marked "B.Z." on tho official plat or tho City or Medford having a frontngo of 149 feet on tho west side of South New town street as described In volume S9, page 391 and volume 91, page 471 of the County Recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. 149 ft., rato $4.23, $030.27. Assessment No. 2 A. M. Parker. A parcel of land in tho northeast corner of tho south 1-2 of lot 1, blk. 3 or Barr n addition having a front ago of 80 feet on the west side or South Nowtown street as described in volume 77, page 5'j or tho County Recorder's records or Jackson Coun ty. Oregon. 80 rt., rato $1.23, $338.40. Assessment No. 3 Harry Wny koop. A parcel or land in tho south east corner of lot 1, blk. 3, BarrV addition marked "U. A." on tho offi cial plat of tho City of Medford hav ing u frontage of 00 feot on tho west sldo of South Newtown street as described lu volume 09, pnu 2t5S of tho County Recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. GO ft rato $4.23, $253.80. Assessment No. 4 E. N. Camp- noil, lot 1 or Kmlg's addition hav ing a frontage or 50 root on tho west side or South Newtown street as de scribed in volume 94, page 10G, of tho County Recorder h records of Jackson' County, Oregon. 50 ft., rato $1.23, $230.88. Assessment No. 5 Ella Olson Smith. Lot 2 Emlg's uddltjon having a frontage or 5G feet on tho west Bldo of South Newtown street as de scribed In volume 78, page 99, of the County Recorders records of Jack son County, Oregon. 50 rt., rate $4.23, $230.88. Assessment No. G Ella Olson Smith. Lot 3 Emlg's addition hav ing a rrontago or 50 root on the west sldo or South Kowtow street as described In volume 78, page 99, or tho County Recorder's records or Jackson County, Oregon. 50 rt., rate $4.23, $230.88. Assessment No. 7 El lit Olson Smith, hot 4 Emlg's addition hav ing a rrontago or 50 feot on tho west sldo of South Newtown street us de scribed in volume 78, pagu 99, of tho County Recorder's records of Jack son County, Oregon, 50 ft., rate $4.22, $230.88. Assessment No. 8 Ella Olson Smith. Lot 5 Emlg's udditlou hav ing a frontage of 5G feet on tho west sldo of South Nowtown street as ri scribed in volume 91. pngo 270 of tho County Recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. ni!,25 ft., rato $4 23, $237.9 1. Assessment No. 1(1 1). O. Hoppen steel. Lot 11. blk. 2, Newtown Ad dition to the City of Medford. Oru gon, having a frontage of 5G.26 feet on the wist sldo of South Newtown street, as described In vnluiu lit. pugu 21 or the County Recorder's records or Jackson County. Oregon. 50.25 rt. rate $1.23. $237.9 . Assessment No. 17-- W. I. Brown. Lot 10. blk. 2, Nowtown Addition to tho City or Medrord. Oregon, having a rrontago or 1 12.50 feet on the east side of Sonlli Newtown street as de scribed In vol. ,p.ige of the County Recorder's records of Jackson County. Oregon. 112.50 ft., rale 4.22, $!7o.S7. Assessment No. IS John Welrion. Lot 13. blk. 1. Nowtown Addition to the City ot Medrord. Oregon hav ing a front of 50 feot on tho east sldo of South Newtown slreft as de scribed in volume U2, page 520 or the County Recorder's records or Jock son County. Oregon. 5.0 ft., rate $4.23, $211.50. . Assessment No. 13 John WVIiIon Lot 13 blk. 1. Newtown Addition to the City or Medrord. Oregon, having a rrontago or 50 ten on the east side or South Newtown btrect as described In volume 92, page 31 7, or the County Recorder's records or Jackson Coun ty, Oregon. 50 ft., rato $ I 23, $211.50. Assessment No. 20 I. W Thomas Lot 12, blk. ., Newtown Addition to tho City of MvrifonL'Orcgon. having a froutago of 50 fcefon the cant side of South Nowtown street as descrid eri In volume 84, page 10S of the County Recorder's records or Jack son County, Oregon. 50 rt , rat' $4.23. $211.50. Assessment No. 21 Xuch Camer on. Lot 13. blk. 3, Siinuyslilo Ad dition to tho City or Medrord. Ore gon, having a rrontago or 120 feet on! the cast sldo of South Nowtown street I as described ill volume ji. na,. fit;7 of tho County Recorder's records or Jackson County, Oregon. 120 rt , rato $1.23, $507 Go. Assessment No. 22 E. II. Foster. A parcel of html comprising the westerly portion of tho north 15 feet or lot 7. blk. 2, Suunysldo Addition to the City or . .edfonl, Oregon, hav ing u frontage of 15 feet on tho east sldo of South Newtown street as de scribed in volume 82, page GOG or the County Recorder's records or Jack son County, Oregon. 15 rt rule $1.23, $03.15. Assessment No, 23 E. II. FoBter. Tho south 30 feet of lot 8, blk. 2, Suunysldo Addition to tho City of .Mouroni, Oregon, frontage 30 feet on tho enst side or South Nowtown street as described lu volume 82, pngo GOG or tho County Hoc order's records or Jackson County, Oregon. 30 ft , rato $1,23, $120.90. Assessment No, 24-Mrs. E. A Dyke. Tho north 25 foot of lot 8, blk. 2 Suunysldo Addition to the City or Medrord, Oregon, huvlng it rron tago or 2& reel on tho east side or booth Nowtown ulri-dl as described In volume 73, page 147 of tho Coun ty Recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. 25 ft., rato $1.23, $100.25. , Assessment No. 25. Sam Bnuor. Lot U. blk. 2, Sunuysldo Addition to thu City of Modfoid, Oregon, having a rrontago or 55 feot on tho east side of South Newtown Btroot h describ ed lu volume 83, pngo 128 of tho County Recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. 55 ft., rato $4.23, $232.05. Assessment No. 20 Sam Bauer. Lot 10, blk. 2, SilnnVHlde Addition to tliu City of Modfoid, Oregon, having a rrontago or 55 feet on tho east sldo of South Newtown ulroot on describ ed in volume 83, page 128 of the county uecordei's records or Jackson County. Oregon, 55 ft., rato $1.23, Assessment No. 27 E. J. Run yard. Lot 11, blk 2, Suiinysido Ad dition to tho City of Medford, Oro gon, having a frontage or 53 feot 011 the east sldo or South Newtown street Reg. page a.SS or tho County Recoil for'H records ur Jxcksou County, Ou Itou. J so rt., rate $i.a:i, $701 10 Assessment No 30 Ellmheth Fergusen: A parcel of land In lot I, Hair's Addition marked "C A." on tho orrictut pint or the City of Med ford. Ort'iioh, having A frontrtgo of iriiircnt on, the east side or South Nowtilwn street iih descrlhi.d lu vol, nine 00, ptige 150 of the County Re corder's records of Jnrksotl County, Oiegou. lr.o rt , rato $1.23, $ti:it no Assessment No. 31 -Mis, E Dyke. The south 20 fret 'of lot 7. blk. 2, SttnnyHlrie Addition to tho City or .M mil onl, Oregon, rruutngc 20 feet on the east side of South Nowrown street us described In vol utile 73, page t 17 or the Coiintv K. conlei's lecords or Jackson Count), Oregon. 20 ft., rate $1.23, $84 00 Assessment for private drives J. C. I.idley. Dim 10 ft. drive, S10.SS. .1. C. Llriloy. O110 10 rt. $I0.SS. F. X. Beck. One 10 rt. SIO.SS. It. Sheruood. Ono 9 rt. $10.55. SECTION U -The Iticorder or the t ity of Medrord Is hereby directed to enter a sjatoiiiont "f thu assess ments hereby made III the Docket of City Ltous, and to give notice, by publication as required by the Char ter and Ordinance No. 250 In the Medrord Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of r,cuoral circulation lu said City. Tho foregoing Ordinance was pas sed by the City Council of the City or Medrord, Oregon. 011 tho Kith day or July, 1912, by the following vote . Watt, absent; .Mitchell, aye; Enter- flek. aye; Campbell, ayo; Millar, aye. and Siimiuervllle, aye. Approved July 10. 1912. W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest: E. T. FOSiS, City Rt colder. therefor enteicd lu tho City Lien Docket, mid that the sniue Is doc nod you 1110 hoioby required to pay too sumo lo the City Recorder within ten rinys from tho servlro of thin Notice, which service Is made hv publication of tho foregoing ordi nance and this Notlco 0110 limp In tho M I'd ford Mall TiUniuc, 11 noun paper published nod of geueiol clt cola) Ion lit said Clb, pursuant to an older of the City Commit ol said City. K T TOSH;, City Recorder drive, drive, drive. ffl Every Drop S8kJ 1 Does Its ' i VpShy I Work l ll$ll'"l j v TSjFpJr Small 'crolcne Is an croiininlciil KpV CaitiJ I motor oil because 11 in o- ,,,,,, 14 ,m HIIAI'K D U (toH so thoroughly J , ,,,, , SV to liuudlu I m You gtt the full working f iMIimCan, JI aliu from every riiop F01 Hnlo IS iwhi ro (H I :::"Z2t: . Standard Oil Company I M with carbon (ll.corpoialed) U 1 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmaaimtmmammmaim""mm '"m " '" " NOTICE. To the owner, or reputed owner, of each parrel of property descrlbm! In the foregoing ordinance, as named t.ierelu, and lu the Hon ricclurtri l mid ordinance ns recorded In the Docket of City Liens. i aro hereby notified (hat the assessment declared by tliu foregoing ordinance has been made and tho lieu PACIFIC & EASTERN RY. SUNDAY EXCURSION to BUTTE FALLS, ORE. .IThVlil, 11)113. UOl'NI) TU'll ONLY $1.00 Leave Mmlford S:00 a. in. Return reach Medford 6:50 p. m. Twkn )oitr lunch and spend a day of rest lu tho cool moiiiitalurt, l'lii"t water on earth. The Medford Military band will accompany tho excursion and give a grand conrerl at Unite I'nlU during tho riny. Xt'iirlv a titiarlt'i' of ti rcnlurv tuitlci' ihc sniilP t IIRIIIRCIIII'Ill TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY THE County WANTED Auto repairing. (Jet our cur repaired by a man with' 10 years experience and III a shop where there aro no apprentices to learn at your expense and "mon key" with your car. (SeO. I. Dyer, 11 IS N. Central nv.. Med ford, Oregon. 102 Jackson Medford, Orogon II hns stici'ccdctl because of Banl WANTED -Experienced woman on ranch for ramlly of four. No hired men lo cook for. Call or phono Earnnr Sl..-I'-13 103 Soundness of principle Economy of iimniigrmoiiL Safety of investment Courteous and liberal I real men! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 AY. 1. Vawlor .President (1. U. Lindlev, Yiee Pre.s. C. W. iMeDonald, Cashier ' 50'0,5 J JO-J-J--" 555 J lZlfrllitllitlz Bido of Houth Newtown street its do- us doscrlbed in volume 01, pugo 1 of ..... . t scribed In volume 78, page 01), of tho County Recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. 50 ft., rate $1.23, $230.K8, AssesHiiion No. 'J T. O. llurrows, A parcel of land in blk. 3, Hair's ad dition situated at the southwest cor ner or tlio intersection or Thirteenth' and Newtown sti'eeta huvlnn a frout- tho County Retorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. 53 ft., rato $4,23, $221 'j. Assessment No, 28 E. Honshaw. Lot 12, blk. 2, Huiiiiysldo Addition to tho City of AH'dford, Oregon, hav ing a frontage or r7 feot on tho east side of Sootn 'Newtown street as do scrlbed In volume JfDpngo 130 of the A V r ? ? T t y t r r T ? f T ? T T V T ? ? ? T T f ? T T T T f T T ? T ? T f T T T f f T T WEEK END SPECIALS AT AT Mann's Central Ave., Near P.O. CORSETS Having just re ceived a new line. of.Coseis in the newest model low bust and loiitf hip and lo adver tise them will of fer them for ttat urdav only 59c in tiii Kayser's Short, Olovr coloi's ini'ludiii blacl value, 48c Kayser's Loiitf fllove, H! button, dou'ble tips, all col ors;. $1.7") value. Special, $1.48 . i i Mann's Contral Avo., Noar P.O. CORSETS Cover embroider ies made in the very finest qual ity of lawn; rcu lar 7fn value, our special 39c HcaitHful eon vent braids in all colors, ror. value per Special 15c 2.'ic boll. Saturday Specials in Wash Goods EMBROIDERED TISSUES Tn all the summer's newest shades; regu lar (iOe .i:' Saturdav 39c hptjciai DRESS LINENS Tn linen color and white; values from 2fm to Sj?l.r). Special for Saturday only 15 off RATINE The ideal fabrie for the sutunior own, '10 in. wide, reuular 70c tpiality. Special 69c LAWNS and Dimities, in plain colors, stripes and figures, IHc qualities., Special Saturday 10c IRISH ROLLER and Dish Toweling, pure .Jiiien, regular I He value. Special, 10c COT'N CORDUROY 27 in. wide, in colors of pink, Alice, (!opep Imiron, cream and tan, Me value. Suecial 25c t V V ? y y t f y y y r f y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y j c i Vl-kJLn-Vtf $mufrcM?xe at - -f st :t J L.,