Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Urnnon Hlslwvlcnl Society
r.ilv Hall
Medford Mail Tribune
s rt
Fnlr niitl wnmii Mx8J! MIh'
(li; ltd Hum 05.
forty Hi'cnnil Ywr.
luilly HnvKiitli Vt-nr
MUD FORD, ORICaON"!,lirKSI).V.,il,LY 18, 1912.
NO. 100.
With Musi; From Fluwliid Gas Jet
Tied Into His Mouth, Body cf
Nnthan Swurtz Who Murdered
Little Girl Is Found.
Leaves Pathetic Note to Mother
Confession Crme, Says That He
Was Guilty and Insane.
NKW YOlllv. July ill. With n
liiihi' rniiu a flowing gu Jet tied Into
It In iiiuuth with handkerchief, thu
dead body nf utliuti Hvvartx, the hoy
, mIiomi father coufciwed that IiIm son
wiih tint murderer of thirteen year
old Julia ('oiiiumk, wns found today
In it tenement Iiimihd hero, 'l'lin
cur pn wiih ut tiucn Identified anil
taken to (ho morgue. IIcmIiIo tln
body win it Idler, dated yesterday,
In which full confession ot the mur
der wan Hindu.
J ul In Connors wiih found with more
than two acorn of It u I fit wound In her
body, hut ittllt breathing and uhlit to
whimper: "A iiiiiii did It." before she
died. When It wan learned that
young Hwurtx, u neighbor, had been
convlcied of it una ill l on another yeuni:
girl, ami wan then on probation,
suspicion wiih at once directed
ugalust li I tit. Ho had disappeared,
am) hi father declared that the lad
had eoiifcHHcd tint Connor child's
murder, and that ho had (old hln Hon
to -,o urn ami kill himself. )l bo
Ileved. hu Maid, thnl tho boy hud
done no,
Letter to .Mother
A letter to Hwartt mother, round
beside t ho body, rend iih follews:
"This Ih only to dear mother, who
I'm always hoincitlek (or, ami the
miiiiio lo thu rent and to i'a. whose
word I'm Inking lu doing thin, which
I figure Ih I lie eualesl ami bent way
of my own expiation.
"I waul to nay that If I happen to
be revived In order to hu executed,
I'll tnlie that medicine Just the Hniue.
"My Initt Job wnx at n pocket bonk
manufacture company. Ho owes iihi
two day'H work, 1'lenno secure It and
civil It to my mother, who lit very
poor. I'm Horry to have caused no
much trouble to my neighbor hut nil
he'll have to do Ih to call a cop.
"Tell mother twain I'm really gull
ty, no that oho shall not cry bur
eyes mid heart out. I know alio
thlnkH I nm Innocent, I'm sorry I
done It, hut I got crazy iih I often
do, and you can't hlmnn mo for that,
nor ahyoun, Nnthun Swnrtc."
Admits Ills Intimity
Pencilled on Hwartt' Hulled linen
rttllar wiih tho confcHHlen:
"I mu guilty; I'm Iiihihio. It wan
cauHeil by tho beautiful make-up of
women; that Iiiib t mu vory pnsH
lonnto. I full Horry J tint two minutes
after I tlUI It, so don't cry for mo."
Hwnrtx went to tho rooming house
where IiIh body wiih round Jimt ti wook
before tho Hiilclde, giving tho niiiiio
of Mux Hlrschkowytz. When tho
landlord tried to rail him today ho
received no response, bo broke down
tho door.
LANOHOWFi;, KiutHti l'rovlnco,
China, July 18. If Ohluiv Iohch Mou
golla, olthor iih u roHiilt of tho Indo
piiudoucn mnvomoiiL thoro or of n
HiiHHlan grab, It will Inevitably iiIho
Ioho OhluoHo TiiilcoBtan, Hlnklang or
tho now dominion, iih tho dopondeucy
Ih vurlotiHly known. Thin la tho
warning mint to PrcHldont Yuan Shi
Kul hy thu uovornor of CIiIiicho
Kor hoiiiu tlniu, tut niitl-ropuhllcnti
agitation Iiiih boon going on through
out tho dopoudouoy,
Hlnklang Ih about eleven tlmoa tho
hIzo of Now York Htnto nnd Iiiih 1,
t!0(),000 popiilntton, Muoli of It linn
lioretoforfl hooti rognrdod h doHort,
hut tho CIiIiioho Imvo been homo
Hleadlng It front tho Bor.thoafit and
roi'lnlmliiK U through IrrlKtttlon un
til tho now government hua eomo to
look toward It aa a rollof for ovor
populatloit lu China,
JURY Bill;
Oltler's Testimony In Oarrow Case
Shows That McNamara Confes
sion Was Arranged for Before the
Money Was Paid by Franklin.
Lincoln Steffln to Follow Older De
fense Scores In Protracted Trial
hy Dlsprovinii Motive.
l.OH ANtlKLKH. Cnl.. July IS -I'ri'iuout
Older, editor of a Han I'riiu
cluco dally liewttpaper, wiih ecallel
to the Maud for further cross exami
nation when the Harrow trial wiih re
sumed today. Tho renewal of tin;
attack of the Htate on Older' tend
moiiy marked th beginning of a
fight by thu defence to Justify IIh long
victorious buttle for the right to en
deavor to prove that all iirrungeinunts
fur the confession of thn McNamara
brotherH to the dynamiting of the I. ok
AiiKeb'H Times building wero made
before tho day on which bribe wuro
pnmed to Jurors Hitting In tho caw.
Cross exnmluatloii did not shnko
Older' testimony. Older testified
that to bin knowehlgo theso nrrnngo
nieiitK wero pi'rfected before the day
on which It ban been (entitled thn
money wiih passed, lie submitted
to severe qiicHtloultiK by tho state,
and hy two Jurorn who exhibited
considerable cross exainluatlon abil
ity l'buih I'or McNiuiiarnii
According to Older' testimony, ori
ginal pIanh for tin McNamara con
fession provided thnt Jatncn II. Mc
Namara should plead Kullty and take
a life Heiiteiice, while charge aKrtlnut
John J. McNamarn wero to bo din
mlHHCd. AIho all other chnrKi
Krewlnj: out of tho cuho woro to bo
Older iiIko added thnt Harrow held
out for tho dcHlructlon of nil evi
dence, whllo on tho other ldo, Oln
trlct Attorney l'rederlck hold out
for n plea of Kullty hy John J. Mc
naiuiira. Harrow's porHonal work In tho rx
amlnatlon of Older brought tho In
tercHt of tho Hpcctalorn ntul Jury to
a bleb pitch. Tho defendant np
puroutly had ntaked much on bis at
tempt to dlHprovo a motlvo for tho
Jury hrlhliiK which him been attri
buted to him,
fltorfriw Next WltnoMd
Lincoln Stoffoim, writer of "muck-
rnkltiK" nrtlclen In niaKazlnod will bo
called after Older complete!) bin
testimony. Stoffens Ih expected to
testify regarding bin offorlH to re
ntoro liidtmtrlal pence In I.on Angolea
during tho trial. Many momhorfl of
tho Lou Angolen Cltlzenfl' Co mini t
teo, Including Meyer Llmtnor, T. K.
(ilbbon, former mnnnglng editor of
n I.oa A turcica dnlly nowapaper nnd
llnrry ('handler, mntinger of nnother
dally, nro oxpected to ho cnlled ah
wltnoHBOH. ThoRo motnliorn of tho
commltteo, Older tORtlfled, hnd agreed
tn tho proponed terniK for tho sot
tlemont of tho McNamara chho, ac
cording to Information glvon him hy
Stoffonn. Tho propoaod torniH, It
wiih Intimated, also contnlnod cor
tiilit conceHMlon to ulon labor.
PLKASANTOK, Cut., July 18.
Trot lorn iiml pacers from nil parts of
California, 'JfiO in number, nro lie re
today in iircpimition for (ho four
ilnys lumii'HH meet wliieli will miirlc
tho oieuing next Wednesday of the
l'licttui Coast gninil oireiut. The
12:08 pace ami the 'J:1'J trot, both
$lf00 events, will ho tlie fcultires
of tho o)cniiig meet. '
After tho l'lciisuntou meet tho
horses will no into tho northwest,
returning' in tho full to ho sent over
tlio logiiliir Califoniiu circuit.
POUTIiANl), July 18. John
Milelioll, former president of the
United Mine Workers of America,
nnd one of the iintiounl labor leaders
today is in Portland, Saturday lie
will deliver mi address before the
Chautauqua at Gladstone Park near
lioro, llo will speak on "Orp;nni.eil
Labor." Whllo hero Mitchell is lo
meet a lirotlior who lives at Kliunath
Falls, Oro.i whom ho has no( seen
for twenty yours.
-m;k Tmmir: . isa ?'! t -i
UW&&& 3, Mi BOTH
IB? miL: ?5m?m AND THE
Death and prostration nrc numer
ous now lu the hot spell thai bait New
York city In It gru.sp. The public park-
nnd recreation plerx bavo been thrown
wide upon to the xutTvrlug people at
nluht. who llnd tbereli. much relief.
Hone have uirered considerably and
many xor bfiit have jletdiil to thu
nwelterlng beat. The river front are
lined with yotiugMcni, who m.iiiugL' to
llnd comfort lu the cooling water.
The continuation of the heated term
ba bud a deeldcdly dcpreiii vfTect on
nil forniH of tiii'-liu -i activity. I'mui
the Stock Kxebange down to the k 1 1 1 n
et tlellculewsi'd htore. trildo bill fallen
to the minimum. The hotel are half
iMiipt) and i be Itro.tdway afe-i and ren.
tuiraub hate been doing the kiuallent
LualutiM of the car. I
SIJAOIItT. N. J.. July IS L)e
tallB of tho caiupalgn of Woodrow
WIIhou for election to tho pronldoncy
of tho United States on tho democra
tic ticket woro dlfciMMid hero today
at a conference between Wilson and
Chairman McCombs of tho now na
tional commltteo, committeemen
Uudopeth and Davis, Congressman
HurlcHtou of Texas, Senator O'Oor
maii and William McAdoo or Now
WIIhou will not Ktump extenslvo
ly. It was learned, but will make a
tour of tho Pacific Const and also
probably will speak lu thu states of
MaHHachuiiottH, Connecticut, New
York, Ohio and Indiana.
PORTLAND. Ore., July IS. That
tho steam and olectrle lines of tho
Southern Pacific railroad system In
Oregon shall be completely segre
gated Is officially decided today. A
now bridge across tho Wlllnmotto
lllvor which will bo part of tho main
lino between San l-'ranclsco and Port
land will ho built at Now Urn. 17
miles south of Portlnml.
Tho electric lines arc to ho or
gnulzed Into u department under tho
name of tho Portland, Kugeno and
Eastern system.
LINCOLN, Nob., July IS. Infer
ring to tho fact thnt tho democratic
candidates for congress from tho
ninth Missouri all withdrew, leaving
a clear fluid for Speaker Champ
Clark, tho Commoner declaros today
that Mr. Uryatt claims a pluco among
those who nro glad to tho highest
sort of happiness enter Into tho llfo
of Chump Clark, as well as tho llfo
of ovoryono ho loves,
Dyron Sirlii(s Hotel Burns
HYHON HOT SPlilNdB, Cal July
18, - Tho tourist hotel ut litis resort
was bunted to tho ground early today
oiilnilini,' ii loss of nearly $100,000.
No ouo was injured
W ON 0
m&s&mimr mmmf)
H MP ( i t V3&rH
.7IHK?. .JBPr. m . -rm.XB''"" t . VBHU tics
ently authorlatlvo reports are In cir
culation hero today that United
States Senator Joseph M. Dixon,
Colonel Itoosevelt's campaign niana
Ker, will not follow his chief into n
new party. Dixon In still strongly
progressive, but thinks It Is bent to It out from within tho republi
can party.
It Is also reported that Colonel
Uoosevolt has Induced Dixon to re
main as the titular head of the move
ment until tho progressives conveno
In Chicago. August f.
OAKLAND. C.v! Julv IS. A luv
nriously appointed poolroom, nlleged
to he operated hv Mrs, A. Duncan
mid said lo he thu remlexvous of a
number of women prominent in so
ciety, wo milled hy the police today.
Tho proprietress five other women,
iuclmliiiu; tho wife of a prominent
HWrkeley physician ami four men
were taken into custody.
It is claimed thnt had the raid
been made later in tho day when the
races were in full swing, the police
would have eiiught many women of
high sttimling in Alaiun1. county
All tho enptives except Jlr.-.. Dun
oau and two other women were re
leased. These liavo been charged
with wngering on a horse vaee nnd
pool belling. Seii-ntiutis are expect
ed lo develop when tho eae come to
WASHINGTON', July IS.--Pro-testing
that he was under-assessed,
Oifford i'inehot today ndded iibout
iftlOO to his taxes iu the Distriet of
Columbia. He deelnred his Wash
ington homo was undervalued by -ID
per cent, or .fl!),t)7!l.
M'JIPSIO, July 18. While making
his final flight for nu aviator's fut
euse, Lieutenant Prosseu of (be Cl'r
man army was Killed when his mono
plane capsized here today.
mm i
lMTTSBUHG, Pa., July IS. Eight
persons aro belloved today to have
boon killed In a cloudburst near West
Newtown, along the Youghlogheny
Hirer, late last night. Enormous
property damage resulted.
John Taymond. a farmer living
near Darren Run; his mother, his
wife ami four children and Ills brother-in-law,
were all believed to have
perished. Tho brother-in-law's corpse
was recovered. Otherwise thoro
were no signs of tho family. Wires
aro down and details nro very
The mines of tho Pittsburg coal
company at Eureka and Waverly
wero flooded.
NEW YOUIC, July IS. Tho stock
market today showed moro or less
dullness after tho first hour's trad
ing. Active Issues opened fraction
ally higher, hut later became nomi
nal. United States Steel nnd Amal
gamated Copper wero tho leaders
among the metal stocks, whllo Gen
eral Electric showed tho most llfo
among tho specialties.
The market closed steady,
llouds wero steady.
LONDON", Julv 18. ldice are in
dignantly searching today for n
clew to the identity or whereabouts
of an enterprising cracksman who
pulled off what they charaoterizo as
the most impudent burglary in the
history of London. This Unfiles act
ually broke into Old Huiloy, Eng
Itiud's most famous criminal court
building, opened the safe in the jail
er's office und got away witli the
entire payroll of tho jail fetiU'f.
Neither tho policeman who patrols
the Newgate street side, from wliieli
entrancu was gamed through a win
dow, nor tho half dozen night
watchmen inside tho building woro
awaro of th?i burglary until next
Socialist Congressman Sounds Key
Note of Campaign Republicans
Conservative, Democrats Reac
tionary and Third Party Outlaws.
tuner a Hew constitution or a
Bloody Revolution Needed to
Straighten the Country.
WASHINGTON. July 18. Sound
Ing the socialist keynote for the
coming presidential campaign Con
gressman Victor Berger of Milwau
kee today in the house vigorously
'denounced both old parties and In
addition took a hard fall out of the
' bull moose" faction which Is sup
porting Theodore Roosevelt. Berger
iaid In part:
"Capitalists are as willing to deal
with the democrats as with the repub
licans. The latter are conservative,
the former reactionary. And one
glance at tho honest 'progressives'
who are setting out to purify poll-
demonstrates that Roblnhood's
famous assemblange of outlaws had
nothing on tho gang rallying around
wiison'B election would perpet
uate the bosses' power and would In
augurate another 'era of prosperity
for men like Belmont and Ryan.
"It Is unnecessary to explain
where Taft stands. It Is natural for
a man of his typo to bo allied with
Root, Crane. Guggenheim and John
Hays Hammond.
"Being behind the times on most
questions the democratic party Is
especially ignorant on labor questions
as the laws of tho southern states
prove. We must either have a new
constitution or a bloody revolution.
Worklngmen build a few palaces and
many hovels with tho capitalists In
the palaces. They make a small
amount of fine cloths, but (millions
of yards of shoddy. They wear tho
shoddy. They must ruin their health
by overwork that a few people may
enjoy too much leisure."
BANGKOK, Sinm, July 18. Eng
lish residents of Sinm are much in
terested in tho launching of a new
Siamese newspaper, which came out
with tho following announcement for
their benefit:
"Tho news of English we tell the
latest. Writ in perfect style and
most earliest, Do n murder get com
mit, wo henr of and tell it. Do a
mighty chief die, we publish it, and
in borders of somber. Staff has
each one been college and writo like
Kipling ami the Dickens. We circle
every town and extortionate not for
SAN DIEGO, Cal., July 18. Cer
tainly you can llvo In San Diego and
schedule a baseball gamo In Stock
holm, Swoden. A. G. Spalding, tho
old-tlmo bnll player, and his friend,
W. D. Page, both of this city, ad
mitted It today.
Tho other day Page woke up to tho
fact that tho American athletes at
tho Olympic games In Stockholm
woro going to leavo for homo without
showing tho othor other athlotes of
tho world how tho grent American
pasttlmo Is played. Ho spoke to
Spalding, and tho two then Jumped
Into an automobllo and proceeded
to tho nonrest telegraph offlco. A
cablegram to James P. Sullivan with
tho athletes at Stockholm did the
rest. Next day camo back tho news
of tho gamo In tho United Press
QUINCY, Mass., Jul 18. Falling
2,000 feet Into Qulncy Bay, when his
parachuto failed to open, Lawronco
Stafford. 17-year-old aeronaut, was
instantly Hilled today whllo attempt
ing a paruchuoto drop near hero.
Mayor of New York Takes a Hand
in Problntj Police Scandal Which
Followed Murder of Rosenthal
Says Slain Man lawless Character
Go-between for Gamblers and Police
Hired Auto Used for Crime Full
Confessions Aid Investigations.
XEW YORK, July IS. Full con
fessions, which will throw much light
on the murtler of Herman Rosenthal,
the gambler shot down. In the bright
lights of the Hotel Metropolo here
by six men in an automobile, were
expected by District Attorney Whit
man today from William-Shapiro and
Louis Llbby, the two men held In tho
Tombs on charges of homicide in
connection with tho murder. It la
expected their confessions, If ob
tained, also will bring out some
startling facts regarding the recent
gambling scandal. In which Rosenthal
accused tho police of collusion with
the gamblers, which statement la be
lieved to have cost him his life.
Aaron Levy, attorney for Shapiro
and Llbby, admitted today Shapiro
drove the murderers to tho scene of
their crime, but added that It was at
the point of a gun that ho did so.'
Rose Hired Auto
Both Shapiro and Llbby claim
that Jack Rose, a friend of Police
Lieutenant Becker, hired tho auto
mobile used by the murderers. Beck
er Is the lieutenant before whose
home a woman claimed to have seen
the murderers' automobllo standing
for several hours on tho night before
the crime.
District Attorney "Whitman was
given a close description of everyone
of the murderers by the two priso
ners. The district attornoy spent
today examlng numerous gamblers In
regard to tho alleged deal between
police and gamblers whoroby the
gamblers paid for organized protec
tion by tho city's guardians.
Mayor Gaynor also Is personally
investigating the scandal.
Roso Makes Confession
Jack Rose appeared today at po
lice headquarters and admitted that
he hired tho automobllo used by tho
Rosonthal slayers. InsDector Hughes
declared that Roso would bo arrested
later and charged with homicide It
was understood that Roso went to
headquarters to make his statement
at the request of Lieutenant Becker.
Deputy Pollco Commissioner
Dougherty declared today that Roso
bad outlined his movements on the
night of the murder. Rose was the
alleged collector and go-betweeu of
the gamblers who wero cald to bo pay
ing trtbuto and the pollco.
District Attornoy Whitman ex
amined Robo for two hours. It was
reported later that It was on direct
order from Mayor Gaynor to Police
Lieutenant Becker that Roso was
Shapiro declared today that whllo
the murder was in progress he at
tempted to delay the murderers' es
cape so that they would be caught.
Attornoy Levy declared that one
murderer said to Shapire:
"Cops All Fixed"
"Got away quick. Tho cops aro
all fixed. They know what 1b being
pulled off. Everything la arranged
(Continued on Page G)
CHICAGO, Jul 18. It was an
nounced today that tho Coliseum,
the scone of tho republican national
convention, will bo used by the new
progressive party to hold Its national
couvontlotit at which Theodore
Roosevolt will bo nominated August
5, for president of the United States.
Tho expenses of the convention'
will bo defrayed by charging adml
filon for seats, the price ranging from
110 to $20 per seat, A local eeai
mlttoo of 100 la' to be oppoluted to
mako all arrangements,, under the di
rection of Medlll MeCorfujflk. Yftf
lous 8ub-couiuiltU aIm will b ap
pointed. .
"r -1
i if,