And It Was 96 in the Shade at That frt JvjiT Pound yHl :H cwdfUOtfrop MVTT'5 ' TMB TRUNK fN0 VMG eV-' Vi-vh tUM. COLESTIN SUNDAY - L , 'nni fxciirnloit arranged by tint Southern Pacific roinimny to Coles tin next Sunday promises (o bit one Of fllO IIIOHt nllClM'rtttf nl of ItH kind yet run. A largo iiuiubor of lorul pooplu am making arrangements to inn l(n Did trip. Tint Medford military bnnd will lu'eouipany tint excursionists mill fur ululi music thrnogoiti tint tiny. Ten nix, dancing nml iiiliii'iul watir fur ii I nil tho uttrartloiiH for tlm titty. A H. ItoHoiibiiiim wilt personally con duct tlm excursion. SUB GAUL FOR BULL MOOSEPARTY POIITLAND. Or, July Hi. At n meeting of tlm Niitloiuit Progressive rluli of Oregon held In tint East Hlilo l.llirary building Inst night, ii call wait InsiioiI for n slnto convention of (bo National Progressiva) (Roose velt) party, composed of former members of all parties to lio hold In Portland Thtiriulny. July 2G, at 10 n. in. The roitvon tlim will meet In tlm Kant Hlilo Library building, ICat Eleventh ami Alitor streets. Ar raiiKiiini'Ut am bolug iiiailo for tbu cpiivi'iitlon to ntljouru In a body to lur;iir iiiurlcr, nliould Much bo noc ciinury. At tliU convention flvn dultv Kiiti'H will lie ("li'ctcd and liiHtructt'it to ri'iircio'iit ()ni;oti In tint national con volition ot-.tlu proKroHMlvo party In (,'lilcaKO, AiiKUttt Ti, Tlm Ort'Kon delegation will ro to MJIilenKo liiHtructi'd iih to candldntos for prculdunt and vluO'prcHldunt, wbllii initttom of political pollclun of nioint'tit to tlm proRrcmitvo party will lie coimlilnroil. CltUi'im of tbu utato of OrcKon wont Invltcil by tlm club to attend tlm convention whim an ud vlmiry executive committee of thirty four, one meiuhuK. from each county In Oregon, will bo elected. The motion by which tho call win tnndo declared that tlm iiroi;renalve party had lt birth bccuuHu tho repub Menu national convention of Chicago failed to roprcMoiit fairly and fully tho wlHheN, vlewa and Intercut of tho people, at larK". nor did It net no an to command their roHpoct nor deter mine tliulr political acta. 'Hut National PmKruBHlva club elected tho following offlcoru and voted to complete ItH organization at tlm conventien: I'rcHldent, Dan Kol lalmr; flrHt vlco-pruiildcnt, Dr. Loir' MeyerH; mccouiI vIce-preHldont, (loo, Arthur Drown; socrelary-trcastiror, L, M. LpiirH: oxucutlvrt commlttuo, Hf'iiator K. W. Mulhoy, (leor(t W. Jo Kcph, J. T. WIIhoii. V. Vlncont Joiich and Sntifleld Mucdonalil. L . . -------- rrr'r wg f ly-- c BIG EXCURSION . FlOURSTOLENFRl DAHLIA WITH TEETH NAMEU AFTER ROOSEVELT . i . i PASAniWA, Cnl., .Inly 1 H A ilnli lia tlml IooI;h lil;e Colonel ItooHitvell, (,'riiiH like the colonel nutl uppi'iirs lo Hay "Pco-liKliletl" with ils oroKcent hIiiiihmI, moulli-liku center, in tlm llur linnk'iiiii proiluellon of Hie pmleiiH of Minn Anita Smith of thin city. In nilililiou to the fine, rctfuur "set of teeth" which it ImimMh, (IiIh tluhllii it) Hiiitl to hit Hlunlier llilui tlm IoukIiosI we'cil, It Iiuh been officially- olinnt encd the "Woovevelt," - - ii i i Notice. Notlco Is horoby Klvon that tho tin doiBUined will apply to tho pity coun cil at Uh nmotliiK to bo hold JulylG, 1912', for u llcoimo to soil malt, nplrlt iioiih and vinous Uauorn In quautltloa Uhs than u gallon at Uh placo of buiil jiciis on lot JO block !, olty of Mod ford .for u period of bIjc inoutliH. HOLLAND IIOT10L CO. Dutbd July r, 101 a. T.v I... ... - T7. x ; -, i n. A a'Nt.'AWTTTKt NOW ) Na- r Y6 HE'S I frS If 1 J ( au" l, on -m m I mux mi Unltnown partlcn broke Into tho warehoiiKo of tlm Houthorii Oregon Produce company Monday t and made away with Heveral imckH of lour and a mnull amount of other RtapleH. Kntrauco waH effected throiiKh n rear door. The police are werhlni: n tho cane but no far no clue Ihik been found an to tho Identity of tho thlovoH, EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Howlelt I .MIhh Manly Mlnter came out from her homo not It of town to attend the meeting of the ItebckaH Tuesday night, JoIih Mclutyro and wlfo of Derby went lo Med ford Vednenday morn ing. J. S. Qiinckcubiiiiher wan In town early Wednemlay morning. In my hint Itemn I Npoko of S, II. llolnicH and wlfo going to Ilrltlnh (.'(iluinl)la and IVanl; llrowu going to Portland, etc. It proven that Mr. Holmes wax to no further than Port laud and Mr. UoIiiioh and Mr. llrowu iveio to go to IlrltUli Columbia to be gene about a mouth. S. II, UoIiiioh, Tronic and William Drown having bought a two-third Interest In a InrtM tract of laud In that country, they have gone to look after, they having Hhlppcd n carload of wlru fonco thero for tlm purpono of fenc ing tho elitlre place. Mm, I'rauk Drown and her nUtor-lu-luw MrM, William llolinex went to gether to Anlilnnd hint WeducHday to attend tho Chautauitua. Umt WodneHday morning your cor rHp(iudont wtarted from homo for UrnntH PnH to vltill Dr. I'lndley and havo" IiIh eycu treated again but It Mteiued uh though fnto wan agaliiKt inn, for when I reached tho depot I found that tho train wait marked ten minute late, and thou thlrty-nlno inlniitoH lato nml ho on and at noon we Ktarted and over) thing went along nicely until wo reached Woodvlllo, called Jtoguo Itlvur, and thou wo camo to a halt and Htayed an hour or anoro ami then tho wrecking en gine gave tho Hlgnal -to como on, for tho wrecking crow wore clearing away tho debrlrt whoro No. 11 had been wrecked on Monday morning, ami there wo camo to another halt, and we all Without dinner, and fin ally, wo Ntarted and reached Grants Piihh at three p. m. and I started at onco for Dr. Klnloy's offlco and there learned that ho wait In AhIiIiiuiI at tending tho Chautauqua, so was doomed to another disappointment, but wntt told that the doctor would bo at his offlco nt ! xi'cloclc In tho morning so I hurrlod down from my boarding house early next morning so as to register among tho first, ns (hero In always a crowd there, rogls . . ..... ,,..., .....n ..i .ii i. lercu null waned, mutt uievun u etociv and then wo wore told, wo, for thoro was quite a number had colluctod, that tho doctor had started from Ashland In tho morning, puucttirod a tiro In his auto and would not bo there until after dliutor. Aftor din ner I wiih on hand and tho first ono to register nml about 1:15 ho enmo but by tho tlino ho got through with mo tho : ii 1 train was gono and mo loft, but It wits (01 right for I havo a flno placo to board ami this time good company. I lore I met Miss lOttu JohiiBon of Lou Angoles who Is ono of tho doctor's patients, sho Is nt proaont stopping with her paronts In Ashland, although sho Is, or rather lias been teaching In Los Angolcs, Cnl., fdr -tho past several yoars and while together sho told mo hor ex perience In an electric storm while sho and a party of friends woro on top of Mt, McLaughlin. Sho said that they could look down on tho heavy black clouds and boo tho lightning nasii ami near ino iiiuuuori JMEDFORD M7TTTJ TRTT3UNE, roar, while tho iitorm was raging nml Iho torrent of mln woie descending below I hem but no lulu where they were but finally theybej?nn to liunr a kind of slr.llug iioIho ami first one would Inquire what lP was and then another, when finally a young man who was wearing spectacles re marked that the air was full of elec tricity and Just then ho jerked his spectacles off claiming that It had burned his ear and Just then the ladles who hail steel hair plus ? their hair began to pull them out nml try to got awny from there, they having bad an experience never to beb forgotten, There also I met a Mrs. Thompson of Central Point who wan waiting to havo her throat treated, but the most remarkable. case wan a gentleman by the name of Williams from Weed, ho had got cluders In IiIh eyes from a traction engine anil camo there almost blind, after tlm local doctors of Wood had done their bent to relievo him. I noticed along tho route between Medford and Grants Pass that the grain was looking flno and tho hay crop whs extremely heavy although there was a considerable amount of the wheat had fallen down but think that tho most of It can be saved. While at tho doctor's I also met Itev. Sweet recently of Kansas, he was contrasting the hills of this country with tho scones of his old Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 100 acres In Rains Valley, no bet ter soil lo be found In the valley, only $12. GO per acre. 10 acres, 2 miles out. 10 acres set to trees, good free soil, flno Im provements, can sell this tract for a short time at $1000. 110 acres In Sams Valley, Hf. acres In cultivation all can be, gootl buildings n good buy at $&0 per acre. SO acres, 'i miles south of Ash land, 12 acres cultivated, house, barn, ami other out buildings, J1G0O. Wo have some flno 5 and 10 aero tracts, close In will make n flue home, come and see us" IliiHlucHt CI in n cos 1 1 room rooming house, all tho rooms full, $1000. Two 30-30 rifles. (iood span of draft horses $200. Kmplo) incut Man and wife on ranch, $00 per mouth. Waitress (llrla and women for general house work. Hlderly woman for house keeper. Ranch hands. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phone -II II; Home, 11. Opposite XuMi Hotel BOOMS nml 7, PALM BLOCK. NEW TODAY A party near Sams Valley has ono of tho best paying farms In tho val ley which hu will trade for some clear Income property to tho value of $25,000. An alfalfa field on tho placo is waist high this week, and receiving Its second cutting. Has raised alfal fa for 22 years. This Is n flno placo. Good houso, wells and springs, two burns, 05 acres In alfalfa, six acres In young pear treos, 25 acres of good corn. A mllo from atoru nml post offlco. Fenced and cross fenced, and well stocked. Everything goos with tho place. Salo or trade. Lot mo show you tho place. I havo calls for furnished Iioubos, and houses for rent. Cull and list your property of this kind, and It will havo careful attention, 20 acres of flno orchard just west of Central Tolnt, principally In boarlug Nowtown nnd Spltzenborg tip ples. Some pears, and tliroo acres of alfalfa, Now G room bungalow, and family orchard of an aero, Irrigation will reach It next year, Prlco $10,500 Tomm on part, MCD.HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phenes: Pacific 781, Home 78 K Reslucuco Phono GH OTPFORP, OTfRCJON, TUESDAY, JTTLY 10, 1012. -- - - .. . , surroundings on the prnlrles and al though there was a great changen ho could not but admire our lovely hills valleys ami mountains. Jl, i:. McNIchol bus a tra;t of laud advertised In this paper among the assorted uds. colksti.v i:ccnsio.v. Southern Pacific will run another Colestln excursion Sunday, July 21, particulars In these columns In next few days. Watch for them and get you lunch basket ready. Bomombcr tho date Sunday, July 21. Arrange ments will probably bo mndo to havo baud accompany excursion. BI'SINIiSH OPPOBTL'M.IKS. III'SINKSS OPPOBTPNITV Anyone wishing to engage In the billiard business can purchase all or n halt Interest In the Owl llllllard par lors us owner wishes to go away. Same can bo purchased nt n very reasonable figure. S. I. Drown. MO.NKV TO LOAN. TO LOAN Several thousand dollars to loan on Improved property, ad dress box SO, Tribune. LOST LOST PoekOt book at baseball park, Sunday, July 14. Of no value ex cept to owner. Contains $1000 note to mo and other papers. Has my photograph, Liberal re ward to finder. Wm. M. Colvlg. Commercial Club building. 'JS LOST In Ashlnnd July 5 or C. n gold necklace and old fashioned design of 'Jewelry, chain with a charm, charm set with pearls and two gold tassels attached to charm. Owner will give n good re ward for tho return of Jewelory. Leave at Trlbuno office, Medford, Oregon. 109 FOB BENT l'UB.MSHED APTS. FOB BENT Smith Apis. 217 S. Blv, FOB BENT Furnished apartment. Just like n bungalow. Large porches, private baths, new, cor ner Quinco nnd W. Main street. Phono 317 L. FOR IlKNT OFFICES FOB RENT Orer t postotflce, with heat and iiiht. leo A. A. DaTls. FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of flco rooms with elovator sorvlcc, steam beat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOB BENT BOARD AND ROOMS WHERE? Why, at tho Park View Hotel, of course, good square meals, homo cooking, 25 cents. Cool, clean rooms, good beds, 25 cents n night. 103 FOB KENT FUHNISH1XD ROOMS FOB RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 and $2 por week. Modorn housekeeping apartmonts, $15 and $1C. Home phone 2C6-K. 222 8outh Holly. FOR RENT Comfortublo room with bath, closo In. Phono Pacific 2455. 103 FOB RENT UUC8KS FOB BENT Three room furnished bungalow, pleasant lot on paved street, rent reasonable, 527 South Holly. FOB BENT Furnished C-room house, modern. 5 IS King st. FOR BENT Closo in C room hohuso with modern plumbing and elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn mid cement sidewalks. Cull Bell phono 3101. FOB BENT 8 room houso on South Grupo Bt. Call 310 N. Bartlett. FOR BENT Six room houso, mod orn, paved stroot, $10.50. W. T. York &" Co. FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE $2100 nrtUtla anodoru bungalow; built In furnituro, beautiful lawn; paved street. In quire 309 South Nowtown. FOB BENT Modorn five-room houso. M. A. Bndor, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR SALE Four-room bungalow, oloctrlo llghtB, sowar and city wator on paved street. $650 cash if tukon ut onco. lnquiro of own er at 311 West Jackson Btreet. tf FOB SALE Cheap, now 5-room also now tl-room modern buugnlow. Inquire owuot-, 23 ltoao avenue. Phono Bell 6822, 99 FOB SALi: 100x258, sultablo for 5 lots, two room houso furnished, electric lights, water paid 1G months In adrnnce, flno largo gar den, close In. Price $1200. In quire at Hotel Medford Barber shop. 103 FOB SAXE tiAND FOB SALE 80 acrca of Improved land 3 inlle.i from market, ft room furnished house, stock and Im plements, etc., good water. Price $2000. See It while crops are growing. Address Box 52, Jack sonville, Oro. 117 FOB BALE ACRKAGB FOB SALE 9 acres, fertile truck land, perpetual water right, 1 1 miles east of Eagle Point, Drowns Itoro roafl. Good family orchard, fi-rooin house. For terms, address II. E. McNIcholl, Eaglo Point, Oregon. 101 FOB SALE Eight ncrea, Just out sldo city limits, nil planted to 3 year old apples; small house, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOB SALE 4 ncres, a flno homo on Pacific highway, ono mile north of city, a ten room houso with mod ern Improvements and out build ings. It Is the best land for ber ries and truck farming and Is un der Irrigation, nnd has perpetual wuter right. It Is partly set to ber ries and fruit trees. Inquire of P. S. Carpenter, owner, Perrydale Ad dition. 104 FOB SALE JUSCEIituNKOD8 FOB SALc, Prune and apple or- t l . .- - a r- ...-. cuaru, -u ficres pruues, iu acres Italians, 10 J'etites. S years old, all on black bottom x land, C'.-i ncres Newtown apples. C years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box 93 Youcalla, Ore. 114 FOB SALE Cauary denco S43 East 9th phono 359C. Ulrds. Resi st., Pacific 10C FOB SALE Grain hay, from $C to $12 a ton at Isaac's ranch. Phono 591-B-4. FOR SALE Berries by crate. Call Home phone 319-B, or Booth 5, public market. Ill FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE FOR SALE. BENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modern, with two lots on South Central avenue, east front, also lot and barn joining place, pour room house with two lots closo In, con nected with sewer and city water. Seo owner, T. L. Taylor. Phono Bell SC-R-4. 120 HELP WANTED FKMAXJi WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. T. S. SteeuBtrup, 109 Geneva nve. 99 WANTED First class woman cook. Good pay and long Job. Box 63. Boguo River, Ore. 99 WANTED' SITUATIONS. WANTED First clnss auto repair man with good references, wishes job. A. P. Mason, 123 S. Holly. 103 WANTED Plain sowing, alterations ami children's clothes preferred. $1.50 per day, Mrs. Helghton, phono Sll-F-21. 102 WANTED MISCKIjIiANEOUS WANTED Burlap sacks at Mllld. Buss WANTED Government Beltnquish auent or ncreago. Glvo complete dobcrlptlou and lowest price first lotters. C. J. Wolfe. 1G32 Ivy st.. Glendale, Calif. 99 WANTED Stock for now green pas turo with running water at Isaac's ranch. Phono GU1-B-4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney D. W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville. Oro. Office: Bauk bldg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. O. L. BEAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, socoud floor. PORTER J. NEFP. WM. P. MHALEY Attoruoys-nt-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofftco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Corey bldg. Garuett- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. P. MUL KEY, OEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson Couuty Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYEB , Land Tltlo Examiner. 120 Gamott-Corov, Bldg. By D. B. WOOD General accountant Tour books audited and kept for a reasona-blo figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bide.; phone 6611; residence phono C302. Billiard rarrors T. BBOWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Toung & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. 'uni rotter VEBNE T. CANON Dill poster and Distributor.- All orders promptly filled. Boom 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Drick nnd Cement THE MedTord Hydraulic Cement, Drlck and Dlocks Works. Special ty, ornamental brick for fireplaces, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, Jardinieres, flower pots. Phone Main 511, corner 10th and Fir streets. Chiropractors DR. A. D. HEDGES. Dr. Louiso E. Hedges, Mechano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results In both acuto and chronic dldseases. Consulta. Hon free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. ni. Other hours by appointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths nnd scien tific massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1CS-K. Main 7973. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHlTINO Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concreto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk.. Medford, Oregon. Chlncso Medicine CMOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, coustipuMon, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. BOSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phone Main 5663. Dentists DB. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite S10, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ABTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office In Rlnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 681. Night phone 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hacker, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of help furnished ami positions obtained freo to tho employer. Bell 15S1, Home 270-B 118 Granite Wor MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers lu pressed brick nnd lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson bL Phono No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Stroot, Dealors aud manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick aud tllo. Get our prices and boo our brick aud tllo bofore purchasing. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Cnll on tho city garbago wagonB for good service, Phouo Main 6251. P. Y. Alien. Notnry Public HELEN N. YOGKKY Notary Pub lic. Brlug your work to me at thi sign of Tho Mall Trlbuue. PXGE TKRtm "Bud"t Fisher MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission furnituro mndo. to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trlul order solicited. Nurscrrea QUAKER NUBSEBIES Our teca aro I udded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo"guarantea ererythlng put out. We are not in tho trust. H. n. Patterson. Offlca removed to offlco Hotel Naih, in side entrance next to barber shop. BOGUE BIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grada nursery stock. Office 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Printers and lbUsbcr MEDFOBD PBINTING CO. has the best equipped Job offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose lea J systems, cut paper, etc, etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir it. Paltering INTEBIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phono Pac 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, residence phona 612. Offlco hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. P. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINB CARLOW Osteopathlo.physlcloni. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gnr-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 6501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, resldenco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyalclaa and Surgeon. MYBTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. . Practice limited to diseases o women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-IC DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, ear, noso and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Bes. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. MarkB Block. Offlco phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Bll 271. Resldenco phono Bell 273. Horns 347-X. B. KIBCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Parmer 16xx5 Eaglo Polut aud Roguo River lino. HERMANN P. RATTE, M. D. Of flco over Medford National Bank Offlco phono 6701. Bes Hotel Holland. CLABK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Prac tice limited to Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. Eyes scientifically testod and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Oro. Beat Estate GEORGE L. Davis, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Over Fruitgrowers Bank. REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa aud garden lauds. Btcnograpliera ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm 'block. Stonogrnphlo work douo quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlcp 16 South Fir. Phoue Bell 31G2; Home 3G0-K."-Prlcns right. Borvico guaranteed. Umlertaiccrs JOHN A. PERL Unoertakor und Embalmer, Office 28 South Bart lett et. Tolophonea; Day, Bell 471;' night, residence, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered night or duy. Ambulunco sorvlw, V?