f.,t!--WWbt)rr IW W V V PGE TWO OTDFORD afATG TRIBUNE, aArTCDFORD, OKKClOX, 'rriOSOAV. ,nThV HI, 1012. 1 n il. r. I! iii lfc hit 1 M MEDFOBD MAIL tribune hAV.INDKI'HNDKNT NKWHPAPKIt lUl5TTl?Rt) KVBfnT- AKTIiRNOON K rr riinijay. itr tub IJDpORD 1'UINTlNq CO. t. Tho DMTiocriitlo Tim, TJ Medford Mull. Tim Mcdfpni Tribune, Tlio South -nOrgonJ(ini Tho Ashland Tribune. 'OfrtCS'MMl"Trtmnlo nutltllnir. 2B-27-2D North I'lr (rcrt; phono, Mnln 3021; Home 75. U HO 110 13 PUTNAM, Editor ami Mnnngor THE SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLAR WEDDING. 13ntrd is rconcl4uis matter M McJfonl, Orogoh, u tutor the aot of Mnrcli S. 187. Offlrlttl TflPcr .of the City of Medford. Official I'aprr of Jockson County. -"TOBBCKXPTXtm RATS. One yft r, Ur tnH . f 5.00 Onoinootl; by innll. ,.,... ., SO Ver month, delivered by cnrrler In XttAtord. JacltRonvllle nnd Cn- trnl Point . ,..i nitnrdnv rinli. hv mall. Bi-r Vpnr. . Wockly, per year 1.50 .CO 2.00 VALU EOF m mm m wonmhe to smopimn i to IS CLEARLY SHOWN Tltnl the oluiins tif tin' uHin'i'x of the Hojruo Kixor 'n)l(v Cnnnl com puny in lojrnrd to tlio utile of ntor npplmd to IhihI mv not overdrawn it dnwn inoro iMMidimitiilv this '.' lluui over htrro liy their !vjrinltit1i irrigated trout. ThU .onoii for the fitt time ian flu Bivnt value nt water lu oon, for tin- season moio 'mill tlitui over before i under eulti ntion on tlio so-called "de-orl." N'ourlv MID nores. of tret were ( "ill t hit .opriitK unit jtidifiuK frtnu tin growth (hoy have, ninth, a well x tint nppoarmieo or tlu tree otit em old, OR ID PfflY WASHINGION, July 1C Dcclar lnR that neither Taft nor Uoosevelt nro legnl nominees of tho republican party, nnd that tho promoters of Roosevelt's party will be fiullly of dlahouorablo action If they attempt to retain control of tho republican ma chinery in states where tho progres sives control, United States Senator John D. Works of California Is to day on record as opposed to the new third 'party, for which n nationnl convention is to be called in Chica go next month. Senator Works added that the time for the now party is not ripe. As' thero is no legitlmato republican candidate, he argues, the republican voters are free to voto for Wilson, Roosevelt or any independent candi dato they choose, but if. in so doing, they attempt to retain control of es tablished republican state and county committees or other organizations, they are guilty of "treachery of the worst kind, and cannot longer cry 'thief to tho men they charge with stealing delegates at Chicago." utHin nuvtru) uvti AL KAUFMAN'S BED ONIC of Snn Kivimmsoo's hvirossos iiiul society bells was lnaiTict today amidst scones of splendor, with a pomp and pageantry of wealth never before witnessed on the Pacific coast. 'The cost of tlio wedding celebration was $00,000. The temporary pavilion erected for the wedding breakfast and torn down afterwards, cost $lo,000. The floral display ran into many thousands. $0,000 being inuMod in the single feature of orchitis. Over l.f)00.000 worth of jewels sparkled upon tho guests. The bride is one of the flowers in California's garden ot gold planted by the pioneer bankei-s. minors, and rail road builders, to wlioso pecuniary shrewdness and grasp ing acquisitiveness the present generation, is paying tri bute sufficient to afford the luxury of such 'ceremonies.' One would naturally suppose that sixty thousand dol lar weddings reflected the remarkable prosperity of the country. Vet in this same San Francisco there is a dailv bread line of a thousand or more people, unemployed and unable to secure employment, fed at public expense to keep from starvation. ' In truth the existence of such useless and wanton extravagoneo is proof in itself of ijn- the ".le-eir u uVmi. ..t to" Ikhiohu healthy economic conditions ol an inequitable distribu tion of wealth that destrovs eoualitv of onnortunitv and produces the pauper as well as the millionaire. There are those who defend the absurd extravagan cies of the rich on the ground that they distribute wealth in the community and therefore produce prosperity. liur they produce no permanent prosperitv, as the same ex penditure in development or industrial enterprises would. Wanton waste never produced prosperity. The feasts of Lueullus did not create prosperity for Home, hot her alded its decay and fall, an easy prey to the barbarians whom it despoiled. The daz.lingVonrt of Louis X 1 V. with the reckless extra vagences it engendered among the nobil ity did not make 1'Yance prosperous, but impoverished it and brought on the confiscation of the revolution. Tho oxtravagent waste of the medieval church destroyed its prosperity and brought about the forfeiture of its immense estates. The extravagences of the Stuarts brought civil war and the loss of a throne, instead of national prosperity. So run the lessons of history. Ueokloss extra vagence is ever the symptom of unjust economic conditions that create it, and a prelude to the decay and destruction of the cause. Uie same environment that produces the $00,000 wedding nonsense on one side 'of the street, yields the bread line on the other. It is a waste of energy and of time to attack the inevitable result of our institutions. Let us rather study flli"! A1MITM1 Oiwl nnitnn iitit-li . ..?..... i -. . ..!.. ! fill . uAiui ciiiM ttiuai: Uitu t l' IU IVlIIfUVlIIlJ It. I lit i Wi iw AT CMS 0 V useless extra vagence of the few and the needless do vert of the many are simnly svmntoms of a world-wide lk..W, old as civilization. We must understand the disease as itselfjuij gropingly jmd experimentally apply the remedy. mm SAN FRAXCISCO. Cal., July 1C Death may soon end the ring career of Al Kaufman, California heavy weight and ai one time regarded as the coming heavyweight champion of tho1 world. This fact was announced today 'from tho bedside, where Kauf man lies stricken with pneumonia. His temperature is at 104, but it will be several days before the crisis in his illness is reached. Ills friends are hopeful that his rugged constitution will pull him through. Kaufman was matched to meet Charley Miller, the giant motorman. hero July 31 and promoter Eddie Graney Is now scouting around for a substitute. Charley Horn is anx ious for tho chance, but is figured to bo too light for Miller. It is ex pected tho bout will bo definitely ar ranged here. 0LSS0N CITIZENSHIP GOES TO HIGHER COURT r SEATTjitjj,' July 10. With tin. fnetft in Hlit Leonard OIson dfcfrtin ohoiheuient caso ngrept to by the op posing parties, Judge llunford yeMi"' dnyj sinol tlio order iMTiiiittiiig the onsoTu (.'o'up to the circuit court of appeals. George McKay, ntloruev for Olcson expects to have tho cane ready for argument when the appellate court convenes in Seattle in September. Seven errors lire alleged upon which tho higher court is linked to reveisc Judge HUnford's decision which can celled Olfrhoii'it naturalization paper because of lux Hicinlintio belief;. ROOSEVELT ELECTORS IN STATE OF WASHINGTON "i iiit i SEATTLE, July l().-Witli the lep-rcseiitnti-.c's from twenty-two coim lierfMn the' cnilferencc, the insurgent in this stale ngiecd to put Hnoxeveit cleojorn 'in ho iield hut turned down n motion to put up a third party ticket on county and state offices. Andyerwheliniiig majority in tho con ference were' of the opinion that the progressiva can win no far as tho Muto ticket is concerned in tho regu lar prihiarlcH. Fourteen delegates to tlia'tliird: pifrty conventioil nt Chicago wej-6 hl'lccted. PROHIBIT GAMBLING V . IN, COTTON FUTURE5 WAIIINpA'ON. July M-J)y a vote gf 05 aypa tp 2p pyes the !iibv HUB III ('111(1(111 1 pned tho bill proulb iting jjibliiig 'in cotton futures, 1 KILLED BY BUFFALO PARIS, July 10. Hubert Latham, aviator was killed by a buffalo, June ", wbilo hunting near the source of the Nile, nocording to u cable re ceived here from the governor general ot the" trench Congo. The news wns broken to bis mother, for whose sake Latham gave up flying some time ago. Latham was on u huntiu- oxnoditiou in Africa. His body will be brought here for burial. Latham became a celebrity In aviation circles on tho'btrength of a series of remarkable flights early In 1909, winning the Coupy prize June 12, of that year with a record of 30 miles iu 39 mlntes at aholght of CO meters. A month later lie made a series of unsuccessful t at tempts to fly the English Channel but twice fell Into tho water, whence he was fished out by the crews of war vessels. In September, 1909, he flew directly over Ilerlln, succeeding In the first attempt evor mado to fly across the city. In January, 1910, he reached an altitude of 3,000 feet with his Antoinette monoplane, trav eling -10 miles an hour In a spiral course. Just before ho visited Ame'rlca, where he flew iu many places and at tracted an Intense amount of atten tion, Latham gave an astonishing ex hibition at Ooupy, France, flying for 35 minutes, part of the tlmo at the rate of 82 miles an hour, which was then tho record for an aeroplane. Latham's flying was practically all done In the Antoinette monoplane. AMERICANS SHOW ATHLETESBASEBAL L not onlv u it rent -mull fruit, hurry and produce producer, but otic of the fav ored nml profitable oiihaul seelioiH of the iillcy. It will well rc-my out to make a iit to the trneln or the coimmnv if one entertains duiihls of the 'uttitv of tliunc tract. One of the bout appearing Irnd in that section !r tin .Mile home. Hero strcnt euro has Ikcii lakcn in the development of U() acre- in tilt hour! of the o-c!lld "desert." If any land in (bat neettou cimuid non-productive it was the Nile tract two ywtrs ago. Xow it is "hlo-soiMintf like the rose." There i- no roMuir or more attractive looking 'JO acres iu the v:illc, all due to water. Young live are flonri-limur while between the rows heme-., mel on itnd cgotnhlc.s of nil kind an tjrowiiuf well, giving promit of lare return. The soil i rnxt!ile of pm ducing .-inching with water. In one of the tract where ih minute wiii used to set out lives one eai axo, the orchurd eTeri wdl taml astounded at the Mlendid Ihmii made bv the tree. It i almot un believable that they are onl one year old. And again thiecret is water. The company thi ear set out -ISO acies di trees u.Nleiitliiitt from tilt Xilen place west to the llbee bridge. This land was plow ml mid leveled lt year and now et to tres. Water i applied frctpicntly and the little tree arc responding readily. The "desert" tract are a great nl- pct lesson. It is iiiiNisild to view i inc irrigaied tracts wtinoiii im con inccd. STOCKHOLM, July HI.- The Ant euctiu' nnrtSuipuulH iu the Olyinple jriiinecre phnlogrnplieduu tlio slod iiiiu today nud itjvim uliiioM an iiiueli of n fiinolion a ynntm day's uward of the jniros by the king of Sweden. ThoiisninU of people turned out to sec the winning athlelcs'giouped to trethur, chceiiuit them wilh Itviueu dona otithiiHia'siti. One of (he pliHisuil tliiiiKi uboill the AuiciiciMi lcloi i that it seem to have left nil aifieeable tn-te in escr.v body's mouth. The winners seem to liiae succeeded iu milking them solve exceedingly popular, and even the mills whom they defeated have nothing hut kind thing to say of them. The aliiioMphcu is much denier than iinmediatelv follow iii (ho games at Loudon four yours uyo, and won il not for tile death of Utsaro. the .Mar alhon ntuiu'r, which has ilnowti a do cided wet blauki! over tho uiu.l-npol this year's xnthcring, the iitorH here could hardly ut on better teiiHf. The crowd in the oily is nlicadv be ginning to t III ti out, but It will he some das bet. no tin number of Ohuipic iltoi coast - to be nolieoublc on the -licet-, ol Moillii-liii THE WOMEN DROWN: E lumping on I lie hIioi-o with her two Utile bullion, ami llioit'h hIio iiIho wan uiinblo to HWlm, hIio plimiu'd in a tor the girls without rcinovlun her cloth lug. Tho HoroiUiiH of the bnhloti at trnelod pnsHoisby, who took tho thioo HfeloHH bodlcH from the pool, Mcdfonl Prluttug company carry a loll Una of legal blanhH, i ' " ' . Wo nro now serving OUR OWN Ice Cream HKUIC IH OlMt l'Olt.MDLA ' (.foam ( ' ' ' Milk BtiKar , p l'opulu Flnvorliig No Starch No Flour No Ico Cream Powdora No (lelutlu ot any kind, HASKINS for HEALTH rmrr- WHEKE TO OO TONIGHT -0-' STAR THEATRE Pei feci Ventilation mill Couiforl l)ONT LOOK at tlio tln'1-uinuiolur-- Coino whom It'M cool nud look at tnir plot ii i ex. 40(1(1 Feet or PiiNt Hun FIIiiih I00O , Another big one ,r; itoi'it oi'Tcititoit A fioiillor mIoij IiiIiii full of notion uiul ilirlllii. Hoc Iho w'criloiu ililem, Till.' OAPUICtof'SNKHH Ol' I.OVll ,AII roiiiud)' OUANIIPA Truly uliMorbliiK lutoietit. PLXNTINO TI.MK A licit nud liyiHlmlilo comoily. MVlv'S ItAILItOAO TIiIm Ih u legulur ioiikIioiiho comoily, Deplotlug locrV Iroiibbm tlirotigh life. Al HATIIICIt aliiglui: "MY ItOil.MtY" Willi oigau uiToiiiiuiiliiiciit. Iliwi of uiii.lc and loulintlc nrfoelx nUOOKDALi; Cal. July 10 Drowned in a treacherous pool of the San Loieiizo Uhcr. .Miss (lliuhs lluwkett. ;. Mlmt Lilly .McDonald. IT., and .Mrs. .May C'ripps, 30. nlster of Mltw Haw Kelt, all of Oakland, an' dead hero today. Tho two youiiKcr KlrlH hail leaped Into the pool think ing It was shallow water. They found It over their heads and noltli- crcould swim. Their frantic cries attracted .Mrs Orlppi, who was STEAMER NEW YORK', July 10 Tlio tcamcr Naitfiiiu, crowded with excurxionihts from Ncvnrk, N. J., crashed into (he heumer Jtoscdulo in Kockuwuy Inlet this afternoon, cutting a large bole in the Itohcdalo'K poit bow. Tin Hose dale wiih beached and her passeugeiH wore Kiifely taken abhore. The accident occurred iu deep wa ter, hjil a fleet of binall bou.tn v;ih sgou iu utteuduueu nud the Jtoscdult-'-. piibseugers, win) were bound from Far Hockaway to this city, were taken off ail'ul rowed fcliore. The NuHhim wiih nble to continuo on hgr journey, nlthoiigh her bow was criibhed ju nbovo tlio wuteiliiio and ghe will have to go into drydock. ' STOCKHOL1I, Jiilv HJ-Amcricans showed the other athletes of all na tions this afternoon how to play base ball. They did it in the Olyiupie stad ium, and probably two such nines were neer gathered together before in the history of Im.scball. They were divided into ea.sterners nnd Western ers, and the eastern team boat the western one by n .core of (5 to '.). Among the eastern players were C. K. Briokloy, the Harvard hop-btep-and-jumper; Jmne Thorpe, the Car lisle Indian all-around athlete; IP n Adnms, the X.'w York Athletic club' high jumper; John Haul Jones, the ftinntcur mile runner; I'lutt Adam, broad jumper; A. It. Kivintr, Vug din lance phcnoui; K. H. .Mercer, biond jumper from I'ennsylvania unucrsi(; L. Whitney, Boston hhotputtrr, nnd II. I'. Drew, the negro bpriutcr from Springfield, Musts. The vioMem star included K. F. Lindberg, the Chicago Atblctio n- fcociatioirs 100 ycard man; IL Ji. Ilaff, another 100 yarder from Michi gan university; Leslie Hyid, jumper, from Chicago univcrxity; V. Vs. Irons, Chicago jumper; V. V. Hclotc, Hjiriu (er from the biime city; I. X. Huvcu port, utill nnotber Cbicagoan; (i. L. Horine, high jumper from (be Pacific count; Jra Courtney of Seattle, and J. A. Ilcuniild, the Chicago A. A. all ariMinder. . It was peihui the fnateat collec lion of pluynra jecn on mi auiateur field, and they doiuniiftlrntcd (be game nt it ory bu( to the throng of in ternational iithletUH who watcho I them. HETTY GREEN JOINS CHURCH IN IM YEAR! Ni:W YOltIC, July HI As a re sult of long urging on (he part of Father Klnieudoif, a distant rela tive, Hetty CreCn, the richest woman in tho world, Is a member of tho Episcopal church todny. following her baptism in her TSth year. Mrs. Oreon Is now preparing herself for confirmation, a ceremony to bo con ducted by lllshou Kdwln S. Lines of the New York diocese. I'm The Little Doctor Wisconsin Labor Federation SJIHIiOYGAX, Wis., July IS. reuialiider of this woek tho annual convention of tlio WIkcoiihIii Stat" Federation of Labor. The attendance- Includes representatives of labor bodies throughout tho tituto. In ad dition to tranuctlng considerable busi ness tho convention will discuss wide range of loplcs affecting (he InterohtH of oiganfxud labor. Coajostod Liiurk? Don't wait a minute xetv .Mac Uireu's Muslard Cerate. If there's anything on earth that will head off pneumonia It's "tlio little doctor" .Mac Lareu's Mustard Cerate. (Jet a" Jar today at your druggist's ho has two sixes 25 and fiO cents. If ho hasn't ho will got It for you. Kei Mac Lareu's .Mustard Cerate In tlio Iiniihe ready for Instunt use You can end many a cold and sore throat before It's really started. MANY ATTRACTIONS FOR 1912-13 SEASON A partial liht of bookings for the lOHi-HMhcatiical hciihoii by Manager McCallum of tho local theatre, which will open with "Louininuii Lou"Augiihl sixth, bun been made and other iU Iraetiojih will be booked Ub soon iih pohbible. Among (he shows to be been tho coming season aie: Louisiiuia Lou, Haby Mine, .Madame Sherry, Alerry Widow, Modern Kvc, Tlic Hose Maid, Little figbel, TJoiight and I 'aid For, riunly I'nlls tho Strings1, Missy Is&y, Prince of Tonight, Fortune Hun ter, Hitverloy, Wuboiuu Widow, and Chocolate Soldier, Stop That Neli Vou have no Ma what rMlcf you ran Kt from tli't Hkln truulilus that Urn wuatloir brlnh'H until you apply Uiul fuuthliih'. clcuiiiinr wiihIi the Ih l. l. I'rt-Hcrlntiuii for J'ckuiiiii. can Klve qh a kuuiI-hIzli trlul hot tlu fur zG cuitii. Tim very Arm iirops hrlru: Ins nt roller from tl.ut lortuilm; itch. Wu Miow that V, I) U will do tho work Uiul Ih why wj hu you u ro.'iilar loltlo of this treat rwinxly on our poxitue iifi-pav x .ir.inl.o Wu uIwiivm it 'GiiiiiH-nd I), 1) V tor It Riven relief n i,i Hiiimiier ulun trou llt that noil If i Pi- cun .MKDKOUI) PJfAUMACV Ul a InBlst on tho Original MAC LAR.ILNS J d WILL NUI DLIMfclC Accept No Bubstltulo Medford Pharmacy and other druggists, For your Summer Reading AW have ai all limes a full line of iMaazines, paper-covered J o o k s and latest Iielion for your inspeelion. MEDFORD BOOK STORE COM I. NHS niMIMH The .Villi lliuidllM of Put l TIiom ate uhnoltitel) (he genuine ph t ill oh of (ho capture of those notorious bandits matini:i:h daily Admission tOu Children fn IS IS THEATRE :il)0(l l'.s-t of LlieiiMMl Pictures itllllll Crater Lake Auto Line Car will leavo Hotel Medford, for Crater Luke at 8 a. in. Tuesdays and Saturday. lteturn Mondays and Thursdays. Hpund Sunday at Crater Lake, Reservations mado at Medford Hotel office. O.N'LY VAl'l)i:VILI.K IN Till: CITY Admission 10 and tf rents. lltLNi: ALIIIA.M:. CAineilleiuin JtOIXi:.KT Double voiced sliiKer and rhururlor not. jim's win: Drama. IokkIiii; ntory In the Maine wood In winter. ? JlAsu-i1 JKVNNl rsi.'iu x . r. r i KM YPTOK & r INVISIBLE mVZZi " " yM-jB rV ( "I "vTrSC. -I. .I "in -"' MM Mte lenses give him tlio two visions he requires in a one-piece lens. They are truly wonderful bifocals with no lines of seinim Jion and no cemeulqd pieces. Come in and see them. DR. "RICKERT Over Ken l tier's, In Plain Black and White Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phenes: Pacific 15021. Home 3ij4 Messenger Rcrvico 15 N. jrir. Clark & Wright LAWYER! WASHINGTON, 1), O. Public. Land Mstten: Final Prool Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cssoa. Bcrlp. Tin: .Mi'HKirrcCit's ii:ki, Comedy. Filled wilh beautifully colored pictures. A LIIWSO.V I.N' LIOI'ID Allt Scientific. tiii: piciimi: idoi, One of (ho VKnciaph's comedies full of lauiths. ti 'tumr JM y&UPiltiXiiiJI If you (jou't have yonr'i'notli nttondoil to in tlmo you u HI i it all your life. Dolayn nro daugoioiis, and tlio older ono Krowit tho worso tho dniiKor Is, Tulco our ndvlco and let us ex amine your Teeth and keep them In proper condition by an occasional ex amination. Wo nro expert Dentists with n reputation for lilisli class work Iu all brauchofl of tlio profcM sloii. DR. BARBER TIII-J DISNTIHT ' Over HnnlolB for Duds. Pacific Phono aeas, Home Phono HOli-JC PLUMBING Mteam and Hot Water Heating All VVork Uiiartuteei. I'rlces neuMousbl. COFFEEN k PRIGI IS Howard Blook, Sntranca on fltU II Vaotfln 10J1. lomt . Special matlncoH every Saturday and Sunday at 2 p. in. Kveiilui; performauco, 7:30 A SNAP 00 acres, six miles from Medford, good fjradod road crosses tho tract, all froo soil, at C0 per acre. J 1 000 will liaiidlo, easy terms on balance. Part Is crook bottom land, sultabln for alfalfa. Bovornl springs mi tho place. Tlmbor enough to pay for the tract. No bulidlutcs. la the Orlfflu creek district. W.T.York. Co. -T- -f - rrpr- MORTGAGE LOANS roney on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates wilh "on or heforo privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Pliono 3231 320 G -O. Bldfif. Watch Our Addition Grow ftcksoa Nnd Huuuull Medford Realty and improve incut Company M. V, II. Co. Hldjf. THE PARK aROCERY aUOCJJSIHIM, I'MtUITS, UANDIKH, GK1AHB and TODACGO Hell Phono Main r.UlL', 41!2 W. Main.. Draperies Wo carry u vorjr caiiiplota lino of drnpurli'B, luno ourloliiH, fix Cures. lu,, mill 4o ull iiIuhmum of nplioliitorlnir. A speulnl mini Iu look oftur tlits work uxcliiHlvnly and will kIvh as (food mirvlco ns Is posslhlo to cet Irs uvuu tho Urst-st cllloo, WEEKS & MgCOWAN CO, :i 1 f i f k.