- T . ' It s a Wonder Mutt Didn't fcin rnn'l, , 'UJi .-.. i. r, ,., ... , , -.,.U wmuwl ..... .T...TSK ' . ' . . , " '' sSS lJf iJ J SJrr (g5 . tU 1. J cpccot.vNoY-ro TirBvHsr- -A nriX n ww Yr vw' -" - 'H'f . WANT ADVICE Tim Hindi linnnt (if fifth mid gnnm coininlRHloiicrH Iiiivii undertaken n thorough revision or din present ). torn "f (hu gnum lawn, Tlib Idea 1m to prrmint n codo for adoption nt tlm next Icglnlalure. which will give mum complete protection to find and gnum mill correct ninnnrniin errurn In tlm present system of Inwn. Tin eolnmlnnluu dcnlre In making tip thin now game rodn to gut n thor ough expression ot pnlillc opinion before t ho code 1h proncutod to tlm leglnlnturn, I "or thin ntiiKOii tlm mciuhern of tint r-ommlnnlnu link Hint residents In tllffeient purtK of the state, enpeclally fnrtuern, fruit grow ers, iim woll tin sportsmen, no ml In nny xiiKK'Htlonit n llmt tlio continU hIiih niiiy nrl upon ttnun. niiftiif tloiiH nru nlHo hoiikIU from tlio KnniK'n. romtiiorrlnl tiodli'n, roil nml kuii rliitm nnd othir orRiitilrntlonn In oritur to Kt u KHttm coilo miltnlilo (or illf(ir'iit purU of thu ntnt. All roiiuiiiliilrntlotni nml miRROH tlotiH nhoulil lio went to .1, P. IIiikIion, xirrliiry of tint fl; anil Rttnin rout inlnnlou, Hnlctn, Or. At pn'nctnt tlmn nro i niimlmr of (iii-Kttoiin iinilor itlfli'imnlon thnl will Int of Intercut to Hptirtttnicn In llf- fcrxnl pitrtK of llii fituti', itui'h im tlm iii'itilon ot liountli, on proilntory iiiiIiihiIh, Tlm columlftrtlon In In fa vor of n moro rlKliI effort to oxtr inlniito coiiKnr nml wolvon. Tlm iiifitlloii linn lioon nKltati'il In cor- Inln piirtn of tlm ntnto to rotlucn tlm iioii-rcitlilont hnntliiR nml flnhlnt: II oonim to tlm intiim prlr hh tlm nHl ilftit llri'imo. Muny uportHiniMi nro iiIno In fnvnr of ri'ilucliiu thu HiiiHh on ili'r ami other kiiiiio. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I -f JpnH Whwlor litft Hnturdny unorn lug for DuiiHiuulr. Cat , to npeud a fow ilayH, J. S'. Mynrn npent pnrl of thin week at I'ronpcct roturuliiK Hat ill day oviiln:, Mrn. K. ('. Kalmr and rhlldron havo riilurueil fioiu the Anhlnud Chautnu quit. .William Norvllln of tlm Jiirolwnu llndc Co., of Medford, inado n himt- iichh trip hero Hnt unlay aftornoon. Mrn. It, I. Wllnou and hoii, Mr. and Mrn. Rinllh, Mrn. llonrnt, Minn Krnni'lnn Mc.Nnnnr, Minn Kloronco Nohlo, A. It. 1'nrkor nnd H. A. l'nt tlnon wnro anloni tlm Cmitrnl Point pooplo nt Medford Kaliirilny. Mm. l.oo WntlriiiH, Minn Mnrjory Wntklnn, OharloM II. nny, MrH. Hpoonor nnd mm and II. Ti. Ileal of Moilfonl npont Bundny with rnlntlvitH and frlomlH hero, 'A. M. Onrvln rotunmd Bundny inornlitK f rtuii h wooICh vlnlt to Port laiul. Mrn, Olinrlim Whlto nnd Mrn, Hnlph Whltu of Hokuo Itlvor npont Bundny horo vIhIIIiik K. . Vnvra. and fam ily. Tolo plnyoil Mm Contrnl Point Oulm horo Bundny nftornoon, Hcoro 13 to fi In favor of Conlrnl Point. Fifty ot our nonplo nt tended tho hnll K"in nt Moilfonl Bundny. 'Mrn. PnulUH OIhou nnd MrH. II. T. Pnnkoy nnd dnuKhtor nro hiioiuIIiir ft HoiiHon vlBltlnR rolutlvoH nt Eiikouo nml HoHohurK. Mr. nnd MrH. nuntoii utul fninlly loft for .InckHonvlllo Krldny niornliiK. MIbb Kvn NororohH anil Hlntor Holon. Mi It. KuKliind, Iioonnrd Froomun mid Clifford llutflold woro jmHon KorB rrom horo for AHhlund Prldny nuflrnlhu, A. W, Moon and family and Mrs. Moon Br arc HpondliiK two wooltH or inoto In OrnhlH Puhh. J. II. MoKftll or oiiBtorn OroRon Ih VlBlthiR frlomlH horo. Mih. V. M. 'Junuoy of MoiUovd Hphnt Friday horo- with her pnrontH Mr. mid Mi-h; flptnk. ' ' Flot'onoo Mooro hnn ijono to Wood, CullfornlU, ON GAME LAWS llinrnonil llllTOnil tl IO riAHl mnM m. w. op a. xotick. for kali: houses, business directory business piKEOTuiii i finll ILI JV I Inl lHlfllVlllil 1-1 II V L ft I II LlJllllfl All imiitilmru nf Ihn nnlnr n r rn ' ' " vhhIImw 4 n Hiirn mi y hhiii ii u ri n x nni n mil u " BOUT SAY FANS Local fnnn would lllic lo know what linn hpconm of tlm Hud Amlor HOti-Hnlily Viitnoti inntrll which Iiiih liooii huiniuliiK I'"' "lr thu pnut few week. Tlm fnim nro nuxloun to iieo An (Iithoii liox Wutiion (Im latter IioIiik oim of tlm umiit recent tallied of hox- ern In California mid It Ih predicted liy niicll well known IioxIiik expert-, an V. NntiRltton, BportliiK wrllttr of tlm Hnn Kritnclivo Kxnmlnor, Hplilor Kolly. till' fnnmuii rieroinl alnl A 1)0 Attell nx-feiilhorwcluht chnui lilnn who linn luteii traliiliiK with Wnt iioti, that young Wntwin Ih tlm latent nml iiiohi nnturnl find of recent yenrn. A month npi Wat noii boxed a 20 rnund main event with Kranklo HuruH In Han Kranclnro, It U hoped thnl tlm Audomou Wiitmin match rnn Im nrrnnecd an It would Morvo tho fnnn nu opportunity of kiiiiIiik nne of Cnllforuln'fi foremost llRhtwelKlit hox ern pitted uunliint tlm Vancouver whirl-wind Hud Andernon. F, IS IIiii firnhnni rIukcuk farm a nliort dlntnnco above Primped Iiiih been put out of IiiihIiiohh by Prof P. J. O'darit, fotlowliiR n recent ItiRpm'tlon a( which lime Im found a laro ntnouu of illnonHo nnd many peslH on tlm farm. No no of tho rIuhiiiir will ho offered for mile. Mr, (Inihutn who founded nnd ntnrtod tlm much comluctliiR It nevernl yenrn with huccchh, nold the plnco a nliort tlnm nRo nnd kIiico then no effort hnn been uindo to koop tho fnrm free of iIIhoiihh and penis. Ah the plant Ih very nuncoptublo to iIIh enne It took only a nhort tlnm to ruin tlm plnco. I EMM A Walter Colilnhy one of tho owuorfl of tho (loldnhy llrothern mlno In tho AllhoiiBo mining illntrlct In In Med ford dlBplnylng u quart Jar fttlud with hiihiII niiRRotH, a part of tho cleanup of a three mouths run tliln Heanou. Ho Iiiih over $1200 In gold with him mid Iiiih Hhlppud much moro to tho mint. "Tho hoiihou Iiiih boon a very pro fitable oiio In tho Althoiiflu illntrlct," HtutoH Mr, (loldnhy, "althoiiRh tlm sen. hoii opened Into, Wo got about a throo nionthn run and nro moro than, nutlnflod with roniiltH," Notice. Notice Ib lioroby given that llio tin iIoihIruoiI will apply to tho city coun cil nt Kh muotluR to bo hold July 10, 1912, for it licoiiHu to soil mutt, spirit iioiih mid vinous llquorn in quantities Iohb than a gallon at lln plnco ot html nonH on lot 10 block 44, city of Med ford for n porlod of nix iuoiUIih, HOLLAND HOTEL CO. Dntod July G, 1912. COLKST1.V EXCUItBION. Boutlioru Paolflu will run another CoIchMii oxoiubIoii Bundny, July 21, pai'lloulaiH lu thoBo coliuuus In next fow duyB. Wiitu.h for thorn nnd got you lunch bitHkot ready, ltomombor lluv" tlnto Bundny, July 21. Arrnngt utontH will prohahly ho miulo to havo bnutl nccQiiipniiy oNulilelon, I GINSENG W n ie ALIUS NG EON SUES WDDFOUD MVHJ TRnJUrTE, Put the Skates On IPORUAND TOP After a week of tlm KtreniiouB life nt Portland (he local bunch of Mlkn havo returned to hrowne in their own piinturo. They nil inilto In dcclnrltiR thnl they hnvo had tlm tlnm of their liven mid ore iinamlnoim In hoiiihIIiu; tlm prnlHen of overythliiR connected with tho reunion of the order nt Pol timid IiihI week. Nothing ac enrred to mnr tho pleneure of the re union and all who attended are Rind that they were On hand. According to the local hoyn tho Medford lioadijunrtern waH lively from mart to finish durliiR the week and roRlntnred more vlntlorn than nny other hendiiiartcrH outnldo of tho Portland IoiIko, The lnltorn were ontertalnod and Riven a pile of Med ford lllernturo nnd nent on their way. Tho Medford bunch worked faithfully throiiRhnut the week at beadiiuarters mid made very much of a hit. Monl of (ho hoyn returned to Med ford Bundny nftornoon. New Clifton (IrnntH I'nnH Hardware Co. vb. Opp Miir. Co. Action for money. MntrliiRo Lifeline. Ernest Victor Glover and Charlotte Calkins. Roy Whitley ntul Lois Miller. Real IvMntc TrniiHfei-R It. K. Itlgdon to Kllr.nhetli It. Itlgdon SO ncicn lu twp :ir, i o If. S. to Wm. W. Spencer Innd lu KH) acres In twp 31 2 o V, B. to ltobt. K. RlRdon SO ncres In nee. 2 1 twp 3I 1 t 1000 Pat ..Pat 0,000 1500 1200 Joseph A. Newell to Nettle Car penter land In twp :tti 1 w 1 11. F. Hulley to W. A. Mooro land In twp 38 I w ... Amelia B. Alitlo lo Louise E. Hedge lot 11 blk I Ameiuleu Pint Crowell Add Medford .. F. H. Tracy to K. M. Bono land lu twp 39 1 o .. . E. M. Turner to Mnry J. E. Smith Innd In Quoono Anno Add Medford Chnrli'K Daniel Brhull to Henry L, ThomnR Innd lu see. 9 twp 39 1 o II, V. Godnrd to Zlmrl P. Web- Bter 1 nero In twp 38 1 w . . Win. C. Powell to I. W. ThomnH h 2 lotn 5 and 0 blk 4 Pnrl; Add Medford . . 10 10 10 30 10 NEW TODAY Wo havo callH for plncea every day mid it they nro not filled It Ih ho emiHO wo do not havo the right plnco for tho rlRht party. Perhaps your plnco Ih tho ono wo want listed. Bovoral Into calls nro for bnrRiilns. A parly wantB to buy n flvo room hoiiBo, with enough fruit for tho family and wnuts It nonr pnvod street. Ih willing to pny $1000 or porhups moro for tho rlRht plnco. Alio! nor wnnta a Bis to olRht room houso. It nood not ho anything flue', but nuiHt bo a bargain. Any ono having n plnco of this kind, nnd who would minor hnvo tho monoy, should not full to Hat It. , A pnrty has flvo fine sightly lota nonr Summit nvenuo nnd thoy will bo sold for $1000.00 or tlio ownor will soil nny pnrt of thorn. This Ih ono of tho Hlghtly locntlona In Medford unit uuyono wanting mi Investment would do woll to look thorn over. 3 (EG. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Blilrj. Phones: Pacific 781, Home 78K Resilience Phono 2GH COURT 1 NEW MEDFORD, OKKfiQiNr, MQNIM V, :W,Y 15, 11)12. M. OP A. .NOTICE. All iiieinberH of tho order are re ojicntcd to attend Tui-ndny iiIrIiI'h meeting held at K. P. Hall at 8 p. in. lo innko nrrniiROincnln for tho fun eral HorvlcPH of NolRhlior C. M. Oow by order of couiihoI. J. (1. Medley.l7 Tlm batrhliiR of orkb by artificial heat Iiiih been practlKcd In China and Eypl bIiipo prohlHtorlu tlmon, Iiiiro brick ovciiN 1m?Iiir lined In tho Inttcr country. ' llt'SI.NEKH OI'POItTUMTIEH. Ht'SINKSB OPPOUTPNITY- Anyone wIhIiIiir to engnpe In tho billiard , IjiihIiichh can purchiuo all or a half IntercKt In tho Owl Hllllurd par lorn an owner wlflhes to ro nwny. Same can bo purchased at a very reanonnblo figure. S. I. Ilrown. LOST LOST- -Pocket hook at baseball pnrk, Bundny, July H. Of no value ex cept to owner. ContaliiB $100(1 note to mo and other paper. Han my photORrnph. Liberal re ward to finder. Win. M. CoIvIr, ' Commercial Club bulldliiR. 97 UEWAIU), LOST N'lno Iiorb. Poland China ntock hoge. Phono any In formation im to where nbouts to Home Phono 272-., II. C. Crowdcr. $1.00 per head reward will bo paid to tho catcher of each hop. 97 LOST Party ROttlnR ladles' black nun shade from little boy at Rrand stand July 4th please leave at Tribune office oud receive re ward. . FOll HKXT 1UKX1BHE1) AITS. FOR RENT Smith Apis. 517 3. RIv. FOR RENT Fiirnlnhed apartment, JiihI llko a bungalow. Large porches, private bnthn, new, cor ner Quince and W, Main street. Phono 347 L. FOR ItKXT OFFICES FOR RENT Over th postofflco, with heat and light. Sea A. A. Da via. FOR RENT LarRO, comfortable of fice rooms with elovator sorrlce, stoam heat, hot and cold wator. Low ratoa. Apply Medford Furni ture & Ildw. Co. FOR RENT HOARD AND ROOMS WHERE? Why, at tho Park Vlow Hotel, of course, Reed square meals, homo rooking, 25 cents. Cool, clean rooms, good beds, 25 , cents a night. 103 FOR RENT FURNISIDCD ROOMS FOR RENT-Lnrgo front room fur nished, 237 N. Central avenue, bath and lights. 97 FOR RENT Lnrgo sleoplng room, $1.50 and $2 per wook. Modorn housokcoplnc apartments, $15 and $1(1. Home phono 2C0-1C 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Lnrgo trout room, fur nished, 237 N. Central avenue, bath and lights. 97 F O R It K N T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Modern furnished boiiHokooplug room, 134 South Bnrtlett, also furnished house. FOR RUNT notJSKM FOR RENT Throo room furnished bungalow, pleasant lot on paved street, rent rensoiiublo, 527 South Holly. FOIt RENT Furiilahod G-room houso, modorn. 518 King st. FOR RENT Closo In C room hohuso with modern plumbing nnd elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn mid comont sldowalka. Call Bell phono 3401. FOR RENT 8 room houso on South Grnpo st. Call 310 N. Bnrtlott. FOR RENT Six room houso, mod orn, pnvod Btroot, $1C,G0. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE $2100 artlstio modorn bungalow; built In furniture beautiful lawn; pnvod Btroot. In qulro 309 South Newtown. FOR RENT Modorn flvo-room houso. M. A. Rndor, at M, F. & II. Co. FOR SALE Faur-roQ,m bungalow, olectrlo llRhts, sowor nnd city wator on pnvod stro $050 cash If taken at ouco, Inquire of own er ut 311 Wt?3t JocksQu stroot. tf FOR BALE 100x258, sultablo for D lota, two room houso furnished, electric llRhtfl, water paid 1" nionthn In advanco, fine larpo Rar den, close In. Price $1200. In quire at Hotel Medford Barber shop. 103 FOIt SALE Cheap, new 5-room bIho new G-room modern hunRalow. Inquire owner. 23 Itoso aveaue. Phono Belt 0822. 09 FOR SALE tiAIH) FOIt BALE SO ncrcs of Improved land '! tnlloH from market. f room fiirnlnhed house, stock and Im plement, etc., Reed water. Price 1.1000. See It while crops nro growing. Addrens Hox 52, Jack sonville, Ore. 117 FOR BALE ACRKAGH FOR SALE 9 acrcB, fertile truck land, perpetual water rlpht, 1 Ms miles east of Eaclo Point. Browns- boro roadi Good family orchard. ! u-ronnt house. For terms, address H. E. McNlcholl, Eagle Point. OroRon. 101 FOR SALE ElRht acres, Just out sldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small house, Reed well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 4 acres, a fine home on Pacific highway, one mile north of city, a ten room house with mod em Improvements and out build ings. It is the best land for ber ries and truck farmlnR and Is un der Irrigation, and has perpetual water right. It Is partly set to ber ries and fruit trees. Inquire of F. S. Carpenter, owner, Pcrrydalo Ad dition. 104 FOR BALE .MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALc Prune and npplo or chard, 23 ncres prunes, 15 acres Italians, 10 Petltes, S years old, all on blnck bottom .land, C' acres Newtown apples. C years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box 93 Youcalla, Ore. 114 FOR SALE Canary Birds. Resi dence S43 East-Otb st, Pacific phono 359C. 10G FOR SALE Grain liny, from $0 to $12 a ton at Isaac's ranch. Phono 591-R-t. FOIt SALE Berries by crate. Calt Home phono 319-R, or Booth 5, public market. Ill FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modern, with two lots on South Central avenue, east front, alto lot and bam Joining place. Four room houso with two lots clone In, con nected with sewer and city water. Seo owner, T. L. Taylor. Phono Bell S6-R-4. 120 HELP WANTED FKMALK WANTED Experienced Rlrl for general housework. Mrs. T. S. Steetistrup, 109 Geneva ave. 99 WANTED First clnss woman cook. Good pav and loiiR Job. Box t!3. Rogue River, Ore. 99 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Plain sowing, alterations nnd children's clothes preferred. $1.50 per day. Mrs. Heighten, phono Sll-F-21. 102 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Burlap sucks nt Russ MHla. WANTED Government Relinquish ment or acreage. Glvo comploto description and lowest prlco first lottors. C. J. Wolfo. 1532 Ivy st., Glendnlo, Calif. 99 WANTED Stock Tor now green pns turo with running wator nt Isaac's ranch. Phono 591-R-t. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoruu) D. W. BAGSHAW Attomoy-at-Law. Jncksonvlllo, Oro. Office: Bank bldg., socond floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Oftico Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attomoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 aud 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyor. Garnott Coroy bldg MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F, MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F, PIATT, LAWYER Laud Tltlo Exnmluer. 120 aaruott-Coroy. Bid. D. It. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a rcasona-blo figure; your business (ollcltcd. Office Medford Mali Trib une bldR.; phono CC11; residence phono' 6302. IHUUrd rarTom 8. T. BROWN .& Cb. tlllllardt, C1-; Kara and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool plico to spend tho hot attornoons. Bill Posers VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldR,, Medford, Oregon. Brick nnd Cement THE Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and BlockB Works. Special ty, ornamental brick for fireplaces, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots. Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E. Hedges, Mcchano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive Rymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic didscascs. Consulta tion free. 230 N. Bartlctt street, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. ra. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. It. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1CS-K. Main 7973. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WH1TINO Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower deslgu, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chinese Stcdlctnc CHOW YOUNG'S ChluciB medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlscasea and all kinds ui chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb nnd .bladder troubles. See me nt 211 S. Front st., Medford, Oro., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Coutrnctor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 52$, Med ford. Phono Main 5GC2. Dentists - DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOa DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Oftico In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telophono Mala G81. Night phono 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hacker, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of holp furnished and positions obtained froe to tho employer. Bell 1581, Home 270-R 118 Granlce Won MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; dealers In pressod brick and Hmo. Oftico at tholr brick yard, Weist Jackson st. Phono No. 34C1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Btroot, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick aud tilo. Get our prices and boo our brick and tile before purchasing. Gnrlmgo GARBAGE Got your promises cleaned up for tho summor, Call on tho city gurbago wagons for good sorvico. Phono Maiu G251, F, Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOOKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at tin Ign of TUo Mall Trlbtm., PAair'PTTR By "Bud" Fisher ' ? Fnrnltpre MISSION FURNlTtTRB WORKS- Corner 8th and Holly bui. MedfordI? Mission fnrnituro raado lo ordor?t Cabinet -work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. - NurciTcs , QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree, aro ! udded, not grafted. Our-Btbck;', I not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not In tho truat. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nmh, in aldo cntmnca next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of htgh-grndCv nursery stock. Office 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Printers nnd Publishers , MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office In tonthorn Oregon; book binding, Ioobo lest systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Ffr st. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 816 Tay. lor st Phone Pac 3843. Physicians and Bargrona ;DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and - Phlpps bldg., rooma 210-2 Jl-212.. j Oftico phone 501, residence phone 612. Oftico hours, 9 t. a to S 1 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooma 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnctt-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office, 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa ' and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, U. D. -Practko limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resilience Phenes: M. , 7981, Home 357-K. i DR. J. J. EMMBNS Pbyalcian Juid; Surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo,.' ear, noso and throat. Eyca scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. ? Oftico 210 E. Main st., o'lr Mod- ford Hardwnro company Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Oftico Jack son County Bank. Office phone -, M. 432; Res. phono, M, 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. ,. umco phono 4901. uesiaonco 7uri. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Oftico rooms 5 and' G Kentnor bldg. Oftico hours 10' to 12, 2 to 5. Phono. B"ll 271.1, Resldcnco phone Bell 273, Jloms 347-X. E. K1RCHOESSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronla Dlseune. Office Hotel Holland, Wcdnradnyn 10-3. Both phonos. Resldoiico' phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eagle Point".' and Roguo River lino. , HERMANN F. RATTE. M. D. Of-" flco over Medford National Brtnk'U Office- phono 0701. Rys., llolol2 Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when noeilod. Gnmott-Corey nidg., '2nd floor. Both Phonos, Medford, Ore. Real Estate GEORGE L. Davis, tlmbor lands, room 205, Home phono 131-lt. Ovor Fruitgrowers Bunk."- REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Oro., fruit, alfalfa, and gurdun lauds. Stenographers ELLA M, GAUNYAW Patra block. Stonographlo work done quickly and well. ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAOB CO. Office 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Pricoi right. Sorvico guaranteed. 'M UnderwKefs JOHN A. PERL Unaertakor and Embalmer. Office 88 Sottth. Bart-1. lett st. Telephone; Day; Bell 471; night, residence, Bell '473, Home 17U-L. Calla answered nivalis r dsx., Ambulance Bwvkij v.a9kmau.4 w.,tvwH ..wee Atl f