'I 1 X" 3VTEDF0TO.rAnj ffflrapm mVVO'nVlumWQX, ftATTTRJMY, .TULY 13..1012.. page myjb The Man From Mohtclair By Winsor McCay i SAY IT IS UP THIS WAY CLOISE! YOU ARE BOTH Wftofto' IADIESI X CUSE! ME! ll si OW WOW WAY Mil .- -' IU', I ij Ur MSffE kHtvicvcll UJNOW! rr CffluwwAYi - r : "t. .:.A UIL lil . 1 Lost, OUR THCA1KE., if scfms JflNKM Y J'M GOING RIGHT RIM TIC DOOR. AND IF J You 00 n6t ouiFrr I 'illAI.I. RF m AH I. rru .... ,r.;.TiT) jyyvttLi wiMjTUi tilNIwllf ZtdlZr IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE Yd WORK THIS AFTER NOON I'D LIKE TO YREAT YOU TO SOME 60PAJ r l iPW5SI Hf.vft WI s DO MOT WOKK TO -DAY. ff S: iU WE WANT 10 get SOME WARD kgfigE-J be, 0 i H ggB 1. 1 2 i' BBBB1 if I .;4H IW-JKL-'J ? ' i . 9t - . ' 5 T c n tnrpp ADr ONLY riVE MIN utcs DiFn-Rura IN TOUK AGES EH? YOUR M0W 5Hfl()Lft rp ppnul- OP SUCH RFAMTlfS rfi ciiwr-t 7 ' i' iMif.j;v- j v ' -t. , a.'rs r j s..t .j r . v.e fWE MUST GO MOW! WE'RF.1 It YAue OAOT IM ji Dc.irriT) iu Krci rfvi lit uuiNcril PERFORMANCE IN MONT- CLAIR GIVEN T THE REFORM LEAGUE THCfcEV jf.fV 1 1 U l- tlrli - ai-lr tn kPZf 1 if i's i llllil i : ; i " ' ' I REGRET TO AN NO UcTW) . TERTAINMENT COMMITTp MR HIGHBROW CAN NOT BE 'SWMT w AC- -r-?- . - ' y i uuviirr V -rrn lilt MKJ ON THE PROGRAM ARE THE REED TWNS IN SOME SING ING AMD vvircv.irmj ') w - ' .. -, f 'V -Jv I A 4 w V p I UN 4 TO SETTLE DISPUTE llll I For it piirrfo r ft..."0, Kill Will it tiulu, ilrivi-r ill' n liu'iil llvury cur uinl Dnilu l'liipi wi'iit 1'iMir i-iiiiihIm In h IimmkIimi ifi'iir lln WiinIiiiikIoii Krhndl I'nilny viniii;. Wiili'iiiiiui wiim iiii I'liHv victor hut iliil not rnini' nut nf tlu mill witliniil Hiindrv t m 1 1 k h . It KI'I'IIIH tllllt llltlt l'llll4 llUCll Wiili'iiiiiui f'..'i(t for mill) hilt'. Tlii'iv uiih it ilmpuli' iimt itx iiii.mhkiiI uinl I In- tun uintiiKi'il it liiillli tn ki'IIIc lit iiiiittur. Tlmv iin't iii-iir lln WiihIi iiiKtnn Hi'linnl mnl ptuciMiliil In lime it nut. SlriiiKlit .Mitnitils of Qiu'imi4 luirv niliti with nriM-il iikiii. It v.i iifiir I In- I'liil nl tin' I'niulli rmtiiil Wlll'll l'lllllH lIlMMlll'll tlllll III' liml I'lllMICIl llllil lipoil plIMlll'Ilt nf ir-.. 'itt tn Wnti'riiiiiii I In- bout t iTiiitMiit iil. I"li piilii-K iiitchliuli'il liui dill imt Inl. any tictnni iicmnt tin' men. I JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. I 4 M .Mm. CIkih l'rlni unit Mm John P. Miller Mir at AmIiIiiihI ThurHiluy UttollllllIK till C'lllltltlUHIIIII. Anium; tliu ICIkM itml thflr U who Joliii'il (Iiii hH('lul at Mi'ilfutil Hiitnrilny wt'io Mr unit Mth. W. U. (JilU'innii, Mr. itml M.n. It. tl. Dow, Mr. itml Mm. W. T. (lrlniH, Mr. nml .Mm. M. M. Tii) lor, JiuIkd N'll nml .litini'H M. t'rnnciiilllnr. AttornoyH Hi'.iimck, Viiwtcr ami Cri'wti nf Mi'ilfuiil wnro iitltMiillitK court nno ilay (IiIh uiik. I.i'hIIo SlaiiHoll, iiHMUtaitt riiHlilnr of tlio Hank of JiicKmoiivIIIh, In riTi'lvlnj? roiiKriitiilatloiiH on tint arilvol of a iiiliy hoy at lilft linuic Monday oVcn- l"Ki lliiiituit Unworn anil I'. I). Urlr.KX of AhIiIiiiiiI nm'I'o IhihIiu'Hh cullortt at tint comity unit thin M'ck. MIhh IIchh WllllaniH of Iowa ami Mm. C. Maloiin ami linliy of AHlilnml am tlultlni: at tlm hofno of Mm. Fred Kick. Ilotlt IiiiIIch art) hIhIith of Mm. 1'lek. Attorney II, DcArmnnil wnn In town on piofi'Krilonal ImihIiichm Thurmlay, MIhh Kvu lliiinpliiiiy Hiint thu ilay with Mi'ilforil frli'inlH Thin Hiluy. l'rof. U. H. ColllhH ami family or Moilfonl HpiMit tlio nli.ht with rein tlvi'H llvlin: limo Tuimilay, Mm. Harry laiy I'litcrlalncil tint iinwlm; club on I'rlilay aftciiioon. MIhhoh Ni'lllo CoIIIiih ami Kva ('rpui'h tiro lcavlni; Iho litHt of tlm winl for I .oh Amp'IcH whi'iii t liny will iipiiiut tho Hiinimor, l W. Mihiih ami II, A. Caiiailay, two Mmlfoiil at!ornt')H, wiro In town thin wcitk, Fri'il 1. CrtlylK, county riconlr, anil MIhh N'lua Wall of Moilfonl wuro ipilu'lly inu'ri Itl liuro Tluimiliiy nflnr noon by tlm Itov. Ilnmly. Tho hrlilo ami Kiooiii will IikkIii lioiim'lieopliiK lit ouch In tho HobliiHou homo which Mr. OoIvIk uiccutly furnlHhcd. (limo ThouiiHoii, Kain 1. UoIiIiihou, A. (IiiiikwIhcIi mnl I.iiwIh Ulrlclt wuro flHhliiK n Ilin AppV'Kntit ThtiiHilny. MIhh I'lcla Ultlch wiih a Modfoiil vlultor Thm-Hilay, 1 EMS ES 1ST! PUBLISHED WAHrtlN'OTON, July llt.Con liiuilliiK tliat tho Honatn ItivoHtlKatlm; comuiltti'o'H Innblllty to obtain any detailed Information rcKnrdlnr; re celptH ami exienilltiii'H of prculdom tlal caiiiial;ii fumlK (iinphahlnil tho iiccoHHlty for a law ronulriiiK publicity of hiicIi Information before election. ItopiVHi'iilutlvo Henry of Toxiih, In an Inlorvluw today nrned tlm noceH wily for the nenate pannlm: IiIh bill to tlllH Dllll. "Tho Hi'iiato cAiuinlltoii'H Inability to r,ot authentic Information concern Iiii, iihd of cainpalKU fiimlH In tin' Pnrkor-Nooimvolt campaign clearly hIiowh tho ucccHnlly for hiicIi a law iih I havn propoHi'd," Henry declared. "Tlio cnndlduttH for president and vlc) pri'Hldout owe It to tlm people to Uinkn an Itemized Mid detailed ntnte. uieiit which Hhall be nworu to, of all contribution!! ami expend IUiivh In their catnpalKiiH for the purpoHo of InfluencliiK their nelectloUR. "HeuatorH and repreHentatlveH un der the law panned but year numt render an iircomitliiK of their finan cial cxpemllturcH. It hcciiih to inc that It U vantly more Important that mich a law hIiduIiI Kovern iirculdentlal ami vice prenldentlalt candidate." YESTERDAY'S SCORES COftHt I HOUSE NWS Nlarrlajjo Mii'iincn Karl Hanta ami Lavlna Pamlow, H. W. Martin ami l.on Wrlitbt. C, K, I .a Mar nml CladyH MuMII llnu, Clair ThoimiK ICxIey and Juno Creth I.nnc. I'red L. Colvln and Nina H. Wall. Vernon Oakland . l.on AngcleH ..., Portlaml Hun IVanclKco Sacramento .. . W. ..r,? ..Gil ....r.i .. ..to ai ....37 I.. .17 r 17 g:i Hncramon'to f..y.... Oakland .-.., Lou AnkolOH .....s.r... Vermin ..'....... Portland .........,.,. San rranclHco .. It. t 0 H. G II V. c. .noi; .r.r.i .G4U .4G.T .4 ir. .in K. 0 1 ..11 ..'4 f ! 12 Nnrl Invent Tl. II. 12. Seattle 7 11 U l'ortlnnd I 1 apokami ift 1(1 'i Victoria J S G Vancouver Gil 7 Tacoimi I -i 0 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS.. Mm. It. i. WIIhod of lleall lam) re- turned thin wook from a vIhIL to Chl ciiko. William HoiiKlaml lias roturnod to hirt homo lu thin city from Chlco, Caf, Mr. ami Mm. Walter Itohlnott loft Thumilay inoruliiK tov Kukoho, whoro thoy will rcHldb In tho futuro. Mm. Kmiiia llobb attondod tho (Jh'itutnmiuu at AHlilnml Thumilay. Mm. J. W. MyoiH, Mm. Harry K. Trovlllo, AIIhh M. Klllott, J. 1). Sum iicIh, Mr. DavldHon, Mr. and Mrs, (Nor wood wuro ainoui; tho Central Point popplo at MoiUord Thumilay, ' Mm. lOfflo HefflliiK and hoii loft Tliumday afternoon on it visit to Cal ifornia. Claude Whit') n'.touded tlio Cliuti Jauqiia at Auhlaml Thumilay, NOTICK OK DISSOLUTION. Notice Ih heniby given that tho partnership heretofore existing be tween II. C. IluhllttK and 10. F. Schmidt of Mcdiord, OnKon, under the firm name (iTllehlliiK & Rclimldt, Ih tit Ih. the eleventh day of July, 11)11!, iIIhboIvuiI by mutual coiiHont. II. C. HKHLINQ. K, V. SCHMIDT. The litiHlueHH will bo continued by II. C, UohlliiKi wlio Ih authorized to Hottlo tho affalm of tlio mild firm, pay all ImliihtednotB and coiled all bllln duo hiiuio, Medford, July 11, 1012. Not lei). Notice Is hereby fjlvoti that tho tin demlKiied will apply to tlio city coun cil al Its meotlnk to bo held July 10, lOt'J, for a llcii'ium tn hoII malt, npliit uoiiH and vIuouh lbiuopi in iiuantitiea Ioku than a pillion al Its place of ImihI iicbh on lot 10 block 4 i, city of Mod ford for n period of hIx montliH. HOLLAND IIOTWL CO. Dated July G, 1912. COLliStlN IJ.VOUUSION. Southern Paulflu will run another Cok'Btlu excumion Sunday, July 21, partlculam in theno colmuim In next fow days. Watch for thorn and not you liincli bitHkot ready. Hoinombor tho date 8unday,July 21, ArraitKO menlH will probably ho nindo to have band accompany excursion, Ileal Kutiife TranVfer O. II. Johmoii el al to Pearl JohtiHoii, aHHlKnmeiil of Ilond CharleH Prall to M. K. Hanley Land lu Die U'J twp :t7 2 w .1 T. Prall to M I'. Hanley J!8. 87 ucri'H lu twp G7 1 w W. II, llurchardt to Lucky Jack M'tiK. Co., mlnliiK property A. C. Smith to M. K. DavlH pro perty lu Coolldy.e Add AhIi Innil .. A. M. lIMiver to A. C. Smith property lu CooIIiIkd Add AhIiIiiuiI . W. M. St runic to A. M. Heaver lotfi :i. t, g, r, 7. bin :i2, co- Ibllte Add AHhlaml TIioh, Colebournn to W. M. Struuk lotn :i. t. G, G, 7, blk 35 AHlilnml Lulu K. Monroe to Klb'ii II. Wagner land lu twp 3 It 1 o Charles P. Orubb to Lulu 1C. Monroe G acres lu twp 3D 1 o Ili'ii J. Trowbridge to I. W. ThomtiH lot It blk 71 Med ford . . L. K. Kuglaml to J. II. Ilellnn ger property In AHhlaml Peter Applegate to W. II. Hurg- hardt mining property llcrtha It. Ilaney to Wilbur ' Cameron lota I and G, blk 30, JnclCKonvllli) Dora J. Katon to 11. K. Hnney lotn I and G blk 30 Jackson ville Itorunrd Mc.Mahou to II. K. Ilaney lotn -I and G blk 30 JiiukHonvlllo Dennis II. McMahon to H. K. Ilaney lots 4 h'nd G, blk 30 Jacksonville , Amelia Walters to 1). K. HntrPy lots I and G blk 30 Jackson ville . Trail Lumber Co. to Pine Tim ber Co., laud lu twp 33 1 e .. Hiiro C. A. Von der Hellen to James Kershaw laud lu twp 371o... Hugo 'C. A. Von der Hullen to Laura M. Kershaw 100 acres in see. 15 twp 37 1 o .. .. Louis Oliver to Lucy West land In boo 1. twp 37 2 w .... Kinnui A. Merrill to W. W. Caldwell land lu twp 39 1 o Henry" Humphrey to II. W. Jncknou lotH 111, 17, blk 2, Kenwood Add Medford 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 1S0O 10 10 1000 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 lil'HIXKKS (irrOIt'lTNITIKS. HfSlNKHS OPPOItTl'MTY Anyone wishing to engage In the billiard buslm-HS can, .piiic'inne all or u half InteroHt In tho Ov.) Milliard par lors us owner wlshis to go away. Hnmo can be purchnned at a very reasonable) figure. 8. I. Drown. FOR BALK ACflKAOH VCill RAM? Eleht nrren. Inst out- 1 Bide city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small house, good well: 2G00. W. T. York & Co. KOIt SALi: Ugo Theater, ono of the best pa lug proposition!) In the city for a small Investment, only reiiulres throe hours a day of your time, no experience necessary. In ntilro of manager at theater be tween 12 ami 1 p. tn , or P. O. box 4 3, llesldence 038 North Central avenue. !M5 LOST LOST Party getting ladles black sun shade from little boy at grand stand July 4th please leave at Tribuiiu office and receive re KOIt SALE 4 acres, a fine home on Pacific highway, one mile north of city, a ten room houuo with mod ern Improvements and out build ings. It is the beBt land for ber ries and truck farming and In un der Irrigation, and has perpetual water right. It Is partly set to ber ries and fruit trees. Inquire of P. S. Carpenter, owner, I'crrydalu Ad dition. 104 FOK SALE TOUUTHX ASV EGGS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountant D. 11. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable flguro; your business solicited. Orflco Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phone CC11; residence phone C302. Rill Poster KOIt SALE Thoroughbrew Ply mouth Itoek chickens. Call 428 West Ith street. 'JC FOR BALK MISCEliliANEOUS KOIt KENT FURNISHED AITS. KOIt RENT Smith Apis. 217 S. Rlv. FOR RENT OFFICE8 FOR RENT Over tfc poitofflce, with ho&t and light Bee A. A. DbtIb. FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of fice rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Hodford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. KOIt SALc Prune and apple or chard, 25 acres prunes, 15 acres Italians, 10 Petltes, a years old, all on black bottom land, Cl acres Newtown apples. C years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box !)3 Youcalla, Ore. 114 VERNE T. CANON UIU poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. ltrick ami Cement THE Medford Hydraulic Cement, Urlck and Blocks Works. Special ty, ornamental brick for fireplaces, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases. Jardinieres, flower pots. Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Kir streets. Chiropractors KOIt SALE Canat r Iiirds. Resi dence 842 East 9th st, Pacific phone 359G. 10G FOR RENT HOARD AND ROOMS WHERE: Why, nt the Park View Hotel, of course, good square meals, homo cooking, 25 cents. Cool, clean rooms, good bods, 25 KOIt SALE Grain bay, from $G to $12 a ton at Isaac's ranch. Phone 591-11-4. KOH SALE Uerrlea by crate. Call Home phone 319-R, or llooth 5, public market. Ill FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE cents a night. 103 1 10 10 10 FOR RENT FURKIBUKU ROOMS FOR RENT Large front room fur nished, 237 N. Central avenue, bath and lights. 97 FOR RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 and $2 per week. Modern houBCkeoplug apartments, $15 and JIG. Home phone 2GG-1C 222 South Holly. KOIt SALE. RENT Oil EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modern, with two lots on South Central avenue, east front, also lot and barn Joining place. Four room house with two lots close in, con nected with sewer and city water. See owner, T. L. Taylor. Phono Hell SG-R-4. 120 HEM WANTED FKMALB WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. T. S. Steenstrup, 109 Geneva ave. 99" DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E. Hedges. Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results In both acute and chronic Uldseases. Consulta tion free. 230 N. Dartiett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Bell phone Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advice In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1CS-K. Main 7973. RUSINESS DIRECTORY Nnrscrrra QUAKER NURSERIES Our trOea aro I udded, not grafted. Our stock lb not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. II. D, Patterson. Offlc removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber 'shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-gradt nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. haa th beat equipped Job office lu southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., eta, Fort land prices. 27 V. Fir it. Papering INTERIOR" PAINTINO AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 311 Tay lor at. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeon DRS. CONROY & CL.ANCY Physt clans and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rpomi 210-211-212. Office phono 501, rralddnce phone 612. Office hours, 9 a. mi. to 8 P. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic phyalctana. Moved to rooms 41G and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. Civil Engineer KOIt RENT Largo tmnt room, fur-! nlHhed, 237 N. Central avenue, bath and lights. 97 nELP WANTED MALE FOR RENT nuTJSEU KOIt RENT Three room furnished bungalow, pleasant lot on paved street, rent reasonable, 527 South j Holly. WANTED Wo want a permanent representative In every locality to handle our high grade household utilities. Everything fresh. All good sellers. P. & E. Sales Co. Dernlco Hldg., Tacoma. Wash. 95 WANTED SITUATIONS. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, modern. 518 King st. FOR RENT CIoso In G room hohuso with modern plumbing ami elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn and cement sidewalks. Call Bell phono 3401. FOR RENT A furnished houso close In. M. A. Rnder, at M. F. & II. store. FOR RENT Seven room buugalow, reasonably closo in. A. S. Bllton, room 20G Phlpps bldg. FOR RENT S room houso on South Grapo st. Cnll 310 N. nartlett. FOR RENT Six room hotuo. mod ern, paved Btreot, 110.50. W. T. York & Co. NEW TODAY Wo have calls for places every day and It thoy aro not filled it is be cause wo do not have tho right place Tor tho right party. Perhaps your placo is the one wo want listed. Sovornl Into calls aro for bargains. A party wants to buy u five room houso, with enough fruit for the family and wants It near paved street, is willing to pay $1000 or perhaps more for tho right placo. Another wants n six to eight room liotiHo. It need not' bo anything fine, but must bo a bargain. Any ono having u placo of this kind, and who would rather havo tho money, should not mil to list it. A party has rivo flno sightly lots uonr Summit nvonuo and thoy will bo ppld for $1000.00 or tho owner will soil any part of thorn. This Is ono or tho Blghtly locations in Medford and anyone wanting an Investment would do well to look them ovor. C. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Dltlrj. Phenes: Pacific 781, Home 78K Residence Phone 2GH . FOR RENT Modem S-room bunga low, 2 sleeping porches, and largo screened kitchen porch, good gar den, close In, terms very reason able. Inqulro Pac. phono 5461 or 701 Park avenue. FOR 8AL13 ROtlSKS FOR SALE-$2100 artistic snodorn bungalow; built lu furniture, beautiful lawn; paVod street. In quire 309 South Nowtowu. WANTED Position as clerk, six years experience in grocery and general stores. Address box L. L. II., care Mall Tribune. 9C WANTED Dressmaking and altera tions at home or by the day. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Prices rea sonable. Phono 7701, 402 North Oakdale. 90 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A fresh cow. good milker, Holstein preferred. Address P. W. II. Tribune. 9G WANTED-MllU. -Burlap sacks at Rll8S WANTED To buy, gentlo driving horse. E. T. Neal, Central Point. 9G WANTED Government Rellnqulsh anont or acreage. Glvo complete description and lowest prlco first letters. C. J. Wolfe. 1532 Ivy st., Glendaio Calif. 99 WANTED Stock for new green pas ture with running water at Isaac's ranch. Phono 591-R-4. "FOrXD. FOR SALE 100x258,, Biiltablo for G lots, two room houso furnished, electric HghtB, water paid 15 mouths In advance, flno largo gar don, closo In. Price $1200. In qulro ut Hotel Medford Barber shop. 103 FOUND Umbrella at Do Voo's. 9G RUSIXKSS DIRECTORY Attorney FOR RENT Modern five-room houso. M. A. Rador, at M. F. & II. Co. D. W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. LOUIS W. WHITI.VO Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water tilings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concreto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk.. Medford. Oregon. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg'., rooma 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 8. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109. office 130. Chinese Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Contractor and RtilMer O. M. ROSE, Contractor ami Butldor. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phone Main 5CG2. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg., nulte 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonei. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas admlnlstored for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main GS1. Night phone 4432 Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hacker, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of help furnished and positions obtained free to tlio employer. Bell 15S1, Home 270-R 118 Granite Woru MEDFORD BRICK CO. Oeo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers lu pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phouo No. 3401. FOR SALE Four-room buugalow, electric lights, bowor and city wator on paved strcot. $050 cash If taken at onco. Inqulro of own er at 311 West Jackson street, tf C. I. REAMES, LAWYEROtflco Medford National Bank building, socond floor. PORTER J. NEW, VM. P. ME ALE Y Attoruoys-at-Law. Nob. 1 and 2 Postotflco bldr. FOR--SALE Cheap, now 5-room tiluo now ti-room modern bungalow, Inqulro owner, 23 Roso avenue, Phono Bell GS22, 99 FOR SATilV LAND FOR SALE 80 acres of Improved land 3 miles, from market. 5 room furnished houso, stock and im plements, eto., good wator, Pi ice $3000. v Soo It whllo- crops are growing, Address Box 52, Jack sonville, On). 117 A. E. REAMES Lawyor. Garnott Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. P. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 120 Garuott-Coroy Bids. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Milliards, 01 gnra and Soft Drluks. Upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nico, cool place to spoud tho hot afternoons. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. 21S West Main Street, Dealem and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tlio. Get our prices and boo our brick and tile before purchasing. Garbage DR. S. A, LOCKWOOD Phyalcla and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Flomo 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 21G E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Toura, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both p'bonea. E. B. PIOKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marka Block. Office phone 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and G Kentner bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono. Bll 271. Residence phone Bell 273. Home 347-X. E. KIRCIIGESSNER. M. D. Prac tlc6 limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmor lGxxS Eagle Point and Roguo River lino. Second Floor aarnott-Coroy Building Medford, Oregon. Drs. Saunders & Green Special ists Eyo. Ear, Nose and Throat. "Not only tho cheapest, but the best." HERMANN F. RA'ITE, M. D. Or flco ovor Medford National Bank Office, phouo G701. Ro3., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D.. Prac tice limited to Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when noeded. Garuott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. Real Ehtato GEORGE L. Davis, timber lauds, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Over Fruitgrowers Bank. . REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and garden lands. GARBAGE Get your promises cleaued up for tho summer. Cull on tho city garbage wagons for good sorvlco, Phouo Main G251, F, Y. Allen. Furnltvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission turulturo mado to ordor. Cablnot work of all kinds. A trial qrder solicited. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tht alguyof Tho Mall Tribune. Steuogrnp'lioni ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and woll. . , Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. -Office 1G South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Home 3C0-K. Price's right. Sorvlco guaranteed. UmleruiKcni JOHN A. PERL Xlnfleriakor and Embalmer. Office 28 South Harr iott st. Telephones; Day, Bell 471; nght, residence, Bell 473, Hope 179-L. Culls answered night or day. Ainbuluuco service, H t :l n i i h li U ) 'f li'lvte. t. .rv-n-v cl". .. !i