xc J JIk A f&Jl 1i!i,1i I 4J Jeff Might WMKrVTMC rVsTTtlfV With Vou?) . ' 1 ; YOU WMtKO YO QQ HUNTING "-.v. ..wvnnTrtlMlt .. w... -ro,r,M1, or "-N . , v, 1noavxoosc yffr Js7 SiXHou.WHY.uvreNj N', U't rTAicrrio vc-t. & "4g vRYovj J&&Mj6' Go o-jt ftw iTJlP I sua MORE CASH I.OS AXdKI.KS, Oil., .July 12. 'I'lii' proponed tetiirn match on Labor I ji v between Ad Wolguwt mill .loo Itivorn Ik in a iitvi'tirimiH Hnit ioti to. ilny. Promoter .Mcl'urey, while Mill endeavoring In lritt tho principalx lo mi nuilorftnuillug, Iiiik uIiiiohI given Hi hope n' hinging the mulch. Aocniiliug to pornon clone o Mo Cnrey, tin (ilhtni'i in the vwt.v of llio mulch i I lie cliitiupion'8 demand. WnlguM, II i uudorMooil, h deter niiiii'il In iihI; fur gientor remuneration for liih Horvico limn ho received for llio July I Im.iiI, .T.l'i.r.till. River .h ready lo ngn ut the riguio offered liy .Met'nro.v. WolgnM in known lo have rtr'ivil nevonil offer for battles between now jiihI September l."i. 1 1 is con Mileiing m'mtiiI propositions from Now Yuri; unit Nnw Orleim promot er, besides oiio from James Coffrolli to moot Rivers in Snn Frnnei.co. Despairing of getting tlm light weights together uiiiii, MiCnrpy lut latitiohoil plmiH for niiotlior Attoll-ICil-liauo liclit Labor Day, llo oxpoi'tH to lioar from Killiano tomornin. KANE CREEK ITEMS. Hank llritn of nortliorn California, Hiuiiit llio I'onrlli with IiIh lirothor I'i'iirl Itran ami family. Mr, CtoiiHon of Contral Point wiih In thin tiolKlilmrhooil tho firm of tho wook takliiK ordorii fur u now riovlco for clothoH ilryliiK, Nolllo titlnoliiiri; or (lulil Hill Hmnt a day rocontly h IIui (;uoat of Mr. Manlim, Mr. ami Mm. HmiHohohlor Hpont Hnmlay on Hanllnu crook. Molvlu Tumphroy loft on Ktimlny for HollliiKham, Vanli,, wlioro ho will Join IiIh iiarontH who havu hoon thoro fur hoiiio time. CharloH HtlnohurK unulo n IiiihIiiohk trlti to Kiiiioh crook ono ilay rocont ly. KanoM Croolf wiih woll roproHontoil In Clulil Hill on tho Kujirth an nonrly ovitry unit waH thoro on thnt tlay ami ropoit a kooiI tlmo and InrK" crowd ami all tipoak In tho IiIkIiohI toruiH of tho unrtuuitH trontmont Hhowa to tho crowd from uolKhhorlnR towim. (told Hill Ih Hiiroly In tho load. (JoorKO HlKKliitiuthnm and Al 1Io(;kIh loft on Wmluomliiy for Tolo wliuro thoy hnvo n contract for Hlnlc Iiik a woll. ICaiii'rt Crook hiiHlnonfl vlnltors to (old Hill thin wook wuro Mr. and Mth. I-ovl" Mr. and Nia. Oroynloivf, Mr, and MrH. HmiHoholdor, Ktb. Avory and turn David, Mr. JuhiiHon, MiH, lllnKliil'othiim, Iih. IIokkIh. (lourKu Taylor, Al Hhoton, (1ourK Mardon, MIhhoh MmkkW and Katlo Fuloy, Mary IIukkIh and Undo Koator. Kinmot Huttnn of Oold Hill whh a recent Kiiiioh Crook buslnoHH vlultor. Tho llov. Mark Dnvlu will proaoh at tho DardonollH Mohool Iiuiihu, Hun day, July M, at 3 o'clock. Kvory hody Ib Invltod to como to Sunday School uluo. y Mr. Oroonloaf Iiiih oonuuoncod tho coiiHtructlon, of hla iitono lninKalow. Mr. HlodKot Iiiih tho contract for it. Woathor prophet FuHtor protllotH huiiiu vory hut diiyH for tho noxt two wookH. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of tho "llrudpn" worn trtulhiK In Contral olnt on Thursday. COIiKHTIN KXeUHHION. Southorn Pacific wll nn uuothor Coloutln oxcttrHlon Sunday, July 2t, partlculaiH In themi coIuiuiih In noxt row'dnyu. Watch for thoni and got you lunoh lnutkot toady. Homombor tho dato Sunday, July 21. Arrano inoutii will probably bo mado to huvo )mnd uccompiiny oxcurulon, WOLGAS M Walk That Far mm mm m NMNA1N DKXVKR, Col., July 12. -Wind rilibotiorH of tbo notion want .luilp Hun Limlnov a tho Prohibition pur ly'i oaniliilalo for tho proxlilonoy, uml it loloriim was M'lit from Atlautio ('ily, N. .1., yoHtcnlny bv (IcorKO h. Tlio;npHon, who in uttomlint; llio iw tioual (onvoulioii of tho Prohibition party, to .liiilo l.imNcy, now in I'.niil, ()kla iiiiuirtuniii; llio juilo to allow bin namo to jjo boforo tbo couvoulion. .IiiiIko UuilHoy reilicil: "I bavo mmlo irouiinc to the pro jroivo parly which uiiiko uocoptuuco iiiiHiMHiblo." Thomptou, sMiikiiiK for himiclf uml ollicru at tbo convention, comli lioucil tlu offer of tho nomination on Juilo l.inilM'yV wilbilrawol from any other party. YESTERDAY'S SCORES Xorllmoot V. Honttlo IK Hpokuui ..4 H Vancouver ....-...-....G Portland , It Vlctorbt nu Tacouia :ifi Ii. P. C. 3(5 .57 J 37 .CGC to .cnn 13 .-tSS ir, .m 52 .-103 It. H. K. S 12 I B 10 7 Sepulvlda: 7 0 0 G 8 4 I DovoKt; Vnncouvur Taconm . llitttorlim OorvaU a Hchmltz ami Crlttoudou Hpilkauo Victoria llattorloM NoyoH and (Irlmllo and Kaufman. Sonttlo , 8 11 ,1 Portland 7 12 0 HattcrlcH rullorton, Iiu'.orHoll, Thomimou and WIiiiIIiik; Doty, Ulrot and Monro. Const W. L. Vernon 57 30 Oakland 53 40 I .oh AugelcH ..50 42 Portland ...- 3S 4 7 San Francisco 39 5 t Sacramento 30 53 P.O. .013 .570 .513 .4 17 .1 1 9 .404 II. E. 7 0 9 0 It. Los An celca 2 Vernon 3 llaltorles Choech and Smith, Illtt and Aguow. Oakland 1 4 1 Sacramento 0 12 0 IlattorloH-r-Pornoll mid Mlteo; Are I rui oh and Choolc, Portland -. 0 11 1 San Francisco 17 1 llatterlou KoHtnur and Flaber; Ilonley and llerry. American W. L. V. C. 25 .079 32 .000 32 .508 39 .500 40 .491 33 .492 52 .288 58 .204 Ilostou 53 Washington 48 Chicago 83 Detroit 311 Clovplund 39 Philadelphia 33 SU Loulu 21 Now York 19 Washington 3, Cleveland 9. All others, rain. National W. "L. r. C. Now York .1 57 15 .791 Chicago 42 28 .000 Plttuburg 3 29 .501 Cincinnati 40 30 .520 Philadelphia ,.39 28 .450 St. Louis 40 49 .449 Hrooklyu 38 44 ,3S9 Iloston 23 54 .299 St, Loula 9. Ilostou 0. Cincinnati 3-2, Brooklyn 2-1. Pltttibiu'g-Plilludolphla, rain. yj?!?17: for a Chicken, but- RED HOT GAME NEXT SUNDAY Another one of those roil-hol nnin' of luihcball Ik anticipated for ni'vt Kuiiilay when OraulK Pass ami .MoJ for moot ut tho local ball park. Tlnyot two toauih liavo pulled off tlw moht oVoitiiiK yaiiii'H that have oir been witnoHsed in tbi valley. So evenly jue they liiatehed that the Kumcrt have iiIwii.vm been in doubt ribt up to tho time tbo last ball wiih fielded. Tbo locals will very likely try out n now tdnh urtint mid a new iufielder, the latter ln-inj; "Younjr" Miller or (Sold Hill, tbo crack little shortstop who played a heusatioual time itKaitist Grant PIihi InHt Sunday. Iko Duller, who has beni working on tbo mound for the loeulh, will spear tin; elusive pea at the initial station Ike ha vim: nhown himself to bo handy in this department. A i-oeent arrival frTim Wulla W'nlhi is slated to do the heaving for Med ford. Tbo Kiiino will Mart at the usual time, 'J:t.' p. in. Tho population of Ireland has dc creiiKi'd moro than 70,000 In tho last .ton year. Dl'SIXUSS OPPORTrXITIICS. IIUfllXKSS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wluhlUK to ciiKago In tho billiard hutdncHH can purchase all or a half luteroHt In tho Owl Dllllard par lor u owner wImIics to o away. Hamo can bo ptirchuHed at a vory rcuHonablo figure. S. I. llrown. ' LOST LOST Party getting ladles' black sun shade from llttlo hoy at grand stand July 4th please leave at Trlbuuo offlco and recelvo re ward. LOST Pair of steel ring spectacles. PIoiiho return to Mall Tribune of flco and recolvo reward. 95 REWARD, LOST- Nine hogs, Poland China stock hogs. Phono any In formation as to whereabouts to Home Phono 272-., II. C. t'rowder, $1 00 per bond reward will bo paid to tho catcher of each hog. 91 FOR RKXT FURN1HIIKD ROOMS FOR HKNTLnrgo front room fur nished, 237 N. Central avenue. bath and lights. 97 FOR RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 and $2 por wook. Modern housekeeping apartments. $15 and $1C. Home phono 2G6-K. 222 8outh Holly. FOR RENT Uirgo Imnt room, fur nished, 237 N. Central avonue. bath and lights. 97 NEW TODAY Vo..)iavo calls for places. oycry day mid If they aro not filled it is bo cause wu do not have the right place for tho right party. Perhaps your placo Ih the ono we want listed. Several lato calls aro for bargains. A party wants to buy a flvo room house, with enough fruit for the family and wnnta it near paved streot. Ih willing to pay $1000 or perhaps moro for tho right place. Another wants n six to eight room house. It need not bo anything fluo, but must bo n bargain. Any ono having a place of this kind, and who would rather have tho money, should not rail to llBt It. A party has flvo fluo sightly lota near Summit aveiuto and they will bo sold for $1000.00 or tho owiujr will soil nuy part of thorn. This Is ono of tho sightly locutions In Medford and anyono wanting an Investment would do woll to look thoni over. C. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Bltln. Phones: Pacific 781, Home 7 UK Residence Phono 26H )FOCT JOTJON. FT?TDAY, ,TULY 12, 1,012, FOUND. KOl'XD Dmbrclla at I)e Voo'k. 0C FOH ItliXT FUKNISIIUD AITH. FOR HUNT Smith AAb. 217 8. Itlv. Tim ItKNT OFFICES FOR RENT Orer tfc potofflco, with boat and light. Soo A. A. DtU. FOR RKNT Largo, comfortablo of flco room with elevator service, iteam heat, hot and cold water. Low rate. Apply Medford Furol turn & lldw. Co. F O It it i: x t iioisi:Ki:i:pixfl ROOMS FOR RKNT Furnhdied houso keep ing roouiH, j;a and electric llchtK. 05 FOR RKXT ROAim AXI) ItOOMS WHERE? Why, at the Park VIcw'OR SALE Berries by'crate. Call Hotel, of course, good square meals, homo cooking, 25 cents. Cool, clean rooms, good beds, 25 cents n night. 103 FOR RKXT HOUSES FOR RENT Tlirco room furnished luingulow, pleasant lot on paved street, rent reasonable, 527 South Holly. FOR RENT Furnished C-rooin house, modern. 51 S King 6t. FOR RENT Closo la C room bobuso with modern plumbing and elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn and cement sidewalks. Call Bell phono 3401. FOR RENT A furnished houso close , In. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & II store. FOR RENT Seven room bungalow, reasonably closo In. A. S. Bllton, room 20C Phlpps bldg. FOR RENT 8 room house on South Grapo st. Call 310 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Six room house, mod orn, paved street, $10.50. W. T. York & Co. FOR RENT Modern 7 room dwel ling, with all conveniences, also barn lit connection if desired, 211 Stark street, East Side. Phone 5232 or 121-L. 95 FOR RENT Modern 5 room bunga low on paved street, closo In. Ap ply 517 South Holly street. 95 FOR RENT Modern 8-room bunga low, 2 sleeping porches, and large screened kitchen porch, good gar den, closo In, terms vory reason able. Inquire Pac. phono 5401 or 701 Park avonue. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE $2100 artistic modern bungalow; built In furniture, beautiful lawn: paved Btreet. In quire 309 South Newtown. FOR SALE 100x253, suitable for 5 lots, two room houso furnished, oloctrlc lights, water paid 15 months In udvanco, flno largo gar don, closo in. Prlco $1200. In quire ut Hotel Medford Barber shop. 103 FOR RENT Modern five-room houso. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR SALE Four-room bungnlow, oloctrlo lights, sowor and city water on paved street. $050 cash If taken at nuco. Inquire of own er nt 311 West Jacksou streot. tt FOR SALE Cheap, now 5-room also now 0-rooni nuidorn bungalow. Inquire owner. 23 Roso avenue, Phono Bell 0S22. 99 FOR BALK ACRKAGK FOR SALE Eight acrea, Just out- 8tdo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples: small houso, good woll; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 4 ncros, a flno homo on Pacific highway, ouo mile north of city, a ten room houso with anod orn Improvements and out build ings. It Is the best Innd for bor rles and truck fanning uml Js un der Irrigation, and has porpotual water right. It Is partly sot to ber ries and fruit trees, lnqulro of F. S. Carpentor, owner, Perrydale Ad dition. 104 FOR 8ALU LAND FOR SALE 80 acres of improved land 3 miles from market. 5 room furnished house, stock mid Im plements, ote., good water. Prlco $3000. Seo It whllo crops aro growing. Address Box 52, Jack sonville, Ore, 117 FOR SALE SHSCKIiliANEOUS FOR SALc Pruno and apjilo or chard, 25 acres prunes, 15 acres ItallaiiH, 10 Potltcs, 8 years old, all on black bottom land, C Vt acres Xowtown apples. C years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box 113 Youcalla, Ore. 114 FOR 8ALK Canarr JUrda. Resl denco 843 East 9th at, Pacific phono 3D9G. 10C FOR SALE (irain hay, from $C to $12 a ton at Isaac's ranch. Phono 591-R-4. . FOR SALE Ono bay team welgblns about 2100 lbs., ono light lumber wagon, ono set of work harness, one extuuslon top leather seated surrey, ono set light driving har ness. You will find tho abovo all In good shape and will be aston ished at the low prices asked for them. 811 Bennett avenue. Home phono 319-R, or Booth public market. Ill FOR SALE Two mares, weight about 1200 pounds, also wagon, Inquire at 13 North Fir street. Thomas Flkes. 93 FOH SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modern, with two lots on South Central avenue, east front, also lot and barn joining place. Four room bouse with two lots close in, con nected with sewer and city water. See owner, T. L. Taylor. Phone Bell 8fi-R-t. 120 IIELP WAXTED FK3IALK 1 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. T. b. Steenstrup, 109 Geneva ave. 'J'J WANTED Position as clerk, six years experience In grocery and general stores. Address box L. L. II.. care Mall Tribune. 90 WAXTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Dressmaking and altera tions at home or by the day. Sat isfaction guarantcHsI. Prices rea sonable. Phono 7701, 402 North Oakdale. 90 WAXTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Horse, buggy and har ness", reasonable for cash. Resi dence 715 Alder St.. Home phono 109-L. 95 WANTED A fresh cow. good milker. Holstelu preferred. Address P. W. II. Tribune. 90 WANTED Burlap sacks .Mills. ut Russ WANTED A good camera of post card size. Phono 5232. 95 WANTED To buy, gontlo driving horse. E. T. Nonl, Central Point. 90 WANTEDGovernment Relinquish ment or acreage. Give complete description and lowest prlco first lotters. C. J. Wolfe. 1532 Ivy St.. Glendale, Calif. 99 WANTED Stock tor now green pas turo with running water at Isaac's ranch. Phono 591-R-4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Offlce: Bank bldg., secoud floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. O. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank bulldlug, aecond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, TOP. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. No. 1 and 2 Postotflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Corey bldg. -Law? or. Garnott- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examlnor. 20 Gurnntt-Coroy Bldg. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a roasonablo flguro; your business ollcltod. Office Medford Mnll.Trlb une bldg.; phone GCll; rosldenco phone 0303. Billiard Partom 8. T. BROWN & CO.-Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drlnko. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to tyond tho hot afternoons. By BUSINESS DIKKCTOItr Hill Pot,tera VERNE T. CANON Hill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Itrjclc and Cement THE Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Blocks Works. Special ty, ornamental brick for fireplaces, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots. Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E. Hedges, Mechauo-Therapists, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both acute and chronic didseascs. Consulta tion free. 230 X. Bartlett street next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Bell phone Main 4171. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITINQ Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filing and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and . canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk.. Medford. Oregon. Chinese MedJclue CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicine will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailment. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plana and .estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 6 CO 2. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist, E. 9th and So. Riverside Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; ithio tu die tetics, medical gyuiuaatlt, hydro therapy. Lady iieii.lntiu Phone Home 108-K. Main 7973. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office In Rtalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main G81. Night phone 4433. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hacker, Prop. S3 South Front St. All kinds of help furnished and positions obtained free to tho employer. Bell 15S1, Home 270-R 118 Graulto Won MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealors In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick aud tile. Get our prices and boo our brick and tllo before purchasing. Garbage GARBAGE Oot your premises cloaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Main 0251. F. Y. Allen. Nurserlvs QUAKER NURSERIES Our trooi aro udded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We aro not lo tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Offlci romoved to offlco Hotel Nash. In sldo eutwnco next to harbor shop ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO,, Inc. Growers of hlgh-gradt nursery stock. Offlco 104 8 Fir Both phonos. PAGE MVB. iZJ-L m..iiHSa "Bud" Fisher ; t ! J -A t BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Sth and Holly sU. Medford. Mission furnlturo mado to order. Cabinet -work of all kind A trial ordor solicited. Printer and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th best equipped Job office In southera Oregon; book binding, loose lef systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir t. Papering INTERIOR PAJNTJNO AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. S16 Tay lor at. Phono Pac. 3843. Notary PuMIc CELEN N. YOCKET Notary Pnb 11c. Bring your work to me at th' sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Physician and Surgcoa DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Pbyl cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., room 210-211-212. Office phone 601, residence phone 612. Offlco hours, a. m. to 8 P. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 41C and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phono, resldenco 109, office 130. DR. S. A, LOCKWOOD Physlcla and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to disease of women. Offices over Haskln Drag Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phene: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phy!c!nn and Surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyoa scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 210 E. Main st., cir Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. tu. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B.- PICKED. M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 682. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Office phone 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physlcinn and Surgeon. Offlco rooms G and 0 Kentnor bldg. Office hour 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bll 271. Resldenco phono Bell 273. Horns 347-X. E. KlRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tice limited to Chronic Disease. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phone3. Residence phenes: Farmer lCxxG Eagle Point and Roguo River line. Secoud Floor Garnott-Coroy Building Medford, Oregon. Drs. Sauudors & Green Special ists Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. "Not only the cheapest, but the best," HERMANN F. RATTE, M. D. Of fice over Medford National Bank OffIcw phono 0701. Res., Hdtel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D., Prac tice limited to Eyo, Eur, Nose and Throat, Eyes scientifically tested uml glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg,, 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. '"Real Estate GEORGE L. Davis, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Over Frultgrowors Bank. REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent. Ore., fruit, alfalfa and gardun lauds. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW -Palm block. Stonographlo work done quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 10 South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Price right. Servico guarauteed. Under rnKrra JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embulmer. Office 28 South Bart lott t. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Call answered night pr day. Aiubulauce service. V j 311 1 1 1. . i ii. , . , 1 1 t,,t;tp, It