s.VSy !'' " -r- " - PJQI3 FOUR RfRDFORD rxm TRTBUNTU, METTFORD, OKI-iaON. WEDNESDAY, .TULY 10, 1012 . ' K Medford Mail tribOne AN INMJCl'ENDKNT NKWSPAPNlt . 'UIlMHHKD RV13RV AFTEHNOON KJCCISIT SUNDAY. JJY TUB MKDFOltD 1'IUNTINU CO. Tho finniocrnllo Tlmrn, Tho Mi!foril Mall. Tho Meilfonl Tribune Tho South cm Ort'KOiiltui, The Aslilntnl Tribune. Ofrleo Moll Tribune Dulldlnp, 3S-S7-S North Kir treat iiliono, Ainm 3021; Home 75 Oi:niU113 l'UTNAM, IMIlor anil Malinger H- Kntnrod nH meom1clans mattrr n Mnlfnril. OroRon, under tho act or March 3, 187V. Offlfln.1 lntr of llio City of Medford. Official I'lipcr of Jocknon County. BOBSCKIPTIOIT SATES. One yenr, by man ...ID. on One month, by timll., CO lor month, delivered by carrier In Medford. JackKonvlllo nud Cen tral l'olnt ...................... .BO Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 2,00 Weekly, per year 1.60 BWOKIT CIBCrtr&ATXOrT. Dally average tor eleven niontht end Ins November SO, 1911, 8761. rull X,iaad "Wire TJnlt.d Frtta Bltpatohei. Tho Mall Trlbuno In on nale nt the Perry News Htnnd, San Krntielnco. Portland Hotel News Stand, rortland. llowmnn Nwn Co, Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. MEDrORD. OKEaOK. Metropolis of SouthMTi Oregon and Northern California, nnd tho fastest growing Hty In Oregon. Population U. H. eensua 1S10 8840; eatlmated. 1911 10.000 Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply Pure mountain water, and 17.3 mllea of Btroots paved. Postofflri receipt for year ending November SO, 1911, show lncreaaeof 19 per cent. Ilanner fruit city In Oregon Hogue Itlver SplUcnberg apples won wep- atakes prize nmt mm or ."Apple King of toe World" at tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and n car of Newtown won rirst Prim in 1910 nt Canadian International Apalo Enow, Vancouver. II C riwt Frit In 1911 at Spokano National Apple Show won by carload of Nuwtowns. Rogue Jllver pears brought highest prices In all markets of tho world dur ing tho past six years. Write Commercial Club. Inclosing 6 ccnta for poMngo for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown It was down In Casey's bar room That my partner said to me, "On this hero suffrage question We can never qulto agree." Then lie took a glass of lager And he Jdly blew the foam While he sprung tho ancient bromide, "Woman's plnco is in tho home." Hut ho said It In a bar room, And I think perhaps you see That the setting and the logic Couldn't very well agree. Why didn't tho gas company enter a man In tho 100 meter raco at Stockholm? "Wo Inquire because a friend told us it is a fine joke. When the Elks come back from Port land I'm as suro as I can bo That among tho Dills returning Thero will bo a bill for me. It is to be hoped the Portland mov ing picture men don't neglect to snap Clarence Keamos in tho act of being everywhere at once. Constatine N. Pappamlhalopulos mado a speech In Portland the other day. Must have been fun to hear the giuk who introduced him. Itoosevelt says tho peoplo should disregard party lines, but so far he litlau't satisfactorily explained why ho doesn't do so and vote for Wilson. Seattle has a pitcher named Con cannon who is proving one. OLD CASE HAUNTS STEPS IN FEDERAL JUDGE PROBE SEATTLE, Wn., July 10. Tho ten year old bankruptcy caso af Ileck-munu-and Hanson occupied tho whole day In tho Judiciary sub-committee's investigation of Judge Hanford. At torney Jerry L.Flnch, tho complain ing witness, was ou tho staud all day Finch accused Hanford ot unjudicial conduct in his refusal to re-open tho estate of the bankrupt firm and in tho whole conduct of tho case, Incl dently charging Richard A. Jlalllnger who appeared first as attorney for the maker of the nolo and shortly after, ward as counsel for tho bank to whom tho noto was drawn in tho foreclosure proceedings begun by tho bank. Dur ing tho discussion of tho admission ot evidence Chairman Garliam ot tho comtnltteo took tho occasion to say tho committee wns not bound to tuke nil tho testimony offored. lie added that the committee was not a court, but was more Uko a grand jury which is determining whethor thero Id sufficient grounds for Impeach ment. Ho said Hanford's counsel would bo allowed to enter in defense, not us his right but us uu action of gruco. Commencing tomorrow tho committee will hold night sessions. TROOPS BEING MOBILIZED i FOR ARMY MANEUVERS VANCOUVER BAKHACKS, Wn&li., July 30. General Marion I. Mums today is preparing for (he mobiliza tion of between 5000 nml (1000 troops, remilnr mull national -unrdsnien, in I lie vicinity of flrnys harbor, Wash ington, for,Jho annual army nuuieu vuru, )0?iniiiii; July 20 nml extemllue; I ((July 30. - - ' . . DON'T ASK HALF of the Oregon delegation to the Ohk-ngo conven tion have repudiated the notion of the eonvention nnd the nomination of Taft, styling it fraudulent. The ohninnan of the Republican state eonlral commit tee, Bruce Dennis, of La Grande, denounces "the crime at Chicago" in vigorous language, as an outrage to patriotism and to party. Senator Dan Kellaher of Fori land, nominated as a Re publican elector, declares that he will cast his ballot in the electoral college for Roosevelt and is busy organizing a bandana party in Oregon. But nothing has been heard yet from Fen Selling, dis tinguished seller of pants, also bandanas, and Republican nominee for the United States senate. Where does Mr. Selling stand? Is he astride the Dull Moose, waving a bandana, with other progressives, or does he sanction the rape of the partv in Taft's behalf and follow the flag of fraud? Mr. Selling was personally selected by Mr. Taft as chairman of the special committee to stenl Oregon and had cliarge ot the prelinunarv repudiate Taft, whom he helped elect '? Or docs he repu diate the rank and file who repudiated Taft? Immediately after the Chicago convention Mr. Selling relnsed to state to which taction he belonged to the standpat bosses or to the progressive rank and file and then he took to the woods, where he has since been hiding. Is it possible that our clothier statesman has no convic tions upon the subject i Can it be that "honest Ren Sell ing" sanctions the "Chicago crime." or does he believe with Teddy -'Thou shalt not steal," except some little thing like Panama? Progressive Jonathan Bourne will not support Taft. Will "progressive" Ben Selling? If so, what sort of a progressive will progressive Oregon be sending to the senate? Is it possible that a month's reflection is necessary for Mr. Selling to make up his mind as to right and wrong and as to his political whereabouts? Docs he not know off hand just as he does the profit on pants? What kind of a senator will a man make who has no convictions, or if he has, -is afraid to express them i Docs Oregon want a senator afraid of his political shadow? "It' you want to know the latest fashions ask Ben Selling" runs the big ads that silence the Portland press in Selling's behalf. But this authority on men's lingerie is evidently no authority on political fashions and if you want to know .the latest stvles of politics don't ask Ren Selling. Ask one of the dummies in the windows of his pant trust stores. AT (Miles Overholt in Oregon Journal.) Mcilford entertained yeterdny. We know just exactly what we nrc talk-1 in about. Medford entertained .it their liendqunrters nt the Imperial hotel. The way Medford entertains is to get a. poor but honest, not to to say modest, person to visit their hendqunrters Oh, sure, nice, pleas ant, sociable folks and all that then they hhove .x.iid bashful eck into the middle of the floor and dance a rinj; around him, singine; till the while: "O You Beautiful Doll." An :nnusiu; incident occurred nt Medford headquarters yesterday when n visitor mistook Owliey Pnttnn for an Irish Jew. Everybody in Med ford knows Owncy could be restrained from dointr brew accent and "commer cial instinct" appearances stamps him as a typical representative of his race direct from Jerusalem, nnd when some well menninjr fellow, from Ovvn ey's appearance, concluded that there was Irish blood in Owney's veins a protest immediately went up from Owney that could be heard all over the Medford headquarters and it was with much effort that Owney could be restrained from doing violence to the visitor. It was eventually smoothed over when the visitor wns assured that when Owney wns born there were no Irish in I'ulestine. DARR0W RESENTS INSULT TO JOB HARRIMAN LOS ANGELES, July 10. Scenes of disorder marked tho closing hours of Tuesday's session of the Darrow trial when nn attempt of tho pros ecution to have read to Job Harrl man. who was on tho stand, tho stat ute regarding immunity. Tho wit ness himself waived all legal rights to immunity, but Darrow in a most impassioned manner used slnco tho trial began declared tho prosecution was trying to insult tho witness. District Attorney Fredericks do nled such an Intention and Attorney Appel of counsel for tho defense as serted tho prosecutor waB trying to brand tho witness as u criminal. At torney Rogers, who was propounding tho questions for tho defense, re newed his examination when Attor ney Ford objected to tho form of questions. lloth lawyers began shouting as loud as they could. Judge Hutton reprimanded both and fined tliom for contempt, remitting tho fino later whou both apologized, Harrlmun contradicted tho testimony of Bert Franklin and denied ho gavo Darrow $4000 which Franklin confessed to having usod to corrupt pno of tho prospective Jurors iu tho McNamara cuse. ' HEADQUARTERS BEN SELLING. Tatt campaign. Docs he now TO E For tho purpose of organizing an Equal Suffrage Asxoclatlon of South- crn Oregon which will bo composed of representatives of tho various local suffrage clubs throughout this sec tion Mrs. J. F. Reddy, JIIss Gladys Heard and Mrs. Smytho loft this morning for Ashland where they will meet and confer with a number of the ladles of Ashland. They will spend the day at tho suffrage headquarters in tho Chautauqua grove where much effectivo campaign work Is being done. The ladles are much pleased with tho growth of the sentiment in favor of equal suffrage and state that great progress is being made for the cause not only in this section but through out tho state. BANDS PLAY AS B. P. 0. ELKS MEET AT PORTLAND PORTLAND, July 10. Tho real work of the Elks' convention which is in session this week In Portland began Tuesday when tho grand lodge Besslon opened with over 1000 ao- credited delegates. For more than half an hour beforo Grand Exalted Ruler Sullivan called tho session to order tho convention hall was a scene of animation tho Uko of which nothing was over seen hero, Hands which accompanied tho del egations all played In anything but unison; songs were sung, many of them and all at tho same time, and pandemonium generally reigned. When Mr. Sullivan succeeded In get ting tho body to come to order, Ills own report and those of tho grand secretary and grand treasurer were read. Following tho eading of tho reports tho election of officers occurred, and Rochester wus solected by acclama tion as the convention city In 1913. Tho following woro tho officers chosen for tho ensuing yenr: Grand exalted ruler, Thomas B. Mills of Superior, Wis.; grand es teemed leading knight, James L. King of Topeka; grand esteemed lec turing knight, L. R. Maxwell of Mar sholltown, la.; grand secretary, Fred C, Robinson of Dubuquo, la.; grand trustee, John J. Fuulkner of East St. Louis, 111.; grand Inner guard, John Leo Clark of Albuquorquo, N. M.5 grand tylor, Patrick II. Shields of Clarksburg, Va, SPECIAL NOTICE. On and aftor Sunday, July 14th, 1912, Trips between Medford and Jacksonville, will bo mado overy onri ami one-half hours, instead of the presont hourly service, Seo now tlmo card. 94 Roguo Rivor Valloy Railway Co, SUFFRAGE ORGANIZATION MS PASS PLAY HERE SUNDAY Omuls P-. nml Medford will iuv iiKiiiu nt the linll imii'K not Sunday nftornioii tniil us the-o tonum lm ' hoon pln.viii! vorv eliwo kiiuh tlirmmhotit (ho si'iimhi tin1 fans will prohulily In1 nut en nut to oo lliom. (Imnls 1'iifs expects to make it I wo victories for the mumui Sumlny. Miller, ti iiimioiii front tioltl Hill, will prolmlily lie soon tit lliird for tlto looiil tonui, lis Tinny will probably lio nlwont. lie is snitl to lie n ront find. The nmo Stimlny will proluihly lie another of tlio oliiM' iriniios which litis delighted tho local fmw v this sou son. I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (By A. C. Howlott.) On tho Fourth there wn qulto n number of peoplo coiuo In from tho different parts of the country to Join In tho festivities of tho occasion. Several of tho Pence family and Mrs. Lynch and her family of Elk crook, and several front Trail, qulto a num ber from lltittu Falls, among thorn being Charles Ediuiindsoii and fam ily. Bill Hlldreth and wlfo. William Perry and family, Howard Bowdon and a numhor from Medford among them was Shorty Garuett and Mr. Kldd, tho shoe man, they had " eye to business. Among tho nrrlvals was enough of tho Trusty family to have an unex pected reunion when thoy were col lected enough to form n group of nine, and Honry Cltlldroth hunted around to flue snmeoiio with a cam era to take n photo of the group nud finally ho found our daughter Agnes nnd she took n picture of tho group and they are anxious to learn tho re sults but at this writing Monday, she hns not had them developed. It wns a very agreeable surprise to hnvo them all come In on Henry Chlldreth and wife, tho first time they had all been together for several years. I forgot to mention that Jud Ed sall came over from Scott's Bar on tho third to celebrato tho Fourth with us. Chancy Florey and family nlso came over ou tho evening of the third to Join In the pleasures of the Fourth. Chancy Is one of our town boys that we may well fool proud of. ho has been deputy assessor for tho last term. Gcorgo Davis, president of tho Fruit Growers bank nt Medford ami one of tho principal officers of the Eagle Point State bank, camo out tho evening of the fifth. Frank Brown one of our merchants went to Portland Saturday and his brother Merrltt went to Medford nnd his slstor-lti-law, Mrs. Frank Brown told mo thnt he and Miss Morris, who taught tho intermediate department of our school, were to be married that afternoon In Medford and that they wero going to Southern Illinois and that ho was going onto hor farm. If It is the case the congratulations of their friends follow them. S. B. Holmes and wlfo started last Saturday to visit relatives In Bri tish Columbia. Extra trains woro run frorn bore to Medford to accommodato those who wanted to go, and could, to seo tho races last week. Thero was qulto a number went over Saturday evening and nmong them wero Roy Smith nnd Miss Rosa Ayres, L. E. Smith, Mrs. Frank Brown, Jud Ed Ball and M'8s Hattlo Howlott and Mrs. Howlott. They returned on Sunday morning at 12:30. T. C. Mooro and a man by the namo of Lindsey of Ashland were guests at the Sunny Side Sunday night taking tho K. P. Prospect stage Monday morning for Elk Crcok. Mr. Walters nnd his llttlo boy of HER FRIEND'S GOJTO ADVICE The Results Made This Newburg Lady Glad She Followed Suggestion. Nowburtr, Ala. "For moro than a year," writes Myrtlo Cothrum, of this place, "I suffered with torrfblo palnB In my back and head. I had a sallow complexion, and my face was covered with pimplos. Our family doctor only cave mo temporary relief. A friend of mlno advised me to try Cardui, do I began taking it, at onco, and with the best results, for I was cured aftor taking two bottles. My mother and my aunt have also used Cardui and woro greatly boncflted. I shall always pralso Cardui to sick and suffering women." Cardui is a purely vcgetablo,' per fectly harmless, tonlo remoay for wo mon, and will benefit young and old. Its ingredients nro mild herbs, hav ing a gentlo, tonlo effect, on tho wo manly constitution. Cardui has helped a million women back to health and strength. Have you tried It? If not, pleaso do. It may bo Just what you seed. N. D. Write te: Uitt' AdvHory Dr'., riuiu. tvrjotfi Mullein Co..QitUnboK, Trnn., Iu hVtCMl Initructiuni, and (A-vn book. Horn TrMliual Cur Wuou,",ul la iililn rryr, oa IMUui, Klk Crok walked In Saturday even ing from Elk Crook nud tho not tuornliiR wont on to Medford. Just about tho time Mrs. Howlott had Jior dinner dishes washed and put away who should coiuo up and ask for dinner for four hut Mlko Hauloy. Ills party composed Mrs. l J. Rlloy and hor daughter Miss Lane and Mr, Joseph Reynolds nml Mlko himself, Ho had boon up to his placo with Mrs, Rlloy nud hor daughter ami when 1 asked hor how sho liked tho Butto Crook country she said, "I have always lived In a level country nud those mouiitnlitH are sir high that ouo has to look right straight up to see out," and wo speak of thorn as tho foot hills. Mr. Joseph Reynolds Is ouo of tho old pioneers of Butto Crook, ho said that ho was the first ono that over took a ditch out of Llttlo Bulto crook. Ho has lived, there long ouoiir.k to rn,lo a family ami now Juts his grnml children around him. '" I huso a lot more to write hut will keep till tomorrow. I EDEN PRECINCT I Dr. Mnlnigron tif Phoenix was at Ashland Sunday. Mrs. Charles McClalii of Myrtle Creek, Ore., Is visiting friend In Phoouh this week. L. A. Roue was In Tnlont Monday evening. Loulo Colvor spent Sunday nt W. H. Dean's on Wagnnr Creek. Dr. Balllo and wlfo attended Chau tauqua Sunday at Ashland. Miss Mary nml Bortlo Staucllff woro at Ashland Sunday owning. Miss Mod a Dooly of Butto Falls wns visiting relatives at Phoenix over Sunday. Miss Ethel Shaffer a former Phoe nix resident left last Friday for a visit with relatives In tho east. Mrs. J. Rose and Mrs. F. E. Furry woro visitors at tho home of Mrs. A. S. Furry Sunday. Mrs. l.avlcii Roams of West Tal ent nnd her daughter Miss Elsie Reams of Ashland left Monday to at tend the Elk's convention at Portland. Mrs. Rebecca Mooro and Mrs. Dr. Uiillle aro attending chnittauqiia at Ashland, having rooms and season tickets. DEBENGER GAP F. Y. Allen of Medford oniiie up to look vorjiis Trail propel ty Inst Tuc day. Int Dawson of Trail was n business visitor to Hustle Point lnt Tuesday. Burdette Dodge Jr. of tho Riverside rntieh was a lnisineSH visitor in Cen tral Point l-t Tuesday. 31r. Croft of Trail was littNinci- visitor at Jacksonville hmt Tuesday. A. C. Weeks nml T. (I. Spunkier '-r Klk Creek wero business visitors nt Hasrlo Point Inst Tuesday. Miss Jfnrv (lasre and her little brother "Hub" wero Iiiimiiokh iihnr in CenlrnI Point limt Tuesday. Ituusel Thornbrue of Bougie wiis u business visitor at Medford and Cen tral Point Inst Wednesday. Mr. nml Mrs. Florence Walker nml family and .Mrs. Walker's father were visitors at the Doliciicr (lap much Saturday. Mr. nml Mrs. J. H. Plyinirc of the Willow ranch oust of Medfoid eiiuie up on their new motorcycle to spend Sunday visiting relatives at the l)cb euger (lap ranch. Dr. K. KirohgossiitT of the River dale ranch was u professional usilor ut Medford last Monday. AT rOUNTAINB,HOrCia,OR CLSCWHCRC Get tho Original and Genuine HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK f, 0ifcMacJmUati4n4 ft TheFoodDrinkforAllAgcs RICH MUX HALT CHAIN EXTRACT, IN rOWOER Not in any Milk Trust Insist on "HORLICK'S" Take a paekajo boiua For your , Summer Reading "We have at all times a full lino ol! MatfU'inurf, papci'-covei'od V o o k and latest 'Fiction for your inspection. MEDFORD BOOK STORE Bring the Children Here lirNi, HHJft w&7 JiflHI to hnvo their tooth attended to ami whatever the miiltor wo will soon put thoni In older. Wo iniiho a specialty or children's Dontlntry In nil branches and our system saves tho llttlo ones many pains ami adieu, licttldos help Iiik thoin to look their host, Our work Kioutly Improves their outward appearance ami imiltos thoin and their parents happy. Our lormii are very moderate. IdUly Attendant DR. BARBER Till: DKNTIKT Over nnulels for l)mln. 1'aclfle Phono UdUtt, llomu t'lioua 352-1C Wo aro now servliiK OUR OWN Ice Cream IIF.Ui: IS OUIt FOIt.MUliA Cream Mlllc Sugar l'opsla Flavoring No Starch No Flour No Ico Cronni l'owder No (lelntlu ot any kind. HASKINS for HEALTH PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Uut.rrit. lrtca Itensonablo. COPFEEN k PRICK IS Howard Block, Bntraaea on 81U 11 Pacific SOU. Xom 1t. THE PARK GROCERY (UtOCKHIKH, FltlMTS, CANOIKS, CKIAHS and TOIIAOCO Hell Phono Main r.filU, WJl W. Main. A SNAP GO acres, nix miles from Medford, good graded road crossoi tho tract, all freo soil, at G0 por aero. 11000 will handle, easy terms on balance Tart Is crook bottom land, suitable for alfalfa. Bevural iprlngs on tho placo. Timber onouKU to pay for tho tract. No bulldlngi. In tho Griffin croolc district. W.T.York. Co. Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phones : Pacific M21. Home 354 Messenger Sorvico 35 N.Kir. MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on or before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 323X 320 G.-O. Bldg, w(kv7W' fr v Ii WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ISIS THEATRE illltIO Keel of I.IkiimmI IMrlines ilOOIt ONLY VAltmiVII.UO IN TIIH (JITY Admission' 10 and lf routs. .'imI ill-: NlliVA ami .MKICSK Corn In a IioIii-ow'ii 1 1 million, Unhappy ('oliu. tiii: until wiiit Tin: i-antkiin A thrlllliiK ami dniiuntlc mniam'o of iiillroad life. OAKIIY ami JOAN Drama. A WKSTKHN WWACY Ono of thosu soi'eaiulUK western farce ciiiuedles, Special innttiieeii overy Saturduy nml Sunday at 1! p, m. rcvonliu; performance, 7:30 STAR THEATRE Under direction of n:ori,i:'s a.mi?si:.mknt CO. IVifcrt Ventilation nml Comfort lio.VT I.00K ut tho thoruiometer Coiuo wlioro It's cool it ml look at our picture. 10011 IVt I'lrM CIskh I'llum KMMI Complete Change of Program Today A Show Full of Action and Lots of Surprises Al Sat hor Tho Hlnr.cr Woolwortha Tho Musicians MATINI-:i-:S DAILY Admission lOu Children Co Watch Our Addition Grow Xftcknoa mid HmiiuuII Medford Realty and Improvement Company m. r. ii. Co. nidf. . J.-I Crater Lake Auto Line Cnr will leavo lintel Mudrord, for Crater Lulco at K a, m. TucRdayA and Saturday. lloturn Mouduyu and Thurmluyfl, Spend Sunday at Crater I.ulto. KeKorvatloiiH mado at Medford Hotel office. Clark & Wright LAWYERI WASHINGTON, I). O. Publlo Laud MtUteri: Final Proof. Doicirt Lands, ConteiUi and Mining Caina. Scrip. Draperies Wo carry a vrjr comploto Una of (Inipnrlui!, luoe curtolim, fix turoH. etc., nnd Ao ull oIuhkok of upliniHtnrlni:. A apodal man to look aftor IIiIh work oxnliiHlvoly nnd will ulvn an kooi! xurvloo n In piinHllifii to got lr uvun th larKKHt oUIam. WEEKS & McGOWAN CO, u IV V'