MEDFORD ATATL TRTDUNE, MTCDT70RD, OnKOON, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1012. raaio THREW WA Hfflffi WHEN mm 0 IRK "Whim Wiumtii (In On! Io Work" wiim tlm tnpio of illhcliHinii hy Mih, IViiik'cm Nipiiro Pytti'i' of fhifiiK" I" an nndlt'iicc at the ('nriMitt lilirnr.v TnnHiluy i'v'iiiiiK. "Tin iiiinoiiiii prolih'iu," mIii' Hind, "Ih tlm luihiH pruliltmi of I'lliii'iilion nutl of hoi'IuI himici'. Onott tin lll'IVt'H Hlllip, lllll NltvillK lint HWItpl nwtiy, il In nxln'iiicly illliienlt for tlm mini or woman, vliohi fool Iiiih rdippi'd off III" lllilili-r to jji't lilii'k MKiiiii, I'Vi'ii to lint lioltoin round. Hplrll of MuhlorHH 'I'limiti-im "An iippiironlly oiiiiilinlciit mill tllllMllrilill Hpilil mImIIiIh i Din Illll'li- M hiik) of Aiiicrieuii home I i If. Il Iiiih i'iihIiimI !ln Iioiiih of tln uork'r. Il n ilurla'iiliii; tlio home of lint polity liiiili'Hiiiiiii ami IniMiiH'HMiiiui. I'm fi'NHioiitil cImmm's ant feeling Hm plni'li, It Jh din Hpiril of loiMini'xH. "AIoiik with (lot iiiiim'i liiiuly of our eonninin Mi'riirily Iiiih kouv a corri' hMiiulliiK uuetirtniiilv or llti. itn'i(,Mi- TM JllWlt.VM xpi'llk of (III- 1.lrilVltfltll'f of AiaoricaiiH. Tlmy attnlmti' this to tlm vslilit ilirilriloiltoii of mwillli in tliix I'oniitry. Wo know no Hindi widi ilU trilitition of wealth viHtH. "I helie otir i'liaviiL!iiiirit Ik due to a very different emine. Frugality and thrift are the virtues of hope. KiH'Ui'HHiii'MH in the iee of despair. Who iiinoiit; you Iiiih not Mini to lim-M-lf, if there Ih a lillle money on hand: " 'Well, I will take this ehanee now; it never may eome nuniu. We uiijtht iin well uxe what we have, hefore the tut it k hrenkx, or our investment iook up in Hinoke, or nouuhoily HiieereH hk Olll of llllSlllenM.' I-Ullig ConilllloiiH t'luerlalo "TIiIh iiueurlainty of livinv, eoudi toon Iiiih heen aeeouiiaued hy a Mtp erfieiiili.ini' and dihorder of our deep est emotions. "In the first place, matiui; must oc cur later in life than il used to. The yomm people must net a start hefore they dare to marry. Thus our youth are deprived of the home safeguard .tt tlm age when lliey need it most. In the second plaee, ehlldroii tire limited in ntimher, or done away with alto letier. In the third place, they must shift for themselves in the. MtootH at loo early an nj;e, and in. the fourth pliicn tlm htitden of (hose who have HiKK'nmhed in the stnile (Mr exist ence rests ever inoitt heavily tipni those who have not sueeumheil. HrliiK llopo I tuck (o Home "We must hriiiu hack hope to the American home. This cannot he done hy charity and philanthropy. It mint lie doiiit hy a late acquaintance with our hest fnead, this same specter of InisiiichH. We ourselves created this Frankenstein and then isolated it i.) the region heypnd hollies. We have thought of husiiiess us something that has iiolhitiu' to do with the human nualities. That is why we have heen so reluctant to lei our wouieii enter the husiuess world. Wo have said, 'Let us hove some emotions left!' So we shut theiit up in the Iioiiich with the women, Our Frankenstein has devel oped its power destructively away from the home. "Mat what has happened If The wo man in the home Iiiih had to open the door and put out tirst one child, then another, and tuiallv io herself, Cannot Client Zclt-Uelst "We can not cheat lint Zcit-deist, For Home purpose of nature it was meant that women and children should ko out and work. Was it not, possibly, that husiuess at last should lie humanized t Can anything' less Ihaii this Hatisfy that part of our na tures which Hurvives from generation to u'CiicrntionT "We have much io say in our his torical chronicles of the, work of Hut pioneer. There is one only pioneer in the human story worth ini'iitiuiiiiiK in cosmic, evolution of humanity. That pioneer h Hid most helpless creatine. in the annual kingdom- the baby, the child. TlicoHophistH say, I believe, that the child's soul cIioohch to hi) horn into the crude family, that it may redeem thai family. Some think the child wan scut. Others believe that il in a part of an eternal energy mnuifcHtiuK itself in nil forms of cre ation. "Howover that may he, it was the child dependent, and ho HUiumouiiiK all that is noble in us, who, slowly, at the cost of tragic, waste, Immunized first, (he mother, then tlm little fam ily eirele which we have coino Io call the home. What the child did for the home it i k"K t do fr tho com munity, "Out into lliut terrible vortex of btiHincHH for which our milfiHhuoHHos are responsible, our little pioneer lias Kna. Children in tho selioolsl Chil dren in tho factories! Children on the HtiiKol Children in the market plneoH and hi tlm streets! "CounlloHH iiuinherH of these innr veloiiH pioiioeirt hove heen, and will lie, pnorifieod in tho procesH of re-demption," fflO ATTACKS ! SEEK MEMORIAL TO WHICH IT II EOT 1 1 EL'S LY THE TEMPLE El L LA IIS AT ATHENS BABY GIRL THEN R D OHA'NTH I'AKH, .Inly 10. Kvlnu In lint Koulli I'mlfli! lioHpltiil at (IrantH I'iiHH, H, (' lliiyilitu nwitltM rncovery from u Helf-lnfllcleil bullet wound In the head, when he will be Iraimferreil to tho courtly Jnll, thorn to be belli to answer to a eliarr.o moie serloun thiiu thai of attempted lutlf-muriler for llnyilon'H ilenlro to die 'wiim hroiiKht about throiiKh his illncovery In one of tho most hleiiouii crimen on tho calendar, that of an attempt upon tho Innocence of a uelKlibor's flvo-ymir-old iluiiKitr liaydeii, who Is about .'10 yearn of ai;e, has been IIvIiik alnuo In the culilii upon bin liomeiiteail for tho intNl thri'o yearn, worldiiK ocriiHlun ally for uelKliborliiK farmern, ami Iiiih alwayH been coimldorcit u bit "oueer." Ills liomesteiiil Is nine inllen down Itoi'iin river below (IrnutH 1'nsn, and on (hu north aide, near tho Dlxln raueh. Kumlay lliiydcn went to the homo of a neighbor, I.oiiIh Iiiicke, for whom he wiim to work for a few dayii. Later In the day he made an excuse to return to his rahlii, about a mile distant throiir.h the fields, to net some money which he claimed to have left there. At bis roiiicHt the Utile flve-yeur-old daiiKhler went with lilin. When the two did not re turn In a rcasoufibln time, Mr, Lueke, acromtiauleii by another neighbor. Kelly Cooper, went to the Huyden enblii to look for them. At tho cabin no tcKioiiHO could at first be ob tained, but later liaydeii and the baby Klrl, both nude, were found within. N'o Injury had come to tho little one owIiik to the timely arrival of the men, and the Irate father told lliiydcn that he must either leave the country nt once or he would nend him to the penitentiary, liellevliiK that thin roume would lie bettor than the publicity that would follow Hay den' arrest. At tho time Hnyden was wnrned to leave the country, he told Cooper that he would not leave, but that be would kill hltiiHclf. an ho preferred that to the penitentiary. Monday nli;ht Mr. Lueke went to the liaydeii cabin to Hce If the man hrul left as he had been warned, but found him at home sufferlm: from the Ktin "hot wound In tho head. The sheriff's office was nt onco noti fied, and Hherlff Smith, accompanied by F. W. (?npp of the local police forro and Coroner Strieker, loft for the scene nt mldnlKht, tho coroner KoInK as It wan thought tho man's wound might result fatally, and htn presence be required. At tho homestead lliiydcn wns found suffering with n superficial wound la tho head, which ho had swathed about with a towel. Ho had Inflicted the Injury with n 32-30 cali ber Winchester cnrblne, tho bullet entering tho right temple, ranging backward, and coming out of tho scalp back of tho ear. Ho had shot hlmitelf. he unlit. Sunday evening, and had heen nloue since. Ho was brouglit to this city, ar riving hero at about two o'clock. when ho was placed In tho hospital, hut It Is the Intention of tho officers to remove him to tho county Jali within a day or two hh bis Injury Is not various. The scalp would wan sewed up by tho physicians, tho skull not being Injured, Hayden nays that as ho looked Into tho muzzle of tho gnu It appeared as largo as a barrel, and he fully expected that bis head would bo blown off. g'mjr' fsx.- vy ' ' ., B:4" '' '. - c , i , m ,.n. vw .' t , ' . JV 1 k- IK mm mM w ' n t m.. vriM-mT.Ti,.i,mi i iv .'.. J' l'ifJ"i.l.H 1 - VI' M 'J-X iX'rv J6 IHf1m. hm ; ib i prrt;ar. i.-vilkfir.--j. ..'.?" aEtijs&'&sa vrp' -?lti. W COLUMHD Or TMCTCMPLt Of OUiriT KA ARRANGES FOR BIG MAT Mr. L. 1 CurtiinxoKlu the Charge d'Affalres of the Oreek Legation In Wash ington, Iiiih bl-i government to aid the Aero Club of l)ajton. Ohio, which ,uimim's eiirtlng o iiietiiiirMI to the Wright brut hern, fashioned after eolumns of the Temple of Jupiter fiom Hie ruins at Alliens. 'J'he Creek got eminent will prob.ibly select a flreek nrllit to make model of the tdllnrs mid heiid them here, si Unit copies can be ere. ted at Miiytmi ',,,l" '''1 ' "" Is'hiilf of the Duytou Aero Cluh was ri-eiily made to the Creek l.egmloii In by Jiimen M ,.pn-entniln. fn,m Ohln HAULING ORE Fl m BUZZARD IN E Seven tcnuiH have been sent out to tho Iluzziiril mine on the headqiiart ers of 10 1 It cretik to begin the trans portation of a largo amount of ore to Central Point where It will bo shipped to a California Hiuelter. Tho tenuis will probably ho kept busy throughout tho summer. Tho Huztnrd mine Ih showing up exceptionally well under tho develop ment work which Iiiih been going on since tho first of tho year. Hotter oro Is being uncovered as tho levels are driven further. It Is owned by a local company. VISITORS TAKEN FOR EARLY MORNING RIDE Mrs. Francis Squlro Potter nnd Dr. Cordelia Dnbey of Chicago who spent Tuesday night In this city, Mrs. Pot ter addressing a meeting of equal suffrage workers were entertained nt nn enrly hour today by n number of local equal suffago advocates who took thorn for an automobile ride about the valley previous to tho de parture of the morning train north at 7:30 a. m. Tho Indies rose nt five o'clock and drove for two hours throughout the orchard section of tho valley. They woro charmed with what they saw. Tho trip was inude at their direct request. Iloth expreshcd a desire to return to tho valley. Those making tho trip wero Mrs. J. F. Uoddy, Mrs. Sniythe, Mrs. J. I). Heard, Miss Heard nnd HonJ. C. Sheldon. Mr. Sheldon Is no old f i lends of Mm, Potter having known her for many years at Minneapolis. COLLIDE AT MAIN AND BARTLETT Chauffeur Fisher of the Hear Creole (lumps driving a Cadillac car, ran into .1. F. Sullivan in an K M F cur, lit the corner of Itnrtlctt and :Uuin si reels IiihI night. The K M F was damaged ti a ciusiderable extent. N'o one was injured. Sullivan had just made u turn nt the intersection when Fisher drove on to Main street. Hefore ho realized thtit Sullivan hud turned around lie had run into tho ear, striking- it just to tho rear of the front wheels. No urrosts woro inude. DRINKING WATER POISONED FOUR DEAD, DOZEN ILL SAN ANTONIO, Toxiih, .Inly 10.--With two men nnd two women dead and four others in a serious condition that their recovery is doubtful, the entire country about San Antonio is aroused today iih n result of u wliolo salo poiKouiug on tho Itosalin ranch, near here, Armed civilians are Koureliiug for u Mexican mini and n woman, arrested as HiisjieetH, The couple was hurried uwnv by tlm au thorities to avoid ti lynching. A barrel of drinking water on the Knaalio raueh was poisoned with nr Honio mid resulted in the deaths. Doubt Disappears No One In Medford Who Has n Had Hark Can Ignore Tills Double Proof Does your buck over ncho? Have you suspected your kidneys? Hnekache Is kidney ncho, With It comes dlr.zy spells, Sleepless nights, tired, dull days, Distressing urinary disorders. Cure the kidneys to cure It all. Dean's Kidney Pills bring quick rollof. It ring many thorough, lasting enroa. You have read Medford proof. Head now the Medford sequel. Hollowed testimony; tested by time. A. Z. Sears, 231 Fifth street, Med ford, Ore., says: "Since publicly recommending Dbnn'H Kldnoy Pills In 1907, I have used them occn Hlonally and they huvo always brought good results. 1 was afflict ed with sovoro pains In my hack nnd I often found It almost Impossible to stoop. Tho kldtioy secretions pnssed too frequently and this wonUuoaa was a snurco of much annoyance. Hear ing Donn'H Kldnoy lMUa highly rec ommended, I procured ft hox nt Has lclu's drug store nnd hy tho tlmo I had flnlshod tho contents, I could soo Hint tlioy woro tho right remedy foriuy trouble. Clrndunlly tho palna and othor dlfftcultlea dlsnppearod nnd my health Improved. I choorfully recommend Doiui'h Kldnoy PIHb to everyone uffllctod with kldnoy com plaint." For sale by nil donlora. Prlco 50 contH. Fostoi-Mllburn Co,, lluffftlo. Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Homouibor tho iiiuno Doun'a and tako no other, TRAINS TRAVEL SLOWLY IN CITY The Southern Pacific have taken officio notice of Medford's new ordi nance regulating the speed of loco motives nnd trains within the city limits mid nil trains have cut down their speed while within the limits of the city to eight miles an hour. The change is pronounced ami it seems impossible now for an accident at the crossings in the city. In addition to cutting down the j-jhciI the hells on the engines ure kept ringing continu ously while the train is in motion within the limits of the city. The Southern Pacific cninpauy will probably place gongs at tlm street eniHiiigs in the city in addition to cutting down the speed of the train1-. Several of the official-, have already recommended this step after the -e-(piest of tlie city had been received. PLATFORM BREAK BENEATH WOMAN MNN CONGRESS S.S.S. HEALS SORES AND ULCERS C. i. I'lochstel, secretary nnd gen eral publicity iigeiil for the coming session of the Southern Oregon and Northern ( alifornia .Mining oougreis, was a recent isilor in .Mcdlord. .Mr I'loehsle slates that Yrckn. where the congress meets on the liltli and 0th of the present mouth, is making great plans or tin entertainment of the visitors. The new building whMi is being creeled for I In meeting is practically completed, ami a photo graph which .Mr. I'roehstel has of it proves that it is a structure of spa cious capacity and imposing archi tecture. It will be initiated by the congress, hut will lie maintained in the eilv for future meetings of what ever character may eome. SMALL STONE WRECKS AUTO. FATALLY INJURING DRIVER I'OKTLANI), Ore., .July 10. His skull fractured and his body horribly mangled, Chris Dundee, n Portland automobile driver, is lying at the point of death here today Ds the result of his machine, the "Whistling Hilly," striking u small stone on the country club race course, crashing through a board fence and plunging over .'J0 foot embankment. Easy to Get Relief From Indigestion I.OS ANGHUCS. July 10.- Marred by a slight accident, the second day's session of tho convention of tho Na tional Municipal league wns held hero Tuesday. Tho accident occured In the women's meeting when Mrs. Caroline II. Crone of Kalamazoo, who was schedul housek from wblch she started to talk. She was not seriously Injured. lllllfi. n, l.-nt,1t.'A .l-na pa. ..i,n.i ,.i.i,i r.. ,,,imn t hu-Jnyno': accept no other. election, today's proceeding. Included irueBg,,,'l T?VlT' addresses by several speakers. ,& So' Philadelphia. Pa. no of Kalamazoo, who was ; , ,, , , . , , , ' i i 1 1 ural appetizer and si lied to speak on municipal i ,. ' , , f , ,, . .. , . ' Many forms of su eopJng, fell from tho platform ., , .. , ,.,. . . . . ,, d ' t on are the result of Your stomach should digest tho food you cat, without the aid of any artificial digestives. If It won't do that, then you are continually sub ject to dyspepsia. Indigestion, heart burn, headaches and constipation. Instead of taking digestive medi cines, take steps to get your stomach and Intestines again In a healthy, natural condition. Jaync's Tonic Vermifuge will do this for you If you will take It regularly. It Is not a digester of foods, but it will restore your stomach and Intestines so that they will attend to their natural functions, digesting what you eat and giving strength to the body. For more than eighty years thou- IsandB of men nnd women who had ' suffered pains caused by dypepsla and Indigestion have been praising ( this Tonic as the only remedy which brought them permanent relief. As the Tonic acts directly upon the stomach nnd Intestines, it is a nat- trength builder, opposed lndlges- tntcstinal para sites, for which Jayne's Tonic Ver ! mlfugc Is unsurpassed. Insist upon Sold by Jnyne , ICECREAM PURE and WHOLESOME AT TIIK HIOIIT I'KICK In cartoon, 25 cents per quart. ITi cents extra for packers of any size up to one gallon. Any order over one gallon at $1 tier gallon. Deliveries of packers to any part of the city. Ice cream served at the creamery at 5 cents per dish. Medford Cream GX Butter Co. 3 lofi'fr&iAIIflKl 1 TWr- Tl"'!V It " BHUHVjHH Good Meals at Camp Comfort The boys at Camp Comfort are using the same stove that they had last year. It was the best they could get. It was a 2Vew PerAction. '""" n HMTTTTlTi Oil Cook-stove This year they got a New Perfection Oven Also a New Perfection Toaster Also a New Perfection Broiler "Gee, whit a dilfereaco ia the metli good itove nuke," t&id one ol the bovt. And they will tell their mother and wivei bout the ttove, too. For the New Pedecb'oa Oil CooV.ilove U at convenient (of the home at lor the camp, Il will bake, broil, roait, and toatt at well a a leular ccul range. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (locorpofatcd) Tb Niw P.rf.cttoo Stova il Kaaaomly fca Uml in rkUU wah ctbiotl top. drop htlttt, 3MI licit, etc. Loot cHunitt ft, rntmelcd turquoua blu. Mxkvrithl ,2 or3 buiBtn. AH delicti. Fr Cook tUwV with titty, to. Cook-Dook ko fivta Io oyooe KoJuti 5 ccaU io cortf rniibui cotl. l San Frnclio, Cat. Lot Aniilt, Cl, San DUiio, CaU 3an Jo, Cat. aiocklon, (,ai. dacrarocnlo, CaL Cat MaryaTllla. rcauto, Cal. o(tlaad. Ore. SeallU, WA. Spokaaa, Wtth, Tacuma, Waah. B. 8. S.hoata Soros nnd Ulcers In tho Tory olmplosfc way. It just ROOS right down Into tho blood and remove tho oiuibo, and tho pluco Is butuul to iiual bocauso tho lmpurltlos and morbid matters which iiavo boon tho moans of keeping tho ulcer opon aro no longer absorbocl from tho blood. External applications of salvos, lotions, plastors, etc., can novor produoo it euro bocauso thoy do not roach tho sourco of tho trouble At boat tiny can only allay pain or roduco Inilammutlou; such troatmont l.i working on syraptomn and not machine tho causo. Every nutrittvo corpusclo In tho blood Is weakened or Infected, thoy cannot nourish tho fibrous tlsauo around tho plnco, but IiiBtend they constantly discharge into tho llosh around tho sore a quantity of Impure, gcrm-ladcn matter which gradually outs Into tho surrounding healthy tissue and causes tho ulcer to culnrpo. Slnoo imputo blood Is responsible for Soros and moors, a raodlclno that can purify tho blood Is tho only hope of a euro. S. S. S. has lone boon rucognlzod M tho greatest of all blood purifiers, possessing tho qualities noaossaty to romova every Impurity from tho blood. Whllo curing tho soro or ulcer 8.S.S. brings about a healthy condition of tho llosh by supplying It with rich, healthy blood, and thus makes tho euro pormanent and lasting. Boole on Boros und Ulcers and any medical advlco freo to all who wrlto. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA. OA, Window Trim Ten Pieces Tied in Bundle Heady to Set Up -No Waste . . . 80 ct. Complete act of Window Trim conalata of Caalnf, Head Caalnt rtllet. Cap Mold, Window Htopa. fltool and Apron. Tou tmva your cholc of Hl'-u. Hull No and Itlaatar CaJlna. Complf-te Het of Inalde Door Trim eonalaU of Caalnc. Head CaalDa-, Kill. I, Cap Wold and Oaa Blooka. I'rlc for fifin n aids onlr W . rtnt nuallty Sieaj aaal vr $1.40 Xaspaot ais funial. TUUn aiaaa M tkU rri. M. B. Onta4d Boo rzama, oomplt flJ K. 8. Zastda Ber Ttjb..TS X. B. Steah TraaaM, wttk ont- alda caslsf Ht4 aHl ,..,flOe K. D. Wladow rrasas, with fclla atop, roller 1 Pci pockru eat HJI Two-U-h 04X34 wtudo-w. .$um Wi do not sell rough lum ber, etc. but aend tn your ltat of any othr material for aa tlmjatfnr. We will aoll any one. Snip anywher. as4 for CtotaJLoffU . i WU H m J1 H aH ''ft' aH aSCSafiaaflaraBSalaBiBVBiBBaBBl O.B.WHJJAHIS Sash an Don 1943 First Ah. S. Seattle, U. S. A- GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by expert salesmen? Do you wnnt the BEST PIUCES the Pacific Coast market af fords f Do you want to line up with "The House of a Sipiare Deal?" If so, ;et in toueh with us NOW. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Home 307 Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle vv Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindley, Vice Prea. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice & Storage Co. I'S ,M.JH.WWt'tlW( "