Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 08, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    '!- . l4fc .
L':1." '.il'I-L-U.' J J
1 h
iaa MM i '
mii iff -f -inn i-'iii "
i i i ii a hi-
Hour (Jrnnlf orohnnl linn loft for mi
pklpmltul mtnlurn trip
.t. tt. Ilrtilsr. nf Klrtmnth Knit I
over fur n I wo wiu'kn vlttlt with lil
fniii!l)0n Horn l.iino.
IBJ D. WPBlbh, commercial photos
rAiii(jrJliOKllvi?ii Brimln ntiy tiiwo or
tiUre by niitiolntinont. l'ltonn it. 1471
Mm Noll' Not In of linjtlo Point
miPitt Mmitlfty with Motlflnl frloiul.
Ilnury Hovil f Tnlont uncut Mo.
lny nl MoilfoVd.
KMIIor Oroor of tlio AiOtlntnl TUU
Iiir Nptmt tfntimtny Adornomi In Mot
fbtilinUeiittltttf U yum,
Hr It. A. UoHtton, Tho lnurnco
Mnti, over Jmslmon County bunk.
ifft Mr. V. 1 tonncn Imvo
Ufi for1 n nboil tnmliu'M trip to err
Mr. hint Mr J V. Melnlyro of
KnRln Point upont Humlnx with Mod
ford frlMhlH.
Kodak flnlhiitR, the bwt, t We.
ton' opposite book More.
W A. Komnntodt who recently
purrhAROri ft plnr-n ttonr Hook Point
nptmt Hnndny In Mmlford,
llml Andewow Itn trtumed fro
n trip to Klntnnth Kftll xxhrro ho won
nnotiirr flnht duly 3
Cnrkln Taylor (John It. CurKIn
OWun 0. Taylor), Rttomoya-nMftvr,
titer Jnekwra County Dank building,
Mr. nnd Mr K. It Lincoln Rpont
Htliulixy with Mr ntul Mr. It, A. Hoko
near Central Point.
. Mr. V, C. Chrlrtenwm of Williams
Greek In visiting (Hernia In thl city.
A. Walter of Huch Is xlslllnR
MexIfotM for v few day.
A Snap at llerlln' TallorlnR Par-
lort, Three fine men unit, alt
wool, latent style, 3i. 3 nl SS attest,
for 1 10 evxch. See, them now.
A. K. Kalmlln of Ytvkn I spending
n few dajs In Medforxl n buslnc.
William OerlR hex tort for a abort
bunlne trip to Portland.
Kd ClnRrade of Kagl lolnt I
npendtUR a few oty In Msttord on
Our tntt line of fine woolen has
arrhed, Sat ItO by ortlerlng now.
We make ftne ladles mt mens
null, tterttn, Medfonl, 319 W.
ft M. Nlckene of Orattt as I
In Medfonl on a ehort btn trip.
Mtna Kltxabelh KtrtR of Anhlamt
upenl Sunday with Modrord friend.
CfeorK Chnreb of Uosebnrj; wa
a reunl vlUot In Medford.
8i Ak NttH, ladles' Utlor, ,4th
floor K. ft A it. Co. bld.
Hex It. Lamnman of Gold Hill l
spending few days In Medford on
lieorpe llarrn of Afhland ha v
turned homo after attending the thr
day ractnR meel In this etty.
The Southern Pacific penRei
station 1 the only tlac In Medford
where tickets to points outside of
JackMA county can bo purchased.
Mr. and Mr. William Stewart and
ttawRhter. of hlnd. have bewi In
Medforil eeral daya the RC!'t of
C O. Krlbs nd family.
T. ft, Oootlpastura of lxs AnReJoR
ts In Medford for . row days ttt
lth old-lmo frtendt. Mr Ooodpa
luro formerly resided In Medford and
Central Point, and xas ntiapsl In
the real ertat bntlnesn In Medford In
company with M. Holmes. He
left here throe year atro. Hp on
Ices a marked ohanjee in Medford in
that lervfrth of Umo, and Is emphatic
In Ms declaration that the oltj- sure
ly looks Reed to 5tm. He will lea-c
tomorrow for a Mt to Portland
Modern rooms and board, bome
tlko. Sadla Oobtikon, 44 S. Central.
Phono SI j. Home SS
R. ft Antle has uold a resident Wt
on fortb Peach ttrect to ttr A. R.
Hedges, a rvnl arrival from the
Ka-t. The price paid was $1JOO and
upon the lot Mr. Hodca nv-pcots to
voon commence tbe orcction of
$8f.0o bungalow.
Moved to St N. tlrapo tercet. The
Medford Conservatory for mntlc and
languages. . Talllatjdler, director.
Open 1 Pnramer.
Joe, lxRrftt lea Snnday night for
two rnontVs visit to voral oHJJcfil
In tbo l?Afct, Ho wflt visit Bortow,
WaKWnpton and Xe YrtrV aw8 wW
a1o pend a few wookt. in JCovth
Mtn. Y H AdamBon of Trail is in
Mm. H. II. Wilson ,lna roturiuM
front n vlll wllli filoud rtt Htuttn
.Initios Keraltnw of Antelope fttint
Motttluy nt, Modfonl on hushiiuut.
Vli'tor Mitoro Itns lofl on two
iitouth'n liUHlnctf tilp to ChlonRo
Henry l. Ueod of (lold lllll upon!
itnltmtnv nflet'iiooit nt Moiirmil lunv. '
Iiir on tln Klk ntoolil to nttiuid the
tiMiulou tt 1'otl Intnl.
Mr nnd Mrs. W. K. Kvnns of UilM
flu etenk spoilt Moiulny with Med font
friend, r
Mr. W A. Wntmip of Aahlnnd Is
In Medford for n wv'ok'a visit with
Mr mid Mr. II. I .lolumnn of
KnRlo Point vtlstrlct spont Monday in
Medford on lnlNlmn,
Mlsn Mary HteaUrnn of Kujrene Is
In Medford vlallliiR hor slstor. Mr.
K W. Hrowin Shn wilt renmln for
sonto weeks.
U. A. Powell of Uonohurg I In
Medford on n brief buulnosa trip.
A it. ttiimtiol of Ashland l In
Medford for n short hulnn trip
No tueut lu stalls I and 12 nt Mar i
ket Tuesday IU
(Continued fiom page 1 )
$8,tWtktl7 ban Iteeu iteeiel l t!te
rountv from other source than tax
atton, but it dixs not nmwir that thw
fund Ik available for road puriwe.
tXdlKnliott of County
II uN'o nicrtM iltat the onuntv
court i about, to incur ait itnbdited
tie of .WIUMO for the brnlee in
question, but tlml the eitv of Med
fonl and tho. P. v: K. Hy, have agreed
t avMUine $10,00(1 of thn aiuonnr.j
letmni! balance of $li000 Ur the;
count v to jwy. .Hut it loc not ai
prtr that defendant J'orlinm s will
utir to look to the city ami the rmlwny
com)Miiv fin tbo $10 000, aiul nv
mnnlv it i the oblijnttioti of .the
county. i
TIwmi conccdinc all that Ike do
femtants elainw ihero nnild bo n
proximately if-ifirt tuanrin for lhi
counfv CAMtrt to v on, if none of the
rad fund collected for 1013 was t.
be -iM in nMComiiiff the Ull ot
standiui; ouutv wnrrMts bi m
cisbnc that all ntNmhRc wrraMt-.
whether fir ivad pun'-os or At.
ar ccneml fund wamtMlb,
lcfelant rcv on Mumeipol Se
curity i.v. vs. lt;ker County for rko
jvrvxMUn that the ncrmet by
Mciiford d the rathvny HHnpn
mu-t be ctumtx a nsvjs; Hm th.
wnv not cxMicolcsl by tlie Mjree
court w the Hnkcr suntv cc, tW
court uot deciding tbe pxmt. And t
would W loivfi tride from tke con
ce.toit fliat imcdlei'tesl and delin
quent taxes arc to be counted s js.
el.s, to the txnnt wkerc tne pvnie
of a municipality or a rnihimd com
pany ohonld be cof.snlercl s Assets.
If either the eitv of the ratlnvid com
pany should rVul to vav the amount
as sgrrwd. the ooty wmiM be i i
IHHhI to 1- tbe defenksl lVrin.j
AM.t ltaA .lj.l rnll-j rf Itfrii, Imwsmim. I
in oblieation 1 tke cownt.
CNnwty and KmI Vnnds
Defendnnti. contend, Wwtyer. tkat
all rd wHrriM. redeemed dwsM b
considered a, rcleewed fmn t4w jpen
eral fund, as n,y nlebtcliK. w
enrred, ver d bo-c the lex-y flnr
iad pnrpw-cs far any yen. vH
xt be an indebtedness cnn tke
nvad fnnd for the next yr, bnt
npainst tke eeneral tA. Hnt nr
snpreme cewrt n the ec of Hojt
x-v. Korthmis 31 Or., i1. taVe
different .x-ifw t tfcot nwrtter, Ht in
that case, it ordered rtic eonsity ,
trensrot t redcom o-nttie wnd
watrAnt frm rk rad tmA leneJ
for tb nnri x-wi. TVt a
arose under tk Isw f 3SHX, and
tbo wordnc nC tlmt act s me mre
fncoitble t he en4melwHi de
fendnnts ciMimA tn kere. (ban e-
tiem fWSt Tfc O. I
'Before av innaey cwn ) drawTi
from the cewntv tronvirx', tke ekrk
mnt isjiu ks AriNr tWrefr. and.
See, 3.S Mid 9MI rirMaV, bow,
tkftsc orders sda p. nd
the eonnty ks nar-orred indehtdnss
far wad.s nnd brnitr, wkick wd4t
edne.s s h nt4Mndne. anx wn
oj-s ottmmt ' ktd f th
tronHrer fnaw ike t12 Tti Jes
xvoold )ra'o to lm nwd fw tke imr
,w.s f roHfnmmt tW-e HtNindc
ordors And i indsbl4wiws w-
, ;
meMLLX2iwwmy m v: wm t m. ;un ikmimmmi
mmwnn: d.iimhlK UiS n?.rs i. M.ijmmv
i mmimm'mmm
i mloFffi irBfe'Ha im imiln R I
i imMiii a mk imvi
f mmmmmwviv. ii tsmaM ' nmiw .hj tr.i . 2m
mmm m , 1 1 Mi m .
inmmnjuA wm r 8'irii s m i : i
SStHIMf .' I
1 BilS?- v" rlv ''",.1
AmmmmmmwSl ESuH3. V "V, fi Ti '
mmmVSkia?ll!nnC: J "SW
" M ' - ' - II I .1
The 'ixfe and cane Tourth of Jul, eclobcatlou prcxalK now in New York,
and of the needless snlo of lire work to chlhlrvn the Uvl pivornment
pmxhKvt brlllMtil dispkiys for tho .umac and old lolks In the piibhe parks. At
CJ.y Hall Park the InixiM dlpaj w mvh, and tlum.iiuU Kuther at that ht
t U? old p,lt to wlbnnte twlef nriru.v lv
Sr.ATTI.F, .liilv 8. 'I'ltiH foiiner
I itttwt Stales Setttttoi' Saiiiuel II,
Piles of Washington xlttle, iitletuiited
j to not Altoruex .lolui Porrv to thxl
vne iiiipvaennieiu proeeeuui);,U)HniKi
rvueiai .iiiuue r, II. lunuoiil.'. aw
llitlt Hie matter xf IVrrv'-t th"Ht foN
lowtitir Hie Dieanilaltil Ktuk itrotent
ttta-i nieeliii, would be "ll.ved" up,
wih inlnnated tltih ttoiiiiii; In ques
Iioiih pixtpuniuted by t'ouxiessiiiau W.
I, Met'ox, to Sijimior Piles who was
called bv .Indue, Munfoid'ft itltorueyH
a il eliaruelev witness In telify that
Judge llanfoid never was under tbo
itltltteiieo of liiuur.
Piles in oro.. iiuiiitiatioit, nd
nulled Hint ho had called iihii Perry
witluu a utoiitli u .so of (lie uinss
( Piles also spent i busy half hour
expluiiuiiK: lite fainuif "Sullivan will
i ease," u which lib fiutt of nltoriioys
disiovered heirs lit livhitul for n uuU
lion dollar otato and received mi
ouoi nions i"ee.
Piles vx n,'cd bv Itepivs'iuitntive
Met'ox to explain how .Itulint lluuford
ixot junsdiclion of thai ease during
one part ot the Initiation, Pihs, jV.
fenvd the eotnintttee to his former
partner. James It. Howe, now attor
u for the Seattle l.teetne eoiupuii).
Jlnwe was railed to tcUfy lodax.
ssbdlitlitv for tin- ritntmtni: of the
bnttfasfttp New IUmtsbin bx tho shif lommou wr.itlh ha
not keen determined niittl the knrd
ewndes itn nive4iamtMn, Tin ova
ers of tkr CMSMnnwntth iwt Ik
hatUeship s AiHtlHitr, dlrwHly in
tke wj Tfce nk. frtwr Itn4 exm
nwimVr inM tknt tko ftjrlHW mn-
elnne x-n nnctnaml vtnetrc nt rtej
sp.u. Arled by ndinsnd
mnndtnift Tnew i m qfnetnw thnt
SK.V UIKT. X. J . .1 !x . - Katl
ne,l hv an arduons Snndax spent ns
caving gutsts AH4 tlwUrtnie that he
ws "away behind in hi work." tlov"
Wlon mure nnt xvrd that 1m xxtw
"nt at hnnta t anrkntly before
ttaeernor AnMfkW nfternoon
twul annninUnents wMk Senator Gore
ot OkUkonw and W. F MeCnmk of
New rj-, tke miter tf whmn. It
k Wen mUL tl 'roreraor faroci)
tke real en w.s nx watnn themtm I ' w" r It w-n
XKW YORK. July S ShowtnK
material low-,w In Huion Pacific.
HwvdinK. LeblKh Vallesv, Smelting
nnd t S. Steol, today's market,
soon after the opening, dex eloped n
koax tendency. Southern Itallwny
preferriM mado tko onl) uotablo gain.
Ijiat wtHk's honvlncH In American
Tobacco wn renewed, that Htock de
eltnlnc 3 potaU. Tke himvlneM of
Im.t' market was attributed to
btat week's bank ntatement, which
skon-ed an actual deficit of over $5,
. and a hoaxy cah 1(ji.
Tke market closed dull.
JloinU were Irregular.
Fur- Altk.Hwrb rMtnimt at dnc(sil
sfV-vd. vke steel heir jltfilkr rwo.,i-
wUh teod lb s oft&p N1
H)Mp94r We tm rroerte4 dock
ni mmmmi ihm r Win etcm?.
FVHiMWMeiT tfcere xrmv m nnss-e'i-cere
aJ hti Jot.1 ot r-..'iT.1ct uh-r
cratt .l there were p iwltns.
nndersrood tht tkev wre to consult
wlUi i)rrrTior Yfiscn abo&t details
ot tke naitnnal caBxtMt; fstln;
cbed)e4 for Okknge .- Vndav
lnco.ovrafrAnUv:iih39 annennced
tint ke woaKl aU.ftke meetirg
(Omtlanad from pxpe 1 1
I rmU Jwmw AreWwM'w mi ot morn !
I.OS AVCEl.K ',! '
rknrt H. Frankrin airat fo tb Me
Xamora 4row it!.sT to ih tual of
tke dymlter, jraxs klm Hit, J
tknmgk it exprotntr 4enoo4
tnot Ms vot on too MoXnnsara vor
dlet eoM not be onroknod. -w
tf rCinomy ot Kokott K. Bmm In
tke arrow trtal todny mxta m a
Jnror n tW trtnl ot JAcXinsmtrnss
liotn took tbo xrHuuoi mmm! tmtny.
aftor ktf wife, wm v m Tkrnet to i
be toe ttrat wftaom wkeo tm vrmi
vs fefwmwo!. arrted in a kyftortro
cooOjIItoo nocoooe ske nod bona no
UxM n pow in ike nontnoas
tseeuln ..f the rin !. mats -wm
compile kr tojainxiix be tke
M1 ks fini.hv1 flk Horn
KAIRHANKS, AlnsU, Jnlx iv-N.t
I new rntnitties hiv iM-wtt uorths
'Ml NMWlMIl vUb Wa iin rtlll,t
J r.-Twmhtjr k Vrrmnr -mmdened -jv eorUi nekl rHiunnondy fr -10
tie hjcmm$i hi Met efrwf w, fi j g M.
tr- W fc tmV4eJ id thmsjrkont tn ttfeni by a .
einww few pas nfmhny. m jmAc. rWf,,., jonoorljvf rmr in Ike
n,at ik ,Mf'" oorram wt portkw'pi of j, t,wenw f, j. jf
""c - k-iit mt ur u.m.T pn)tf nilH
hxe eo Mfimv
pks4i tfct fontnsor ke no not ntdtnt-,
od to ns 1m nfltnai pomor d in
floonro. He wnxwliil k- kck
nfftee ml luos oVstwyml rKf cfi
one of fW fmk)e in hr jmfcetai !
nsooevty. He kos vMnted tke eon
dstMCtc oamW wnv-K h m4oV ew-
0001. amo nmim irojmwmii ox
TW tlHTteoa art.jos f
nseid mh Ik Mromerojto a
n i-t nffooMsi ,( nlliik tko
mrtts wrts ArmWM ow.aoi
sinred of In ,i .
lXXTOX. Ji.. . Manx
nnd cfctklrett wmy tr4ax racing a.r-
fttkrn xrnon tke relopkone xewrsj
enrre4 by the eonntx roc tbo WdsfHnke ter4 iu. e4khtk wt.
m .nenon xx'mwd kv to ke -dooeed
by orders ismmv! kx tm dk.
Tke Miifce lm-r omlm toot a
mnjortix of tke tnon are trtO ont
Aeretnrtns to fhr jKiiumtt tttnorxirj
tin- Rifnkerc'Af : American Oeo clen vho ut maklnc a
: r of Aihirioa "i lie in Medford
iSiurda an4 SoTiiay., SopiewnJiftr 14
' uh& i T er ucn win leaec
V-w Tork Anvn" 1 & romatn tn
tranit wrm Ortobr Sk. w-kon tbey
xi iil kaen eMte4 nP. Ckc 7tnt (it par
tralnr tntflrA tn iho Vnltod St&tfts
and Onnodn Kv every peoprab
kml neolittF tn Earof.o tr. rafreoted
i w ih jrtwnwt' v ho 6o omtnont tn
Thbs cntJTi
SAX FRAXt lSOO. Jtdv S. State-
xx Hde by lk liire 3d ail
eowtriwtrr kfr tnot tJKr Mourner Oity
of Innma kod tcn dtxddcd, Wt
xe-. m dnnpor. "Die imtmor Ks
Xj'. ?"" awis m4tsl to tkr reswo,
x-s, tMstle tke ,kr.aW(.4 vegso t
day. bnt wn. HftaWo b-.ti n )-
um on itewot d knrti.
Tke itx of ranoMn loft ljorr Jaly
S for McuM-an nod Com rat AHericn
ttnmr rmjpcotloc mnmon.
try will ifcjrwe a m up ooiilgnt with
Medfrtrd.for a tfWt Xlwrt tth frtoWflfi. would 1ve a 1n td epeivm. Toon Mil orskAinM dturWw., ur n-iko onemtflloa wOw w,H uet ft Intor-
Mr and Mrs. CWencc, Hellenr baxe
left to make tbelr bomo at .Monterey,
to Cke ipdetitv of iV time of imn- j tor Kp)oMrtK. imd
iHeot, nd weuld be add-on! wdk- r- ojumewUs
Cal. The,x evpect to return to Med-! " 'ih fke eonxntorMMOij -of toe toxvor dmttrtots,
anH-iMKtieio (tetow (. pc.hoot l l roiuojy mm awomtntrr.
Uil thcroferft Am fke inHtinn t -. 7V- ronorts of Mm eor4 t trade
x'iunle tko Tfsnc order follt$ off In tbo irotswoo of
P. M. CALrTlNS. Jiidffo. J n6 ot ww Own ML(,
ford In about a$ montbt.
M and Mrs ATfbur Iuhl of tlope
nrg fcpent Snuday 1th Medford
Khiry V. Troett nccomt'Tied by
bis eon ViTlbut left Sunday ex'cnlng
for a visit ciii Trlends tft Ungono.
may Inea M71
tfM MHMr . W. Vlm f en
X . On, MM
iu.t iHHswjnrr.
0rd of TJuwiks.
We 'wiWk to ovtond otrr bnrtj'
tlihnVs to the miinr liidte. of Medford mated ot fS.oms.oon
tMitt ruPuiHliAA rlnK'iirK uua liiii (hnlr i
and In vnnru ot mwai, ot $1,-
ao.fcO for too m moMtk. Tkui
4om tat wncoa to Um atrifcora k. Mtt
rforts toward tnaWng a nucceKs df j GIRL WEDS ANOTHER'
, greeting the ISIks s b' paswdj DUBU IS POSTPONED
i through this otty. We wlWli oHpeo .
laity to tbhnk Miss Woroiiee Vonnlag yrvn.iVi4 w .i... e i
oi ne teiopiiono outfit- ror the t-
Istanco lent tbo cotntxihtoo dnj
cnlliiip hit of tbo Inrtlofc In twn to
request tlowers.
Mirjrvic iAwni; avm ju
nnsai. htn-, iJlttHnl
KRflJlli. Vk. ,1.,'x
lToor ml Prnnk JWrn. TrdJ
m n n od & ToiMikod for w-
vohmms At tab. iow a m-oolbW
Miesj.lltM , Mfwd warn oi,f n, H,
neetoT and Kn for the purtj-. Al
oagether tko pnrtt wH oornprlHC
xoue itrwmtysflv offc. tbo -wortd'a
.MKhrvmn m.iis tiiaxR
rwori.K or mhiixui
1 Mont mwinlnoat m o n tbo Hfftnt vf
JkrfNtttg tn Mfdtovd Sutnnluj- eve
atNg, tv noJty vnJi Itmvo Sunday for
Onatw t-rttre, -xvkcra tbay wit! vlwtt i
ko iRtatMindl wiim for a day. Vrctm
t)TMlr 'Ladte tker hMpoIs Klamath
WJk, U fron. itmnce tJjroiiKh the
lk eonotif.
Portland, Ore.., July K.
B B. Kdly. Medford. Oro..
Medford Lrf4g tbbnks aN
the gond people of Medfoid
tor tke otti f Hidnndld rs.
KfionHf o ur ruttl .fur antoK.
We are tintoriutntiig hundreds
f penplo Tinru. When n
ofinio borne -we are going to
tr and nfiow oaf pproola
tlon for Uk t "did ftcalm
unce h4'hii nt- . a. t'uml;
both jiupers
Til) H ll.,
i i nili'r tii
SAX TTUNt'lNCO. Jnlx 5-Vtan
for tfcn dMHHra I. Ms Sm'kli rintl
fflonlmt", ImmK t iJonvir will "l 1ti
mimfQoted Wild ekmiA. Mrs.
i, I )(s T.rr md SnRdnv an fl(tt WSmAt id'l
---4-4-4-44''t-4--4-.4 4
r aJw'-
0t4rBlpie Dinner Set
Vhw fiossor's foiiidolil ilcoohilod Anioricnn
lluvilmitl IfitiiHfiruc Shape Chlnii, Hie I'liu'ril.
'Aiuoncjiii ('itmii iiiadt', ww loniorrow ti.Ttill 101
piiTt; sii worth fio.OO cniIti I'oi' !.'J2.f0
V ' . . . I '
HO dozen Cnl Slnr
Mlown OIiish Water
Cllasses, i'culai;$l.'J()
a et quality on salt;
hero Tuesday ami
Wednesday, eaeh
50 dozen plain "Mown
special for Tuesday
and SVednesday eaeh
!K) dozen Iridescent Glass Flower Vase.s,
Tlowls, .Jelly Dishes, Hon Hon, Nut Howls, Com
ports, Salad Dishes, etc., over 1:1 sizes, colore and
designs to select from the regular Itf cent lenders
here tomorrow, choice, each 15
Choice Tuesdav and Wednesday of auv $U.Q0 to
$10.00 Dressed or Unhrealcahlc Doll in the store
just one-half the marked price.1
See our table of Peimv Tovs.
1 j ..v "... i i
We wish to announce the sale of our local
telephone plants in Medford, Gold Hill, Jackson
ville and Rogue River to the Home Telephone and
Telegraph Company of Southern Oregon.
'An agreement has been entered into with tho
Home Company whereby that company will have
connection with nil of our long distance linos
which reach every city, town and hamlet of any
importance on the Pacific Coast.
In withdrawing from the local telephone field
we wish to thank our subscribers for their patron
age and many courtesies extended us in the. past
, V r
Commercial Superintendent,
a. ',
flS.dfiii To Ifittn rn Improved otty I
or country prnporti. Clttrk Heal
V Co. b8
WANTlCrJ A flrwt nluHf, jnno -toanh-ir
xxdtl civohniipio lomions for luuu
flrj work for family of three. TIej:
A. Trtbuiin. ill
POTl SAINTS Tbnroiiflbbrod Plymouth
Itodk (iblokeiiK frir Ullo. Call 42K
Wo 4th Hte(U m
AT TMK lltdllT PttUlK
In cartoon. Zh eentd per (jUntt
KrXX ClTA for l"1 f " Mo Up to one Rullon.
Any orflnr ovr.r ono gullon nt 11 pn raIIad.
PolrH.1. of p.oUrft in nnv prl of tho mil
lro nrouTTi norvod i iho croamcij t ft ccnln per UK
Medford Cream (XX Butter Co.
i. A
iVimwe nqimnmvtWt