MEDFORD mtn) TRTBUNT3, MEDFORD, OKKOON. TrKSPAY, ,1CLV 2, 1012, ' PXGE FOUR 'I 2 i MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE ; KXRICI'T 8UNIMY. HV THS MKDrOllU PJUNTINO CO Tho Dnmocwtlo Time, Th Mcdfonl Mall. Tlio Mpilford Tribune, Tha South urn Orcitonlnn, Th Anhland Trlbuno. Office Mall Trlbuno Hulldlnir. 88.J7-2 North Kir atrcot; phono, Main S021J Home 76. QEOUQM PUTNAM, Editor nnd Manager Knlnred ns apqonrt-elast matter at Medfari. On-son, under the aot of March S, 1879. Offlolal Paper of tho City of Medford. Officii! i'aper of Jackson County. BUBSOBITTIOW SATX. One ynr, by malt. fB.gO One month, by mull.. : ,B9 Par month, Vllv-rcd by carrier In Medford, JocknonVDlo and Ccn tral Point .M Saturday only, by mall, per year.. J.00 Weekly, per year ....... ! , IWOBlf CJXCUZ.ATXOX. Dolly average for eleven month! end ln November 30, 1U. 7S1. mil ioaitd Wire Ua!W" FrM Plptcb. 'Tim Mall Tribune Is on aale at the Ferry News Bland. San Krnnclseo. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Howman Nexvn Co.. l'ottland. Ore. W. O. AVhltney. Seattle. Vah. MEBroxn. OKBQOV. Metropolla of Fouuimti orepon and Northom California, and the faateet crowlnjt city In Oregon. ..... Population U. tt. censua mo 8840; eatlmated. 191110.000. rive hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. giving finest aupply jnuro mountain water, and 17.3 miles of Btrccts paved. Postofflc receipts for year ending November 30, 1911. show increase of 1 per cent. . , 'Mannar fruit city In Oregon Rogue Itlver Spltscnbcrg apples won avreep stakes prlxo and title of -h- J0LTS AND JINGLES By Ad Irown The Ony Solution The littlo boy who plnys the flute, With n teetle-tcetle teetie, An (La toot toot toot. He mourns his lot ns tho squenk-notes rotna For he'd much rather piny on the )ijr hnss (Inrni. Bum-bum, heM much rather piny on the bij bass drum. And the kid who blows in the um-pah horn, With an um-pah, um-pah, um-pah urn, Ho holds his lot in lofty scorn. For he'd rather play on the bass drum. And down to the kid with the slide trombone With its um-ta-ra, tn ra um, There's not a kid but does bemoan That he can't play on the big bass drum. So now we sec that the big brass band tWill be resolved, if Hence e'er comes To the cayest bunch in all the land With tho whole crowd playing on bis bass drums Bum, bum, the whole crowd playing im big bass drums. In national politics, and in the gen end run of human endeavors, as well as in tho boy scout baud, there are a lot of people who want to play the drum or nothing. As for myself, when they hand me a drum I' beat it. t I " CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I n. H. Ellsworth left for Ashland Saturday and will do some mountain climbing In that vicinity. Ben Edlnfiton was a Saturday Grants Pass visitor. Mrs. Ella Roper of Grants Pass returned to her home In that cHy Friday evening after spending a few days with relatives here. ,J. N. Smith spent Saturday In Grants Pass. Saturday Medfcrd visitors were Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Love, Mrs. J. C Herring, Mrs. J, E. Ross and daugh ter' Edith, Mabel Peart, Clarence Pankey, Paul Watklns, J. F. Hay, Miss Pearl Pankey and Miss Grace Smith. J. C. Wilson left fpr Arjwma Sat urday to bring his family to Central Point to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Klein and Mr. n,wi Mm. Carl Duncan Med ford lunched at tho Hotel Dunlap hero Sunday. H. A. Tjilerjioff, .George Porter and Mr. Broadbent of Medford spent Sunday hero. These gentlemen are officers of tho now Central Point Lumbor company. Tho Central Pplnt people- wno vis ited In Medford Sunday afternoon wero Hazel Bebb, Claudo White, Thos. Morrlman and son, Fred Burrows, Wayne Leaver, Murtln Bowers, Gus Morris, Ed Musty. Tho Central Point cubs played tho Medford Chosen Friend club here Sunday, Tho score was 14 to 1! In favor of Medford. CUT TRKAHUI.KK'B NOTICE Notico Ib hereby given that the i. .it M.uirnnl. Juekson county. Oro- gop, will take up and capcel tho fol lowing improvement bends: Numbers Q14Q dated February 1. 19J0; 02CJ daod August l, iuiu; ohpi dated February 1. 19U! ltor' cst on tho abovo named bonds will ceaso at tho noxt Interest paying per iod, August 1, 1912. V OUS II. SAMUELS, th . , , . City Treasurer. Dated July 1, 1912. 8 OW FILES HIS IT WORK FOR YEAR Professor P. J. O'Gara, pathologist, and entomologist for Jackson coun ty has prepared hla annunl report which ho will submit to the county court at Us session Wednesday, Tho report In part follews: During tho fiscal year tho total number of trees, plants, vines, etc., Inspected totaled approximately 750, 000, these having been received by freight ami express. During the past year, all nursery stock received was much cleaner, showing tho bene ficial effect of tocal Inspection In forcing outside nurserymen to be more particular. The reason for careful Inspection Is so obvious that one should uot have to comment upon It. IVar ltllght One of tho most notable results of the past year's work In orchard inspection has been tho control of tho much dreaded pear blight. Al though tho past season has been most favoralilc to the spread of the disease, It has beeu only In a few cases that tho disease has been noticeable, but at all times It has been under perfect control. There arc many orchards In the valley In which not a single case of new ln fectlou has been found. In various fruit sections of tho United States and Canada, pear blight has been so serious this year as to destroy the entire crop, and In aomc cases wiped out the orchnrds. It goes without saying that had tho work of Inspec tion been lax or had there been no Inspection at all. tho blight would have been so serious this year as to nractlcally wipe out tho more sus- ceptlblo varieties of pears and apples. The work of Inspection In tho or chards has for Its purpose, besides that of the eradication of pests, the giving of instruction in all matters pertaining to -the growth and devel opment of the orchards. Instruction Is given In Important matters orcui tlvatlon, Irrigation, use of fertilizers, growing of cover crops, pruning, thin ning of fruit, application of sprays, drainage, etc. In other words, the matter of Inspection covers a great deal more than the term really Im plies, since It covers all matters con cerned in tho production of plants as well as the eradication of trouble some pests. Tho work has also cov ered important matters in the grow ing of field, berry and truck crops. The office has paid particular atten tion to potato production which should become a most valuable crop In this valley. Frost Prevention Work One of the most Important lines of investigating was the thorough testing of fuel oils and appliances used in orchard heating. Up to the time this work was done, there -was on practical information along the lines of fuel and appliance tests which were of any value to tho or chardlst requiring frost protection. Tho various patent appliances on the market were being sold at exoruiuiu prices; and the claims made by the manufacturers were not oniy mis leading but in some cases false, Tho tests showed that tho very simple typo known as the lard pall heater, costing only ten cents, was equal to those which were being sold at from 25 to CO cents each. This resulted In a big saving to those who pur chased orchard heaters; tho amount being variously estimated at from $8,000 to $10,000. The saving In oil by securing tho proper quality at reduced price, and which would burn clean, was probably an amount equal to that saved In the cost of pots. Resides tho testing of oils and pots, the office gave instructions to the growers in regard to tho handling and placing of tho fuel and heaters In tho orchards. It was necessary to determine beforo hand tho probable chances for severe frosts In particular localities, so that tho greatest effi ciency -wluld result. Weather Bureau Office Beginning with July 1st, 1911. the co-operative Weather Bureau office became a Special Meteorologl pal Station, and was established for tho purpoBO of gathering meteorolo gical data with particular reference to tho study of frost conditions. This work was taken up solely for the benefit of tho fruit and truck grow ers of this valley. However, the work has been extended and covers tho matter of local forecasting of woather over tho entire district throughout tho year. Through our offorjts. Medford has been made tho Key Station for , Southern Oregon, and forecasts are distributed by telophono to all parts of tho district. Through tho courtesy of tho Medford Majl-Trlbune and tho Medford Sun, tbo daHy weather Is published. A monthly summary also appears regularly. All weather data Is reported dally by telegraph to tho District Weathor Bureau offlco at Portland, nnd tele graphic data, weathor maps, 'and N N "WE'RE GOING SOI" TRIP A' SUCCESS The "We're going sme" campaign for the purpose of stirring up intoivxt throughout southern Oregon in tho automobile races to be hold nt tho park Thursday, Friday and Saturday proved to be a great success and awakened Aslilnuil to such a degree that the live ones in that city followed suit nnd invaded Medford in tho af ternoon with u score of automobiles nnd their band and udvcrlNcd !ho Fourth of July celebration to be held in that city. Tho local boys in a doen cars drove to all of the towns in the vallcv from Ashland on the south to Grunt- Pass on tlu north and there boosted for the races. They at t runted much attention and did much effective work. YESTERDAY'S SCORES AMKHHWX W. L. P. C. Boston 47 21 .1591 Philadelphia 29 25 .1509 Chicago 37 2S .57 Wnshlnctnn 38 31 .Gi.l Rlevolnm! 33 33 .500 ! Detroit 33 3(5 .4 7S .Now York 19 44 .290 St. Louis IS 4(5 .281 Philadelphia C, Washington 2. Cleveland 2, Detroit S. New York 1, Boston 4. Chlcago-St. Louis game postponed account of rain. NATIONAL W. L. P. C. New York 51 11 .823 Pittsburg 37 2G .GS7 Chicago 35 2C .574 Cincinnati 30 32 .529 Philadelphia 25 34 .424 Brooklyn 25 37 .403 St. Louis 27 43 .3S6 Boston 20 47 .299 Brooklyn 14. Philadelphia 1. Chicago 1. Pittsburg 0. Brooklyn 7, Philadelphia 10. COAST V. L. P. C. Vernon 51 32 .C14 Oakland 47 35 .5?3 Los Angeles 45 3C .5GC Sacramento i 33 46 .4 IS San Francisco 34 48 .415 Portland 31 44 .413 NORTHWEST W. L. P. C. Spokane 39 33 .542 Seattlo -33 35 .527 Vancouver 38 37 .507 Victoria ....3G 3C .500 Portland 3C 37 .493 Tacoma 32 42 .432 H. H. E. Vancouver ' 13 1 Spokano 2 8 1 Victoria 7 13 2 Tacoma . 4 6 1 Second game Vancouver . 15 2 Spokane 5 10 1 Seattle-Portland Rain. forecasts are also received dally. During tho frost season, special ser vice is maintained. During mis time, weather conditions are re ported moro frequently by tho Dis trict office; and tho local office dur ing danger periods maintains con tinued service day and night for tho benefit of tho orchardlstB and truck growers. Every important change In weather conditions was accurately forecasted, and tho error In fore casting low temperatures has not been moro than one-tenth of ono de greo as an averago of tho season. Offlc Kmh-iim-h During the fiscal year July 1,1911, to Juno 30, 1912. all tho offlco ex penses have been ' carried from my own personal funds, and In no In stance since the offlco has bqen es tablished has tho county been called upon to pay anything but tho salary attached to tho offlco, Tho follow ing ltens, therefore, havo boon paid ont of tho salary of tho patholegist: pffico rent $300.00 Postage and oxpresB 350.00 printing bulletins, notices, etc.500.00 Library accessions 200.00 Office and laboratory sup plies 3r'0-00 Telephone and telegraph 75.00 Railroad faro, livery and auto hire 200.00 Special offlco asslHtanco 300.00 Furniture, repairs, Insurance 100.00 Salary discounts 375.00 Tho total cxponses for tho offlco havo been, as Itemized abovo, $2750. MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all times to loan on imnroved ranches and city property at lowest rates with ''on or hct'ore privilege." JAMES CAMPBELTj Phone 3231 320 Ct.-C. Bldg. NOTED WOMAN AVIATOR.' i MISS HARRIET C3.UIMBY. BOSTON. .Mass,. July 2. Mlsrt Harriet Qulmby of Now York, the first woman to win an aviator's li cense and tho first woman to cross the English channel In an aeroplane, was Instantly killed laat evening with her passenger, W. A. Wlllnrd, man ager of the Boston aviation meet at Atlantic City, when her Blerlot mon oplane fell Into Dorchester bay from a height of 1000 feet. Tho couple wns on a return trip after circling Boston harbor. With tho wind gusty and blowing about eight miles an hour, Miss Qulmby started to volplane. The nnglo wbb too sharp nnd one of the gusts caught tho tail of tho mono plane, throwing the machine up per poudlcular. For an Instant It poised there, then Wlllard pitched clear of the chassis, followed almost Immedi ately by Miss Qulmby. Hurtling over and over, the two figures dropped downward, striking tho water twenty feet from shore. It was low tldo and the water only five feet deep. Both bodies were badly crushed. Both wero dead when taken from tho wa ter. HOSTON", July 'J. The aged moth er of MNs Harriet (Juimhy. who-e life was crushed out in u 1.001! foot drop into Dorchester Hay from her mono plane late yesterday arrived in Huston today and took charge of the remains. Funeral arrangements will be made later. The funeral of William A. II. Wil lard, manager of the Snunntuin avia tion meet being held nt Atlantic, who was Miss Quiruby's passenger iu her filial flight to Boston Light, will ue held tomorrow. Miss Blum-he Stuart Scott, who was making an exhibition I light when Miss Quimby'h machine dropped, to day had u-covered from her collapse of last night. Any person In Now South Wales taking part In a meeting of two or moro persons to Instigate, aid ar control a strike or lockout, where tho strike or lockout will deprive tho public of a necessary commodity, Is liablo to Imprisonment for twelve montliK. ANNOUNCEMENT I have moved my business from 332 V. Main io he Pi rat Store West of Clarnell-Corey 131dg. W. W. EIFERT, TAILOR. MflTFn AlIATPIY in 1 1 1 ii nnni mi DROPS TO DEATH BPH (tere is jH Vl Only One Best.H HpvHHHF the Best Is H mzerolehe JHEBCEnk For Motor JM 1 ma0aMHiMi2Nin "Fov Sab IJvery where STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Jiifiorpoiatuil) '' VOUTLMiD UNDERWOOD CHOICE OF BALTIMORE. Mil., July 2. -Fid lowing it boI'Ich of conferences thut hiHted nearly to lutou participated In by nearly nil of tho iiutl-llrynn forces In the domtu-i'iitlo national eonvcnllou, It wiib decided that an attempt will ho muilo to uoiulualo tudiiy. The choice of the majority of the aull'llvyau leaders Is now Os car Underwood, He, If It In found possible to deliver all of tho Clark strength wilt bo their cuudlilutc ho soon as tt Is shown that theio Is no hope of the speaker's nomination. With this end In view, tho Clark men began a determined effort to re-elalin from the Wilson camp tho delegates who had gone over. I'm The Little Doctor Stop that Headache. You don't need to suffMr "the little doctor," Mae Karen's Mustaiil Cerate applied locally gives quick and sure relief It stops tho headache and It docs not affect tho heart as almost every headache dope does. Keep Mm- Lnreu's Mustard Cerate In the house ou can't afford to be without It's prompt relief for Colds, Sore Throat. Neuralgia, Lumbago, Congested Lungs. It's easy to apply and utwuyri ready Mr use. Belter than a mustard plaster. Your druggist has It Iu 25 and 50 cent Jars, del a Jar today. Inslst on tho Original MAC LARILNS a h KiiflMMatfwa 2 WILL NOT BLISTER. Accept No Substitute Medford Pharmacy and other drug- glstn. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency .SO acres, 1 miles frlm U. U. station, now 5 room house, barn and other out building, 5 acres in nlfalfa, 10 acres In cultivation, horse, wagon and all tools go with the place at $1000, good terms. 10 0 nrres. 70 acres In cultiva tion, first class water right, i! room house, It. F. I)., and tele phone, 5 miles from railroad, $5000. 10 and 5 acre tracts. 2 miles from town, $375 per auro, Improved 10 acre tracts, 2 miles out, $550 per acre. If you have some good clear city property to trade, como and see us. G-rooni bungnlow, on noulh Orange, modern In every way, one of tho ulcciil homes In Medford, $;!000, terms. We can rent your houses If you will tell us where they are. Business Chances $2000 to loan on good city or country property. Wo Htlll have some good furniture to sell. Chickens to Hull. Barber shop. Kinploymcnt Olrls and women for general lioiiKo work. Hunch hands. If you want good clean help call us mi or come and see us, Mrs. Emma Bittner riiouo II II; Home, 1 i. Opposite Nasli Hotel IIOOMH AND 7, I'ALM BLOCK Crater Lake Auto Line Car will leavo Hotel Medrord, for Orator Lake at 8 a. in. Tuesdaya and Saturday. Itoturu Mondays and Thursdays. Spend Sunday at Crater Lake. HeservatloiiH muilo at Medford Hotel offlco. BAN X-KANCIBCO REACH! Smiling Faces 'ui.v fe. IIAIPYI5 always look tho host when there are good teeth to he shown In the smtle. Ami tho sweetest mouth look In finitely sweeter when theio are pearly teeth peeping fnun within. Our IiiihIuchh Is to presct;vo good teeth and i est ore bad ones to their natural use and effli-lency. If wo do your Dental work, you will never bo ashamed to smile or to show your teeth. CJIvo us one trial anyhow, ami that will prove our claim. Ijidy Attendant DR. BARBER TIIH HKNT1ST Over Daniels for Duds. raclflo l'houo 252S, Home I'houo Iir2-K Kee Lox Typewriter Ribbon Are (ho only ones innilu which are inked to suit, the M.OWf the differ ent makes of typewrit ers. Toe to $1.00 MEDFORD BOOK STORE Wo are now serving OUR OWN Ice Cream iiinti: is oca kohmula Cream Milk- Sugar Pepsin Flavoring No Starch No Flour No Ico Cream 1'owdora No Oelatln of any kind. HASKINS for HEAL T H PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Wor(c Uunr-nteeC Price Ilesiurmbla. COPFEEN & PRICI Howard Block. on Itb Ml rclilo 1011. Koua ait. Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phenes: Pacific 3021. Home 354 Messenger Service 15N.irir. A SNAP 00 ncroB, nix miles from Medford, good graded road croHHoa tho tract, all froo noil, at (50 per aero. $1000 will hiiudlo, eaay tormu on balance, Part Is crook bottom land, suitable for alfalfa, Sovoral eprlugu on the placo, Tlmbor enough to puy for the tract. No hulldlnga. Iu tho OrifflD crook district, W.T.YorkaCo. kiwP.., Jj i-x j r- ji.'ii ii'i &viv WHEKE TO OO TONIGHT ISIS THEATRE ittlOl) I'cct of Pit tines ultli Vaudeville Admlmduu IU and IU ntntn. v HOHi: ami HT, t'HMIK In that nifty couindy Hinging, tiilllii; ami dancing act, THK I.HSSHH (Itltli Hriuuit. In which it girl fulU lulo the IiiiiiiIh of u imug or Hiunggleiv Kite Im In hhmi mi, but Ik u'Meiiml JiiHt Iu Hum by her Huvcthcnit. A IIOMANHK Ol-' THK ICIC HIXUS Drama. A Htory hIiovvIiik what Joaloiitdy will do. SCHNHS IN I 1 : 1 . 1 1 1 INDIA Hi'tuilc. .UTKIt THH HHU'AltD Comedy. A good long laugh. All pin lien uro at tented uh thieved and hauled to tho pollt-n Htatlou. Special inutluicii every Saturday and Sunday at 2 p. in. Hvuulug performance, 7;20 STAR THEATRE t'tuler direction of PMOIM.K'S A.Mt'HKMHNT CO. A In a) m Iu the lead Supreme In I'h-turo Production. i-ivi: niK i-iinto cii.) imvi: The PHOSPHtMOHS SWKHTHKAHT "Patho" WeHtein Drama. TIIH MHITI'.VKS HI-' A ('O.MPUKKIt A heart gripping, ivnl life ntory. a cnizr.N i.v tin: mauinh A drama of uteerago life and pautlmeu TiiHSPeMii: ixnrsTiiv Another of our Interesting IiiiIiihIiIuI plrtiin-H. DltHA.M OI'A I.OHSTi:it PICND A featuro hurtotitUo comedy w It It a holler In every foot, Al Slither -Tim Slugr Wnnlwni'thM- Tho MtiHlclaiiM MATINKHS DAILY AdmlKMlou lOn Children Cc Watch for our coming features UGO THEATRE Will lnivo an athled program of extra fine pietures, 3rd, Itli, and 5th, with an entire change Saturday and Sim day. Children ftY. Adults !() Clark ft, Wright LAWYER WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land Matter: Final Proof. Deiurt Lands, ConteiU nd Mining Caiea. Scrip. Draperies Wn carry a vory nninplnto linn of ilrnpurltiH, In cm curlolim, fli tiircjn. uto., tun! flo till oliomox of uiihofHti-rliig. A Hpevlul man to look uriur tlilu work oxcliiHlvnly anil will kIvii a uood tu-rvluu na In po.hIIiIh to aot tn oven tha liiri,'i'Ht cltlca. WEEKS & MgGOWAN CO. Watch Our Addition Grow IftckMOM ftiid Buuuull Medford Realty nnd Imp rove in cut Company m. v. a u. Co. nidi. ff