v MTWFORD mm TRTBTTTsTR, mT)TOUVi, OftFlON, MONDAY, .TTLY 1, 1012. PAGE FIVE Mutt Is Going to Have a Convention of His Own-a la Roosevelt By "Bud" Fisher is. , rfalK: i w tr-l w5RSffl!.J5222r . 1 . w-H. 'r -pa SMKzPhV 1 1 1 A ff "y --, . n OF TMC HON. A.,rAVjTT, WKo ihliyri On OGtHfc TCfAP0Rft.V CHAIRMAN OR UOUTIN6 YHG C0NiGNt(0M, CITY GOES DRY: PIPE LINE BUS Mi'ilftml iiiiih it ilry town for iiiiiny Iioiiih Kiimliiy tiwhiK lo n liroiik In llu fjiuvlly wnlt'i- piii lino wIhto It rinaKi'H Mltlii lliitlu cri)l(, It wan Koiiixtliiio hoforn t ho fori'ak wnn ro Kirlf(l In tlilx rlly nlul iih u ronm iiuiinro iiiuoh of tln WllIlT In till) ruMitrvoIr had run out Ix-forti tlm ttri'iik vnn lornK'it mill tlio walur In lh nniroolr hIiiiI off In onlur to tio iiviilliililo In ciiho of flrit. lli'ori'.K Trillion Hii)i'rltiliiuliiit of Hid wntxr ili'i'iirltntMit, ().n Ariiil KT, i'lty kiikIiii'it, V. II. Cuiioii mul V. J. ICiuitrlfk wiiitt to Hid renin! of Hid liri'iik ultli a iiiiiiiImt of iiidii Hiiinliiy mul iiuitli" )ii ni'ci'DKnry r pnlru. Ily 10 o'clock In Hut ovyiiIiik tlio wnti-r wiih on iikiiIii Tho lirimk rutin) wlnro Hid lunvliMt pri'iiMiiri) U on tlio pipe lliii. Tin Itui wan utralKliti'iu'tl anil new IkiikIIii put In, OF E IMJNO, Nov. July I Former Judi;i) W. A. Manncy of Houo wnn to day iippolutod I'lillcd HtateH senator to Hiicrei'd I ho lain Senator tloorKO H. N'lxon hy (lovnriior Oddle, follow liiK tho notion of McorKC WliiRfletd, tho miilil-iiillllouulri! iiiIuIiik iiiiiii lit declluliiK Ooveruor Oddlo'H appolut miiiit uliidi) Kevoral vcekn nc.t). U'liu: fleld kiivo liUMliii'im reaiioiiH for IiIh reftmnl to ervo. Kormer JiiiIro .Miomoy wn a can dldati nmiltiHt (Inventor Oddlo In the primaries, and wan defeated hy the Hovornor. 10 .MKXU'O, .Mo July I. - Tlio local Cliiiiitiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiKciiient today warn ed ilH (Miieii)') bureau not to peiinil .1. Hryim to miike in iililriHK ilur ill); the Mexico ('liiUitiiiiiiin this year. "It would not only inaiiii it fiuitiieiitl Ion liul we would not want to lie iCHpoiirtililo foi' ulnit linpieii," de clined A. I. Whitney of tho loenl iittiiinKi'iiu'iit today. I'Vcliui; iiKiiiiirtt llryim in tlio ninth ('(iiiM'HHioiiiil ilint rict is at white lieat. Thin is Clink's homo district. SNUFF STRONG IN 1 WALL STREET TODAY NRW YORK, .Fitly 1. Tlio Hindi mai'kel opened today with hoiiui of tlm features hIhiwIiik Hlrtiitlt, inelud iilK Ciiuiidiiiii 1'itcific, Urooklyu liupid TriuiHil, Iiilei'-HonitiKli-Melnipoliliui proferied. Anions tlio spcciilities Kiluff Kiiiiid over three points, Un ion I'neilio wiih nmoiiK tlui uioileratuly Hlroiiuf riiilwity issues. After the lirst hour it firmer louo developed, Stool IiMiij? tlio fentiii'o of the netivo j;riuip, with hoiiui HtroiiRtli in lli proferredi lloiuls were incmiliir. DULLIT IS APPOINTED AS SOLICITOR GENERAL I) r-- WASIIINOTON, Juno !). Wllliiini M, Uullit of Loiilavlllo, Kentucky, wiih today appointed hy President Tuft l hii rt'olicilor Riiiionil of the (Iniled HllltOH. wm NO MAD HO STAY OUT OF MISSOURI (S.f.UtT, TMli PR.ONIN(XT POl.iYICIMN WHO Cl-MNM, YMfST Kg I'j V.NTITLOD To A CONj(:rn-0N 01 Mtb OWN ML'N !GUN Qn Our. ftAiPftfc&CN'rflrWG H(- SMt'. " VmiLC T rtoTRAJB THIST T. HA'C MR.CfSD StiKNGD WO TCfltA ft Muyr UC KfAC'ABGtUsO THAT ONJ " onl i kontm Venice thc OTK6R WAi VCNOAMi N0 S "NG reaeroft.i x va cutihrd to a third rea' BOOSTERS OFF TO "Wo'ro koIiik koiiio." Hiii'h wan I he hIokiiii filing to tlio lirt'tWH of tlm Kokuo IMvitr vnlli'y to dny from AhIiIiiiiiI to (IrnutH I'iikh liy a lartfn niinilior of booittiirH who inailo ii tour of tho vulloy In nutoiuohlli'H, nccompiiiiloil hy tho Moilfonl Imml to mhortlHt), tlio rarcH to ho hulil nt tho park on Thiirilny, I'rlilay ami Haturl ilny of thin wook. All of tho cnr8 woro covon-il with Iiiiro poHtorH nil vortlnliiK tho raclnc uii'i-t ami IioohIith flllcil cai'h car to ilo tin' Hpccllnn nt tint varloiiH towiiH and cltloH of tho vnlhty. Nluo ram ininlo tho trlji. 1'. S, Hli'dinlrup pllottnl :)n crowd. Tho earn IcnvlitK Mnilford drove to I'liooulx, Tnlniit, AKhland, riituru ln hy JackKonvlllc to Central Point thou lo Cold Mill, Woodvlllo and (IrautH I'iim. Tho ontlro day will ho npi'iit on tin rond. -ft VOTE FOR WILSON OR REMAIN AWAY PKTKKSM'IM, Vii., July 1. -"If .von want lo live in Pel eHiurjr, vote for WIUoii," wns it inchMifje li.v proiniiient resi dents of this cilv lo 1 ir. (3. M. Miirke, n ilclogulo to the ilcm ocru(ii) coiivenlioii. Dr. MuiKo is elnet' wiirKeoii of the Seii lionnl Air Line. "ftf f-ftt NEFF AND REAMES "31" Kvau Heiiimw nlul I1. .1. N'eff, both fat men's hopes won the 'III' content at the University club on Hnttirditv night. Their opponents were the Carpenter brothers of the Verit'H orchard. Despite the fact that neither Keff nor Uenines were able to reach very fill' over the (able both made some miincllous shots. After the contest the winners issued u challenge to nuy term of heavyweight - 1 players over Mill) lbs, weight at table hide. Mr. Neff immediately sent u tele gram to his double, W. J. Hryun, an nouncing his victory here mid wish ing the "Peerless One" similar luck nt Hiiltimorc. This closes the tournament which hits been ehuruclerir.cd hy excellent playing throughout ami which hit been of till iihsoihiug interest to the University club members. CITY THKAHUUKU'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the city of MedfonfV Jucltsoi county, Ore gon, will take up and cancel tho fol lowing Improvement bends: ( NiiniboiH 0110 dntod February 1, 1910; 0 -J r. 1 dated August 1, 1010; Oti'Jl dated February 1, 1911; Inter est on the above named bonds will ceaso nt tho next Interest paying Per iod, August 1, 1912. GUS II. BAMUKLS, City Troaauior. Dated July 1, 1012. 88 Attention If. of P.s Your preHoneo Is wanted at Castle Hall "tonight. Work In first and third rank, VIbUoih welcome. Re freshments, H. O. THOWimiDOK, Jr., C. C. F0U IUSNlVOAitlf AN1 ROOMS WIIWU13? Why, at th6 rnrk View Hotel, of course, good squaro meals, homo cooking, 25 cents, Cool, clean rooms, good beds, Ufi cents a night, 103 BOOST FOR RACES Mfc. HUGO FOnACC-jDeLrKirtYe - LAftGG, "0 RCPUSGD Tb G S(-ATet ON Trtfc GROUND THAT " UAON DGL.GCATG rAl&HT COrG . ' SrsO MG VOUUO HAV4G To GCTUP feniN OUT OP POMTeN.CSS ,- roll ItKNT KUIt.MHIIKI) AiTH. Tho Iturhou, Htrlctly flmt-nliiMH ftirnlRhed apartineiitfl; private hatliM' ami othlir modern fcaturcn. Tako nilvitutaco of Hummer rntffi. Call mornlnnn, 10 Qultico Btrcot, cornor of V. Main, FOK HUNT Binlth AptH. 217 fl. Illv. v ( it it i: x t itot'Hf:KKi:i'iN(J lt()MK FOH UKNT FurnlNh.'d hoiiHekcup liiK rooniH, W'i'i H. Central. 67 FOH IlKNT FURNI8IIKD IlOOMd foil HUNT Large sleeping room, ll.fiO and 2 nor wcclc Modern uotiiekeeplnif apartmenta, 1C and flC. Home phono 2CG-K. 222 8outh Holly. FOH IlKNT nuUHICfl FOH UKNT- -7-rooin modern IniiiKa low on North Orange, J.T0.00 a month. Call W. V. Mealcy. 1571. Home phone lfi7. " FOH HKNT Boven room house fur n lulled, modern ImproveiuuiitH, 2 blocks from P. O. Inquire :ili' N. Central. U0 FOH ItKNT Modem n-rooin liuitKa low on paved Htreet, clone In. Ap ply r, 17 8. Holly. S7 FOH UKNT 'fi-ronm inodern Iioiiho ami lawn, 711 Went 11th Htreet. Apply White &. TrowhrldRc. U0 FOH HKNT -July Int, fiirnlHhed C looiu Iioiihc, modern. "ilS Kluc street. FOH HKNT Close In fi room hohuse with modern iilumbliiK and elec tric llKhta. On paved street, with lawn mid content sidewalks. Call Holl phono 3401. FOH HKNT A furnished houso close In. M. A. Under, at M. F. & H. store. FOH HKNT New modern 4-room flat gas range, nlco loratlqn, three blockH from Main street, phone Home nr2-L, Pacific .1721. FOH HKNT Seven room bungalow, reasonably rloso In. A. S. Ullton, room 206 Phlppa bldg. FOH RENT 8 room house on South Orapo st. Call 310 N. llartlott. FOH HKNT Six room houso, mod orn. paved street, I1C.G0. V. T. York & Co. FOH HKNT Furnished house, eloso In, Kast Side, also twoN modern houses, all on pavement. II. Humphrey, Sift Kast Main. 90 FOR RENT OFFICES FOH RENT Oror VUt postottlce, with hoat and light. loo A. A. Davis. FOR RUNT Largo, comfortable office- rooms with elevator eorvlco, stoam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOH HKNT Three Hundred aero ranch, 100 acres for wheat, 20 to 30 for corn, balance hay and pas ture. Want good inon and tennis. Call on or address Dr. W. II. Nml Ing, nrownsboro, Oregon. 80 FOR SALE HOUSES. FOH SALK $2 100 artistic inodern bungalow; built In furniture, beautiful lawn; paved street. In quire ;i.9 South Newtown, NEW TODAY A party with a good modern five room houso, close In, no hotter loca tion, wants to exchange, for a small phrco In tho country. Wants about ten acres that Is or can bo Irrigated, and good level garden and borry land free soil. Another with a good neat five room homo eloso n, well located, will sell for $2000.000 or will apply sumo on n good pleco of alfalfa land, well watered, and lnylng handy to soiuo valley town. A party, a nou-uesldont, has a fluo hundred and sixty acres of timber six .miles from Hoseburg. Tho tim ber erulHOH three and three-fourths million feet, This is a bargain for some oiio wanting to Invest In n fluo pleco of close In timber, $2u00,00. C. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Bltlrj. Phones: Pacific 781, Home 78K Residence Phono 2GH FOIl BALI-IOOfiIJa FOH HM.K Two room liouao on larKo lot, sower and water, ' ilown, ?lf per month. Telephone 21. 91 FOH SALK 100x208, nultnblo for 0 lots, two room house furnished, electric limits, water paid If, months In udvanro, fine larso gar den, cIoko In. Price $1200. In quire at Hotel Medford Ilarber shop. 103 FOH HKNT Modern five-room houso. M. A. Hader, at M. F. & H. Co. FOH SALK Four-room bungalow, electric llghtM, sewer and city water on paved street. JC50 cash If taken at once. Inquire of own er at ail West Jackson street, tf FOH BALK Cheap, new fi-rootn also new C-room modern bungalow. In quire ownoT, 23 Hoso avo phono Uell C822. 98 FOR BALB ACnKAGB FOH BALK -Tho finest 10 acres In the valley, unimproved V& miles from Medford.. II. Humphrey. 8U., Kant Main. 90 FOH SALE Eight acres, Just out Bldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small bouse, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOH SALK 4 ncrcs, a fine homo on Pacific highway, one mile north of city, a ten room houso with mod ern Improvements and out build ings. It Is tho best land for ber ries and truck farming and is un der irrigation, and has perpetual wnter right. It Is partly set to ber ries and fruit trees. Inqulro of F. S. Carpenter, owner, Perrydale Ad dition. 101 FOH SALE itAmt FOH SALK Fine alfalfa ranch with water right, equipment and stock. Price very low. Clark Realty Co., 20G PhlppB Dlilg. SS FOR SALK 151 acre hill land in Curry county, Oregon, 25 miles north of Crescent City, Cal., and one mllo from Ocean Ueach. Soil black loftm and well adapted to the mining of grasses, grams, fruits and vegetables. Price $2500.00. For further Information address, Uox 322, (Srants Pass, Oregon. SC FOR SALE Irrigated form, (per petual right) GO acrcB In all, part In bearing orchard, stlrctly mod ern home, S rooms, near river and ono of tho finest lit tbo vnlloy. Ad dress Owner, llox 47 Route 2, Central Point, Oregou. S FOR SALE rOULTRX AND EGGS FOR SALE Laying hens, mixed var ieties, prlco reasonable, box 40, Medford. H. F. D. No. 2. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK Ono span of C-year-old Wilkes horses, weight 1,100 each, llroke single and double. W. P. Dodge, G10 South Oakdale. SC FOR SALK Dry hay. W. H. Evor hard, 1013 West 9th street, phono GG71. FOR RALE Pure bred polnnd china hogs. To make rtom for now stock being Imported llorkoley Orchards offors n few flno bows nnd boars, nlso somo selected fall nud spring farrowed pigs, nil eli gible to registration. Our prices win stirpriso you. l'tiono xu F-21. 92 FOR SALK A good two-horse wagon, steol nxlo In good shape, cheap, or will tako loghorn hens in trade. Phono Mulu 822, Sis kiyou Holghts. 9G FOR SALE Chorrles. phono Dr. W. R. Stokes, G7 Party J-l. SO FOR SALK Canary nTrds! Resi dence 843 East 9th St., Pacific phono 359G. 10G FOR SALK Flno Royal Ann and Black Republican chorrles. Call 807 F-12. FOH SALE Pair of platform scales. Champion brand. 412 South King stroot. 87 FOR SALE-lOiio bay tenm weighing about 2100 lbs., ono light lumber wagon, ono set of work harness, one extension top leather seated surrey, ono sot light driving har ness. You will find tho ubovo all In good shapo and will bo aston ished at the low prices asked for them. 811 Houuott avonuo. FOH SALK Automobile, four pas senger, In first class order, com plete, A big bargain. Address W, J. n,, care Matl-Trlbiiuo, Med io M. DGLGGATC SlONGW fAOOCM, NATIONAL C6NMlTfGe AT Cfi.h ON THE GROUND THAT HG MA.O BeTGR sit Down bgpor? He LOVT A CRUTtM AND FCrUL DOWA. FOR SALE .MISCELLANEOUS FOH SALE Finn family mare, sin gle harness, single buggy, almost new surrey, canopy oiled top. II. Humphrey, 813 Kast Main 91" FOH SALK Oarage In a good town, $100 will handle this. Inquire 201 Farmers & Fruit Growers Uld. 87 FOH SALK One 2-burncr gasoline stove, 1 washing machine, 1 wring er. 708 West 10th. 91 FOH SALK Herrlcs by crate. Call Home phone 319-H, or Booth 5, public market. Ill FOR EXCHANGE, KXCHANGK 10 acres unimproved for Medford property. II. Hum phrey. 815 Kast Main. 90 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOH SALE or trade Several Drop Head White sewing machine. J. W. Lawton, Home 329-H, Pacific 4751. 87 FOH SALE OH TRADE For Med ford property, 45 acres of land, all fenced, house and barns, and 90 head of sheep, 5 acres of alfalfa. Address, or call David Dorn, Wat kins. Oregon. S7 FOH SALE Oil TRADE A flno 240 acre stock farm. Address F. D. Tribune. 87 HELP WANTED FESIAIiM WANTED Woman for generalb housework, must be good cook, wages $30, Phono A. P. Stover. 811 F-21. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man and wife (no chil dren) In farm, woman must be A-l cook and housekeeper. Address. W. C... Mall-Tribune. 90 WANTED SITl'ATIOXS. WANTED Position by young lady efficient In stenography or book keeping. Over 3 years city ex perience. References. Uor F. J. Tribune. 91 WANTED Position as housekeeper on ranch to keep house for gentle innn. Am experienced. Address, llox A. H. care Mall Tribune. SS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO EXCHANGE A four room houso and lot located at 715 S. King St.. for property In S. California. Lot 50 by 174 with 15 full bearing npplo trees. Address hot 74 Talent. Ore., 94 LOST LOST On tho Wagner Creek road above Talent, June 26, ono survey or's field note book No. 401, re turn to Mall Tribune, or seo Frank Rhodes, room S, Adklns building, Medford, nnd receive reward. LOST In Medford about 3 or 4 weok,s ago a Kentucky Fox hound, blemish white markings, answers to name of Ulsnmrk. Reward for information leading to recovery. Address John U. llammersly, Gold Hill, Oregon, BUSINESS OPPORTUN1TD2S FOR SALE Peel, billiard and cigar business at 15. N. Fir st. S7 RUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bauk bldg., socoud floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, socoud floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attomeys-at-Law. Not. 1 and 2 Postoftlco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnott Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 aud 12 JackBon County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 120 Garnutt-Coroy Bldg. Chiropractors DIirATR. HEDGES. Or, Loulso E. Hodges, Mechano-Thoraplst8, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. Thoso Bvstoms, Including dlototlcs, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, oto produce results In both ucuto nnd chronlu dldseases. Consulta tion froo. 230 N. llartlott streot, noxt door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DGt-GCATG G-.f. BM-fA , ON0eR.TAK.eR., WHO WAS .tRj'3eO HIS SEAT FOR. tSAR. ne fi4HT dguav tmc CovenTiof INtiOPCSOF STAR.VIMG Tti Spr-CTAToRS To DGATh AS ( USINGSS PROPOSITION. I BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assaycr nnd Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers are earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of tbelr mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, th and Fir sU. Accountant D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a roasona-ble figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mail Trib uno bldg.; phono 6611; residence phono 6302. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITINO Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump nnd canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk.. Medford. Oregon. Bill Poster , VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg.. Medford, Oregon. Billiard Parjors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. 'Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tbe hot afternoons. Brick ami Cement THE Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Blocks Works. Special ty, ornamental brick for fireplaces, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases. Jardinieres, flower pots. Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Chinese Mcdlclue CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medlclne will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private disease and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, lnUibcsilon, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 S. Fruui at., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:3U to 7:30. Resldonce phone Main 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phono Main 5GG2. Culropructora DR. R. J. LOCKAVOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vupor baths and scien tific mussngo given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Mala 7973. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Tolephono Main 681. Night phono 4432. Granlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and limo. Office at tholr brick yard, West JackBon st. Phono No. 34G1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Stroot, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon bilck and tile. Get our prices aud see our brick and tile before purchasing. Furultvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly bU. Medford. Mission turtilturo made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary Pub- no. jsnug your worK to me at iui sign of The Mall Tribune. dpuogatg, vjeineRSCHMiTteuj vjho RG FUSED To &QLr. H6 SAID.-" a PtoSlTWGU" VJiLL NOT ocr ns fioMeBoof fAitHTCALc.. fAC A NUT. H0v CAN Ai NAN ftG A NVT AND BOUT AT THE ' SANG TlAAt? THIS IS AOT HfSRDWGAR, CONVENTION ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Garbage GARBAGE Oct your promlsos cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good service. Phono Main 6251. F. Y. Allen. Nurscrtw QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are ) udded, not grafted. Our stock is cot irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. Wo are not la tho truat. H. B. Patterson. Offlca removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entranco next to barber scop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grada nursery stock. Office 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Printers ana Pabllshers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th beat equipped job office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leal systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port laud prices. 27 N. Fir at. Physicians and SargeoB DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physli clans and surgeons, Taylor and Pblpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 601, realdcnce phona 612, Office hours, it. a. to I p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooma 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone Main. 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 6501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phono, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskln Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 21G E. Main st., oqr Med ford nardwaro company Hours, 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank. Offico phons M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offico rooms 5 and 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 1Q to 12, a to 5. Phono. Bell 2TU Residence phone Bell 273. Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Praci tico limited to Chronic Diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer 1Gxx5 Eagle Point aud Rogue River lino. Second Floor Garnott-Corey Building Medford, Oregon. Drs. Saunders & Green Special ists Eye, Ear, Noso aud Throat. "Not ouly tho cheapest, but the best." HERMANN F. RA1TE. M. D. Of fice over Medford National Bank building. Office phono G721; Res., Hotel Holland. Real Estate GKOHUE L. Davis, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-H. , Ovor Fruitgrower 8 Bank. REAL ESTATE L. N. Jiidd, Talents Ore., fruit, alfalfa and garden lauds. Stenographers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm bldck.' Stenographto work done quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 10 8outh Fir. Phoue" Bell 3162; Home 350-IC Prices right, Sorvlco guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker aud Embalmer. Office 28 South Bart-, lott st. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Del) ,4J3.: noma 179-L. Calls onswored night or day. Ambulance servlee, j ft 9