V P&GE $W0 arEDFORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, MTCDK)RT), OKEOON. MONDAY, ,'IULY 1, 1912. .." L OCAL AND L'fKRMHAL Mrs. ivickfox left Sunday for Port land whore she will vlBlt Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. H. Harrington for several xveeks. Samuel 8, SVennlng, ilpptity sup ervisor1 of tho Crater National forest, has Vlurhed frohx a 'ttlp to Pelican Bn'elunYry. If, D. Wfcttoa, commercial photog rapher,' seialtvn wade any time or plasty apqVntmerit. Phono M. 1471 TnoEpwortti Loaguo Will give a sb clal this evening at tho First M. K. church, corner of Hartlott and -tth. It will be In thi character of a Trip Prom Doston to Florida. The boat Is scheduled (o leave at 7:45 p. m. prompt. All young peoplo of the city arc cordially Invited to take the trip the only condition being to be aboard' tho Lugger on 'time. Bhaplelgh Hardware, 28 So. Cen tral".! JdHn R Adams of Willow Springs Bporit, Sunday at Med ford. Senntor Von der Hollen of Wel len spent Monday at Medford on busi ness. Flags for the Fourth Palace of Sweets. W. A. Marvin of Gold Hill spent Monday In Medford. Mrs. Effle Henderson of Ashland spont Monday with Medford friends. Marlon P. Anderson of Phoenix was, a recent Medford visitor. The Southern Pacific company Is engaged In cleaning tip the right of way roconted vacated by the Crater Lake Lumber company. The com pany now has nearly two full blocks which they can let for carnival and circus purposes opposite the no depot. Mrs. H. C. "Williams of Griffin Creek was in Medford Sunday visit ing with friends. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Mas, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. Homor Rothermal left Sunday evening for an outing at Newport. Big dance at Nat. July 4th ana Ctth. 90 W. J. Diimhlll returned Sunday from Newport stating that It was too cold for him there. Kodak finishing, tne best, at Wea toa'a, opposite book store. E. A. Hicks and Charles Carney spent Monday at Talent on business. Big dance at Nat. July 4th and 6th. 90 Lake Beach of Hancock, "Wis., a boyhood friends of Mayor W. H. Canon, Is spending & few days in Medford. Their meeting, which oc curred Sunday was purely accidental. Mr. Beach looking tho mayor up af ter hearing he was In this city. Among tho local peoplo who spent Sunday at Colcstln were: Russell Evan's, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Corey, Mr. and MBrs. Carl Flchtner, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Porter, Mrs. George Por ter and son, Miss Irene Plotman, Ldufs Llrlch, Jeraldlne Rukes, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stennett, Miss Gladys Peart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sulllnger, James Baker, Miss Marie Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. afays, Mr. and M"rs. Carl Swarison, Mr. arid Mrs. A. B. Wil liams. They all report an enjoyable time. Lawn and garden supplies. Shap lelgn Hardware. John Vf. Parker left Sunday everi Jngfor Portland for a short business trlrJ. Hd will stop at Rosebnrg on his return to- lay plans for "Parker field" an estate of 3000 acres owned by him and "VhItc6mb Field. CarklB Taylor (Jobn H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jacksoa County Bank building, Medford. W. W. Elfcrt ha moved his tailor ing outfit from tho Palms to the premises formerly occupied by the Spot Cafe'. Mathews & Son do draylng, trani ferrlng and furnlturo packing. Both phones. Sunday work a specialty. 8G Tho Hlllcrest baseball team de feated the Bear Creek team Sunday at the' Hllldrest diamond, by a score of 17 'to H, Features of tho game wero tho fielding of Safield for Bear Creek and Griffin, third base foi HJ1I crdst. 'A Simp at Berlin's Tailoring Par lors. Three fine imen's suits, all wool, latest stylo, 36, 37 and 38 sizes, for $10 each. Seo them now, Henry" Humphroy met with an n i dent' last Saturday which will un doubtedly 6ohflne him to his bed for a number of weelts. Mr. Humphrey, who 'is' 7C years of age, was picking cherries from 'a ladder when the foot of tlFo ladder slipped throwing hlni off backward and he fell to Uid ground! a distance of fifteen 'feet, striking on Jil's head and shoulders, nnd sustaining numerous Injuries. So badly Js ho Injured that he Is un able to raise his head from the pillow, Miss Florence and Alice Johnson spent Sundny nt Colostln, nn did Misses Anna and Helen Puruckos, Hazel nnd Loon Dean. Our full 'line of fine woolens hns arrived. Save $10 by ordering now. W'6 make fine ladles and mens suits, Berlin, Medford, SIS Main. Mrs. C. U. Blackburn left Monday for n visit with friends at Ashland. Miss Florence Graves, teacher of piano, studio 265 W. Jackson street. S3 Number 13, south bound S. P. pas senger, did not reach Medford today until 1 o'clock being delayed by a freight wreck. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. Co. bid. Mr. and rs- ' F. Hlttson spent Sunday at' Gold Ray. O. W. Johnson spent Sunday fish ing on Rogue River. Tho Southern Pacific passenget station is tho only place In Medford xvhero tickets to points outside of Jackson county can bo purchased. Henry Thomas of Talent spent Monday at Medford on business. Stop swearing at that lawn mower and bring it to Mitchell's wagon shop and have St sharpened. No. SC S. Riverside. Dr. J. F. Reddy Is expected back from San Francisco Tuesday. In addition to the extra service already announced for tho 4th of July by tho Southern Pacific, a spe cial train will leave Ashland at 3:00 p. m. on the Fourth for Medford and Crater Lake Jet where races are to commence at 4:00 p. m., returning special train will leave Junction nt 7:30 p. m., Medford 7:40 p. m. for Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Holmes have returned from a trip to Portland. Superintendent nnd Mrs. F. Carnahan of the Blue Ledge mine are visiting Medford. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Tracy of "The Laurels" spent Sunday with Med ford friends. Mrs. Welter Kentner left Sunday evevnlng for a month's visit at New port. W. C. Stephen of Minneapolis. Is In Medford for a visit with friends. Mrs. Fred I. Lewis of Willow spent Sunday with Medford friends. Meats tomorrow at market, stalss 11 and 12. All kinds, come enrjy 'SJEEAS ISEXZT'OlftJIIP. filiiSSSB&P ' ' ' TlTT"'" TI CHAMP CLARK SECOND II llll III (Continued from pngo U) member of the .MUmmiii delegation iloniu'd over ninl tuuulinj.'ly veiled: "Clark, Clnrk$" directly ill hU IWo and ear. A froo-for-itll ftu.li I Parted oxer a banner diteetlv in front of the lit"s stand. A doyen MJsmiminu proleoled by the Hwueunt-nl-nrms, raided the banner on the pro seetioii. Tlii'V xvere throxxti bodily to the floor. A down men wero fight iiu; on the "If the Mixxnuri deleuation i not rtwpon-dhlo for Ihw liiuincr, then I cannot mv uiiytlitiiK'' Jatne.s xtmU'd to lvdoio order ngnin when a new fijihl dialled in the Connecticut doli'giilinu wliieh dc- fieil the efforts of lh police to stop. .Siikch(h .isn' .Name While tlicy xxere doing (his Jainex issued an order to the police to an est any person xxho came into the hall with a banner at auv time in t h6 fiituie. .Mayor Kitraerald of loson ine iimiie. .Mayor n Door while die Hattiiuoie police weie then broke Ihlo the giiuu ami while uiakiiiir childishly feeble of forts to uiiiiouiioiiiir that he xvonld not take W H, ANDREWS W. IT. Andrexxs is the leading cnu rtld.ue for election to the United States Senate from New Mexico. His closest rlx-al Is Albert It. Fall, former Supreme Court Judge. M N 1 S NEARLY TIE LIFE Distribution of patent medicine samples has resulted In another nar row escape from death in this city. Saturday night incz Heady, u grand daughter of Louis Hell, picked up some medicine samples of "Do Wlftcs Kidney nnd Bladder Pills and Kodnl Dyspeptic Tablets" and thinking them candy, owing to their sugar coating, ate most of them. Tho llttlo girt was seriously III for a time but nfter heroic methods had been employed by D. E. H. Porter who was called she was saved. The samples wero distributed from house to house. Tho ease was brought to tho atten tion of the city nuthorjtles today and Mayor Canon has instructed the city attorney to prepare an ordinance which will ntake It an offense to dis tribute such samples. Several states have legislated against tho practice, making such distribution a peniten tiary offense. and avoid rush. &G ILLEGAL FISHING AT BYE BIG E WeeKs&McGowanCo. ' tJtoEferKERS Sky yaosi mi WffM VkMMt It. W. WMk Wl A. lL 0xt, MM TLAMX AMxaTASY. Sam L. Sandry, chief deputy fish and game warden on Sunday night confiscated a new 90 foot salmon net at the Bybee bridge In this county. This is the first evidence secured In four years of Illegal fishing with a net In Jackson county. Heretofore the offenses have been commltteed on the loxver portions of tho river. Sandry found the net Saturday and watched until Sunday night for the parties to return and make their haul. When they did show up they succeeded In getting away from the officers but the net was taken. Sandry stated that it was only an accident that he found the evidences of Illegal fishing at that place on the river as heretofore the Jackson coun ty end of the riveV has been free of Btich practices. Hereafter however be will carefully watch all portions of the stream. The poachers were in a boat. Cen tral Point parties are suspected. WILSON PLEASED BY AT SHOWING BALTIMQR E SEA GIRT, N. J., July 1. "That ir very utisfietory," xx'as Governor Wil-on's" comment accompanied by his broadest smile xxhen the nexx's this afternoon xxn conveyed to him from the telegraph -tution on the little laxvn it the "Little White liou-e" that he xxas abend of Clark by fixe votes on the thirtieth ballot. The governor xva- informed by his lieutenants an snon . Inxxn nnd Ver mont put hi total -core nboxe that of the speaker. stop the uear-iiot. Riot Is tStartcd A Missouriuu tried to ruh the press seats and xvas knocked to (he floor lv one of the New York reporters over whom tie tried to xxitlk. Hv this time thb entire front of the delegate section jus below the plat form xxas ft howling mob. Chairman Ollie James rushed to the platform. The Wilson men stirrted to !irin their banners, but the were, ordered hack by William P. McCoombs, tho Wilson mauaper, to piovcnt' f wilier fijchtinir. After ten minutes, order xvas restored and the offending banner xvas remov ed. Mennxvhile llryan was silting on the rail nt the speaker's pint form, xwiitin; for his chnncc. Chairman .lames xvheti order xvas. restored tried to place the blame for the disorder on the visitor! despite the fact that at least two-thirds- o the Missourinn delegation hart not onlv precipitated but hud participated in the riot. Rrynn fchut Out N James ordered the result of the bal lot and ordered flit! clerk to proceed xxith tho roll call. Hryan demanded the rijjht to spenk. James finally declared that Hryan had n right to n nucMion of n per sonal privilege' nnd that lie could Mute his (piestinn. "Mr. Chairman, I xvas seated with my delegation xxhen a banner xvas placed in front of us. nskctl that it be removed from Hint place. Mciinr re fused I xvent to the Missouri delega tion to find out if the banner had been taken to tho Nehritska delega tion by its' authority! If that xvn the unnuthormd-nct of thos6 wlm brought it I have fibthiiiif to say. If it xva.s the official net of the Missouri delegation then I demand to answer the ipieslion on tho banner." Chairman James said: "Tho chair regrets to have to rule that the gentle man from Nebraska has not stated a question of pergonal privilege and lie cannot talk on the subject." Hryan Itoxx'ed to James' Tiding, smiled grimly and1' returned to his sent in the Nebraska1 delegation. When fie trot there he said: adxanlage of tho offer of the chair man to arise to a ipicstiou of personal piixilege at this time he reserved the right when the lime comes that the committee- cannot miike n choice be tween the leading candidates to sug gest ilini It nominate as u snb-cnudi-dato Kiigene N". I-'oms, Theie was a general latigh oyer the manner in which Kilygernld got his speech be fore the convention. The fight in the Connecticut dele gation resulted from Delegate Malum shouting slurs' at William.). Hryan. Stale Senator W. .M. Kennedy of Nnugutiiek objected and .Maliitn re pented the remark, and the pair clash ed. There xvas lillle done, hoxvevcr. Wtlstin had .started the dav with 107 votes on the twenty-seventh ballol iisiigiiinst dtl'l for the speak er. Up gained slowly but steadily, however, and on the thirtieth bulbt xvent past tho speaker. Ioxva split on his liullnt, fourteen delegates voting for Wilson, as against twelve for Clark and Con gressman Henry I). Clayton of Ala bama, the acting chairman ruled that the unit had been broken and that the vote should be recorded as cast, The vote on the thirtieth ballot showed WiNon -It!!) against Clark's l."i.". The nuiiouuCeiut'nt that liC hnd nt last secured the highest vote enus od the Wilson snpjxirtorK to start an uproanons demonstration nnd then the leaders redoubled their efforts to get Illinois into lino for Wilon. They boosted (hat if (hey cMild get Hoger Sullivan nnd his turn lined up. they could stampede the convention for the Nexv Jersey executive. All Deals Fall The t'ndcrxvood forces xvere trying to make it ileal with all other dele gates but failed to make nil)' head- xvayj .Manx Of the delegates xvere looking I np precedents for an nd inurnment to- day; It xvas ngreed that this would , onlv be itosnihlo as a lust resort and , when it had been absolutely demon-' strnlcd that no agreement could be reached. I A suggestion that met with favor I in certain quarters was for a recess of four weeks daring xvhich prcfercn- I. lial primaries could ha held in tin' various states. This plan was de clared by ninny western ilolejii'lerf l he a good one hill the casteiiicrH dc nntuiecd it us a "llryan plot." Tim New Yoik delegates veu In a hitler mood today. The constant ex coriation hv Hryan was having Us effect. "We have tried to he dignified and not meet abuse with abuse," said (lovcrnor l)i, ''bill I tliink Ilia lima hiH coiad when we will liaxe to take a position in opposition to llryan's dirt tribes.". It was llsO.'l when the convention xvas called to order hv Chaiiniati Janles, the opening praxer was by Key. S. Carroll funic of Hiiltlnmrc llryan cauio In Immediately after the pra.xer and xvas uproariously cheered hv tin' galleries. The mirioi it !' Hi" delegates sat stolidly in their seats. Clink Makes failure nasi voles of that stale hnd linen for Wllsitliiiiid one for Kern, The solitary vole eamc fioin Men rlcs of Mount Vi'riion. Tlieio wwUftiid cliciM'ing xvlicii the tesuli in (liidiiina whs aiinoiiuced liul Ilia Hlajorilv' til Ilia oilier dclcgales held I'asl on (his roll call. Itcrotilcil for Clink The viitP of New .Moslco, which had been voting solldlx, for flail; was challenged on the 281 h hallol. Tlue.t of Hie dclcgales voted for Wilson, but .luiilcs ruled I lint under the ulill rule lint vole should Im recoidi'd fdr Clark. When Went Virginia xviih rnadhed. Colonel Medniw ehnlleiiKod tho voto of the Htuto and deiniindml -u poll. .Metlinw, althoilKh lunlriliitiiil for Clark, had beau trying nil day ti hwIiik tin' delcKiillon to Wllnon. Cult Itulo Holds Tho i'alo coiixeiitlou lustriKitlomi wero called for tho (Minimum Jaiimm ruled that a majority of tho delenutes A desperate effort was made just had failed to vote- for Wllmm, tho liefoie lie convention wan culled to vote being! Wilson II Mi and Clink order by the Clark managers to foim ulate some phm of action but as Rep resentative Suler said: "N'idliing was accomplished." I'onner (loverilor Francis of Mis. souii iicipiiesced in Sulrer's sliila incut. The break to Wilsoti which had been expected came on the 'JHIIi hallo) xxhen Indiana xvas called. Senator Shtvcly aiiuouneed that till of the Illh ll'i, the unit I'ulo tttlll held nnd tno ntalo Voto iniiKt be niuiited for Clink. Wyoming 'broke away from Clark on thht Uiillot, ami rant lln Klx voIch for WIIhoii. And, a nioineut later Alanlm alf" broke Us six votes, dividing tlimo for Clark and threo for WIUou. Medford Printing company carry a full Hue of legal blank. OLD FASHION 4th OF JULY CELEBRATION AT EAGLE POINT and Racing Carnival at Medford Pacific & F.UHJcrn schedule of (rains, for accom modation of those wishing to attend this grand cele bration, and racing carnival. .Kare Medford to Kaglo Point only 50c the round trip. Trains leave .Medford H:lf a. m., !):!f a. m. 10:H5 a. in., (:5K) p. in., 7:1;") p. m. Trains from Magle Point arrive at Hace Track in time for automobile races, and return to Magic Point in evening in time for big dance, leaving IOagle Point for 'Med ford after the dance. Special (rains will be run from our depot to Ivace Track between bom's .'1 and ! p. in., taking you direct to the races, returning to Medford and IOagle Pooinl after the races. Pare Hound Trip only 10 cents. Take the Pacific 4c IOastern trains and save a walk of several blocks. AA..A.A.A..A...A..A.A.AAAA KKwXH:i:K0Mi -w w -w -w w V SECOND SPEEDER A MS WE OFF OF CARRIAGE Henry T. Haswell, driving an E. M. F. car, accidentally ran Into a car riage containing Mrs. A. It. Phlpps and Mrs. Dave Phlpps on Riverside avenuo Sunday afternoon and while no one was hurt the carriage was demolished and the women are suf fering from the shock. Tho accident Was" said to be unavoidable by by stnnders. The car struck 'the carriage a glar.cliu; blow nnd took two wheels off of It. The women wero not thrown and the horse made no at tempt to bolt which accounts for the fact that no one was Injured. NABBED BY POLICE Benjamin Sherman xvas tho second man to be gathered In by tho police for speeding during the present uutl speed crusade. Ho xvas nabbed on North Central Saturday night nnd today paid a fino of J 10. Ho was racing a motorcycle when caught. Sherman made no attempt to fight the charge as he was arrested at tho time of the race. lie appeared today in court and settled tho charge. The police continue to bo on the lookout for violators of the speeding ordinance and are determined to gather in all offenders. Toggery Auto Contest Standing of Contestants up to Close, Friday, June 28, 1912 E WASHINGTON, July 1. in an swer to Bryan's charges that Speaker Clark was in league with unhealthy political Interests, the house today linanamlously voted full confidence In the speaker "regardless, of political affiliations." iRAt ' t 1 12,000 2 .... fifi.fflO : iio.orn i :i7,oro (J fl l.fib'O ........ j.7-10 .:.. 2,000 ......... LVJlfo -MJ.-iO 2,000 2,(100 22,:i:ir :i,07f HOW THEY VOTED (Continued from page 1.) Washington Clark 14. Wet Virginia Clark 1(1. Wisconsin Clark (1, Wilson 10, Kern 1. Wyoming Wilrion 0. Alnsku Chirk 3, Wilson . District of Columbia Clark fl. Hn wnii Clark 2, Wilson .'1, Under wood 1. Porto Itioo Clnrk 1. Wilfion 4, Underxx'ood &. Michigan Clnrk 18, Wil&on 12. Alexander The Suit Man Call and look over twelvo hundred samples of tho latest weaves In Men's Suitings, A made to your moasuro suit, ab solutely guaranteed to fit, guaran teed all puro wool and guaranteed to hold Its shape. Mado to your meas pro suits, $18.00 to 910.00 . . . . 8 1) .... 10 .... n .... 12 .... 1:1 14 .... IS 177,fi2.- 10 18,7.'l.' 17 2,000 18 2,000 1!) 2,000 20 :i(.02fi 21 11,700 22' 18,200 .2:1 2,000 24 2,000 2.1 2,000 2(1 2,000 2,000 41 42 i:i 44 45 4(1 47 48 41) , tor. :i,ioo 2,000 Hl.lifiO 7.'I,!)10 :i7,(2.-i 2,0011 2,000 .'11,445 I 81 Ill 1,125 7')-, 811 ..4 2,025 81 02.415 50 18,450 51 , 2,000 52 . . . 2.000 511 11,885 51 2,000 55 2,725 5(1 . . , 2,000 57 . . 2,075 58 2,000 85 8(1 87 88 80 00 . . 01 .V 112 2.000 Oil 2,000 01 2,000 05 . .' 2,000 0(1 , 2,000 07 .'1 1,885 08 ....' .'1,075 2,:i25 (12.445 2,:i25 2,740 25,700 2,000 2,000 1(11 102 iii:i KM 1(15 100 , 2,ono , 2,000 111.020 4.JII0 2,000 2,00(1 107 ,.148,1110 108 -. .. 2,000 100 "28,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 171 170 172 17:i 174 175 17(1 jfAifjfiijfjfj&i?'irrA4rAir4itr4Lif$-i?ifj?j f V " V "' V ' V V V '" ' ' V '' " ' "' ' ' V "''' T T T f T T T T T T f t T T T T f f T T t ? T f f T t f T T f T T T t T T f f T T T I f T T T T i 2,015 07 28 88,025 00 2,000 (11 12.005 (12 2,000 (if! 2,000 (II 2,000 (15 5,050 (Kl .'1,025 07 2,000 08 2,000 1 f t tft 44t 20 :io :n :i2 .TI ;n :i5 no :i7 ! :i,50 4:i,:too 18,040 4.'J,200 22,8:15 23,80.1 2,000 2,000 2,000 38 18,110 30 2,025 40 2,000 (11) 70 71 72 73 74 75 7(1 77 78 tfff 3.805 2..000 4,105 37,070 2.SC) 2,0 m 4,3 15 2,000 2,000 5,800 71) 2,000 80 2,000 2,000 I Ml 1 5 2,000 2,000 2,00(1 (13,500 2,000 2,000 47,700 4,(105 , . 2,000 .123,320 111 2,000 112 40,300 'T.'l o,025 III . 1 2,000 115 2,000 11(1 28,215 117 2,000 118 3,815 111) 2,000 00 100 JIM, 102 103 101 105 10(1 107 108 101) 11(1 120 .0,5110 121 131,725 C" " lino 123 2,0011 121 7,715 1"j"i 'I'll 12(1 180,140 127 2,000 128 2,000 120 230.300 130 2,000 131 140,11)5 132 4,000 133 5,450 131 'J.OOO 135 'J.00II 13(1 2,000 137 122,200 138 2,00(1 13!) 107,325 140 201,430 141 2,0(10 142 ...., 2,000 143 .- 2,000 111 2.00(1 145 127,385 140 5,015 147 :,()4(i I48 2,000 140 2,000 150., 2,000 Mfil 81,80.1 152 2,1100 153 0,825 151 5,035 155 2,075 1 50 22,750 157 80,325 158 ,.. 2,000 15!) 4,135 1(10 2,000 1 ""? n.l I ' lll.C'il 178 2,000 171) 37.300 1H0 'J.llllO IH1 120,8211 1B2 51,700 IH3 ...; 108,025 ll 7,805 1B5 0,0,11, IM 40730 187 5,270 188 137,810 18!) ., 2,011(1 l!) 50,050 HH 20,550 112 o 000 103 101 105 Hill 107 108 I) 05,085 !) 1,855 '33,5(10 4.510 23,05(1 45,325 THE TQGGER Y (OF COURSE) I -k y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y t y y y y y y y (! "1 Room 8, Palm Building, I X t