Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 29, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ' paois SEC
ftrrcrFOTCr matl tribune, mtcdford, orkciont. Saturday, ,um. an, mia.
Our Correspondents
Mrs. Nnlly of Unclo Point Ih vls
ItliiB nor parents, Mr. nnd Mm. V.
A. Pointer,
Mm. V, Pratt wnR called to Ap-
ploKfttu by tho lllnosfl of her llttlo
son who Ih visiting his mint nt Mint
Mrfl. Crawford, of Tnlcnt wan In
town Trlilny circulating a good roads
Miss Marlon Hnrmitn rotumed
homo (lie rirnl of tho week after
upending n week with friends at
Talilo Hock.
V. Furry Is .Installing a water
ajBlqm In his residence on Pacific
Wntrlct Attorney Mulkcy, wns In
town tho foro part of the week on
T. Knglo Is having a considerable
of his land surveyed Into city lots.
Mrs. Hoggins, Sr.. nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Hnggtns, Jr., are visiting at the
homo of tho latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Oeorgo Hirers.
Mrs. Frank Lawrence, of I.os An
geles, paid her niece, Mrs. S. P. Cope,
n short visit this weok on her way
liomo from Portland.
Mllo Furry wns appointed street
commissioner at the Inst meeting of
tho council In place of Arthur Rose,
who will soon movo on his ranch ad
joining the city.
Mrs. Hyland, or Des Moines, Iowa,
returned homo Inst Thursday after
spending thrco weeks with her sis
ter, Mrs. Harvey rioyor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Croy, left
Wednesday for Croy on Klamath riv
er, wnero .Mrs. croy s oroincr was
drowned Inst week. Tho body has
not yet been recovered. Mrs. R
Sanders, of Medford, has chargo of
the store during their absence.
Rev. O. T. Morgan will leave the
latter part of this month, to take
charge of tho First Presbyterian
church In Lakovlew, Oregon. Mr.
Morgan will bo greatly missed In this
community, especially in the church
circles where he has been prominent
since coming here several years ago.
Mrs. George McLaln and little
daughter Dorothy, are visiting at
Myrtlo Creek. .
The local W. C. T. U. has the
course of study In governments, out
lined by the National IV. C. T. U.
franchise superintendent, with Mrs
Lillian Coleman as leader. The ladles
purpose being well prepared to exer
clso the right of franchise which,
they expect to havo conferred upon
them in November.
Mrs. John E. Roberts and daugh
ter Lulu, were In Mcdford Friday.
Mrs. V. Darnum spent Friday In
Medford attending the Art Loan Exhibit.
Hy A. I . Ilowlott
Mr. and Mrs. John Under wore
doing business with our merchants frfit ()f (no wooj.t
Mr Daniels on Applegnte several ttnyu
this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred llonodlet of
Applegnto xponl several dujs In town
this week.
Mrs. 11. F. Mnlkuy wns n recent
Wtor rrom Med ford.
Mrs. Charles Pilui and Miss Her-
thn Prim were Medford vUllorn the
Miss Myrtle Dunton spent Thurs
day visiting relatives In Jacksonville.
Tho Ladles' Aid of the M. E. church
were royally entertained- at tho resi
dence of Mrs. W. E. Knhler Wednes
day afternoon, Mrs. Knhler and Miss
Bender being tho hdstesses. Aftor
tho business meeting a short program
was rendered which was greatly en
joyed by tho largo crowd present,
after which elaborate refreshments
vvero served.
J. L. Cllne Is visiting his family at
Cottage Grove this week.
Attorney T. J. Newman nnd W. R.
Newman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Root and
L. F. Root of Medford, were Thurs
day vlsitorU here.
Miss Graco Garvin has returned
from a trip east. '
Mrs. S. A. Pattlson and children,
Mrs. E. L. nnd Mrs. A. W. Moon, Mrs.
J. W.' Myers, Mrs.Harry E. Trovlllo,
Mrs. F. J. Taylor and son Raymond,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb, H. L. Sander
son, Mltii Martha Ralmey, Miss Flor
ence Noble, Homer and Luko Peart
and W. II. Ferguson were passengers
from hero to Medford Thursday after
noon. W. E. Price, Jr., spent Friday at
Ray Gold.
Miss Myrtlo Dunton spent Thurs
day nt Jacksonville.
W. M. Holmes of Medford made a
ljuslncBs trip hero Friday afternoon.
John May returned Friday cvon
lng from a trip to Eugene.
The Primary class of tho M. E.
Sunday school were delightfully en
tertained Friday afternoon at tho
resldonco of Mrs. W. E. Knhler.
Mrs. Homer Pratt, Miss Jones,
Mrs. Pnrkor, Mrs. V. E. Owen and
eon, Miss Garvin were among tho
many Central Pointers that spent
Friday In Medford,
Miss Eva Norcrnss Is visiting her
many friends nt Asiiiand.
Tho friends or the Central Point
first team wish to correct an error
miulo by your roporter in tho buso
ball Items Friday evoning viz that
Tnlcnt beat Central Point last Sun
day. This Is a mistake ns these two
teams havo never yet met on tho
Tho Roguo River alley band will
pay nt Ashland on tho Fourth. Tho
cltlzous of Central Point have en
joyod some excellent music this
week as tho baud boys havo paraded
vMnln street making our city llvoly
.VJtbj Oiojr jnusjc.
about tho middle of the week, nnd
so were Mr. nnd Mrs. Keos of Ante
lope valley.
Miss Mamie Wright, tho young
Indy who Is to tnke charge of the pri
mary department In our school this
fnll nnd lias tnught n term on Klk
creel; this summer, returned homo
last Saturday. When I was up In
the Elk creek country where she was
teaching I hnd the pleasure of vis
iting her school, nnd from what I
snw of her ability ns n tenrhor feel
proud thnt she Is to have charge of
tho little folks of our school.
Rev, Holmes, pastor of the Pup
tlst church In Medford, left Eagle
Point on the car for Medford Wed
nesday morning.
W. T. Hoffman, wife and little
dnughter, spent the night with us on
Tuesday lasts.
Arthur Mocllor of Portland came
out Wednesday evening on the P. &
E. to help our Eagle Point boys piny
ball. He Is a professional pitcher
nnd Is to pitch for tho boys next Sun
day nnd also on the Fourth of July.
.Next Sunday's game Is to bo be
tween the Woodvllle and Eagle Point
boys and they expect to have In ad
dition to their own team three new
basemen and two new fielders. They
arc expecting to have a big crowd
here on the Fourth nnd tho people
nro making big preparations. F. M.
Stewart, who has charge of arrang
ing the park, will havo It In fine
shape a beauty. A largo platform
is already established and seats ar
ranged for the accommodation of all
that come, and tho committee Is
building a largo platform for the
dancers to use who do not want to go
to Splker's opera house, where there
will be dancing both day and night,
and Lou Jones lias opened a shoot
ing gallery and baby knocking estab
lishment, where the young folks will
have a chance to enjoy themselves.
And the hotels will set up the best
meals they can and picnickers can
have lovely shade In the park, where
they can eat their lunch, and Mrs.
Howlett Is preparing to feed all that
como between the hours of 11:30 a.
m. and 1:30 p. m. and I understand
that arrangements havo been made
for a minister by the name of EI
drldgo to come out and deliver the
oration .so we arc looking ror a high
old time nnd expect to have a large
crowd here. One of tho Inteaestlng
features will be the ball gamo In the
morning and afternoon between tho
Eagle Point and Tnlcnt teams. Tho
Talent team Is No. 1 and tho Eagle
Point team, with the accession of the
pitcher, three base men and two
outfielders, expect to let the world
know that they can piny ball
M. R. Koontz and wire, (neo Ollle
Smith) of Butte Falls, who have been
visiting friends In Ashland, returned
and spent the night at the Sunny Side
Wednesday, taking the train Thurs
day morning for their home. Mr
Koontz Is one of tho U. S. guards to
watch the timber to keep It from
Tho electric storm that passed ovr
tho Roguo River valley Wednesday
was unusually severe In this Bectlon
and In tho Reese creek and Rogue
River country. When I reached home
from Medford, word was sent to me
over tho phone by Mr. A. H. Xlmnier
matin that the lightening had struck
the tenrn that he was driving on tho
Vatch ranch on Roguo River and kil
led them both instantly and shocked
himself and his two sons and one c.f
tho Herdsman boys so that it was
sonio time before thoy all recovered.
They were hauling hay and were alw
rour on the loadgoiiig to the barn.
The team belonged to Mr, Vatch. The
lightening also struck an oak tree
thut was standing near Joe Moomawa
home and tore It all to pieces striking
three telephone poles near his homo.
It also struck in the street near the
old Daley blacksmith shop but did
no damage.
Tho nett time I will tell about tho
organization or the Rebecca lodge of
I. O. O. F, etc.
Mrs. Walter Miller and daughter
of Thompson creek havo been spend
ing the weok with the formers
mother. Mrs. J. W. Rook.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Lewis
Which entertained with a "Linen
Shower" In honor of her counlu, Miss
Uertha Prim. .The afternoon wns
spent In playing cards. Mrs. Harry
Luy winning the prlie. a hand em
brnlderled guest towel. The bride-to-be
received many beautiful ptces
of linen mostly all of which were ent
hrnlderled. The invited guests were
MUes Hertlm and Lilln Prim. Clara
KJIuer and Mrs. John f. Miller, Mrs.
M. M. Taylor. Mrs. Ray I'lrlcb, Mrs.
Harry Luy. Mlns Fay Soars and Mrs.
Claud Miles of Medford.
Misses Nellie Collins and Eva
Couch spent the day In Eagle Point
The wlddlug or Ml Uertha Prim
and Irwin Kekvlson of Portland will
take place at the bride's home next
Tuesday evening.
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Medford Country club yesterday
it was derided to movo tho club from
tho present grounds on tho Davis
property oust of the city, to the
Flero tract about 2 Vfe miles north
of Medford, near the old Hates or
Tho new tract consists of SO news
and It Is planned to secure .an adjoin
ing tract Insuring one of thu boat
courves iu the state.
The new site Is admirably fitted for
a golf course, tho land Is slightly rol
ling, water is furnished by a running
brook -and there ar, bearing fruit
trees and shade trees scattered ovor
the property. The old house on the
tract will bo remodelled and made
Into a CHimclous and attractive club
house. It Is also planned to make a
duck pond which will provide a sporty
hazard In the bummer and may bo
uied as a hockey rink In tho winter.
Tennis enthusiasts are also to be
remembered. Courts will be Install
ed and a tournament will bo run m
conjunction with tho golf contests.
The present otflcers of the club are
R. H. Parsons, president, A. C. FJero,
vice president A. S. Rosenbaum,
treasurer, II. C. Egan, secretary.
Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter From
Mobile, Tells How She Gained It
Mobile, Ala. "I suffered for seven
years, with womanly trouble," writes
Mrs. Sigurd Hansen in a letter from
this city. "I felt weak and always had
a headache and was always going to
the doctor. At last I was operated on,
and felt better, bat soon I bad tho
same trouble.
My husband asked mo to try Cardul.
I felt better after tho flint bottle, nnd
now, I have u good appetite and sleep
well. I feel fine, and tho doctor tells
mo I am looking better than he over
Eaw me."
If you are Blck and mlscrablo, and
suffer from any of tho pains duo to
womanly trouble try Cardul.
Cardul Is successful because It Is
composed of Ingredients that havo been
found to act curatlvcly on tho woman
ly constitution.
For more than fifty years, It has been
used by women of all ngca, with great
success. Try It. Your druggist sella It
N. n. - Krite te: Uiltt' Advlsnry Dpt.. Chitt.
nai Mrdkln Co.. Chatunnoc a, Jtnn,, tor bptcuil
Jmtruetiont, an J Ol.pjje bwk. Hne Truool
wUCMOl" km In plain wraps', en ttquctt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lug and clill- j
dren and Mrs. Ella Cook spoilt the
day with Medford friends Sunday.
Mrs. John Cantrall of Huncom was
a recent visitor In town.
Dr. Plekol was In town Friday on
professional business.
Mrs. Sam Richardson was the
guest of Miss Frances Kenney one
day this ween.
Miss Alleen Kingsbury Is vldltlng
her uncle, who lives near Ashland.
Mrs. Will Estos neo Emma Llnji
and Mrs. M. A. Carpenter neo May
Grimes accompanied by their children
have been vlHitlng at tho homo of
Mrs. Arthur Thompson. Thoy woro
formerly residents of Jacksonville,
but aro now residing In Marysvlllo,
Miss Fay Sears or Modrord spent
tho day with MrH. Lowls Ulrlch Sun
day. Mrs. Harry Luy and children wore
the guest pf Mr. and Mrs, ,W. M.
fa Sun
S&iTTtcUVfMVfcT( M tKV
, Gonth Afrlcaa
llramtool, freh
,wajvr always m
lliami. Kncpa
'tlio water cool ii
hournor lonirtr In
ami or tbuto. For
.na.t u,. .
TakeneEabflUtoto wurklni;t dli.
tanco from frr-th water, an ApihiII'i Mouth
African Wnter liag uya or Itwlf
many nmva orer u mnu r-avM nun in in
rreaiHMl elllcifucy line to tnth wolfr rltbt t
liauil. Mo tuna ll luavlutf work tiK fur
ailrlnk, Kbr Jironfirctoia, aurrejor. I'OiU
men atockiiivii anjouo ium)1 to dry
or warm vxiitlnr it U au nljmilulu ceci-aalty.
Water put into liin ut in tlio uioniluKl
ami oxito.cil to tbu aun anil air nil (luy will I
W) cojli r jitidglit tl an It wan III tlioluorulug.
Tlio lait drink aa cool nxtlio (lot.
Guaranteed. Used by V, ft. iort,
Mrowj, J.iyht, Durablt, I'.avj to Carry,
Slzcs-1, 2 and S Gallons. Prepaid
Price. 81.10, 1.40, 3.00 recpectlvcly.
J'or Hati Ini Vialtrt V.teriiiehttt, V.Vot
Ortttr UitKlJtVM tin
Adam Appell Waler Uajr Co,
Nearly n quarter of a century under the mime
Jackson County Bank
Medford, Oregon
it has succeeded because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management ,
Safoty of investment
Courtoous and liberal treatment
V. I. Vawter, President 0. R. Lindley, Vice- Pren.
C. W. McDonald, Cashier
Via the
Special Train
Sunday, June
- - -jp -
Special Train will leave (IrnnU Pa tl::i0 a. in., McdfWO 8:00 a. in.,
Ashland S:I0 u. m. ltcttiruiii"; will Iene ColcMin at 7 p. iu giving
a full dav for a
Tor leaving time from other stations, fares, ete., eall on any S. I
Tiekt'ls will also lie sold to Shasta Springs, good going on regular
trains with u final return limit of ,"i days. Those doxiriug to mul
a few days in the mountains or at (,'olestin Springs, liekels to that
point will also he good five duvs.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Increased Train Service
On account or tjio numerouR Fourth of July colourations In tho
valley and tho Chataiiua meetings nt Ahland July 2nd to July
12th, tho Southern Pacific will jmt on additional train tiorvlco
nnd run same aa follews:
I 4i V
On. July U, :t, I, .-, (I, 7, H, 11 and V2.
Train will leave Grants Pans at fi;.10 P. M., reaching Medford at
C:55 P. M. and AMhland nt 7:::.'. P. M. (City Office.)
Leaving Ashland at 10:a) P. M. wilt reach Medford 11 P. M. and
Grants Pass 12:5 A. M.
On July 4th and July 9th
tho train will leavo Grants Push at 1) A. M., reaching Medford
10:15 A. Mvaud Airiilnnd (City officii) at 11 A. ,M.. Leave Ash
land 10::i0 P. M., reaching Medford 11 P. M. and Grunts Pass
12:25 A. M.
This Is In addition to the regular service, will provide amnio ser
vlco In both directions, enabling tlio people to attend uovernl tele
bratloim the saiuo day.
Now for the Seashore
Season Tickets
on Salo Juno 1st
3-Day Tickets on
Salo Saturday
and Sunday to
m - m mrw
Benson fares from tlio principal stations to Newport or Tillamook
Peaches are as follews:
Portland Newport JC.25
Oregon City " fl.2C
Salem "
Albany " 4.00
Corvallls " 3.7fi
Kugono " 5.80
Itosoburg " 8.75
Medford " 12.00-
Ashland " 12,00
Tlckots to ahovn points on salo dally good all hcukoii, with corro
npondlng low fares from other points, Week end tickets aro also on
salo from various points. r
Leaves Albany at 7:30 a. in., Corvallls 8:00 a. an, and contiocts
with R. P. trains 10, 14 and 28 from points south,
Call on our nearest AKnt for "Vacation Days In Oregon," a
beautifully Illustrated booklet describing various outing roHorta, or
write to ' 4
John M. Scott, Gen. Passenger Agt., Portland, Ore.
Attend tho IS. P. O, Klks Convention, Portland, July H-1JI
.mv Pares to all point Mast Juno lo Heptomlier
Tillamook Uoachos $4.00
" " 4.70
" " O.OO
" " 7.110
" " 7.10
" " 12,00
" 17.20
" 17.7C
as clear avid hard as diamonds
Storage rooms right for all
kinds of goods.
Our wagons deliver to all
, parts of the eity.
Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 2'10
Medford Ice (Sb Storage Co.
The j)rosppi;(8 nre ood for a buiunur fruit crop
in (he PiK'il'it' W would nil, grow
ers of Ponchos, Apricots, Cnideloupes, Toumiocs, Vo
taloos, elc, lo &, in (ouch with us. II, is a pnrl of our
business (o find n mnrkol for (ho fruits nnd protluoo
grown in the valley. Wo havo our arrangements
completed to handle the crops that will bring good
returns to (he grower. It will pay you to investigate.
Medford, Orogon
Pacific 0621.
Home 307.
Sunday, June 30
One Dollar Round Trip
Spocial train will loavo Medford 7:40 a. m. reach
ing Colestin 10 a. in.
Will loavo Colestin botwoon G and 7 p. m. reach
ing Medford about dark.
Will your basket, with good things to eat nnd spend
the day in tho mountains, enjoy the mineral
water nnd scenic ride over the mountains.
Mod ford's Brass Jand will accompany excursion.
Tickots on salo Wednesday nt Southern .Pacific
Ample equipment will bo provided and every thjug
possible done to limko the trip enjoyable. .
$1 Round Trip $1 Round Trip