PXGE FOUR MTCDFORD MATT; TRTTmNTC, MRDFOUT), ORIOTON NATrm)AY,irNM 2!), M)li. ii fr-?410W I E 1' It 1 Medford Mail tribune AN INDKPUN'DKNT NKWSl'AT'HU PUiiMHiiKO nvnitv AFTKltNOON KXCKI'T Ht'NOAV. HV THI3 atiCDFOUD ITUNTINQ CO, Tho Democrntlo Times. Tim Moilford Mull, Tim Mpilfonl Tribune, Tho South ern OrcRonlnn, Tho Avhlnnd Tribune Office. Mnll Trlliunn llulhHnc. 5.1. 27. 59 North Fir street; phono, Mnln 3021; Home 7B, QKOIKJH PUTNAM, IUItor nnd MnnnRcr Kntorod nn soconil-clnss mutter n Mmlfonl. OroRon, under tho net of March 3, 187t. Official Pnpor of the City of Meilforu. Official Pnpor of Jackpon County. BUBBCRITTION RATES. One rear, by mnll $5.00 Ono month, by mnll...,.,, 60 Per mouth, delivered by cnrrler In Medford, Juclivonvllln and Cen tral Point .BO Rnttirdny only, by mnll, per yenr. . S.00 Weekly, per yenr 1-B0 SWORN CXKCUX.ATIOH. Dully nverce ror eleven months end Inc November 30, 1911, 2761, rnll X.eae Wire United Trtu Dlipntchc. Tho Mnll Tribune Is on sale at tho Ferry News Stand. S.in Francisco. Portland Hotel Nous Stand. Portland. Howmnn News Co, Portland. Or. Y. O. Whitney. Senttle. Waiih. MEDrOBD. OSEOOK. Metropolis of SouUiarn Oregon and Northern California, nnd the fastcst BrowlnK city In Orepon. Population IT. S census 1910 SS40: eMImntcd, 191110.000. Flvo hundred thouand dollar Gravity Water System completed, plvlnu flnet supply puro mountain water, nnd 17.3 wes or sired nnvrti rostofflco receipts for year endlns November 30, 1911, show increase of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In OreKon Tlojnie Itlver Spluenberu apples won swscp takes prlro nnd title of "Apple JUag of tn World" at tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and ft car of Newtowns won Tlrst XTix in 1910 nt Canadian International Apple Snow, Vancouver. B. C. rirst Prise In 1911 nt Spokano National Applo Show won by carload of Newtowns. Itocue lllver pears brought hlphest r trices In nil markets of the world dur ng tho past six years COMMUNICATION. In tho Tribune of Thursday under tho heading of'Polnters to a Great Statesman" some Medford lady whoso extreme modesty forbids tho signing of her name, comments upon the rela tive merits of the articles appearing in tho Ladles Home Journal and In tho Delineator and in making her comparison takes occasion to make ifso of tho writers name in a manner for jvhlctt wo are truly thankful, beoauso it gives a justifiable oppor tunity to speak to her as well as to many others who seem to bo cither wilfully or woefully ignorant of cer tain facts to which we wish here to call particular attention. It will be noticed that tho writer has much good company among statesmen as well .& among women as evidenced by tho following, all of which has had consideration since tho first of Janu ary 1912. . , . Tho English' Parliament composed perhaps of tho most able statesmen in tho world has rejected the extension of suffrage. Tho Italian Diet by tho decisive voto of 24C to 14D did tho same. That eight states in tho United States, namely, New York, New Jer sey, New Hampshire, Virginia, Mary land, Massachusetts, Arizona and Illinois, liavo all either by popular voto, legislative consideration, or by consideration in constitutional con vention rejected tho extension. That tho homo ward of Miss Jane Addams of Chicago, by a popular vote rejected It by n voto of 2,500 to 1159. That in eighteen states of tho union Woman's stato organizations havo been formed to oppose the ex tension of suffrage. That In both tho Itopuhlicnn and Democratic convention's Just held that strong women lobbyists labored for tho insertion of anlank endorsing the extension of suffrage but wero op posed by equally strong women loby Uts who succeeded In tho prevention of tho adoption of such a plank In cither platform. That in California, where afc in ovory other stale, the ballot has been forced upon tho women by the great est steam roller methods ever known, that tho women aro rlHlng In a body to protest nnd have already signed a potltlon wlths women'B names alone of ovor twenty thousand asking that tho question be resubmitted as they now havo tho voto and expect to kill it at tho polls as they havo a right to do and thus free themselves of tho burden of government tluit should be borno by tho men. Wo wish to ask why tho eighty per cont of tho women who do not wish to assumo tho duty should bo hteain- rolleml by tho men at tho request of tho twenty per cent who ask them to? Stop nnd think. Is this Justice? Is this truo democracy? C. 13. WIIISLEIt. FUNERAL SERVICES OF MISS ANNA M. WHIPPLE Tho funornl services of Miss Anna May "Whlpplo wero held from tho South Methodist church Friday nflor noon at 2 o'clock, tho Itov. W. T. Goulder officiating. Interment fol lowed In the I. O. O, P. cometory. Many floral offorlngs wore brought by tho largo clrclo of friends of tho (loceaBod. Tito following young men acted as pallbearers: W. T. Goulder, Jr., W. 13. Martin, C. McLaln, L. B. 'Williams, B. J, Nmin nnd Harry llenobergor, A MOST LOGICAL ARGUMENT. . CK. WHISL10R,staiulpat statesman, cnndidalc for joint representative, publishes a conmupiieation in this issue in which he eites as an argument against equal suffrage the faet that the English parliament) the Italian diet, and arious political convent ions have rejected it. hi other words, a fundamental wrong becomes a funda mental right when governments endorse it and reject re form. Human slavery was endorsed by religion and recog nized by governmeiits for untold centuries and attempts to abolish it were rejected bv thrones, parliament and states. That was. to minds like ilr. of the justice of slavery. The recognition of polvgamv bv Turkev, "Persia and other nations, on the same justification for polygamy as sertdom in Uussia .pistilies it. !Mr. AVhisler triumphantly cites the fact that the home ward ot .Miss .lane Addains in C litcago rejected sul t rage by a vote of over two to one as a conclusive argument de molishing the principle of equal rights. Miss Addatus has devoted her life to assisting the fallen in Chicago's slum district. Of course the slums, controlled by lliiiky Dink and .Hath House John and other grafters are opposed to progress of all kinds and can be expected to vigorously oppose any movement like equal suffrage that would over throw their vicious rule. Every movement for human liberty, has had to fight its way against established conventions. The barons fought the throne, the lesser nobility the barons, the freetl jnen the gentrv. the serfs the i'reedmen, all for a right, to participate in ruling themselves. Now we ought to have advanced far enough in libertv and outgrown prejudice sunieicmiy to admit ail citizens to ballot regardless of race, religion, color or sex. But to a standpat mind who thinks the Tafl platform progressive and to whom established wrong is sacred right, it is right to deny his own flesh and blood the participation in government which he freely bestows upon the ignorant negro, the uneducated foreigner and the alien Chinese. Mr. AVhisler's argument is as logical as one could ex pect in defense of indefensible wrong. OfHfflB E Acting upon complaint of W. II. Dullock nnd other rcitleuis of Siski you Heights, Distrie: Attorney Mul key and County Healtlt Officer Dr. II. K. Jorrison this morning made u inspection of the slaughter house of Aslijole & Xieholri which L situated on the heights. The officers however failed to find anything about the place which needed correction as it had been cleaned to' ginJh n degree that no fair criticism could be of fered. The slaughter house wn clean without and within, while all the re fuse was burned on the top of an adjacent hill. The property owners who make their homes in that section stale that duritig the past few months the own ers of the slaughterhouse have al lowed it to rcmnin in n most unsani l.i ry condition and that the stench from doenying offal was very ob noxious. When this condition of af fairs was called to the attention of the district attorney by W. R. Hulloek who resides only a few hundred feet from the slaughter house lie sum moned Dr. II. E. Morrison nnd to gether they inspected the place. The interior of the slaughter hmw showed that considerable uttention was paid to sanitation nnd the meat carefully protected from contamina tion. The offal was hauled to the lop of n noarby hill and there burned. There was no stench of any kind about the place. The stato law provides that no slaughterhouse shall he permitted in any section where the stench is ob jected to by citjmis or citizen. Hut under the conditions as they o.it at the slaughterhouse the authorities could tako no action. MONEY TIGHT FOR J0HNS0N-FLYNN FIGHT LAS VEGAS, X. M., Juno 29. Unless eastern bottors como to tho roscuo tho Johnson-Flynu fight promises to bo ono of tho lightest hotting affairs In American ring his tory. Thus far tho hotting commis sioners havo been doing nothing inoro strenuous than twiddling their thumbs. Jack Johnson hats sent 110,000 to the poolrooms to bo wa gered at 2 to 1, but tho backers of Jim Flynn demand 3 to 1. A Caspar, Wyo syndicate has for warded f8000 to bo placed nt 3 to 1, with no takers. A number of round propositions hnvo been mado, but the bettors aro chary. One bet posted Is $G00 to $G00 that Johnson will win insldo of fifteen rounds; another, $300 to $500 that Flynn stays ten rounds. Jack Curley today received word from fiovoral parties of fight fans coming from tho east. Ono from Chicago lncludos Eugene Corrl, tho famous London referco. Prices aro beginning to soar as tho result of tho arrival of tho atlvanco guard of en thusiasts. Itooins In private houseB which a week ago wero held at 111.50 J a week aro now flQ mid lft, M Vhisler's. conclusive argument line of argument, becomes a the existence and sanction of OF A great mass meeting of Interest, Importance and instruction to nil will be held Sunday, June 30, S:00 p. m in the Medford opera house, when a I subject of vital importance will be I explained and the solution of a most difficult problem made plain. Also I specific instructions given how to! carry out plans successfully workod In other plnccs similar to onr city, wblch are fnnslMiv nrofltnliln nml I business like. An invitation is ex tended to all religious, educational, civic and commercial organizations, to bo present. For wo are sure that tho subject to be presented Is one of vital Importance) to all our people. All the choirs of the city have been in vited, to unite In this service and a largo chorus will render the music. S5 YESTERDAY'S SCORES: NOKTmVKST. W. L. Spokane ,.35 32 Seattle 37 31 Vancouver 37 3ft Victoria 3ft 3ft Portland 3ft 3ft Tacoma "51 39 r. c. .r.22 .ft21 .ft 1 1 .ft00 .ftOO .113 n. ii. e. Portland I 9 3 Seattle .-. 3 10 1 Uattorlcs Doty and Mooro; Ful- lerton nnd Whaling. Tacoma 2 C, Spokano 1.7 2 Unttoritts Gordon and Critten den ; Leonard, Xoyus and Devogt. Victoria 7 13 2 Vancouver 13 17 2 lotteries Xarveson and Meek; Clark nnd Lewis. COAST. W. Vornon ftO Oakland 10 Los Angeles i I Sacramento 32 San Francisco 33 Portland '.....30 P. C. .S20 .ft 7ft .ftft7 .tin .413 .-111 31 31 3ft 4ft 17 13 It. If. E. San Francisco C 10 2 Oakland 3 C, 0 Uatterles Delhi and Schmidt; Durbln and Kohrcr. Los Angeles 5 9 2 Portland c' 9 1 Hattorlos Tozor and HrookH; Illg glnbotham and Flshor. Sacramento 0 2 2 Vernon . 1 2 2 HattorloH Schwouck mid KrelUo, Stowart and Agnew NATIONAL W. Now York AU Chicago ,M Pittsburg 35 Cincinnati 31 Hrooklyn 21 Philadelphia 22 v St. Louis 20 HoHton 20 L. P, C. 11 .817 21 ,r.8 25 .583 31 .5 2 'J 31 .414 33 .400 41 .388 45 ,308 New York 10-12, HoBton 3-8. Philadelphia CM, Hrooklyn 4-8. Chicago 3, Pittsburg 0, OjllcJniljHI OrSU LoiUh 8, Democratic Platform Opposes Second Presidential Term Tho following Is n urhiMulo Democrat le platferm: Tnrlff lofutni. tariff should bo for lovouuo only. High cont ot living Is duo to proleetlvu tariff, wlileh should bo removed. Anti-trust law. enforreinout of eiinilnitl its well ns elvll law against luonupoHo, Condemnation of lepubllenn onfoioeiueiit. Klghta of stutott Condemns Inetetino of, foilornl power. Inrouio tax and popular election of sonutots Knuiia both. Presidential primaries Indorse them. CnmpnlKii contributions must be tntulo public; none leielved from corporations. Tornf of- piealdent Ke-eloetlun ot pienldout should In' pio hlhlted. Demoerutle coniM I commended for prngrowlvo IokImIu- lion, , , Uepublk'An VtnVttjcuuito4i wundotiiiit'd. llallronds. twprww, tHli'itrnph iiml tolophono ilm Advoi-iilo rates based upon actual plinloal valuation. Hanking loielfdntlnn Oppo Aldrleh plmt, hut iiik'' mone tary revision. Huml cu'dltx UeeomtniMidu liwentlitHtlon of foreign turiil credit systems. Waterways I.lbenil devolopmont of watorwyi. Post roads N'ntlonat altl to mates and looalltlen. Rights of labor Plat form doi'lnrtttiou of ll'OS toptmted. Cousorvntlim- .Vaturnl utsuttrcoH nttiit be uuniorvitd and de veloped for tho people. Puro food taw- Advocate rlld t'tiforvomvut. Civil service law. Law reform. Alaska I J rues development. Parcels post anil rural itnllvcn Stand for both. Pensions Crges generous support of old u'lorunn. Utile of people should be supremo. t : 9 PURE and WHOLESOME at Tin: khjiit mien In eiirluon. '.' cents ir tpiart. 5 cents extra fur pinKoix of auj w up to one kuIIou. Any order oer one gallon at $1 per Kiillon Deliveries of packers to an p.trt of the city. Ice cream tcru-d at the cre.mur) at j cent per dlnh. Medford Cream (El Butter Co. tv- - THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SPECIALTY. ALL WOKK (IL'AHANTKKIl Order called for and delivered. First clnss work douo by hand. Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Avenue - r L The rougher whiskey tastes the stronger it is. The stronger it is the more harm it will do. But then you don't have to drink it rough, strong or high-prog f. Tlfcre' Cyril Noble, pure, old and palatable bottled at drinking lmutlt Co-ts no more th.ni .in otlur wlii-kcy. W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co,, General Agcnt3, Portland. Ym Is All B JICAUSE "Force" is wheal the meat of all the grains that grow. Every flake of '"Force" is a whole grain of wheat. "Force" contains and delivers all 'the food values necessary to the building and pre serving of health and strength. "Force" is a lot more tasty than other foods, too. It is made of the entire wheat kernel, dcliciously blended m the process of cooking with appetizing barley malt. This combination gives "Force" that dif ferent, that superfine flavor and insures case of digestion. At your grocer's; in a generous package. Order "Force" today. Made of tho pi'lmtpitl pluiittH of tho : : JL. ICE CREAM ! I w tia Food by The H-0 Company, Buffalo lirof tt&V A I SB Kee Lox Typewriter Ribbon Arc the only ones made which are inked to suit the m,OW of the differ ent makes of typewrit ers, 7fc to $1.00 MEDFORD BOOK STORE Wo mn now netting OUR OWN Ice Cream IIKHK IS Ollt I'Olt.MI'LA Cream .Milk Siifcnr Pepsin Flavoring No Starch No Hour No leo Crouin Powdorn No Gelatin ot any kind. HASKINS for HEALTH Crater Lake Auto Line Car will leao Hotel .Mmliord, for Crater Laku at S a. m. Tiieadiou mid Satin day. Return Moudas mid TluirmlajM. Spend Sunday at Crater Lnk. IteNertallous made at Medford Hotel office. For Sale 25 II. P. roadster Kully ('(iii))(Ml, new, run less Hum l.")0 miles, au tiuusiial hai'nin for cash or real t'staic. 1 1 om phono Ml-X or write JANES BROS. Clark & Wright LAWYER WAHIII.NOTON, II. O. Public Land Matters: Klnnl Prool Doiort Lnndi, Contimta and Mlnlni Cniei. Hr.rtp. Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phenes: I'acirio.'ttiUl. Home !i)'l Messenger Services l.")N. I'ir. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Heating All Work OimmntM. I'rluun Hnuuiiimlila. COFFEEN cSb PRICK 15 Kownrrt Block, Xutntnc on ath Nt racirio aoaii. K()m aia. Draperies Wj curry a very oninplnte Una of (lrupurlfH, luon curtoliiH, fix turuH, uto., una 4o nil cIiimikin of uiiliolnt.irlng. A Hpcalnl mint to l'"" nrtor this work uxoliiHlvoly anil will hIvo u kohiI survloe n h poHHllijii to ot Ir ovon ttio InrgoMt cltltm, WEEKS & MgGOWAN CO, WHERE TO QO TONIGHT rcrrffrffrfffffffffrwuj ISIS THEATRE ilOllll Feet of I'll tin ei ultli Vaudeville Ailinliiuloit It) mid If) I'ontti, MKI.VI.V ami O'NEILL Tho ra co trark toutn. Iiitioilui'lug Harmony Hinging Coon UtioiitliiK. mid A LEAP VI.'AU LO'ITEIIY IMMZE ('onifily A big inlx'iip when the winning num. hoi mo chmiged, HIIKItlFF JIM'S LAST SHOT A rnttlliiK good drama. THE SALVATIONIST American drama. In wlili h a Kulvntlou miiiy glti lioi tho admlrnttoii of a wealthy clubmmi. She tefiiHcii to leave tho army. Ho mi'otrt with mi auto accident. Tim girl mi inert him back to health. All oudrt In tho initial way. Special mntlueeit every Saturday mid Sunday at 2 p. m. Evening performance, 7.30 STAR THEATRE t'tider direction of PEOPLE'S AMl'SEMENT CO. SiiN'rlor In Pit Into Piuitui'tloun Piirfect Ventilation mid Comfort five mo thatches nvi: The feiiiure of lutnt to Oregonlnlmt mi: convicts PAiteLi: . Written by Melvlu (J. Wlnittock. (Jen. Mmuiger l'eoplei AiuiihoiuiiuI Co. mid pnidiii'tul by the l-Mlxou Co., with the approval of Hon. Oitwaltl Went. A drama that will touch your heart ntrlhgri. omuTEit i,)Vi: A wontern ilrama full of thrlllri. MISTAKIC.V IIIENTITV All roiuedy. son, m-:cLiMi:ii A Mtor true to life. Heio (liey ure ugiiln THE KAi'.E.NMAMMEIt KIDS llmiH mid Fritz iiiauago to nturt tnun thing when tlfy aro rompolled to go to ni'lioiil iignliiHt their vslnlom. A Hcreamlng, rapid. moving farto In lino with their iiriuat exploits. AL SATIIEU IN NEW KONO llent of iiiiihIi' and reallMtlc effertn MATINIIKS DAILY AiIiuIhmIoii lOe Chtldien f-e A SNAP CO ncres, nix miles from MeiUord, good grnded rond croitses tho trnct, all free soil, at $50 per ncro. f 1000 will handle, cay tonni on bnlniicn, Part Is crook bottom laud, lu'tnhln for alfalfa. Bovornl springs on tho plnco. Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings. In the Griffin creek district. W. T. York (Q. Co. i MORTGAGE LOANS Monoy on liand at all luiion to loan on improved randitiH and city property at lowewt rates willi "on or boforo privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 320 G -C. Bldg. Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson nnd Huiuiiitt Medford Realty and Improvement Company m. r. ii, co, iiidc N 0