OTPTTOR-D MATT) TRTRUNE, arEDFORP, QUWION, Vi I DAY. .J 7.VH 28, 1012. pa'ob threii CLAIMS OF CANDIDATES KKKK V BRYAN IRS VA E 1 E A V A AT mini 0, K. McClnlrli.v, editor id' (lie Kihtiiiiii'IiIii lieu miIcn iik lnllmvH In IiIk lllltt- I'roill llllllllllOI'll lllllllT lllltll itlMuiiii-J": Tim hlill'lliiK i'IU'IciiIn uf i!m H'm. Ii'mm M(illinior fiitiwiilinii rciiiliiil unit til' llm iillmr Hliil'linc h-iiIh mitten nf li.V Loiiufi'llmv In 1,1m "Hi'iium-il." Tim "iIiimIiIii, hilcr, IhihliiiiK Hiirj;im of Sim SiiIviiiIiii" hIkih.'iI no mum cMili'iii'ii uf Ihu cMi mill i,V of llm tiilii iiiiuiim Ihiui ilni'K llii ('MIM'llliilll pll'HiMll liNliliniliy ii' llnc IiiiiIIiij; imii'ii'IiIh ill' tilt hlii'iun io lilli'iil. I'liirltiiilliin in IIijiiii Mryim wiik ili'l'i'iili'il; llrynii i win niiH.", Hryini wiik 1 1 i i i i 1 ; llrynii Ih tin IIvkmI nut n in (In ciinu'iiliiin tniluy. llrynii wiik hIIkim'iuI; JlrynnV voicii ii iiiiiin iMiliMiliul limn Hint uf tiny ntlmr Iwi'iily i i in dm hull. llryiiii uiin no Iiiiikit In lm I'nimi'l 'ii'il; nntliini; in ilntii without llu imiinI imilii'iiliu' fine In mi'ii il it Hititn Hr.Win. In I'ni'l, I lie Murphy-Kyiiii-Tmn-lilliliv pini; h willing In j.vit lliynll vi'rylliiin; li wihiIh, hiivh llm lii'lml. Ah llinl, limviiviir, in everything, llrynii Ih till fiylilini,', mnl Itiyun .i' I limy win, Only (Inil Icimwrt tit iIi'in luiiir, iiml lit' in nut tolling. ,ilinlri llriiu'M ('(iiirmti' Tim tniii nf fiiiivi'iniiliiiii on every lip Ik tlm iinlniiiitiililu couniK" of Williiim .1. Hi yiiti mnl hi uuxuervhn: ilcviilimi in iiiinii, i'rolmlilv there in no uther ihiui in eiuiveiitniii, IViv anywhere who wnnlil Inue tint ii In tin wluit lm is lining. lli Iiiih rnftiNi'il nil temptation nf everv ehnnieter. lit' Iiiih ileelineil In pueiifiee piiii ciplc tu tulviini'i' ii liiihtiiiil liniiimiiv. Ili Iiiih mil only I'nnilmtli'tl tlm mi'iiii mnl niistv iipiHiHJtinii of ilni pn litlenl I'imiiiii'H who nre n-nlly n ereiht In him, lint Iiiih ut (Iik mime linn' xvitliHlinut !m imptirtiinilii'rt of friend mnl lm IK nulil elementally mnl npiil ulily riflit. Slmiilhii; iih fiiiu ih n nii'l; nf (mill for riulili'niixiii'HM, fur tin- entire of tlm pi-npli', Hwi'rviny: not mi iiuli either in llio riyht or to the h'fl fiotn llio Hiniiht iiit of prini'ipli' HAI.TIMOIIK, Mil , .mm UK. Cliult on tlm tlilnl; WIIhoii on llm ronrtli or firth hnllol; u "ilnrlt linnm" tirinr tlm flflh or mIxIIi fruit Ii'mk vote. 'I'liiHit wnin imiim or llm prediction volifil HiIh iiflniimoii liy iliilin hki'iiIh tor vurliiim (iiiiilldiili'H, 'llm (,'lirlt iiinnii.miH ilcnliiiiul Cliult on Mm Hi'i'iiml liulloi would limicnim hlii vnln to IHii'j, n Kiiln of H! ovnr llm flint liiillnl. Tlmy Hiihl limy wnnlil r.nt 'AW from I'niimiylvmilii, nix fnmi North Onto linn, nix ft oiii IViclnln, nix frpm 'I'l'iiimmii'ii mnl two from I'lnli would Iiiivii llii villi imrimmiiy to noiiilmito. Tlmy lonk fonl Now Yorlt. (n kIvo lilm nlimly volnH mi tliln liullot. 'I'llO WIIKlllt llllll'llll UllllllK'll thnl llm Now .IniHiiy fsnvornor wnnlil win on um rinn niiuot Tlmy milil u ('lurk on the flrnt liullot would il" HiMl lilm llm iiioumiit thiy iIIhcovch'iI tlm HiLi'iilli-il Wall Hlrci't ciowil hwIiikIiik to li tin mnl Hint tin- d Hcrlnm would mnin (linn otitiiiuii Imr tliomi who would no in Clnrk liy M'Iimoii or tlm .Miirihy-iilllvnn-Tm;-Ituit liiflimucu. Tlm WIIhoii men milil limy would ftol NVw YoiU'm nlimly votim prolmlily on Dm fourth liullot. llm inoii lmiidiumt(ru woro limit Iiik no liluliim oxcopt (hut tluy ox IM'ctml Snvf Ynrlt'H nlimly voti lo Mtuy ulth llio Ohio Kovnriior for mv oinl iiioro liullot h. Ilurvoy CJ, Ourhcr, iiiitloniil ruin mlKimiuiiii (rom Ohio, mIiowim n iltt IT it T V T t ? ? T T A 4th of July Sale AT NEW BELTS Women's new paleiii lea lielts, tll latest novelty, i.iHi her 25c MANN'S CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. 0. NEW SKIRTS White Pique Skirls, the very la I est stylo. (Prt MO Speeial, eaeh A.tO nuiiiln'r of ili'li'j'Hli'H who vot'il for would r.lv" Clurli tlm noiuluiitloii of I'lithly-ulim Clink iIiIikiiIiii who. U lm mild, would Jump to ollmr cniidl-j4 iIiiIcm If tlii-ro hIioiiIiI ilovidop u fIIii- t iiiion wiicri'iiy nio voicb of New vnrii , I L HEAVI NESS NHW YOIIK, .liino 'S - dmmriil hi'iivluiiHii wiih rutliii'tml In tlm Initial ili'iilliiKK In tlm Htock iiinrltct toduy, all llm itctlvit Ihhiicu IioIiik lowor. Tlm feat urn nf the day wan tlm an iiiiuncoiimiil fiy tlm ntml i:orionittou that It had mot tlm rirnnt prlco ad vmic'rt In fliilHhi'd produi'lH mailo hy llii ciimimtltorH. Tin market iiIokoiI Htumly. HoiiiIh wiuu Mtimdy. I'riili'i1 l.iilti Opmi .Inly I.". Of Into uiiii'h Impilry Ih IihIiik iiiadn of Hupnrlutiiiid 'lit W- I'rmilc Ariinl of Crati'r l.aki Nntlniinl 1'nik. nd; II vo to tho tluio tlm load lo Crntor l.nkn will lm upon for loinlHt travel, and In thin connection, Cnlef ItnniUT It. K. Moinynr, who Iiiih lieeii to th Koveriiuieiit licmliinarlerH neveral llun-n thin year, hIiiIcm that II will 'm the middle or July before teaiiiH will lm nliln to rucli tlm rial of the cmter. Klaiuatli NinllnMintnrii. TEDDY CONFERS Willi LEADERS I? t I L Wonderful Waist Values l Big sale of Outing Garments BE SURE YOU (JET ONE ill either the Ihient of loe or Hie plfiiiliiij; of fiiciiiN. he MnniU loilny the oim toueriiur ficnre of thw eou veulmu, worhhipHil li the pnpnliicu mnl mltnireil mnl repceleil eeu hy thoxe who hate him for hi emi-i'. OVKTKK HAY, X .June Js. CololU'l Ifoimevelt vfnx ienil ur u eoiifeieuee llii" nfleiimmi til Sni iiiore mine Hill with K. A. nu Vnl lii'ilhurj; of Philadelphia; William Kliiui, of l'illxliur; (leorjje W. Vr liint mnl HtMTiil ollmr pi'n)(reHNivM li'mlerK, I'erltiiiK hmt mlil ixiteil Oynter I tu v llinl inmle nrnni.'eiiieiits for the nmeliuj,' ut which it i ex peeleil fmlher iletailH nf the prnpoKfd iii'm ion will he nettled. Kiiilav iikiiiiHv i tilt' eolnucrx .e-- oiul tin v each week at the Outlook oftien in New York, hut he did not ; iheie today, iiiiuoiiiieiiiK that liei- J iillerat leant llinniKli the hiuiiiiier, In r T T 200 heautifiil new Lin gerie Waists, made of I'ine nialerial, nieely trimmed with lafe, many new styles (o choose from, up to $2.f)0 valiujs, each f ? T T y Y r 'T 98c 200 Women's new Lin gerie Waisls, soiiK! in the peplin style, made of sheer materials, hand emhroidered, I rimmed with fine hire, up to $1 values. Speeial, each $1.39 DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM SENSATIONAL HOSIERY SALE would gn to Iih New Ynrl; nffieo niily on Tni'Kiliiyn. Cnlonel Konwcvelt ! ay pliiyed tnnnih with hi inn Archie mnl (,'ui'iitin. KooM'velt etitteily uslmil all viiilor nlmut the lutext iicwm from Jtiiltiiunre, mnl M'i'iiii-il vtmtly iiilertMcil. WIi-mi tnhl the leMilt nf the lirM liullot he Mitiil : "ICven if Wil-on is nouiinitleil no.v, llm effect will lie InM niter iIih hi'ii; wail. Thev are all divided ilouu there. If thev hail ynl tnsetlier snlnl lv hehunl WiNon nf Home nther pin-m-o-hixe eiiiuliilate it iiiiht have hecu liellor for them." ! ! 1 Y T T Y IY ; Women's and Children's I'asl black Hose, a pair Women's (an and black J lose, special, a pair Women's seamless Bur son Hose, 2,1c tirade, Special, ' f O j, a pair Q 9c 15c Women's lisle Hose, in all colors, special, OC a pair Uvj Hoy Scout Hose, special, a pair 25c Women's all silk Hose, all colors, Hftp a pair tOL Women's Khaki Skirts, all sizes, new style, very special, 04 QO each " PA70 Women's divided Skirts, made of ood khaki cloth, special, (PS) QQ each WfaUcO AVomen's Khaki lilonses special, each '..$1.25 Women's Riding Dress es, made of good khaki cloth, tf Q QQ each $vVO Women's Klmki Suits, Norfolk style, C QQ special $9vO Women's Dustera, ftill length, good style yeiy Special, 1 OF each vuu9 SENSATIONAL UNDERWEAR SALE Women's nice Sleeveless . Women's 'Crenc' Oovris 10c Vests. Special, each Women 's TJ ni b r e 1 1 a Pants. Special. 0C Women's Union Suits. Special, nrp ft C211 if" MVv Women's lisle Union Suits, very Qp special, a suit vt1 Special, AQ each vuj Women's fine Corset Covers, 50e val. 9Q Special, each AVE Women's Combination Suits, $1 grade. Q- Special, a suit " vC AVomen's new model Corsets, PQ a pair vv )0ai Oil Cloth, Colgate's Tal- (Jood Safety Good lfair Nets Big Bath Fancy Parasols a yard, cum Powder, Pins eaeh, Towels, each each 19c 15c 3c J 4c J 16c 98c M$K AA..A.A.AAAAA.. 3i i ii it if f f if f f if if if f f I I It Our Sale wm be Continued until JUL Y4 Just the same 25 per cent discount on everything in our stock, which includes all Boys' Clothing and Furnishings, Men's Suits, blue serges and blacks included; all Furnishings and Hats, which include Knox and Stetsons; absolutely nothing reserved. This means you can own this new, clean, up-to-date merchandise at the same price we do or anyone else. Besides this, all the Suits left of our Half-Price Lot will remain at one-half price until closed out entirely. Some very choice things left in this lot in small sizes, ranging from sizes 31 to 36. Also all Men's and Boys' Straw Hats left will go at just one-half price until closed. One lot of Shirts, sizes 14 to 17, worth $1 to $1.50, while they last, 50c each. One lot of regular 50c Silk Socks, all colors and sizes, while they last, at 25c the pair. Keep your eyes on our windows for specials to close. All Suit Cases and Traveling Bags at 25 per cent discount. Now is your chance if you need one this year; you can own it as cheap as we can. "i iM nH THIS MEANS CASHDO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT ',4' ii Jii,?W ? tf? i ,V t r - t f ! MODEL CLOTHING CO. iV' t J T y t j f T Y y T T -T T 5 t t m Tl ' J:i' r V ' I ' XI f ' C1 'X1