Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. Mls Ilornlce Carder mid MIbs Mno
Mordorf tott Monday evening for n
tw;a rtiontlifl visit with friends nnd
relatives In Vancouver, D, C.
Mty.;T. K. Pottengcr nnd daughter
arc In California for a several week's
vlSU wjth. relatives.
Dr,.nnd Mrs. C. It. Hay and family
have left to spend n month at San
Do you lovo" Ilnrrle?
OllvefijitpCby, docs.
(jeo'rgc Meyer returned last ueok
fromj.llllqnblB where ho had. been
about seven months. JIo laid over
a ctHinte ot months In Montana and
Is glnd to Ret. back to Medford.
Chariba R. Ilnvoy retired mer
chant of Cedar Itaplds, Iowa, who
bought .ono of tho now bungalows on
Rose avonuo from, II. K. Gates will
not movo to Medford until next
spring. vHo has leased his homo to
J. T. Suiltvan.
Stop swearing at that lawn mower
nnd bring It to Mitchell's wagon nhop
nnd havo It sharpened. No. 3G S.
The Ladles Aid of the Christian
church will meet with Mrs. Emerson
at 114 Tripp street, Wednesday af
ternoon. The Talent cannery has been moved
to a more advantageous location and
Is expecting a busy season. A C.
Randall is the president of the com
pany owning It, R. H. Parsons Is
vice-president and Dr. Bngley, scc
rcctary and general manager.
C&rkln ft Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Olefin O. Taylor), attomeys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank building,
F- E. Merrick lias started construc
tion of a new bungalow on East Main
street Ho has removed tho cottago
which stood on the premises to Tripp
street where he Is having It fitted
with modernxconveniences
John D. dwell writes from Cres
cent City that he Is marooned in that
city In his nutomobile duo to the re
cent fceavy rains which havo made
tho roads impassible.
S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. P. & H. Co. bldg.
C. H. Thomas has returned from a
visit at.Eugenp with friends.
.Mrs. and Miss Burke of the Roxy
Ann orchard are visiting Medford
R., J. Cole of Hilts, Cal., is in Med
ford on business.
Tho Southern Pacific passenget
station Js the only place in Medford
where tickets to points outside of
Jackson connty can bo purchased.
.Eric Andtfrson of the Blue Lodge
Is visiting friends In Medford.
Miss Maybello Pearl of Central
Point spent Monday with Medford
Tho leader of all Scotch dialect
readers will appear for tho Greater
Medford club July G. Popular prices.
Carl Von der Hellen of Wellen
spent Monday in Medford with
Judgo Vm. Colvlg writes from
Astoria that considerable progress is
being made in securing signatures on
thp Homejlule road bill petitions. He
Is confident of success.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog-
ropher, negatives made any tlmo or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1471
A. J. Dunlap of Central Point was
a recont Medford visitor.
E. A. Welsh general manager of
tho Medford grocery company left
Tuesday morning for a short business
trip north.
Miss Florence Graves, teacher of
piano, studio 205 W. Jackson street.
C. W. Charles lias returned from a
business trip to Portland.
Miss Edith Jacobs or Central Point
visited Medford friends Monday.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. Herring of
Central Point wero recent visitors In
A Snap at Berlin's Tailoring Par
lors. Threo fine snen'u suits, all
wool, latest stylo, 30, 37 and 38 sizes,
for 10 each. See them now.
E. T. Staples of Ashland spent
Monday night at Medford attending
,tho boxln contest.
Pat Donnegan of Jacksonville
epont Monday overling in Medford.
It you don't love Barrio Kuthorlno
Oliver-McCoy will teach you how July
5, for Greater Medford club, opera
Jack Flyrin of Portland Is In Med
ford calling on customers In tho In
terosts or tno uiuko aicKau papor
doorgo L. Ncal of Central Point
spent Monday in Medford on busi
ness. Miss Mary A. Moo or Central Point
spent Monday In Medford on u short
business 'trip.
Btesawag.f.1 ,',,,'. .
Weeks &McGovan Co.
Say mon M71
Wfbt VfedsMI V. W. 1071
JL . Orir, MM
F. II. Cowles of Westaway orchards
motored to Medford Tuesday.
A. Wilton, or Central Point was
a recent visitor In Medford.
Dwlght Knox or Garden City, Kan.,
who has boon visiting friends In tho
city Tor some time has lert for Eu
gene where he will spend a tow days
before leaving for his Kansas home.
II. I.. McKcuxlo Is visiting friends
in Medford. Ills home Is In Pueblo,
Mathews & Son do draylng, trans
ferring aud furniture packing. Uoth
phones. Sunday work n specialty, SO
A. S. Hoscnbnitm, who so nbly rep
resents tho Southern Pacific company
In Medford, entertained a largo and
distinguished gathering of business
men nnd orchnrdlsfs at luncheon nt
tho University club thts afternoon.
.Mrs. T. Y. Young or Willow Springs
spending n few dnys In Medford on
business. She recently disposed of
one hair or her holdings in thnt sec
tion nnd now plans to put the money
back In the place she retained. "1
Intend to show tho people ot the
Rogue River valley that a woman can
develope on orchard ranking with
the best ot them," Is tho way she
sums up her plans.
Shaplcigh Hardware, 28 So. Cen
Wilson Powell or Eugene "Is In
Medford visiting friends. He was a
former resident or this city.
Mrs. W. W. Evans ot Williams
creek Is spending n few days In Med
ford with friends.
Miss Alice Towers of Barren pro-
clnct is In Medford for a short visit
with relatives.
Herman F. Hanson or Ashland
spent Tuesday with Medford friends.
See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bank.
Charles Trovers ot Salem Is In
Medrord on business. Ho Is Inter
ested In a large tract or cherrlces
near the capital city.
James Lewis ot Eagle Point was
a Medrord visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. T. R. Hendricks or Talent
spent Tuesday In Medrord with
Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
L. J. Kings ot Rogue River Is In
Medrord on a short business trip.
He reports that a large hay crop
which he had down when tho rain
struck It at the end ot the week is
drying out nicely and is not injured
to any extent although It has bleached
to some extent.
Lawn and garden supplies. Shap
lelgh Hardware.
Rodger Hitchcock of Wellen has
returned to his ranch after a visit of
several days In Medford.
Another attempt to rob Humphreys
gun store was made Monday night
but Humphrey fritened the burglars
away when ho attempted to reach
his telephone and notify the police.
This is the fourth attempt on his
store during the past year. The dis
play of firearms within the store
evidently prove a lure to ycggmenl
Mayor W. H. Canon announced to
day that at tho next regular session
of the city council he will introduce
an ordinance regulating the speed of
locomotives and trains through the
city of Medford which will fix the
maximum speed at 10 miles an hour.
The mayor takes this action aB a di
rect result of two accidents within
two weeks at the Jackson boulevard
crossing In this city.
A largo number of cities regulato
tho speed at which trains may pass
through tho city and thero Is no
question as to tho city's authority to
take such action. Tho ordinance
will erfect tho speed of Southern Pa
clrlc trains between tho Crater Lake-
Junction on the north and the Ice
plant on tho south,..
WASHINGTON, Juno 25. More
than 20,000 men employed in the
United States navy yards will be laid
off July 1 milcri.s congress makes
provision for payment of their wage.
Thih announcement was made here
today by Acting: Secretary of Hie
Navy Win thro p.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Utah Pnrker 4, IJrynu 4.
Vermont Parker 8, Hrynn 0..
Virginia Parker 14, JJrynn 10.
Washington Parker 0, Bryan 14.
West Virginia Parker 0 3-2,
Bryan 0 1-2.
Wisconsin Pnrker 0, Bryan 20.
Wyoming Parker 0, Bryan 0.
Alaska Pnrker 4, Bryan 2.
District of Columbia Parker (J,
Bryan 0.
Hawaii Parker 4, Bryan 2.
Philippines Pnrkor 4, Bryan 2.
Porto Hico Parker 2, Bryan 4.
Tntnl Pnrkor fi(12, Brynn f10,
S'O'Uorwnn 3, Kern 1. Absent 2.
HAhTIMOKti, .Inly 'J"). As Urynn
eonoludcd, John W. Kent miMied his
way down the iii.Mo ntul was iwoutuir.
cd by Chuirmuu Mnek. Kern wns
plainly nervous ns he stood wuitiiifr
while olieers and jeers went up from
i k
tho galleries and lloor.
"After forty years of service to
the party I Iiuvu en rued the riht to a
honrinjriiy the democrat h convention.
I urn from the state of Imlimm which
will shortly present n candidate 'n
the person of Governor Marshall. 1
desire to lake no purl in the conven
tion Hint may hurt .Mr. .Marshall s in
terests. "I mil pun?: to appeal for that kind
of harmony (hut will bring about vic
tory, for that kind of harmony that
will eliaimc uloom to shunts of glnd
iios. My friend Judge Pnrker sits
before this convention, representing
the national committee, I not to an
other faction, thank (lod, hut another
section. If my friend will join mo
now in tho selection of another mint
satisfactory to him and who can
ngree with me ami withdraw in favor
of that distinguished New Yorker,
Senator O'Genunn: or Senator Cul
berson of Texas, Senator Luke l.ea of
Tennessee. Henry I). Clayton of Ala
bama, ex-Governor Campbell of
Texas-, or Folk of Missouri, or Sen
ator Shivery of Indiana, I think we
can restore harmony to the party."
Parker, sat silently in his chair, hi
jnw set firm nnd uitikinir no move io.
answer the speaker. It was plain that
Pnrker had determined not to with
draw. When the tumult began to
quiet down slightly Kern began anew
lint while his lips were seen to move,
it was Mime minutes before he could
be heard:
"You men cannot expect victory if
you humiliate the man who led your
forces four years ago. You may put
him to the wheel but when you do you
bring pain to the hearts of fix million
loyal democrats. You may kill him
but you do not commit homicide when
yon kill him you commit suicide.
"If the fight U to go on, there '.s
only one man who can lead this fight.
I mean that great American, W. ,7.
Bryan. The leader must ho worthy
of the cause. I have tried to get har
mony but seem to have failed. I now
nsk that your lender for sixteen years
the man that the people love, shall be
the candidate against Judge Parker
in my stead."
LONDON, Juno :.- A wild scene
wns enacted in the house of commons
today as the result of tho forcible
feeding of suffragettes who declared
n "hunger strike" in Holloway prison.
George Laiisbury stepped toward
the ministerial bench, and shouted at
Premier Asquith :
"You arc beneath contempt. You
cull yourselves gentlemen, yet you
forcibly feed nnd murder women. You
ought to be driven from public life.
You will go down to posterity as the
murderers of innocent women."
Speaker Lowther ordered Lansbur.v
taken from the liousc.
Lnnsluiry said:
"f rofirsc to leave while this con
temptible tiling is being done while
women are being murdered and driven
After it scene of great confiiHioii lie
was induced by friends to leave.
HALTIMORE, Md., Juno 2r.
During tho fight over tho chairman
ship, Theodoro Hell of California waH
recognized by Muck but ho couldn't
be heard for nioro than a minute.
Hell wbh temporary chairman of tho
democratic convention At Denver
four years ago. Ho said that ho
stood for Just tho same kind or demo
cracy that ho did at Denver four years
ago. He admitted that Hrynn was
respoulblo for his selection m tem
porary chairman and Insisted thnt ho
placed Ills stamp of approval on his
Hell said that It was a matter of
keen personal regret that ho ofuld
not be in accord either with Bryan
or Kern. Ho said that much as he
regretted breaking with his old
friends ho would have to support
Parker for temporary chairman.
From July, 1910, to January,
1012, union inhor In Los AuroIps,
Calif., lncreanod 100,5 por cont, or
from C,t82 to 10,105,
IIA1.1 1MOUK, Md. Juno 25. It
was 12' I" when Chairman Mnek
rapped the convention to order nnd
directed the .aorgeiiut-nt-nrnifl to
clear the nixies,- Thin was a xoine
what difficult task and while the of
ficials wero at wark Judjjo Parker
sauntered leisurely to hla ueat, ap
parently unnoticed.
At 15:1 1 Assistant Secretary Tom
Smith of Now York begun reading
tho call for tho convention. When ho
concluded Mack Introduced Cardinal
Gibbons who delivered the opening
As soon us tho cardinal concluded
his Invocation, the silence broke Into
applause and cheers. Mack again
ordered the aisles cleared, but hlx
directions were Jcored by tho crowds
wljo simply refused to move.
(Continued from Page 1J
need a definite constitutional amend
ment which shall prevent socialistic
souls from forcing peisoual continua
tion In offlcu for long periods or for
life, aud the personal selection of a
successor In oftk'0 and the canstltil-
....ii provision should go ouo step
further than our recently assailed
tradition. ,Tho provision should
limit to a single term.
Tarirr- Is Itlamctl
"In this great country which
boasts ol a wealth of ouo hundred
and thirty billion a agalust eighty
billion for Ureal Britain nnd Ireland,
sixty-five billion for Franco and sixty
billion for Germany, all are con
scious that too laipe a part of our
wealth has been secured by a small
percentage or our opulntiou and
that the cost or living rises raster
than the average Income
"The principal cause ot all this Is
to be found in the tariff statutes and
in the combinations restraining trade
and competition, created for the pur
pose of wringing .from the public
every dollar which tho traffl sta
tutes make itosslblc.
"Tho nverago ditles
under the
tariff in 1789 was); Hi per cent, now
the average is GO rer cent.
Protected Interests benefited "by
two Increases durln; tho war, the first
to an average of S7 4 per cent, the
second to 47 per cent. That high
average, then excused only by the exi
gency of war, Li exceeded now, us
tho average Is nearly 50 per cent.
Knrkli l-'cw, HkII .Many
"Tho republican party has thus
geared the machinery of government
to enrich the few nt the expenso of
the many. That Increase or 30 per
cent In the average has taken thous
ands or millions from the general
public aud devoted It to the creation
ot swollen fortunes.
"An awakening or the people led
tho republican national convention
or 190S by Its platform to promise a
revision. Congress paused and the
president signed. the Payue-Aldrlch
"Ono outcotie of this breach of
faith wns a democratic house, which
has acted so wisely and courageously
as to arouse tho enthusiasm of tho
pcoplo and Inspire the democratic
parly with justlfablo hopo of early
opportunity to render a public ucrv
Ico sorely needed.
"For tho Ills that flow from that
tariff Increase from an average or 50
to 50 per cent tho republican party
Is responsible. For tho continuance
or that rate against th crfortH of a
democratic congress, a republican
president Is to blamo.
Campaign Contributions
Tho reason for the Inactivity of
tho republican official Is plain. Tho
tariff beneficiaries arc, and for many
years havo been, contributors to
campaign funds of the party, in which
turn protected tho special privileges
enjoyed by tho donors. Hut compotl
Hon prevented in some Instances tho
collection from tho pcoplo of tho full
sum stipulated In. tho tariff. To se
cure P. nil, tempted tho cupidity and
stimulated tho Ingenuity of tho
beneficiaries. Hut ono way could ho
found combination to control tho
prices up to a point where tho sta
tutes let In foreign competition. Tho
samo party which abut out foreign
competition was found willing to
permit the formation or combinations
which effectually bunlshed homo
competition Tho common law on
the subject and the Bit or man act
wero treated by republican officials
as repealed by Implication. Nood it
bo said that the protected IntorcHt,
for these larger privileges, made
FOK ItKNT Closo In 0 room Iioiiho
with modern plumbing and oloc-
tlrc IlKhtH. On paved Htreot, with
lawn and foment HldowalkH. Call
Uoll phono ;i 4 0 1 .
FO"USAM5 ChorrloR at Craildoll
orchard, south sldo Ililrell. Prlcen
rlKht nt tho orchard for choleoHt
Btock, Oood roftdfl. nox 00, It.
P. O. No. 1, Mfldford, 82
Wo are Indebted to tho president
for tho evidence Hint his prcderewsor,
having first enjoyed an Interview
with (toorgo W. Perkins, rcatfnlnud
his attorney general from bringing
suit against tho harvester combina
tion, Whatever ommibo inuy bo offered,
tho ugly truth Is that tho republican
national inaehluo has received tho
moneys of the corporate nnd Individ
ual houcfluhulcA of tho tariff ' and
combinations and In return has com
polled us to keep high' tho thrift
rates and their attorney geuortilii to
extend their aid to prevent prosecu
tion. lu the light of all the testimony nnd
of the ndmiHrtioiis, 1 submit Hint the
jury of the people should find as ri
general verdict (hut the failure of the
ovecutivc nnd legislative- brunches of
the tgic'drumcut, both federal uud
stale, In protect tho people from Ike
special priilogo hunters, nnd graft
seekers is deeply fooled in h corrupt
alliance between the latter and tlie
lenders of tlui repnhlicun party. 1'p
on thai verdict but ouu judgment cuii
be entered thai of eviction.
Culls Them IlyitoerKcn
On one occasion u president of Hie
I'lillcd Sinter has been known lo so
licit the fiimucial campaign ussist
unco of n great railroad leader, over
whose railroad Hues Hie executive de
partment might hold cither it stern or
mild und gentle dwiiy. The presiden
tial attitude wns gentle uud polite, but
firm und insistent.
Like the hypocrites Of old who lov
ed to pray stnndiiig in the synagogues
iiml in Hie corners of the si reels, who
prated of their virtues .nnd gn.e
thanks Hint they were not us other
men, so have corrupt republican Icr
ers covered their vilu mi-deeds bv
hyiKicrilieul profes.-ious of righteous,
In our form of gov
ernment uud those dearlv bought lib
erties which the fathers therein se-,
cured to u, (ho rcpubliiun apostles
uud promoters of misrule, federal
usurpation and corruption threat n
the very foundations of the greatest
cathedral builded by modern ei dura
tion. Should He Destroyed
For their crimes ngninst American
citizens the present lenders of the
republican party should be destroyed,
for making uud discharging the bur
nt in to take euro of tunff-pmioot !
"Girls! Girls! W.'l
Can All Stop Wear .
ing Prats ShieltU!"
Elp Them Out-Here's PERSPI-NO,
I'M nover wrnr ilrrn ilili'Mn nanln, whllo
I run Rntthutrt'iiiiirknlilit iKintlur, I'KU
HIM'NO. No lr-eJl Novi-r nuntu for
uiul I J tut put a llttlu in my arm-
No Moro Prt ptmtton Ulia Tlilf, nJ No Moco
Dr.i. Shield, if You Uio I'EJUN-NO.
pit. Willi tlie ll thnt cotntu with cnoh
box. and tlun my Klory llnl
No innUr what tint wclulit of yotir
rlothliiK. no iwiltvr bow hot itml ntufty
It may Imi liuloorii, you nreil novflr l
nfrnld of p.'Wlrliw any moro in your
nnifplt tlnin you do cut tho txtclc of
your liuiul, If you win I'KUHI'I'NO.
It' a iimrvciloiu yut n rluiplo powder
thnt nnypooy In unto In unlmr. It kcup
your nriii.piu Jut in freu ami Ury ami
rmtiirnl n rmy other portion of your body.
Um PB KB PI-NO and hot thfiitroa,
lnnct"luillii, nnd wlnl nflnlM will lmvo
no more lurmr for you In arm-pit por
plrntlon. It' KooU-byq dreiut utilold
forovur. ftntlafnctloit Kimrnntnod.
PEHBI'I-NO Is for wlo nt your driur
Blst'nnt'JSoabox.orofliitdlroet.onrri'clpt of price, by tho lvrspo Co., nm J-lncoln
AvoCIilcno. for sulu nnd recoinincndcd
11 .Mt-dloril by Chx. Stranv, U II. ItMklni
VrledforJ fturmncy.
pleasure for 1110 o know thai;
I lmvo Hiiilert you With
glasses. Your plea.siire eonics
with the weiring.
Dr. Rickert
over Keijtnes
9 C5s,,
Solid Silver the most appropriate gift
Its permanency makes it do.
I Carry a L,arje
interests in consideration or cam
paign funds, they ulinilltl bo de
stroyed. For onmuirngliiu; the orealloii of
oninhliiutioiiH ,o restrain Ira'de and
commerce uud refusing In enforce Iho
law, for n like ebnsitlornlluil limy
should be destroyed,
For lite lavish wnslo of the public
funds, for Hie fraudulent disposition
of the people's domain and for their
onplrilnilinu toward1 tho 'division or
Iho people Iplo ellis'rtcH tYieylpiiild In'
destroyed. -,
For Iho effoVIs lo mjcitro for the
oxctiiitivc department of (ho federal
govcrniiienl powers rightfully belong
ing1 lo tlie stnlcs they be destroyed.
Aud desl ruction will bo theirs this
very your If we liut do our duty,
That little cough, that seemingly In
significant cold may ho the Hturt ot a
serious porlmpH fatal llluotm. You
can't uffnnl to neglect a cold or
cough. Hot "the llltlo doelor" Mae
t.arcu'ii Mustard Cerate
Your druggist bus It two sixes
Ut and fitVeent Jars. You should al
ways havo It lu the Iiouko Mac
1. urea's Mustard Corato given prompt
and sure relief from neuralgia, rhou
mutism, lumbago, colds, noro throat,
headaches, worn miincles, etc. I Pit
better than a mutilard plaster tor
anything a mustard planter's good
Innlst on tho Original
Accept No Hulmtltuto
Medford Pharmacy nnd other drug
gists. BIG SALE
Wednesday, Juno 2G
Closing out entire stock at
cost. ISvorvthiiitf must jjo.
G08 East Main Stroot
Tho Standard OH Company says:
VyOrjiflHBB I "III I iV'lTlf j3Bf
"It is tho best automobile oil wo know how to mako."
Fov Sale lOverywhere
(llH'oritoniUMl) HAN rnANCinco
The prospects are good for a bumper fruit crop
in tho Pacific northwest. AVo would advise all grow
ers ol! Peaches, Apricots, Oaiiteloupes, Tomatoes, Po
tatoes, etc., to got in touch with us. It is a part of our
business io find a market for the fruits and produeo
grown in the valley. Wo have our arrangements
completed to Handle tho crops that will bring good
returns to the grower. J t will pay you to investigate
Pacific 5G21.
The Trade-mark ot GORHAM CO.
a guarantee of quality and design
and Well-Selctcted StooK of
Medford Real Estate j
& Employment Atjcncy,
rt heron. Junl mil of Iho city
lltnltN, ifu the west, new 5 room
bungalow, never lived lu, fur u
short I lino wo can sell thin foe
Unimproved acreage 1 1& mllcii
out lu any iimnlty $3 75 per ncio.
Jll acres, rtlii mlleit out, sot lo
pours, (:i, 000. am nores nt Ull
max, It would miiko a good tduok
rnnoh. $ao per acre,
,ir you wautnonio mini ou.iivunn
Creek, nt thu right prim, enmo
nud i(oo us,
5.100111 bungalow, nicely fur
nished, one of tho finest homes lu
town, close In. Price f:i(l0().
Wo witul to list your property
cither lo trade or Mil. If nu waul
to trade your city property don't
fall to l"t us know at once.
HiinIiicss CcIiiuicc.
Uooii.iug houso uinlui an offer,
Plami at your own print and
Harbor shop, f 1000.
Wouu'ii ntul. girls for general
Woman cook for hotel.
If you want itooil help don't for
get to scud tin you order.
Mrs. Emma Bittnor
l'lioncll II: Home, 1 1.
Ops))l(c iS'nsli Hotel
flOOMH l AND 7. PAliM HMX'lf
or the neatest and most nynunctrhal
kind Is the rule lu our establishment.
Wo are known by tho oxrellent final
ity of our work lu this and ttlUother
Hues of advanced practical dentistry.
PnlulesH Intruding, Filing, Filling,
Cleaning, etc. Wo solicit a trlnl, feel
lag assured that your imtlsfactlon will
bring you back again regularly. Our
charges are very modernto lu npllo
or the superior nature or our work.
Itdy AKcuitaiit
Over n.iuleln for Duds. Pacific
Phono uru, Home Phono 3T.2-1C
Home 307.
Gurliai'n Silver