PA"crrc mvm L1B.,,",P"" "fw-nu Little Jeff Must Have His Little Joke By "Bud" Fisher (it, Hpnt'V rtUTT(,t. '0" TMftT ' nf?Ti M To CoMC WOW ANO WLtT ' VJJ'muM''.i .. ttiNvti Hftiij T.tir WuW' L.T.7-- -.. . 7.,- T IfT1 HEV. LUHT mmiv. mvn' i u;jhji i, j OUVTWWINIHV ctepf.1 M, ON, HlfA WGLL, ViHNT " ruw A MY ru-i. NMNUTQ WAATH OSS Or ftycANltHfr, Hfc'O HfW GOT H UVT6.R. rNNNWfsV Ht MTOFOUT) MATTJ TRIBUNE, OTDFOTIT), OHFION, 8ATHTOA V. .TTTNTC 22, 1012, UgJgF "W ruinu7 i - "i . zmzr o ... "! itv- rnivr, iir" 1 tic mj - J 'JCr liHCM. I'M TO CAl.C OUT TMCJCUttTJ t.GlOMg, pmG tiuu SUP ON 'vSTY IdGGULAR CLOTMBi V W'W PAtLlMO " 1 f HJfr T53r (hullo. MUTT 1 Mfc?' fOi rt fauvrnop.) -"it f,,- y LVv, OH.iauvrwv- , r z; UVTTUEJ V . " - " f ,..,, .w.. out ro(L urr-ru i - mr. -T i 7 SWJ3 trN, 1 lra t53v ??!il V PP iljMfflegi i ' M9fc F FOR THIS CITY 1 l-Mlior Wolf of IIuj Vnllity 'cnrl liiu tint fdllowhiK (o Hity of Mcdfortl In tilt) con mo of 1111 article ilimllni; with I lin Itor.iii' Itlvor Valley: Why upi'nk of M'ilforil7 A n Kri'iit Ntiitimiuiiii Hiiro wald of lilrt h'inii Mtnt', "Klu ih'iuIh no oiilogy tjii'rii h!i hIiiiiiIh " An 11 city .Mi'iJ font In 11 iihi'iioinniioii. Hit lilntory In tliul of many iiitothir wcali'm city. HI10 Iiiim I ul( on a xpurl mi'l ' K't t Iiik lr wltul. My mill hy hIi will tukn itpothtir npur, tliiMi you want to lonl; out. TI10 men you cull hot air nicr rluiutH now will then have broiixo tintiu'M In Hit imhtlc tKiiiuroM Hhe IvoIih a city now, with Iter IiiipomIuf; Ii'iik'iii'mi hloiiks ami hronil tiavetl t.treolrt anil khIoiuIIJ liome. Hut tlio Minlfonl that hi to In In liarely Htnrt e,l now. Tito xliirl vi ho tiwallowuil MP In the center of the on his com inerclnl city of routheru Oregon,, an Inlnml city like ilpolinuo or Calitnry oj- Wlmu'pitr, or l)unVtr. Thin lit not unit hoap It Ik IokIoiiI prophee). It will ho lonllxril Anil when It 1m--wheu Metlfoid Iiiik tin outlet to the ciiiyM wIjv l" lunisnlflcctit valley nroiiuil her Ik hroiiKht to Uk IiIkIichI ulato of iroiluctlvenw Meilford (Will join hiiiiuV nloui; ntt electric lino with Ahliland, I he real school "ul ''W't' uil report town, .mill Iho pe(iife iff hoth cltl'R will mulle at tint way the Inhabitant once tried to pimh each other off the map. POISONED CANDY KILLS EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL llOISIwli.lnlio, Jiiiiv i!'J. An 11 re hi(ll of nrtiiiii; iniiKoiiml eniul.v xent Imr tlirolicli tile iiiiuIh, l.cim Speeix, 1H, dead at her Inline iieur here. I'iml olTicu itiilhoiiliex nre uuikiut; eyiiry t'lTort (ivl0!''!'" l'1" mii'ler intl till iiithmI ik expected Komi. 1 N(trn Ooticral Kcilorntluii of Womon'n cluliH, Han KraiirlKco, Callfornln, Hnln ilutcn .'uno llnil and ..Iril, lUl'J. GoIiik limit Juno 30tl. No Btop ovcra allowed. Iteturuliii; 00 dnyn top-of(B al lowed on return trip within (0 (lay. Hutu faro ami third, ? 10.80. Your truly, A. . ItOSKNIJAUM, AKt. ,, NHTKIK. I havn Impounded :i plii oil the (iuthrln ranch, Owner may hao kiiiiio hy paylui; djiiuiiKOH doio hy ' thoin. S! PllOI H. KNdKMIAHPT. OltlUNANCK NO. I7(I An ordlniiiico aiithorlxlitK tlto on torltiK Into a contracl on hohair of tho City of Medfont, Olefin, for tho luiprovliiK, curhlim and pavluK cur tain HtreolH of mild city, with tho Clark & llonory CoiiHtructlon Com pany, a California corporation. Tho City of Medfonl doth ordain iih follewa: Section I. Tho mayor atul r cordor of tho city of Mt'ilfprtl nro horohy anthoi'lzed to enter Into 11 contracl on hohalf of Hiild city with tho Clark & llonory CoiiHlnintloii Company, a California ciirioralou, In tho following form, and hiiUI net hy Hald mayor and rocprdor Ih horo hy oxproHuly ratiried, aiihoii.od mid confirmed, Thin iiKroomout mudo and entered Ifltn thlH UHtli day of .luno. l!Mtl, hy mill hotwoeu tho Clark & llonory CoiiHtriicllou company, 11 California corporation, hereinafter culled tho contractor, parly of tho flint part, and tho city of Medfonl, Oickoii, a mu nicipal corporation o.xIhUiih under tho Iiiwh of tho Htato of OroKon, putty of tho hocoiuI imrt, horolimrtor called tho city. ' ' - Wltnefiiicth: That tho Raid con tractor for and In coiiHldoratlnn of tho payinenlH to ho miulo and tho covonnnlH to ho kept hy tho city, horolnnftor not forth, iloeu liovohy coVuuuut ami ugroo to furulHh nil liiiitorlalH and do all work of ow-uva-Hon, flllliiK. imvlim with mipliiilt, (Hirblim and liiHtiillliiK Inlets, catch lianiiH, inonunieut ciihoh, plpo and nil other work and mulorlalH herewith on tlio Hti'ootH mid pnrtloiiH of HtnmtH, (intl (or llib wlilllt liui'tilnuftor pnogi- unn Vffls BSl)' fled. I Quince utreot from Went Main Htteet to Went Kortluth ntrect, width '.Ml feiit. II. Myrtlo Hired friuu Kant Mala Ktreol to Taylor iilrcot, width 110 feet. .Said work Khali ho done In accord unco with tho general HpcclflcatloiiR for said work horetoforo prepared hy the city uiiKliinar of mild city, which are now 011 file In tho offlco of the city leoorder of Mitld city, mid tho imvliut nhnll ho laid. with a thrce luch iiHphnltlu concrete Imwe and a one-Inch anphaltlc woarltiK c.urfare, Huld pavement hIiiiII ho laid and work doiio In ncconlauce with tho HperlflcmloiiK therefor, herelnheforo Biihmlttt'd hy tho contractor to tho city, which HpcclrlunlloiiH nfi now on file In tho offlco or thi' cltv recorder of wild illy; provded. however, that that portion of the Kcitem) tipeclfl catloiiH Niihiultted hy the city engin eer which related to iiialntMlnliiK tho piiveituiut for a period of five ear uliall ho coiiHldeied htrlckeu from mild ypeclflcatloiiB mid hu no part thereof. Tho contractor agreed (0 perforin all of ald work In a flmt-claHH work manlike inaunur under tho direction and nuporvUlon of tho engineer of ald city; providing that In ciiko any inliuinderntnudlni: or dlmiKreetneiu hetween tho contractor and mild cn Klneer an to the Interpretation of the npcclflciuloui, tho matter nhnll ho refened lo mid detoriniued hy tlio city council of mild city. The contractor further uKree Hint It will proceed with tho work an lim Ir.iiiitod hy the city. In coimldoriitlnii whi'reof tho c'ly m;recH lo pay tho contractor for tuich work mid material at the followlim prlrcH, namely. For encavalloii, per 1111I1I0 ynnl.l .05 l-'or curved concrete curli, aloiH'. per llu. ft .. . tr For MtrnlKht ncoiicrolo curh, nlouo, per lit), ft 40 Tor ntrnluht cnucrelo curh and Ktiltor, por llu. ft 00 For all pavement rnuMlntltiK of a .'luch aHphaltlc cnucreto Iimko and a 1-Inch wearing iirface, per miiiaro yd 1.50 l'or fiiriiltitiliiK mid laying 0- liioh newer pipe, per Hit. ft. .f0 Catch IiiihIiih. each . 111. on 'I ho contractor hIiiiII look for nay uiunl only to the fund rencrved. col lected and tmld Into tho city Iron miry for that puipoHn mid will not Voijulro tho city of Med ford hy any IcKiil pro cohb or ntherwlHo topny the hiiiiio out cckh or otherwlBo to pay tho hiiiiio out for hy tho charter, iiii1ck mild city (ihall fall or neglect to provide hiicIi fundi) hy valid uimeaaniontH upon pioporty affected. Tho contractor further hkicch Hint he will at the time tho mimo aro of fered for ualc, accord I uk to law, utih mlt a houafldo offer of par mid ac crued Intel eat ami ulll purchiiHo at mild price at tho option of mild city all luiirovement hondi which may ho legally limned hy mild city pur kiiiiiiI to law (or tho pa incut of the work uhovo provided for. Upon tho completion of tho Im Pioveiuent upon each street, accord ing to tho conduct, the city shall forthwith accept tho woiK done mid performed hy the contractor, and thru contract shall ho, to the extent of ho work douu and performed, coiiHldoicd consummated, mid tho city shall foilhwlth proceed to cre ate tho lion ptoildud for hy law upon NEW TODAY Iloro Ih a flno paying orchard, of 12 acres, 011 Ashland road beyond Talent, Uenptlful hill slopo md tin smudging roiiulred. Tho orchard has 500 bearing punch trees, 100 bear ing apricot dees, 21 largo bearing apple trees, besides walnuts and 11 large, number of younger pour trees. Place Ih nicely Irrigated from a pri vate pumping plant, and tho flo rooin cottage lpiH gas light, mid heat. Wo would 111(0 to show this oiiolro placo to anyone wanting a flno or- ojiartl at reasonable terms. $0000, lr taken hooii. A cozy Blx-rooin homo, with flro placo and strictly modern In Siski you HoghH. A fluly ulopliig lot 70x150. All walkH aro or comout, $3250, $1000 uash, llalaiico on torum to Hllt. Anyono yl(U $11)00 to IiiyohI will do well to examine tlio five flno lota in west Medford, ft block from two dlffoiont paved streets. They would ploiiHo you, Room 12, Jackson County Hank Hldg. G. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co, Bank Dliln. Parplffp 78l( Home 7QK noshlQiicu Phono 20H tho property houeflted hy such lui provenunit, iiiiIumk such uitHesHiuent ehall have hoeii previously created mid levied. Tho contractor shall recelvo war rantn to tho amount of eighty (HO) per cent of tho work completed each mouth mid warrants for tho halmiru of twenty C'0) por cent shall he Is sued upon tho completion of the con tract; said warrants to ho redeemed from the sale 6f Improvement hoiuls or from money paid Into tho partic ular fund upon which said warrants are drawn. 'Hie contractor hereby ngrecu to furjilnh n bond fur the faithful per formance of this contract, to he ap proved by the city council of said city, for the uum of one thousand dollars (1000 00). guaranteeing In proper form tho faithful performance of this contract and further Indemni fying tho city of Med ford against any claims or Menu for labor, work or material on account of sub-contractors, material men. laborers and me chanics, furnishing labor or material 011 this contract. In witness w hereof said parties hnyo caused these iiresentH to ho signed in duplicate hy their respect ive orilceni ami their ruspeetlvo cor porate seals to ho hereto affixed this UOth day of June, 10l. ny CITY OK MHUKOIll). y Mayor. Atteat: Clly llecorder. Tho foregoing ordinance wns pnss od by tho city council of tho tMty of Medford. Oregon. 011 tho UOth day of June, 1!U, by the following voter W.itt aye, Mitchell nyo, Kinerlek aye. Campbell aye, Millar aye, mid Hiiiiimervlllo aye. - Approved Juno20. 1D1. v, II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: K. T KOSS, City Recorder. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loan on farm land. Ad dress V. J. H., enro Mall Trl bnno. si RUHlWiSS OITOltTUNlTIEa FOR SALE - Confectionery mid lunch business, fine location, big gest snap in tho city. $000 will buy It, four yea'rs lease, everything complete, a rare opportunity, for particular seo A. F. Harnett, ovur Daniels for Duds. 7!) KOIt SALE- Tool, hlllard and cigar hualuesK nt 13 N. Fir. S7 FOR RENT miTJRKtt FOR KENT A furnished houso close In. M. A. Hader, nt M. F. & II. store. KOIt" RENT Two flno modern resl doucos 011 East Side, 0110 or West Side. Humphrey, S15 W. Main. 81 KOIt KENT- New modem l-room flat, gaH range, nice location, tltreo blocks fioui Main street, phouu Home :iri'--L, l'aclflc 3721. FOR RENT Seven room bungalow, reasonably close In. A. S. Hilton, room 200 Phlpps bldg. KOR RENT 3 room houso on South Ornpo t. Call 310 N. Hartlott. KOR RENT Six room liouso, moil- ern. paved streol, $10.50. W. T. York & Co. KOIt UENT-Kour-room house $7, three room house with fruit trees mid gulden $5.00. l'hono 103 H-2, 7! FOR RENT UOtlSKKICEriNa ROOMS KOIt HENT- Kurnlshed housekeep lug looms, 322 S, Central. 70 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HENT Largo -.looping room, $1,C0 and $2 por wook. Modern housekeeping apartments, $15 and $10. Home phono 20C-K. 222 South Hnlly. FOR RENT Moilorn furnished rooms ut tho Cottngo, GOl Weat 10th st., two blocks south Medford hotel. Hot mid cold wntor In rooms, Home phono 217. Mrs, 1L M. Coss, FOR RENT-rKURNISIlEIl Al'TS. Tho Rorbon, strictly flrat-clasa furnished iipurtnietits; prlvato bntliH and other modorn fonturos. Tako advautngo of Hiiminor rates. Onil niornlngs. 10 Qulnco Btreot, cornor of W. Malii KOR ItENT Smith Ants. -17 S. Rlv. FOR RENT HOARD AND ROOMS WHEltE? Why, at tho Park Vlow Hotel, of course, good squnro iiioivIh, homo cooking, 25 cents, Cool, clean rooiiis, t;od hods, 25 cents a night, 10U FOR ItKNT OFFICES FOR RENT Orcr tho pogtoffico, with boat and light. foe A. A. Davifl. FOR RENT Large, comfortablo of flco room with elovator acrvlce, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR BALK MOU8KM FOR SALK 100x258, Hiiltablo for 5 lots, two room houso furnished, electric lights, water paid 15 pionths In advance, flno largo gar den, closp In. Price $1200. In quire at Hotel Medford Harbor shop. 103 FOR KENT Modern flvo-room house. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR BALE Four-room bungalow, electric lights, sower and city water on paved street. $050 casti If taken at onco. Imiulro of own er at 311 West Jackson street, tf KOIt SALE Cheap, new 5-room nlso new G-rootn modem bungalow. In ouiro owner, 23 Koso avo., phone Hell CS22. 9S FOR SALR-jj-ACUKAGB FOIt SALE Eight" acres, Just out sldo city llnilts1, all planted to 3 year old apples; small house, good well; 2500. W.'T. York & Co. KOIt SALE 8 acres of fine garden ground situated 1 miles nbovo Eagle Point on tho Kaglo I'olnt Itrownsboro road", good family or chard, apples, ijiears etc., flno berry land, perpetual water right, flno warm Uoub$ good well, chick ens, farm implements go with the place. Apply to 'Mrs. .1, It. Mc Nlchool. Eaglo Kqlnt, Oregon. 7!) KOIt SALE ltargaln In a small or chard of 7 acres, pears, apples and peaches Just coining Into hearing, as the finest view and building slto around Medford. Kor 30 days tho price la only $3,500. A. K. Ware, room 10, Jackson Coun ty Hank IJldg. FOR SAMv-rliOTS KOR SALE Two Jots along S. I track, best warehouse slto In the city on paved street, luriulro of owner. -134 S. Kront st. SI FOR BALE fiAM) KOIt SALE Irrigated furtii, tper pulual right) 00 acres In all, part In bearing orchard, stirctly mod ern home, S rooms, near river and one of tho finest in the valley. Ad dress Owner, Hox 47 Itouto 2. Central Point. Oregon. ,S7 KOlf SALE sj acres, all (eilceif.TuiTl cross fenced, with hnrb wire, new 5-room house, IS hy 28, two stor ies, nicely shaded with oak trees, now baui -- by 32. two chicken houses, with 0 foot who fence, young frult-troes, Bprlng water at house, 12 acres in cultivation, a good garden, 05 acres can be cleared. One good horso harness and new spring wagon, all new, 1 spring tooth harrow, l cultivator, 1 plow, 30 chickens, l'rlco $1700 Southern Oregon Itealtv Co., 215 East Main, Up Stnlra. FOR HALE WOOD ATO FUEL KOIt SALE Wood at country price. 10-ln. fir $2.75, 12-In. fir $2.25, lC-ln. hardwood $3, 12-In. hard wood. $2.50; 12-ln. plno, block, $2; 10-ln. plno, block, $2.50. All dry wood. 010 S. Riverside, noil phono 5041. FOR BALK MISCICLLANEOUS KOIt SALE -Lady's riding or drlv Ing pony, C-ycars-od, bargain If taken at onco. Mia. I. T. Galla gher, Itoek Point. 79 KOIt SALE -Pure bred polntul china hogs. To inako rtom for now stock bolng Importod Horkoley Orchards offers a fow fine sows and boars, also sonjo soloctod fall and spring farrowed pigs, nil ell glhlo to registration. Our prices will Biirprlso yon. Phono 811 K-21. 02 KOIt SALE Hay, W. IT. Everlmrd, 1013 W. 9th St., Phono 0G71. Koft SALE Klrst-chiss" grain, hay, at $10.00 por ton. Isano'B ranch. tt KOR SALE 235 sharos of Alaska Investment and Development Co. stock, now operating at Nome, Alaska, inqulro L, caro Mall Tribune. KOR SALE-A Kod twp-hovso wagon, nteol nxlo , Iji good, sjinpo, cheap, or will tako leghorn hens In trade. Phono Main 822, Sis kiyou Heights, 00 KOR SALE Good aolf food hay press, largo capacity at a bargain, Inqulro at Regnr ranch, a miles west of Medford on Jacksonville road, SO FOR HAMS MISCELLANEOUS KOIt SALE Tent and platform, nearly new, 722 North Riverside. 79 KOR SALE 25 II. P. roadster, fully equipped, new, run less than J 50 miles, an unusual bargain for cash or real estate. Home phone 301-X or wrlto Janes Hros. KOR SALE Cheap, thoroughbred white leghorn ch'cks, three, six mid nine weeks old. Home phone 337-X. 70 KOR SALE Cherries at Crandell orchard, south side Hurrell. Or der Hox 00, It. F. D. No. 1, Med ford. 70 FOR SALE OR nXCHANGE KOR SALE or exchange I havo a moderately sized highly Improved orchard Just outride of Ashland, that can be secured at flgtio that without quotation Is tho best buy t-'ther as an investment or as a home that I havo ever been able to offer. Financial conditions with the owner nre such that a sacrifice sale must bo made at once. Am also authorized to say that the owner will consider good In come city proporty for his equity. This is a full bearing property, and Improvements arc the best. Soil Is A-l. Title the same. If you mean business come and see me, no information will be given oyer the phone. George C. Cornltlus. 219 W. Main st. SO KOR SALE or Exchange Good team of Clydesdale horses, weight 2500 pounds, for light team of mares not over 2200 pounds. Phone A 03 lt-2. 79 nELP WANTED FKMALK WANTED Girl for general house work, must bo good cook, address W, care Mail Tribune. WANTED Woman for general housework. Private family, no washing Phono 010 R. 1. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Jnpancso servant. Ad dress R, caro Mnll Tribune. SUMMER TIME Is Hoer Time. Sell "Ambrew" concentrated extract for making real, genuine. Intoxi cating beer at home. Not a near beer not artificial but real lager beer guaranteed strictly legitimate no llccnso required. Saves over 100 per cent of brew ers prices. Get ready for the siz zling hot woather. Small pack age. Everybody buys. Terrific tales great money maker terri tory being snapped up get busy while the weather Is warm. Write today. American Products Co , Uopt. 211S, Cincinnati. O., 70 PROFITS big. Sales easy. Make $1 to $10 a day. Every woman wants, ono. Write today for par ticulars nud territory. P. & E. Sales Co.. Dept. 12, Hcrnlco Hldg., lacoma, Wash. WE want a permanent representa tive, either sex, in every locality, to handle our high-grade special ties. Pleasant work, good nay, P. E. Sales Co., Dept. 12, Hernlco Hldg., Tncoina, Wash. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Contpotent stenogrnphor hookkcopcr desires position, 7 years oxporlenco; best city refer ences. Wrlto A. S. M., caro Tribune 113 WANTIIIX MISCELLANKOUS WANTED Lady to occupy furnished room in modern bungalow, rent cheap, object company. 517 S. Holly street. 81 WANTED Loan $S,500 on Irri gated farm, prlvato party. Ad dress Box V. E. U. euro Mall Trl buno. S3 WANTED TO EXCHANGE A four room housp 'and lot locatod at 715 S. King st., for proporty In S. Cnlirornla. Lot 50 by 174 with 15 full bearing apple, trees. Addross hox 74 Talent, Oro., 04 LONT STRAYED From Autloch precinct, blue ronno goldlng 2 ypnra old, brandod "B" on left shouldor. John Hlghain, Content Pant, 011 routo 2. 79 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CUil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a spoclalty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, cty engineering, drafting, sowor design, roneroto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk,, Modtoid, Orogou. "-ilir -, MOT.,!"' f0vrMTXJ o BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountant D. R. WOOD Gcttwral accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business olicltcd. Office Medford Mail Trib une bldg.; phono 6611; residence phono 6202. AssJiycr and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sll yer, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surroyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining aasayers and engi neers at reasonablo terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mlno own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of thoir ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau. 6th and Fir sts. Attorney! D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Batik bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-L&w. No. 1 and 2 Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. Z20 Garnett-Corey Bide HIU Posicra VERNB T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg.. Medford. Oregon. Billiard Parrora S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiard!, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, young & Hall bldg. , A nlco, cool place to spend the bat afternoons. Chinese Medicine. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private disease and all klude ui ihroulc and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, conbtlpatiuu, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 2il S. Kiont st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phono Main 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 532, Med ford. Phono Main 6062. Chiropractors , DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Main 7973. Grnntto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractor and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and Umo. Offlco at their brick yard, Weat JackBon st. Phono No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Streot, Doalers and manutneturars of pressed and com mon brick and tile. Got our prices and seo our brick and tile before purchasing. Furnltvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission furntturo made to ordor. Cabinet -work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Garbage GARBAOE Got your promises clonncd up for tho sumroor. Call pu tho city garbage wagons for pood servlco. Phono Main 822; good service, Phouo Main 6251, F, Y. Allen. Real Estato GEORGE L. Davis, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R, Over Frultgrowor a Bank, HEAL ESTATE L. N. J mid, Talent, Oro, fruit, alfalfa and garden luiulij, , ' All J tTm ceJt BUSINESS DfREOTORr DentlsU DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Corey bldg., antts 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phone. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gaa administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. Nuncrfc:- QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree aro Ludded, not grafted. Our stock lb not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out Wo sre not In tho trust. H. B. Pattorson. Offlc removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entranco next to harbor shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of blgh-grad nursery stock. Offlco 104 0 Fir. Both phones. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Poo 11c. Bring your work to me at th sign of The Mall Tribune. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 816 Tay lor t. Phone Pac 384S. Printers and Pnbllsticrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO. ha th best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physicians and Surgeon DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 601, resldenco phon 612. Office hours, 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 6501; resl denco 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. 'A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Storo. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Prnctlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 E. MalnCst., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKED, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Resldenco 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco room 5 and 6 Kentner bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Residence phono Bell 273, Horns 347-X, E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tice limited to Chronic Dlsoascs. Offlco Ilotol Holland, Wednesdays 10-3, Both phones. Resldonce phones: Fannor 10xx5 Eaglo Point and Roguo Rlvor lino. Second Floor Garnott-Coroy Building Medford, Orogon, Drs. Saundors & Green Special ists Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. "Not only tho cheapest, hut the best." HERMANN F. RA1TE. M. D. Of flco ovor Medford National Bnuk building. Offlco phouo 6721; Res., Ilotol llollmid, Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYA-W Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 16 South Fir. Phoaf Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prise right. Servlco guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERI UnfleruiKer si Embalmer. Office a 8 South Harr iett st. Telephones; Day, Hull. 171; night, residence, Blt 473, Home 170-L. CalU answered Rlj. or day. Amuuuuo serywi, .w