P3K3I3 SIX l-.JtiJ!tl.f iJ.) t-J-gll PYTHIAN SISTERS At (lie hint rcgulnr meeting of ilia Pylhini) Sisters tlio following officers Wore ii)Htnllrl for the onsuiiiK lenn: Mr, Hoim. Ilublmnl, pant chief; Mrs. J A Parry, inosfc p.foe)ent rliief; Airs, llnrry Wortmnn, excellent sen ior; Mrs. IiOiiis Whiting, mnnuger; STm. Jijlin Perl, iwrellont junior; Airs. rriink llnlclin.son, unstress of fin nnt'o; JIJHjj Mnry HnHWell, mistress of records and correspondence; Miss (lenoviuvo Wortmnn, protector; Mn. Alfred Flynn, outer gtitml: Mrs. V. II. McGownn was the instiilling offi cer nrtsisted by Miss lone Flynn. Light refreshments were served nftor tlui meeting nnd i social good timo was enjoyed by nil. Tlio fnllnvr irtg tneinbcrs und officers from Knl- nntlio Templo, Ashland, were present : Mrs. Patty, pnst. chief; Mrs. Har gndiiie, most excellent chief; Airs. McNnir, c.xccUcnl senior; Mrs. Har bor, niiuuiKor; Mrs. Davis, Mrs. El liott, Mr. Frank LinoVey. Moore Wins Marathon LONDON, Juno T2. Judge William II.. Moore of New York today won the coaching Marathon, starting from Hampton Court. There wero eleven entries. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. -i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kunan and daughter left for Portland Tuesday evening, where they will reside In tho future. Mrs. Anna Broad and son, Robert, have returned from a few days' visit with the former's daughter at Mur phy. William Von der Hellen and family of Kaglo Point were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Florcy one day this week. Mrs. J. M. Rader and Mrs. Effle Taylor and L. A. Roso were the guests of Mrs. Wilbur Jones Sunday. Miss Lucllo Rader of Medford is in town this week attending the teachers' examination. Miss Edith Mcrriman of Portland has beeu visiting at the homo of her uncle, Harry Luy. Mrs. Richard Bland returned to Grants Pass this week after spending several weeks with her sister, Miss Amanda Helms. Misses Leora and Gertrude With Ington and Sara and James Gillette have returned from a week's vaca tion at Falrvlew, where they were tho guests of Miss Nan Nlckell. District Attorney D. F. Mulkey was in town on legal business Thurs day. Seth L. Roberts or tho firm (5f Crandall & Roberts of Portland, was at tho courthouse his week check ing up tho bunting and fishing licenses. D. C. Henry of Gold Hill and G. W. Ager of Talent are In town this week assisting Professor Wells with tho teachers' examination. John F. Miller and son have re turned from a two weeks' visit at Portland. Rev. Bandy minister of the Pres byterian church, has moved his fam ily from Salem and are residing In the Kubli house on California street, at present. Miss Lulu Williams, daughter of Mr. Williams of Taylor, Williams Co., arrived from Kentucky Friday where sho has been attending Georgetown College. Word was received from Washing ton recently that Mrs. Mabel Miller had been appointed postmistress of tho Jacksonville post office. Mrs. F. J. Flen entertained tho COO club In a most charming ananner Wednesday evening. Tills was the tho last meeting of tho club until tho hot weather is over. Following are thoso who wero present. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. 8. Whtlngton, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch, Dr. and Mrs. It. E. Golden, Mrs. Harry Luy, Mrs. B. F. Collins and Mrs. John Dunnlngton. NOTICIJ. Notlco is herohy given that the undersigned will apply to tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at its next regular meeting on July 2, 1912, for a llcenso to soil spirituous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less than a gallon at its iplaco of business on lots G, C, 7, 8, block 20, In said cjty, for a period of six: months. HOTEL NASH CO. Dated Juno 18, 1312. 4 INVESTORS ATTENTION. 250 acres, rlpo for suudlvi&lon ad joining property now selling rapidly in lots at gross price of between $4000 and $5000 per aero. Price $300,000, mortgago $85,000, duo 4-C-C7 years, C per cent interest. UG,000 In cash nnd trade. Pro perty located In livo California town. For further Information wrlto CAL IFORNIA LAND SALES CORPORA TION, 121M2 Hearst B)dg., San Francisco, Cal, Legal blank.i at tke Medford Print- dk company. ran ra GRAFT IN NEW JERSEY. aHft'aLBLarapLLH aHLaKaP aLaH louls Kuchnlo Is the local '"boss ol tlio adwtnlstrutlou in Atlantic City N. J., where detectives have un earthed a trail of graft by means ol tho dictagraph. Already several Coun oilmen have resigned as a result 0 tin Investigation. jWIIIIaui J. Burns, Un well known detective, U employed ob talalng evidence. Many city oltlrlal aro now said to be Involved througl the disclosures. t COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. !k It reiiicmbon'tl, tlittt o roRulnr term of tlio county court of Juckson county, Mate of Oregon. ln ana held nt the courthoui-e '" Jacksonville. In said county and Mule, on riini'suay. the 1st day of May. 1912. the time f!x-u ly law for the holdlnK of said court. when went prsem nun. j. iu ."-.. rniuiiv tndire: Junius Owens, county commissioner; J. ! llrown. county com missioner; W. it. uoieman. cierw. uni V. A. Jones, sherlfr. When tho foliowlns hills were auiV. Itcd: I J. O'Garn. fruit Inspector's salary. April, 1J12 , HU.GG V. A. Jones, sheriff's salary, . April, 1312 - 3J3.SJ W It rvitemnn. elerks salary. April. 1912 250.09 lred U ColvlB. r.corder's sal- ary. April. 112 211.68 J. It. Nell. co. Judge's salary. April, 1912 .w.vv Percy Wells, school supt.'s of fice. April. 1912 - 160.00 G. V. Ager. school supervisor's salary. April. 1912 120.00 D. C. Henry, school supervisor's salary. April, 1912 120.09 W, T. Grieve, assessor's salary. April. 1912 125.00 Jas. M. Cronemlller. treasurer's salary. April. 191J .. 100.00 J. W. Wilson. Janitor's salary, April. 1912 - . 60.00 John Hlaess, ferryman's salary. Anrll. 1912 - 16.66 J. N. Pace. supt. ioor farm sal- arv. Anrll. 1912 100.00 40.00 60.00 Or. Vm. W. P. Holt. co. physic- ian's salarv. April. 1912 Frank I. Coleman. work In clerk's office. April. 1912...- Mlnnlu Kellv. work In clerk's of fice. April. 1912, registering voters 60.00 Chas. Prim, work In clerk'a of fice. April. 1912. election work 100.00 Fred l. uoivip. extra deputy nire, recorder's office. April. 1912 60.00 60.00 72.00 12.00 39.00 63.00 S4.00 Fred L. Colvlg, extra deputy hire. recorder's office. April. 1912.... W. W. Wheeler, deputy assessor hire. April. 1912 G. A. Gardner, deputy assessor hire. April, 1912 Chauncey Florey. deputy assessor hire. April. 1912 .. - E. 8. Hoek. deputy assessor hire, Apr I. i: April. 1912 -..- uodlove, deputy assessor hire. Anrll. 191 T M. Jannev. denutv assessor hire, April. 1912 160.00 Katie M. Grieve, deuutv assessor hire, April. 1912 75.00 V. D. Wagner, deputy assessor hire. April. 1912 . 92.00 A. II. Fisher, deputy assessor F. V. Wagner, deputy assessor hire. April. 1912 ... 80.01 hire, March. 1912 80.00 Chas. 11. Gay. work In sheriff office. April, 1912, collecting taxes - 73.00 Nellie IL Jones, work In sheriff Office, April. 1912, collecting taxes 75.00 Nettlo Thompson, work in sher iff office. April. 1912. collect ing taxes ... 76.50 f), H. Cronemlller, work in sher iffs office, April, 1912. collect ing taxes 61.50 W. A. Jones, for Jailer, April, 1912 20.00 J. P. Ilutler, work In sheriff of fice. April. 1912, checking re ceipt .- ' 21.38 II. G. Shearer, deputy sheriff hlro 35.75 H. M. C'lcveitger, extra deputy hire .-. .. 11. u jr. M. Taylor, extra work In sheriffs office .-. 21.75 W. H. Bo wen. work on tax ledger, sheriff a offlco 75.00 Maye H. Wells, work In school supt.' office 23.75 Mr. J. Fattlg, carp of Ills Met- calf. Indigent 16.00 Nuncy Slseniore, regular Indi gent allowance, April. 1912 16.00 Albert Johnston, regular Indigent allowance. April, 1912 . COO Htephen Carpenter, regular Indi gent nllowonce. April, 1912 .... 10.09 C. M. Ittich, supplies for Win. Bogwardt, Indigent , 6.00 ueo, urown ec on. supplies lor Kdwurd Esmond. Indigent .... G.OO Sacred Heart Hospital, care of li. KlHtsen. indigent , 17.25 Sacred Heart Hospital, care of W, M. Whltsett. Indigent 7.25 Kacred Heart Hospital, caro of F. Speccla. Indigent 12.80 Sacred Heart Hospital, euro of Jf. Hodenhelmer, indigent 2.90 Tayjor-Wllllttm Co.. regular In digent allowance 18.00 If, H. lirumble, wood for indi gent . 37.16 Puvldson & IJutterfleld, mipplle for .Mrs, Jones, Indigent C.9S Beardslcy & Gray, supplies for A. Johnson, indigent, Feb., March and April, 1912 11.00 piioenlx Mercantlln Co.. supplies for A. Johnson. Indigent. Feb.. March and April. 1912 H.20 Talent Mercantile Co., supplies for Mr. J. C Colder, Indigent Tio Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill for court house The Jlorne Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill - Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone bill for dlst. ntty'H office Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.. telenhonu 8.00 16.94 140 9.80 bill 38.90 GIjhh & Prudhoinmn Co., supplies for treasurer' offlco CO GIhsh & Prudhomiue Co., election Mupplle for clerk' office 1G.00 Gins & Prudhommp Co., supplies for clerk' offlco ,. 8,00 GIuhh & Prudhommo Co., huppIK-h ' for recorder'H office 78.60 OIubh & Prudhommo Co., supplle for iiHHessor'H office ; 13.7C GlanH & Prudlioiniiie Co., supplle for assessor's office 02,00 Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., supplies for co, official 8.2C Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., supplies ror co, hciiooi mipr office Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., supplies for clerk' office lloguo Itlver Klcotrlo Co., light Illll for court house Itoguo Itlver Klectrle Co., light J.9S .7C 8.40 OP 3.20 7Q.00 bill for co. lull. lloguo Itlver Klectrle Co., power for courthouse Hemlngton Typewriter Co., typQlvrlter for recorder'H office Medford Hook Store, supplies for co. school mipt'H office 2,7(1 "SfSf "ScoVSe'r-"" fiS' ....'.Ir. n.cd J Tho Northwest Typewriter Co., otipi'licH for BlicrlffN office....,, 7.00 MEPFORD MATT TRIBUNE. MTOFOttD, OREOON. . I L-LJIIJ.., 'JILR1M I .iStiiLiJ Muli'onl Mult Tribune, )u Inline Tor Jnckmm Cm. Jnohmmvltli lH)st. ralnlltiK fur .liickxon io City tmiK Kloro, .iiuillr for court hon.io, March unit Apt II, '0.4.S i v i a 43.10 at.76 T.RI tS.75 4.5R 130.00 6.71 C 'ha. T Duuford, druyngo for Jsckson Co V J. I'lck, supplies for court house, vnrnlsh, etc Tiiyior-Wllltam Co., supplies for court house and court yard.. . J Percy Wells, freight und w.. press on offlco supplies Jas. SI. Cronemlller, Mumps for Co. officials lloguo Klver Valley ItullWay, freight , W. T tlrlevo, express on office snnnlle 1.80 ta.M t'en. llrown A Sons, supplies for convict camp T M. Peeler, supplies for con vict camp Ooo Itynn, tmrrel for convict cnitiii J K Knyurt, beef, etc., for con vict camp Geo. llrown Sons, supplies for convict cump J K. Knvnrt. supplies for con s.r.o K.3.01 -7.SS vict camp Ul.SS Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.. telephone hill for poor farm 1.6S Clements II. Smith, professional servlo rendered to Inmates of ptHr farm 18.70 II. I Hurdle, supplies for poor farm 178.S' Ashland I.lvery Stable, inking luWIent to poor farm 3. Oil Ilublmnl Bros., poor farm ex- iwnso , .... 9.65 r). M. llrower. conveying patient to poor rami ... 3.n J. N. laee, supplies for Hor rnrm 11. 10 w. W. Storey, groceries for mwr farin .... 9.99 J , .Mltcnll, poor farm ex pense 1.00 J. C. Aitkin, deputy fruit Inspec tor's salary. April, 1912 95,70 T !'. Smith, deputy fruit Inspec tor' salary. March. 1912 .. 90.70 Clyde Ilarnum; deputy rrult in spector's salary, March. 1912 . Sfi.30 Mrs. M. Thompson, hoard of pris oners. April. 1912 73.SO Or It. R. Golden, professional service to Inmates of Co. Jail .. 8.00 Mrs. Jane Johnston, washing for Courthouse nnd Jnll 1S.9R I'lrlch Hros., supplies for Jail... II. 86 Hert Smith, labor on courthouse .l ML ... Jttl fl.ld Willis Huwk, labor on courthouse yard St. 55 Week McGownn Co., court house, coffin for D, J. Hnrrett, Indigent 23.00 Garnett-Corey Hnrdwnru Co.. supplies for roads, convict camp 251. 9t C W. Watson, relocating road ex pense 21.32 Frank Grtsez. getting notes nnd surveying road on Griffin creek 11.00 A. S. Tee. work on Central Point road n engineer 7.25 C. Crlpps work on Central Point road a chalnman 6.00 Rogue Itlver Klectrle Co.. light tor DiacKsmita sliop, road ex pense 1.00 u. If. Miller, road exita-use . .. 43.lt) O. S. Iilarktord, wood for roads .. 6. Hubbard Hros.. road supplies... . 9.30 Medford Iron Works, supplies for roads 4.00 Frank Urlsez. surveying trail pe titioned for by C. I). Woolver- ton et al 1 13.20 Geo. I.ymnn. viewer trail petition ed for by ft I). Woolverton et al 6.40 J. K. Davlddson, viewer trail pe titioned for by C. I. Woolver ton et nt . . ".. 4.80 G, IV. Aldcn. chalnman. trail pe titioned for by C. 1). Woolver ton et al ... 2.00 It. C Slead, chalnman. trail peti tioned for by ft I). Woolver ton et al . ; 00 J. F. Itcddy. for convict labor, April. 1512 . 77 15 John Grieve, foreman convict camp. April. 1912 .... 100.00 A. W, Johnston, commissary clerk convict camy. April. 1912 40,00 James K. Grieve, assistant fore man convict camp, and team ,. 117.00 John Crab tree, poydcr man con vict camp, April. 1912. - - . 14 00 Geo. J. McDonald, labor on road 16.90 Lee Hoot, work on Central Point road -.,. ... 3.76 James Owens, work on road . 21 00 J. F. llrown. work on roads. . 12.00 W. W. Harmon, labor on Central Point road, April. 1912 . 3.75 It. Itoundtree, road work .. . 11.25 K. B. Watford, road work. .. . . 24.76 Frank Ward, road work. .. SS.60 Krnest Cabrnl. road expense , 69.00 I. O. Van Wegen. road expense 1.35 rauy .tiauoy, isiior on rnaus, Ap ril. 1912 . . . . 66.00 11.00 225.00 L. O. Van Wegen, board of ratty Maiioy L.. O. Van Wegen, labor on road . Charley Mllllgan, putting up vot- ing booths for election, April, 1912 COO Carson-Smith Lumber Co., lum ber for election booth, April, 1912 election 4.05 Darling & Hodge, extra dep uty and delivering ballot. . 2S.S0 W, A. Jones, delivering ballot boxes, money advanced 22.50 W. rt. Coleman, delivering of election supplies 76 It. B. Dow, making official count April. 1912. election 6.00 H. G. Meyer, making booths, etc., election April, 1912 ..... 2,60 li W. Cooper, hall rent anil lights, Sam Valley precinct, April. 1912. election 4.00 J. 15. It. Morelock, making offi cial count April. 1912, election.. 13.00 Henry G, Dox, making official count April, 1912. election... . 9.00 Carl lleelte. Janitor work. Mound precinct, April. 1912, election.. 1.00 W, A. Jone. cash paid for deliv ering ballot boxen . . . .. 1.G0 Lloyd Colvcr, putting up and tak ing down booths, Apri), 1912, election 2.00 G. F. Hillings, registering vot er for April. 112, election 68.80 O, B. Itose. hall rent for April, 1912, election, Applegate pre cinct . . . R.00 C. M. Ituch. election expense. 2,00 Medford Furniture "& Hardware Co., election expense, oil, ltve, etc 13.B0 Wm. Ulrlch, registering voter, . 60.30 W- E. Hoyil, rent for building for election, April. 1912 G.OO Itoy AHhpole, delivering ballot boxes for April, 1912. election 27.70 w, a. r.iliou, room rent, etc., for Wu nro now serving OUR OWN Ice Cream II ERK IH OUIt FORMULA Orcam '. Milk,., , Sugar '' Pppsln Flavoring ... 1 Vo Starch No Flour No Icq Cream Powder Nq 0c'atn of any Iclnd. HASKINS for HEALXH LI .lUVi I'm1. nvi.'-r rt April. 1 ill a, election , , Gorst King, deltvetliiK election supplies .Tame Howling, rent for polling place, April, 11113, election 1. T. Gallluar, hall lent, !"., ItpcU Point pivcliicl. April. l2. election ... , ...... City or Ashland, rent or bulldlutt for April, tins, election Illg Pimm Lumber Co., lOad exp. 13.10; election booths for Med. 4.04 MO 6.00 61.00 3.17.05 5.00 tt.Sfi 6.S0 R.00 6.0O tf 110 6,00 I 26 6.00 1UIU f .IW.3U .... ........ . Medfont Hun, printing for Jack sou county IteuJ. Mow, room rent and wood, election April, tin 2 J. 11, Thornton, "lection expense, putting up booths, etc City Truck A Htomue Co.. trait- ferrlng election boolhs. etc.. April, mis, election - ., Mis. At. M. rhllds. halt lent. N. K Medford precinct, April, 1912, election .. . Town or llutte Falls, eteclluii x- pense April, 1912, rent of room, etc. . ... ..... K, C, PnVne, election boolhs, Ap HI. 1912 II. 1). Heed, hall rent. April, 1912. election. Gold I lilt pnolnet .,,.. Iro TuugatiN pultlui: tip booths. April, 19U. election C. T. Slenson. election expense, rent of room, etc., April, t!MS. election ....... J. A. l.einery, rent or building for April. 1912. election .. -G111. Stacy. Judge or election, Ap ril, 1912, Aiiflocli ... ....... Juo. Itlgham, Judge of election, April. 1912. AutWh . C. K. Wllblte. Juiluo of election, r. mi I C.OD c 00 6 0H 10.00 6.00 6.110 9 00 9.00 April. 1912. Alltloell C. !'. t'nse. clerk of election, Ap ril, 1912, Antloch T. A. Glass, clerk of election. Ap ril. 1913, Antloch T. li Jones, clerk of election, Ap ril, ISIS. Antloch K. A. Sberwln. Judge of election, April, 1912, KiiHi Ashland J. I.. Grubh. Judge of election. April. 1912. Kast Aslihind k . J, M. Griffin. Judge of election, April, 1912. liist Ashland. Jas. F. Melkle, clerk of election, April. 1912, Kut Ashland. O. It. Hose, clerk or election. Ap ril, 1912. Kast Asblund W, 1. Loom I, clerk of election, April. 1912. Kast AshhOid II. M. Shouily. Judge of election, April. 1912. West Ashland. P. I.. Ashcroft. Judge of election. April. 1912, West Ashland J. it. Casey. Judge of election. 9. 0 12 10 9.U0 9.00 9 l)H 9.0i 9.00 12 10 l.llll .9 00 April, in 1 5, west Asiiiiiuii S. J. Wyatt, clerk of election, April. 1912. West Ashland O. 11. itarnblll. clerk of election. . April. I9t2. West Ashland Guy Preseott, clerk of election. April. 1912. West Ashlund Jno. It. Plttenger. Judiie or elec tion, April. 1912. South Aihland F. V. Shaw. Judge or election, April. 1912. South Ashlnml . J. M. ICtrkPutrlck, Judge of elec tion, April. 1912. South Ashland Clyde Payne, clerk or election, April. 1912 ... ... John It. Hung, alerk of election, April. 1912. South Ashland It. M. Hedges, clerk of election, 0.00 6,00 COII B.on (I 60 6 00 9 un 9 00 April, is 1 2. Kouiii Asniauii S. A. Carlton. Judge of election, April, 1912. Central Ashlund . K. P. Hughes. Judge of election, April. 1912. Central Ashland F. G. McWIIIIams. Judge of elec tion. April, 1912, Central Ash land 9 00 12 10 9,00 9 00 O. C. Tiffany, clerk of election. April. 1912. Central Ashland K. ft Payne, clerk of election, Ap ril. 1912. Central Ashlund F. I. Wagner, clerk of elect Ion, April. 1912. Central AshU d 200 Cartons Tell Mora Than 200 Columns The World's VbstEach Month Cartoons from daWe and Teekllt pubUUinl in thi country. London. Dublin. Parw. Berlin, Munich. Vienna. Wanaw. Iludapett. St. I'cUra. burg. Amsterdam. Sttatgart.Turln. Korae, LUbon, Zurich. Tokio. Shanghai. Sydney. Canada, and South America, and all the great dt lea of the world. Only the TOO beat out o( 9,W cartoon! each month, arc selected, A Picture History of Worfcfi Cvintt Each MnUi CAMPAIGN CARTOONS-followtht campaign in CAiaooNS ' and watch tho oppo ing parties caricature each other. VCAXLY SUBSCRIPTION 1JI0 aiNOUE COPY 1B Ou Un tpU tcsr a U wklSnt by t4JrnO( Ui put. UiUt. Jt. II.M IMilOX. JU W. Vatllittl Stmt. Cll ICACC ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER &pvt readWtures B V pv INSTEAD VsW 'pi fey xsmySpr rt vLsrfT " M W if I ani a power for great good if you do not abuse my use. In cases of need I do my work well. I am a builder up of health and strength in the hospital or in the home. For the invalid or the convalescent for the tired or over Worked I offer a great help, A little of me goes a long way. I have been qmojig you for three generations. I'm known as Cyrus Nollc throughout the world. W, J. Van Sclmyver & Go,, General Agents, Portland. THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASJJJN'a A:BpECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Orders called for and delivered. First cIobh work dono by hand. Ladles' aud men's suits cleaned nud pressed. Tol. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth nd South Contral Avenue. I r- OUR REPAIR SHOP Is equipped to do all branches of Bicyclo and Motorcycle repairing. Brazing a specialty, Baljy Qarriages and GrO-Carts Retired. All work guaranteed and delivered promptly. Pacific Motor Supply Go. Both Phones 220 West Main St. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1012, TT" I. Ollls thidge, April, in I.'. ,ii- or oii'oiiim. U'lllilllll (llltlll'Mlt'lt T l. I'liaiiinaiii Judge of elretlon, April, liil'J, Ashland llonlevetii .1. J, sMyei-H, Jinlitit or election, April. Vnl Ashland ItnuleVaid II. t) Ftohlmeh. chili of ehclbm. Apt II, UMl. Ashland ibMilevatd t. K, lltaveH. clerk of election, April, 1912. Afthliind lloiilevaid W. A. Sehwlnitev, clerk or elce- (Ion. April, lUtii. Avliliind Haul. evn 11I . Cheater ICulill. Judue of election, April. l'.Ui. Applegate Khun Throclimorion Judge of election. April. 1913, Applogiitu ). li Itnse, Judge of eleoUon, Ap ril, 1012. Apptegnto . It. II. Illll, clerk or election, April. IUIJ. AppleKiite ... Geo. Huffman, eletk of elecllon, Apt II. 191,'. Applegate Al. .A Van florder. clerk of elee- lion, April. lJ Alilet!iilo . v tt W riarrmii Jiuigl of elecllon, Aiirll, 1913, lliu 1 tin .. II, ,Ar,rni ,, 1 .,,,, iiiti... jii.i,. lollai'hlde. lodge of elee. 1 tin. .nr 11. 1 in;. 1 in 11 mi o.on noo Jas I turret I Jintge of. eh-ellon, April, 1912, llmnm ' Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency ttU) aorcc, 10 mile front Den ver, Colo., till notl Plow Uun, fair luipriivciiicnttt, to triulo for pro porty Hero, what Iiiih yon? :iJ0 acres, goml nlfaUa Intnl. .IVj miles from l.aniinlo, Wyom., IL'O.OO nr itcru, or wll trmlo for acrcago lior. trtO acre, SVj mllcB out, lnr linitso, family orclinnl, SO iiimch In cultivation, 1175 pur acre. GKi ucrcri, Just oiitMltlo of tlm city limit, uuw tingalow, novtir lived In. Price H000, fit; aero, t miles from tlu end of 8. Oakilalo and Vi nillo from JacltRouvllle, IS uuioh sot to trees. .10 acre cleared. 1 1 tit) per acre. We havo aovural Hiiinil trncla, unimproved Just out of the city, tit a very reasonalbe price. Wanted itood city property to trade for nrruitKC. lltilui'Kt ('liaiicc. ItoomliiK hointn lease good till August lltli, M0 00, iniiat null, Piano J 100. Koud teriuit. Camp wagon, Kiiiployinciit. Women cook for ranch. (Jlrla for general housework. Hnucli hnitilH, liny Iminls. Wood choppers. Mra. Emma Bittnor Phono till; Home, II. ()pjithll .Vn.ili Hotel KOO.MS (I AMI 7. I'AliM ItLDCK ii WtrMMtMl KrirMuiaiM cu vwiTr 1 APPELLS iSoHtkAfiioui WATER BAG Mcanaroul, frvth wnlff dwav at hand Xpa th Miitrr cool M lumraor luagrr In no ur hd. Yut TWkaaoSBbstltsta wmklnsat atlla. Unc from frrh wur. so Apin-ll g Huth Africa a Waiter Vag par fur lllf roan ilinr orr In tlui ail aad In lo rrratml ftlclitacjr duo to ttctl lrr rlglit t html, Ni tlm lixt ltli, xirfk tu to lor a Urluk, Knr proicU,i, mtytjett. t un. utockinrn aiivoiii) ei nownl U in or warm wratlmrH la 'iaV.ut nwrMlly, iVatvr nut Intit lliu btt lu thn tutnulutf ami aipotrd to tlio miii ami air all day will ixtojirr ainijui nun 11wn.1i" inn lourniaf . Tlia Utt drink aa ctx.l a tlii lint, sairaatetl. TJaed by U. H. Govt. Alrouj, .(jAl, Uutabli, J'.itty ta Carry. SIim- 1, 2 nad 5 Calloaa. l'rapnld Prices, 91. le, 1.40, 3,00 ritpecllitlr. tor Jial4 lv lltdttri Uttryuktrt, if Xt tlnttr IHtKtJtoM IK Adam ApiHill Water llafr Co. l-OUTI-ANI). OlIEOON 'if 8 1 'JJ - - - ' - -1" ItOhi'oo Aiili'utili, ulnik nf i'lmi. Hun, ,NUII, ltl'J, Mm urn I'rtl'ltOPtt AlH'll'MUl''. I'lflll of lll'l) Hun, April, fun, lirti'i'oii M. Al. TuoUor, t'li'lk tir iIoUiui, Ai'ill. IUI3, liiirtmi ... I'liuiU 11. Nell, JiiiIkk i't I'li'i'Uuii, 11 00 0 00 n.oo li.OU n.oo 9.10 0.00 11.110 11,00 0.011 (1,00 HOTEL $1.00 SUNDAY 110 Ounnpo Allcinoiido OlivciH no U'mli.slics OhicktMi Ouiiijio L'riiolo .Sly hi Coiihoiiiiikj Murllm linked AliiHka jilack Cod I'nMiijfuirm PolutoKH Duc.Ikihho A'pl-auvt'iil of Calf's llrniiw n la ToiiIoiiho .lYii!)UHlt'iui of Veal with Si)iuiu!li Auitu'ii'aiiiu CnMUt1 tlo MtMlillO I'lUK'll Spring (i'luk(n lionrttod with Sage OrcsHing lvoasl. Prime liihs of Heel' an jiih Potatoes an CI rat in Hot AnparagiiK Crab Apph? Pic i.i'iiinii MiM'ingno Pits iMaraHdiino IVtj Crtiani Asstirtt'd (,'ahtiH Chcoso Cnuskars Fresh I'Yuit ( Joinpois ' Cafo Noir Sunday, , I uno lillrd, I!)lli If you are looking for an efficient fence- a fence suitable for many different purposes PAGE FENCE, will supply your needs !. 411. Page Fence V" I -at i;ia4iU Page Rabbit Proof Fence is practical, economical and absolutely rabbit proof Yov want tho BESTWE HAVE IT We furnish man and tools and assist in tho erection of every rod of Page Fence without extra cost to you. Yew and Cedar Posts always on baud Gaddis & Dixon "The Page Fence Men" Distributors Nprtbcrn California and Sontliorn Oregon Main Office Medford, Oregon CSTTfT Now for the Seashore VIA T'lw LVCM mB W20 Season Tlckola on Salo Juno 1st CO SUN SET t I0GDEN&5HASTAI 3I)ay Tickets on Sulo Saturday and Sunday to rtsa lciO TILLAMOOK AND NEWPORT BEACHES Season faros from tho nrliiclnal HtatloiiH to Newport or Tillamook UcucIioh uro as follews: FROM TO Portland Newport OreRon City " Salem " Albany "1 Corvallls " EiiKeno " Itoseburg ' Medford " Ashlaiid " FAltW ,ur. D.in 4.(10 :.7r. 5.80 8.7C 12.00 12.00 Tickets to nhovo liolntn on sale dally kooiI nil iicnnon, with corro spondliiK low fnreii from other liolutu. Wuulc end tickets uro ulvo on salo from vurloiis points. SUNDAY EXtlUHHIpN TUAltt ON THE 0, & E. H, U, Loaves Alhnny at 7:30 a. in., Corvallls K:00 a, 311. und counocts with S. P. trains 10, 14 and 2$ from points south, Call on our nearest AKont for "Vacation Days In OroBon," a boautlfiilly illustrated booklet dosuiihlng various oiitltig' resort, or write to ,. .4 John M, Scott, Gen. Passenger Agt., Portland, Ore. Attentl tlio 1). I. O. Elks Convention, I'iiiIIiiiiiI, July Hl II LoiV Fiii'oh (o all polntH JCiiNt Juno (0 Boptumbcr .00 (1,00 . OU April, 11113, Illll Unite II, l Mills, Judge of tilHllliili, Aliril, ll'IS. Hlgjlllttii ,.., . J, A lilhlioth. Hi . Judge .of eleu. (tint, AIM II, tun, Hlg lllltltt ... (Ti lih cuiitlinii'il'.) 7 MEDFORD DINNMU' f lo H:IH) i. M. ftwutjl IMykloK Salad Uau-iMohr Co. Props. .u M ii' m i'j Babbit Proof -.. - m ai .-m ROUTES TO FAIUfl Tillamook Jimiclica 4.oo 4.70 ,00 7,ao 0 " 7.10 " " 0.00 " " 12.00 " " 17.20 " 17.76 lM 14.00 0,00 0,011 A V