Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 22, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    p P2TOB FOUR!
Bedford imxn tribune, raDFORD, orkoont. satfkixvy, .Trarc 22, 1012.
- -if r -
Medford mail tribune
an indkpendrnt nkwspatkil
puiimkiucd kvhiiv apteunoon
except sunday. 1y tub
medkord printing co.
Tho Dotnoerntlo Tlmcn, Tho Mcilfortl
Mull. Tho Mrdfortt Tribune, Tho South
nm OroRonlan, Tho Ashland Tribune.
Offlcn Mnll Trlbuno RulullnR. 2S-S7-SJ
North Kir street; phono, Main 3021;
Home 7G.
CHOUGH PUTNAM, Editor and MnnnKcr
Entnrod na nccoinl-clnss matter nt
Medford, Oregon, undor tho act of
March 3, 1879.
Official Papor of tho City of Medford.
urricmi pnper or jncKson county.
One Tear, by malt 15.00
Ono month, by mnll 60
jor momn, onvcrea ny carrier in
Medford, JnclCHonvllla and Cen
tral Point SO
flatiirday only, by mall, per year. . 3,00
Weakly, per year 1.C0
Dally avcraRA for eleven months end
ing November SO, 1911, 2751.
mil X,&Rd Wlr TTnlua Tntu
Tho Mall Trlbuno Is on pale at tho
Perry News Slnnd, San Kranclseo.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Howraan Newn Co., Portlnml, Ore,
W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash.
MEDroBD. ossaos.
Motropolln of Southern Oregon nnd
Nortliom California, nnd tha fastest
growing city in Orein.
Population U. S. census 1910 SS10;
estimated. 1911 10,000.
Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed. Riving finest
supply pure mountain water, and 17.3
miles of streets paved.
Postofflco receipt! for year endlnp
November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19
per cent,
IJanner fruit city In Oregon Ttogue
River Splticnberg apples won swsep-
Btakcs prize ana nun or
"Apple Xlsf of the World"
at tno XMaiionai Appie anow, opoi
1909, and a car of Newtown won
Mrst Prise In 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver. B. C
By Ad Brown
Tho ship was badly scuttled
And tho crows wore sorely pressed.
But 'mong tho passengers one man
Was not at all distressed.
Ho sprang up to tho turret deck
Where everyone could see,
Then from his pocket took a speech
And thus ho read, read he:
"On ail this boat there Is but ono
Can savo you from tho sea,
And, gentlemen, I tell you now
That single ono Is me."
And quick tho volume of his words,
As fast as he could speak.
Assembled In a weighty mass
And plunged the blooming leak.
Ah, men there are who lead tho rest
In almost every walk,
But ono alono stands out supremo
In mighty feats of talk.
Ad Brown.
The Lake of the Dismal Swamp
(By Thomas Moore.)
"The made her n Rrave, too cold nnd
For a soul so warm and true;
And she's gone to the Lake of the
Dismal Swamp,
Where all night loiitf, by a firefly
She paddles her white canoe."
"And her firefly lamp I soon shall
And her paddle I soon shall hoar;
Long nnd loving our life shall bo.
And I'll hide the maid in n cypress
When the footstep of Death is
'Away to the Dismal Swamp he
His path wns rugged and sore,
Through tangled juniper, beds of
Through many n fen when ilie fcr
pent feeds,
And man never trod before.
And when on the earth he sunk to
If slumber his eyelids knew.
Ho lay, where the deadly vine doth
Its venomous tear, and nightly fcteep
The flesh with blistering dew.
And near him tho she-wolf stirred
tho brake,
And tho coppur-snuke breathed i.i
his ear,
Till, he startled, cried, from tho
dream awake,
"OJ when shall I see the dusky lake,
And tho white ennoo of my dear?"
Ho Paw tho lake, and a meteor bright
Quick over its surfuco played
"Welcome," ho said, "my dear one's
And tho dim shore echoed for mnny
a night,
Tho nuinu of tho death-cold maid.
Till ho hollowed n boat of the birchen
Which carried him off from shoro;
Par. far ho followed tho moteor
Tho wind was high and tho clouds
wero dark,
And the boat returned no inoro.
But oft, from tho Indian hunter's
This lover and maid so true
Arc seen, nl tho hour of tho midnight
To cross tho hike by n firefly lamp,
And prtddlo their own ennoo.
THOMAS Nasi know what ho was about whon ho first
caricatured tho Demooratio party as u ilonkoy. In tho
face of tho greatest opportunity it has over had. the party
continues to blunder in stupid, assinine fashion, and tho
emblem continues most appropriate.
Any progressive democrat could defeat President Taft
this year, yet the same forces that forced the nomination of
Taft over the protest of the rank and file of the republican
party, are endeavoring to force the nomination of a re
actionary democrat and so toss away the groat chance.
The' preliminary move is the effort to make Judge
Parker chairman of the convention and thus give the re
actionaries control of the organization. No ono could have
been named more distasteful to the rank and file of the
party in the west.
Bryan's bugle call to rally the progressives against the
selection of Parker has met with slim response from the
democratic candidates. As the time servers and pie-counter
politicians deserted the progressive cause in the Chi
cago convention, so are thev rallving about the Tanunanv
chiefs of reactionary politics at Baltimore.
"Whether supported or not, however, Bryan will keep
the faith and make the fight, single-handed if nooossarv.
Defeat has no terrors for him and he does not compromise
therefore he is a poor politician. Put ho has the confi
dence and esteems of the rank and. file of the democratic
party, as Roosevelt has of the republican party.
All that is necessary to insure the success of the third
party movement is the nomination of a conservative or a
reactionary at Baltimore.
THE Chicago convention has witnessed the sacrifice of
Poosevelt for the petty personal ambitions of his fol
lowers. When the psychological moment for a bolt arose, when
it had been demonstrated that tho will of the voters of
the party was to be ruthlessly trampled undor foot by the
cjomiptlj manned "steam-roller." the Poosevelt leaders
threw him over and refused to follow him.
Governor ITadley of Missouri, thought he stood .1
chance of being nominee and would not walk out. Senator
Borah and others with senatorial elections facing them.
Governor Deneen and other governors considered their
own jobs, as did the host of postmasters needing reappoint
ment. Of all the leaders of the Poosevelt forces, only
Johnson of California and Plinu of Pennsylvania were
ready to follow their chief.
The republican convention is offering the people an
object lesson as to the part their wishes play in nomina
tions, and how little voice the people have hfthe selection
of a candidate.
Taft has been repudiated in every state where the
people were given a chance to express their decision, yet
Taft is to be forced upon them in spite of protest. The
people never have had any voice in the selection of candi
dates, but they arc just beginning to find it out.
This year's conventions probably mark the passing of
the convention system in the nation, as it passed in Oregon
and other states some .years ago.
Repudiation of the expressed wishes of the people
by the convention can have but one result the repudiation
of the convention hy the people.
Direct primary nominations will before long supplant
the part- conventions in the nation as direct election of
presidents will supplant the electoral college both advo
catcd by Andrew Jackson almost a century ago.
LISBON, June 22. One man was
killed and twenty-five were injured
10(1(13 by tho explosion of five bombs,
when riotin, which bej-an last nif,'ht,
was resumed early today. Frequently
cavalry charges were ordered, to dis
perse the mobs, and tho entire mili
tary garrison was quartered in the
principal streets and squares. There
were numerous arrests and the riot
ers were confined on warships which
were kept under full steam in the har
bor. Liber Trial In Denver
DENVKR Colo., Juno 22. Tho
trial of Fred G. Donflls and II. E.
Tammen, charged with criminal libel,
Is docketed to begin In court hero
Monday, and from present Indica
tions It will bo ono of tho most sen
sational trials of tho kind ever held
In tho west. Tho charges were
brought by William G. Evans, and
were the outgrowth of tho recent
municipal campaign In this city. Tho
Denver Post, of which Messrs. Bon
flls and Tammen aro tho proprietors,
announces editorially that tho de
fendants will call as witnesses prac
tically all of the prominent men of
Denver, Including "bankers, editors,
politicians, jailbirds, ballot-box stut
ters, brlbe-glvors and takers."
Declares Kissing National Crime
GUTHRIE, Okla., Juno 22. Kiss
ing Is tho most dangerous things in
tho world, a national crlmo, and laws
should bo passed making it such,
according to Dr. George W. Howling,
a dentist of Lindsay, Okla., who in
corporated tho first society In Okla
homa to fight tho habit of kissing.
"I bollevo when peoplo aro edu
cated," said Dr, Bowling, "thoy will
learn to eliminate a groat part of
tho present habit of kissing.
"If you havo noticed It there Is a
tendency among more educated peo
plo to teach their children never to
kiss on tho mouth, but on tho cheek,
Tomorrow's ball nme between
Grants Pass and Medford nucnnling
to the opinions of tho dopstors,
should prove to be n hummer. The
visitors will use their new pitcher,
Herman McFudden, u recent impor
tation from California, who is reput
ed to bo u clever slab.iter. Ike Hutler,
the victor of many u hard fought
battle in the hi; leagues, will do the
twirling for the Medfonlitcs.
If you have made arrangements to
go elsewhere Sunday you had better
consider cmicclling them you can't
afford to miss this came.
CHICAGO, Juno 22. It seemed a
foregone conclusion last night that
Taft would bo nominated on first bal
lot. Although Colonel Roosovolt In
dicated tonight his numo will not bo
presented to tho "tainted conven
tion," if his wishes aro followed It
Is generally believed tho delegates
Instructed for him would offer his
name, despite his expressed desiro.
Tho Roosevelt forces havo not aban
doned a general fight In tho conven
tion and a hard struggle over tho
Texas and Washington delegates Is
With theso contests In front of
thorn and with tho platform to bo
adopted and with tho probability of
Its' bolng assailed by tho La Folletto
as well as tho Roosevelt faction, tho
leaders look forwurd with Bomo trep
cdltlon to accomplishing tho task be
foro htom by Sunday morning. The
platform makors tonight determined
to disregard entirely tho quostlon of
woman suffrage
Florence Roborta la to appear an
a producer and star In a now play
wrUton by a San Francisco play
wright, and dealing with hospital llfo.
SAYS J. P. MONQAW LHXT $2ot0Q0t000
When the members of the New York Stock Hxchango woro Coring 100 per
cent for call loans and no money was forthcoming from the banks on October
IM, 1007, It was J. PkTxnt Morgan who stepped In and saved the day, ho Kan
soiu II. Thomas, president of tho KxchniiKc In 11)07 anil 11)08, told tho ltauklng
anil Currency Committee of tho of Representatives, which Is now delv
lug Into tho "Money Trust" In New York.
So potent was Mr. Morgan's assistance, which was In tho tnnglblo form of
$25,000,000 currency. Mr. Thomas salil, that before the day ended Stock Hx
change members were borrowing all tho call money they wanted nt threo per
c t. "v )
James U. Mnbon, tho new president of tho Stock Kxchango In Now York,
os also a witness before tho committee.
Heal I-Xutu Transfers.
Sarah T. Wolvertoa to Cathe
rine Isabello Handy lot I blk
1 Kd in endes Add Medford ... 10
Lee lleall to Tyson Ueall 2r.,
33 aero In l)h C 6C twp 37
2 w 10
Leo Heall to Anbury lleall TiO.22
acres In twp ;" I w . . . 10
Clara II Lewis to Asbury Ikmll
lleall ."0, 22 'acres in Dhc
CC twp .'57 2 w 1
Frank Gagnon to A. A. Davis
et al land in blk,ll Beatty's
Add Medford .'....... 1000
Asbury Beall to J-vo lleall laud
in Dh C C twp .17 2 w 10
Win. H. Senrlo to Itox it Lamp
man all lilk 4 Dedum's
amended Add Gold Hill.... 1000
Clarence E. Wolverton to Harry .
K. Scidmnro SO acre In sec.
2 twp 33 1 o 10
Roguo .River Irrjc. Orchard to
Eaglo I'olnt land in Dh C 111
twp 30 1 w
.las. M. Cronoinlllor to E. Y.
Coleman 1.1 acres In Dh C
42 twp 3S I w 10
Geo. Mold Jr. to Geo. Mold Sr.
property In blk "A" It. It.
Add Ashland 1
Charles H. Hoilny to Geo. Mold
Jr. S 2 lot 15 blk "A"Mt. It.
Add Ashland 1
Chas. If. Dolnrluiu to A. K.
Ware land In Dh C 83 twp
37 2 w 30
it. J. Edwards et al to Chas. J.
Delorlelu land In Dh C K3
twp 37 2 w 10
Hollo Nlclsell to J. E. Holtlus
land In twp 38 2 w 10
Geo. V. Gillette to W. K. Smith
land In sec. 8 twp 39 I o 10
W. It. Coloman to E. G. Colo
man 15 acres In Dh C -12
twp 38 1 w 10
A. C. Abrams to Hlghoroft Inc.
property in Hlghcroft Add
Add Medford 10
W. T. Andrews to Lydla An
drews property In Medford.. 10
Andrew J. Emerson to Lydla
AndrowH property In Med
ford 2000
U. 8. to Arthur L, Jones 1C0
acres In sec 2 twp 34 2 o Pat
U. S. to Geo. F. .Jones ICO
acres' In sec 3 twp 3 1 2 o.......I'at
Viola May Htouo to (Sold Hay
Realty Co., lot 2 blk C Bon
son Add Medford .. 1
Orln W. Train Jr. to O. W.
Train Sr., niv t of nw 4 sec.
4 twp 30 4 w ,..,.. 1
Sarah T. Wolverton to W. I;.
Handy lots l and C blk I
Edinead's Add Medford 10
.Vimv Cases
H, E, Morrison vh Crator I.ako
Laundry. Action for tnoiioy.
GrnntB Pass llardwaro Co. vs. E.
T. Staples. Action for money,
Pearl Smith vs. W. A. Smith. Di
Maiibigo Licenses
J. W. IloHrjuI and Francos E.
Est, Chas, W. Walters, ordor al
lowing claim of Amandn Olllo Wal
ters of $201,08 and ordor Hotting
Word lm been received from Wil
liam .M. ('"hit: who is in the north'
oitfetcrn part of the tnf" in behalf of
the Home Rule road lull (bat he t
meeting with iiiueli Aicces. in scctir-
inr .signature on the petitions wlitcli
will place the utcuMirc oil the Imllot
in November and that there is ?reat
iutcrc,t in the bull, lie expresses
liiuiitili us certain of it sweeping the
state in November. '
The local committee of Hie Own
mureial club is Mill in the field solicit,
iut; fiiiuln fur the fiiiiiiieiut of the
circulation of the petitions.. They
need about $200 additional.
Abo Label, tin- stocky little San
Frnuclxco llKlitwelght boxer, who IiIin
an Important cuicagom-nt to fulfill
with ono Hud Anderson next Monday
night, was about town yesterday,
fculltiK, ho claims, as frisky as u two-yonr-old
colt. Ablo sold that his
condition was good and when asked
what ho thought of the outcome of
his coining o with Anderson Abo re
plied that ho had not git on that par
ticular mutter any too much thought,
as ho figured It would bo time
enough to gfvo it his full attention
Monday night,
"Hut If you are asking mo what 1
think of my own chaueim with An
derson, I may as well ho frank about
it and coiuo out and toll you that 1
will win; also that I did not travel
r.UO miles to como up to havo Hud
Anderson tench mo anything about
a game of which 1 am supposed to
know a little about myself. They all
look alike to mo Anderson nnd all
tho rest of them only boiiio of them
aro a little tougher than tho rest and
won't give up bo (iiisy."
And there Is a lot of truth In whnt
Abo says about all boxers looking
alike to him for ho surely tins met a
lot of tliem, dating way back when
Eddlo Hanloii was In ills prime to
the lutes product of pugilistic speed
marvels,. Wllllo Rltehlo.
Abo Is clovor and ho himself knows
It. Ills face does not show or bear
any earmarks that ho has been
through ovei ono hundred ring con
tests. Ah a rule, a clovor ring man
somehow or other always manages
to como out of a contest unscathed,
nnd tills may havo been Lnliol'B
lucky trait.
Both Label and Anderson havo
trained hard and faithfully and will
work out this afternoon at tho Med
ford Athletic club for tho liunoflt of
thoso who havo not alroady watched
tho boyB In tholr training.
Rosorvod seats on sale at Nash
Fills Jeffries Wcodon Orossmlth
and Dixon Boiiclcault will bo In tho
cast of "Tho Amazons,'" when that
play Is rovivod In London litis
aBldo property to widow of decedent,
Kst, Wm, Dutton, first boiiiI an
nual, account filed and approved.
.. . i--Tri
k. d66ftfe'&
Ntvr.ii DPMPriV 30 vrAns
rata, cmiiblain. tclonh. cumin, itc,
ACcir no suiDimiiriA
UNoirYiHirnuiMo L;)A.Nrn.NCinoo I
Wn curry u vry ctunptM Hit
of 0rtiirlin, lu ciiMdIiin, fU
tliri'H. ate, ulitl to nil cIioimki of
iiplinlMli'ilni: A npt'oliil limn In
took udor tliln -vmli tmlunlvclr
Ami will Klvn U KOOil Mcrvlon n
In tmxxllilti in fot u uvi'ii th
IlirKl'Ht (lltlPM.
CO acres, nix miles from Medford,
good graded road crotuum tho tract,
all free soil, at 150 per acre. $1000
will bundle, oaay toruii on bnlnuco.
I'nrt Is crook bottom lnud, BiiUnblv
for ittfutfrt. Severn! nprlugs on the
plaro. Timber enough to pay for thr
tract. No building-. In tho Griffin
creok district.
W.T.York. Co.
Btoam and Hot Water
All Work QimrnnteeC
Price ItviUMinalila.
IS Howard Block, utrrnuc on fltta Ml
raoUla seat. Mom I4B.
Money on hand a I. all limes
to loan on improved ranches
and city properly at lowesl
rates with "on or before
Phono 3231 320 G C. Bldg.
The Suit Man
Call and look over twelve hundred
samples of tho latest weaves In
Men's Suitings.
A Hindu to your men-urn stilt, ab
solutely guaranteed to fit, guaran
teed all pure wool and guaranteed to
hold Its slinpo. Made to your meas
ure suits,
JjtIH.OI) to 910.00
Koom S, Palm Building.
100 pairs men's :t trousers, II a
pair tomorrow only. KM) N, Front
st. 7S
Hand Painted
mako good prcsonlH.
Our lino of these goods
is very attractive.
Medford Parcel
Express and Transfer
PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c
Phenes: Pacific 3G21.
Home 354
Messenger Service
15 N. Fir.
Watch Our Addition
JTcksoa And Summit
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
M. V. A II. Co. lllcig.
ww frr,ff'''
Under dlicelloii of
People's AmuM'ineiit Co,
Superior In I'll turn Productions
Best ventilated and moHt com
fiillnlile theatlo In itoiithoi'll Ore.
KHIO. I'VH of IViiluio Mini moo
Thrilling photo play trim to that
famoiis story.
A IH'.MIlLi: IlllltO
A vivid and forceful Mory of
eaiiluo Intelligence that will hold
tho titteiittoii of all lovers of the
plrtuie diuiiiH.
THOI'lt'AL Cltl.ATl'ltK.S
Hlionliig several species of
ciiiIoiih creatures.
tiii: syi'imrs iwn:
An old Kut'opcan fairy tale,
You will all Im plum! In uunrnii
tluo suffering rroiu laiiKhltls on
seeing thin funny comedy.
AL HATIIHIt In new uong
Best of iiiuhIo and realistic effects
Tim Con lets I'nrolu
Written by Melvln (S. Wlnstock.
(leu Mgr I'lMiplnH AuiUKcmoiit Co.
mid produced by tho IMIhoii Co.
Dealing with Oov. West's honor
system Thrilling drama.
Under Now Mnungemont
MCA L. WIIUM'Li:, .Miiiinger
The fool or the family.
Original character comedian
Slugs, talks and daures,
IllvNIt! I'l.OHKNCi:
Comedy VoutrlloipilHt.
One long laugh from start to
council i'ok tiii: in:ri:.Hi:
tiii: ot'iiK.vs .Mi.HMi:(ji:it
Tho iiiLi.iini;er true to his trust
suffers seven tortures and dies
rather than reveal his secret.
Special Matinees every Saturday
and Sunday at 1! p. in.
Kvenlug performance, 7:30
Sal unlay and Sunday
dune 22 and i:i
4,000 Feet 4,000 Feet
Of Special Foaturo Films.
Don't miss Ihese Saturday
and Sunday shows as al
present we 'are open only
on those i days and are
showing ihe hest picture.'
Children fii , Adulls 10c
Clark 6c Wright
Publlo Land Matteri: Final Froo!.
Dciort Landi, ContoiU and Mining
fcnioi, Bcrlp, ' ,