MTCD1?0RD MATT) TRTBUN1U, TU1SDF0RP, ORKOOX SATntDAY, .IVSK 22, 1912. moe kerbs 4 HAIR NEGLECT ILLUSTRATED " .! a S! L -..-.- if B(ih w x 11 . ! Ui ? Hi. K J- J s 1 I INTERESTING & ET1NG5 OF WO MENS CLUBS, In cniiiplliiieiiL to Imr iilotitr, Mm .liuiimi Kinylli or Hi(iltiinn, Dr. ami Mm, .1. I', Itmlily (iiilnitiiliii'd Tlitinc ilny oviiiiliu; at dliuiur al tholr liomo lit Ommii Anno iiilillllon, Tim liiiiiiut wiih limuitirnlly iluiHinilml with iiiiihh oii of ('rlniHOii Ihuiililniu anil Well Dioiul rnmiN, Tint KUi'Htii wiMu mirvi'il at hiiiiiII lulili'M i a with ruro voiiutluii kImhii, (.'mil llnini'r kimch anil llllltui of tlm valliiy wuio iihoiI for ilirnratloii. Tim uiii'Mtti vwuo Mr. and Mrp.I'rml II. 1 1 o i U I ti ii, Mr; anil Mm. duo, II, (.'ai-Mntiir, Mr. ami Mm, IStlKiir 1 1 a fur, Mr. ami Mm. (leu. II. DuuKott, Mr. ami Mix, Holmy (lutiiitill, Mr. ami MiN, .lolin M. Hoot. Mr, ami Mm. Waltur K. Han, Mr. ami Mm. Kviiti ItoiuiH'H, Mr. ami Mm. Id'nlnnlil Par nniiH, Mr. ami Mm. I'lilllp Ilamlll, Mm. .1. D. Ilun ill, MrH.Jiitnun Hinyili. MIhh (Jlmlyn ilimril,Mi)Mm, Nnwliull, Miiilitu, Trummn, IlurKmoi, l.oonunl, (7itrMMitir, A. V, H. ('iiliiinlttr, Waltur T. Han, Jraml Jean 1'miiI Itmlily, For tlm Iti'tiDflt of Dm Hatred limit! )ii)Hiltal an iitorlulnmi'iit will In Kl vmi July B, wliuii Mr. McCoy, who Iiiih won jrrmil rmiowu an a dramatic liniiiirnnnutor, will apprar In Mmlninl nmlr tlm nuniikiut of tlm (Jrmitor Mi'ilfonl cln I). Mm. McCoy In at tin liwul of hor clan am! Iiiih hail great nuci-iaw all ovor tlm country. Hlio will "Whoii llimty 1'ulln the HlrltiK" or lionm otlutr mnv play of tlm tmr. Kim (irmiuuu tlm oiillru lilny, ri'iirmiMitliii; t'nch rhurartcr In (urn. TIh coiuiulttmi In rlinri;i In 'Oiiiioiii'(l of Mmuliiiuos C. M. Kiik IIhIi (, I, llntchlxoii. Car . A. I. Andrews, J. M. Hoot, W. I. Vnwter, ami K. II. I'lekol. Ilio price of ail imIhhIou will In CO and :if. cunt, In honor of MIhk Josephine Talent, wIiohii tniirrliiHii to Mr. Itlchard Yoiniit occur, MIhh Hclia DwIkIiI Kvi' a kitchen Hhownr Wi'ilnvHilay evcnliiK. Tlm Kiii'HtM pri'Hi'iit, IhmIiIo tin lirlile-to-lio, woro Mlsni'ti Htilu, AIUimih, IkTtlia Dally, Oruro llriituey, Anna I'uruckur, l'lorenco JoIiiihou, Allen Johimon, ).oul Kranchor, IIm tilit llrltn;, I .ii 11 ora Dean, lluxel Dean ami Holm ' A xorlnl mid mliuloiitiry ineciliiK wan livlil Tui'Hday ofteruoou at tln homo of Mm. I K. Hoover, hy thu Indies of tho ilaptlnl tiitirtii. A iiilnMoiiury protirain wax kIvoii ami aliout fifty ladlua wont pruHoiit. Mr, and Mm. Win. (KtIk liavo n turni'.l from a trip to Portland, Their Kim mid ttaiiKhttir, who havo licu attnudliu; Hchool in tho miuth, mot thoiii In Portland and rvlurnod with them. Mr. and Mm. (1. ('. (larrrtt returned Weiluemlay from a trip to Portland. Whllo In that city tlm nttended (ho Ki'aduatlon of Coluuihla Uulvomhty wlmro tlmlr won Vernon wan i;railuat- od, A hopIiiI will ho i:hvn Monday nviuiliiK hy tho timmhorH of Dm Prev hytorluu church, on tlm Miiiiho lawn. Tlm nodal la r.lvon for tho now church tuoiuhuni and ovuryouo Ih Invited. Mr. and Mm. A. V, KiiowIoh and Percy Phikner of Oakland, California, ami Mm, Carl HooIh of llornhroolc, motored hero from California and are tho i;uiHtH of Mm. Satchwell. ' Tho LailleH' A' "f "o Pieliytor luit church held tlm hint ineetluK of tho iiuininor TueHilay afternoon. Thnro will ho no inuDtluuH until next fall. Mr. and Mm, Chnrhm Salman of Hapulpa, Oklahoma aro thu kiiuhIh or Mr. and Mm. 10. W. Carder. Mr. Halinan la a couiiln or Mr. Cardor. Tho Aloha lirhlK" Iul wan outer tallied Kililay inoriiluK at (ho homo of Mm., II. C. Kuntnur. 'I'IiIh Ih tlm IiihI or tho eluh for tho houhoii. Mr. Harold Caroy apont aovoral 'daya hero hint week with hi mother on hla way to California yhoro ho will upend tho HUiiituur. I i Mm, Kdt;ar 1 Infer and Minn .lean otto Halado roliii-iied VodiioHday from Portland whoro tlioy attended tho (ohu carnival. MIhh KraiicuH Altkllu Iiiih returned from Co'vulllrrwhoro alio Iiiih heon atteudlui; tlm ()iikou Aurlcultuml CoIIoko. Mr. and Mm. Henry Ilolton left TliuiHilay for a vlHlt In Portland. Mr. lOdKiir Hiifoi' la oxponted homo pumlay from a trip to California, Imitead or tlm )e(;iilur monthly ineotliiK or tlm (iieater Mi'ilfonl cluh for .lime, a hamtimt will ho itlvon al Hotel Moil font Juno 1M at K o'i lock, which all the cluh meiuhem and their filouilH aio oxpoctod to attend, A very liiturcMtlni; proKrain Iiiih hoou urraiiKed ami hoiiio very i;ood after dinner xpeechuH will ho iilven. Tick eta al Jl a plate may ho ohtalimd nt tho Meilfonl holel, al tint fnuiuiur clal t'luh or from Mm. ,1. M. Hoot, and an Invitation Ih extended to all tlm frleiidn of thu cluh. "The MiihcoL" will ho foil on .lime 2U and liii hy tho KIIih, ami Kieat propmiitlouM aro ucIiik mado to have HiIh t)m hi'Ml of tho many c.ood ior forniaiiceH thuy havo put on. Tlm proceodH aro to holy defray tho ox pemicu of tho older durlni; the com lm; nieellm; In Portland. Tlm adult lllhlo claim or tho Molh oiIIni church hold their regular monthly meetlni; WedimiKilay evening. After tlm IiiihIiii'mh meetliiK a Hoclal i.'Veiiliin wan nieut. Mr. and Mm, II, W, Cliailhourim of MlnnoapollH aro tho kuch(h of Mm. Chailhourno'H Hlntor, Mm. Alan llrnrkenreld, of Dakota uveuiie. Mr. ami Mm. O. II. He.lfhdd re turned Hi In week from a vlnlt In Kt. Joitopli, Mu, Mm. Hudflold'rt paieuta accomimult'd them. i Mm. V It. C'ultou returnod Mon day from n vlnlt In llornhrook, where Mho wan called hy tlm IIIiioxh of her daiiKhter. Prof. (JeorKo Hehec returnnil thl week from IOiikouo ami o&pcctK in return Hiinday for the miuimer Hchool In that place. Mm. It. J. Trowbridge left Tuoh dny for a two week' lult with Mr. ami Mm, J. C. Hinllh or Hoguo Itlver. x Mr. .1. M. Dodjje relumed Friday lo liirt home in Akron, Ohio, after .i vUil of M'vcrnl iiioiitlirt here. MIhh Jean Audomon returned thin week from a Aut'.eleH, wheru Mho him been atleudliiK Hchool. Colonel OeorKo P. MIiiih of Seven Oakn Iiiih returned from atteiidlug tho roue foHtlval In Portland, Mr. and Mm. J. Meyers havo returned from Portland, whoro they attended tho roue foHtlval, OurtlHR Antiunion ban returned to Medford for the Hummer from Culver Mljllary academy. Mr. C. M. KiikIIhIi and MIhh Uertha IOiikIIhIi aro expected homo fiom an iiaHterii trip uarly In July. Mm, Win. MelCuy ami ilaiiylitcr Miss Kli.nlietli are tho (,'iie-tH of Mm. W. .V. t'limphell. JiiiIko nnd Mm. Kelly are receiving rougratiilntloiiH upon thu birth of a Hon Juno "JOtli. Mm. Caniphell ban returned from a vlrtlt with her Hlator, Mm. Porter, at ltlvemldo. Mr. and Mm. F. C. Cowan of Olenu, Or., aro Hpeudlui; a few days In Medford. Mr. nud Mm. II. D, I,owh of GrautH Phhh aro tho ijuchU of Mm. H. D. Wllllmmi. Mr, and Mm, F. 10, .Touch of Wich ita, Kan,, aro vIhUIiik frlemlB In Med ford. MIhs lOvolyn Caroy Ih tho guest of MIhh FranceH Heath at Faglo Point. Mm. II, II. iNyo or Uocl; Point Ih vlHltlng her mother, Mm. llrogory. t Mr. and Mm. T. J, Young left Mon day ror u vlnlt In Ban Franclaco. MIhh Mary Klngtiloy of HrowiiHhovo Ih vlHltlng rrlemlH tu Medford. Mr. Waller .Mc.Calluin haa roturnod rrom a trip to Baermnouto, I)r, a. M. Look wood Iiiih roturnod from trip to California. P. .J. Noff returned Wednesday from a trip to Portland. Mm. Ida A.. Kidder of CorvaHs lo vlHltlng In Modfoid. Mm, Vlotor lliii'HOll has roturnod from a northern trip. Mr, iiml Mm, J, i, Trm-v kivo mohi ilelixlilfnl porch put ly Tue-nl i nlleriiooii ut their Imuio, "The l.ati renm on Wc-it loot Mill lliive, in Imuor ni Mr, mnl Mi, it. Cliadhuru of ,Mliiiieiiiolw. Tlm iliniiin room ami liviiilX roimiM went ilociiriiloil in roxi'. Tho Inrjjo porch wlmro (en wiih horvd wan licaiitil'iilly ili'coraleil with Laurel IioiikIik mnl elieriioM, The Inlilen ami refrenliiiieiilH wore iihi mloriicil with ehoriji'M,, carryiuy out the ilimiKii of "A ('hurry Tea." The al'lerimou uml evening weio wpent in viitiuir with foimer MimieapoliH friend. Mr. nud Mm. CIiiuIIhiiii ell Weilnwilay even iuu lor (heir home in Mimieapiilin ile elarin the valley o ho u miml ill'- lightful uml lituiiitiful place. Tlm Art Loan exhibit which i be ing held in SI, Mnrk'K hall will he open nil tho coming wee); ami i prov ing H great Hieei'HH. A giout oollue tion of mieiciil uml inoilern workn of ml which itieliiile paiulingH, cldiiugH, gold, hilver mnl copper wine, niieieil fircarniH, fuinitiire, Incen, tapi'Htiii ami uutiiUCH of till ileNcripfioiiK which have been gntlmrml from all part of t)io glolio nro exhibited, many if which aro pricoloHx lieiiloniiiK ihi.di have been in familii" for generation. The exhilit in iimlor tho iiUHpicet. of (bo IiulioH of Kt. MarLV obiirnh uml will ho open eveiV aftcruoou ami evening the uet week. Mm. J. l Keilily ami her winter Mix. .Iiiiiich Smyth of Spokane leave Suuiluy for Sun Frnueideo, where they will iilteml (he biennial conven tion of Whiiicii'k t'lnlw. Mirt Minnie .Iuebon, ilnugliler of D. II. .luclxui. who ban been utteml iug the tuti y at llugeiie. re turned Thuixlay to her borne in thi city. Mr. ami Mrs, F. A. Stuemple mid ilnugliler Mir-x Metba of Toledo, Ohio, nro visiting Mr, uml Mr. A. It. Ton Velio. Mi. II. 0. Itcnlley of Lima. Ohio, w a gtiuMt of her brother Mr. .lack Kerf. Mr. Whiteomb Field bns returned from u trip to ItoM'hurg. IncrcjiM'iI Train Service. On account of the numerous Fourth of July colourations In the valley and tho Chautauqua mooting at Ashland July '-' to July 12. tho Southern Piu'flc will put on ad lltloual train survlco mid run same m follews: On July 2. H, r., C, 7, S. 11 and 1-' train will leavo OrantR P.-imh nt 5:30 p. m. reaching Medford nt f:5.r p. m. and Ashland nt 7:HC p, in. Leaving Ashland at 10:30 p. in. will reach Medford 11 p. in. mid CrantK Pass 12:25 a. m. Only July 4 nud 0, tho train wilt leavo Grants Pass nt U a. m, reach lag Mod ford 10:15 a. m, and Ash laud ut 11 a. m., leave Ashland 10:110 p. m. reaching Medford 11 p. in. and (IrmitH PnsK nt 12:25 a. m. This In additional to tho regular porvlco will provide ampin service In both dlrcotouH, enabling tho people to attend several celebrations the samu day. Medford Printing company carry a lull lino of lognl blnnka. SAID SHE WOULD - FAINT Mrs. Delia Long Unable to Stand On Her Feet More Than a Few Minutes at a Time. ronflorfrrafla Gn. Mrs. Delia Long, of this placo, in n recent loiter. iwyB: "For five- or Blr yenra, I BUftorod ugou lea with womuuly troubloa. Often, I couldn't alt up more thnn a few mlnutoa nt ft tlino, nnd If I etood on my foot loug, I would faint, I took Cardul, nnd It holpod mo Im modlntcly. Now, I enn do my work nil Uto time, nnd don't nufror Itko I did." Tuko Cardul when you feel 111 In any Wftywr.ak, tlrod, mlsorablo, or under tho weathor, Cardul la a otrongth building tonlo modlclno for wornon. It hau heon found to relievo pnln nnd dlstrcBB caused by womanly troubloa, nnd la an oxcollont modlclno to havo oa liund at all times. Cardul nct3 on tho womanly consti tution, building up womnnly atrongth, toning up tho norves, and regulating tho woipanly orgnna. Ha half century of auccosa la duo to morlt. It haa dono good to thousands. Will you try It? It may bo Jub( what you nood. Ask your druggist about Cardul, Ho will rocommond It. n. n.-irwto tt ujim' AavtsofvDM.,Chnr nwi MrJIcIn Co..ChUjnwii.X'!n'."' bpeeuU llilniclioiil, ni 64.p Iwok. "Ilwn TiwUwul t T T ? T T T T ? r T T T T ? T ? f f T T r r t ? T T T f ? T f f y y y y y y y y ' ry ' :S ! S 0N0B HIS HAIRS WERE COUNTLESS ' NOW THEY ARE NUMBERED Save Your Hair While You Have Hair to Save Many ti poor fellow whose hairs are today countless will in time find thom numbered unless ho begins at once the use of that well-known liair saver, NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE If your kciiIji itches mnl you find Iooki- hair niid flukes of dandruff on yoitr clothing nnd in your hair brush, thnt is all Iho oifli'iicuyoti iii'cil, lo know 3 on are xcttm;; huld. Don't wait too Ionj. It is easier to Kiive the hair you have than to grow new. Start right nway with thu use of NEWBRO'S HERPIOIDE. IIKKI'ICIIJK kills the genu that eauys dandrnrf, checks tho further Inns of hair and allays the itching. It makes the senlji clean and healthy and gives the hair a natural luxuriance, life and vigor. Them arc many imitations of IIKIM'ICIDK and a score of preparations claimed to be jiint as gn)d. Don't be deceived. You Want result., therefore insist upon having the Original Dandruff (ierm Destroyer. It is sold everywhere in o0 cent and $1.00 Kizes.'satisfaetmn guaranteed or money refunded. BEND 10 CENTS in postage stamps or silver to cover the cost of packing and mailing, to tho HERPICDDE COMPANY, Dept. 84 B, Detroit, Mich., for a sample bottle and a booklet on the care of the hair. Applications obtained at the better barber shops and hairdressing parlors. MEDFORD PHARMACY Sik'cial Agents x ! r. .11 JLAAA.A.AAA.A.AAA.A.A.AA.AAA.AJLA.AA VIvvvCKtvvv 'w-w'T-w-wir-T'w-V'v-v-w v -v c fcX' JKKKKtKKH5 Fine Tailoring For Ladies Ladies, wo want your spring and summer suit lo be an everyday reminder that we are the house to make all your future orders. Our am bition is to become your tailors. Wo guarantee our work in every particular; our standard is high. Berlin Ladies1 Tailoring Co. We do Remodeling. Phone Main 53G2 219 West Main Street Medford, Oregon iF..t.iT..f..t..1nl.iTi.1 tTTTTtTTI ICE. CREAM f 'Wholesale and Retail attention to wholesale shipping orders. Aro you particular about tho Ico cream ybu eat? Wo nro Just that particular about tho quality of Ico cream wo mako that wo ueo pasteurized crenm In tho mauufacturo ot our Ico cream. Ono trial will couvliico you of tho superior qunllty of our Ico cream. Wo mako all flavors and special orders on short notice. Free do llverlea to all parts of tho city. MEDFORD CREAM CSS. BUTTER CO. Phenes: Pacific, 8S1; Home, 101-L Natatorlum Dulldlng M-4-t-4H-M-4 1 wnumwmiHii i JMwnjm..iUJumMigaE waiB i The New Perfection Oil Cook-stove Suits Everybody It suit) the most exacting French chef. It suits the housewife. It is found in luxurious villas in camps in farms in humble city homes. Everybody uses it ; everybody likes it. It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts as well as a coal range. It is equipped with a special heating plate, and we sell the New Peifection oven, broiler, toaster, and pancake griddle. JgejyTPbrjfgctioR 8BCT unm1 'L' Oil Cook-stove All iWenirll (lie slove. It is handsomely itniihrd in nickel, with cabinet top, diop le!vri, towel rctc. ftc Long chimne), en ntuclcd turcjuoiicblue. 1( 2 or 3 burnett. Free Cook Book with etery stove. Cook - Book alto gnqn to anyone sending 5 cents to cover mailing cost. xJuSJm STANDARD OIL COMPANY San Frnclco( Cul. 1 Aniivloi. Cat. ban DitfKO, Cat. ( IncoTDorated) San Jo.e, Cat. MarysvH', Cat. Stocliton, Cat. Kreano, Cal. Sacramento, Cat. Portland, Oro. Saattte, WasK Spokane, Waslt. 1 acouia, Wab. .- - 14 Medford Tent and Awning Company ; Manufacturers of and Dealers In ATTinarar tsxts, mm, ooTxsa 07 An. jcxm Duck All Weights snA Widths, Awnlne. Stripes, Etc. WBO&ESATB AITS SXTAXXi All Makes of Awning? and I'orch Purtalns put up at Manufacturers' Prices. Agent for the Boasoka XoIsoIms VantlUUajf WU dow Awnlnjf 106 V. Troa . , Both Phones. Medford, Oreson Flour? Coffee? Tea ? or What ? Anything You Buy from Us in the Gro cery line will be right Our Bakery Depart ment is a' source of pride to us investi gate Allen Grocery Gq. t - i - j e ak-