' fu pX'giu SEC mDFOTJD MATT. TRTBVN10, MTCPFORD, ORKOONT, TWllUY, ,) Vm 21, 10111. I VI TALK AND TALK BUT FIND NO SOLUTION AIIIioiirIi tlio members of tlio city council spent nearly two hours lo ImtliiR inattcra In connection with tho public ninrkct nt a special moot ing Thursday nfternoon they fnlletl to tirilro nt nny agreement In ro unnl ti. tlio matter and will meet ngnlL lu the near future for tho nur- pjse of further fighting Uio matter out. lu '.he meantime a new ninr kct onl'tianco will bo drawn by the city i.itoincy. The bono of contention lies In the matter of selling moat. Uutchers wlu have places of business in tho city want to bo Riven a stall at tho siqrkct to sell nient Mnillar to the one now operated by Hob Crowder. Tho inent men hnvo found a chnm ploi. In J. AV. Mitchell but tho other mumbii's of the council believo that they must shut all butchers out nnd nlKv only those who produce the meat to sell it nt tho public market. Another solution is to allow any pet eon to sell meat there provided that the meat is produced in Jack pun county. Tho argument was lengi'iy but seemingly led to no place a', all. Tho council finally al lowed the matter to go over until they had more time. The Purity Hottling concern which ntked for a liquor licenso for a fam ily tndo liquor store was denied a Hccrss A notice of protest was passed re garding tho paving of a street through tho city park. As this street was ordered improved some time ago tho notice of protest is somewhat of a joko but is ordered so that tho council will bo ablo to sejl bonds to pay for the pavement. Attention was called to defects in tho pavement on a number of streets In the city. Tho street com missioner stated that he had made a list of such places and that the Clark & Hencry construction com pany bad agreed to repair the streets at the earliest possiblo moment. ANDERSON TO INVADE Rl HORSES BOLT; EE A T, If Ilud Andomui Is successful In winning n decisive. lctory over Abe Label, who Is rated ns ono of San! Kranclsco's best lightweight boxers. In nett Monday night's ten round main ovont bout nt tho Medford Ath letic club, Anderson will bid good bye to Oregon for foiuo time to come. Ho will first Invade San Frnnclcco or Los Angeles and later In tho fall may tour the east. Anderson's manager, Hick McDon ald, stnted yesterday, that they fully realled In agreeing to box Abo Label that they were meeting tho hardest man Anderson has ever met, nnd a boxer who has tho rtrputatlon of being one of tho best lightweights on tho Pacific Coast. Donald snld. "If While drMng to town from htr suburban home east of Heir crcK ' lat Siuulax evening accompanied by her two oung dnugJuei-. Mrs Win Puhl of Central Point nut with a serious accident as n losult of her team bolting, snys the Herald One, of tho animals was Inclined to wild uoss and about tho time they struck tho iwnemenl on wist Pine street the bit bioke and the horse bolted, lu front of Major Cowle's homo the rig collapsed and the cccupants wore thrown to tho ground with ser ious results. The oungeat child of six years sustained two very ser ious suts on the thigh the femoral artery being cosely gnued. Uoultn, M 9$xLw conditions I f ZEROLEHEl A m the bcstTauto.oil H k Jk; mk, inUie jH InsUt on EIlKOItllNE in tho urtfftiiM yackngca STANDARD OIL COMPANY rOKTLAHIl vllUliMill ill HAN rr.ANClHCO MISS PAYNTERS BIG MILLINERY SALE OPENS SATURDAY Everything .Below Cost we win over Label next Monday night I tlu oldest daughter, n girl of nine, was badly bruised nnd received othor Injuries. Mrs. Puhl received a.bad scalp wound and a number of pain ful bruises. One of the horses In the team, a quiet one and n family pet. sustained a badly broken leg, a fracture oeourlng both above and below the ktwe. if- I YESTERDAY'S SCORES:' ! NATIONAL V. L. P. C. Now York ..., 40 11 .784 Pittsburg 30 22 .577 Chicago 27 22 .551 Cincinnati . 31 26 .544 Philadelphia 21 26 .447 St. Louis 24 34 .414 Brooklyn . ... 19 31 .3S0 Boston -..,19 37 .339 Brooklyn 2, Philadelphia 6. St. Louis 4, Chicago 3. Now York 21, Boston 12. Philadelphia C, Brooklyn 2. Pittsburg 6, Cincinnati 4. Second game Cincinnati 4, Pitts burg 3. j I think we are entitled to go nfter bigger game, as Isabel is considered to bo right up close to the topnot- chers. Anderson would like to bo given the chance to meet Willie Hltchtc or Joe Rivers as Bud bars no ono In tho world nt 133 pounds." Such Is tho intention of Bud Ander son, prldo or MedTord. if ho defeats Abo Label next Monday night, but now come Mr. Abo Label, who claims he also has somo say in noxt Monday night's affair and thinks that young Anderson and his manager aro kind of counting their chicks before they aro hatched. Label does not underestimate Anderson, and savs he knows that Bud Is a good rugged boy nnd hard to beat, but Abe Is confident that Anderson will taste his first defeat next Monday night, and Abo is not all by himself in thnt opinion either, as thoro are quite a few Medford men who havo seen Label box In San Francisco and they say they are kind of afraid that An derson has picked n "hard one." Even some of Anderson's most ardent admirers and close friends arc q little doubtful If their favorite can hold his own with tho "foxy Abe," who is claimed to be a "ring general," If there ever was ono Tho club wishes to state that there will be no hitch In Monday night's show, and tho first preliminary will start positively at S:30 p. m. sharp, followed Immediately by tho main event of the evening, so that the whole show will bo over beforo 10 o'clock p. m. Reserved seats on salo at tho Nash hoteL. notici:. Notice is hereby given thnt tho undersigned will apply to tho city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, at Its next regular meeting on J July 2, 1912, for a licenso to sell spirituous, viuous and malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon nt Its place of business on lots 5, 6, 7, S, block 20. In said city, for a period of six months. HOTEL NASH CO. Dated Juno IS, 1912. GROWERS The prospects arc good for a bumper fruit crop in (lie Pacific northwest. We would advise all grow ers of Peaches, Apricots, Oautoloupes, Tomatoes, Po tatoes, etc., to get in touch with us. 11 is a part of our business to find a market, for tlio fruits and produce grown in the valley. We have our arrangements completed to handle the crops that will bring good returns to the grower. It will pay you to investigate. Pacific 5621. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. y3crP r Home 307. Mod ford, Orogon HH"H4-f4-h44Ftt ICE CREAM rnttV.V.ti Special attention to wholeimln shipping orders, Aro you particular about tint Ice cream you oul7 Wo are Junt thnt particular about tlio quality of Ico cream wo malm that wo use pnnluurlml cream lu tho manufacture of our co crown. Ono trial will convince you of tho superior quality of our Ico cronm. Wo in n ko all flavors ami special orders on uhort notice. Freo dq Uvurlea to all parts of (ho city. MEDFORD CREAM OX HUTTER. CO. Phenes: Pacific, SSI; Hume, Hi 1-1, Natatorluui MulMIng HUH l l44-4-4-44-S4-4-H-t-4-H-4-M-4-4-f44-T4' U The Blue Ribbon Smile" HANFORD STANDS PAI WIGKERSHAM AMERICAN W. Boston 37, Philadelphia 32 Chicago 34 Washington 34 Detroit 28 Cleveland 24 New York ...'. 17 St. Louis 1C Detroit 7, Cleveland C. Chlcago-St. Louis, called in fourth, rain. Now York 8, Boston 1C. Washington 0, Philadelphia C. Second gamo Washington Philadelphia 8. l. p. : 13 .CC1 22 .593 24 .586 25 .57C 21 .475 30 .144 33 .340 32 .333 1. COAST. Vernon 44 Oakland 42 Los Angeles 41 Sacramento 32 Portland 27 San Francisco 29 11. 29 32 32 39 38 44 H, E. .C03 .068 .562 .451 .415 Portland n. , 4 ir. e. 12 0 Vernon 2 9 2 Hattorles KUmltter and Howloy; Grny and Drown. Oakland 2 C 3 Los Angeles 3 9 3 Batteries Durbln and MItzo; To zor and Smith. Sacramento 2 11 2 San Francisco 5 8 1 Batteries Fitzgerald Oaddy, Wil liams nnd Krlotz; Tonor and Schmidt. t NORTHWEST. w. Sonttlo .!..,....33 Victoria 33 Tncotnn ,....31 Vnncouvor 32 Spokane 20 Portland 29 L. 20 30 31 33 30 33 P.O. .524 .524 .500 .492 .492 .468 Portlaiul-Tacoma, rain, Seattle-Spokane, rain. R. Vancouver ,. 0 .Victoria 4 II. 2 10 K. 2 0 Itug Weaving. J. B. Wol( of tho Coining Rug Factory Is hore taking orders for rug weaving from old carpets. Phono aiotel Moore. 78 CONVENTION , TACOMA, Wn., June 21. Disre gurdinp; orders from Attorney General Wickeruham. United States Judge Hanford has denied tho motion for n rehearing in the cne of Leonard OKhon, the bocinlisl, whqfcc natural ization papers were revoked on the ground that they had been secured by fraud. , HARMON STAYS AWAY F COLUMBUS. Ohio, Juno 21. It was announced at tho governor's hero today that Governor Harmon would not attend the democratic, conven tion at Uultiinore. lie will remuiii in Columbus at the executive office and receive reports of the proceedings. Notlco General Federation of Women's clubs, San Francisco, California. Sale dates Juno 22nd and 23rd, 1912 Going limit Juno 30th. No stop overs allowed. Returning 60 days stop-offs al lowed on return trip within 00 days Rato faro and third, $16.80. Your truly, A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agt. HR9S ,'(n If lli J wHSKISwj vit ft W ivm liainr till lift jB&tel s-uStfof -r ' !! p TV "S &' Jar ?x fmmrWsLi? Peerless Bread 'J'lio li Full woiltt lonl' mmlo by V The Peerless Baking Co, 135 W. Main, cornor Main and Grapo Stroota Today and Friday Strawberry Short Cako i20d Banana Squares ..,., 20 Wo bake all kinds of calces forspiM-ial orders. Jt:e Cream and Ices. Prompt Dolivory. Telephono Vour Order. Uoth JMione. FRECKLEFACE New Remedy Tliat Removes Freckles or C'oMh XothiiiK. Horo's a chance Miss Freckle-Facs to try a now remedy for freckles with tho guarantee of a rellablo dealor that It will not coat you a penny unless It removes the freckles, whllo If Jt does give you a clear com plexion, tho expenso la trifling. Simply got an ounco of othlno . double strength, from any first class druggist of Medford and one night's treatment will show yon how easy It Is to rid yourself of the homoly freckles nnd got a beautiful com plexion. Raroly Is more than ono ounco nocdod for the worst case. Bo suro to ask any first class druggist In Medford for tho double strongth othlno, as this Is tho only prescription sold under guaranteo of mtii' linnl If I. ntl 4 ituuj HiHiL ii ii iiiiiii in remove frpchlus. BkieRibbon Tic Deer of Quality "JT "TTIENEVER or wherever you arc served fj with. Pabst Blue Ribbon there is always f V that indication of quality that brings a smile of satisfaction. With a rich mellow flavor and delight fully smooth tade, it satisfies every expectation aroused by its appetizing appearance. It is a wholesome- and beneficial beverage for all. Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles, showing at a glance that it is clean and pure. Why not send home a case today? Phone or write JESSE HOUGK, Agent Medford Ice and Storage Co. Phone zcti Medford, Ore. Auction Sale UNION FEED STABLE SATURDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1912 Horses, Cow, Wagons, Harnoss, Etc. W. V. 'J'ONIOH, Aiiolioiiuor KAY GAUxNYAW, Proprietor 79lrvllBvk?Vl& T i The Mascot Comic Opera in three acts. Under the dircu rcction of "The J3urgcHs J3ros." Profocds f(0 to help defray the expense of Hertford's headquarters room at .Kile's reimion in Portland. TWO NlCJtmS Tries. (& Wed. June 25-26 60 PEOPLE CO PEOPLE Orchestra of 10 Pieees H. II. Howell Musieal Director" , T T ! I T HEAR The Ciohhle Duet Slide Trombone Sojo l)y 'A'. 0. .Burgess The Legend of the Mascot Prices 50& $1.00, $1.50 :- SEE pQautifnl Costumes looker Chimes ljetween Burgess and I ' Quiscnberry' , Princo Loreiro Ride tho Burro Ask any JOlk about Tickets 'iS&&tete M. Y Y f Y Y I f Y Y Y Y Y i t 1 ! t Y Y f Y ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (Sb Storage Co. Nearly a quarter of a century undor tho same management THE Jackson, County Medford, Oregon It has succcoded because of! ' Bank i Boundnoss of principle Economy of management J Safety of investment Courteous and liberal troatmont r, 4 i' f CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindloy, Vico Prcn, 0. W. MoDonalrt, Oaslilor A i N r mmimm W.W1WIIMII"