Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 19, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Kulil and warm; Jax 8
Milt fil!.
Korly-dcroiiil Ynr.
1)nllyHnvrntli Yriir.
NO. 7G.
GIN 41
Convention Goes Wild Over Mis
sourlan Who Is Made Dark Horse
Probability by First Outbreak of
Enthusiasm Seen.
Steam Roller Not Feazed by Demon
stration and Vote Shows Taft's
Strength Untouched.
CHICAGO, Juno II Tim Uiiltril
Ptvnn, on Iho lMnt authority I lliln
nrtilng In n Kilt(on to announce
tlmt Colonel Itoonovelt will Iwrtt iiii
lenn (tin rriii!)1lruiiN turnout (tin Tnfl.
OclfKitlcH, which ho nllegc mw
, given jr unfair inninn plnro In Iho
roiooitllnii by (ho unllonnl commit
I if.
ItlX'Oltl) holucali,
Tuft INirrcn Voting A)t lloosrtclt
Aliihniiin- nyon 32; noonS.
ArlzotiAnyou o; noes u.
ArkuimnM tiiii Hi; noon I; not
wiling 1,
Culirnrnln uyon 2; noon 2.
Colorndo--nyon 12; noon u.
Connecticut ayon H; noon 0.
Dolnwuro nyon fi; noon o,
Florida nycn 12: noon 0.
Georgia uyon 24; noon 1.
Idaho nyon 0; noon K.
Illinois nyun 7; noun 51.
Imllnnn nyon 20; noun 9, not
voting 1.
Iowa nyon Ifi; noon lo.
Knttnnn nyon 2; noun IK.
Kentucky nyon SM; nonn 2.
Louisiana uyon 20; noon (i.
Maine nyos 0; noon 12.
Miirylnuil ayon 7; noon 9.
MtiHnacliUHottH uyon 18; noon 18.
Michigan nyon 20; noon 10.
MluuoMotu-uyos i): noon 2 1,
,MlKnlnHlpp"iyon 10; noon -I.
MlMoorl nyon Ifi; noun 20,
Montana nyon S; noun 0.
Nobrnnkn nyon il; noon o,
Nevada nyon (I; noon 0,
Now llnniinhlru nyon K; noon 0.
Now .lornoy nyon 0; noon 28.
Now Mexico nyon 7; noon 1,
Now York uyon 75; noon K.
North Carol I n u ayon 2: noon 22.
North Dakota ayon 2; nocn 8,
Ohio nyon H; noun 24.
Oklahoma nyon 4; noon Hi,
Oregon nyon ft; noon ft.
Pommy! vunln nyon 12; noon 0 4.
Rhode Inland nyon to; noon 0.
Houlli Carolina nyon 11; noon (i,
not votliiR 1.
Kouth Dakota ayon 0; noun 10.
Toiiiiohho uyon 23; iiooh 1.
Texan nyon 28; noon 10,
voting 2.
Utuh uyoH 7; noon 1.
Vorinon', -nyon fi; iiooh 2,
VlrKluIn nyon 21; noon a.
Wnnhlugton uyon II; noon
WohI Virginia uyon 0; noon
Wisconsin uyon 0; noon 2G.
Wyoming uyon t?; noon o.
AliiHku uyon 2; noon 0.
District of Colnmlila uyca
noun ().
Hawaii uyon II; noun .
Philippines uyon 2; noon I),
Porto Hlco nyoH 2; noon 0.
Total uyon ft()4, iiovh ft 10,
voting, I.
CHICAGO. Juno It).-Governor
Hurlmrl H. Hndluy of MihKimi'i, loom
oil lurgo this nl'toriiooii iih the vioo
)iroHiilunliiil candidate of (lio ropubli
can party. Amid tho wililuHt scones
of thu convention, (ho first old-fusli-ioncd
deinoiwtrntiou of thu present
mooting, llndloy mid Hoosovoll woro
ohoorod hy tlio uoil volition thin iil'tor
noon for forty-ono ininntos u hand
some young, wpinun, Mrs. Iloukoy
Davis of Chicago loading thu wind-up
of tho uiitliuHiiiHiu. There woro those
in the iiiidionou who did not hositiilo
to declare Unit thu domoiihtriitioii
iniiilu llndloy u pruHidontinl possihil
iiy. Ah tlio donioiiKtriitinn proouudud thu
ItooHuvult supporters capitalized It
for thoir own intorost mid coiivortud
it into u llno-sovult-Hadluy ohoorfost.
It wiih prooouding successfully along
IIiIh lino until u wildly oulliuHiiiKtiu
(Continued on Pugo 2-)
Entire Day Spent in tyrannic over
Hadlcy Motion to Substitute Roose
velt List of Delegates for That Ap
proved by National Committee.
Many Speakers From Both Sides
Weary Audience by Invective and
and Ribald Abuse.
At ll;2t Iho opening Invocation
wiih ilollvorod hy Itnhbl .lom-ph
Htoltz of Chicago, tho delegated and
npcrtntont ntnndliiR reverently on
thoir foot. Tho prayer wan long
drawn out and many of tho dolu
KUton noutuod rontlonn hoforo It wnn
Hoot at ouco nitnouncod Hint I ho
tinflnlnhod hiinluoHH wnn tho llndloy
iwnondmotit. RiihnlltiitliiK tho Itonnu-
volt lint of doloKnton for that pro
ontod hy tho nntlonnl cnmuilttoo.
Ho ntntod thai an nRrooniont for
tltuo for (IIvInIoii an hour and half
for each nldo had hoon ronchod.
(lovornor lladloy oponod th" do
hntn at 11:38. Ho wnn chuorod uu
thtiHlnntlcally hy tho ItooKovolt men
an ho ntoppod to tho front Many of
tho doloRatcn woro on thoir chalrn.
llndloy Dofriuh. Motion.
llndloy doclarod that It wnn ncccn
nary that hln aniondmont ho rurrlod,
no thut tho will of tho rcptibllcntl
votorn In tho vnrloun Htnton tnny ho
oxpronnoil. Ho crltlclnod tho Itono
water rulliiR hrlofly, lunlntlnK that
hln original motion, inndo Immudlnto
ly after Iho oonvoiitlon nnnomhlud
wnn propur.
"Wo had two rnurnon ronfrontlim
tin," nald lladloy. "Ouo wiim to ar
hltrnrlly moot tho uuparllninontary
rulltiK of Iho chair; tho othor wan
to hrlitK Iho matter hoforo thin con
volition, Wo chono tho Juttor courno,
and no hrliiK this quontlon hoforo
you iiRaln,
"Wo hold thut thoro aro novonty
oIkIiI doloKnton placed on tho temp
orary roll hy tho national commit'
loo that do not holoui; there. Wo
now nnk that tho uiiiiioh of thu mon
voted for hy four tnomhorn of tho
national committee ho put on thin
roll and tho namon of tho mon now
on tho roll eliminated."
llndloy repeated tho Roonovelt
ohurKo thut tho action of tho na
tional committee wan "naked theft
doHlKiiod to thwart the will of tho
p'iiiplo of tho United Staton."
Heads Minority Itoport.
llndloy thun toad tho ntntumont
hIkiuI hy four tnomhorn of tho na
tional committee which wan pro
parod hy Senator Ilorah for pronoutiu
tlon iih a minority report on tho con
tents Ho hold thut tho duloRatoa
In (locution Hhnuld ho roftiHcd votoH
until nftnr thoir rlKht to Huntn hail
hoon punned upon hy tho uncontented
doluKatoH to tho convention. Ho
ntoppod readhiK tho lint after mon
(lonlng Ilorah and KoIIork, hut tho
Now York men Hheutud: "Head
thorn all; road thorn all!"
'It wiih found thut William I-.
Ward had not nlRited tho protont.
"Mr. Ward r.rltoa in tho Hplrlt of
the protiHt, ' bald adloy, "hut an ho
did not Kit In all contentu, he did not
sign tho formal document."
I'lniinionitcH Contests
lludlov then rofurrud to tlio Cali
fornia contest, Haying that it wiih
hliown eolieluHively (hat tlio dolo;uto.H
from tho fourth diet riot who were
unsealed hy lliu national eoiumittuo
euniod tho htulo hy 77,000 votcH.
Ko fur iik Texas was ooiiuorned, ho
said, tlui Tuft delegatus Heated worn
ohoHon Iiy a eoiivention which only
had 200 delegatex presented iiud rep
rosouted only n small soot ion of tlio
"No man should lie u judgu in his
own ease," said lladloy, and thou lie
ruforiod to the old Knulihli diruetoiy
whioli incorporates tlmt principle.
"Wo submit this question witli only
(IiIh rusorvation," ooiioludod lladloy,
"and that is that those men who uru
unlawfully hero jdmll not lie permit-
(Continued, on Togo 0.)
;e is
That .ludRo Calklun will pnsn on
tho motion to dlnnolvo thu Injunc
tion upon complaint of Hontou Mow
orn and ti. A. Carleton of Anhland,
KentrnltiliiK tho county from oroctliiB
a hrldRo ovur Hoar crcok In thin
city, hytfio end of tho week. In tho
word brought hy JorterJ. Noff who
returned from Portland today after
appoarltiR In tho null for Contractor
Pcrhnm. .IiuIro W, n, Kenton ap
peared (or tho county.
"Wo mrRiiod the matter t
lotiRth," Platen Mr. Xorf, "and 1
am confident that wo will win out.
Wo proceeded upon tho proposition
that he money for thin bridge was
to come from tho road and bridge
levy for thin year and did not ef
fect tho Indebtedness of tho county.
1 nhn filed a crohn complaint ask
ing that 'be treasurer of tho county
ho restrained from using money col
lected for road and bridge purposes
for paying tho county debt.
"Wo will Rot u decision
end of tho week."
hy tho
I'UKTIiANn. .lunu 10.W. S. Tnu
uer, 211, was found dead in his hod
in a downtown hotel today with a bul
let wound in tlio hack of lii- head. The
murdered mini was fully dressed.
Tanner eiuno heio from Albany,
two weeks ago. His wife, woli lived
with him at tli hotel could not ho
found today. According to hotel em
ployes who found the body, the Tan
ners woro vihited hoveral times re
cently hy a man whoso identity has
not heuti established,
Tanuor'h head hud been terribly
beaten. The room hud apparently
been ransacked.
Krom the fact that thu initials I. V.
were in the murdered man's hat,
iho police believe that Iho numu Tan
ner may have hoon fictitious.
gmkk am . mim d u i , ".. .
: ; L .aj n
"NUN VOItK, Juno 111.--Today's
opening stock market developed little
trading. Copper stocks were fairly
active and strong, hater the market
biumine mo re active and nearly all
loading issues made small gains. Am
erican Can wab the feature with a
two-point rise, while Wnhusli sold
down to a now low record,
Tho market closed steady,
JJoudij woro gtoud.y.
(-"f2 ' ' ' ' I ' "' ' " ! I I
i tfMlmMl$i Til -V M)iM dHtWBWl
HHk 'Jsmm r ii nionnnTinM nr
wCm X over kevei
i I, , ZJ W-y KLNYON. 1OVN0V .
Dnnonci t in cawhd DADkri)
CmCAtiO. .lime 15). Coh.iul
IJoosevcIt i-iiiiic limn his apartment
on the top floor of the Cong re hot-l
this morning smiling and npparenllv
in tlio host of xpiriK A oonfeionee
was hold between tho oolnnul, Juino
li. Onrriold. Clifford Pinehot, llo
ernor .loluison, Senator Horah, Wil
liam Hinii, George 11. Coiiolyou and
several other lieutenants. Coming out
of the conference, Garfield was asked
what the prospects were for a holt
"Wo cannot tell what will happen
until wo get into the, convention,'
was all ho would mi v.
Among the callors on Colonel
aevolt today wero Judgo Wanun
niaker of Akion, Ohio; Kx-CJovornor
Wlllson of Kntucky, who plodgod
support to tho colonel's cause, and
delegate Daniels, of Krlo County,
Now York, a recent convert froiuui
tho Tuft delegates.
A largo crowd watched Roose
velt's conference room,1 and when ho
omorgod to ro to lunch, carrying In
one liund u book hy Hrnndt V hil
lock, ho was loudly chuorod.
When ho received word at tho
Congress Hotel of tho demonstration
at tho Collnoum, Colonel Roosevelt
nald "Doo-llRhtcd. No demonstra
tion could he too high for Mr; Hud
WlUTl'7 PLAINS, N. Y., Juno 1.
Kvelyu Neshltt Thaw was Buuhbed
today hy her husband, Harry K. Thaw
and members of tho Thaw family
when she appeared In tho supremo
court to testify against Thaw In his
attempt to gain freedom from Mut
tawonu Asylum.
Thaw was camlned at grout length
hy W, T. Jerome, who twlco proso
outod him for tho murder of Stan
ford White.
It wnn tho first tlmo Thaw hud
seen his wlfo since 1000, and neither
ho, his mother nor hla two slaters
paid any attention to her,
HAIl'IMOHK, Mil.. Juiio 11). -Chances
today stronuly favored
Judge Alton H. Parker for temporary
chairman of the democratic national
convention. Thu selection will he
made hy the coiniuiltoe on arrange
ments tomorrow. Parker has the sup
port of. Leader .Murphy of Tammany
Plans aro being made to strengthen
the national ticket hy inducing one of
the defeated candidates for tho presi
dential nomination to accept second
place. Scores of WiNon men are con
spicuous in hotel corridors and n
tho streets, wearing hatband inscrib
ed "Win With Wilson." Chnmp
Clark's camp was established todny
in tlio Kmonion hotel.
In striking contrast to the republi
can eoiivention, contents hero next
week will involve only about forty
delegate, according to Seuretury
I'rey WiNon.
W. .1. Urynn. It Is conceded will ho
tho predominating flguro at Haiti
more and ho will remain In Chicago
until tlio close of hostilities there.
All reports of wild claims as to
tlio strength woro held out by rival
managers today, hut none claimed n
victory on tho first, second or third
hallot. All conceded a deadlock, and
In this ovont Dryan is looming hip
as tho possible compromise candi
date. WASHINGTON, Juno 10. -Pardon
for franklin P. Mays was granted to
day by President Taft on tho ground
that tho government prosecutors had
used improper methods in securing his
conviction for laud frauds at Portland
in 1007. This is the socoud puvdou in
the Mitchull-llorinun laud eases, Wil
linrd N, Jones having boon pardoned
hy the piesideut several days ago.
Nat Goodwin is to muko a starring
tour noxt season as Fagln la a revival
of "Oliver Twist,"
ri jAMtu? r. SAj2nE.r-o0.rny
- GQJftKiM. , cuicQ.--Jnc-4a,
Wholesale disruption of the Wis
consin delegation, with several de
sertions threatened, marked tho en-
tranco today of tho La Follcttc
workers Into tho convention.
Governor McGovern, elected chair.
man oi me delegation, today re
ceived tho resignation of Henry P,
Cochoms as a dclugate. Several
othor delegates threatened similar
action. It was rumored that McGov.
em liinisolf might withdraw. His
frlontls refused verification of that
rumor, however, and ho would not
talk prior to tho assembling of the
Cochoms, who nominated LaKol
tto for president four years ago,
todny camo out with a second bitter
attack upon tho Wisconsin progres
slve, explaining his action in nominat
ing McGovern for temporary chair
man, and his resignaton.
Cochein's Statement.
"Lal'ollctto himself and his men
aro out to lick Roosevelt, that's all,"
said Cochoms. "They nro utterly
disregarding tho progressiva princi
ples, tho candidate of tho people
Theodore Roosevelt, Just as LaFol
letto Is, conducting a campaign of
"I got sick of tho wholo dirty mess
ami simply quit to save my own self
respect. 1 foil I would stultify my
self to keep a scat on iho delegation
when Instructed for LaFollotto and
do not wish to ho accused of dosor-
tlon or treachery. Now, I am froo
to mnko a progressive fight, as I seo
Cochenis entered tho Roosevelt
ranks today, hut unofficially.
For UiFolletto Only.
Waitor Housor, LaFollotto's cam
paign manager; Colonel John J. Han
nan secretary to tho Bcuator and
Waitor Rogers, Wisconsin national
committeeman united todny In de
claring tlmt Wisconsin, and ulso tho
North D.ikoa delegations would voto
solidly at all times for tho nomination
of LuFollotto. Thoy said Wisconsin's
2G votes will ho cast with tho Taft
forces, "against purging tho tempor
ary roll."
"Tho proposition of Governor
Hudloy and tho Roosevelt crowd is
utterly absurd too wild-eyed for
consideration," said Colonel Hniiuati.
"Why should a porsonully-conductod
roll of delegates as chosen hy llad
loy or Anyone oIbo ho substituted for
those chosen hy tho national commit
tee? "Wo will voto to have tho whole
affair referred to tho credentials
committee." Mnuugor Ilouser also
declared tho Roosovolt plan Is Indefensible,
Progressives Divided, Part Favorlnu
a Bolt and Part Favoring Fighting
for a Progressive Palform to the
End, Regardless of Nomination.
Taft Men Insist They Hold All Trump
Cards and Will Nominate Thnfr
Man Through' Enemies Division.
CHICAGO, .Juyo 10. Whether It
was to he a fight to a finish botween
the progressives or conn?rvatlvcs ot
a holt in the interests of tho Roose
velt candidacy, ws tho problem con
fronting tho republican national
convention, when Chairman Root
called tho second day's session to or
der. Tho Roosevelt camp was divided.
Tho men who declared that thoy did
not caro who was nominated so long
as progressive principles woro ad
hered to, favored fighting to tho
end. The professional politicians,
who wanted to uso the Roosevelt
personality to strengthen their own
leadership In states where progres
sivelsm was new and popular, wero
loudly counseling a bolt.
Progressive Divided.
Other men, notably Senator Borah,
wero Insisting that what should bo
dona was to tight to tho bitter end.
and It beaten, take their medicine, but
tceen-'oit fighting.
T W-c
Because of this dlffercnco o!
opinion In the progressive ranks, tbo
Tart men are Insisting thoy hold all
ot tho trump cards and would nomi
nate their man. But their ap
peared to be a Htrong current settling
toward a dark horse candidate This
current seemed to bo growing each
hour and threatened to got beyond
control of the leaders nt any moment.
l'ollco Guard Increased.
Tho police guard both inside and
outside of the Coliseum todny was
increased. There wero 500 uniformed
men on hand and at leant that num
ber of plain clothes officers.
Fivo minutes before tho time get
for the convention to assemble,
Honey, Flinn, Hudlcy, Clapp, Kellogg,
Johnson and Dixon were in confer
ence. The Roosevelt leaden wero di
vided on just . when to muko their
Sonio wanted to stand or fall by
the Haillev motion to snbstituto thu
Uoosovelt delegates for tho Taft men
seated in tho contests hy tho national
committee, whilu others wanted tho
fight to mark only tho beginning of
hostilities. They conferred in whin
purs and it was plain from their ntti
tudo that tho difference of opinion
was serious.
It was just ll;lfl a. m. when Sena
tor Koot's gavel foil heavily on tho
mahogany tablo in front of him.
Honey tho Jonah
"Sergeant, please clear those uisloa
for mo," Root &aid to the police offi
cer in command and the hitter did so.
While this was going on, Frank li.
Kellogg, tho Minnesota lawyer, laid
the law down to tho progressive Iqud
ers. He told them point blank that
Francis J. Henoy wns a detriment to
tho progressive fight,
"Ho simply stirs up trouble," suid
Kellogg, "and acts as a firebrand on
every occasion. We havo a chance to
win this fight, uud ought not to
throw it usido by Jotting him speak." ,
Kellogg hud his way, and it was
agreed Honey would bo "gagged" so
lar as tho lladloy motion wus con
Tho San Francisco graft prosecu
tor is tlio California (number of the
couuuitteo on credentials and if tlio
fight goes there ho will luiyo plenty of,
opportunity to speak,
Progressive Program
Root stood wutehing tbo delegate
taking their time finding scuts for
about five minutes. Then ho sat down
in his chair and took up a pupur,
which ho road carefully.
Hudloy camo on the platform from
the conference with his lieutenant
with his program compMsd. He had
agreed to present the proposition of J
(Continued on Pf T9t)