rxaE srs: iMEDFOttl) MA'irj rPR.nUlNlJ. METWOUl). ORK(10Nr."MOmVY.;irNp-: 17, 1!)I2. ttv "MADE IN OREGON" As n rlllon of Orvgnn you miv deeply Interested In better social mid tuoiiil cimillttniw for tills citiituiomuulllit We uiuit to nsU joii how run jon lietter help produce tln)si linptMMMl conditions tliau ly Increasing tlie home market for tlu pmducts of tlto state? That principle mulct lies (he prospvrlt) of (lie nation, of ocry state mid of community. The homo merchant, the home iiiauufncliiivr, tin Industries of the state p'liemlly descrie jour hearty support. Dremin somN out millions unnuall) for lusur time, for necessities and luxuries that ntv Just as well mid lietter supplied heiv ut home. Will you not Join the Oregon t'li-st Con-tnncrs League and call for the products nil verllsod on this iMjie', The way to linlld p Orcptti Industrially mid commercially Is Co lui) Oregon M.ide product.s. ljHHimraBPni1 LBJBRrnjTKyBiVJ MADE IN OREGON.! jflAObtN OREGON Qrcgonfifc has Its ontlro operating plant In Oregon, makes nil of Us Investments In Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success, Is growing Krcator day l iln, and receives preference from all discriminating buyers of life insurance In Oregon. Best for Oregonians iara-rSSS'i A. L. MILLS President 1 SAMUEL Geneial .Manager jH 1 a scsrr rw o&uaH Rope and Binder Twine Font LEAF KKD CLOVER DRAM) Trade .Mark Made In the Northwest Mir Northwrtt niDsmnem. .k ymr uitTthanl for our HOI'K AND lUNKKIt TWINK Hrrry article r'recnt In cost '2T iK-r ct-ut U Co jw cnt In lnbor piuiiIovimI Suppurt thr inatiufurtrrcr hi aUin mip'oymeM. to liitHir xvhlch. In turn cungurars your prtxlucls ; nUo ktt'is your Muutty at houir. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Tnctorlos; rortland, Or.; Seattle, Wash. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. 1219-59 Macadam Road, Portland "QUALITY" OUR SL0QAK "Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co. PORTLAND, OREGON WHY DRINK WATER WIIKN TOU CAN QET SALEJf BliEKI G. S. Brand cider Vinegar IN DARlfELS AND DOTTLES Quality superior to Eastern or Cal ifornia Vinegar, Wo solicit Inquiry direct. Also sold hy wholesalers. GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY SALEM, OREGON A ' """ ''P 2 Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER,MAYER&CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" R. Veal & Son ALBANY. OREGON WESNHARD'S Columbia I The Beer Without a Peer The choicest hops and tho finest barley malt, brewed scientifically in just the right way, are respon sible for Its absolute purity and excellence. Mall us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery I'OBTLAXDr OREGON it TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RICHEST IN SUGAR FINEST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Manufactured by tho PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND. OREGON PORTLAND BAR FIXTURE COMPANY Designers aud Manufacture of SALOON FIXTURES SODA FOUNTAINS, Etc. Designs and prices on application Officesx 5120 to '.m Yeon Jlulldiui,' fuctery: PORTLAND, ,OUL'GON "MADE IN OREGON" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COMMERCIAL CLUU DLDG. PORTLAND Hollow Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Fire Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Fire Brick Fire Clay m mi u. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 Blumauer - Frank Drug Co. DISTRIBUTORS jKErfSwflihv COSTS YOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE MttMMiMi. twor IW ( " , ! to OWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANUFACTCnnilS OP niRIIoGKADL MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs Wc manufacture all merchandise wo tffr Xor alc Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. 1-OltTl.ANl), OIIUnON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and make tho celebrated n2&&&wafw& jAOj ALSO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, lT.th and ICth and Pettygrotu streets America's Largest JIusic House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General OfHces Hllen Iliilldln Alder Htreot at Seventh I'nrtland, Ore. FOKTV STOUE.S PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Coffco Drums, Furniture Stork, Etftr Casis, Tintop Fruit Jliihlirts, Ilarrcl Slock and Itotary Cut Veneers F. Autzen, Fmsldent and Treasurer ST. JOHNS. OREGON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe MADE IN OREGON OF OREGON KIR HV AN OREGON COMPANY Twenty -fourth and York Streets Portland, Oregon P. O Uox 71. Portland Elevator Company Manufacturers of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory East Ninth and Mill Streets PORTLAND, OREGON . -w -" THE fKLKBRATKI) IIKIKULIXX w'" k$V SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon ZBgg&BBzP Gil Thurr.ian Street THIS LABEL MADE IN OREGON j JP I IMMIMM1IMIWMI illl I II !!! ! 1 I&7 c HURN SP tVBEAN POTSt Lr4 FLOWER POTS sa vCHICKEN FOUNTAINS O MILK PANS' 40 U G Syx OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our now fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are niado of tin. best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. YOl'R TUI.OIt CAN ITKCHASi: DIRECT l'RO.U Till: MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes Made in Oregon I'ACIFIP COAST HIM U1T CO. 1'iirtlaudi Ortuiiu Loorc FOR OREGON CHAIR CO. Line yuuranlud by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS All flMr ncnil in Kinafhaft line grows in , Northern Japin uiierc winters are cold tulilcli Is nccL'ssanj to nignesrci&ssfiAc King (guff is branded into the liiood of this line and is & nu.AfAn tec of the Oar, Supcriorllof QuaI ity, Worlananship And absolute Sat isfaction. OlJCOONfHAIK Cq. WILLAMETTE TENTS AWNINGS, COVERS, ETC. Roue City Aiiiaielle Vl'nterproof Appell Soiilh Urtrnii Water Hut," Flims of all lifndM AWmhnr .Shades, Etc Wa'ch for our Iahol "If it's made A canvas wo malto It" Willamette Tent & Awning Co. SlfKH ami Jo!jIj rj Portland THE "ECONOMY" LEATHER TIRE COVER Mado from tho Lent cromo- tanrind leatlior, with oil - toinitorcd studs. AIimoIiiIo uiicliiro proof. Insures sufuty over mountain roads. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. R00 Williams Avcntio, Portland, Or. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon at Portland, 270 First Street Ed JP a i- H m n ef .igk. DreJI All flMf iicnrl QUALITY llKST 1MMCK KQUAIi. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from jour dealer I W.H.McMonies&Co. l'OUTLAM), OltllfiO.V Schiller Cigar Factory ohm Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PiuNKr.lt I'MKI'.ltH vt the ru'iiio Columbia Milling Co. I'OHTLAND. OltKGON "White Mountain" i Flour "Morning Glory" Wheat Flake3 AUV. IIKST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains LIco Killer, Slinp and Call In IHji ood I'n-senuthu Unit ltrlsliii:, Hauip l'rouf (oiuri'to Fain Ilnm and Itoof Faint, Mouse Faint Floor Faint, Yarn Mica Faints, Oils, L'tc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works nt Llnutoc PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MAM'FACTUREItS Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon nrnir.ltinmMHHi mn. mtmtlm wiw AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS M'liuif tctiirrd y , Coast Culvert and Flume Co. 210 E. Sivcnth Kt, Foitlund. Oio. "-"-- mi 'Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Fire Doors Bhoel MelHl Work mul Koofliu; Portland Sheet Metal Works I'M E. Madliion St. iJ Portlunll, Oicron mam iiiwwfci'WT htjmt The Lutke Manufacturing Company Manufacture)':! of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Cornor Sixth nml Iloyt Rtroots PORTLAND, OREGON maMiM I . PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING Trt, OREGON WOOL I'n ti ymr iimniifufliiro mul rll nmrly Iru 1 1 -u mi I Mum mul Hunt' Hull from Orik'mi iluth, matin liy tlni tlirio dlk uoolni niUU In llrMviivllK, H.ili'tn nml TiiKi'iif Viiii imii Imv ilirti Ntiltn nl very rnin'iimlplo prlifn r nenil fur ninilr ti. rlttiir i'f iMir ulurm. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store I'orllund L'tiKt'iic Marliflcld Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. XI Fiirthuid KUII Carman Manufacturing Company MuniifnrturrT of nil klniK of FURNITURE Llu'lilfcnlli and I iiliur Slnils l'OICTLWP, OHLOO.V T Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT Oregon City, Oregon "MADi; IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila ami Wrr Ciillrx, Flpc and Casing', Drilling nml Fishing TooN The Star Drilliiuj Machine Co. Works 13th find Clinton, Poitlaml THE BEST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADE 1)Y The Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND. OREGON FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Prlco 2f (,'mtn Tho Itliul that hills; has hoon HIIOCOHHflllly usud for thirty yours. Hiiiull hYivi for rats aud inlco, lOo each. anii:l j. ntv Mauufacturliu; PharniaclBt Saloin, OroKou Fry's Uciidiiclm TahlolH will cum; prlco 2(Jc, hy mall froo of cliar(,'o, If you cannot got from your doulur. Iwmww ua wiw wmmm mm mtitatmmmm mmMmmU urn immiii mm i tmv m 11 minii iwwmiiiw CONTAINS NO LYE. KOSIN, At IU OH AMMONIA A Concentrated Cnniphorntod Product Ileal the llunilt Will Not Injure lh lInoM lulirlo ASK YOUR CROCCR MINiri'B wasSTko COMPOUND Hkwtf rwttom fwWHHOW' Mult lli! in in mul ir( free oiiupli United States Cashier Company FOUTLAND. 0Ui:lON Of(lu 7n l, Mix ItiilldliiK lattun Ki'Mliiii ManufartiirtTH of Automatic Computing Changc-Makinu Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK Till i: I'M IT Kl.lOII Sni Jhal Tradt- Murk U on ilolllc A Fun-, Di'llrlou-., Soft Drink A Sure Thirst IJuill MaiU- In Orison PURITAN MFG. CO. ns..is:i Fast Fine strnl, Forlhtnd "LIOMTE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MAIM IK om tiON CALLAN & KASER .SHIIinr Aki-iiIh 7t!2 Vfon lliiildlutr, Forllniul. Oro. .Main 10X1 Jlnlli 1700 ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal MANI'FAni'UED for (ho I'ACII'IO CO VST 'I II V nil AT Salem, Oregon EPFLEY'S PERFECTION BAKHNG POWDER 0S .iiadi: OF PUIti: CHKAH Or TAUTAR PW'Klin IN (J I, ASS J AHS iiiSi OREGON C.M.Eppley Siilcin, Oitkoii v swe1 i ii rriKrEwaiMMfafttfiywan wajMMc wi i tmmmrm """& ynCX3crcar? 3it: pitalta 1,L4L": VAlUlg MA Kansas t ti r lAKfii li.M.HEEDEll I.TWrnrivn' MtlJM.OiUWWt. t .5 : " f. i iavi),ohc6on"ji ( .KANtfAfl,P t . II (ml ui'ou nsssk jmfill2 T MaMP PERFECTION iJVBiNpffiffii e V. CTiWUBWiWMWI WBSS!SrSi!-' n ftftiS?j?""aC""'"'''HJ t r iiaw i-mubw u