Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 17, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford mail tribune
The Democratic Time. Tho Modfonl
Mall. Tim MciKortl Tribune, Tlio South
ern Orcjfonlan, The Anlilmul Tribune
Offlcn Mnll Tribune UlllldlriK, 25-27-S9
North Kir Hired; phone, Main 30S1;
Home 7C.
OKOItOK PUTNAM. JMItor nml Manager
Bntcrcd aa second-class matter at
Medford. Oregon, under the act of
March 3, 1879.
Official Vnpcr of the City of Medford.
Official Paper of Jncknon County.
One year, by man ,....(5.00
Ono month, by mull 60
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville nnd Cen-
tral Point .50
Raturday only, by mall, per year.. 1. 00
Weekly, per year 1.S0
Dally average ror eleven months end
ing November 30, 1911, 2751.
rnll leased Wire United 3Prei
The Mall Tribune Is on pale at the
Perry News Stand. San Krnnclsco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Bowman Newn Co., Portlnnd. Ore.
AV. O. Whitney. Seattle, Wash.
vxoroas. orsooh.
Metropolis of Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and tha fastest
irrowlnc cltv In Orccon.
Population U. & census 1910 8840;
estimated. ln
Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed. Riving finest
supply pure mountain water, and 17.3
miles of streets paved.
rostofflce receipts for year ending
November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19
nr cent
Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue
itivcr HpitzcnDcrg appics won sweep
stakes prlio and Utle of
"Apple 3Ung of the World"
at the National Apple Show, Spokane,
1909, and a car of Nnwtowna won
rtrct Friz in 1910
at Canadian International Apple Snow,
Vancouver. B. C
rirrt Prise In 1911
at Spokane National Apple Show won
bv carload of Newtcwns.
Rogue River pears brought highest
firlces in an marKets oi mo worm aur
ng the- past six years.
California Fruit Distributors In the
following under date of Sacrameuto,
Juno 15. The following gives num
ber of cars of deciduous fruit
shipped to all points from California
for the week ending Friday evening,
Juno 14, 1912.
Cherries. GO cars by freight and
ono by express. Principal shipments
are now going forward from the San
Joso district, but there are consid
erable quantities of the later varie
ties, such as BIng, Republican, etc.,
still .moving from the early sections
of Vacavllle and Placer county. -
Apricots. 31 three-fourth cars.
Tho apricot movement has been con
siderable during the past week and
will probably increase to a limited
extent during tho week to come.
TJiero will not be tho expected
amount of this fruit to move out on
early shipments, owning to a variety
of causes.
Plums. 3U cars. Tho Clyman
plum is tho principal variety now
offering, although there are a few
crates of other kinds in evidence. The
crop of early plums, will not bo as
largo as promised ten days or two
weeks ago.
Peaches. V car. The .crop of
Alexander peaches in he early sec
tions Is light nnd there will not be
any large quantities offering at any
time. Shipments will luerease,
however, from day to day.
Dartlett Pears. Thero is
change to report in pears.
PORTLAND, Juno 17. Receipts
for tho week have been: Cattle,
1G79; Calves, 2C; Hogs, 1011;
Sheep, GS59; Goats, 13; Horses, 8.
Tho cattlo market did not show
any decided break in values but was
a little soft throughout the week.
Buyers wero slow ubout taking hold
declaring themselves for a hand cm
out policy,
Tho hog market was a triflo eas
ier and cloned with n lowor tono
than when the week opened.
Thoro was a big receipt of sheep
nnd tho shcop market Bhowed u lack
or strength. Ono shipment of feed
or wethers camo in and wub taken
out at $2,00.
U seoms that carnival week does
not add to tho strength of tho livo
stock market, hotels and restau
rants but tholr supplies tho week
previous and with full coolors uro
slow ubout adding to their stock.
To tho wife of A. C. Taylor, u ten
pound girl, Juno 8, Mother and
babo uro doing nicely.
Mrs, Jumcs Herring ontortulned
tho Indies of tho Sunset club at her
homo, Valley View Ranch, Frldny
aftornoou hi honor of MIbb Lnmblo
of Minneapolis, A very enjpyablo
Afternoon was spent in old fashioned
games upon tho lawn.
WHILE Francis J. Jlenoy is busy shouting thiol' and
robber at, the Tai't steam roller, built and created
under the Koosevelt, regime, details of the Oregon land
fraud prosecutions by detective Wm. .)'. Jtfurns and Mr.
Honey as special prosecutor are being laid bare. That
jury staekiiu' was practiced by the prosecution and that,
there was collusion with the trial judge is shown by the
following telegram from Burns to Secretary Hitchcock's
secretarv "NY. Scott Smith dated August 17, 1905:
"Jury"1 commissioners cleaned out old box from which trial jurors nro
selected nnd put In 600 now names, every one of which was Investigated
before they wore placet! In the box. This confidential."
September 28. 1905, Secretary of the Interior wired to
Detective Burns regarding Congressman Williuiiisoirs
"Hope the judge will not be over lenient. The crime wns deliberate
and should be severely punished as nu example."
September 29, .1905, Detective Burns wired to Hitch Hitch
eock: "You may rely on Hunt giving n good, stiff sentence."
Detective Burns also wired to Smith:
"Correspondent at Washington telegraphed nn alleged Interview with
Secretary Hitchcock which has caused unfavorable editorial comment to the
effect thnt his condemnation of the Jury for recommending the defendant to
leniency shows n vindictive spirit, nnd Heney thinks It would be advisable
to correct this Impression and to remove all ground for belief that the Sec
retary entertains any personal feeling whatever In the matter of the laud
fraud defendants. Heney believes this Is vitally important to the success
of the other land fraud cases, as public sentiment In Oregon Is very erratic,
and easily susceptible to adverse influence."
Thereupon, Hitchcock denied his attitude, and Burns
wired back to him direct:
"You telegram received. Glad to know our surmise wns correct nnd
the fault wns with the (reporter in misquoting you. Will take it up with
the Portland paper at once. You may rely on Hunt giving a good, stiff
All of this is interesting. It. shows that federal ap
pointments were made, and hold-up, and , resignations
forced to control the machinerv of justice and secure con
victions. In doing this, Heney was simply fighting the devil
with fire, lie was doing just what the timber barons had
always done, what the l'ailroads and great corporations do
today control courts and stack juries. Yet when their
own machinery and methods are used against them, there
is a fearful howl about the corruption of justice.
The records of our courts show many instances of per
version of justice for the profit of the "interests" which
never arouse a word of protest. Yet let their own methods
be employed against the interests and loud mouthed hor
ror shrieks.
There is no defense for Honey or his methods. He
cannot pose successfully as the apostle of purity. But his
sin is no blacker than that which tars those loudest in his
When to Spray Again for Coddling Moth
It will be of interest to fruit grow
ers to know when the second brood
worms of the codling moth will np
penr. We hnve been keeping enreful
records in breeding cages and hnve
nlso been carefullv noting- what Is
going on in the orchards. The first
eggs were hatched this year, so far
as our observations go, on May 23nl,
the maximum number of worms hatch
ing out at least n week later. The
young larvae which were not poisoned
entered the apples, therefore, on that
date. The first worms began to leave
the apples on June 13th, nnd, of
course, the mnximum number to leave
the fruit bhould be at least n week or
ten days later. On June 33th it was
noted that n few larvae were ulso en
tering tho tipples, these being belated
members of the first brood.
The worms which are now leaving
the apples will hide behind rough
bark, under clods or rubbish, and in
other places, in order to form their
cocoons in which to go through their
transformations from larvae to pupae
nnd finally to the moth stage. Know
ing the average time required for the
Inrva of the codling rnoth to make
its transformations, we may stnte that
tho first moths will appear about July
1st to 4th, nnd the first eggs will be
hatched about July 12th. The max
imum number of eggs will be hatched
at least n week later for the lower
purt of the valley. In the Aslilnnd
district the time will be somewhat lat
er, possibly n week. Up to tins tune,
weather conditions have been normal;
and, providing there is no radical
change or departure from normul for
the next two or three weeks, we should
feel reasonably certain that the sec
ond brood worms will begin entering
the apples about July 12th, us men
tioned above. As stated in Press
Bulletin No. 1, the second brood
larvae enter the side rather thun the
calyx end of the apple. The object
of the spray, which should he applied
before the worms begin to enter, is to
thoroughly coat tho fruit with an ar
senical poison. The spray should bo
applied not later thun July 15th but
for convenience it may be applied any
timo beginning with the first week in
July. For those who have a great
deal of spraying to do, it is well to
begin in such time as to get tho work
done before the worms begin to enter
the fruit.
A number of growers have asked
regarding the application of a spray
at this time. Knowing tho life history
of the insect, namely, that practically
all the first brood worms havo entered
Iho fruit, it would bo u waste of timo
and material to spray now. From
what bus been said above, it will bu
scon thai the advantageous timo to
spray will bo .pist before tho second
brood worms begin to outer the fruit.
Thero is always a disvnntngo in im
plying mi arsenical spray too much in
advnnce of tho time when it should bo
effective This is particularly true
when Bpraying for the control of tho
second brood larvae of the codling
moth. At best, an arsenical is fullv
effective no longer than a month after
upplicntiou ; and under certain clim
atic conditions, and with certain nr
senicals. it is le.-s. For the .second
brood,, the apples should be coated
'with the spray using u fine mist. High
pressure is noi .so necessary mil is noi
The above directions for spraying
at this time take into account the
npples only. For late eurs, it may
be necessary to make an application
for the second brood the same as for
the apples; however, this is only tmo
when the first spray has been applied
too early or where it has been poorly
done. As a rule, a single snntv a-
plied to the pears after the first ap
ple spray will be sufficient. If there
is any doubt us to the effectiveness of
the first spray applied to pears, the
grower should not tnke u chance. The
spray to apply should he arsenate of
lead at the rate of 4 pounds to 100
gallons of water. Those who nre us
ing arsenite of zinc should apply it at
the rate of 1 pound to 100 gallons of
water. Paris Oreen should never !e
used, ns under certain climatic condi
tions it is very liable to burn the fruit
nnd foliage. Those who are advising
the use of Paris Oreen nre doing so
without complete knowledge of its
possible effect. The insoluble nrseni
cals have taken the place of Paris
Oreen with all rational fruit growers,
and to u very groat extent with vege
table growers where the nrsenicil
must be applied directly to the plant.
Iho better brands of arsenate of lead
are not soluble in water, even to the
slightest degree, hence the perfect
safety in using (hem as against Paris
Green which is soluble to a very great
All fruit growers will be much in
terested in noting the effectiveness of
their spraying; and, in order to deter
mine this, it will be of interest to
them to baud a few trees with bunds
of burlap. A piece of burlap doubled
and passed around the body of the
tree a foot or so above the ground
mid held in place with u tuck will
make a good trap for the worms that
are now beginning to leave tho fruit.
These bands will catch fully fit) por
cent of the worms us they leave the
iruit. Hy examining these bands from
timo to tune tho grower will note just
how effective the spraying has been,
and will ulso be kept in touch with the
life history of the insect. It would ho
a great mistake, however, to place
tho bunds on the trees ami then neg
lect them. Thoy should be examined
frequently and the worms destroyed;
or, if tho grower is interested, the co
coons may be taken und placed in
cages (Mason jurs) for study.
P. J. O'OAllA,
Pathologist in Charge
Jesslo BoiiHtello will soon produce
In Buffalo a now pluy, called "Let
Sarah Do It."
The main features of tho report
of Superintendent of Schools, Collins
for tho past Mibool year uro given
Hoys. Olrls. T'tl.
nigh - !! r.'5 aai
Washington . INlIt 2 HI
Lincoln ii lf7 361
Jackson tt& 70 IS&
Roosevelt fS 73 131
Totals OlUi
Average number pupils belonging
High. ISO. 2; Washington, 3StS.3:
Lincoln, 277. ; Jackson, lfia.7;
Roosevelt, llii.S: total average,
Average dally attendance High,
179.7; Washington, 37-I.U; Lincoln.
2C7.7; Jackson, 150.0; Roosevelt,
110.2; total nvurnge. 10SS.G.
Per cent of attendance High,
90.5; Washington, 97. t; Lincoln,
90, II; Jackson, 9S.2; Roosevelt, 97. 0;
total average, 97.1 per cent.
Number visits by parents High,
9; Washington, 27S; Lincoln, 92;
Jackson, 2 43;, Roosevelt, 210; total,
Number visits by school board
High, 11; Washington, 10; Lincoln,
9; Jackson, 7; Roosevelt 15; total,
SH'clnl High School Report
Number years In course of study
above eighth grade, -l; number of
pupils enrolled above the eighth
grade, boys 101, girl 125. totnl 220;
number of teachers employed, (a)
devoting whole of their time, males
2, females 0, total S; (b) devoting
part of their time, males 1, females
3, total 4; number of pupils gradu
ating from high school, boys U.
girls IS. totul 31.
Courses offered Kngllsh, Latin,
Cicrmuu, scientific, commercial, col
lege preparatory, and In addition to
these, manual training, domestic
science, domestic art, art and me
chanical drawing aro offered.
Accredits The Medford high
school stands accredited to tho prin
cipal universities In tho United
States, among the number being the
University of California, Pennsylva
nia, Oregon, Illinois, Washington,
With Purges working as smoothly
ns Mr. Tuft's steam roller at (Jhicngo,
Medford was never in danger Sunday
winning from Ashlund for the second
time thin season by a score of eight
to two. Hurgess in great form pitch
ed one of his best games getting off
right and holding his own. His sup
port wns unusually good. Local hoys
used the stick to great ndvnutnge but
after they had got a lead of two or
three runs they slowed up.
The largest crowd of the season
wns out to see the gurue expecting a
hard fought, close game hut it didn't
materialize. Most of the talk of Ash
lund having strengthened her team
proved to be bunk.
Skecn .'lb 4
Kliim, ss ) 4
Suyies, Jli 4
Wick, If. p :t
Thorn, rf 4
Plymnlc, 4
Phillips, p..f. ;i
Kastmuii, of 4
Jones, lh 2
McQuillignn, lb L
MKDKOKI) -Morton,
lib .... .
Miles, ss
Isaacs, ef
Gill, rf
Wilkinson, lb. ..
Antle. If
'fumy, .'lb
Henstroui, c. . . .
Hurgess, p. . . , ;
Summary: Famed runs Ashlund
1, Modfonl f,;' homo runs, Iforlou,
Miles; '1 bim, hit, Tinny; struck out,
hy Phillips !l, Wick '.i, Hurgess D;
buses 011 balls, off Phillips 2, Hur
gess 2; wild pitch, Phillips 1; double
plays, Phillips to Jones, flill to Wil
kinson; left 011 buses, Ashlund 0, Med
ford f. Time of game, 1 hour 40 mi.
Umpires, Melchoir, Urous,
BKATTLK, Juno 17. F. Weyor-
huiisor, the lumber king, and houd of
tho Weyorliuusor syndieute, whose
timber holdings are said to ho larger
than the state of Washington, is in
Heattlu an routo to British Columbia
wliern (lot bviultr.fif a linu neniitreil miiiv
I tracts,
Manager Franklo Kdwaids of tho
Medford Athletic club signed Hud
Anderson to meet Abe Label of San
FraiiclMco In a ten-round boxing bout
here Monday evening, Juno 2 1. Hot li
men havo agreed to weigh In at 133
pounds at 3 o'clock In tho afternoon
of tuilil bout.
In bringing together Audorium nnd
Label, Manager Kdwards has secured
tho best attraction in thu lino of hav
ing that has ever been staged In Med
ford. Alio Label is one of tho (next well
known lightweights on tho Pacific
coast and tins been ono of tho head
liners In main event boxing contests
around Sn Pruuclxuo thu past four or
five years. Label has to his credit
a draw with Willie Ritchie, who re
ceutly outfought Ad Wolgast. Label
has also held his own against "One
Round" Hogan, Jack llrlttou and nu
merous other topnotch lightweights.
Abe has been In the game a long
time, is a good ring general and is
noted as having thu hardest punch
of any lightweight In tho business. A
more worthy opponent for llud An
derson than Label would bu no easy
task to secure, for if Anderson can
stow away tho "foxy Abe" ho had
better pack up bis belongings and In
troduce himself to the San Francisco
fight fans by trimming a few of tin
luil Abu has not already licked.
In performing thu latter feat,
which seems to count natural to
Muddy, It would bo but a very short
time before the Privet fans would bo
clamoring to seu this Anderson lad
pitted against the Rltchles, Wolgasts
or Joe Rivers type of boxers, for.
while San Kranclscti fans are accused
of Mlmunirl instincts and want to be
shown, they are quick to reuugulxe
the merits of a champion possibility
and It Is not unlikely but what thin
northwestern product will bu able to
"show 'em."
Cohan and Harris Intend to send
"The Little Millionaire" on tour with
Charles King and Llla Rhodes lc thu
principal parts.
Ask Your Neighbor
lliimhvd of .Medio nl Citlens Can
Tell Von All About ll.
Home endorsement, thu public ex
pression of Medford people, should
bo evidence beyond dispute for every
Medford reader, of tho merit of
Dean's Kidney Pills. Surely the ex
perience of friends and neighbors,
cheerfully given by hem, will curry
more weight than tho utterances of
strnngers residing In far-away places.
Rend the follewing:
C. C. Krlbs, 33 North firove street,
Medford, Oregon, says: "From per
sonal experience with Dean's Kidney
Pills, I feel Justified in recommend
ing them. I suffered from a dull
actio In the small of my back for
months. The kidney secretions were
alxo unnatural and at times a reten
tion existed. Upon learning of
Donn's Kidney PUIh, I obtained a
supply and began their us. The
contents of two or three boxes en
tirely rid mo of the trouble and lm
proved my health. I know that
Donn's Kidney Pills can bo relied
upon to give relief If taken ns di
rected." For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. FoBter-Mllbiim Co., Ilucalo,
New York, solo agents for the
United States.
Remember tho name Doan's
aud take no other.
Medford Real. Estate
Sl Employment Agency
100 acn-8, 5 'j miles from a
good live llttlo town, R. F. I),
every day, telephone, 100 acres
can ho cultivated, good water
right, 0-room house, PrJco fan.
480-ucro slock ranch, 38 utiles
from Medford on tho Roguo
RIvor, tho largest opening of river
bottom laud on tho Rogue, 105
acres In cultivation, first-class im
provements, ono-thlrd Interest In
a good Irrigation ditch, Price
? in, 000.
10 acres 2 miles out from
Medford on tho Jacksonville
road, good Improvements, Prlco
fi acres, 2 miles out on tho
Roguo River railroad, all kinds
of small fruit, and pours and ap
ples, House and out buildings,
Irrigation system. Prlco $1,1)00,
All kinds of Htnull and largo
tracts, In any location, In tho val
ley, at all prices.
lliiNlness Cliaiices,
Crown piano $100, onus,
List your Iioiihom with us.
Furnished rooms for rout.
Kbployjiicnt. 1
Olrls and women for general
Hay bunds,
Ranch bunds,
Wood choppers.
Mrs. Emma Bittner
Phone 1111; Home, 11.
Opposito Nusli Hotel
The (lienler .Mmlfnnl chili will ho.d
their annual huiiqiiet at the Medford
hotel June 21. Member of the Med
ford fotuiiierciiil Huh are expected
to purchase tickets mid attend.
The banquet will he followed bv
program on which will he several
speeches having to do with Iho wel
fare of the city.
Klaw v KiluiiKor have tho rights
to "Lola Monte.." thu new play h,i
Preston (llhxon
It Makes
Men Younger
when their teeth are properly at
tended to. Nothing Hiiggertts prema
ture old ago like broken or missing
tfi'tli. Nothing so rcjiui'iiailng as
having (limn properly fixed. It
niukfs a man look fifteen to twenty
years jouuger. We utuku a specialty
of first-class dental work, from care
ful extruding to thu most expert
fcrown and bridge work, ami tin pro
per filling of teeth (live us a trial
Ijuly AllrniLiiit
Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific
Phono 252K, Home I'lmiie 352-1C
In a thriving center In one of thu
garden spots of thu Roguo River
Sil fertile; fruit, alfalfa and gar
den; cllmato mild (commence mak
ing garden In February), water In
plenty, and pun1,; good schools and
relh'lous Influences; 110 naloous or
'.ruukeiiuexM, Farms 5 arres to 200
L. N. .HDD, TALKNT, Oltl.'CO.V.
CO acres, six miles from Medford
good graded road cronies tho tract,
all free soil, at $50 per ucro, J 1000
will handlo, easy tormi on balance.
Part Is crook bottom land, auUnblc
for alfalfa, Soveral springs on the
plnco. Tlmbor enough to pay for the
tract. No buildings. In tho (Irltfln
crook district.
Watch Our Addition
Jsrknon am Huminlt
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
m. r. a 11. Co, Hid.
Medford Parcel
Express and Transfer
PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c
Phones; Pacific Uti'il.
Home U5'l
McssonjroL' Servico
.15 K. Kir.
Hand Painted
mako good prcHoniH.
Our lino of Uioko goodn
m vory attractive.'
Puiler Now Management
llt. L. WIIII'I'Li:, Manager
LOOK WHO'S II i:it i:
In their Sinning. Talking and
DiiurliiK This act Is away ahnvo
the ordinal y a treat for out pa
tio ns.
Wo are featuring for the next two
Tin: i.ok ,mji:i,i:s
Showing thu modern methods if
fire lighting In great cities.
Story of tn'oputhy a drama
A real bear slur? a comedy that
will miiku your widen nclio
A laiigh-uiukcr
Special Matinees every Saturday
and Sunday at 2 p. in.
Kveiilng performance, 7 30
.Supreme In I'lcturu Productions
The rooleMi spot In llm City.
(let thu habit go to thu Htur and
keep cool.
Your taut ohnuco to see Llttlo &
Allen, thorn famous Imper-
lllg Dramatic Production
"i.iuic Hoy nine"
Convincing picture lakeu from
thu fniiioii poem
"All l'lieSTlel let-i'iliui"
A real llurlesiiue Comedy
A. C. Sather, tin Singer
Rest of Music and Fffects.
Matinees Dally
AdmlHHlon 10c Children
Watch for our coming features
Greatest aulo bargain of the
season, 25 h. p. roadster,
new, run less than J 50 miles.
Will sell at great, sacrifice.
Home phone IJ01-X or write
W carry u vorjr rninplpte line
of ilnipiirlim, Inn mirtoliiH, fix
tures. Oil), lllllt 40 llll ClllHMl'N of
upliolNli rlior A Mpccliil mail to
look itflur IIiIh viirk exuluslvitly
mill will give n koimI siTVlcn nn
Is priHHlliln o ut Ir uvmi tha
llirK'Mt OltleH.
wi:i:ks & mggowan co.
Btoam and Hot Water
All Work UiiurnntaoC
I'rlcvs Itnanoiiiible.
IB Howard Block, Mctrno on eth .
rsolflo soil. Mow .
Clark & Wright
Publlo Land Mattori Flnnl l'roo!.
Doiort Lands, ConteU and Mining
Oaioi, Scrip,