wionirom) rA"in tuiudnk, mJ'Tdkoki), ouwiox. moxda v. .hinio it, 1912. PXGHTTmnSE v, II 14 THE TOGfiFRY WILL MEET 'f 1 I ? Nk ALL CO M P TITION hum Sale Starts Monday June 17 10 GREAT DAYS And Closes Thursday June 27 ry nwffTfi:r ? We are not overstocked. Our stock is not "carried oyer," but the season's newest Suits in Longs, Stouts and Regulars Our METHODS are HONEST and STRAIGHFORWARD. This ouit 10 uiuugin auuui iv jjivigi uui uv i .t 11- juuivmiau uuu not from our own choice. We do not raise prices or sell goods at outrageous profits the first of the season in order to make a flash later on (Or P) 'Pi $35 and $30 Suits so at $25 and $22.50 Suits go at $22.50 $15.00 $16.50, $15 and $12.50 Suits go at $8.50 One-fifth off on all Serges and Blacks WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S TRUE THE JJ "NO NAM&l HAT Our Hat Sale Will surprise you this time. Any hat in the house (Stet sons excepted) One-Fourth Off -. ft One special lot of Hats up to $3 now $1 We long ago established the record for the Oregon. You know our reputation. Come One-Fourth Off on all Pants Big line to select from ALTERATIONS FREE Pairof Suspenders Free with each Suit greatest value giving in the history of the clothing trade of Southern ancf see for yourself. You know our record honest and straightforward Heavy Specials on Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Dusters, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Shirts, Caps, Hats, Extra Trousers Remember you get votes on the big Auto mobile Contest. Contestants, this is your opportunity. We give double votes dur ing the sale 'sit Vi'Ajjri 1. K P i 11 if M p Vii 1 ' ' III 1 9 Iff i .rfij jt r1; IpCrnli Button' &5??zr Always in Earnest THE TOGGERY (Of Course) Largest and Finest Clothing Store Between Pdrtland and Sacramento