Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 15, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Koft y-nt(HMiil YiMir
Dully -Hrvi-ntti Vi'iir
"NTtc? MApr'AT'T'T ti ai rv YtrSBJLa''' y7(M3BB "HO "VOTE "NO TA36j $j47 l&a ARMORY OF THE FIRST INFANTRY
TrwinnniiTrnTn jSKSSIS - -. - : Lfeffi 1 fSt&6 W&&& 1 1 WHE.KE POSSIBLE RUMP dDNVENTKN
TEXAS CONTESTS frtp ii. . m ? Mwr yi hmmmux - fi
Strain Rcller Rolls Aluiifi Aroiisliiu
Piotesls From Evrn Taft' Sup
linrlfrs at lis Raw Work "For
Guil's Sake ikmutnlirr Nuvcmlirr "
CIIICAdO, June ):-. "It-.n'l .!
tlnil, 1'itr dod'w iiko i"iiioiuhcr next
Thin wit III )liw of CniiiiiiilloritiMn
!lrv id' Soutti dimllnn lit llht He
s publican niitflinul (ftMiiiiif t l'c. wIipii
utter refinon U roll cull thry nealed
Tall iilittiliw in tlu fourth Texas
district in it contest hIumc both ih
(oo.c client nml Tit 1 1 ilrlt'KMloH
claimed ti'xulurly.
Tufl Wins , Mm On.-.
Previous ti thi tin1 iinlioiinl com
milteo today IihiI Mi'itti'il tin' I'iulil
Tufl iIcIokuIo "t lame I'min Tovan,
Tut t tlt'luntor frmtln firnl, micoiiU,
fourth, llflli. sixth, Kcvonlh Mini
eighth dmtriots, and Itiiii'.i'M'lt ini'ii
finiii Dm lliinl ilintrii't only.
During the hearing of tin; onntot
over the Texas delegates l huge,
Itryiin, who argued the euin.o of tlu
Tail ini'ii, admitted that It limine.
ell organization in Toxn ii regu
lar ami legal. Tln evidence showed
that the Ifooiovoll fnelion over
whelmingly controlled the convention.
'I'lie Tufl ooiiunillociiicii, however,
lielil that tlm Tonus election Inws
wine wrung In permitting coiintiiM
uilli only few lopublioniis to liae
eiiial ropiosontitlion with the largo
reiuhlieau oniiutio. CuiuiuitlooiiiMU
Iaoii, spuk'uig fur the llmeelt men,
,Vn KlectiMN In 'IVmin.
"If yiiit lejeet the oiih'ull inlo
Kiiti'H at lai;e iheie will he mi roiuh
liean elm'tuia fnnn Ti'.mih tliin yin.
The Texiin hi-eietary of htate rei'oj
liixeil tilt' legality of our eleetor, ami
they urn all UuiiM'velt men."
Dimiiite the I'ni'l that 't'oiiiiailli'f
iiiiiii iiiHiNleil that llio Tufl ilel
enlim at In rue were mil eonleslnntn,
IliiviiiK faileil to file their eontent JO
ilnvn hefore the eouuailtei' met, the
eomiilitlt'e voted to seat the Tuft ih'l
ohiiIh t liii'Ki1 fi'om Tonus, The Tiii'l
hiiefrt were fileil yeslonluv.
ltOSICItUIKJ, Ore., .luno IT.. -John
AilauiH and I'aul (Iraf, liroth-ei'-ln-litwH,
today aro inolmllly fatal
ly wonndi'd iui U reHiilt of a funilly
low nl KchIou liour hero, AiIiuiih
went to tho Iioiiui of 10. M, Hurt
iiiuii, IiIh fatliiir-lu-law, to hod hid
wife, from whom ho wan recently
mummied, lit iiuurrulud with IiIh
fatlior-ln-lnw and flrod three liot at
him, noun tiilcliiK nffoot. Ornf wiib
alioiit to UHDlHt llurtman when AiIiiiuh
hIioI him tlii'()ii(h tho breuHt, AdaniH
tiirncd and fU'd and Hen llurtmiiu,
hlii urotlioHn-luw. hoIxoi! u rlflo nnd
nhot him after ho had run 200 yurdtj,
Den llartmnn Id In Jail lioro.
i, I El I Jl II I I I ft I I Bi Hi liiii1" I IfcllHlilllMi P1
Colonel's Flhtlii Fact! Last Straw
Needed, Says Borah Din Noitc
Never Nominated Anyone. Says
Dames Roosevelt Salvation Army
CIIICAdO, .lime I.V When Colo
Del Theodore looKeelt allnllti'il fitxa
III train hcie at IMIJ o'eloek tlll
iiflenioon he wiih iiiiiiieiliitel. mnliliul
in h friemll.v uiiiiiiier hy a crowd
whieli jmiiiaetl ery ineh of nnilhle
Hiaee at lite utatiiiii. The eoUniul was
noon li'wcuod, ho veer, nurroiindi'tl
liy iioh'euuiuu ami rushed to an uulo
inohile. CIIICAdO, .lime !,'. "The mkIiI -.f
the eolonelV iilitint; face will he the
laH Htruw needed to eoiuilete the
lout of the TaflilfH."--Senator Mo
nth of Idaho, ItoiMeveltV fightiu;;
uieiiiher of the eiuhieau iialieuul
"The eolonel is liehed; IhnlV all.
A Miliitae of koiiihI iiever iioiuimited
iiuyoiie. The eomiiiK of lloum'velt
proves hih iiiiiiiiiKors ooulil not mio
liim. Illiiff and hlusler will avail him
uothiii " -Willinm II. Harms, dr.,
Tufl fighter ami ehairmuu of the New
Vnik xtntt' lleiiililieau eoimuittee,
McKiiuines of (.marteiH.
ItooxeM'lt heaiIiUiirlor.s has heen
jfiveii the niekiianie of "Salvation
Aimv henihtiarteii." Tuft headiiiat'
toi has heeu called the morgue he
enuse it ii mi unlet there. The crowds
in the streets are inerensiui; ami Chi
eapi is rapidly taking on the up
peiirauee of a convention city. A hit;
progressive iiieelin is to he held iu
the Auditorium theatre .Monday with
Colonel Roosevelt stalling.
rVriiior Secretary of the luieri.r
.lames it, darfiehl tleclaretl
Roosevelt lias -lt8 delcKittes whose
mimes: ho is willing to anuouiiee, also
.rill more Sonlheruers whone names
are heim; withheld for fear the Taft
Icailerri will "whip" them line!; into
doveruor Sluhhs of Iuiiihuh is inen
tioncil today tm vice presidential pos-
llml lllooil Sliown,
Mad IilotuI was shown helween the
fuelioiiH in tho hotel lohhios-, the po
lice stopiihiL' several impromptu
fights ninonu' the Ohio Taft men.
In mi effort to counteract the ef
fect of Colonel lloosevcll'ij nrrivnl
this evening, the Tit ft supporters nu
nouneed lotluy u piihtio dedication of
their euoral heathiiarters nl tho
Coiiki'Oss hotel, taking tho form of n
liij,' piihlio rally tliero louiKhl. Tho
vice prctdtlontH at tho rally will nil
bo Tufl men, inoludintf tho Tuft lead,
ors from every slalo ami Irritury in
the union. Anions llieui will bo Dele
Hiito Sliackell'ord of Alaska, l)oloj,'ato
Camoron of Arixoun, S. Fred IIokiio
of Culiforjiin, V. M. Jlain of Montana
and J. Hi yiuilli of Oregon,
iu ruui tan mBEmmmm&mMffi&W
I 1 . , I
1. 10 HURT
- Following rii In t'cwccn police nml
more than li.iiuo strlkliiK uiuultor
workern, Sheilff IlollHeliwollor do
(liiroil today that ho Ikih tho situa
tion well In hand.
One man Is dead today utiil 10 are
Injured an a result of tho riot last
nls'ht wlioii tho strikers and their
tiyiiipatlil7ers clanhed with tho detec
tives mid police at tho blj; $5,000.
000 plant of tho American SmeltliiK
and ItcfluliiK company here. Four
hundred and fifty slrlkt-rs of the At
lantic Terra t'ottii Works resumed
woik today, having hcen manted
half a cent an hour Imreaso In
KKKIlLKS. Cnl., June l.V-With
husines paralysed throughout the
Colorado river valley liere, every irri
(intiou ditch nml eiiiial iu the Xccdlcs
seelion dcslroyctl and water pouring
in Kicat volumes throimh a ynwniug
gap iu tlie levee near Olive Lake,
flood conditions here today caused
grout damage.
No fatalities have boon reported.
There is a grave apprehension (hat
the river will again overflow into the
Sallon sink. The river is higher Hum
ut any time iu ils history ami only
heroic measures, it is believed, will
prevent tho catastrophe. On (ho Ari
zona side of tho river several set
tlements are Ihieateued. Kifteit liun-.
died whites and Indians are working
desperately along the river between
Ml l)orailo cunyoii and I'nrkcr,
strengthening dykes and moving port
able property.
Scores of homes nlong tho Arizoun
side have been abandoned nml many
refuges are reported to bo coming to
Needles. Messages from Olivo Lake
Htato thai the break iu (bo levco there
is widening hourly and (ho tiuu is in
Mail Tribune
CIIICAdO, .liim- l.'i. Cnrrung SO
Califoruiiiiis, including the delegates
to the llepubtiiaii national conven
tion, the ecinl train from that state
arrived bore toduv and was formally
greeted by dovenior Hiram .IoIiiimui.
Mrs .Porter and Mrs. Mlaney,
prominent California suffragette.,
the only women delegate to the con
vention, climbed into the driver's seat
of an old fashioned Stago, while the
other delegates took seats in the same
vehicle? which headed a parade 10
their hotel.
dovornor .Johnson, iu ureetiiu: .'is
fellow delegates, declared: "Califor
nia will not be disfranchised hy the
action of the national committee. All
delegates who faor Colonel llooo
velt will he seated"
A banner was carried in the pm-
KIrst. Mccuuso hor suporlor education and training, which has
Houurod for her distinguished recognition in educational circles has
host fitted her for. tho office. -
Second. llocauso. of hor experience In teaching and tho theories
'of leaching.
Third. HocausQ of her alipolulo freedom from projudlco.
Fourth. llooaufco sho has tuttan hor stand on tho high and Imper
sonal ground of fajrn'ess to all,
Klfth.- -IK'catiao alio stands for an Impartial and honest nil minis,
Sixth. Hocuuso thq work for civic Improvement sho has Meno In
MedCord this past, year proves hor tireless erforts toward a better
ment of conditions,
Seventh.- -llocauso our schools make citizens and such Ideals as
hers aro needed la school administration.
.Mrs. W. T. York, Mrs. j, a. Tornoy, Mrs. J. n. Heard, Mrs. J. M.
Hoot, .Mis. M. M. IMitnam, Mrs. Charles Schloffolln, Mrs. R. M. An
drowo, Mrs. William Mudgo, Mrs. V. J. Neff, Mrs. Delroy (lotcholl,
Mrs. (1. W. Davidson, Mrs. d. R. lioos, Mrs. R. R. Kelly, Mrs. M. A.
C'ari'v, Mrs. A. l- Stennott.Mrs. M. h. Alford, .Mrs. D. P. Thelss, Mrs.
A. II, Schuster, Mrs. A. S, union, Mrs. 11. H. Tuttlo. Cominittoe.
QUAMimvnoxs rem votkks.
Any man or woman who has proporty real or personal iu tho dis
trict as Bhown hy last assessment, or who has stock, shares, or owner
ship In un corporation, firm or oo-pnrtnorship which lias proporty In
tho district Is qtmlttltxt to voto iu tho school olectlon. Polls opon
from a to l! I'. M at High School.
MKXIl'O CITY, June l.V-That the
death knell of the Mexican resolution
has been .-.ounded is the general belief
here today, following the news of the
decisive defeat of the rebel gonnil,
Zapata, by denerul Hobles of the fed
eral forces, in a wo days' buttle In
the state of Morelos.
General Zapata was injured in the
battle. Three hundred rebels were
slain during the two day's fight, 200
wore captured nnd the remainder
routed and scattered iu all directions.
With Orozoo, the commander iu
chief of the rebels, also facing de
feat, tho end of the revolution is be
lieved to be now plainly in sight.
eo-.ion hearing tho werds: "Califor
nia refuses to trv the title to stolen
property before the me:: who stole it."
Orrnon Hlriwlflaj JockW
r.Hv Hat ViV"-J
City Ha
Labcr Orrjanizer States That Perse
cution of Burns Detectives Forces
Mrs. Caplan to Leave State and
Accused Attorney Not Implicated.
!S.-AKPEU;S, CnL JuuaiL-t
Anton Johniinsci), state organizer f
the California State Building Trades
Council, testified today that Clareme
Harrow had nothing to do with- tho
moving of Mr. David Caplan from
the jurisdiction of the California
courts. He declared that he advised
Mr-, Caplan to leave California to
escape the alleged persecution of
Iturn detectives.
Johanusen was- introduced by the
defense iu the trial of Clarence S.
Durrow today for alleged jury brib
ing, over the objection of the district
attorney in an attempt to show that
Harrow was not concerned in the
removal of Mrs. Caplan,' as claimed
by the prosecution in m attempt to
how "wholesale briberv" in the
MeNnninra trial.
During the examination of Johanu
sen, Chief Defenso Council Earl
Rogers withdrew temporarily from
the case, the defendant himself in
terrogating the witness.
235,000,000 FEET
M. L. Rrickson, supervisor of the
Crater Nutlonul forest returned Fri
day evening from ho Klamath
country where tho sale of a large
acerago of timber Is claiming his at
tention. Tho government has re
ceived applications for "33,000,000
feet of yollow plno which will repre
sent $700,000 Iu round numbers
when sold. Of this amount 25 por
cont or $175,000 will go to the
counties Iu which tho national for
est Is situated according to tho area
of the county within tho forest. As
70 por cont of tho Crator Natloual
forest Is In Jackson county this coun
ty will receive 70 por cont of tho
$170,000 or about $125,000. If
tho sale Is mudo it Is paid In in
stallments covering a period of 10
Mr. Rrickson Is now mnklng a
very caroful study or market condi
tions and nlso of forestry matters
In connection with tho cutting of
such a largo amount of. yellow plno
on tho eust slopo of tho Cascades,
In order to dotormlno whether tho
bids which will bp rocolved for tho
Us Balo and also to dotermlno
Umber will bo sufficient to warrant
whethor tho cutting of this npipunt
of tlmbor will jeopardize the futuro
value of tho forest.
Pnlr nml wnnncrj Mas flflj
Mln 17; Prcclp. trnctv
NO. 73.
. , , ; i i 'j
McKinley Says Convention Is Fire
proof Western Governors Utterly
Arraign National Committee far Its
Unfair Decisions in Contest Cases.
CH IGAQO,. Juna 13. Congressman
William B. McKinley, 'director of tho
national Taft bureau, issued this af
ternoon the folio winjr statement:
"The coming of Roosevelt will bn
a gain event iu tho rank and file of
the Roosevelt men, but it will not
change a single vote in the conven
tion. The body already i.s fire-proof,
it cannot be stampeded nnd nothing
which will occur within the next few
days will disturb the situation. The
outcomo of the convention, so far as
the nomination' ntiH platform are con
cerned, is certain."
Bitter arrnignmerit"o tho Taft
members of the Uepubiienn national
committee whom- they charge with
"outrageous and Infecndcus acts," in
deciding cases of Republican con
testing delegations, is -published here
today in an open letter to the na
tional committee sigtied by Governors
Johnson of California, Stubbs of
Kansas, Glasscock of? West Vir
ginia nnd Vessey of South Dakota.
The letter also bears the signuturo of
progressive representatives from
Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, North Caro
lina. Pennsylvania, Arizona and
South Carolina. The letter says:
"Representing tho Republicans of
our respective states, we advise you,
iu order that liereiU'tcr tho mutter
may bo on record, that you aro pros
tituting tho positions you occupy,
violating every tenot of fuir donling
and decency, and nssassinating tho
Republican party. You re porpetrnt
ing gross frauds and disfranchising
Republicans from different state.
"Unless you rescind your fraudu
lent decisions, upon you shall rest tho
responsibility for attempts to assas
sinate tho party and for nil time you
will have the contempt and oxeoratiou
of nil liberty loving, roputablo citi
NEW YOnK, Juno J5. Stock
moved Irregularly oft tho stock ex
chango today. In no .Important In
stance woro changes nioro thun frac
tional with tho excoptlon of Read
ing, which sagged 1 taints under
oxcesslvo soiling. Later this loss
was regained when shorts begun to
cover. When a demand arose for
Union I'aclflo and United States
Steel, tho market hardened. The
closo was steady.
Ilonds woro unchanged,
Mr, pick Hlliigen and fatally of
North Ueutty have, mpvd to their
stock 'and gra'u farm Browns
1 id