a A V A U Mutt Evidently DidnYKnow a French Ship I .... i .., . - THO &CHMINU rv.T IS m(U3 viwiin- yp TOWN (SMO.BU I'dlNDl TO 'EM. t'LL. BULL 'EfA NOOUV WHftT T0YU.TMINK, iarQwv Our Correspondents fAGLE POINT EAGLETS. uiy AC. Ilowlolt.) Mr. Howard, our iieruiiidutitl; Imikcimiii on Ilic I. A: K. Ity., ha ((en gixlng bin ii'hiiliui'i a new coal of paint mill li,iiiK it iit in grand htlo- hi my I'lsl ! ir(Hiil5!!(l tn Kite .ill iiccniuil of tlic V. ('. T. I'. Mii-iul iitl i)''itjiiii ieHlli: iuv luuitibrr. The irccidiwi wtH held ut tin' icHidenco if Prof. I'. II. pulley mi Thursday evening, Jtuii) lilli, mill special iuvi tiitiiiiiH wt.xv hunt (o tin: imuubcrH mid i'XMUinly In tin; new inriiilinrH, your rniritiMniili'iit nini; imi(ini llictn, lint owinc in tlin cnii-lniit htniiit on his 11111111 lu kiM! llio Mnlt'lrf iilwuyK ii'iulv l'r thi printer mill M'rliiiw n little ntivli'WMH'jM on iU inrt, it hHi l!i Iiik iiiiuil mi liu linil tn ilrH'nil ni otluirn I'm llm invehM'ry iiiforiniition to I'linlilc him to M'Hti' it tii but owiiii; to tin: l.inilni'HH of tiiiiin' of Iih linly f irinlw, hi' wim alii! () liiid tliu fol tlowiitX fin' t t TIutv nrj nliniit Iwcntv of If tt ninnlnTM iittlrnif llio icci'ili(in milt niuniit; tlii'in wim Itn'.i rt IlntiiiHli, WnltiT I'ninttT, .losi'pli Mcoimiii, II. It. Itryant, lr. Molt, Mr. .1. (lioMT, Mr ..Joseph Men iiiiiii, Mil. (I. V. OwiiiKx, Mtn, W. i Cliiliholli. Mix. M. 1.. Dniluy, Mr. Dailvy, Minn I,niio Illiit, 'yh Loti'lta Cliililii'tli. .MiHu-Cnrili' 0viuv, Miw Vcrtn (JroviT ami Mi l-Vrn Daili'y. Cako anil irn rioiini was Mirvi'il, a tVtt' wlioll spori'lics inaili' nml (In1 xoiuiKi'r nii'iiilii'rn rniiKril in hi inio of tin' iiinoi'i'iit kiiiik1 anil alio it 1 11:11(1 p. in. llic roiiipanv limit' tin liout ainl InihtiWK u"nl nilit mill re alii'il In their tenpeelive hoiae, tt-al-ir.iiii: that they liml i-potit aimthet eM'iiiut; pinfitalily. Hy Hi" l"i' tliir leaehi'M the remler, Mix. Arjl (Iruen ami hor inotlior, Mrn. .1. .1. Fryer, ill hae ntiuteil for Seattle to ihit' Mr. (lrien'n Mlnler, ami liar mother to init her ilnnulitor ami Hon-iii'law. Mr. ami Mix. ('hail'' Ioium. Vi 'Mr. .1. F.iImiII, who in mik"K'I hmiU inu ipiarly. al SootCn Mar, California, uiaile a I'l.vinu trip to F.it;;lu l'olnl lart Fiiiley, Htoppiiii; only one nilil. Mm. Clin i ley TIioiiiiih htaited hint Suluuliiy to join her liusliiiml at ScottH Mar, whjire he in eupincil liiui'. iiiK iiiail, with ,1, KiIhiiII. HayiiiK Ik ucttiii: well umlor way in themi partu ami everyboily in buxy. lteni ,1'MiunmIrtou ami Iun little hint lltinjauiin, hpeut (ho ui4ht heie Friday llunjainin, npeul Friday ui;hl huiu. Oar eity diuhi have ordered tliu old Wilson bridge1 rel'loored and miiiio how tiuiheih placed under the approach on the north eid. MiHK Itiilaii Kin Icmiii of Lake Crool;, had (lit) inisfortuiui to fall off her homo a short time ao and hint her aim (piilo badly. It was not a hieakJ, but. Ur. Holt, who diehHed the wound, wiyn that the hoiien in the lower pail of the arm weia bent ho that ho had - to Hlrai,'lilen t!(t'in. Dr, Holt wiih called on lo ( out and Hen F.vurott Dohnelc, and upmi oNiiuiiuiitiou found that ho warf troub led with aiiuilicitiH ho ho had to lo taken to the ItfiMiiinl in Mcdt'onl ami there the appumlix wiih reiuuved and the yoiitit; mint hociny to bo KOttiui; alon nicely. F. .). AyruH wan lining liiiHiuehH with our iiiorclumlH hint Siltiinjny. The Faule Point hall toiini wont In (lold Hill Imlt Sunday ami played umiiusj the (lold Hill team. The rcHiilt wiih the Kama htood, Fiitlo Foitit ft, (lold Hill 7. The (lold Hill boyn mo oxpeeted lo piny the IiikIo I'oiul team next Sunday at Fugle Point and thou wo will t-eo how it coiiich off, The Hiiuday Hehnul pietila Sunday wiih lino and I will idyo, tliu ao,o,oitit of it next' (hue 1 write; ' , i- ni i i WIimiIiik thvoo strnltflit from thp lironklyii 0iili;ot'H r.'ivo tho Cllielu mill HciIh a mind Htui't on Iholr oiiHt- uni tuur, i ...... ! S . I (SHO V . . TT AM.TMCRC'li TVO GRfWN 3mLop1 I CENTRAL POINT ITMS il- '('he Imlii-h of the l(ehe),ah IimId hfre j'l a mnuwrbpr "t (he riliifi nl Mm, . h. I'nee I uemlay arter muni, iiiueh work helu acrniiipliHlieil in that line ami mi eiijoyahh' tune uiih hail hy al iii'Ht'it, The hhli- hi-pcil ie ereuui mi)l eakn. Mm. Ailiiix of Wjllow Spriun, ixitei it'latixiiM heru Tiiexilav. Florenee Taylor of Hueh, wuh here V i t 1 1 1 1 1 ir I'riuiiilH Tiiemliiy. .1. I). I'mikuy, a pidiicer of thii liy nml veteran of the war between tliu htateM, ffl for Woeeharf: TueHiiy nioriiitiir uheVe he hceniiirs nu inmate of the hohliem hnuie. Mil- Fcitrl l'ankey xpenl Tuenilay in Tulo. Mr. nml Mm. M. IC. Kiilanil, Mih. If. II. !nxnii nml Mm. Lane were piiM-eiifjem from hero to Meilfonl Tucolay afti'riiouti. Mrs. L:nml ami ilaulitcr of Fori lauil, HK.'nt Ttte.Mlay with Mr. nml Mm. .1. II. (lav in lliin city. Mm. Mnnl Dean ami ilauuhter who Imvc lici'ii vihitjiiK K. F. Fnrrn nml fanulv, are vintlint; in (bilil Hill ami (IrmitM I'iikh this week enrouto hmne to Foil Oxfonl. V. V. Fsher of MenTori! ami V. .1. Scott of Upper Kouu Kivvr, hpeut TiieMluy hciu. KANES GREEK ITEMS Tho annual kcIkioI mt't'tlni; at the DiinlancllcH Ih ralleil for Juno 17 for the itiri()Ho of elect Im; one director (or n tenn of throe year ami clerk for niio year. All taxpuycrtt and b'Kal votern Hhoiild attend thlH inectliiB, .ih thero Ih hinilaeHii of Importance to traiiRact. Mm. Ham IlodgcK nml dniiRhtor, Millie, of ,iolil Hill were ilciiHant catlerH at Mih. nreouleaf's on Satur day. (louiKu Kliiimp, act()iuianlcil by .lohu Oiiji of tho llradeii made a liui'l iii'hh trip to JackHon villa on Friday. Prophet Fouler nml Mr. .IoIiiihoii were Central Point vlHltnru on Satur day. KnnoH CioM( vlwltorH to (Jold Hill (IiIh weeks niHH Miihou. .lames Tay lor, CiuorKo IllKKluhotliaui, Mr. and Mih. (Ireonlenf, Ccori;o Mardou, Mm. Drown, (ioorKo Hliiini and Mih. Hor Kht. Wo nr Klad t any that Frkell llouuelinlilor Iiiih ho far recovered nu to bo aliu to return homo from tho (JraatH Pjihh hoHpltal, at which plnce ho Iiiih heen for tlm paHt oluht weekM. Dr. KelHoy of Cold Hill made a IniulneHH trlii To Kanen Creek Tuediiy lunt'iiliiH. Tom Kirk, Itnlph llomtoholiler, Mrs. HlKKluhothnm, Mr. Kuottu, Cap pie Hurudeu and Mih, (ireenlonf were recent (lold IIH ImibIuchh vIhIIoih. Mr. nml Jim,1 llotiaoholdor Hpeut laHt Sunday on H:nllno creek, tho Kucttl of their dmiKhtor, Mrs, Duuhon berry, and family. TABLE ROCK. Kvoryliqijy1 Is BHiK rpndy to miiko hay. H. C. WiiHlihtlru IpiB a croxy of iiion thltinliiK apples, S, M, Noulpu Iiiih a field of ryo that has been nttiiictliiu itueh ittoutlon. Mrs. FldredKO or McDowell, Cali fornia, Ih vlHltlni; hor father, W. S. Hooho, of Tahlo Hock, J. I). giiiiiuplH, wjio juiH boon forOmait at w Motion 'tiiui for hov oral years, Iiiih loft tho omploymout of tho Palnor potplo. Wo lmvo not learned who will tako IiIh phico. Frank DoFord la shearliiK 1200 head of shoop for somebody on tho BOtilli side of tho livor. H. Connor has fifty hicioh plant od to corn, ' .'Muuy ponldo hiiyo naut)d "otatocH oiiMathor a Iiu'rm Hfalo, Inrofl on'by tho fancy prices roallJiod lust yon p. Tho Chllilron'H Day plenle ut Table Hook InHt Sunday was a biicchh In ovory wny. About 200 peopto xvoro rN. :;. PH. MToey (u Ifrc- ' i rr " i "v in. wrwi - cm rvt. itvjr vinTHtK cv: hmm i i 'i i x . y - n rT3P . T ,-v ' v :tmc mapT?)JNL J - ak . . J'' tfkiax -r. ?rv Ar'lSs .. rr ... JPIWPMATTi TRTTOtflS, - - ' r ' ' "... ... ' V irrr ,..,., i w.l VM PROUOTo ) t s : - . x. . . .i ; -. Yi'.vkwni: . ..- i . . . . - NOW. irenent. (lold Hill, Tolo, Km?le Point, Kaimt Valley, Autlorh and Ag ate worn reiircHcnteil. Ilev. Rinlth o' Port lam) kiivo n Hliort nddrcHH, nftor which a kooiI prorain va reudcrcd. Tho (JiiKo hand of DolifiiKer kiivo rcv ornl kooiI nelcctloiiK. hut the drawlui; card In tho program wiih a koiik ny tho little peodo, ".JiiHt Keep Sweet." Hul wo uiiiHt not omit a nccenHiiry part, which wa a Ioiik tahlo fllli-d with atl tho i;nod thliiKH calculated to whi't (ho already sharpened apputlteH. Hveryhody iid a koikI tlmu. uud we nil went home feeling that the day had hCQiivoll Mii!lil. OEBENGER GAP ITEMS.. (Hy Norman Ciko) Clarence Wllhltu of HeaKle wiih n Ihmlm.'HH vUltur at Central Point laat Saturday, Tho Sunday hcIiuoI picnic held on tlm northern hank of tliu beautiful Itopio river at Table Hock last Sun day, Juno 'J, wn nttendi'd and enjoy ed by a very Iutko crowd. The fol lowing plnri'H were well represented: Mcdford, Central Point, FagM Point, Hold Hill, HaniH Valley. Dardnnelle, HeitKlo, Ak'Ho, Tolo, Trail nnd neben Rer Cnp. A iiiiibIo hcIiooI haH been organized nl Aatloch and the services of Prof. II. Inane, well known iih an Instruc tor In eastern states and lu some Kuropeuu conntrlctj nml at present Inrnti.'tl n Aithlantl. has been obtulucd Ho nliio Iiiih a elaAH of HludotitH at KauiH Valley and overy one Ih taking a Kroat lutercHt In tho iichool. Hoy Slary and Herhert Johnson ..f HoiikIo were lniHliienH vUltom at Fn Kle Point lant Saturday. It ookH nH tlioiiKh MnntiKer Muck, of tho Athletics, Iuih picked up iiu uthor Htar In Pitcher Poniiock. LOST LOST At Gold Hay dnm Juno 9. WlnchoHtor 22 rifle. Heturn to Trlbtiuo offlco and et G re ward. ' 70 MO.NKV TO IJOAK. MONKY to loan on farm laud. Ad dresa V. J. II.. euro Mali Tri bune. 73 MONKY TO LOAN I havo n fund of $7G0 which I desire to loan on city property nt once. It. 1 Dodge, Hotel Hollnnd. IIUHINKHS OITOKTUMTIKS Colileti Opportunity. MovIiik lMcturo Camera Opera torn. Wo want a llvo man to look after our Intercuts In your town. Wo will tench you how to tako tho pictures. Furnish you wlpi mi outfit and contrnct to buy your pictures. Don't delay, this Is your chance, bo flrsl li your territory. Kxcluslvo contract. (30(1 covem all. Address Dept. C l.neminle Film Sservlce Alliance, 333 Oak street, Portland, Oreou. 08 NEW TODAY i Tho 70 acres of ohoicu hind notir FaiU Point in "till for splp ur vx I'lianxe. Tho tract has U,r acres jilnuli'il to youiu; pears, and the but nneu is fine ulfalfa luiid. Tho owner will oikcliaiiKo for ineonio property in Med ford or elsewhere; Tlo trad xvouljl bo ideal for hubdiviMou. ' Who wants a neiit littlo four-room homo, conveniently situated a half block to pu villi,', l'laco nicely fenced and improved. Water mid suwor on tho lift. Price $1000... Will tako a well located lot as half pay. Lot mo show you tho place. A 100-aere ranch near Jackson ville. Fifteen acres in nl fulfil and Ifnrdi'ii. 80 acres choice lajtil easily irrigated from Hislion ui'uuk. The hnluueo bus (luce miliof feet of Ipie uvou saw timber. Daily innil. Price $1000, Fivo liuudviid eih', and terms to suit the purehascOO.ti torNshf'uro to htiilou the lutlmico. Ljht yur property. Huycrs avo oiillltHjr. C. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Go. Bank Bltln, pilQiius: Pacific 7(J I, Hoiia70K R0SKIQI1C0 Pliono 2W .- 7jpzfcs. mggt MeMrKoATHeiM.fv -j -. v VA r AfPrz kush!) 0 ....;;, NPRW,ts! MlSTTFOim OIMKIOX, WIODNjOSDA V, .JlTNIfi 12, 1012. Was in the Harbor i'Oli ItlvN'T FUHMSIIKD ItOOMfl FOIt KKNT I.nrgo ileeplng room, $1.50 nnd 2 per weok. Modem hotmckceplnc npnrtmcntu, $1C nnd $1C. Home pboue 2G6-K. 222 Booth Holly. FOK HUNT Modern furnished roonn at tho Cottage, C04 Wcet 10th st., two blocks south Mcdford hotel. Hot nnd cold wnter In rooms. Home pbouo 217. Mrs. 11. M. Cobb'. FOH HKNT Nlccb furnished sleep liiK room for one or two Kenile ineii, 21f ". Clrnjie btreet. 7f i '(in iti:xT i'iri:.M.siii:i) aims. The Herhou, Mrlrtl fimt-elaiw furnished apartments; private hatliH and other inoderu features. Take atlvatitaso of Hummer rates. Call momliiKH, 10 Qtilnco street, corner of V. Main. FOH KKNT Smith Apts. 217 S. KIv, FQU IlKNT HOUSES FOH HKNT Ten-room house, shaded grounds, contrail) locjitcil, rear Farmers and FrultKrtwem Dank. Hiiltnhlo for real cstato office or business or roomliiK ami boarding house. Inquire Cold Hay Hcnlty Co., fith nnd Fir hU 7G FOH HKNT 7-room furnished hnuse, modern Improveuients, two blocks from P. O. Inmilro 310 N. Cen tral avenue. 7f FOH HKNT Seven room bungalow, reasonably closo in. A. S. Hilton, room 20C Philips IjIiIr, FOH HKNT Closq;In C room house wltli mnilnrii .iiluittlilnif nml nUr- trlc llRhts. On paved street, with llinil .IIIU CUIIIl'lll DIUUWtllKU, Holt phono 3401. Call FOH HKNT S room hoiiso on South Crapo st. Call 310 N. Hartlett. FOH RENT Six room liouso, mod em, pnved street, ;iC50. V. T, York & Co. VXill ItKNTMlSGISLTjAMCOUS FOH HUNT Very flno pasture for beef cattle or for horses. Apply to Mm. O. It. Dell, Drownsboro, Oregon. 71 FOR KENT OFFICES FOR RENT Oror the postofflco, with boat and light. Bee A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Larso, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold wntor. Low rntes. Apply Moflford Fumt turo & Hdw. Co. FOK SALE HOUSES FOH SALE Four-room bungalow, electric llphtH, soxver and city xvnter on paxed street. JfiTiO cash If taken at once I mi nl re of oxvn or at 311 West Jackson street, tf FOR SALE IiAND HOMESTEAD S3 ncroa Just proved up for sacrifice salo account sick ness. Good new G-room bouso nnd barn, roh1 chicken houso nnd corral, 10 acres lu crop, Go ncros moro easily cleared and cropped, several hundred ords xvood, place all fonced, Improve ments alono cost $1700. My price, IncludluK Reed horse, wagon, culti vator, ploxv, etc., $1000, with $1000 cash, balnnco niortngc. Vj I). HodKson, phono 427-J, 'Ashland, Ore. 73 FOR HAIiE ACRKAOH FOH SALE- Snap 2G acres, 10 aereH In fruit, 6 acres la hearluK. good Mill, house, bam, xs'oll. $02G0. Nice high GO-root lots, $12G; $10 down, $10 monthly, without Interest, Furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. Money ro loan. Honson Investment Co Main and Fir. 70 FOR SALE Eight acres, Just out sldo city limits, nil planted to 3 yonr old apples: small houso, good well; $2G00. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALP WOOI AST) FUEL FOR SALE Wood nt country prlcca. lC-ln. fir $2.7G, 12-ln. fir $2.2G, 16-ln. hardwood $3, 12-ln, hard wood, $2. GO; 12-tn. plno, block, $2; 1G-In. plno, block, $2.50. All dry xvood. CIO S. Rlvorstdo. Hell phono GO-il. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE AVblto Logliorn Hnby chlckH from solcctod utility stock, tho kind that mndo Potalunia fa mans; $7. GO per 100 during April, Mny and Juno. Tho Ponoor Hatch ery, Hox 340, Potnlmnii, Cnl. 77 FOH SALE (JO pure- blooded whlto logliorn bens clie:p. iioipo Phono 301 W. .73 FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FoTfSALK or trade, rollablo work or driving mare, buggy ami bar iiess. Pliono 3J 1 1 or call 710 Tnft avenue. 71 FOH SALE Puro bred poland china hogH. To make rlom for non stock belifg Imported Herkoley Orchards offers u fow fine koxvh nnd boars, aldo homo selected fall nnd spring furrowed pigH, nil eli gible to registration. Our prices will surprise you. Phono Ml K-21. 92 FOH SALE One gentle xvork horse. Phone Mnln 3503. 71 FOR SALE--Chorrlca at The Lau rels. Jacksonville Central Point Foothill road. Phone 21 F-13. 73 RIPE cherries, Cokcr Butto Or chard. Pacific phono G91 J-3. 70 FOR SALE Single buggy, two seat ed Htirrcy, .camp-wagon, single and double harness, saddlo and bridle, all in good condition and some nexx Also my fine family horso to tho right party. II. Humphrey. SI3 East Main. 74 FOR SALE Cheap, Ono bicycle, one set single harness. Inquire East Sldo Millinery store, COS East Mnln. 71 FOR SALE 3 passenger auto, bar gain for quick sale. Crater Lnko Garage. 60 RIPE cherries, Coker Butto Or clinrd: Pacific phono 001 J-3. 70 RIPE cherries. Cokcr Butto Or chard. Pacific phono 591 J-3. 70 FOH SALE Jersey cox just fresh, young and very suitable for a fam ily. A bargain. Phono Pacific G00 R-2. 72 RIPE cherries, Coker Butto Orchnrd. Pacific Phono 691, J 3. 70 HELP WANTEO FKSLVLB WANTED WOMAN for general housoxvork, private family. Pen tro Orchard. Phono CIO R-l. WANTED Woman foi; general housework. Must bo a good cook. Phono Farmer S14 F-12 WANTED Girl for general houso xvork, must bo good cook, address W, caro Mall Tribune. 11ELP WANTED MALE WANTED Mnn to clear six acres South of Bates or Egan orchard, east of Mcdford. Guy W. Connor, Mall Tribune. Bldg. 71 WANTED Japanese servant. Ad dress R, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Competent stenographer bookkeeper desires position, 7 years exporlonco; best city refer ences. Vx'rlto A. S. M caro Tribune. 113 WANTED A lady wants day xvork 2G cents an hour, fancy ironing a specialty. Phono J371. 72 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Anyono going nxvay xvants a caretaker over tho home Ladles needing help, canning fruit, can find competent lady nslstants wlio also are capable of filling other responsibilities. Address B. B. caro Mall Trlbuno. 7 WANTED TO EXCHANGE A four room liouso nnd lot located at 715 S, King st., for property In S. California. Lot GO by 171 xvltb 1G full bearing apple trees. Address box- 74 Talent. Ore., 91 WANTED--Good milch coxv, must bo fresh or nearly so. Jersey pre ferred. Address Box GO, R. F. D. No. 2. Medford. 71 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assnyer nnd Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MIMING BU REAU ABsays mndo for gold, sti ver, lond, copper nnd othor miner als. Mines and mining prn3pocts surveyed, assayod and mining umpe nnd reports made, tboreon by com potont mining ussnyors nnd engi neers nt ronsounblo terms. Capital socurod for dovoloplug mines nnd wining prospects. All mine own ora aro onrnestly roqueatod to send Bainplos of tholr ores for exhibi tion purposes, and Bend full de scription, of tholr mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Buroau. 6th mid Fir stf. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books nuuttod nun Kept tor a reasonable figure; your biiBlneas solicited. Offlco Modtord Mull Trlb lino iddg.: uboin) 0G11; roaldonco phouo 6802. . f,iv,.r tr tr rr cr' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney D. W. BAGSHAW Allorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Offlce: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific. Mnln 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco Mcdford National Bank bcllding, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorney-at-Lnw. Noa. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Oarnctt Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. S20 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Bill rosters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg.. Medford. Oregon. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiardf, Ci gars and Sdtt Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to Bpcnd the hot afternoons. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; aur veys, subdividing, building trades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2. Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE. Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimntes free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 56G2. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mi nps. Collections our specialty. Room .412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phono Mala 2021. Chinese Medicine CROW YOUNG'S Culuese mcdicii.es will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiture, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds ut chronic and nervous allmeuu. Siuinacn troublo, constipation. Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Sco mq at 241 S. Fruui st., Medford, Ore., to 4, (3:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCICWOQD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. tun and no. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific, massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady atteudaut. Phone Home 1GS-K. Maiu 7973. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOVOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR, ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dontlst, Offlco In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephono Mala C81. Night phono 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Goo. lluckor, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of holp furnished and posltlous obtained. Bell 1GS1, Home 270-R. 74 Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Go. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Cqntractors and manu facturers of prick; dealers lu pressed brick and Umo, Qfflfco nt their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 34C1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Strcot, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed nnd com mon brick and tllo. Got our prices and boo our brick and tllo before purchasing. Funiitvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nud Holly 8t. Mqdford. Mission furnlturo mndo to ordor. Cabluot work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Legal liliinks at tho Mortford Print ing company. PAfllt "FrVE L'J'--'3 By "Bud" Fisher ., BUSINESS DIRECTORY Garbage GARBAGE 'Get your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on the city garbago wagons for good service Plionp Main 822; good service. Phono Main C251. F. Y. Allen. Nurscrttui JQUAkER rfURSEHIES Our trooa aro i,miucu, not graueu. uur biock la not ' Irrigated. Wo guarantor everything put out. Wc are, not in the trust. II. B. Patterson. Offlcfl removed to offlco Hotel Nash, in sldo entrnnco next to barber ihop, ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of bigb-grad nursery stock. Offlco 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has ths best equipped Job offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leat systems, cut paper, eta, etc. Port laud prices. 27 N. Fir t- Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to ma at ths sign of The Mall Tribune. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and Burgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono G01, residence phons 612. OfIco hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5G01; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physiclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. ' Practice limited to diseases Qf women. Offices ovor Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001. Home 28. Residence Phones: M. 7981, Home 3G7-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses Buppllod. Offlco 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 682. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offlco phono 4901. Residence 70G1. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and surgeon, utttco rpoms u ami 6 Kcntnor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Ro3ldenco phono Bell 273. Home 347-X. E. KIHCHGESSNEH, M. D. Prnc Hcq limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones.' Rosldcnco phenes: Farmer lCxxG Eaglo Point and Rogue River lino. Socond Floor Gamott-Coroy Building Medford, Orogon. Dr3. Saunders & Green Special ists Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. "Not ouly tho cheapest, but tho bust." HERMANN F. RA'ITE, M. D. Office- ovor Medford National Bnnk. building Office phono C721; Res., Hqtol Holland. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block, Stenographic work done quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAqB CQ, Offlco 16 South Fir. Pboi Bell 31G3; Home 360-IC. Prices right. Service guaranteed. Umlertniccra JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer. Office 28 South Bart lott st. Telephenes: Day, Hell 71; night, residence, Bell 473. Home 179-Jj. Calls answered nltUt pi; da,y, Ambulance srylrft Vacuum Cleaners HAL HARRINGTON C.'tt H) TTATfiuNaTON"" Gonoral Vacuum Glc&nlux, Jjiek-t Bouvtlle. JJOlJ Pb0H 17,1, T4f,