Orcqon Historical Stuff Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Slanvrm Tonight. Max, &I, Mlit. M.o. Korty-nt ml Vnir roriy-nt ml Yriir I i 1 1 V M' t Ml ti i-nr jMJSDjVOIID, OUWiO.V, TriOSU.W, .Jl'K II, li)12. NO. G9. MEDFORD WINS CALIFORNIA RATE CASE A K v SACRIFICE T AFT TO CR USH ROOSE VEL T ITS ANYTHING TO KILL TEDDY Barnrs Entrusted With Executioner's Joli mill Will Throw Taft Over 11 Nrccssary flnot Is New York's Candidate for Job. nonsevrll Forces Back Hartley o Mlssotiii as Chairman of National Convention Aualnst Root. CHICAGO. .I.uit- II. Ciu-h TIic.l dun. (ooccll Siiiririi 'I'llll ll llt'i'i'-Mii'v. hill I he political ili'iitli of UlO ISllolH'l lllllkl III' complete. TIiIh huh tin iiiniiiiUxioii i'iiIi'iimU'iI Iii William II. lliuiK'M, junior, of New Vrnk IhiIhv Iiv 'I'll It louder, who tut lliorixxil let tit In unit ii iiv iiiiitlinil In' Jemml, even ir il become neceiu-v In eliminate l'iiiiliiit 'I'll ft from tlw nice. Hill lie lli'lil 11 long NdiM'i'l confer ence (itilii y .nil Ii tin' member of the Tall HligHrtK eoaimlttoe, mill with ChurhJsJJ. Ilillc, hi'itcImiv to I'icm. li'nt Tuft. They iIIhimiimmM wuyn and iHiyiim of lking cm n of nuv effort Unit may Imj matin hy Wlllhttn 15. I'lillll llf I'lttflllll'V lt UllltUpt'do lltu convention for Hoii'hiivolt. I tool ax liuik lloi- ll in generally iiilinilti'il unions the Tuft iiu'ii loiluv Unit if il deeloH t lut t tin' iiii'Milottt'ft iioiniiuitioii is im pwoohlc, Scimtof Klilui Knot will hi' llll fol'WHIll I'lllldidlllc. ItllllU'H hhki'I'Im iIihI Knot' election iirt teni pormv chairman of t lit convention in I'iMtiiin. Ill friend nv thai It'ootV npcuiiik speech ii temporary clmiiiiuin will lm tlu supreme i' I' foil of hit lilV, lie will Irv to foico hur iiioiiv between tint Koxincll mnl Tall faction mo fur itH (hi) ilntfnrm i coiieeined. It i reported ln plan 'o urge it t'oiiniliiition policy in eciy wny. Miiny of the Tuft men mo hopeful Hint ItontV linrniony keynote will nii'i't with an iiiNtnnl rtpunii li oin the convention with tho result Unit Wool hinmelf will ho nominated for president. .JI llio Knot Inlk, however, is ridi onli'il hv llio UoomiincIi nii'ii, who iu il ( Ii it t Governor llcihcrt S. Hartley of .Miwjouri will ho temporary chair miii ii of tho cumenlion. I, it I'ollclto lloH'mi. Tho complications injt'otoil into tin political Miliiation hero mo affording much oncnurugoinout to tho l.a Kol Ictlo following. Walter I louder, nn t i miii 1 campaign ninnngor of Scant. r l.a l''ollcltc, IniM opened hcaihuaitci'H here, anil aid toihtv that tho outlook wan hiightor thnn uxor. (lil'l'onl I'iiiohot ami Juiuo It. Gnr fiiihl mot incoming dolegnlcM toilny ami cHiioili'd llicin to l(onsoult heart iiiailoi'M, Vll.liAHCA, Iowa, ,lu mi 11.--niooilliouiiiltt whUili urn trallliu; tliu inunlorniH of Mr, anil Mm, .1, I). Mooio, tliulr four clillilinu mnl two I'iichIh, all of whom wmo foiiutl at llio Monro homo iioiir'liorc with tliulr licailn criiHlital hy an nut, today found a hloody liaiiilkorclilof hidden uiiiloi' iiinno liniHh iiuvnu iuIIoh iionth wohI of lioro. Tho IuiiiiiiIh at oucu nlaittiil 'on ;i hoi trail to tho tiouth , wont of town. KliiKor-prlntH on tho hloodHtnlnoil axoi found In tho room In whlnh two of tho llttlo hoyH worn HloopliiK am linliiK InvoHtlmitod hy oxportH. ThoitH uihIh of HtniiiKOiH urn flooltlnn Into VllhiHcn, drawn hy iiowh of tho whok'Bulo niunlur, M AN BLOODHOUNDS SEEK 1 1HHBB M PRESENTS TAFT Roscvclt Managers Allege Fraud anil Inllniltlatlon hut President Gets the Votes Comiiilltcc Refuses to Go Orlilntl Returns. Corruption hy Republican Machine in Importing Voters From Adolnln(j States Into Kentucky Is Aliened. CIIICAtiO, .lime 11. Colonel looMt'iltH ii t iclorv in the lihl lot' ili'lt'itiiti'it in the Kcpuhlii'itu roll Motion wit: ccori'd tlii nficrnoon when the national couuniltc aproed flhe actSoii of the hfth Kcntuck dlt-tliet coiiMllition in Hciulliii; hotll Til II mnl ItooM'Vell ilclcKati'H o I'hl ciitfo, tluiH xiilitliiiK the vote lroiu th.il tllntt'il'l. fllK'AtIO, .June II. -Willi the ltoonccl maunttttrN iilleinu' l'nuid and iitiimiilaliou, tint Kepnlilicnu ua linunl couimiltcn today took up the cnutonln from llio otitic of Kuntucky. Tliu I'mht in thin chku it tjiiuturiiil on tliu not' M' (hit lofcihituri' hi iti-tli-t-tncliinr ihn Mtnlii. Tho ltoocvull men chnrKCil Ihut tho ilolopite o the lnlc coin cation were elected iiuilcr the old district linen, which wore chniiKCil hy the l(!j:iliilnro. t u otc of ;IS in II, lit uimith'o ilccidcil to m'iiI four Tn It dclc;nlc nj Iniltc from Kentucky. The commit ten took up the con! ot in the firnt Icn luckv dixtricl, mnl nlo decided Uin in fuvorof the Tnfl men. In mtiiuc tin) MM'mi! ICcutucky tlitlrict ctnitot cato, which icsullod in the M'utini: of the Tnft delegates, the KooMcxelt men charKcil that the If t'l in till fit ii muchiiin in that nlnlc rc luiim control throuL'h the wident co. ruption, uhKcrtiuir ihut voters wco imported from Wo I Virginia, Ohio niiil Tcuuc.fco. Those "floaters," tho Kooxeu'H men chaiKO, icccivcd Ml cent each. The committee, however, followed the rule fstuhlihfi at tho oiiIm'I of the hciiriiip! refused to o hohihd the return of regularly hold state couvcniiouK, llocuusc of the mIow priiKrcxK il is mukintr, tho couunillco decided to ho Kin holdinc iiiK'lit sessions, the first to ho held TiiomIuv nilil, tlosirinr lo complete the tciiipornrv roll call h.v Salurduy noon. FALSE REPORT OF TIOAL WAVE AT NT.W YOHIC, .luiio ll.lIt'imrlH wore rcceiNod hero today hy tho Ticker news bureau Ihut (Inhesion, Tonus, hail hecn ovcrswepl today hy a liihil uiie iloitm immcuho daimiKt). All southorn wires arc down and il is impossible to obtain coufirmutioii of the report. (lAliVKSmV, Tcxus, .luuo II. I'cople hoio loduy wore much amazed when wiro coininunicnlion vs re stored with the outsiilt) world, to learn Unit icporls had none forth that (lal veslou had been swept with a disus IroiiH tidal wave. Many icnplo wore halhiue; in tho surf today and no climatic coudilous provailed in this section whiofl would warrant Mich a report. I'lU'hor lJiiiunKiirtnor Ih IioIiIIiik Ills own with tho Sr, I.oiiIh HrowiiH, Ho far tiH houhoii tho youiwUor has dofoatotl 10d WalHh and ClcorKO Mill 11 ii . votoran Blunt of tho Amorlciui longuo. mmm GALVESTON TAFT ALREADY A A M N Gilsoti Gardner Predicts Roosevelt's Nomination No Matter What Na tional Committee Docs Plan to Seize Control of Convention. Flulit Will Benin When Temporary Roll Call Is Read, When Report of Committee Will Be Thrown Out. (tv (iiUoii Uiiuliicr. ) CIIICAOO. .hum 11. Colon, i KoimcM'lt will he uominntcd no mat tcr wluit the repiililiiiiii uittiotuil com millec, now in MCHHion. doo in io-nl-iiiL contents. The KnoMtvcIt niiinii jjeiit claiiii they mi'o iuw assured ot enough ocs to pat their iroram (broach ccn though (ho uittiomil couimitttiu puts lliroub its steam roller pioKTMiu. This wiik the information which came today from the inner coined if KohCM'lt'M mnuHKcr who bine their I'dli set and say Ihey will not he defrauded of their loprercututiou hi Ujo..o,tMVenliojs hy 'rttemfl rollor" or any other ml hods. They will fijjlit from the drop of the hat. If neee sarv Rotisovidt will come to Chicago Tho Tuft tnauajjers admit prixatcly that I'rcs-idcnt Taft is defeated. Tlu'V hope however to hold together their followiin; Ioiik enough to iiutkc terms. Senator Crane of .MiiHsachusctl has slated frotpi'cullv within the Inst llip'c da.vK Unit he no longer hopes to see President Taft nominated. The fi?tt will lutein when Victor Koscwater, chairman of the national Itcpuhlicnii connniltoc, starts to read tho tempo rary roll call of the convention. It is doubtful if he over pnsson the firnt letter of tho alphabet. Tho Roosevelt delegates mo pre pared to put into nomination at once their candidate for temporary chair man mid to insist on their convention roll cull. They expect to have a ma jority and to otvuuixe tho convention. I Then the report of tho national com mittee will ho thrown in tho waste basket ami the Koo-ewll program will he put through. 10 WAHIUNnTON', Juno 11. Hy an unanimous vote tho house Judiciary eoniiulttco today decided to roport favorahly of ltercseutatlvo Hornor'H resolution rcromonilluK mi InvoatlKit tlou of tho official acts of United States Cornelian II. llanford for tho western district of WnnhlnKton. Tho resolution will ho favorably reported to tho house tomorrow. lloprosontatlw'H Herder mnl Nor lis prot'ontoil tho linpoauhuiout chart;cK to tho commlttuo, COLORADO RIVER FLOOD RAN HKKNAKD1NO, Cnl Juno 11, Itusliiiu through a larno hroak in tho loveo at Olivo l.ako, near Hlylhc, Cal., tho Colorado river today thrum ens to inundate thousands of actus of I'ariniiiK land, ucenrdine; to dispatches received hero. Indian runners have been soul from river stations into tho desert to col lect all available red men to I'ilit llio flood. Sovorul hundred already mo working undor tho dirootion of white rniu'hovH, cuUiui,' trees mid filling baoks wilh bund to repair tho hmihs, FAVORAftf mam BREAKSTHROUGHLEVEES N6,w York's ..PB t itwf Ii" acdBI -(i.m -w ""'" r ns n tm ' OT HARaiS EWIN VIiwJl, WASIUNOTON', Juno 'VI. .lames Wickorsliiim, delcK'ilc in conri-s ijom Alaska, introduced today in the limine a joint resolution apjiropriiitin .s.'iP.lintl for (lit unmmliato tchef of suffcrcru by olcuiio oruptioiis near Kodiak. The resolution orders that t'liitod Stiitcs rovciiiio cutitus ho usc.1 lo rush the relief suppling to Kodiak at onco. In response to npponls front ('apt. IVrrv of the reciiuo cutter Mnn- uin, ('apt. Uertbold, tho conuuiiiiilaiit of the revenue cutter survicc, today ordered that the ciitor Tabomit or McCulloch ho rushed to (ho relief ( Alaskan olcuuo siitfcrers I aptain I'crry otticially reporteil that the villages of St.' I'lttil mid Wood Islmul were buried under a foot of nshe.s unit hot puinuio tone. lie predicted that a vastly aivatcr amount ot daiiiauc has been done on tho western side nl tho smnkiii'.' olcaito. TO HOSTON', Juno II. -Sultlcmci.t ct tho strike of union employes of the Huston clcwilcd railroad, which uNo controls nil the Miii'nou, subway and tdovatod linos in (irc.ifor ltosoii and many ueiblieriiiy: .itius nnd t u, uppcared hri"ht liul.iv. Officials of the railway ooinpnny, after rot'iising to iu.it with their ciii pltiycs, sudileulx ntiieed today to sub mit the dispute to the tnto concilia tion hoard, uKtccmu' to' abide by its doois-iou. The sinkers urn jubilant at (his turn of nlMiis ami m-0 eonfi tlout that the hoaid will support them in their fijjhl for icicnus. WASHINGTON", June 31.-. Con gressman Robert C. Wyukliffu of Louisiana was run dow'il ami killed Olll'lv liiilllv Iiv ii tl'ilill oil llin Imm bridge over tho I'otonius. at South nusliiugloii. Mrs. Wickliffo was soated In Ibe nioiuhors' gallorv of tho liouso of rop- iTsuntativos when oiigiossni'in lh'oussai'd aunouned ihu denlli oi' his colleague. She fainted and business on tho floor of the honso' was tem porarily BiispemU'd. Mfcl JSS G CONGRESS ASKED FOR !50.0B0 F n PAwn II Dark Horse el am ay HEWAS OFFERED BRIBE FOR DARROW HAIJi OF IUCCOKUS. LOS A.V tlKLKS, Cal.. Juno 11. "Hort Ham- i I nierstrom, Clarenco narrow's broth- jor-ln-lnw kuvc mo $115 and cx- j Huacs to Chlenso and offered to pay me 30 a weok during my stay there if I would stay out of tho Jurisdic tion of tho courts during tho trial ot Jhiiiok H. MeXamara." K. A. Dlohlklemnn, formerly n dork nt thy New Haltlmoro Hotel in I.os Angel" who Identified J. II. McXmuarn as a man who stopped at tho hotol under tho name ot J. B. Hryco the day beforo tho Times ImlldliiK was blown up, niado this statemont today wlillo testifying for tliu prosecution in tho trial of Dar row on n cliarpo of bribing George N. Lockwood, taloMimu in tho Mc- ' Nniuara trial. CITY DELIVERY IS EXTENDED lCrfdi'tlvu Juno IS, mil city de livery will ho oxtenduil to tho fol- i lowing territery: liHst Jackson stroot to Hoosovolt. Koosovolt to lloimett uvenuo. Heuuett avouuo. Howard stroot. i. Stark stroot. 13. Shurman strot. Mlnnopota nvomio. No. Klvoi-aldo to Mauanlta stroot. No. Hartlott to No. School. No. l-'lr stroot. W. Ninth street Orango to Ham ilton. W. Hamilton Ninth to Klovonth. Dakota avonuo Oakdale to Now ton. W. Thirteenth I.aurul to Newton, Undor a now regulation ot tho Depurtinont no person can ho nerved la this now-territory unless lio has erected a suitable receptlclo for his mail. "Tho pear crop in California will not mo us heavy as la.st year, de spite early predictions to thai effect," states I''. M. MoKoanoy, aiauagor of tho I'l'oilui'ors' Fruit Company, who has just rot uracil I'm in a business trip to San Francisco, Saoramonto and other California points. "Tho crop has dmpiied heavily and tiro blight has worked some damage. "Tho crop will bo early and tho hull; of it will ho off tho market be fore oiti'b comes on." WEST SCORES PRISON SYSTEM INSANQUEN1 Orefjon Governor Anrjered by Warden Hoyle's Statement Blaminn Re formers for Riot Says Should Use More Brains anc Less Lead. 'Antiquated and Rotten" System in Use at California Prison Says They Can Make It a Slaughterhouse PORTLAND. Ore., Juno 11. Characterizing the prison system at Snn Qtiontin penitentiary, California, as "antiquated and rotten," Gover nor West of Oregon, thoroughly an gered, ropllctl hotly today to the criticism hy Warden Hoylo and others connected with San Qiicntlu prison that the governor was largely rrsjionsiblo through hU efforts at re forms in tho Oregon penitentiary at Salem, Ore., for tho bloody mess room riot. "San Qiientln prison officials ought to use more brains nnd less lead, If they did thy'd have n good ileal better success," said Governor West to the United Press today. "Despite ungrounded nttacks on our system of humane treatment of prisoners at Salem penitentiary, tho fact remains that wo never have any l trouble. SeutniQiit does nt ;rula thore hut common sense docs. The prisoners Jrented like human beings', are responding splendidly to fair dealings. "We can take caro of ourselves at Salem. We are not bothering about San Qiientln. Tho prison officials there can mako that place a slaugh tor houso If they wish wo shall not lllterfere.,, WASHINGTON', June 11 Dis patches received at the state deart meiit today from President Gomez of Cuba atate that government troops have surrounded General Ivonet, leader of the negro rebellion, 'in the province of Oriente, ami that hi capture is momentarily expected. WASHINGTON, June 11. That something much more serious than the present skirmishings in Cuba mast happen beforo the United Stales will coa.sidor intervening in the affairs of the island government, was indicated hero today hy the attitude of the statu dpartment in scarcely noticing tho happenings m Cuba. The department paid no attcatioa to yesterday's engagement between United States marines mid Cuban rebels, exeept to say that marines "behaved splendidly under fire." IN ACTIVE ERUPTION COUDOVA, Alaska. Juno U. -Mount Kntani is still in violent erup tion and it is believed that Mount Ho doubt mid lllamuia and other volca noes u tho chain aro also busy. The steamship .Sampson brought tho news last night that Seldova .'s safe. Mungro information from the revenue cutter Manning to the mail boat Dora is that the Kodiak settle ment has also escaped damage. Thore is no news from other fishing or In dian villages. The Manning is hav ing much trouble with its wireless ami cannot hear from tho Kodiak station on account of tho ashes and wnoko, "Chick" aaiidll. tho former Mon treal first baseman, Is making good with Clark Griffith's Washington ton in, CUBAN NTERVENT ON HGHLY mam L I ATS TO Medfcrd's Contention That Oregon Boundary Line Should Not Be Ba sis of Increased Charges and That Rates Should Be Uniform. Material Reduction in Interstate Traffic Charges Will Follow tft Benefit of Medford Shippers. WASH1NTON, Juno 11. Tho In-tcr-stato commorco commission sus tained today the contention of tho traffic bureau of Medford, Oregon, that the rate of tho Southern Pacific railroad from Medford to certain points In California, including Horn brook nnd Edgewood, was unreason able. This caso was brought In the Fall of 1910 when Commissioner Prouty took testimony In Medford. Wit nesses for Medford wero II. C. Gar nett, E. A. Welch. J. F. Iteddy and Gcorgo Putnam. Tho caso wait handled by Frank II. McCunc, rate expert for tho bureau. All tho di vision and goneral operating offi cials of tho .Southern Pacific ap peared for tho railroad, Attornoy Fenton conducting tho caso. The Medford evldcnco showed con- I clnslvnlMJtf U mUfcltrgcMtuOros gon wero higher thnn those charged in California for tho samo distance and that tho Oregon boundary lino was used as a basis in rato making. Tho statement of tho caso as pre sented by Medford bureau was as follews: "The rate structuro of tho South ern Pacific Company for business crossing tho Or-egon-Cnllfomla state lino is abnormal in that it uses tho state lino as a basing point, whereas rates should bo sot to a scalo ot through mlloago without regard to an Imaginary political lino which of fers no rcslstanco or oxpenso to transportation in crossing it. Tho rato structure Is further abnormal to tho extent of having two dlfforent scalo of rates on either sldo of this Imaginary political lino. "Tho complaint is made against this rato structuro dividing on a basing point nt tho stato lino instead of uniform graduation on through mileage ami against tho combination rate niado up of a high rato for tho Oregon mileage and tho normal ad justment established by tho South ern Pacific Company for California. Tho contention Is that tho samo scalo of rates should bo applied for tho entlre mileage without rogard to political states and that tho read justment should bo niado la con formity with the scalo of reusoaablo rates la iiso by tho defendant at other points on Its line. "This abnormal adjustment pro hibits distribution ot morchandlso from such a natural geographical supply point as Medford to tho noar by towns In California and enforces tho drawing of supplies from distant markets at rates la excess of what should bo reasonable inbound car load rates to Medford and rouBonablo outbound less than carload rates to destination, which Is tho economy of transportation both to tho carrier and tho purchaser of transportation." TWENTY-SEVEN KILLED BY MEXICO CITY, Juno 11, Twenty-seven persons mot death la dif ferent parts ot tho states of Collmn and Jalisco today In aa earthquake) which lasted throo mlautos, accord lug to despatches received bore. It wus also reported that tho Co ltma volcano Is In a state ot erup tion, hut no casualties from thlu source have boon reported. Winning throo straight from tliu Ilrooklyn Dodgors gava the Cincin nati Hods a good start on their east ern tour. CALIFORNIA NOW A MEXICAN QUAKE A ' lmraie& tdlW '