Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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p rrr -,
lieio IiiiIun liy Allcinnv .Inlm Vrr,v
id' Scutlli', in mi nffliliull lilcil wiili
( iiiiKivxRiHiiii (Ji'iiiho W, Km i in ul'
Niirl,, ttllil'll rllllllllljinli tilt illt
i(lHlliieit I'llill'Kt'K ImiiIIkIiI MMitiii !
Ilinilttnl b.v CuiinioiiHHiHit Vli'lui I).
Holder ol' Wlxniiihiii.
Nine Nnill1i'iittiii. ill' lillnjii'il mi
I'liiului't iirt' iiiiiiIc In IVrvv' nih
ilnvil, niiiNt ul' wliii'li iHo uii'liuli'il u
lliii lli'iui'i ii'-nliitl'iM, Perry il
FllIM" llull .IntltfO llilllf'iil'il liilnl.
llm tut I It nl olive hv i'liiMini mi
"ll I'lpint iiixlni 'ii i end urn i
r i . s t t
i Mr. nnil Mrs. It. O. Hough, of Fol
Boln. Calif., nro In Medford on n visit
to Mr. ftiil Mrs. R. II. Dennett. Mr.
Hough Is n lirotliGr of Mra. Dennett.
H. F. Raymond, formerly a Grif
flh Creek rancher now operating n
placer mlnq near Wnldoy Is In Mod
font oil iblislncsR. Ho Ik accompa
nied, by A..K, Xowman and son, his; associates. ,
W. C. Daley of Lake rjreok who
wbh recently assaulted hy Frank
Coal an Italian nnil who has been
In a precarious condition since Is re
ported, today ?o lio slightly Improved.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Uorlg left
Sunday evening for Portland. Mrs.
Gorjg will attend the rose festival
whlJo4Mr. Qorlg will proceed np the
Columbia to nttend to somo engi
neering, work ho has In charge for
the Hill Interests.
Stop swearing at that lawn mower
nnd bring It to Mitchell's wagon shop
and have It sharpened. No. 36 S.
Mr. and Mrs. A..C Allen and
falmly . left Sunday ovenlng for
Portland to attend the roso festival.
Mrs. Lawrence Gregory left Sun
day evening for Portland where she
will Join Mr. Gregory who has been
In Portland nearby cities several
weeks on business.
Mrs. P. E. Merrick left Sunday
evening for Portland to attend the
roso festival.
S. A. Patterson spent Sunday In
Medford tnking in the ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Scantlln left Sun
day evening for Portland for a few
days visit.
Wilson Drown of Talent spent Mon
day In Medford on a short business
The Southern Pacific passengei
station is the only place. In Medford
whero tickets to points outside of
Jackson county can bo purchased,
Charles Nickell of Sterling is
spending a fow days in Medford vis
iting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frenslo of
Williams creek are spending a few
days In Medford on a short business
The Medford Conservatory for
Music and Languages, the only music
school in Southern Oregon with a full
corp of teachers, will be open all
summer. G. Talllandier, director.
Mrs. P. J, Powers of Ashland Is
in Medford visiting friends.
George Henderson of Central Point
spent Monday in Medford on busi
ness. Mathews & Son do draying, trans
ferrlng and furniture packing. Both
phones, Sunday work a specialty. 80
John P. Miller, postmaster of
Jacksonville left Sunday evening for
Portland where ho will attend the
grand lodge of the Masonic frater
nity and the postmasters' conven
tion, incidentally taking In tho rose
Shaplelgh Hardware, 28 So. Cen
tral. Ralph Woodford recently ap
pointed postmaster to succeed his
fathor leaves Tuesday evening for
Portland where he will attend the
state postmasters' convention.
Mrs. C. J. Hutchison left Sunday
evening for Portland to attend the
rose festival which opens there this
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1471
R. L. -Pqlk. & Company havo rep
resentatives here at work on a new
city directory which Is to be issued
in tho near future.
Mrs. Walter McCallum left Sun
day night for Spokane where she
will spend tho summer with frieuds
and relatives.
Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
James Kershaw of Autelopo valley
spent Monday In Medford on a short
business trip.
John Dffenbackor of Applegate
was a recent visitor In Medford. He
was looking up matters in connec
tion with tho public market. Ho Is
n hoavy meat producer In tho lower
Applegate valley.
Bee R. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, oyer Jackson County bank.
Mrs. W. J. Vawtor hns left to at
tend tho rose festival at Portland.
Shu will bo abuqnt for the next week.
Judgo "William, M. Colvlg will
leo,vo tlia evening, for northern points
in tho Interest of tho homo rulo road
bll originate) by tho Medford com
mercial cub.
Lawn and garden supplies. Shap
lolgh Hardware.
Frank J, Hu.tchason leaves Tues
day for an oxtonded trip throughout
oastorn, and central Oregon. Ho
wi)t bo absent for several weeks.
Rlpo cherries, Coker lliilto Or
chard.. Pacific phono 591 J-3. 70
Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Do Artnond
loft Sunday evening for a' visit at
Portland, They will be nbte.ut for
snvornl dnys. ,
Uipo cherries, Coker Hullo Or
chard.. Pacific phono littt J-3. 70
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mi:. sort Sun
day evening for Portland to attend
tho roso festival.
Miss Florence Graves, tonchor of
piano, stUiUi) 20! W, Jackson street.
- . , S3
JJarry Llndley of ventral Point
spent Stindny at Medford on n short
business trip.
Rlpo cherries, Coker llutto Or
chard.. Pacific phono 591 .1-3. 70
Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Dank building,
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Crawford left
Sunday night for a week's visit at
Rlpo cherries Coker llutto Or
chard.. Pacific phono 591 J-3. 70
John W. Parker left Sunday even
ing for a business trip to Portland.
Returning he will spend several days
at Hoseburg whero ho has property
S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. P. & H. Co. bldg.
J. C. Neff of tho Crater Lake par
age will leave this evening for Port
land. Mrs. Anderson, who has boon vis
iting Mrs. R. C. Mluear and family
has returned to her Portland home.
. no iruiki u . n ...
MbQPHy. ... . y.N
r m . nweei . , - - r ivw i jiiii ni 11 i j . -.
9 BBMrVVtw BHV -jXViy"'
i . i i
j ... T v
WASIIINdTON, Jiiiio ! IHtl-r
niriiitiuiMiiciil of I'nitt'il Sluli'- Jiiiluo
('iiiikIiiih II IliiPlnlit lor llic tliHlricI
Ol W'Ui-lli'lV'iOl, i HI lil I'lllll'ill'tlM
tXi'd Km II " lllli i. Ill, II llllll'lll
hn illll ii ,u t ) ill i ill-ilitjill!
mil hm ml iiiUvi," iii vnii'i'il
Pt?OEA.K0SlNa,(OaPENHOTtl) DK 'wzjSn. '
X ,
Mrs. J. W. MncClatchle gave a
"Chop Suey Luncheon" at her home
"Max Vu Ranch," in honor of Miss
Lnmbie of Minneapolis and tho ladles
of the "Sunset Club of tho West
Foothill Drive."
The rooms were decorated In Chi
nese lanterns and oriental designs.
Chop suey and Chlneso sweets be
ing served by Miss Katherine Tracy
and Eva MacClatchlo dressed In Chi
nese costume. ,
Tho afternoon was spent in cards
and fancy work.
02 J.V. 0A WETT.(ME LODWNU ) .
live thousand physician ana surgeons rrom every srute In the I'nlon nr In tKuHloii of Atltinllo Cltj. '
They are ntteudlng the slxty-tltlnl nnuuul mwIoii of the Aincrlonn .Mnllrul Asimchitloii. Or, Atiralmni Jnoobl. of
.Vow York, was Installed as president, MiocetllUK 15r. Juhnll. Murpli,v. nf c'lileup. ami lit his fimiiBitrtU iiddress Urged t
action to proxent undesirable umrrlagos and stop ptrtutun-Unn f doftvMves In puimlutlon. lie kiiM In p.irl-
iiecause oc iiniuicuu contutiuus wonjon iiiiieti to se.'wt rr tiieir IiuImiiu1s anil the fnthfrs "f their chlldrett
;-, virile young men, but choose rather the old and the weulth.x, often with the t-sult of ulcUy offm rluj;. or iioiiu
sniu ur. dace tu
The sons of the men whoe means afford their children the best onoo.-tunlllM. !m naU. too nfion imiiimi. i.n,
health mid opportunity In Ice and tissipatlon, dlsiiuallfyln tii.-mseUr for bmnetlcent fathrrhiwtl, while tho itxii."- -and
navies of the world withdraw thousand of sturdy you;u uliu tnlKht tnaku exeellnui tiiarliul maturlrl. I'niffiir -Reusing,
of Copenhagen, and Dr. Darrett are attending.
. Hfl hoatj Horoi nnd ITUmtit in tho very slinjitosl wav. V It t "
iljthtUinvn into tint hlotnl and loinovii the uiuiwi, mid tint iiluvu h limni.t
to ln'ul but auto tlio Itiipurltloti uml u ntl in. icr-iwhuh iimo l-m-ut'ii
i moittu of koeplit'T tho uku- nitn i to i loni" r ntHorhod fiom thn I1iidi.
, Kvtorilut upjillcations or .ulv.s, 1h,u , pluitto , on-., can uuvur )iiimIuio i
i cute bociuimi they do UM t . t i uivh of tiio trouble. At m.t iU'Y
ouu only ulhiy lmln or todiao iniluniiimtloni siuh tiootinuiit H worUluit on
! ItvmtiUilitit unit unt tnnflilnu lli.i iiuiiun. ! viri' mil illlvn 1 in KlliK'lo 111 tin!
bimid U WMtlceuoxl or infeotmi, tlirv cuiiucit tiotulsli tho tllmiiin tltuu ntouiol
tlio pi ice, but ItiHtiwiil thev couilaiitlv (llnclmruu Into tho llrmh imiuml Urn
I or u itintitity if Impure, (toriu-lnilon iiiuiter which grmlually omU Into tint
Hurroiiudliif hotdthv tlMUn mid cmum the tilonr to eulargK. fllnoo InipuMi
I blootl Ii ro.ipouslliio for Horwt mid I'lryi, it iitodlolnii that can purify tho
lilnod Ij tho onlv hope of u i uro. H, K.H. linn louu buon ruuogiilattid ict tho
(irentoHt of nil blowl putltlor', powietmliig tho qnalllloii nt'owiiMty to iitino
every impurity troin the lijood, Wltllu oitjliu; tho soru or ulcer H.M tl,
lirlugn ultout n healthy condition of tint HuhIi by supplying It with ji- i,
lieulthy blootl, and Hum milium tho t.uni periiiituiiut mttl Inntliit;, Uook on
Bores nud Ulcers uud ttuy inudlcitl ttdvloo f mo to nil who write.
at nil,
Label Paste.
To make n good uiste for labels mix
together with cold water until they
form a smooth cream four ounces of
flour uud an ounce and u half of brown
suzar. Then pour In boiling water,
stirring all the time till the right con
sistency is obtained. Add Uve or six
drops of carbolic acid to keep the
paste from becoming sour, and when it
has been well stirred in the compound
will be tit for use.
f IS
The Stir Theater management au
tiotturus tno photupl i "Cinderella'
trains from the luixot onutom fit if.
us they pA thmtitih .Meillonl mid
the ileleKHlo iinunliofH of the order
oil bonnl will bo outortiiiiu'd here nt
o notel n mniiner Unit lliev will
nii'iiilier Meilt'uril.
l)ftrolt'iliuic!."7c "tho MIcIiIkmi
stato fut euiiUiuieiil biirouu fur
nlMhed piiHltloiiH for 29. Kill out td the
;il,L'i) who npptled.
, A Truth Teller.
"Do you think I'll get Justice?" ask
ed the culprit of Ids lawyer.
"I'm afraid not." answered the law
yer, who bad taken the trouble to col
lect his fee In advance nnd could there
fore bo candid. "You know they don't
hang In this state," Llppincot t's.
7 rhOBt M71
Vlykt VbQUMI T. W. Weeks t071
A. X. On, MM
"George, dear." said the j-oung wife,
"you are growing handomer every
"Yes. darling." replied the knowing
George. "It's u way 1 have Just be
fore your birthday." London I'ick-Me-Up.
Cheer Up.
"Before 1 was married life was one
continual round of pleasure."
"And Isn't It now?"
"Xo; It's ono continual round of econ
omy riow." Washington Herald.
CHICAGO. Juno 10. That Presi
dent Taft will receive ii"7 votes on
tho first "ballot, forty tnoro than
sufficient to insure his nomination,
was the word sent over the long ins
tance telephone to the white house
today by Charles D. Hllles, secre
tary to the president. Ills mosstigo
to tho president wns:
"Conceding Roosevelt every dole
gat to which he has the sllghtoet
legal title, including California.1
North Dakota and Washington dis
tricts, whore tho contention is tech
nical, delegates to tho convention
will be divided on tho initial roll
call as follews:
"Taft 577 Roosevelt 55; La
Follctte 20; Cummins 10."
Roosovelt lenders hero scoffed nt
Hllles' claim, declaring It basfd on
tho statements of Taft loaders uud
that it does not liy any means rep
resent the feelings of Individual
lor Tuesday, Wodaesd.i and Thurs
day of this weok.v '
The Production. llsautiful, pro-'
nounced by prt-SEjnnd critics every-1
where as Tho Croaning Triumph of.
Moving Picture-, History. Rich.
costly, nud gorgeous, til In prmlur-l
tlon Ik. one of Indescribulilo pictorial
magnificent. Tlwe are ninety-one
scenes, or over 1,0 oo ft. of elabo
rate setting, suwrb ostunxw, per
fect photograplir, uondorful of
fontH. aittl tho tfllpn Is Incompar-
Don't Experment
MtBtlrsiiatlTr-'dteganco; Tho
story Is boyouifuloubt tho KNseotost
ever told thafof Clutlurtdlit and
her silver llit&r tho sttiry is
dear to the hearts of old anil young I M,f01(i
Mind la that which perceives, feels,
remembers, nets nnd is consciouj of
continued existence.
A New Start.
"I told him there weie dozens of peo
ple right here in town who hud never
heard of him."
"I guess that tobk him down a peg
or two."
"I guess It didn't. He Ktnrted right
out to find tlii'iu and borrow money
from them." Houston I'onL
Mighty Mean.
"She's tho inetiuext tvuuiaii I know!"
"What's the mutter now V
"I offered to give her servant $1" a
week more '6 lon'ie to work for inc.
nnd,'puld you hvlleve It. xlie met the
raise uud kept the maid tierelfi" De
troit Free Press.
An Excellent Performance.
J. M. UuyV alittitrelH plnyetl to
n erowileij tent Inst night. They
were hy fur the bo-d miimtn-ls Hint
ever vi.ited the city iimier cuiivum.
Thoy hnvo an excellent perforuinnee,
osH;cinlly the ucroljutic feuturo, mid
the (lancing', while the old time uiin
.trelerfi)riumipe mid fnun dli;ltt.-d
tlie nudienee. They carry u line
band nud arc u tuneful, inu-.inil,
talented crowd. Vote-, ('enter Adn
cute. Medford, TiicmIj v, 11.
El 1
Committees of Meilforri LuAje 11 (iS
15. I'. (). i:ik nre buy feeuring
plehgOH of iiiiliHiioliiliw in which !
Miitortiiiu the lai',u ik'I'ution of t;il
which will p.iHH through thio city ut
tliu find ot tit luontli tin their way
to nttend tlu- national convention to
ho held nt Portland. AH of the nolo
possible ii ri i., n secured mid the
vi-itin l.ll t.iL 'i Jor short mituniu
bile nib- t, ,u the citv nnd ilU
a- tin i u nt mil.
Ix.U I. I no uiado .ri. iii, i'-
Vou Will .MiiUk o MMitho If Von
I'tillou' this Mtilfonl CIcu'h
Never neglect jour klduos.
If Mill hnvo pnlu In tho bat-k, uri
nary disorders, tllzilnww and uerv
oumiestf. It's time to act and no tlii'iu
to experiment. These tiro common
symptoms of kidney trouble, and you
should souk u remedy whluh Is reo
ommouded for tho klduoys.
Donii's Kidney IMIIk Is the remedy
to use. No liucd to iLXiKiriiiiiuit
has cured muuy stubborn oiihuh In
I'OHOW tlio niivico of it i
i Medford rltlreu. I
' A Hetz. lao Front St., Medford,
Ore . says: "I am Just as Villllng to
n loiniiifiid Doru'k Kldtoy PIIIh to-'
dty ax I unit In Septuiubor, ltlOT.
uhfii 1 iiulillely told of my experi
ence tlth thorn. I suffered from
j kidney trouble for nt least five years T
' and as time paiuiod, I grow worse,
.Sharp pains darted through tho
I Miuall of my hark uud vometlnies tho
nttuckx worn ho sevoro thttt I could ,
hardly stoop. At night my hack
achotl Intensely and Bound sleep was
out of tho i uost Ion. lloliig told .
to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro
cured u supply and they soout gavo '
uio relief." '
lor milo by all dealorri. Price 50 j
fouls. Foster-.MIIbum Co., llu'ffiilo, I
New York, solo agents for tho I'nlted
Hi iin nib' r tho name Doan's-'
uud tako no other. ,
Will be held al the
Tuesday Eve. a! 8 o'clock June 11
An Interesting Program is
Provided for
Tef"1I eTTO "E A jf Wholotaln
1VJLL Mr.MLfjr.lwM. mn
tl Rotetil
Hperlal attiiitlon to wholeMitlo shipping orders.
Aro jou particular iiboiit tho Ice (nam you eul? Wo nro Just
that particular about thu iiuitllty of ho rrcim wo make that vto
use pasteurlxeil cream In tho uimitifurttir" of our Iro cream. Ouo
trial will couvluco you of tlio superior quality of our Ice cream
Wo maku all flavors ami special orders on short notice. Free d
llveilcs to nil parts of tho city.
Phones- Pacific, SM: Home. IGI-L Natatorlum llulldliu:
Sunrise Laundry
Orders called for nnd delivered. First chum work done by hand.
Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and proHned. t Tel. Main 7831;
Home, 37. Corner I'lghth and South Central Avontio.
All Feel Like Fqolt.
no The bridegroom til ways looks
like a fool during the ceremony. .She
How about tlie brldeV He Oh. the
bride, being It wouiiiu. Is able to dis
semble! Boston Transcript
Raised tho Ante.
"Tommy." wild n vlnltor to a bright
little five-year-old. "whut would you
do Jf I gave yoli u penny?"
"Wish it was a nickel," was tho re
ply. Chicago .News.
Half the (ruth will very often amount
to ubsolute falsehood Wliulely,
W. Nicholson Jennings, tho Inven
tor of a spoclal aero.camoru, snys
that among othor uses for photogra
phy from tho sky viewpoint, land
compiuiles will be ublo to display
aprlal photographH or suburban de
velopment, merchants to udvortiso
their location in a city, Ho says gon
ulno motion pictures of Journeys
through cluudland will somo day bo
us common as present-day snapshots.
JUNE 1 1
Under Canvas, TUES. JUNE 1 1
MM "