XJi -? City Hill Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair (nnllit and Tuoiduy. Mnx. 81, Mill. HI A Knrty-ni'ciinil Ymir Imify HfVi'iiih Vi-nr MEDFOUD, ORKCJON, ATONIMV, .IlTXM 10, 19)2. NO. (18. Tiff CONTINUES 10 ALL CONTESTS FOR DELEGATES AT CHICAGO WIN M M"? vrr M: STEAM ROLLER GIVES I N 1 J I A N A 10 PRESIDENT Uncontested Ciilifornla Delrgatcs Simtnl nml Contested Ones Post poned Until Wednesday Heney Makes Loud Protest. President's Forces nrmaln Intact Solid Vote Polled on Factional Lines In Every Instance. CUBAN NEGROES EIGHT SLAIN ARE REPULSED WITH AN AXE IN IOWA TOWN CIIK'AOO, June 10. AI'I.t iiunui- IIIHIImIv HlHliltJ till lilt' lllll'dlli'lxll'cl ('Hlifoinin ili'li'ntiM lu tin- uiitiouul INlflllillll, till republican lllllillll.il I'liiiimllti'o tinliiy, liv ii s"l" of .'IK In I I, ll'ci(ll'd III HINMIII lll'lillll Oil till' I'Hiili'xt iniiii Hut fourth California lllllil'l lllllil Weillicttllliy. Tilt lll'lillll Wll llllil'll llll ll'ipil'ltt n' llui Tuft iihiii, nml dcpitc the KliKiiunim iioif id' Francis. I. IIi'iihv niul (leoi-go ('. Pnnlcc, uliu will np- ii'ii r fur tint IttiimtjM'li delegate imil llu delnratimi hi' National ('niiiiiiit- li'i'iumi ( Iconic A. JCnight of Culifor nin (hut llic iK'lav "uinilil leave n liiul Iliad in lln months nf the iii'iiiilo." Iiiilliitm It IHin'i'il. When tin- I'li-c nf lln Indiana tlt'li' (XH I on nt lui-yii linit lii't'll completed. Senator lliinili (lciniiiHlt'tl Unit ho In' nllovutil In prcuui mi nl'tiiluit pur porting In Milixluiittiilf charges nl' ft nml mnl corruption which tin' IkWPMjSldjiywi .averted pruwiilud in The Indiana primaries. Minding to (innsiioiis framed liv Koran, foiiiuir Hiiiiiiliir Ilenienwny uf liiiliniiii tli'iiirt) iluii employes uf the liv nt' lii(limiitHiliH liiul lu'i'ii told llmt thi'N would tHt' tlii'ir jiiIih if tin y .lltl'll till' KlttlSOVflt. liV "t'HtilltC tlltt ft MIT delegate nt In ilif from linliMiiH, tin' Tuft people ginned n material advantage dm fur- ini'r Vice President Charles W. Fair banks in nml uf llui iiiiimIii'I. Tin1 lut U't Iihi been mdi'i'tnil I'ur chairman nf (Ii I'liiiiinilli'it on resolution should 'I'm It I'uiilrol tin' I'onvi'iiliuti. Votit In I'iiiiiiIiikiiin. In explaining 1 1 i attitude in the Indimin contest, Sonulnr Mnrnli de t'liiii'd t lut t while ii believed I rami litnl linen perpetrated mid Hint In did not Imlinwt hit might In ciulormi I limn. t ill In was satisfied that III" ovi di'iicti (ilinued it primary was held and Hint Tuft carried .Marion enmity. Itei'iiiiNii nf thin, hit minonneed, lie would vole In M'lil Hid Tall delegates. Cniuinilteuuiiin Ivullogg took the siuno altiliitlti nml the decision seating the Tuft delegates won IIii-ii inmle tinnui- IIIIIIIN. The first of the Indiana district ciimIi'hIk wiih IIii.'m called. Hv tiuiiui iiioiih vote llie I'ounnittftt sealed the Tall delegate I'lom the first Indiana district. Thn coiiuiiillce finally sealed the Tuft delegates from the third Indiana district, The contest in the fourth Indiana district was withdrawn li.v the KoiiNevi'lt leader. BY AMERICANS Black Rebels at Saiitlano Attack Ma rines Oiiartiliin Minns anil Arc De feated Battleships Arrive In Ha vana Harbor. Havana Near a Race War Cabinet Meetfnii at Washington Consltlers Situation Critical. Heads Severed From Bodies Victims Compiisc Vllllsca Merchant, Wife, Dnuiihter, Three Sons and Two Yoimii Ladles Vlsitlnii Them. Bloody Axe Found in Upstairs Room No Motive Known for Crime Dead Had No Known Enemies. HAVANA, .lime III. --HcpiulH re ceived lien' (ndiiv from SHiititigu nay llmt a fnicc of negro H'IicIh ulliu'lutd a coiiipanv of Aiaciii'iiii uiarincM un der Captain Ktluiu (). .MaiiiwaiiuK mid Hern icpiiUcil. The maiine, ulm were Kiinidiiii: I In- 'A Cuein iniuc. Kiixlaiuctl nn cuMiallic-t ami it wart illllMCwilile In Ilnl'i'l lain tin1 Iiikk to the illhiiti'iilM, WASHINGTON', .tune 10 Willi ji HtructioiiH 11 land inaiiiifH whenexer ho thinl; I'rt'-nleiit (loiae. in nui'd 'f iiKhiMlaueu to stop street fiuhtin (here, Wear Admiral 1 1 nun OMcrhmiM in in Havana hurhnr tutluv in coin inmid of the t'liiti'd Slaten halllefhip Ithnile lhland mid the cruiser Wmdi iiik'ton. Official dihpatelies received hen tlcclarc that Havana i near a rnce war. SpeaKinj,' Fun em f the Cuban huiihc nf lepreM'iitativeK i her pladiiit; fur inor tiiue in which tn cnndi the lehellion lii'l'me the United SlitloM iillVftWiitx in Cuba. I'renidi'iit Tuft arrived frniii lliuiip- lon Knatl'4 at noon, mid itniiiedintely iliscuHhcil the Cnbiin Hitualiou Willi ineiiibeo, nl' Ins cabinet and other of hcialh, Senators N'eNon. Hnol and itnenii an h'lmliiiK opnsitinn In intervention in tim senate, alletfiui: that tin1 supar trusl fomented the rebellion in an al tempi tn force annexiitinn of Cuba bv the fulled Slates. SUPREME COURT l)KS MOINKK. Imwi. Their Im'iiiU xeiiil with lenlitM nf ciht perstiiiK today in Hie home nl .1. dime 1(1. an axe, the wen- found IS. Moore, a prominent hanlwiiic inercliaiil in Vil lint'ii, Iowa. accnrdiiiK' In a telephone inenMixc ftnm .Hint place. The dnml arc: Mr. and Mr. .1. H. Mnnre, their daiiilitur Ciilhennc axed !l; (heir Kim, lleiiaan II, Floyd 7, Paul li, and tin' Mise F.dith Stilliin-er, ajsud 'Jll. and Mlniiche Stilliner, 17. The bodies ttl' the vietitus laid as if nxlcup, with tin xijiiih of a trnt:le. The blond v u.e wliich is miiMied t nliim1 done the work wa found in an upstairs room which contained the eiiri'M's of Paul and Floyd. The Iwii Stillinyer nirls lay in the U'uest chamber nf the htui-c with their faces beaten to n pulp. The Kiliee an xei'kinjf n fnnner relative nf Mr. Moore's sister whn, it is belli", cd, iiiiiv, thmw siiaie liht nu I be muitlers. Moore hud nn knnwn I'liemie mm UN FRAUD VERDICT REV F. ED REINS W WORK N U Kev, Weslnu ShlnliM ,vlio Iiiik oe cupiil the pulpit W the Prosbyturiiiu church in I It in city for a nunihm' nf year, Hlnrlled bin eouKi'e,'ali(in Sun iluy nmniiiitf by of fining hi nml; nulinn, He Htuiod that liu wiih plau uiutr In labor in Alaska. A iletonuiued efforl will ho miitlo by the ineiubeiH nf tlm (thumb In induce Kev, Shields to continue his wui'k Ittne, lie IwiH been very sue cc.shI'uI in his lubors hero and his cniiKrcKulioii do not take kindly to the IIioukIiIs of lonin him. It uiav bo tbal Kev. Shields will oiler bis dolcruiiiiutmu, He is plan uiiiK to je-eulei' niiiounry work which ho lelt a few years iik" to iieeept the charge iu Med lord , WASHINGTON, Jium 10 -The t'ni- Icd Stales htipreiue enurt tnday uf- t the eonviulion nf Hyde mid Schneider of San Franeiscn of bind frauds in Orojnn and California in 1801. They operated extensively in school laud frauds in both Oregon and California. Thev employed the "dummy entryuien" scheme, inducing a imuihei' nf persons tn make appli cations n thu slate school laud boards nf Ciilil'nrnia and Oregon and buy school land for .l.'.ri tn ,'J an acre, tiiomo applicants then traus iVrrd (heir holtliuus tn Hyde and Seliueiiler, who sold the laud In i t veslors at a Ini'KO profit. They acipiiretl laud iu most of ht forest reservations in California and iu the Cnseado reserve iu Oregon, Holding up its decisions in many iinpnrtunt cases, ineludiuu those of the unthraetii! coal trust, the South ern Pacific mid seven! slate rate eases, (ho supremo court adjourned Ibis afternoon until October 1-1, He fore adjournment the supreme court sustained an 'injunction by (lie coinnierce court holding up the order of the inlersltilo commerce ooinniis siou prohibiting payuumt by a doxeii railromls terininutnig in New York of "lighterage rebates," tn shippers transferring their own freight within the "free lighterage zone" of Now York harbor. J MORE EARTHQUAKES RECORDED IN CLEVELAND CU3VKLANI), Ohio, .Tuno 10. Konowoil oitrtlt treniors, tho orliiln of whloli Is liellovetl to bo In Alnukn, woro rocordml by tlio Bt. IgimtluH HolmnoKrnph horn today hotwoou ton thirty and ton thlry-flvo thin morning. Thq Hluieku woro uuiro vloluut than IhoHo of last Saturday. BURNS WITNESS. AGAINST DARROW IN BRIBERY CASE "x. t - !irr .yvxv -.. ma . t i. -: t iSSBSp'f. i W ' .N'w NO ROAD FUND EVER KEPT IN IS COUNTY State Laws Governing Receipts and Expenditures of Tax Levies for Road and Bridge Purposes Ignored by County Treasurer. This Year's Road Money Already Ex pended for Other Purposs Put in General Fund. T!!F GRADE CROSSING MONSTER Xerli Uoreto. I.OS AXtllJI.MS, Cal , Juno 10. Much of tho Interottt In tho trial of C'lnroni'o S. Dnrrow on a eliargo of bribery eonerteil tnday in a now feu turo brought by tho arlrval In Los AiikoIi'H of Detootlvo William J. Burns. Hums will bo n wIuichs for tho stuto and probably will tako tho stand In tho near future. "I must roftiHo In discuss tho nar row trial In any iniinner." said Mums today. "Yes, 1 .shall tio a wUiiohh, but 1 cannot stuto when 1 will no failed." l Another day of travail confronted ltort II, Franklin, tho prosecution') chief wllnoHH today. It was stated that Franklin was recalled to the stand for re-direct examination when tho cnsti wan resumed. NV SHOT IN BREAD RIOT AT NARROW ESCF AN UENTIN ! iTAFT AND TEDDY FROM DEATH WHEN TIED IN STRENGTH TRAIN HITS CYCLE: BRIDGE WORK IS HELD UP BY ORDER OF JUDGE CALKINS A temporary restraining order has boon Issued by Judgo F. M. Catkins preventing tho county officials from proceeding witli tho construction of u bridge, ovor Hoar ereok in this city. Tho eontraetor was not restrained from proceeding 'and will continue with the work. Tho temporary ro straining order was received at Jack- hoiivIIIu today. It was dated Sat urday, Juno S, Tho order provides that !M houra notice Is all that will bo required from attorneys for tho county to of fer aiuUtrgue u motion for a dismis sal of tho temporary Injunction. It Is hollovi'd that attorneys will visit Portland soon to appear heforo Judgo Calkins for this purpose. Tho roeolpt of tho restraining or der this morning canto as a surprise iih Attorney rlggs appearing for Hon tou Dowers and S, A, Cdiioton of Ashland was not supposed to havo gono to Portland until Sunday, 12vl- .dontly ho loft for Portland Friday evening previous to tho filing of tho complaint at Jacksonville, SAX OFKNTIX, Cal., dune 10. -One foniet is dead and two others and a guard are wounded today as a result nt u renewal of. the "bread rints" which have been airilatitn.' the slate ponitentiao here for several days. The trouble started iu the nu . nuiin, when the rniiviets ni a gien signal, aro-e from tho table howling, tore iiff the table cloths and seiz ing heavy eastor- from the tables began to use them as slingshot-.. The guards were severely benten, and the convicts, led bv Frank Taylor, a negro, and II. h. I.ynwoml, made .leak for the door. Onard J. (Irubb, stationed iu a enrridnr outside, shut Taylor through the hand and the nugro stopped. I.ynwood, yelling to tho others that the guard was ujug blank, cartrid ges, kept on ami flriibf)' shot him, killing him instantly. As he fell the convicts ceased rioting, A, Oeorge who took no part iu thu trouble, wa shot iu the (eg bv killed hyuwood. tho bullet which L TRAIN TO T. t OFF MINUTE'S NOTICE m OYSTWIt HAY, X. Y Juno 10. Colonol Hoosevelt would not deny today that thu ltoosovolt supporters might havo a special ready with steam up iu which they cuuld whirl to tho colonel to Chicago at a mo ment's notice. "I know nothing of such a plan," was tho colonel's com mont. "I havo no present Intontlon or going to Chicago this wook, and I will not go unless It becomes neces sary." "doorgo Perkins telephoned -mo this morning ami I feel sure that If a big trln had boon contomobitoil ho I would havo told me." John Adkins had a very narrow from death Sunday afternoon when the southbound local collided with a motorcycle he was riding on the Jackson street crossing. Adkins was carried on the cowcatcher of the engine into the depot, the niotoroyle being toed into the ditch, completely wrecked. He suffered two broken Ig-, n severely injured knee cap and a slight gash on the head. He is in fair eoiulitiou today and whilu there is ,-tiitl to he no danger of his death he will probably never regain full use of his legs. Adkins was traveling west on Jack son street when lie approached the crossing. He was accompanied by Charles Vcrbee on another motorcycle who was slightly iu advance of him. Verbee made the crossing safely but the train picked up Adkins. Veibee glanced back when tho train thun dered by and saw that Adkins hud disappeared. He saw the demolished motorcycle and rushed for aid. There still being no sign of Adkins he rushed to the depot ami pointed out Adkins lying on the cowcatcher. The ciigiuemen knew nothing of tile acci dent uulil the injured man was found. Medical assistance was at once summoned nml the man eared for. His leg was set and wounds dressed. He will recover but his right leg may he stiff for all time as the knee was badly injured, Adkins was fortunnto in escaping with his life. Had the motor struck him instead of the local train he could not have lodged on tho cow catcher but would havo been cut to bits. The authorities aro today consid ering asking tho Southern Pacific company for the installation of a sys tem of alarm bells at tho various crossings in tho city. The Jackson street crossing is very dangerous as the approach from the west is blind. FR CONVENTON CHICAGO, June 10. With every indication that the winner will con trol the Keptibliean national conven tion by les titan half a dozen votes both Taft and Hoosevelt leaders are iu secret conferences here today. Iti mors of desertions from the Roosevelt and Taft camps are vigorously de nied by leadrs of both. It is blievod that last-minute coups by both are in course ol preparation ami the greatest doubt still is felt by tin prejudiced observers as to where tho victory will rest. Senator Dixon still denies that Col onel Hoosevelt is coining to Chicago in person. State Senator Flinn of Pittsburg was in telephonic communi cation with his leader for more than an hour today. He would not dis cuss the subject of their talk. Coit givMiiau Mckinley, Tuft's nuinnger, also declined to make any statement on the situation. CARL N T. IN ACCIDENT AT IS QUARRY FJ LONDON, Juno 10. A national sttiko of transport workers and al lied trades of Knglund, to become offoctlvo tomorrow, was declared this afternoon by union leatlors when they failed to reach nn ngroo niont with tho employers following a two day's conference. William Carroll Hyrne, vho was in jured by tho explosio't iu the Jack sonville nuarry Thursday morning, lied at the Snored Heart hospital Sunday, making tho total deaths us tho result of thu accident six. Hyrne was supposed to bo the least hurt of the four injured conveyed to Hie hos pital, but internal injuries caused his death after lingering three days. John Sutton uloue remains alive at tho hospital alive of tho four who were carried there immediately after the accident. He is badly injured nud may succumb to his injuries 'is tho shock was sovcre and ho is an old man. No additional impicst will bo held Over the remains of Jlyrue. Ho was a mini about '.Y2 years old. Ills home was on the Appleato. More than one half of the money derived from the four mill tax levy for road and bridge purjmseH by tho county of Jackson has been 'collected ami turned over tho county treasurer, Instead of being placed in a road and bridge fund as specified by the state law it lias been placed iu the gen eral county fund and hns been paid out for the redemption of county warrants. To be exact t $-18,075.84 out of approximately $70,000 which should be placed in a bridge and road fund has been collected and nearly all of it expended. Xo Itonil Fund Ever Kept. More than this, the pounty has never kept a road fund. Present" county officials state that they never saw a "road" warrant, the so-called "road" warrants being paid out of the county general fund. The only record on the county books, seSfblieil back as far as 1901, show the only "road" fund was kept in 1003 when between $2,000 and $3,000 was re ceived from tho sale of state lands, the law stating that this money must bo expended for rond purposes only. Section 0320 of tho general lnws of the state of Oregon prevides: "The county court .... of eaeh county in the state may levy a tax not to exceed 10 mills , . which shall be set apart as a general road fund, to be used in building und im proving the public or county roads or bridges. . . Said tax shall bo paid iu mouev and collected in the same manner as other county taxes aro col lected and when so collected shall be used for road purposes only. , . . and 50 per cent thereof shall be ap portioned to the several road dis tricts . . and the remaining fiO per cent shall be applied to roads- in such locality as the court may di deet." This law was passed in 1003. Over Half Collected. Ill accordance with this law the county court in January in making its tax levy, levied a four mill tax. This provided approximately $12,000 for road and bridge purposes during 1012. Of this amount there has been collected by the sheriff and turned over to the county treasurer $9(1, lfil.b'S. One half of this amount has gone to the road supervisors, or will go, us is provided by tho act. The other half has been placed iu the county general fund nud itnt in a gen eral road fund ns provided by law. Imiuiry shows that the county has never had a road fund. Warrants for road work have all beon drawn on the county general fund and the road money placed iu the county general fund and not in tho county general road fund as has been done this year. Only Fund Not Kept, The minutes of the commissioners' court show but one detailed order making a tax levy. That is tho order for this year and iu it it is specified that the money derived from the gen eral road levy shall bo placed in tho "onernl county fund, iu direct conflict witli tho state law. The road fund appears to bo tho only fund for which u spociul tax levy has been made which has not been placed apart as a special and distinct fund. Thu money derived frnrn the. school levy has been placed in a dis tinct fund. Tho money derived from a direct tax for the Ashland unnory, the county fair and for other pur poses hns been kopt In distinct fund, but tho rond fund has uovor been created. Flvo Kuropoan countries, TIumIh, Uoumnnla, HoUuiul, Belgium and Italy, prohibit, under sever pen alties,, strikes in thone-sarvlftw wltjch are necessary to the public .... ... v..iirf....jiKEW.fo,lr