PAGE EIGHT IfEDFORD MATT; TRTHFNE, MT3m?ORI), OKl-lOON", RA'ITKnAY. .IPtfU 8, 1012. BRILLIANT WW OF ATHLETES 10 HE CANDIDATES FOB TOE AMERICAN TEAM .AT GREAT OLYMPIC GAMES TO BE HELO sS SWEDEN r ii. i 0 w i avrcto. ,. n ! , , , tiixiWMWMi fTV - (L ir KE CHARGES GROSS ABUSES By OFFICIALS Prosecuting Attorney Mulkey and Coroner Kellogg Attacked for Al leged Use of Official Positions for Private Ends. on, an oyo witness to the explo sion of lhumlay at the Jacksonville quarry, in which ho testified that n had seen Louis Hogdou. powdermnn and his assistant. Louis Lazovich. three minutes before the explosion tamnlnc the "H-nomiil dvuamite chargo with an Inch drill IS foot Ion,: and the words of the fatally wounded frenchman, Kmery Vlsslno. ".Tank, this Is li I, and it was the careless ness of tho foremen and cheap pow- FINAL TESTS FOB MOTORCYCLES ARE 'ASK BIDS FOR I AM F TOURING MOM BRIDGE OREGON APPLE IS Sffl URGED CAMimiDGK, Mass., June S. That Hie moton-wlc i becoming Twenty thousand spectators crowded mpular for long tout is demon.trni- The city roiiucll at a xpcclul sen sloii held r'rhlny afternoon liiNtructcd int i... i.i.. ..ii ii -.! '..! l.v il... ..Mi..ri r ll. n .ill..n i tli city recorder to ndveitlo for mu vn iii nuiuititii tib iitutiiiti uriu "- "v -! "I" Predicating of Records for Future Damage Cases and Goulish Quarrel Over Corpses Among Charges. Charging that District Attorney Mulkey uses his official jHisition In coroner's inquests to predicate the record and lay the foundation for fu- lure damage ca'-cs in which lie later appears as attorney for (lie claimants, nnil that County Coroner Kellogg nses his official jmimUoii for the benefit of his undertaking business, censuring the conduct of the inquest over the bodies of (he vicilims of the Jackson mIIc quarry e.plosion as grossly un fair and the verdict as totally unsup ported by the evidence and unwarranted- Judge E. E. Kelly makes the following charges: "If grave public functions of this character are to be subverted to per sonal interest the result must of ne cessity be abortive to evenhunded jus. lice. The civil docket of the circuit court shows. District Attorney .Mulkey as the attorney of record for the claimant in a personal injury action against a local service corporation. As the district attorney at (he coro ner's inquest in that case he predi cated the record iiimju which later in another capacity he instituted a suit in the sum of .fiJO.OOO. Is Mr. Mulkey now representing any claimant against Twohy IJrolhers, or does ho merely expect to? Ciliuiillsli Fight Over Corpses 'Tnforliiiiutelv for Mr. ISuthol, s,u perinlciideiit of Twohy Hrothers, he is not a politicitn and not iamiliur with the methods prevailing in .Jack sou count v officialdom. Immediately upon learning of the deplorable acci dent to his cmploos his first thought was the proper care of the injured and an arrangement for a suitable dihposilon of tho dead and without inquiring into the coroner's interest in the undertaking business he gnu orders to the nearest undertaker to care for (he dead, bat unfortunately for Twohy Hiotliors this iiudei taker, by Hint strange lottery of fate that boiiieliiium finds hrf culmination in coroner's vordjols, didn't happen to bo the coroner's deputy and thereupon commenced a' ghoulish squabble lor the possession of iliu bodies thai is still being waged and at this hour gies promise of a resort to legal pro cess for the recovery of at least two of the bodies from the possession of the coroner's deputy. Coroner .Made Threats "An a result of Mr, HothelV. unfor tunate ignorance of the entanglements and alliances of personal and public affairs, Air. liothel was informed yes. terduv morning before the inquest that when he got him (Hothol) on the stand there would bo something doing, or words to that effect. "And thus is the mirror of public justics befouled .with tho breath of prejudice and personal interest, what of its reflection Hie verdict? dermen that cause it all," was a bit; this afternoon to watch the final d C. K. I'crlmg who passed through "mM ,or uw " "' "" prcnom of evidence Introduced at the luque. struggle of hundreds of eastern ath- ,,,,' "" two Flying Merkcl motor- hrldgo oer Hear reek to Jauknon The grilling of tho witnesses began ! letes for positions on the American I'.vidiw this morning. ' "'"'"l- 'I' I''1' will ho opened next at lft!.TII In ilin mnriilntr. mil! nno liv t fivrni n thn. ni.-,.,.,!.. ..... I., c...... I The liuvs stnile.l fmin X'urlli Viitr. I'l May afternoon ittlil a COUtnict let. one. relatives of the deceased, friends 'den. " limn and intend to continue IlimiUih The contractors plan to marl work on and disinterested parties graphically Contrary to usual customs, it was southern California and icturii to i l'" "'" ""'KU .Monuay related the gruesome details of the1 announced that the first man In each'"1"' Yakima. tragedy. During the day, Drs. Ulch nrdson and Porter told of the condi tion of the men when medical aid first reached them and of tho Impos sibility to render aid. event will go to Sweden with the American team. Summary: 100 meters Won by II. P. Drew. Springfield high school. Time 10 l-.r. The city council also took up tho They rcnori the roads in Iniilv mutter of meat selling at the public simhI condition, excepting the stretch'- "uwket. The ordlnanco Is to bo es near Cottage drove and Wolf , '"ngod to make ll read inuro clerly Creek i " the point ot ownership of livestock ! Tho simi.lii.iK- ,',f ilu ,.,-,. -Im... differed for sale. For tho purpose of woiklug up In terest In an OrcKon Apple show to rank with the best In tho nation, A. P. Hatehaiu, of Mosler, president of tho Oregon State Horticultural asso ciation and vice president of tho Northwestern Fruit exehniiKo In In the city. Ho Is being entertained by Klrhy S. Miller of tho Itogue Itlvor Frull & Produce asHoclatlou. Mr. Hatohum has already succeed ed lu Intel e.itlng tho IiiisIiichh men ot Portland (o such an cxtunj that they will put up $'.'fl,0(li) for. such n show. Ho Is now endeavoring to enlist the aid of glowers. Mr. Uatcluim will Im shown over the orchard districts of the Itogun before he returns to Portland. I'reitijrterlnii (Ittirvli Children's Day at a. in. Cood music, talks hy the pastor. W. F. Shields and Supt. W. II. (lore. Preaching at K p. in. by tho pastor. Subject. "Cod or Criminal," Mrs. August Hlugler Is seriously III nl her home. Mrs. Ryan, mother of young James seconds. Drow,ls a dlmunlttve negro, 'shown by the fnetstliat they had urn Ryan, the 17-ycar-old water boy, who lost his life, brought cut the pathos of the case, xy-hicli stood out when In a reply to the question of Coroner A. K. Kellogg as to whether she could positively identify the mu tilated body that was lying in the hos pital as her boy, she replied. "It did not look as he did, but It Is my boy." Employes of Twohy brothers stated that they had at all times endeavored to maintain a careful watch on the men and tho foreman, C. W. Perry, declared that ho -line! cautioned nog- don the powdrrman against usleg an iron or steel rod in tho loading of tho holes. Mr. Perry was exonnrated by ono witness, J. A. Sharpc, ho who had listened to the mortally wounded words of Kmery Vlsalno, when at the conclusion of his testimony ho stated that the new foreman Perry bad been very careful in his work. The technical discussions as f. powders and their explosive tenden cies took up a great deal of time and many of tho mining men disagreed in some points. An 18-foot rod, bent and twisted by name Irreslstiblo force, was Introduced und many of the min ing men affirmed that they saw pow der on the large end, as if the rou had been uncd for tauplr.c. When Harry Canon took the stand ho affirmed that he had seu: tho two powdermuu loading tho hole from which the blast came, and that they were tamping It by hammering on a Btecl drill with a hammer. CrosH eiamlnntlon failed to shake his story Tho twisted rod ho declared had beju about two feet of the holo and when found was somo 175 feet fiom the seat of tho explosion. liOO meters Won by Al Klvlat. trouble of any sort and did not even Time 3:55 4-3, now world s record. have to inuke any adjustments to Proad Jump Won by II. T. Worth- the machines. . Ington, Boston A. C. Distance 23 I''rni current rejrls a large uuui- ' feet, 10 Inches. her of tourists will make the trrfT to' Shotput (both hands) won by P. t-rater Lake and other points tin G. McDonald. Irish American A. C. season on iuotorerle. I ; New York. Total distance 87 feet S 3-t inches. 110 meter hurdles Won by V. niauchard, Moston A. C. Time 10 3-1 seconds. Standing broad Jump Won by Piatt Adams, New York A. C. DIs tanco 10 feet, S Inches. 5.000 moter run Won by Herna, Cornell university. Time 15: OS 2-5. Polo vault Won by Mac Wright, Dartmouth. Height 13 feet, 2 1-1 inchos, now world's record. Hammer throw Won by C. Chllds New York A. C. Distance 100 feet 5 Inches. Running high Jump Won Kgon Erlckson, Mott Haven A. Height C feet 2 5-8 Inches. FULTON CALLS HENEY A CROOK AND A by C. CENTRAT POINT PLAYS SCORES IN BIO REVIVAL. ART LOAN EXHIUIt PLANNED BY AUXILIARY I ii The fir-st Art Loan exhibit under the auspices of St. Mark's Episeopil church will be hold at St. Mark's hall June 1!)-'J!) inclusive. The ex hibit will consist of paintings, etch ings, antique, embroideries mid the like. The exhibits will be open ouch nf Ionian from 2 until i und in the evening from 7M until 10. Tea will be served during thu atternoon. The patronesses nre: Mm. F. II. Hopkins, Mrs. J. Jj. Heard- Mr. J. M. Hoot. Mrs. W. II. Humphreys, Mrs. E. S. Parsons. Mrs. (Hon Kubrick. Mr. George H. Carpenter, Mrs. George II. Daggett und MUs Margaret T. Hubbard. HIGHCROFJSOLD (ConUiiiieu7rom Page 1) PORTLAND. Ore.. June 8. De claring Eraiici J. Ileuey a "crook" mid a "liar," C. Fulton, foimer Tinted Stnes senator, today is on rec ord with, n sweeping denial of lite charges made by Ileuey that Fulton ami railed Sines District Attorney McCourt conspired to discicdit Ileuey and the Itoosevell uduiiiiistratiou by eudersiui: the uppbeation for paidou of W'ilurd X. Jones, convicted of laud fraud. Fulton said he had recom mended the paidouiug of .lone-, be cause he was satisfied Ileuey hud re sorted to "crooked and iufamoii method" in obtain his conviction. Fulton added he believed evidence shoitly to be given the public would prove he had ben correct in his us- sumption. Get this idea of rough, high proof, strong whiskey out of your head --or it will get youplay the devil with your nerves ruin your digestion. Why punish yourself? Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable Bottled at drinking strength. Sold everywhere and costs no more than any other good whiskey. V. .1. Van Kclniyvcr V Co., fJcnvrnl A genii, Portland. f I " J A baseball gnmo Is scheduled to take place at the Medford ball park tomorrow afternoon between Central Point and Medford. Control Point Is known to have a good team, capable of putting up a first eluss article of tho national game. . Medford Is said to bo represented by the best team It has had In years, which has bcon brought about by the addition of new talent and consistent practice. Tho members of tho local ball club are hopeful thut appreciation of their efforts will bo manifested by a largo attendance at tomorrow's contest. Gnmo called 2:45 p. in. electric light wires mid wis uiuius will be laid uudegnnind so as to avoid unsightly poles. Cement sidewalks, cuibs, paving and all street improvements will be eomplctd during the coming year. Jackson street, which bisccls tin properly, will be the first to be im proved, Dr. J. F. Redilyloft Saturday even- lug for Portland on a short business I trip. .MISS MARIE DOI20" fAS KftTIENCt; WHfTt Phot. In all their list of really Inspired operas Gilbert & Sullivan never collab orated to lHittor advantage thnn they did in "Patience." This fact was demonstrated when tho famous batlre was revived In Now York with au all Btar cast One of tho hits of the pf.r. jormauco Js Miss Marie Doro, who, dainty and piquant, was a vorv in-.i..' llttlo Patience, with n small but flexible Tho testimony of Harry Can-1 voice and a bewitching dcuitireness, JACK JOHNSON BEGINS TRAINING FOR BATTLE LAS VEGAS, X. M., June 8. Weighing 221 pounds and declaring that he feels hotter than he did he fore any other fight in his career, Jack Johnson, "world's heavyweight cliuinpjou, took u long jaunt over the load today, following a two days' lay off. Later ho boxed before a num ber of mumbor of the legislature in Santa Fe, Jack Curloy promoter of the July J battle between Johnson mid Jim Flyun und manager of Flyun, returned to day from Sun Francisco and watched Ids protege work out. Tommy Ilyuii. tho vetoran who has Flyun in ehnrtte, declared the Pueblo i'iremnu is fnt improving in the fine points cf the VIA, E.i risii IWWAliM KWTS.A 'O-uri'i iii m OuftMuvtTMWun "ll HU WATIH BA&3 SA ;Wjmr4lArtVl KSSSSB W& APPELL'S Bmuikk AlMcaa WATER BAG lfnt cool, froih i wur iwyi at hand. Krnpe Him water cool IS tinunorloDgcrtn ciinurtliiule. for npmt, - 0. ... in who mo Talcs ho Hnbitltnta woiklngnt dl. Unco from wi,r n A:ir South Afrlcnn Water Ha vyt tor luwlf .-..j ...' w.f-i ii, mm,, riMj inu in io crBi ram my lcto to frrh water right at I V .' tl""' l"l learluif work Ujco lor a iiriua. ror T(nit, (.r, aurveyora, iotU men, atorkrijeii tuy,)B exiiotral Ui dry or warm wnatlirr It f an aUolulo iitx-alty. Walr put lulu tli b8f j, tlin iiionilnif Ll! OIlHJlM-d III thu ..... ?n.l nlr .11 il., ivllt 1," - . , "- Nil i "I" J " ,',?. r",'Wr ?'," -1'1 ""'i Hw in tlie tuornln. I da lam drink aio.,l .. tlin flrat. Gaarantced, VueA by U. 8. Gov. mromj, J.lylit, Jhitnbli. Jteru to Carry, Slzes-i, al nnds GmIIoiis. Prepalal Prices, 91.10, 1,40, 3.00flipctlly. tvroaitby n,al, y.rtrywUri, i Not Adam App Water Uhk Co. i-iiu-.ANQ, OII1COON Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency ISO acre stock ranch, ono of tho best lu Oregon, $ur per aero. 110 acres, r.r, in cultivation, good location, and well Improved, 7f.OO. 'J 10 acres at Climax, a good buy at JIT. per acre. IfiOO acres I 1-- miles from Kaglo Point, will Hiihdlvldo, only y.iO per acre. 20 acres to glvo to you for a team or anything of value, and It hi only I mlloH out. 1120 acres, .'I l-'J miles from Lar amie, Wc, JUIi per aero with good water right. 20 aero, I miles from Central Point, 13000. I K0 items lu Colorado, will trado for ncieago or city property hero, Wo have hoiiio good city proper ty to trado fpr acreage. Miislucss Clianco Camp wagon, everything JiihI right, $7r. If you aro a harbor wo can null you u good shop with u clean trade and at tho right prlco, Rooming and boatding bouse,, clearing $100 per .mouth, only l.r0. Employment OlrlH and women for genoi-al hoiiKoworlc In city and country, Hunch liandfi. KabnreiH 2,25 per day. Minors and miicltoru, f!l,riQ and 'A.OO. Mrs. Emma Bittner IIOOMH (I AM) 7, l'AUI liU)OIC Opposite Nash Hotel mono nil; Home, ll, ANNOUNCEMENT NoonclicHlcr Hrotliors Imvo purcliast'd the gro cery business of W. P. Slobaiigh, I ho Olson Street Grocery. All orders will be delivered promptly and customers are guaranteed courteous and fair treat ment. NOONCHESTER BROS. Phenes: Pacific 5772; IlomoIISS-K. .Medford, Ore. TtTTTTTTTTTTttTTTTTITTtTTTTTtTTTITI ICE CREAM andV.Ul Special attontlnu to wliolnxulo Hhlppltig orders. Aro you particular about tho Ire cream you oat? Wo tiro Juat that particular about tho quality of leu cream wo tnako thut wo uho paHteurlKod cream In tho manufacture of our Ico cronm. Ono trial will convince you of tho superior quality of our Ico croatn. Wo mako all flavors and npoclal ordom on Hhort uotlco. Froo do Uverlcn to all partn of tho city, g la.jS. MEDFORD CREAM (Q. BUTTER CO. Phenes: Pacific, 881 ; Home, 104-Ii NutfttorlUm IlulldhiB -l"f4-MHr-H"f l-l U4H GROWEiRS '.I'ho prospects art! good for a bumper fruit crop in I he Pacific northwest. We would advise all grow ers of Poaches, Apricots, Oanteloupes, Tomat6es, Po tatoes, etc., to get in touch with ns. It is a pari; of our business to J'ind'a market for (he fruils u.fd produeo grown in the valley. Wo have our arrangements completed to handle the crops that will bring good returns to the growor. It will pay you to investigato. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Orogon J Lome 307. Pacific 5G21. (,'iuno, NMfanMajMMMMa mmmmmmmBmmmm4 y , W-THJT mtX.SV"Mtfmc VTP"- . jJVarrfgWjiMtf ,t?TinM'M,ai'-l'-t-w--.