1 1 s 9 k '! I 4 MEDFORD MflTTJ TRTRUKE, MTCDFQTCD, OKKaOX, SATURDAY. JUNE 8, 3932, PA0fl3 TJIREB IU n J S INTERESTING ET1NG5 OF WOMEN CLUBS. Tlie Dally Jllnt from Parin. rWiulv linn lii'i'ii very ml Ihl- I wi'i'k, inimt ill' lln chilis lulvo dlnlidiul ml lur I ho MiiitiiiHM- mid mily 11 low lllllllUlM 1111(1 llllll'lll'lJIIH llllVv' llltl'll Jiivi'ii, (lll'lll illlltl't'Ml llllll lll'IMI III'OllM'll wiMiiitf llw wointtii ovur 1'it' hHiihiI I'lt'ctiuii wlili'li will ni'i'ili''inj.l wt'nlt. Wliilti wwilmi liiivu Iiiiiix lii'ii iHIIIh"iI to iiIii nn hcIiimiI iuuIIiii'm' viirv hllli inloii'Ml Iiiik I'vcr In'i'ii nliitwii ly AWwv llll'll III' WIMIMJII OH tll Htllljui't, lull llllll'll I'llllllltflllMII llHh lll'HII IIUIlkwH'll nvi'r ilit (siiiilim ult'i'liim iiuil I In' wniui'ii will nil Ink" mi ni'llvc purl in it. Nn imrll.Milur lUKfiiilxiilinii i lim-k ii' tlin iiiiivi'iiii'iil, iilllinitxli tin iniiiiry into wiiiitnry ttimilttluiiM In tin" hi'IiuiiIm wim Hliirlftl liv tin' ill liter Meill'iinl Chili, lint tin) wik Iiiih liei'ii lulii'ii lll llV llll till) WIMIH'II, wiih UK'llt I'lH'ry. A iiiiim nii'i'tinu will lie Imlil tliin HiiIiimImv tirtt'riKMin when it i-itii- liilnte will lie einliireil. A eliiiiuiiiiK IniilK" luiielieiiii wim 1,'lveii tlilM wi-ek nt tlurlnuiie n' Ml. Kiililln mi Smilli Onkilule. wlieu the nii'iiiliiMH id' I ho Aluliu eluli li'il'linu tin' MIh'M neon' for the xi'iixoii were iiiteitiiiiu'il liv tlme linlilius; tin; low vhi Kenre. The Iioiimi win lieimiil'tillv iliti'm' nteil with lime. Pink mill while heiuu' the iiii'VniliiiK eulur nHii'ini'. Mriil(;it wim ilny'il until I'JSIO uVlui'k, when mi eliilioi'iilu Iiiiu'Ih'kii wtiH ncneil. .Mr. I. Ilutehihini won Jiiht Iiiiiwi mill Mr, ('nicy HI'i'llllll. The hiiNtexxeK were .it"iliuiitn Diiii- iulu, I'tinliu, N.vi" VuwUir, Kngli-di mill Kiihlle, mill the kiiukIn were Mi'- Imneit Curey, llutcliion. Koiitner, I.uke, AmliewH mill Wiikeinnii. Mi. Wiikeiiinn hiihilitiileil for Mr. Win. Mmlue. The reruiilitni wlileli wiik it-eeiitly k'ivcii nt the .Melhniliht ehtireh wiih a miiHt eiijnynhle iitTnir. It wiih fc", lor nil the church ineinherH nml wim mi nl! fiiNliimieil ehiireh reeeiliiu. when' liohpilnlity, iiifunnnllty nml hi-iirly Kiio(l-i wijrc tliJiJiJlliu feilL; iireM. All iiiiiiHtinlly hm1 irnj;rmii wiih reiuleieil (if Mieiil mi Iimtriiiiiuiiuil HiiiHie, remliiii; nml leeitnliniis. Almnl IIUII were present. Wnrk nn the Art leimi exhihit which ih liciiiL' Kdtten up miller the mmpictm nf the (luihl of St. Murk' church, ii niKririliiK very well. A urclit iutercMt in lieiut; tnken nml it prnmiM'M tu lie it j-ieut Miiecenn. It will he held nhoiit the iiiuhlle of June. " ' " ! Aiiioiii; the people who will visit l'nrtliuiil iluriitu the Woxe eiirnivul me Air. nml Mr. Cnuro I'iero, .Mr. nml Mih, Meieiliih Mnih-y, Mix. Alet'nr innek nml Whiteoinh Tn'lil. The party left l-'riilny uiltl for HoIiiiik. from which place they will motor (u 1'urtlmitl. Mr. nml Mih. (leo. Ciuponter cuter tnineil nt dinner Tuendny cveuiii),', after which they were IiohIs nt a theatre party to the "hriuj? Maid." Their juchIh were Mr. and Mih. I'at termiii. Air. ami Mm. Ilohert Kithl and Mr, ami Ml, t'oiiro l-'iero. Mihh llutli Merrick, who in attend inn I'lilvcrsilv of Orcpiit at( Mnp'ue, Ih a ineiiihcr of the jjrailuntiiiK ehis IhiH year. (.Vuiuuencciueut iixeiviM'H will lie held .limit I'dh. lr. Arthur deary, Kiaduata umu iiKer of athletic of tint University of Oregon, Iiiih arrivvd here this week to look ufter his ranch on llriffin ere cl. AhH. Katie lefl Monday for a trip to her former home in Alhioii, Mich. Dr. Kut to Iiiih decided In locatu here ami MrH. Hallo will return hooii. MIhh Kthel I'riiuho, who Iiiih Iiimiii the kiichI of her mini, Mrs, Mundiiy, for Hiivurul uuiutliH, loft WcdnuHilay for her home in llaumhul, Mo. The hadiert' Aid of the Preshyterian I'hureh will nice! in the chapel Tues day afternoon at 2:111) o'clock. Alr.s. Martha Aliller will ho IiohIchu. MiwH, Alice Hirudin Iiiih returned J'rom HoVknle.y where hIio has coniplel cd her .luuior year at tlie Univorriily of Cnlil'oruin. , An-H. JnuiwH, I). Fay iiud iIiuikIi(V, Mihh derlvude, layo left for. KhmmtU KallH wlun'M they will mako their future liumu. . ' Harry h. Fallin of Portland, i the KUUHt nf hiH HiHter, Mi'h, II. L YU JiifTiiH of Huuth Oukdnlo. The firht ui'mhladin,' u,viFi'iOH nt HI. Alnry'M in thM Hy were held Tliurxdav evening, n In rye midiciice hciiij; preHcnl. Honor were coiifutjid tipnii MIhn AIIccuo It. KiiiL'ihur.v. I lev, II. Phillips uimle I lie ihIiIichh jf the evciiiiu,', The pna'imu: Piann I Maud Newhury. Ciilhiiiimt Deuel. Piano II Caiolyii Ainlrew1. .IllhltplllllO Itool, t'oufeiiiuu of urmlmititi homitv on Mjnm Alleeue It, KiiiKxhiiry Ai1ilruHK.,.l(iv. II. Pl.illlpw, V. HS. K. Murche lluiiuniiMc , Kowahki Where ,Mv (luravan llm l(eHted..Uihi (litiiihhuc Mil.itchc. Amlmilc de l.uciu ill hauiuiciiiinnr l'Mchutiky Mainl Newhury. ('hccrfiilncH Duinlierl Heuiiir Voeiil f'limx. Ailornlinii Itiirouxki Irene Sullivan (liuuile Polka de Concert .. . ItartliwH The local Indue of Klkn arc making preparation to put on the operu, ".Mjihc.i,"Iic ItiHt of .lime. The procccilK to help icray the expeucH if the headipiartei'H of the Inilyi- in Pnithiml'duriiiK (he timiual coiiveu lion. Ui'lii'iirmiU are now lieintr held and a hit; choriiH i heiiiK Iniiinil. Thohc in the ciihI arc Miv. K. M. AmlrcwH Mri. IVank Nmics, MihCH Klhcl and Mane Kifcil, Mcmhiv. A. t'. MtirKCMH, U. 0. Miii'kuoh, V. P. (jniKcn- hury, IVcd ddvii: nml Claude Met.. ItcKlimlil II. ('rait; ami Margaret UocIiiIiik were uulteil lit uitirrhiKo hy Hev. W. P. ,ShlclilK at tlie I'reuliyler Imi MaiiMii on 'i'huriliiy at 12 o'clock iinoii. Mr. CralK Ih a youiiK uinu rrom Hpokaue. Wanh., ami the yoiim; cou ple I'xpucL to iiuilut lliclr lioiue In that pliiti). Mrn. Crali; Ih it frlmul of Mr. ami Mm. O. M. Hicck of thin ell)- with whom hint Iiiih hcen vIhUIih; for nwlillc The heat wIhIich of all r,o with the joiiiik pi'oplc In tlio Hf which ihey enter loKclher. . K, It. Wall nml Alnula M. Snoil Krnwi wero inarrlihl by Ilov. W. K. KIiIcIiIh nt the Pnmliytcrlan jiiiiiihu gn ThurHilny evenliiK at 7:110 p. in. Mr. Wall l a yoiiuj; iiiiui of tliin city ami Mrn. Wall In n ymiiiK luily of DniitUiiH county, 'l'liemi yoiuu; people will imiko their homo In thin city. TIiohi) who iicroinpaulcil them to the uiauiiK were MIhh N'Iiki It. Wall ami Ficil I.jl'ohlic. Tim l.ndio' Au.Niliary of the Unp lir.t church held a nuwt cnjoyalilc social at the homo of Mrn. Adkiun on Smith Holly Hired, on Tuesday of this week. A uood pniju'rmu wan tendered after which rcfrcHhnientH wore nerved on the lawn. Tlnjro were almut 75 in nltcuilance. The freshniau class of the Afedfonl llit-h .School ave a reception Wed nesday I'veiiim; to Ihe tihlli jtriulos of the Washington and Lincoln HcIiooIh, who enter the llili school this full. Prof. (Iriffin, who Iiiih hcen Science teueher in the Hih school, left Situ diiy fr hln hnine in Khiihhh. , lie epcetH to alleud Coluinhia Uuivoivit.v Alrn, W. I. Vnwlcr mid Mm. C. J. IlnlcliiHon leave Huuihiy nilit for Porllniul, where they will altciul the Komi Carnival. Air. and Mrn. Kdjjiir I Infer and Mist Iciiudlo Hiilndi leave thin Knlunluv for Portlmid In alleud Ihe line Carnival. Mr. mid MrH, II. Chmlwiek relumed this1 week to their home in Philadel phia after a iunuth' vinit in Medford. The Woiiiiiii'h Poreinu .MiHMuiiniy Society of the M. K. ehureli nut with Mm. I'erey Wood Friday nl'teritonii. Mins Imlu Marlin of Kiltie Piiut, in Hpemlintt a few dayn in Alcdford with Iter itiother, Mm. Saiiiljiiun'm. The ladicH of the Catholic chinch nave a dance and card social in the parish hall Wednesday. lHMMIUit.'tiiAHK-? -f Ti'yl BR1 HiEil 1 1 mmTjTl7mmmi FAITHFUL WIFE ADVISED FRANKLIN TO TELL ALL J.OB ANELHH, .lupo 8. Frank lin whllu under croH examination uiililu a lour; Htntemimt an to IiIh roa kuii for pleading guilty to the charKu of bribery nKnlimt him. Ho dunlcii, howevur, ho wcr wna jirornlHod Im miirilty or anything i-Iho for tho tcHtl inoiiy aKiilfit Darrow. Krnnklln told of how, after It had hcen arranged that ho plead miilty ami recolvo two yearn Huntetice, ho hud ku'io lionio to IiIh wife ami told her It wart tltnu to decide what lib Khould do hut that he thought the 'proper thing wn to hear It mywilf unit protect that man Hitting hoMldo you." At thlu point the wit' uemi pointed to Harrow hut alruoxt with tho jiauio breath he offered an UH;logy t,o Um defendant, Haying he did nut mean anything offensive. HIk wife, Krunklln continued, told him that was tho right thing to do and that Him. would take the children out of Bchool and work Iter fliiKom off f neccBHary to keep thingH going until bo got out. In rcHpormo to a nueatlou ho auld bo wan not then afraid to go to the penitentiary and ho wan not afraid now. Mr. and Mm. 0. C. linger have left .. i . ., . i.. inr a inp in lllt'ir toiiucr num. Champaign, III. in .Mink Audrey Walton or .Minneapo lis' in the jinitl of .Miss Dorothy Diiggdt. ... Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Kviiiih of Snv ii. .eck, are visiting friemln in Medfold. MisH Kern Jerome entertained a few friends informally Friday after noon. Hev. Fhlridge has returned from it visit with his daughter nt lloschiug. Mr. W. II. O'diirn in the uncut f his hrothcr. Prof. P. J. O'diini. Alitw Alice (lalloway of Kugcnc, is visitinu friends in Medford. h Mr. l.ynian Arlon Iiiih rclurn'il from it trip to San Francisco. Mm... AJjuie Street iij vi&itiuy friemis fn OrantH Pass. . Mish Hertlm Knglish left Sunday for a trip Fest. HUMBLE WAITRESS TO RICH HEIRESS An orlvlna) houte JrtJM of raipbcrrr tt eiuiiKu. lrlmniel with Mack Velvl and niiltu iacc ilulaon Jtnny. RUEF'S PAROLE UP TO STATE BOARD HAN FltANTIHCO, Cft., .Juno, 8.s-r That the plea for pnroio for Abraham Ititof, Hontcnccd to 1 1 yearn In Han Qiientlu for bribery, may be an Im portant Biibjnct before the regular meeting tonight of the state board cf prison illrurtora lo reported hero. Itiief haH served but 1C months of Mod ford Printing company curry A his term ami It Is tile custom of tho I full lino of local blanks. J. 1 t A I 1 ' I board not to conutdor. varaWs. until hn( a sculonco has betm served. Ut declares his to bo nrt dxiptlriftl cJt If ho docs (nit In his idea tottlglit mid It In favorntily cdnMdorodi iiitof; mid hts friends will nt once begin -nremm-Unions of arguments and evidence be fore tho board .y::yvi Fine Tailoring For Ladies Lnrlies, wo want your spring and Hiiraniou suit to be an everyday reminder that we are the house to make all your future orders. Our am bition is to become your tailors. AVe guarantee our work in every particular; our standard is high. Berlin Ladies' Tailoring Co. We do Remodeling. Phone Main 53(52 2.19 West Main Street Medford, Oregon HAN'FOUI), Cal., June From waitress In a hotel hero to heiress of it 1,000,000 estate Is the transition which U faced toda by Miss Mellta I.okch. Kritnddatigliter of Carl Logos, uillllomirlo Inventor of it washing compound. Tho Inventor's son, Albert, uieti laHt April and word has Just been re ceived hero that tho H, 000.000 for tune will he divided among his six children, of whom Miss Logon la one Legal blaukn at tno Medford Print ing enmnnny. BOTH ARMY AND NAVY FORCES TO CUBAN SHORES i W'ASHLSd'lON. Juno 8. -The army took slops toda) to share With tho navy In the Anierlian demonstra tion lit Cuba. JCnrly In the day the Kcitarl staff Issued orders to tho quar termaster general to put into service the four army transports at Newport News and at the, sntne time notlfhd the- various army ijst to have the men In readiness to en -train at a mo ment's notice. Within six hour the newHcame from Qiijfritrmaster Oeu eral Allshlro thut-tiio transports had been put In commission with full mjp plles and coal and ready to sail at a moment's notice. The order for the transports to sail or for the troops lo en train was not Blvon and It was said will not bo until tho murine forces n3w bolus distrib uted In eastern Cta sufficient to protect the threalenetl'plantattons or until conditions ussmu'ed such a phase as to demand Intervention. ticket l(cttiie! Get the Original and Genuine HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK The FeotMrlnk for AU Agas. ForInfanls.Inva!tck and Growing children. PureNutrition.uobuildbKthcwholebody. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. IJich milk, malted pain, la powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a miante. TiJt e no tu bi ti tut c. Ask for HO RUCK'S. Not in Any Milk Trum thin coming year. Mr. and Mrs. (1. Aldenhngcn leave soon for Sun I'YtuieWo, to which city Mr. Alilenhageii hits heeu trittiKiVrri'd liv Hi" l'iilifs" ,,-egou I'ower (Jo. Miss hyiliu Aiihtin, who was called to Colorado Home time ngo by the fiitnl Illness of nn unlit, is expected to return in the near future. The entertainment which was to linvu hcen given hy the (Ircnter Med ford eluli Monday afternoon, has hcen indefinitely postponed. c Mrs. Walter McCiillum will leave Saturday fur Spokane, where she will reiiuitu for llio Hummer. Ml, Y W. .1. Q"hl.Y of POitland is Ihe kiicM of her hihltir Mrs. II. 1 King on Wont Main ht. Jlrs.'.lolm Uowuril is the guest of Mrs. l'uul Junuey at her home in h'errydalo tttliHtimu The Illinium Nodres cluh meels next week with Mr. ami Mrs. II. l Kent iter. Mr. 1'). l. Andrews has lelurned front u trip to Klamath Falls. Miss Mary Trowlnidgo is spemUng u few dayH in tli" umiiiituiiis with I'rluudri, HOTEL MEDFORD $1.00 Ripe Olives Sunday Dinner Shrimp Cocktail Railed Almonds i Cream of Tomatoes Essenee tit' Ohiokoii nioOP.M. rf potion IT Olives Vilel of Sole antral in Ponuuos Parisienne Noiseltes of ALulton an Champignons Pommes Duchess Cremo de lenllio Punch . Broiled Philadelphia Squah wiih Bnqon loast Prime Ribs ol' Heel au jusj.- Koast Potatoes Kruited 'Salad U(j(jotash ' Vt; I? Fresh 'Apple Pio Strvbon,y Tue Cream v Neul'ehalel Cheese Mixed Nuts Demi Tasso Sunday, .Tuno 9th. Lemon Mftringuo Assorted Cakes Qynokui'S Layer Raisins . Rnu-Mwhvj Props. ". Clothes that will add to the, Pleasure and Comfort " "- of your Vacation. u HAT to f fa Where to j9. I o ehjoy your sj2urh wear, n is as important; as w full, you must Have appropriate attire for all occasions. Visit us Lsfore you start. We will solve the Clothes Problem quickly, satisfactorily and inexpensively. Everything that: you will need is Here clothing, hats, furnishing goods, for dress and negligee wear, in the mgst desirabls styles and moderately priced. Guaranteed silk socks four pairs thrse months $2.00 the box. We replace these seeks from our stors and the guarantee is absolutsly good. Model Clothing Go. E-M-F & i ffi((if iS B3NKRS . v. Your Dollar Buys More When you buy a Studebaker-E-M-F "30" or Studebakeri Flanders 4,20u you get more for your money, dollar for dollar, than in any other car built. There may be other good cars but what is their price That's tlie rub. If they really are good cars, they neces-j sarily cost more because comparatively few are built. Some poor cars, you know, are high priced too, so that the dealer can fool you by cutting the price. What a car is really, worth, not what it costs, should be your standard. The Studebaker Corporation has tlie largest and best automobile factories, in the world. We could build and sell any competing car today for less money than its present price. In your Studebaker-E-M-F "30" or Flanders "20' you get full value, because the biggest factories and. the? best brains in the industry build these cars. i" ijMhhh r B. t, Studebker-E.M-F "30" Touring Car, standard equipped, f.o.b. Detroit $1100. quipped aa above with Top,' Wlndhlld, Prct-0-Lho Tank and Speedomctor, f. o.b. Detroit $1190. Our New Art Catalogue Will Interest You Send for it The Studebaker Corporation Detroit, Michigan SULLIVAN (SL HANLEY, Medford, Oregon 590