TWO MEDFORP MATE TRIBUNE), MWnFORT), QRWnoy.SA,HTWnAY.,irNK8.mi2. 1 f I . 1 USB3, ,hd PRAM A at -fe WEEK for plnuii, violin nuil cHlo by ,M!b Uitthrlo. Mr. lUiot unit Jlh Alton Ml Alton plnjMliK tho rollo. The "WedilliiB MnreliV Is nhviua liked ua nolo or oiiRumhle mid wih it flUliin elnso to n thought rull. irmnRetl pro Itrmti. Mountain Ash Chorus in Mcdford Wednesday Evening BERTHA CLAY'S PLAY i AT THE QPEHA HOUSE '. i "Dora Thtn'iio," a 'rifnl ilrnm i tifuiltnu pr Horlha M t LV i uhw'l be iiieooutod 1 u .-lnted it-t toi I AGEi '(By Jeuin!b& WW) ttMuBUt, lfl,ovlilontly n nccosslty o( our bxlsttincfe, and Iho nioro (ho tnsto for 11 la developed In Its highest form the Rreiiter will bo our appreciation of tho good n,nd bcnntlfn,! Anonr . Lulgl ItlccI was born June S, 1805. Gulscppo Antonio Guarnerlus was borjupqj8, JGSSr, , , , , , u " i I. l i l t it The following notlco taken from n.-Sanwiclsro papor will bo of In tent p jLlia pany friends of Miss Zelar"Vl.Jt9, , idaiigbtec of Mr. John Whlto'of this city: Mrs. "William Cornelius do Krem cry wll bo matron of honor at tho wedding or Miss Eleanor do Fremery apd,W.Jo Mlncttl,. which, will take place JUno 9. Mies Susan do From crriwlll -attend hcrelstcr as maid of honor and tho. bridesmaids will bo Miss Zola White, Miss Dlna Moore. MIbs Virginia do Fremery and Miss Frances Sherman. Dr. Edward Taus sig will 'bo tho groomsman for Mr. Mlncm.," Miss White has been studying violin with Mr.- Mlncttl for some time and Is a member of the Mlnettl orchestra of San Francisco. ThomiuBlcAl or dramtlo critic usu aUy corner in for a goodly share of tin kind thoughts in regard to his ideas of most everything that ho seeks to criticise, favorably or otherwise. Nothing- could be moro true than the old bromide, "You-can't pleaso every one." To be frank, yet helpful, and always fair-minded is not as easy as It would porbaps seem to a casual ob server. Below arc the opinions of tlitTCO'Dotablej personages concerning criticism, each, qulto different, yet containing tbo very essence which should' be striven for in this werk: Mers says: "Ho who can see the gobd in art-works is an abler and a far superior critic than he' who sees only- faults." Hauptmann tells us: "In a com position which is full of merit a crit ic 'should point out the faults; in an other which Is full of faults he should look, for tho redeeming features." WJillctho two above relate to the composition itself, Mme. Corinne Rlder-Kelsoy of New York, Includes both performer and composition in aajarUclo from Musical America of tho Uth. Tho noted soprano says: "There is entirely too much coddling of. mediocrity in this country. We will, nevor ralsa our standard until wo J earn to call black black, whethe It bo In. perforator or creator. EJvery artist shouid and every true artist does-T-wclcomo genuine criticism." rBp bo 1J. Miss Vcnltn Hamilton gavo an In- ltntlotml piano recital last Sunday afternoon at tho homo of .her teacher, Hugo Mnnsfeldt, In San Francisco. Miss linntllton writes: "I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations for tho musical section of "The Mall Tribune." It Is ory Interesting and I hope It will become a 'permanent feature." y , , ,,, , M, f mini vi -t -V He So you think married life ought lo.tlHjpnoi grand H.woct pong.T-r Shqtc-Y.qnTli.oi Mi .-' He Whnt.alr wquld,,,Hu, prqfor for this matrimonial song? She I think si millionaire Tit- nits. ; ). .;, r : . i. i . "t i Members qf thq, Medfq"rd Concert Orchestra met, for irqhoarsal Monday evening at, tho hqnioof Dr. Marlon. A number of selections were played, Including the "Jupltgr," symphony by Mozart. A local musician tells .this ene: An orchestra In an eastern city had Just finished playing Rubcnstcln's Melody In F when a lady who had been sitting near in an attitude of strict attention, rushed up an re quested, tho samo selection. "Wo just played it, madam," tho director told hor. Then "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know It; its my favorite piece." And the director asked for a glass of water. ,i The Conservatory!, recital given Thursday afternoon at tho Natatorl um hall was attended by a large and attentive audience, despite the unusually warm afternoon, a fact which speaks well for musical inter est. While some arc inclined to speak lightly of the amateur recital, it can not really be praised too much In some respects. The( benefits derived by those taking part in becoming used to public performance, is no small matter and the student oung in musical art should, always be giv en a hearing when he shows good training, and a promise of higher' at tainments. The piano numbers by Miss Guth rie, Mrs. .Meeker and Miss Puruckcr wero well rendered selections, the students showing a nicety of preci sion as to time and notes, which was very satlsfactpry. . Mrs. A. C. Babaon, a more advanced student, gavo Ilub enstein's Kammenlo Ostrow In a way which showed both talent and thor oughness. It would be a pleasure to hear her again. Miss Caroline Andrews gavo tfct first vocal selections on tho program. The most- notable thing of her hinging Is the MwwtmwB of toun ospeelnll) on tho high notes. A few more ywtrs of careful study and experience are all that arc needed. Mr. Vnwtcr and Miss McNasser hate been heard bo fore at social affairs. Mr. Vauter's "Droop Xot Young l.oxer" by Han del, was ojUiomcly good. Ills voice lias olumeaihl maturity of tone, and Uitvu.rQS3loit in luith uuuttiora was pleasing -Talent and training were evidenced .both liv Mr. Vnwtcr's utttl Miss McNaser'B numbers. Tho latter gao Cndman's "Front the jw of the Skyhluo Waters" very woll In deed. U seemed to suit her voice better than "ills Lullnby" by Carrie Jacobs Hond. Perhaps It Is ton much to expect that a joihik girl could sing that appealing little gem. Doesn't It surely tnko more years to transmit Its sweetness and pathos?. The violin numbers of tho after noon wero given by Miss Flynn nnd Mr. Hoot. Miss Flynn has Improved wonderfully within u comparatively short tlmo and Is always enjoyed. Mr. Hoot deserves not a llttlo praise for the technique shown in tho Vlottl Concerto, which Is complicated and not an easy task to play, especially without notes. Tho concluding number was a trio 1 - i - 4naww -r - .T r- 1 W I - I I "v r fiSv?' wT- Ittcliaid Wlllmr (lav t iMiintr. June lt)t!i. The revival of lliit. -.plciulul old ilniuia lia been breaking box ofttee roc rls all over the Weit. Jt is not often that Hie tlieat rentiers of ih lnii!ei' eitiex are Btvoit it climieo to H'e nt eNporienei'd rouipany ot plajcr. m theo old time (lrnuuts. The tory of the is no doubt familiar to nil lover of the toiunntie i hiv iM.ird tiilv i von. i,i the v oi 1" T . I' ' veiilii'i ii, M. Turpi!, li inn l'i '''i ''ompiisir, t lev lie m i tin I .Mount ,uti .si Male eliorn- in nin ol M'ln-f of lintels. Must of the iinpot! Hint ohni'iieterm in the hoot, are in tin? 1. 1.... i ...... . . . " M(iv, wmi'ii is intil HI u Uimmi, oienn, nt might forward iHiiiiuer, xiviti the iMiiiimny p!int of uppoitutiity li tlixpliiv elover chiUTteterijiatiiuiH iiml .xpleiuliil tu'tiiHi. Tho iiiiuuiiiiH'it n mi 111141 'I popular ptuc-. lor lliis eiiKiieiiie it nuil n lnrp holme i eNpi'etut tun pi pt'l.if 1 in'rti hi l.uiiiliiii 'I I im IhmiiI the In I t'lnurs 111 tln ui'ihl, llelq'iaii, (leniinii, rit'iieh itml Itnh in, hut the wink nf the MiiUHNiI'I -li .Male clinriis imIiih(h theiii nil,' lileelmcil hl royal Iiii'Iiiiv, the Lund itrsiiv's ('ui.oi(i:i mi.ns riti:us cominc to .tiinn'oitn The colored nilimtrels worn tlt nested b a largo ami appreciative an. dleneo lime hint Tuemlay n veiling. It lit ver Hi'lilniu that wo get to see its good n 11111111(101 show n.s this into ex cept In teh larger iHIi-h The darli lea wero right there, both In singing M'.iti l Hi The pro piMh ill. pooil thev will luivi n imlti'il limi 'Ihii tin v tip pear nl tin Mi'illoiil lliealre1 Weilue-. din 1 .eiiiii)', .lime I'J I'lipulai' pi ice., l Oil, ".'ii' mill fide. A "II II I II I II I 1111 iiml diiiieliig ami were eucornd to al umni every number. The slims earrlo a flun linum baud which rniidereil koiiio iixcnlliMit inii sle. tlineeo Puot, tit Mcdfoid Tiiort' day, .lliiie II, In ten earn ov r ?l to nou Imvo been spent on rlill.11 lit (imiinuy. -y- & . Medford Theatre WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 t t ii ' Mr,.f THE WOELD FAMOUS - ; oiihtaih Ash Male Choir V" (Welsh) Withdiit-Question tho Leading Men's Chorus The Musical Trca,t of tho. Season, POPULAR PRICES $1, 75c and 50c Seats at HaBkins. Winner 'Over rormon "Choir at .Salt Lake ' Winner of .First Prize at St. Louis World's .Fair COMING Laiiger and;. ., Better lap The GQOD SHOW Medford i j -i a Medforb1 Theatre MONDAY, JUNE 10 Bertha M. Clay's Famous Story , . . r ? 4i-J; w f ' DUKA THORNE 1 A Favorite of Two Generations of Playgoers 25e, 50c, 75c. Seats at Jlaskins Tuesday JUNE II DON'T MISS THE GOOD ONE THIS TIME PARADE AT NOON PERFORMANCE at 8 P.M. Under Canvas, TUES, JUNE 1 1 ircrMM 4 A t y a - The Fan Season Is Now Here jf , j i p i -:M$ ?4F " U V r , -,'S Get Your Electric Fan Ready We will send a man FR EE OF CHARGE to oil and clean your fan and put it in running order Any missing parts supplied at cost. Do in now Power Go Y V T ? ? ? T f T ? T t f ? T ? T t T T t t f Y Y Y Y t ? Y Y Y Y - r r ,v Y