MEDFORD afAITJ TRIBUNE, MTCDFORT), ftRKOON, WFiDNTSSDAV. .TPNW fi. 1012. EKGB 3?0UK .in! ltt, A WWW rpr Tr ! i T 4Hr4 fftW HI Medford Mail Tribune i AN INDRl'KNDHNT NHWHPAI'KIl rUIlMWIIlOD 13VHIIV AKTISKNOON KXCKIT HUNDAV, HV TUB MKDFOIll) PRINTING CO. Tlio Dcmocrntlo Times, TIio Mpdfonl Mnll, TJio MciUnnl Tribune, The South ern OrcROtilan, Tlio Ashland Trlbitno. Office Mall Tribune Itultdlng. 25-27-2D North Kir street; photic, Muln 3021 j Jiomo o. OKOIiarc rUTNAM, Kdltor and Manager lintcml an econilclass matter n-l Mcilfonl. OroRon. under tlio net of March 3, 18T. orflclnl Paper of" tho City of Medford. Offlclnl l'Aper of Jnckson County. SUBSCR.HTIOX KATES. Ono year, by mall..... 5.00 Ono month, by mull..... 60 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. JacUsonvlllo and Cen tral Point ........ ............. .to ftatunlay only, by mall, per year.. 3.00 Weekly. Tier year 1.80 SWOXH CXKCtTKATIOlT. Dally average, tor eleven months end ing Nnvomber so. mil, .i. mu Xtftied Wr. UnlWd rxM Dlspatchts. Tlio Mall Trlbuno Is on sale at tho Parry Now StanU. San Francisco. Portland Hotel Nown Stand, Portland, llowman News Co., Portland. Ore W. O. Whitney, Seattle, wash. MiDrosD. oxeooh. Metropolis of Foutlit-rn Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest- growincr city In Oregon. Population U. S. census 1910 880i estimated. 1911 10.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, riving finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.S mlln nf trA.fM TMlVCfl. Postofflco receipts for year endlnc November 30, 1911, show Increase of 18 per cent. Banner fruit city In, Orcson Rojruo nivcr SplticnberR apples won sweep stakes prizo and title of 'Apple Xlnjr of th Woria" nt tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and n car of Newtown, won Tlrt Trlstt la 1910 nt Canadian International Apple Bhow, Vancouver. B. Ci Jttrst yrlM la 1911 a Spokane National Applo Show won by carload of Ncwtowna. ItoRue .nlvor pears brought highest prices In all markets of tho world dur tnR tho past six year JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Spring "Comc-lta'cks." Tho Joyous lay of hermit thrush; Anemones in shaded spot; A. treetoad piping on a rush; And files to .swat! You'ngstown, Ohio", Telegram. Tho drowsy hum of honey bees; The daisy and the buttercup; Tis sweet to seo tho glqd brook's sheen And then catch cold. Seattle Post-Intolligcnccr. Thobrlght tsiln sblnes'lhroughout the day; The fairies linger in tho "holler;" Pan pipes a tuneful roundelay By jing! Thcro goes another collar. Chlco Enferprlse. A blaze of popples in tho grass, A wealth of slender bluebells too; Ono wanders happythen , alas, Ho finds" a fdx-'tall Jn'hls'shoe. Our Vaudcvlllo Show. Ladles and gentlemen, the next number will bo a song by Teddy Roosevelt entitled, "If you don't like tho party that turns you down, then fdrm a little party by yourself." This Is ono of our best littlo acts. He sure and remain seated until tho conclu sion. Wn Don't ISelfcvc It. Tho Chicago Record-Herald opines that hero and there ono may meet a politician who doesn't bellevo ho,.re scmhlcB Lincoln. Tho fact that It was so hot In Tar rytown as to cause John 1). to remove his straw hat and fan himself, Is chronicled in 18 lines in thq San Francisco Kxamlnor. Who says wo nren't a nation of hero worshippers? With worlds to conquer, Liko as not, Tho youth's excuse Is "It's too hot." Onr l'rls Contest, Today wo inaugtirato a grand beauty contest, open to tho 'ladles of Medford. What wo wish to decide Is Whether tho models ltj Ahron's win dow aro more beautiful than those In Mann's. Don't overlook the blond in Kontner's nor tho saucy brunette In Ateekor's beforo turning In your an swer, Tlioro Is also a stately slrl In t(io Golden Unto cast window that should bo considered. To the ono who sends In tho most votes wo will glvo a handsomo plcturo of an automobile (cut from tho catalogue furnished by tho niakor). Get busy, this Is your chanco to win. PLAN. LONGEST AERIAL RACE AT LOS ANGELES ' LOS Afs'GELKS, Juno C. Tho longest aerial race ever attempted on tho Pacific coast1 to ho held Juno 10 on a circular course nround Los An goIeB, is being onsjderqd today by L'ps Angolos and Long Reach avlatqrs. The course would bo over Los An gples, Long Roach, Vonlso, Santa Monica, b'ceiift Park arid Salt' Pedro, MurMii, Champion, Bt'ltes', GnrpcnUor, vyilllamn, Dotighorty'nnd othor hlrd juen probably will compete. THE HIGH THE federal government has begun inquiry into tlio high coat of meat, which is now retailing at a higher price than any lime in the history of the United States, with the possible exception of the civil war period. It costs more to live today than ever before. Prices average ten per cent higher throughout the nation for everything than a year ago. Trusts and the tariff are partially at fault, without question, while shortage in yields and increased consumption also play a part. A New York dispatch asserts that food products are the highest on record. Meat, eggs, butter, fish, potatoes, coffee, tea, sugar, salt, molasses, vice, beans and pens aver age 22 per cent higher; wheat, corn, oats, barley, flour, etc., 33 per cent higher. Fruits are the onlv eatables cheaper, but are higher than in 1910. cent and chemicals and drugs ago. Textile goods, however, are a tri I le cheaper. The avcrage'increase in food products is nenrly 20 per cent. The biggest advances have been in meat prices beef, 2G per cent; hog products, 40 per cent, and mutton over 50 per cent. At the Union Stock yards, Portland, choice steel's bring $6.75 to .$7.00; hogs sell at $7.50; lambs at $0.50 and ewes at $3 to $1. Tn the Medford market, $7.00, pork $6.50, veal, dressed, $S.00, mutton $3 to $i, lambs $o to $7.o0. Tiie price lixeii in tne union Jieat company to re tailers for dressed beef at Medford is 12 cents a pound, but most, of the local butchers kill their own livestock. 'Under the accepted scale, a beef averages .17 per cent loin, 10 per cent ribs, 26 per cent round and rump, 30 per cent chuck, S per cent plate, 3 per cent shank, 6 per cent trimmings. Un der prevailing market quotations, the cost and selling price ot beet per pound m Medtord is ns follews: Wholesale Loins .'. .'. $ .IS $ .2 nibs .- - 15 Round and rump Chucx - Plate Shank" .".!....; Trimmings - The retailer then sells at a gross average profit of $50 on a 1000 lbs. of beef; or approximately 40 per cent. Out of this nibst come his rent, his delivery, his payroll, his taxes and his loss. Whether or not the margin is too great, and the net profit excessive, is something only the butcher him self can determine. It is manifestly unfair to use the public market for tho sale of meat except to the actual producer, for that was what the market was built for. To. permit any professional butcher to enjoy its privileges to escape payment of rent and taxes is unfair to the established meat market. Shortage is alleged as tho cause of the increased cost of meat. But the producer does not seem to be getting his share of the increase. There is a wide margin between the 5 1-2 cents or less the producer receives and the price paid by the consumer. The beef trust is without doubt, partially to blame for the present conditions. They bear the producers on the one hand1, and raise the retailers on the other, and their ex ample is followed b' all the small slaughter houses in the country. The meatrsales at the public -market shows that there is a great demand for chcapor prices in meat. If such a reduc tion is possible, the local butchers should make it, for high prices work a genuine hardship upon the public. The Magazines and Current Topics (Krnm the International) The technique oE the scullery and the language of the kitchen hold sway anion-; the mighty of tiie land and the art nf government becomes subject fo the tailor's measurement, to the hcntirncntnl essayist on friendship, jo the nwcbtriick tones, pf modern m(,nIoj;ers, mid to loud hliinMcrn from protagonists of things ns they Jmve been. The odor of the Iloun' duwg'h kennel and unctuous Hobs in vade our attempt to come to any clear uiidcrtitnuding of (he work with ivhicli wu as citizen mid electors tiro confronted. Jn consequence, the jiublic and its obsequious servants, the mngnzines, have come ominously to discuss questions of bread and but ter., quite apart from the claims of tlio advertising association known ns political parties. Much of the comment on the candi dates for presidential uorninntiou and election is like the legendary nppenl posted in a western saloon; Don't shot the pianist, bo's doing bis best. h. b. in the Atlantic finds in Mr, lloosevolt most of the things that other people have found in him, only less so. They include tho preachor, the politician, tho typical Americuu, tjio partner of God in the possession of truth. Ifo concludes in the man ner of If. G. WelU in "The "Future in America" with a reference to fiht h'n; hard and clean, etc. ''Should Old Aequiiintanco bo Forgot?" is the touching caption of William Allan White's prose- elegy in tho American, ono of a swarm of similar treatises on tlio temperament and its varia tions, what you owe to tho man who got you the job, etc. Frank I'arker Stoekbridgo in ' the World's Work characterizes Chump f'lurk as being uncustomed to think fit terms of Jjl;o County, us friendly, ulivu to the value of advertising, alid dead to the most important of the political and ccoti omio itniCK. McCluro's tolls of the Force lk'hjnd Tlft, tlio unholy nl Jiniifip with the forces of nuti-coiihcr-vatiou mid Sonator Crane, undue prebsuro on office holders, Hump- COST OF MEAT Leather products cost 12 per .13 per cent more than a year cows bring $5.50, fanev steers; Retail to .28 .20 13 VS .Ot? 10 & 04 Vi 04 K .18 to .20 .1214 .ir .OS .05 ton's prints a review of Governor Wilson's administration and the ad vanced legislation brought about by his efforts. The most hcrviecublo of the..' reviews' iff candidates is that in Everybody's, a short characterization uf each of the six men, Wilson, Tuft, Ifannou, Clark, Hoosevell, Under wood, and a record as complete and us impartial as possible of their poli tical achievement from which It appears that n mere list of thu for midable criticisms of President Tuft makes bdlky reading. "The judicial history of our coun try presents u dignified, gradual unfolding of principles, a safe, stable, wise exposition of human rights, perhaps wrong in u few In stance, hut as a whole exhibiting gcat wisdom, justice and equity." Amen. God is good and the world is beautiful. The foregoing, incident ly, quoted from a plea in the Century liguiust tho Judicial Itecull, is typical euphonious solace to a conservative roul such as joys in the awful word "menace" and trembles for the health of business. For the decisions "of learned judges, bused upon fuels elieited from sworn witnesses who have personal knowledge" one can turn to the fourth of C. I'. Connelly's articles in Everybody's on "Big Huh! noss and the Honcli." Wherein it ap pears that if labor were tri6d under the same terms us uro accorded capi tal. the McNnmafiis would have beon j'iven, instead of il' prison sentence, i t;eiitlc iidmouisbiieut against further ixoesses of dynamite. Wherein, also, H appears that some of the supposed great victories against the robber barons of our industries were mere jmluver; that there is an intimate connection betweou certain senators, tho railroads, the tariff, and' tie high t'ost Of living; tbut tho Commerce Court sustains tlio relationship; Unit, U(!?ording to our law, it is more ecou ninionl for the railronds'lo kill for eigners than to injure tlienijllint con gress donates generously to tlio rail roads tlihtiigh harbor ipu"pilutton TlilU is liOf. (he only tribute to llio American hmnju of lord, ' bilP cott's, IWlierl lU-neo Vullo- U'lh hw "Cougivsa $tittmulerri Our Momw." The eost of lmlllwlilpi in toruw of replanted Intuit? nr coiign'siuunl li braries, 'is stUrtlinj?, v not nouvly so startling, however, as tin' statement that we do not ikism u tirst-elhss navy jyitnl orRiie, (Iml niilllouH ,of dollars urn spout on luvvy ynrd, whoso iilmltahiuciit'liiii been ndvuent" cd by the. Heimitnfy of the navy, tluil onr pension list h tWlO exceeded by :UI inillioust'or'dollnrs the sum of pen sions of Engjnud.' France, neiinnny, Austria 'and Tluntury, lll lb" Pul sions, drawn in 11)11 are equiudont to a charge of $8.(10 ngajml every fnnv ilv id the United fclnti'-. The suffragist will delight in W, .Morgan Sbuster's l'or-ian Women in the Uccont Crisis la the Century, n veritnble guillotine fer the shuiu biol ogy and theory of the wnuiuu-by-tlu-fireside-aud-home h'oIq who elnl.n she was mudo by ,(ld ununited H)litiiw. fighting nml exorcise of the intelligence, tie or she will nUo be tempted to reply to the nppent ol .Miss Tarbell in the Amerienn. that the irresponsible womun cannot pos sibly be impeded in Attaining" tlu do sired increase in social couKcioifness by being given tho Imllot. MYSTERY IN A CRATER. An Arizona Puzzle Thit the GooIoqUW . Cannot Solvt. About forty miles from Flngstnff, Arts., in the midst of a grcnt plain, there is n saucer shaped hollow about thtve-qunrtera of mllo across and COO feet deep. Tho rim of this strnngo crater rises between 1M) nnd 200 feet nbove the aurroundlas plaliu Itocky fnigments nra scattered for several miles around tho crater. Among theso rocks many fragments of meteoric iron, some containing nilnuto black diamonds, have been found. The Inner walls show thnt the crust of tho earth was broken when the crater was form ed, yet uo volcnnlc rocks exist there. Geologists have otfered the ories to account for ttila singular phe nomenon. Ono Is (tint an Immense meteorite mudo the hole and thnt the meteoric fragments Just mentioned are remnants of the falling star. Anotlior theory ascribes tlio orlsln of the crater to a tremendous explosion of steam in the rocks beneath, and a third combines the first two by sug gesting thnt the blow of a falling meteor, -striking the earth's crust nt n point where subterranean water imd accumulated in the neighborhood of heated rocks, wns tho cause of the ex plosion. New Yorlf Press. Plants Breaking Up an Island, Tho layman would scarcely ussoclnte great strength with no delicate nnd fra gtlo a llilng as maidenhair fern, yet If Its roots have not suluclcut room they will break the iot in which the plant grows, lllades of grass will force the curbstones between which liey spring up out of their pla.ce. and in a single night a crop of small mushrooms tins been known to lift n large stone. In deed, plants nre on record ns bavins broken tlio hnnlent roskt. Tho Island of Aldnbrn, to tho north weetof Mndagnacnr, Is becoming small' cr through the action of the mangroves thnt grow nlong tho foot of the cliffs. They eat their way Into tho rock In alt directions, and Into the gaps thus form ed tho wnves forco their way. In time this will probably reduce tho Island to pieces. Loudon Telegraph. "i 8havlno tho Bridegroom Tho shnvlug of tho bridegroom on his wedding day U a llulgnrinn custom which, banded down from pro-Chris-tinu days, Is still observed with duo formality, especially In country dis tricts. While tlio barber Is at his tuHk n, dancing crowd of young folks sur rounds him nnd the bridegroom. As tho hitter's bulr Is cut the Niilpplugs aro carefully collected by sonfo of the g(rls for preservation in ono of the brldo's chests. Tho barber, when his work Is done, receives a mnll white linen cloth as a present and also a trilling sum of money from each per son there,. Then tlio bridegroom kisses the hands ot tho girls, washes his faco and dons his wedding dress, which must (Jrst bo carefully weighed threo times by ono of the boys. The Boston and Nov York Mall. The first mall bctwpcn New York nnd Uostou was established In 1072. Tho letters were carried by n tpesHcn gorf who was directed to "go and re turn ns often as once a month." This monthly servlco seems to havo been sufllclent for homo thirty years, when it wns changed to a fortnightly serv lco. In 100a a well organized system of postoulccs was established in Penn sylvania and In other localities. New York Amerienn. Brief Manual of Training. A. high school frcHlnnup wroto (o a juvenile publication, earnestly Inquir ing what ho should do to win u coming event In school athlutics-tho. 100 yurd dash, "Ilun a littlo faster than tlio othor fellows," wrote tho editor In reply. Youth's Companion. No Chance, "Mrs. Brown's husband tells his wlfo ovory thing," ..-. - "Maybe she makes It easy for him. You won't give ma a chanco to gut a word in c(lgowle,"-tl)etrolt Free Press. To accept good ndvico In to increnso olio's own nblllty.-Goethe; ' Modrord Printing compnny carry full line of legul blunks, ART QFJWNING Toxlcolorjy Mndo n Record In tho .. ' Seventeenth Century. ,. SECRETS NOW HAPPILY LOST It Was "In TodiJl to' Rediscover Them Thnt 3alntt-Crolx, the Accomplice of the Notorious Mm. de Drlnvllllert Met His Traolo Fate. Tho IkisIh of most poisons In tho six teenth nnd seventeenth centurion wit nraenle. It was extremely ouny to pro cure, thtfitanto wn cony lo hide, and until Mnrsh'n test was dlscovervd about n hundred years ngo Its (races wore difficult to discover. In the sov putecnth century toxicology reached heights thnt It has never since attnlu ed. The laboratories of tho poisoners In France and Italy contained secrets happily lost todny. Tho preparation of the potions lined during tho reign of Louis XIII. and XIV. may bo briefly described. An unluial was doctored with a dose of arsenic. After death the liquids of tho body were carefully distilled, nnd thu resultant was of extreme virulence, being composed of the virus of nr senlc nnd the alkaloids of decomposi tion. When tho nntmnl thus killed wns credited with a bodily venom the dis tilled liquid was a concent rut Ion of three poisons Instead of two. For this reason tho toad was the favorite sub ject of experiment. This wuh tho poi son used by Mine, do llrlnvllllers. Against it medical skill wns almost helpless. Tho list of monarch whoso denths were nttrlbuted by populur gossip to tho effect of polxon Is n long one. Catherine do Medici was a known poi soner, surrounded by poisoners, nnd her two sons, rrnnels II, nnd Charles IX., were probably hurried to their end by the administration of drugs as welt ns by their feeble stnto of health. Theru aro seme grounds fur tho as sertion that Units XIII. died of ld sou. Ills mother. Mario do' Medici, was said to lo the greatest polxotier of her nge. Tho comment In Paris wni thnt tho king wns well or 111 n he agreed or qunrielod with" tho queen mother. The state ministers ran ties jieroto risks. Itlchelleti suffered from many curious IIIucssm. Ho knew his danger and took eery precaution. Miiznrln's denth en mint wholly Inj ex plained by unturnt onuses. The death of (he sister of Charles II. of I.'ng land Is also n matter of mystery. The chief accomplice of Mine, do llrlnvllllers and perhaps actually the luntlgntor of many of her crimes was t.nudlu de SnlntM.'rolx, than whom n mora sinister scoundrel does not cross the pace of the century. Ho wns sent to tho Itsstllle, llltcrntcd nnd met his donth before Mine, do Brluvllllers herself wns brought to trial. The accounts of his em) aro cnntllctlug nnd Illuminating. Accord ing to ono of them, Hnlnlo-Crolr wns endeavoring to discover n wilnin the emanations alono of which would Ik able to kill. He had heard of the poi soned napkin with which the joung Dnuphlu. elder brother of Charles Vll. Imd wiped his faco while playing nt tennis and the contnet of which nloim wns sutllchnt to kill. Then (hero was thu gossip nout tho gloves Ixtlonglng to .TenuiiQ d'Albrct. which had Imhui prepared by one of tho Italian poison crs In the train of Catherine do1 Me did, a crime which was never brought homo to Itn Instigators. The secrets of those poisons had been hM, and Knliitc-Crolx wished to llud them. Then) on mo to pass ono of those strange events which Heoni rather to be a punishment from heaven than an Occident- At tho moment when Halute-Crolx, lennlng over his stove, watched his fatal mixture ranch Mm highest stnto of Intensity, the gins mask which covered hit faco and pre served him from the niortnl exhnla (Ions which escaped from tho liquor became unfastened nnd dropped on. Kalntii-Crolx'foll to tho ground ns If struck by a thunderbolt. After tho death of Nulnto-frolx Mine, tie Ilrluvlllk'i-ri took (light ami found a refuge In London ami afterward In the Netherlands. Her arrest was affected by stratagem, and she was brought hack to Purls to stand (rial. The piost damaging testimony against her was that of tho tutor, Ilralncourt, who JiikI been In n measure her unwilling accomplice, In one part of his evidence (ho episode must hnvo suggested to pumas ono scene between IVArtugiinu imd Lmly do Winter desirlieil In "The Threo Musketwrs." Mine, do BrlnvJI Iters was condemned and a full con fesslou of her crimes was wrung fiom jier by tho application of tho lot lure of tho water, ilie remained seven hours In the torture chamber and slid nvowed all her crimes, but denied that Mho had any accomplices. Tho trial, torluio and execution of Mum. do ItrlnvllHnrH served s a tiKiiful Jcsson. Poison did not disappear, but Its practitioner were taught to curb their malevolent enthusiasms, The pursuits of astrology nnd alchemy waned toe a time ( reappear In the ;iext conlury In (he richest fruition in thu person of that astonishing arch liu nostor. Caglloslro,- Bookman Itovlow bf "Mine. Hrlnvlllers and Her Times." Special ptos to all beginning treatment be fore Juno 10th. Acuto and chronic ensoa successfully treated. Deformi ties corrected. Conuultu(lon frco. (.MoelwnQThoraplsta, Chiropractors, N and SpondylothoruplHtH, Drs. A. R. and Louise. B. Hedyos lillO N, Bnltlott Phono, Pacific, Main 4171 Next Door to M, U( Church WIIiIj tWUI OJH TIADW KOR ASH LAND ' .PKOPWHTV UKSinMMW.Atfl.) liOT AT 0128 H. tf t A HAUdAIN OAlih AT JIOUSW i: --. J - Draperies W enrry r viy pomnlKta line of tlrtmm-liiM, IntH onrtolu. fls tures, fU ml An nil oIbmscs of upliolslorlnif. . A siM'dnl mnn ta look nrior this work exulustvfty nml will nlvn n K)d service, ns Is posslliln lo ot Irs uvea the Urncst chips. WEEKS & MgGOWAN GO. PLUMBING Bteam and Hot Water Heating All Work Guarantee Prices lUitsmmble. COFFEEN & PRICE S3 Kowr Blook, antranee on 6th Rt jpcoitio aoai. atom , Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson nnd Buinmll Medford Realty and Improvement Company m. r. a ii. Co. Hide Clark & WrighV LAWYERS . WARIII.VflTO.V, I). O. Public Land Matters: Final Proot Desert Lands, CoutesU nnd Mlnlni Cnsoi. Bcrlp. MISS FLORA GRAY Piano Instruction 144 South Contral Avo. Studio Phone Alain 12-11 Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phenes: Pacific M72 J Ionic !!54 MoHsciitfCi' Sorvico Good Investments 1(10 acres on Applegate, .Id clear; house, barn; cheap. 100 acres, nil good fruit and al falfa laud; orchard, good huuiio and barn. Ono of bent liuyn In tho valley, 70 acres at Kaglo Point, 25 acres planted to pears; will sell or trade for small tract near Medford, Several small tracts to trade for Medford property. . v A. J. LUPTON Cor. HMIi and Fir His, Kooooooooc; Office Supplies A complete lino always on hand,, 'including tiie ' ci'lclmiied Kee Lox Car bons and Ribbons for which wo are Hole agents' - Medford Book Store 00QtOQ'J-QCQC0 WHERE TO OO TONIGHT ISIS lOc THEATRE lOc l.ooli VIi'h Hero First Half of ,VeeU en s nnd; uiniiah In ANIMAL Fl'NOUKIY Tho greatest novelty ever staged. i 'THU SKVKNTII HON" One of the Vllagraph's grimiest productions, u dramii that will louch your heart. "IWKKN MV Hl'UPItlSi:" A story In which tho unexpect ed nhvas happens. 'Till: KTOI.KV IXVHNTION" Iiramatle novelty SCIJXKS I.N'AMHTICIttMM Tlt.NSI'On.M.TIN OF HCUAP I BOX tOUO fne( or Feature Photo Plays Hpechil Matinees every Haturday and Hominy at II p, m. Kveulug performanco, 7.30 THEATRE 'I ho place ulicro )iiu brcalbo frcrli air Advanced Vaudeville and Motion Pictures HOT AXI) WAI.T STUKI.V Talk funnily, piny prettily, slug charmingly Till: HANK PltlCSIDKNT'S SOX puworful drama ItATIIfNO CAVAI.UV IIOIISMS A military filftiuro Slth somo real sport In It. AM Ol' I'ltlNTINO An educatlouiil e)o-opcuar WOltKIMI I'OU III IlltV Another sldcnillttlug lluunygrnph. This In where you'll seo him nt his best. Al SATilHIt lo Song WOOIAVOIITHH, Hid .MiiMlilniit Admfsslon lOe, Children He MATINHKH DAIIA' It will bo here on Juno II, 12, 1,1 '(INIilIIIKIiliA" Scllg's sublime iniislerpleco for old and young allien BARGAIN FOR SALE (lira lest aulo bargain il! iln; season, 2r h. ). roadsUiJ'J new, in 1 1 less (hau .150 iniles. Will sell at groat sacrifice. .Home phone J101-X or wrjle JANES BROS. .. MORTGAGE LOANS .Money on hand at all times lo loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rales wilh "on or before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 320G-C.Bldg. m. !5 JN J Mr GO acros, six miles from Medford, good graded road crouses tho tract, nil froo soil, tit 50 per aero. $1000 will hnudlo, easy tonus on bnluuco, Part In crook bottom land, uultuhlo for alfalfa. Bovoral DprlngH on -tho placo, Tlmhor enough to pay for tho tract, No bijlldluga, In tho Griffin crook district, W.T.York (a Go. HEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Aro Hnlil In Moiiho null ovary Tliurwliiy nt !l ji, m. Kvorybudy lavltojl. . k