Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 04, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A ilanco nnd card social will bo
given by tliu ladles of the Catholic
church, Wednesday, Juno B, In the
parish hall. A mimical prop ram will
nUo bo glvon by Misses Flynn and
Mr. and Mrs; C. "W. McDonald lrt
Monday for an extended Eastern trip.
They will spend several weeks at
their former homo at Spirit Lake,
Iowa, i
Tho Medford Conservatory for
Music and Languages, tho only music
school In Southern Oregon with a full
corn of iteaohcrs, will bo open all
summer,' ; G. Talllandler, director.
The'fjrator Lake Lumber company
lias a crow of men at work tearing
down jho warehouse by their box fac
tory. - They have stored a large num
ber of boxes in their box factory.
Blaine Khun returned Tuesday
morning from a short visit with rela
tives at Ashland.
Mathews & Son do draylng, trans
fcrrlng and furniture packing. Both
phones, Suuday work a specialty. SG
J. P. Illtter of the firm of Hitter &
Dunlap returned Monday evening
from a couple or three months' ab
sence In California. While Mr. Hitter
was away he was operated upon for
the relief of a serious stomach trou
blo nt McCIoml. The operation was
a success and Mr. Hitter has almost
entirely recovered his usual good
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Chadwlck
returned Monday night to their home
In Philadelphia after a month or six
weeks' stay in Mcdford. Mr. Chad
wlck owns a largo orchard tract near
Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50
per single cord. Special low prices in
car)oad lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
Ctb and Fir,
This week tho Shapleigh Hardware
company on South Central aro demon
strating aluminum ware. Mrs.
Strong, an expert cooks shows the
ladies how to cook in aluminum dish
es without scorching or burning. She
bolls a quart of milk down to one-half
pint and doesn't scorch. Fudge is
made from do sugar and ungrated
chocolate without stirring, and many
interesting experiments are conducted-.
In addllon the fudge, peanut
brittle, etc., is passed out freo of
15 E. D. Weston, commercial nhotoe-
rapher, negatives saade any time or
l place by appointment. Phone M, 1471
Harry G, Smith, traveling passen
ger agen of the Northern Pacific,
spent Monday in eMdford looking
after the Interests of his line.
Save ?2 to J10 by buying your
trunk and suit case at 10G North
Front street. Will H. Wilson & Co.
C. E. Fisher, staff writer for Sun
set Magazine, spent several days In
tho valloy the past week collecting
data tor publicity work. Ho is the
author of the recreation pamphlets
Issued by the Soutborn Pacific, the
most attractive booklet of Its kind
yet Issued.
Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
Mr, and Mrs. Kinder have returned
from a visit with friends at Ashland.
H. J, Boyd of Ashland was a re
cent visitor in Medford.
D. H. Jackson has a number of
friends here from Mexico who ho Is
showing through the valley. They
may Invest In tho valley.
A. S. Galloway of Ashland was a
recent visitor in this city.
Carkin & Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), attorncys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank building,
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Noyraan of Ga
Hcq mining district aro spending a
few days In Medford on business.
Through an error In Monday's Is
sue of the Mall Tribune it was stated
that Noah Lyons of this city was ar
rested Sunday evening for disorderly
conduct in a local picture show. The
man who created the disturbance
was James Lyons, no relation to the
Mr, Lyons mentioned.
Boa R, A, Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bank.
Honry P. Boyd or Medford will
loave Thursday for an extonded trip
throughout the eastorn states. He
will visit his former homo at Balti
more while away.
Lawn nud garden supplies. Shap
leigh Hardware.
Mrs.' Abbie Streets left Tuesday
morning for a visit with friends at
Grant Pass, She will be absent sev
eral days.
Harry Littleton spont Tuosday at
tho Applegate on business.
Wo have two showcases at a bar
gain. 10G North Front street. 03
Bentop Bowers of Ashland passed
. '
through Medford Tuesday on hi way
to attend a special meeting of the
count) court nt Jacksonville.
Shapleigh Hardware, 2S So. Con-'
tral. '
Lohls P. Scott of Dead Indian Is
In Medford for a few dayH on busi
ness. Mr. Scott had no been In Med
ford for tho iwst three years and was
greatly surprised ny tho progress
made by the city since his previous
visit. He formerly resided on the
Jacksonville road.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir 4.S0
per single cord. Special low prices In
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty.' Co.-.
6th and Fir.
Editor Coutant of tho Grants Pass
Courier was a recent visitor In Med
ford. He states that tho road un tho
Applegate is fast getting Into splen
did condition for nutomobllo travel.
Lincoln Travers of Ashland is In
Medford on a short business f rip.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir J-1.50
per single cord. Special low prices In
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
Gth and Fir.
Miss Alice Galloway of Eugeuo Is
spending n few days in Medford with
friends. With her mother she form
omly resided In this city but ha been
engaged In teaching near Springfield
during the past year. I
Kvery day Is bargain day at 106
North Front street. Tho cheapest
store In the west. Will II. Wilson &
Co. 63
James Kershaw of Antelope was a
recent visitor In Medford. He is
feeling happy over the continued In
crease In the price offered for mohnlr
and expects to realize In tho neighbor
hood of 37 cents for his crop.
S. A. Newell, ladles tailor, 4th
floor M. P. & H. Co. bldg. "
Louis Kittcnger of Foots crook
spent Tuesday in Medford on busi
ness. He is one of tho residents of
Foots creek who is not engaged in
mining confining his attention to al
falfa and hogs.
Jnmes Lewis of Central Point spent
Tuesday In Medford on business.
George King has returned from a
business trip south.
Mrs. D. F. Turner of Roruo River
spent Tuesday In Medford on a short
pleasuree trip, spending the day with
friends here.
Beef, mutton. Jamb and pork at
the Medford city market, Juue C,
stalls 11 and 12. G3
With tho arrival o (lit) "Hprlnij
Maid" In it special train running an
tho second section of train 10 this
afternoon one of tho best lipoma now
on the mad will ho In the city for an
cnuaueiuiiut at tho Medford opera
house thla evening. Thoiitorgoum
have linen untlclpntlug tho pleasure
for some tlmo.uud the opoiu Is pro
nouuci'd by critics to he one of the
very host.
Manager .MuCulIunt or the opera
luxnm hnH done everything possible
to maku the evening nun to ho re
nuuubored. The building, was cooled
today ho that It will bo pleasant this
o oping.
What "The Man from lloiini" wan
In tho line of ilnuiiu neon In thin elty
so the "Spring Muld" will bo lu the
operatic luo,
TOLEDO, Ohio, Juno I With the
avowed Intent Ion of Tin dug the unit
rule, tho mtppoi'tcrM of Judsou Har
mon ex pout to cunt rot the iil)uioerullc
tftutu convention, which meet hero
tonight. Harmon la lining tho entire
Deinoemtto iniiohliiury of tho stale to
secuiu cuutiol.
If tho unit rule Is enforced by tho
governor and his HiippiiiteiH, tho dele,
ifutcit pledged to Woodinvv WIImiiii
plan to rise up a the natliinal con
vention lu altlmnre, toll how (hoy
woio elected and ilenhuo (lint lino1
worn robbed of their vote lu (ho Ohio
Ntnto convention.
Two show girls ditched here by the
Arnold Amusement company must
produce a valuable dog collar they
aro said to have taken from thu neck
of Jack Neff s prize- terrier by four
o'clock this afternoon or spend the
night In thu city jail. A demand was
made on them for tho collar thin mor.
nlug but the disclaimed any knowl
edge of it. The opllce have .witnesses
to the effect that the girls attempted
to steal both the dog and the collar
the dog making his getaway and re
turning home.
A man who gives his name as Bay
Brown and poses as a husband of one
of tho girls will also be arrested un
less the stolen articles are recovered.
It is claimed by the police that they
have a clear case against the three.
.the fact that under the Meillonl ehur-
lor. the coiuitv wits compelled to ImiM
;the limine, that .Medford liml Rime
iilown the lino for Allium! Inn! cnt
jits liuoitcr to Salem to wink for the
i normal school hud appeared before
me eouuiy court to icure an appro
priation lor the Alithiil armory, lie
nlso called attention t the fact Hint
.Metlt'onl encli year pay- to Hie pn
eral road fund of J.ieknon county
-$13,000, of wliieli it got no inonev
hack ami thnt this wtw the fiit time
any money liiul been asked, lie
stated that he believed that .Medl'or.1
was entitled to (lie bridge as Portland
(Continued from Page 1)
wgk jrboBMi v, w. wuki ten
A. X. Onr, MM
WASHINGTON, Juno 4. A fist
fight In which Robert Young Thomas,
junior democratic congressman from
Kentucky and Joseph Annan, a Wash
ington newspaper reporter, were tho
two belligerents, enlivened the ses
sions or the Investigation or charges
against Judge Robert Archbald ot tho
commerce court beforo tho house Ju
diciary committee here this after
noon. Angered at an article which Annan
had written, Thomas called the re
porter out Into the corridor, where
their heated words became so loud
that the committee was forced t
close tho doors.
Then the men came to blows, and
rolled about together on tho floor,
scratching each other's faces and
pulling each other's hair. Bystapd
erH separated tho combatants. No
nrrefcts were made.
SEATTLE, Juno 4. W. H. Paul
hamus of Sumner, president of tho
state senate, will be a candldato for
governor this fall. This Is vouched
for today by some of Paulhamus
Closest frionds here and leaders In tho
Roosevelt fight.
Paulhamus will enlist under the
Roosevelt banner, whether It Is the
progressive republican banner or that
or an entirely new party as the result
of tho Chicago convention. His for
mal announcement will probably not
be made until after the convention.
Paulhamus was one of the chief lead
ers in tho progressive republican con
vention nt Aberdoen recently.
The Suit Man
Calf and look over twelve hundred
samples ot tho latest weaves In
Men's Suitings,
A mado to your (measure suit, ab
solutely guaranteed to fit, guaran
teed all pure wool and guaranteed to
hold Its shape. Made to your meas
ure suits,
$18.00 to S40.OQ
Room 8, Palm Building.
online to specifications on file,
steel concrete. ;M.r.0U0: coii'-rete
trestle, .4X4S0
Alfred Ivey: According to own
plans, $33,27(1.
Bids Under AilvKciiicut
Following the opening of the In'iU
Pounty Judge Neil announced that
the bids would be taken under ad
visement until 1:30 o'clock Thursday
Judge Neil then announced that
several persons were pro-cut to dis
cuss u protest which had been handed
the county court just previous to its
meeting. Ho announced that if any
one lind niiything to uy that tho
court would hear (hem.
Ik'iiton Bowers of Ashland wns the
first man to spunk. He said that lie
itpjR-nred before the court only us u
representative of (ho men who hnu
signed the protect to (ho court nnd
tlmht (hey would certainty 'ijoiii lire
court if it persisted in going nlieiul
with tho matter. It was following
Mr. Bowers' first talk that JiuL'O
Neil told him that he had butter "get
busy'' for the court eerttiinly would
let a contract for tho erection of tho
bridge, ns the court believed the pres
ent one to be inndeouitte for the traf
fic over i(, and that the county was
required to keep the bridge in proper
condition to accommodate travel.
Judgo E. K. Kelly of Medford then
nsked Mr. Bowers to htute his exiwt
rcjisoiiK for opposing tho bridge. Mr.
Bowitk did ho, naming the following
specific reasens:
I lowers States IteiiKons
3. The county debt now ojwciIm
its legal limits.
2, The county could not afford
the bridge nt the prenunt tinio,
3, The bridge wjin in tbo nntiiru of
grunting MixJford n bpeoinl privilege
ut tlio pxpeuso of (ho county.
4. Thnt Medford bud secured fur
iiiore tliuii her share of the county
funds in the past. .
fi. '1'lial (be-present bridge is ndc
(pmlo for present needs.
0, Thnt tbo county Iiiih paid the
Medford road dislriet enough- in tbo
pilHt for Medford to build its own
7. That there is no demand for
such n structure outsido of Hie city
of Medford jib it is not on u innin
8. Tlmt tbo money ih needed olso
wbcro in tbo county.
Neff Replies to Bowers
City Attorney Neff spoke next nud
taking Bowei-s' reasons 'for opposing
tbo bridge called attention to tin fuel
(lint the chiof argument used by Bow-
ern wih tbo fact Unit tbo bridge was
in llio nntiiro of u special nrivilcL'o
for Medford. JIo culled uttciiliou to
QUi:ili:t Camilla, June , That
thu condition of DueheuM of Con
naught, wlfo of the Kovcrunr general
of Cunadu, who is mirroring with up-
pondlcltlH, Ik not muiIouh, wan de
clared lmn today. As a precaution
Dr. Garrow, a surgical expert, wum
rushed bore by special train last night
hut the attack In not acute, and there
has been no necessity for his services
so rur,
The report that tho duchess was
seriously 111 was at tlrst atronuoiiKly
denied, nnd oven now her condition Is
in Multnomah hud tlioi-nnie pmvitioii uoI,ul'1' ' those In attendance.
in its charter as did Medford wliicl. U ,H "lt;, t duchess Is
much relieved and no change In offi
cial plans Iiiih been mado on account
or her Illness.
Thu Duku or Conuaught nnd the
Prlncena Patricia visited Laval uni
versity toduy.
Owing to the great domain! for
seats tonight for the "Spring Maid"
notice Ih hereby given porxnim having
seats set iiHldo tor them that they
munt secure same before 0 o'clock.
I Out-of-town ordoi-H will ho held until
y p. m
The curtain will bo rung up at
8- 1ft and those' who are Into will have
to remain ataudlug until the neuoud
The ulilv bllMUCMM tnuiMiirli'il by
the cotiutv court nt IU special ses
sion this morning other Hum receiving
libln fur lb uili'uel,lon of a bridge
over Hen I' creek in tills city win (be
renewing of u conlruel with I'. .1,
(t'diini, palliologitt and cutomologlM,
for auotber year's work,
The eonlrncl rovei I be year from
July 1, UM2, to dune 3D, 11113. II
irnvl(b"i for tin' Miiuie aullloilly, help
and salnry n ireviouHy given to
liiiu, lie I paid $0,01111 u year.
Oiiccii Wltlieliiiliui In Pails
I'AltIS Juno :i. Oiieou Wllhel-
in I tut of liollaud and the prince con
noil are lu Pails today for a thieo
ilnys' official visit. They were ac
corded mi cnthnxliintlc reciMitlou.
Jack llendrlcltii' Denver team, win
ner of (ho Wt'iitern league pennant
last season, Is nut lit front amt going
stron it.
I Jerry, peueh, pear itiul np
ple boxes lor sale elicnp. Vu
have an assort uient of boxes
which we desire to dispose of
al oiiee al very attraelivi;
prices. Call al Orator Lake
Lumbor Company factory
opposite Southern Pacific
passenger station.
rovidcd (hut the county hall build
nnd repair bridgo.
Judge. K. K. Kelly of Medford at
tacked .Mr. Bowers' statement that
the bridge win iideipmle for (be traf
fie over it. lie stated that one-fourth
of the imputation of the county used
this bridge us u regular channel
that it would make one sensick to
"tund in the center ofthe bridge when
an automobile was crossing it.
Bowers Not Interested
Mr. Bowers elo.eJ bis remarks l
stating that he wa'only apKariu
as thu rcpresentatiie of thu protest
ants and (hlit hc")i?r?nnntly wtm not
coneerned. He stated (but be bad not
ciiftulated one of the petitions and
had not itsked a mini to sign one.
.Amotitr the men from Medford who
attended the scion were Messrs.
Dudley, Caiion, Porter, Huntley,
Smith, Ganiett,, Foster
Knitiier, Waruor, Beddy, Brown,
Haling, Kebicffefin. Kentner, Kelly,
TouVclle. Ban. Bell, .Mcdynski, WhN
lor, fletcbell. Vande Carlloke, Nich
olson, Kidd, Mipuley, Dr. Beddy
Wold, Deuel, Leonard, Holme's,
French, .Miller, .Merrick, Boos, Skin
ner, Page, Perry, Ciiminiiigs, Neff,
Colvig, hey and Whisler.
A water color drawing of the pro
imihciI bridge over Bear f'reek is on
display in (he window of (he Medford
( ommercinl C'luL.
WEDNESDAY MENU, 9 . m to 6 p. m.
Futile, Peanut Brittle and Gundy Served Free
hiiporlntcndent CIoo. II, Tubbs
atates tljat tho flve-Htamp mill on tho
property of the Oregon Strong Ludgo
mino (formery known a tho Mlchl
gun mine) near Murphy, waB started
up last week and In now running a 12
hour Bhlft, and ban 12 men at work.
In order to operate tho mlno It Is
neccHsary to pump wutor 2,700 foot
nnd with tho preaent reservoir it Ih
Impractical to operate more than tho
12 hours dally. Additional reservoir
space wll bo constructed, which, with
operating tho punipa for 10 hours,
will give sufficient water to run tho
Htamp mil) 2 1 hours. Tho mill has a
capacity of 2fi tons for tho hair shirt.
Rip-p-p-P"p! "
Out Come Thousands'
of Dress Shields!
Hereafter, Madame, You Are Going to
Fool More "Comfy" Under tho Anns.
Olrlt.u.iliiKoboTof IM'.tlHIM'NO rlht
nwfiy nt tlio iiriijf atoro. nail u't oiik of
tho MirprUtf of your life. It iiiuuia tho
as of ilrc tilkli U kuiiu.
Aluminum Sauce Pan
No Mom Illllneil flomn, fo lnrn Itr
hiiiridt, if Vim Vtv rcJtsn-No.
l'KIIHI'I'NO Jioepi tho nrm-pltn jiutn
frci unit dry n nuy otln-r imrt ut (liu
txxly. Von can wear any wi-ltriit of
clotlitiiK, ln In hot utiitTy ruonin, la a
tsnnu tlniitro or (Iuikv-IhiII and never
viirrilru In tlio nriM.pIt, ThoeoInrK
In it coloruit kowii will nuvur run, Tliu
i-loth will nuvur Xiulu, uut tlll front por
iplrntloii iiiut ttii'it rot ami tear unit ruin
your kowii nt tliu nrin-plt. Ntivt-rinornl
No lnoro rolling upof Urdu ililiilil llku
ropoi xiiulor tliw nriim. PJCllHI'l-NII U
a Ut'lliilitful powder, ubieliituly mifo for
evwrylxHly, nnd never ImriuH any fabrlu.
Jt'i u wumlor. Try It once, and Imi con
vlnced. You apply It with u pud, wliloti
U imckod with every box.
Hutufiictlou or money back.
I'KItHI'NNO if for udo ot your Ortis
iflnt'HiitSVJtilKix.orwiitillrt'Cl.on receipt
of price, by tliu I'urjpo Co., 7I6 Lincoln
Avi., Oliluiitfo. i'oruloiiad recoiiiinuadvd
hi Meilfenl liy Chu. 3lr.n, L. U. liuldnt,
MJlai l'hrnicy.
1 quurt milk boiled down to 1-2 pint
without scorching. Fudge from
Chocolate without gritting or
tcvtRi stirring, i'cunut Urittle
from dry augur
Shapleigh Hardware
L8 South (Viil nil
AT 528, S. Flit
IMTO.V UOI'GK, I,a., Juno 4. In
illcatlona were hIioiik today that tho
I.ouiHiana state domocratlc convoiu
tlon would eniloino Champ Clark for
tho nomination f(Jr pipHldeiit ut its
hohsIoii tonight.
Of tho twenty utato doIOBatcs, who
will ho unlnntructed, Clurk nrohuhly
wll net tho Bitpiiort of H.
WANTED Jhimuqjio noryant,
i)reH It, care Mali Trihuno,
WANTKD- -Girl for ponorul houiio
work, miiBt he jooiI coolc, addroHH
W, euro .Mull Trlhujio.
Fine Tailoring For Ladies
Ladies, wo want your spring and, humuhm'
suit to he an everyday reminder that, we are tlio to make all your future orders. Our am
hitioii is to become your tailors.
We guarantee our work in every particular;
our standard is high.
Berlin Ladies1 Tailoring Co.
We do Romodoling,
Phone Main W(V
219 West Main Street iMedl'ord, Oregon
Noonehestu'r Brothers have purchased the gro
cery business of W. P. tttobaugh, tho Olsen Street
Grocery. All orders will he delivered promptly and
customers aro guaranteed courteous and fair treat
Phenes: Paeirie.n772;lI'one:jr),r)-IC. ftltulford, Ore,
"" "-
0- ,.,-, 7 -......!,'. T.'' T-..i.,lTTSSrr.l- l ...,-" '..". !!.! ?'?.'.'. -SSSSS!'
x .iff - 'v .
I Complete J
r Stock i
MWJIiU1 li .
An Investment in a
requires careful thought and the firoper con
fidence, in a firm to warrant absolute satis
faction to nolo the proper comparison you
must inspect them from a Jargo and well se
lected stock, such as 1 am able to show. In
this way you can become thoroughly familiar
wiui vaiues ana icei assurea or sale ana eco
nomical buying through my binding guarantee,