Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Noah Lyons wbb arrested Sunday
evening for rrcatlnK a tllsturlinnco In
a tocnl picture show. Ho was fined
f 10 In tlio jioltco court today after
spending the night In Jail.
fork,' Il'ntte -vVf 11 lenvo this ovonlnR
for lifer former home nt Albion, Mich.,
whorjd he will make arrangements
for the shipping of hoVfROhold furnl
turo lo Mod ford. Her hushand. Dr.
Ratte has decided to tocato here..
They are both charmed with the vrtl
Tho Medford Conservatory for
Music and Languages, tho only music
school In Southern Oregtin with a full
corps of 'tcftchcrst will bo open all
Bummer. 0. Talliandier, director.
'Clifford Beckett Is spending it' few
das' 'at Lelaiid "Where his father Is
reported lo'bo seriously 111.
O. H. Lawler left Sunday evening
for Chicago on a business trip. Ho
will probably be absent tor six
Mathews & Son do draylng, trans
fcrrlng and furniture packing. Both
phones. Sunday work a specialty. S(J
Charles Cay will leave Tuesday for
a visit at Westvllle. Ho was formerly
in charge of the commissary at the
tanagor McCallum of the Medford
opera houso announced today that
all tickets not called for by six o'clock
Tuesday afternoon will be placed on
sale again. As the advance sale has
been heavy the seats will all be in
demand. Tho "Spring Maid" is
proving very popular.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50
per single cord. Special low prices in
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co..
6th and Fir.
Judge Colvig returned from a trip
to California Saturday evening.
George Treat of "Woodvillo Ib
spending a few days lu Medford on
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives tmade any time or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1471
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Ellliott of Med
ford and Leslie Cook and family of
Grants Pass returned Sunday night
from a fohr days trip to Crescent
Professor Griffin of tho high school
faculty left Sunday for the east. He
expects to take up a course of work
at Columbia university.
Save $2 to $10 by buying your
trunk and suit case at 10G North
Front street. Will H. Wilson & Co.
Martin L. Erlckson, supervisor of
the Crater National forest, left Sun
day for a visit at Pelican Bay where
he will transact considerable busi
ness in connection with recent sales
of timber In that section to lumber
men who have started manufacturing
on a largo scale.
Kodak finishing, the best, at Wei
ton's, opposite book store.
ft. J. Colo of Hilt, Cal Is spending
a few days In Medford on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weber of Eagle
Point spent Sunday in Medford with
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkla,
Glens O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank building,
A vaudeville act of more than us
ual merit i being shown this week
nt the Star theater. Some high class
comedy is seen while the singing is
exceptionally good.
Mrs. D. A. Phillips of Talent spent
Monday in Medford. .
Kodak work done neatly and
quickly at Gregory's, the old reliable.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson of
Eugene were recent visitors lu Med
ford. W. A. Clement of Salem spent Sun
day in Medford.
Gregory Is making big reductions
on nlh photos to graduating pupils.
A. P. 'Haack of Yreka i&Mrlslting
friends In Medford. He states that
great preparations are being made
lor the mining congress to be held in
that city in July, Preparations are
being made for entertaining over 300
Bee R. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bank.
Miss Ellne Curry of Savngo Creek
was u recent visitor in Medford.
Lawn and garden supplies. Shap
lolgh Hardware.
M. B. Whlpplo, M. Burkhart and
Louis Slvors of Rogue River wero
recent visitors In this city.
Mr, and Mrs. McLalu, Mrs. J. L.
nnd Miss eorgial Cllne, Mr. and Mrs.
eGo. Pankoy, Mr. Bawn, Ern Engram,
Win. Martin wero among tho .many
Central Polntors that Bpont Saturday
ofternoou in Medford.
Wo havo two showcases at a bar
gain. 10C North Front street. C3
Sty Vfaoss NTt
viyM nuMi x. w. wk sort
A. S. Orr, MM
Robert Main who has Just com
pleted n term of school nt Ruch Is In
Medford 7MHng friends, lie expects
16 loavo soon for his former home In
Illinois, where he will spend tho fetnn.
Mr. and Sirs. O. C. Boggd havo loft
for a visit nt eastern points. They
will spend several weeks at their for
mer homo at Champaign, HI.
Shaplelgh Hardware, 2S So. Cen
tral. Charles Champlln of Foots Creek
was a recent visitor in Medford on
business.' He reports things booming
down his way In tho mining line,
Anna HlgKlnbotham of Kano's
creek was u recent visitor In Med
ford. Cord wood, hardwood ,and fir $4. GO
per single cord. Special low prices In
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
6th and Fir.
A. S. Deanc of Climax was a recent
visitor In Medford.
B. W. Thomas returned Sunday
from n fishing trip to Squaw Lake.
He reports splendid luck.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50
per Bluglo cord. Special low prices in
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
6th and Fir.
B. F. Mulkey, district attorney,
spent Monday at Eagle Point On
business attending to a case which
arose dtfer a dam which Is said to
obstruct tho stream.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson return
ed Sunday to their home on the west
side of the valley after a visit In
Mrdford with friends.
Every day is bargain day at 106
North Front street. Tho cheapest
store In the west. Will H. Wilson &
Co. C3
Mrs. E. Cameron of Union Is spend
ing a few days in Medford visiting
her daughters, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs and
Miss Bernico Cameron.
Louis Powers of Watklns spent
Monday in Medford on a short busi
ness trip. He recently purchased two
very fine Jersey cows In tho Wil
lamette valley and will devote much
of his time in the future to raising
fancy stock.
8. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. P. & H. Co. bldg.
Sam Johnson of Steamboat spent
Monday in Medford. Ho brought In
n few splendid specimens from his
mining claim In that section, and
created considerable Interest In local
mining circles.
E T. Staples of Ashland was a vis
itor In Medford.
Elmer A. Hjcks spent Saturday af
ternoon nt the court house In Jack
sonville on business.
Mrs. Thomas Hull has returned
from a short visit with friends near
Eagle Point.
A large number of local people
visited Butte Falls Sunday taking ad
vantage of the excursion on the Paci
fic & Eastern.
Peter Steenstrup spent Sunday on
the Applegate fishing. He reports
splendid success.
Allen T. Evans of Ashland spent
Monday In Medford on business. The
fame of the public market has spread
to that city and a number of truck
gardnere and ranchers of that vicin
ity arc planning to visit the market
J. A. Baxter who was formerly con
nected with the Gold Hill Railroad &
Lumber company was a recent visi
tor. He Is now engaged Irt develop
ing tract of land near Roucburg.
The California-Oregon Power com
pany is constructing a branch lino up
Evansn creek. Several ranches and
mining properties will bo supplied
with power.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Blacklngton
have returned to their Gold 111)! home
after a visit of several days with
friends In Medford.
Ed Dlmlck of Rogue River was a
recent visitor In .Medford. Ho re
ports things booming In tho little
P. W. Steels of Rogue River who
is Interested in the development of a
largo tract of land near that place
was a recent visitor In Medford.
.Benton Bowers of Ashland passed
through Medford Monday on IiIb way
to visit his -property near Eagle Point
J. H. Wilson, tho expert employed
by the county court to audit the
books of tho county officials, has is
sued thc following report on tho fin
ancial condition of the office of
Itondmastur W. V. Harmon. The
period covered lu the report Is from
April to September, 1911:
From April to September, 1911,
there was Issued warrants to W. W,
Harmon, rondmaster, on his requlsl
tlon, to pay road crews, surveys,
freight, bridges and Incidentals, the
sum of $-tri,2S6.rii.
There was paid him In cash from
donations, etc., ns follews:
From Crater Lake nss'n....$ 2,500.00
From Col. Ray to npply
on road 6,300.00
Alva ranch 4."o
Jncobseu-lladc company.... fit!. 83
Jacksonville, for culverts 81.00
Sale old bridge materials 5,00
Total $54,233.93
Mr. Harmon has nccounted for
this money as follews:
Paid on bridges $ V'00.00
Paid on Flounce Rock
grade 5,000.00
Paid by sundry checks
on roads, t bridges.
freight, etc 38,317.84
'Outstanding checks 175.77
Lost check (lost hi bnnk,
after payment, receipt
here) 112.50
Discounts on warrants 3,183.91
Deposited In treasury,
February. 1912 2,043.91
Deposited In treasury Feb
ruary, 1912 900.00
$8.C0 In excess paid, $S5.77 In
excess deposited.
One check paid, balance In
I have verified these payments by
the documents of original entry, ex
cept the $3000 delivered to tho Co
lumbia Brldgo company in warrants
and the discount for neither of which
Is any record available.
Respectfully submitted,
A Treacherous Trouble.
Medford People Point the Way Out.
Kidney diseases are very danger
ous. They coma on silently, gain
ground rapidly, and cause thousands
of deaths that could hnvo been pre
vented by proper treatment In tho be
fjnnlug. Nature gives early warnings
of kidney disease backache, twinges
of pain when stooping or lifting,
headaches and urinary disorders. If
these symptoms are unheeded, there
Is grave danger of dropsy or futnl
Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney
Pills havo earned a reputation for
their effectiveness in kidney troubles,
and are known and recommended the
world over. Medford testimony proves
the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills to
our reudors.
G. M. Jones, 1404 N. Central Ayo.,
Medford, Ore., says: "I found Doan's
Kidney Pills especially adapted to my
cuso. My back was very stiff and
painful and I hud other annoying
symptoms of kidney trouble. Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured at nHsklnu'
Drug Store, brought mo prompt re
lief und since taking them my health
hus been much better. This excellent
remedy has earned my endorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for tho United
Remember the nntne Doan's
and take no other.
on Little Butte creek.
Born to tho wlfo of W. A. Cowley
at Central Point, May 30, 1912, a
Notice K. J
Knights of Pythias, work In first
and second rankns tonight. All
knights are requested to bo on hand.
Visitors aro welcome.
The Suit' Man
Call and look over twelvo hundred
samples of tho latest weaves In
Men's Suitings.
A made to your measure suit, ab
solutely guaranteed to fit, guaran
teed all pure wool and guaranteed to
hold Its shape. Made to your meas
ure suits,
$18.00 to 910.00
Tbe Awakening of
Rip Van Winkle
ss&8B5 jf9
Was nothing to tho general awaken
ing of users of Glasses and Spectacles
to tho superiority of my lenses and
methods of fitting tho oyes with the
correct glasses to suit tho Individual
vision. I prcscrlbo and adjust tho
kind of Glasses thnt will Improvo tho
sight and rest tho oyes.
No Drugs (drops) Used.
Tluir-iluy oveuim. June tl. the
irmlnnliiii e.eivles of tlie your will
ho lit Id ly Si. Alur.v's Aenilemy.
The follow ii ptiujiuin lias hui'ii nr
rnnisedt ,'
Mimdie llontfrolf.o .KownNki
I'iiuin I Mtitul Newlie rr.v.Mnry llelti
Plsum I MHiulo NVwherry
Mtiry Deuel
Pimm 11 -Cnrolyn Andrews
I .llWUIlllilK' Hoot
Where My Caravan lla- Healed....
tiorflldiiio .Mik-ehe
Andante be Lucia tit I.Hiimiermoor. . .
Mnttd Xiitrhtti'v
Cheerfulness .. Humbert
Senior Voonl Clus
Adoration Uorows.d
Irene Sullivan
(Irnnde Polka do Concert. . .Hurtles I
Pimut 1 Mnittl Newbury
Catherine Deuel
Pimm II Carolyn Amlruws
lotiopliliio lioot
Couloirim; of ruriimtltw honor on
Mixs Alloone It, KliiKsbllrv.
Address ..Itev. II. Phillip. C. SH. K,
" " ' ' ' i ' '
Tho most ardent w'urkor rr oimnl
suffrage lit the national capital In said
to ho Mrs. Atleo Pomerono, wlfo Of
the Konntor from Ohio. J)urltig hnr
husband's campaign lu Ohio Mr.
Pomerono took n great Interest lu tin
political chmiKe.H, nnd today hIio U
said to be one of tho licit Informed
women In Washington.
IviiglcN Take Notice
Rogue River Aerlo No. 1277 will
on next Thursday (Juno 0th) tench
Home fledgeling tho use of wings,
Your presence Is exported. Cheaper
to come than to stay away.
All visiting memliorH most cordial
ly Invited. A big time assured.
03 Worth President.
Wo arc goiii lo clost out every pieee of Hand
Painted China, Mt. Glass and (lold Doeorated
Austrian Glass in the store. Special price, (if 120
to f)0 per cent, discount marked on each piece.
Dufc Glass Salt and Poppers, regular $1.00 to $2.00
a pair qualities... Closing Out Price, pair ,75
"Regular $2.50 to 3.f)0 value :...$1.50 to $2.00 value ... . $1.00
Regular $1 to $1.50 values .,75
"Regular 75c to $1.00 value 50
200 .Midget Brass Covered .Kern Dishes and
Flowerpots, 25c value, 15, 2 Tor 25
At Half Price
Your choice tomorrow of any $2.50 to $10.00
Dressed or Kid Body Doll in the store at just
One-Half the marked price.
TALCUM I Paper Drinking Cups,
POWDER I 10 in sealed pkg. 5
15c can, 2 for 25 I 25 in sealed pkg. 10
Men's and Ladies' All Leather Work and Driv
ing Gloves, pair 50 to $1.50
First Door West of Oarnett-Corey Ildw.
Tuesday Noon, June 4, come one, come all. (Bring
35(i with yqu). All home cooking well served, fi'om
31:30 a, m. to 1:30 p. m. Pleasant wailresses, good
music while, you eat.
Sunrise laundry
famiiAt WAHiima a spe'cMity amj work .guahantukd
Orders called for and dellvored. Flrat cIubh work done by hand,
Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and pressod. Tel. Main 7831;
Home, 37. Coruor Eighth and South Central Avenue.
When you have a party dun 'I wiry about
tho cat'cringlel us do dial. V)r niaku a
specialty of furnishing everything for
parties 'and serving it in your homo with
out, the slightest trouble lo you.
Tho Placo to Got tho Boat
Vlim tho Uol booomen Infoatotl with thoVlnti pf "Wto", '""'
Pblioh, the iiyiiliitoOM uro Aoon munlfontod, Th mouth nml throAt ulomlu.
conoer-coloml djwd njipour, tv red nxnh lmmkn out, tlm lmlr boutUH to ooiuo
out, wul uuuully nore nml uleora uliow tltuinnolvcit on Ultlurout imrtn ol uu
body. At tho llrst Bljm of tho dlrnmue 8.8.8, nhould ho tuloin, for tho
trouble I too powerful nnd UrtHKoroun to trlllo with. If nllowoU to run on
thu tondonev i to work down nnd nttivek the bonoft nnd nerves, nml immo
times It nmken n complete physical wreck of tho mUTeror. Tho uUoiuw cull
miilcu no such hondwny if S. S. S. U oommoneoil ami ud ncconlltifilo mroo
tkms; lta projtrena can bo ntoppud. tho uulouii removed, mm Himiih
proiervvd. 8. 8. 8. roou Into tho blood nml romoveu tho Inlllous Vlruw,
cleanses tho olroulutlou und mtihos u complete und poriimuaiit cum UV
.i.i.. i.. i. mil tim ....nk.. n a h nuintrit. tiiiinn .itrnnf no thrt hlooL nml itrnii
unlly tho symptom illsappunr, tho health in Imnrovail, tho skin olntirwl of
all iotH, iKiroa nnd blomlihos, and whan 8. 8.8. hus thorouuhly tnirlltud tho
circulation !io.Uac of tho dlwmHO U left. 8. 8. 8 u purely vaKtnhln leuimly,
.urea OontnlouK Ulood Poison lieotuiso It In Uio Kronteat of all blood purl
tiers, tested Und proven for more titan forty yours. liouio trotitiiiunb
book uud uuy mudlcdl udvico frtie to all who write.
Irrigation Meeting'
Tuesday, June 11, 1912
Medford Opera House
Nine addresses by practical hand Owners, Or
ehardists, .Farmers, MVuck tlardncrs, Merchants and
J3anUers, who are interested in the valley.
Object, "A business campaign for a successful do
termination of irrigation by all tho pooplo In tho
Roguo River Valley."
J Wo havo installed a powerful Vacuum Cleaning
Machine, equal in efficiency to any machine made.
This is not u small portable, electric affair, but a
largo machine, operated by gasoline engine. .It
stands in the street while the work is being done.
J The dirt is removed from the carpet, carried out
of the house and deposited in the machine. J Also
takes out all grease spots. J We are prepared to
take up, clean, remodel and relay your carpets
and rugs. Work guaranteed and prices reasonable.
Medford House cleaning Co
21 Gonosee Street
Main 4224
Now for the Seashore
SenHon Tickets
on Halo .Juno M ,
3-Day Tickets on
Sale Saturday
nnd Sunday to
SeiiHon fun.'H from tho iiiiuclnn! Htufliiin to Newport or Tillamook
Ilonchon nni'iia follewrt: ' '
OroKon City
A Hhl und
Tlokotn to nhovo polntH on milo dnlly K'md nil HonRon, with corro
npondltiK low 'fares from othor polntH. Week und tlekotn nro uliio on
hiiIo from vurlouu polntH,
LeitveH Albany nt 7:30 a. m., CorvalllH 8:00 a. ,m. ami comioctH
with S. P. tralim Id, 1-1 nnd 2S from polntH hoiiIIi.
Call on our noaroHt AKnt for "Vncntlon DnyH In OroKon,".n
heautirully llliiHtratoil linoklet doHUi'ibliiK Varloim ontliiK iokoiIh. or
write to
John M. Scott, Gen. Passenger Agt., Portland, Oro.
Attend tho II, I. O, KIIch Convent Inn, Portland, July H-l!l
Low Karen, to nil polutN MaNt .linin to Hcjilenilicf
Nowpoft d,'iU Tillamook llcacliofl' fl.oo
" O.'-Ti " " t.70 " " noo
loo ' " " 7. no
U.75 " " 7.1(1
. " n.No " " ii.oo
8.7C 12.00
" la. 00 " " 17.20
12.00 " 17.70
Room 8, Palm Building,
J KyoNglit Specialist Over Kentner's: