Oregon Hftttrkal Sir City Hall iHti . ifWWrwWw Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair mid warmer, Mrt. Hflj Mhi. Id. 1eirtyiiicoiiil V'iir. I nltv Hiivmitli Ytnr, MJ3DFORD, OKI0C1OX, MONDAY, .Jl'NIO., lf)12. NO. 62. ROOSEVELT'S MANAGER THREATENS BOLT WALKOUT IS PROGRAM SAYS T. r:s LEADER "If Decision of Contests Is Wrono or Unfair,, People Will Not Sit Idly By ami Sec Rohbery by Any Polit ical Ortianlzation," Says Rcvcll. Prepared for Any Emerucncy and Will Meet It by Proper Action That Is, n Rump Convention. I'lllCAO. June 1.- Thill the Room. Vl'lt HUJIJHU tTM Will hull till) Rcpilb- lii'iui ii it I inttl convention hern if tin 'I'm ft ini'ii secure emit ml r tlui eon wuitinu liv tiny menus which they fiiiiMitlt-r unfair, was indicated here today in a Htuti'iiii'iit issued liy Aim II. Iti'Vt'll, I'liiiiniiiin of tin Roosevelt iiuliouul eiiiuiiilttcc. "If till' lIltl'JMllll lf tlll'SI COIlll'HtH in fliigritiitlv wrong, manifestly un just or unfair," declared Revell, 'no IkhIv would respect a rniuliilnti' dis eliminated ngniust in t hi i-i way if liniii'lv Niihiiiilled." "Vim may put your own const ruc tiou on tluit. Such a Munition in one which will have to liu met wlii'ii it arise. This in tin1 people's move- uii'iit. I In' people have plainly unit 'iiti'il ulioiu tlmy want. If tln con test decisions art not fair, tlm pen ili will not hit idly li.v ami sec rob bery ly any political organization when it frustrate ilin popular will which ha it I ivm dy Iiim'ii expressed. "Wh hunt, tlillt rVlTvtllillL' will emtio out nil riilit, Init wo arr prepared fur any ciiicrgcmty, hutcver llio mIIii. ation Is, wu will meet it with the proper ai'tion." Il was riunari'il lioic toilay that the Roosevelt follower! Inivi' ob tiiiui'il an option on thi first regiment iinnorv bore, an ui'lmu wliii'h i ln licvcd to indicate that the colonel' MiiMirlcrH arc prepared to holt the nationiil convention if iu''("siir(. E I Itirh Dow in nursing a crippled l;nee whih! V. It. Coleman, J. W. Dtidlej ami Harry Liiy are suffering minor bruises today an tho result of n rope breaking while they wen endonvonug lo pull Mom) Hnrlidnll, In- automobile ninl a dog, Turk, out of tho Little Applegalo Stiiulny. Tho hoys pulling on the rope wort! Iiudly shaken !iv the fall, to Hity nothing of the joys ot being suddenly hurled into tho st'eiim, I ho eiirreiit of which was unusually swift ut that point. Dow uiiiy he Iniit tut for n few davs. Tho hoys wont fishing ninl in nl (einpliiig to ford tho creel; with an uulouiohilo were stalled. A rorn was secured ami while Mose stood by (he wheel tho other haiilil away. Tho machine was finally hauled out hy a passing innehiue ami tho hoys alter tinkering with tho engine for Hiino time, iniiimged lo limp on into Med ford, FEATURE OF MARKET NKW YOIUC, Juno 3.In a profoH- Hlonul ami Irrojpilar inurkot, Amor lean Can ainlii Toiujohhoo Copper worn tho only atoekH to hIiow cIiuiikch of more than half 11 point, In either direction, Hot li tho Ihhuch mentioned 10H0 HiibHtantlHlly, Tho mitrkut wan miHteiiily, with fluctuutloim of a point In Canadian Pacific, ami Union Pad fla before noon, American Tobacco wiih tho feature of tho HpoclnltloH, Jumplui; 14 points on minora of an luipouuilliiK dividend, Dealing woro IlKhl ami obviously profeuHlonal. Tho nnirkot bocamo extremoly dull around 1 o'clock, Home of tho upou laltloH woro uiniHiially Htronu, inter-, national llurvofltor ami HourH-lloo- buck belui5 tip nhnrply, Tho mitrkot cIoboiI (lull, llomlu woro etoiuly, OP H i W AMERICAN TAFT VICTORY CAUSES BOLT IN ARIZONA Loslnn Fl(bt to Control Onjaiilzatlon, Roosevelt Supporlcrs Leave Con vention and Name Contestlnii Delc liation for Cblcao Convention. Taft Rand Plays and Drowns Pro tests of Colonel's Leaders Who An drily Withdraw. TtVKON, Ail., June .'I LohIiik tliolr fight to control tint ti'iiiiornry orKiiulittliiii of the statu republican convention ami Hculng rejected their offer to divide with tint Tail support er Arizona n hIx delegate! at tho ii'puhllean national convention at ('lileiiK". tlm ItooMivelt delei;nteM at (ho state convention toilay bolted the convention ami elected a Hot of dele Kiidm to he Hout to Chicago. Tlio rival VonveutluiiH worn held In tin saiim hull atiilil tho wllileHt ills order ever marking an Arizona politi cal gathering. A liniMH tmuil, em ployed by tho Taft faction, blared noisily while tho ltooscvclt men hal loted for their delci;aten ami con cluded tliolr liiihlneHH. Thi Uooho volt people (hull matched Htormlly out ot the hall. 'Hut troubled of tho convention ho 1:1111 when tho Tnfl ori-anlzatlon man or A. J. Heddlek, of I'lioonlx. temiior nry chnlnniiu. Jonoph II. Klhhey of Phoenix, 11 llouii'volt leuilor. ruHheit to tho ittiiKo, leudltiK TlionuiH Molloy ot Ytiinn. whom ho declared to bo temporary chairman, At thin point tho Taft bund burst Into mimic ami the aliKry Itooxevultlniiri withdrew. L REPORT F J. Wilson, who is i,nj,rii'otl in expcrtiiii' tho eounty'H book, is now at work prepariiii; a finaneinl htute uieiit of tho county funds. This htatoineiit will cover every expendi ture iluriin; the past four yours iiii! will xhow to 11 cent tho proMut in ilehteiliiesH ami where tho money was npout. Tho retort will ho ready to pi to the county court when il niN Wednesday. Mr. Wilson is also poin-; into tho mutter of interest paid on daily bal ances to .laniVs ('roneiniller, treas urer, hy tho hanks of tho county. Jlc slated Saturday that ho is taking thi slop at tho rcipicst of Mr. Croiie iniller'h homlsiueii. SEAL'S MANAGER HAN ritANCISCO, Cab, Juno a. -Daniel W. I.oiir, luamiKor of tho base ball team toilay tendered his resig nation to tho owners of tho club, He will bo Hiiceeedeil hy William llolity, a former Nutlomil leaiuo pitcher. 1.oiu;'h resignation wiih filed with tho Horrotary of tho San Franclnco rluh toilay. Itoldy Is on his wny to Lou AiiKcles to take chargo of tho Sol. Is. It Is Raid that tho miserable show In u ,mmlo by tho team ami tho rouult ant dcliiKo or orltlolmn whch awopt ovor tbolr inanuKor forced Lour to decide upon tho course ho has taken. REFUSE CREMATION FOR AMERICAN GIRL'S BODY PARIS, Juno !!. HeoatiHO French laws forbids, tho orcimitiou of sui cides tho last romiest of Ma run rot Cravous, an Indiana uirl, who oudod her life hero yesterday, was ignored hy tho authorities. Miss Cravens had been studyhiy music hero, ami committed suicide duriuu u fit of depression. Sho left a lot tor ro-i-ucstiu-; that her hotly ho cremated, WL COUNTY NANCES B NA1N TAFT CONTROLS OHIO CONVENTION COI.UMM'S, Ohio. Juno II. Presi dent Tuft's men will he in control of the statu Kepiihlieau convention. Taft won 11 diftrioU ami Roosevelt 10 of tho '21 districts represented. Unstinted prai.se fur the Taft ad ministration ami the chan-c that tho people themselves are responsible for present politeal evils beans thoy have not taken an iutllipit interest in the affairs .of uoverninunt were two of the nutstnudini- features of the ml diess of United States Senator Theo dore Burton, temporary chairman of the Kiitherii);.-, in openiui; the itcpuh lieau state convention here this after noon. Not once (liiriiij- his speeh did Sen ator Hurton refer to I'olonel Theo dore RoiiMtvolt, who swept the stale in the recent primury election. POSTAL SAVINGS BANK UPON WALL STREET WASHINGTON. Juno a. Tho United States Kovornniont will mnko Its debut In tho hotbed of Mr busi ness on Wall Street Juno 17, It was announced toilay, when a postal sav ings bank In the Wall Street sub-station will bo established. l'ostniastor (louoral Hitchcock an nounced that tho bank Is to bo for unusual onipotltlou which It will "moral affect" ami hoium for tho huc '0h of Us operation In anlto of ho have. COPPER MINERS OUT E E 'DUTTK, Mont., Juno :i.-Hofusiii-to necopt the price of copper ns a basis for wacos, tlm Butte minors union has today .rejeeted tho prop osition of the mine owners to jivo all undor-(ronnd men .f;i.7f a day when tho market price of copper is Ifi l-'J cents a pound and .m a day when tho prieo is 17 cents, Tho minors demand a horizontal increase of f0-cents, hriiiniuu thu wane settle of tho mucker up lo the p,rmlo of the mora experienced miner. BY A MAJOR TY NEARLY OVER. TAFT ipES I NOR FOLK. Viu June n. Willi exchange of cheers, salutes and other fonnalitie, I'ro.Mdent Taft and a fleet of eight American hread naughls toilay welcomed Admiral Paschcinits mid three visitiii'- Oer inuii eruicrs Moltkc, lireiuen, and Stettin, at Hampton Roads. The German warships left Lynn- haven Day and .steamed up to Hamp ton Roads, where they anchored be side the American vessels. Admiral PiiM'lumiitz and a number of his sub ordinate then formally visited Ad miral Ward 011 the flagship Florida. Later Admiral Ward returned the visit. The combined guns of both fleets fired a salute as the Mnyflpwer ar rived with President Taft and Count J. IT. Von Hernborff, German inn l-assiidor. to the United States, aboard, Admiral Pasehcmitr. for mally called on the president aboard Uio Mayflower this afternoon, after which President Taft visited the, fleruiau ofticers aboard the Moltkc The (iermnii officers will visit Washington tomorrow. T IS UP AGAINST IT NAVA.1A, Mexico, Juno U. Revolt ngaiust enerul Orozeo, eonimander-in-chiof of tho rebels, was reported throughout Western Chihuahua and Kastoru Sonora today. Tho peopio of Morris have taken Oeampo from tho rebels, killing five mid obtaining considerable aninuitious of war. CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, jno 3. Without money" or ammunition, the rebels today are facing; tho most serious situation since the rebellion began, An extended delay of tho ex pected battle ut Hachimbim secuih to he tho only hope for Oroxco. Many foreign roMtlonta i,avo flod from Chihmiliua, taking largo sums of money with them. IAN A HAMPTON AD urn B WO I -Tt .New Tor UinM. E WASHINGTON, June 3. That Judge Archbald of tho commerce court refused to Inflict severe punish ments upon thu defendants In the United States government's "wire pool" prosecution In July. 1911, was declared today by United States Dis trict AUorney Wise of New York, testifying before the Judiciary com mittee of the house, which Is Investl gating churges against Judge Arch- bald. "Over my protests," asserted Wise, "Judgo Archbald accepted a compro mise plea one never before accepted In that court. He then fined S3 de- fondants $1000 apiece. "1 asked a jail sentence for Attor ney E. K. Jackhon, tho leader ot the pool. Judgo Archbald refused, and Imposed tho maximum fine ot $45, 000. Jackson's profits were $200, 000 annually." WASHINGTON, Juno 3. WHIard Jones of -Portland, Oro., convicted of land frauds In which tho lato Senator Mitchell of Oregon and BIngor Her mann, former commissioner of the genoral land office, wero alleged to have been implicated, was granted an unconditional pardon today by Presi dent Tuft. Tho pardon waa based on the ground that Improper methods wero pursued In filling tho Jury box from which tho Jones Jury was drawn. E WASHINGTON, Juno 3. A dead lock ovor tho Canadian reciprocity pact In congress Is predicted today following tho action of tho house ways and means ommlttoo In formally voting to rojoct tho sonnto plan for tho ropeal of tho reciprocity agree ment with Canada. Othor amend ments to the metals bill wore occop-ed. mm GAV DECISION HELFK in WILLARD UNCONDITIONAL CANADIAN RECIPROCITY TA A CUT OUT OF Sundry Civil Appropriation Measure Reported to House Omits All Men tion of Taft's Pet Revision Scheme Bill Carries $109,577,414. Reorganization of Customs Service Recommended Land Offices to Be Abolished by New Act. WASHINGTON, June :i.-Carrying f 10!),.")77,41-lf the sundry civil appro priation bill was reported to the house today. It omits all appropria tions for a tariff board, allows the president 'r'J'i.OOO traveling eexpenses and devotes .?7."i,(J0U to the expenses of an economy and efficiency com mission. Consideration of the bill will he taken up tomorrow. Under the bill the budget is $33, 000,000 less than that of Inst year. It includes .f28.7S0.000 for the I'an- umn canal construction work, ,?2,- S00.000 for fortifientiou of the canal. $100,000 for a subtreuury nt San Francisco. The Mindy civil bill carries no com ment on the failure to provide an ap propriation for the continuation oC the tariff board. In the executive, legislative and judicial Appropriation bill, a new makeshift tariff .commis sion was substituted. If the sundry bill is passed ns re ported, the proent tariff board will go out of existence June .'JO. The bill recommends reorganization of tli custom service by the abolishment of a number of positions nnd a centrali zation of duties, tl nlso provides for abolishment of the offices of certain receivers of public moneys and cer tain laud offices. Appropriations for the maintenance of national parks were provided as follews: Crater Lake, .43,000; Glacier, .foO.- 000; Yellowstone, $7,800; Rainier, $3,400; Sci-uoin, $1,350; Yosemite, General Grant, $2,000; Mesa Verde, $7,500. An appropriation of $10,000 was made for the maintenance of suits affect inir the various railroads ope rating on tho Pacific const. IN PRISON CELL SEATTLE. Wash., Juno 3. Fol lowing three previous atempU to kill himself, Joseph IMUer, who murdered Mrs. Effle Lassen and George Felton Friday In a fit of unreasoning Jeal ousy, hanged himself In his ell In the city jail yesterday. Miller mado a noorse out of his underwear, tying one end to the Iron bars In the cell window. He then stretched his legs cut on tho floor. A smile was on his face when ho was found. His cell mate, Carl Graham, who was to have Kept watch over him, fell asleep. Miller, when arrested, cursed hlmsolf for not having ended his life, and re peatedly said that ho would commit suicide if he got a chance. Saturday mornlrg ho tried twice to hang him self by his susponders. Saturday night Graham prevented him from jumping on his head from tho window to the cement floor ot tho coll. T RAISE IN MEAT WASIUNGION, Juno 3. Tho house ommltteo on Judiciary will to morrow consider Congressman Ed wards' resolution providing for a probe Into tho recont rlso of meat prices. Chairman Clnyton thinks an Inquiry will bo ordered. Attorney General WIckorsham also will confer tomorrow with United States District Attorney Jamos Wll kerson of Chicago regarding tho ad visability of Instituting a civil suit against tho beet trust. M M GOVERNMEN T Mob of Strikers Charrjed by Battalion of Police, Who Arc-Repulsed With Stones and Other Missiles -Squad Reforms and Shoots Into Crowd. Strikers Massed in Slope of Church Yard Attempts to Prevent Woman From Goinq to Work. CLINTON, Mass., Juno 3. -Flfteon striking textile workers, Including three women, wero shot today by po lice In a riot hero when the two forces clashed in tho yard of the Catholic church of Our Laay of the Rosary. It was at first thought that only seven of the workers were shot down. Two men ore In hospitals and likely to die. The gravest apprehension of fur ther trouble Is felt ths afternoon, 'as the feeling among the workers Is ex ceedingly bitter. CLINTON, Mass., June 3. Four women nnd three men, members cf the I. W. W., were shot; two of the women will die, and a dozen polico ment were badly cut and bruised hy stones in a riot here today when 10 policemen charged into 300 textile workers, who had massed in tho yard of the Church of Our Lady of tho Hosary. The strikers hiulmnsjjstln,,, the slope of the church yard! The poli.'e declare thnt the pickets forcibly at tempted to prevent n womnn from go- injr to work.' The police sergeant asserted that while lending n srpiud detailed to the mill district, he heard n woman's scream and saw n womnn running from where several men were stand ing'. He started his squad on a run for the spot, the men retreating- to join their fellows in tho church yard with the police in close pursuit. At the church tho strikers, several hundred in number, made so deter mined a stand with stones nnd other missiles, that the police were chucked for the time being. Tho policemen then drew their revolvers nnd. rushed forward in the face of tho flyinej stones, firing into tho njr, hut they were again repulsed, n dozen of their number l'nlline;, cut nnd stunned, bo fore the unerring aim of the strikers. When the squad had reformed n third charge was ordered, nnd this time the officers fired straight inti the ranks of the strikers, who brouo and fled, leaving- soven victims, in cluding one dead and two dying. LOS ANGELES, Juno 3 The civil suit brought by the goyornmont against tho Southern Pacific ral-road, touching upon tho railroad's owner ship of cortatn California oil lands, has been transferred to San Fran cisco, whero It will be resumed Juno 10, according to Information given out today at tho United States dis trict attorney's of flco hero. Tho trans fer was mado, It Is said, becauso cer tain records which must bo used In tho case cannot bo removed from San Francisco. Tho oflco also statod that Assistant United States Attornoy oQneral B. D. Townsend, who will roah hero from Sun Francisco tomorrow, will bring papers In additional actfoiiB against tho Southern Pacific. It hus been rumored that Townsend'a arrival might mark tho Institution ot crim inal suits. HARMON SUPPORTERS PLAN JO ENFORCE UNIT LAW TOLKDO, Ohio Juno .'), At th demoeratio state conception which opens horo tomorrow adherent of Govornor Harmon plan to epforcu tho unit rule (hus compellfiix th nineten district delegate rwestly got by Woodrow wiUon In the prl,-- manes to vote in. Hanaoirs mtpport. fflEH IN STRIKE RIOT y MAN SUE ESPEE FOB CALIFORNIA LANDS