V Just the Way Rabbits Come .TJrrin vi. ai..,. ..... swir n.Mtt m j,wwn . jtfir r rap, ,nr;,r rvwi i i 4r..Jwv KLjJl fHotv? f fl g .xS-i. ;& I - V '""-"-" raffia r . r I ( Pipe. -JGr-p, Hire! '' I ' ' I -- - ' !h clcn roTHT. naive hg 1 'xS', V5 "1 . 4rfll , v A .7-vi s GET OUT OP ) JMB TV Jvrrflrat. i ' u , Jr I -j roit riKNT nocHtrKKKriNQ IIOUMH I'Olt HUNT HoiiMiikooplriK roomit, I'loiio In, Ulcoly furnlHlii'il, with Knn Mini electricity. 1U3 South Holly. 70 I'OU Hi:NT I'lirnUliisI roomn for llf.ht lioiiiK-lcccpluK. Moiloru convo lilimrPH. 234 Knnt ttth. C2 I'Oll HUNT rtiriilHlioil lioimokeop. Inc npnrtiiiciit mul it furnlKliod Iiimimo. Until rlonn In, Itt'imoiuiblu. I'Iiiiiio IIkII 4271. 60 Viitt ItliNT KUItMHHKD IIOOMB FOIl HUNT LnrRo ilcoplng room, II. CO and 3 por wnok. Modorn homukroplnc npartmontn, SIC nnd 110. Home phono 20C-1C 323 South Holly. KOIt ItKNT Smith Apta. 217 8. Ulv. l'OR ItKNT Modorn fiirnlnhcd roomn ut tbo CoHbro, C04 Weit 10th at., two blorka nouth Mcdford hotol, Hot nnd cold water In roomn. Home pliouo 217. Mrs. 11, Hf. Coia. FOIt HUNT IturHKS I'OU UKNT- r room coIIiiko roiiHon ably oIohu In, lot. X7 ft, (rontuo, fnrltiK oiimI. Lawn, flowor, vots tithlo gnrdi'ii, 13 largo fruit trxH full of fruit; rlilclcon yard, wood hotiMi; rout U to rlulit party; water paid. Home phono 3 1Kb. (50 I'OU UKNT (5 room furnished Iioiiho .clene: In. Phono 0092 or call 117 North Holly ut. FOR HUNT Soveu room huiiRnlow, ronHonably cloao In, A. 8. IJIItnu, room 200 Phlppx hldg. FOR RUNT Modorn 5 room bunRn low, 3i4 hlorka from Washington Hchool, 730 West Klovonth, FOR RKNT CIoho In 0 room hoimo with modorn plumbing and olor trio llRhtM. On paved ntroot, with luwit und cement Hldownlks. Call Unit pliouo 3401. FOR RI-3NT-Urapn Ht, -8 room houso on South Cnll 310 N. Ilnrtlott. FOR RliNTSU room houso, mod orn, puved Htroot, JIG, CO. W. T. York & Co. FOR RKNT Four room modorn Iioiiho, riiu etovo furulahed If do nlrod. 012 South Newtown. (53 New Today .i , i v A parly Iiiin Hoventy ocitn ut fine laud near Kaujii Point of wlilcli -S iich'm iut planted'th yomiK lor Iiwh, mill tho baliiuco In hlfalfti land. TIiIn In for Halo, or tin do lor u touallcr ranch, or Incomo Medford proerty. TIiIh In a fine tract for niiIhIIvIhIoii. Call I for partlculai'M, . , . Ten iHTt-H two iiiIIoh iiiHt of tVn. (nil Point, about half in throe- ear old I itch, balance In hay. Irrigation ditch iiiiiToiinds tho place. On kooiI univohyl road, For alo or inlujit t raihi for n town IninKiiloW. A fine hIv room modern homo ou pavement, wwtt Second wtreet, with a IiIrIiIj; cultivated lt f:i&U(. feot. A in.y,houH for $ai!Bt). C. D. HOON Jtooin It! JitvltHtm County llatiklUdb'. " - ' . 1.1Zf?. i '- -. """" "" I " ' H. .1 ,. t . i .. . a ' " ' i i . . i I,,1 , i i ,i , i - j ItURIMSHH OrroitTCMTIE8 FOR UKNT Kurnlihed hotol for rout'on porcontaRo lml. Addrcs V, H., euro Mali Trlbutio. FOKliKNT OFFIC7K8 LTCAHi: Office Toom fiir- roTT ulnliud utul unfurnlBhcd, contrnl location, $5 to 110 per month. Ad. drcii u. O,, caro Mall Trluuuo. ' FOR IXENT OTor th pottofflco, with boat and light, loa A. A. Da?l. FOR RENT Lnrit, comfortable of fice rooma with olovator acrvlce, atoam heat, hot and cold water. Low ratcn. Apply Medford Furnt turo & Hdw. Co. VX)UJtKNTnRICMiAKICqUfl UAUUiCN aud "fruit lands for rout. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Cth and Flr. FOR SAIiR fiATin FOR SATjIT 'l' hiivo one' "bftho fin vnt fill boarlui; 11-ycar-old com mercial orchardalu tho vnlloy 2 1-2 iiillca north of Medford P. O. for nalo; thuro nro S acroa ami mado iili of NowtowiiB nnd llartlutlii und Do Anion pvara; If taken at ouco, a real bargain; no agonta. Ail- tlreiiH II, aim Mull Tribune. Gl 40 AURKH near Kuglo Point. This would bo nu Ideal homo tract ns It Ih Biiltnblo for n variety of pur poses. Fruit and grain und poul try. Prlco $7G per acre. Would consider trad en. Oliver 11. Drown, 430 N. Hnrtlottt. FORSXlTK A brand new C room bungalow, ou ii IiIrIi Hlghtly lot Jimt off Queen Anno live. This Is without question tho coming pro perty of tho city, nnd a look nt this will couvluco you that it la a bargain. Can glvo excellent terms. Prlco $2100. HXCHANUK 1 1 V "creB u hnlf mllo east of Central Point, well liuprov ed with four acres bearing fruit, hal. In young pears. Good build ings and plenty of water. Prlco )Dn00, nnd would tako up to $4000 In city property. Dal. long time, (5 per rent. RKMNQU1SII.MBNT -100 acron In tho SaniB Vnlloy country only 1 mllo from town; 80 ncrou of thin la tillable, bulunoo excellent jwih turo land. Good buildings, and plenty of water; (5 nures In cultiva tion, Kuough Umber to pay for tho place. Prlco $750, Horses, cow im'rt nil lhiplohionta can bo hud with the plnco If deklrod. I0XCI1ANGK Kqtflty In a nix room modern bungalow, of $1000 to ex change for vacant lutu.- TIiIb Is u bargain. FOR SALU ACRKAOK 100 ueros gopd grain laud In tho Sams Vnlloy country, partly Improved at only $3C pdr'nerd. Would oxdliuugo for city proiiorty, FOR SAIil3 Two good lotn In tiio S.W. part of city only $150 onch. You can't buy u lot In tho sumo vl clnlty for less Mum $350, Doesn't this look llho a forced sulo? FOR SAliM OU 10XCHANQK 13H nores, half In Alfalfa, nnd halt In grain. About half way hotwoon Phoonlx and Talent, Would ox ehnngo rbr olty"iWporty. Prlco $1500. ' ' '. OKO. ( CORNITIITfl HW Main Ht. MEDFOBD IT JJ j TKTTtTjyTS, Out of a Magician's Hat FOIt KAIilv IiANI) IIOMKHTEAIl fi2 acres Juat proved up for Hacrlflco nalo account sick nesK. Good now G-rooin house and burn, Reed chicken Iioiiko nnd corral, 10 ncren In crop, CO acroa moro oaally cleared nnd cropped, several hundred orda wood, plnco nil foncotl, Improve incnta nlouo coat $1700. My price, IncludliiR good borne, wagon, culti vator, plow, etc., $1G00, with $1000 cnah, tmlnnco mortRnKc. W. D. llodRuon, phono 127-J, Ashland, Oro. 73 FOR 8AIjK CbicKcn rmicn nnd gar- don land mllo from Mcdford. V. II. Kvorhard, 1009 West at.h rhono CC71. FOR SAMJHOUSIiS FOR SALK Som6 Reed Improved nnd unimproved Medford property on and near S. Oakdnlo; modorn bousos for rent, also somo good young driving horses. Inqulro of 8. T. Howard, Jr., 815 S. Oakdnlo. Phono, Pnclflo 72. FOR SALB Now bungntow with Blx rooms, bnth and pantry; Bcrconcd In bnok porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; east front; lot 5Qxl71 foot deop, or two lots 100x171 with alley nt sldo, with barn on. Will glvo good tcruiB. Inqulro 317 llownrd at., cast elds, hono 62G1. FOR SALE A flvo room modorn cotago on W. 10th st., In an ex cellent neighborhood. Largo lot 50x108 with lawn, nhndo treea nnd garden, Prlco a bargain nnd terms nro nothing dawn and $30 per month pnymouts, without lutercst. Paving all paid. Don't wnsto root money when you can buy llko thin. Cull on M. S. Tumy, 201 aGmott Corey Illk. 01 FOR HATiK AC1XKAGH FOR SALE Tho beautiful Mountain Viow subdivision, ono anllo west of Eaglo Point is now open for snlo In tracts of ten or moro acroa to suit purchasers. Tho first four tracts purchased will bo sold to nctual settlors on ano-teuth down and a tenth n year until paid. Don't miss this opportunity to got a good homo close to market and a good young city ou easy torma whoro Mm soil Is doop, rich and mallow. Call on or wrlto Tho Jackaon County Realty Co., 004 West 10th Bt Medford, Oregon, 15 ACRES sandy crook bottom Innd Avlth froo wntor right mid ditch to tho land now. TIiIb Innd Is suit able for all kinds of vogotabloB, borrlos nnd alfalfa. Prlco $150 per n,cro. Would consider trndo. Ollvor D, Drown, 43G N. Dartlott Btroot. FOR SALE Bight acres, just out Bldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old npplos; small houso, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE POULTRX AND EGGS FOR SALE Jmporlnl Pokln duck oggs for hatching. Falrvlow Or chards, 2 mlloa west of Central Point on Jacksonville nnd Gold Hill road. FOR SALB Whlto Leghorn Baby chicks from soloctod utility stock, tho kind Mint mado Potahmm fa mous! $7.50 por 100 during April, May and Juno, Tho Plonoor Hatch ery, Box 340, Fotulumn, Cal. 77 FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal Whito Orpingtons, Rhode Island Rods, Brown LoghnniH. Sen H. Bvorlmrd, 10QU West 0th, Phono 0071, MEDffORD, ;ORM(iON. FRIDAY. MAY 81. 1012. , FOR BALD WOOD AXJ) FUEL FOR 8ALK Wood at country price. lC-In. fir $2.75, 12-ln. fir $2.25, lC-In. hardwood $3, 12-ln. bard wood, $2.50; 12-ln. pine, block, $2; 16-ln. pine, block, $2.50. AH dry wood. 619 8. Rlveratdo. Doll phono C041. FOR SALE Hardwood nnd fir $4.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth nnd Fir. FOR BALE 5II&?ELIiANKOU8 FOR SALE 5 passenger automobile cheap for cash or easy terms. Might exchango. Address 11 ox F. II., caro Mall Tribune FOR SALE A heavy black team, 4 yearn old, with good new harness. $450.00. Inqulro at Sunrise laun dry, 203 8. Central avo., between 2:30 and 5:30 p. m. 03 FOR SALE Kenyon take-down three room houBe, cheap If sold nt once. Ideal for camping. E. L. Wnrnstorff, Eaglo Point. FOR SALE A good 2 Inch steel nx two horso wagon cheap; In good shnpo. Siskiyou Heights, High st. Main 822. FOR SALE Splendid saddlo pony, uuro footed nnd gentle. Phono 4771. 109 Geneva avo. 62 FOR SALB Ono span 1400 lb. horsoB, one 4 spring wagon, almost now. Address L. A. Roso, Phoenix, Qre. Phono S13 F. 22. 03 FOR SALB OR HXCIIANGE FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE Ranch es, fruit and .garden land, timber lands, town and suburban lots and aero trncts. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. UELl WANTED FEUALH WANTED Girl for genera! house world must ho good cook, nddress W, enro Mall Trlbuno. WANTED Competent girl for gen oral housowork, must bo good cook, ranch near town. Apply Mrs. K. V. Foster, Kings Highway, Phono C 11-11. 01 IIKLP WANTED MALE WANTED Jnpaneso sorvnnt. dress R, caro Mall Trlbuno. Ad- WANTED Man and wRo; man as general farm holp, wlfu to cook for small crow. Apply in person to R. J. Earl, FoothllU Orchards, Medford. WANTED Good cook "for orchard thrco miles out; must bo a toady und rollahlo; Japnneso preferred. AddrosB Box 211, euro Mull Trlb uno. 00 WANTED Man led couplo on nearby ranch to cook for hamlu and caro for small houso; could use uuun In orchurd. Address Mtruvc3tu Or chard. Phono 597-J-2. GO WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position on ranch by ox poiionrod orchnrdlst'. Address Box 20, R. F. I). No. 1. 05 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A young trosh Jorsoy cow. E. V, Foster, Phono G11-R2, Kings Highway. Gl WANTED llorso for -his kooplng or will buy. About looo lbs, for light work, Call D, Keller, Jow olor, Mulu und Fair. 03 MONEY TO LOAN. $2G00 TO LOAN on improved acre age Clark Realty Co. CO BUSINESS DIKECTORY Asswycr imd Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MITtINU DU- REAU Assays mado tor gold, sll Tcr, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining -maps and reports mado thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers nt reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mlno own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores fcr exhibi tion purposes, and send lull uo Bcrlption of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir sta. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono CC11; residence phono 6803. i Attorneys D. W. DAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville. Oro. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Mcdford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorney8-at-Law. Nob. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett- Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 13 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. P. PIATT LAWYER Land TIMo Examiner. 120 Garnett-Corey Rid. Hill Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All ordora promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Billiard Parrora S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to spend the hot Afternoons. Civil Knclnecr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Survoyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a spoclnlty; sur veys, subdividing, building trades, city engineering, drafting, Bowor design, coucroto work, pump nnd canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Mcdford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND V. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, roal estate and initios. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O, Tako olovator. Phone Muln 2021. Chinese Medicine CHOW 1'OUNG'S Chtuese ineamtnos will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goituro, throat aud lung troublo, doafuoss, paralysis, private dlsoasca and all kinds of chronic and norvous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb nnd bladder troublos. See mo at 241 8. Front Bt Medford, Oro., to 4, 0;30 to 7:30. Rosldouco phono Mulu 43, 1 By BUSINESS DIRECTORY Contractor and Bailder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phono Main 6662. Cbiropractora DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro Uierapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 16S-K. Main 7973. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. a C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., anite 810, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office In Rlalto bldg., 133 E. Main. Gas admlnistored Xor extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 6 SI. Night phone 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hacker, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of help furnished and positions obtained. Bell 15S1, Home 270-R. 74 Grnnlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturer of brick; dealera In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson 'st. Phone No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of presiod and com mon brick and tile. Get our prices and see our brick and tile before purchasing. Garbage MEDFORD .GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leave orders at 29 S. Dartlott, or phone Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3632. Hom6 107-X. GARBAOE Get your premises cleaned up for tho summor. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good Borvico. Phone Main 822; also garden manuro tor sale. J. F. Porres. Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission furniture mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited, Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary Pub lic, Bring your work to mo at tht sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurserres QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are huddod, not grafted, Our Btock is not irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not Ip tho trust. H. D. Pattorson. Offici removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSER? CO., Inc Growers of hlgh-grad nursery stock. .Office 104 8 Fir Both phones. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING" CO.has ths best equipped job office in southern Oregon; bonk binding, loose leal Byatomu, cut paper, etc., eto. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir it. PAC1TC HVJSl "Bud" Fisher. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. SIS Tay lor at. Phone Pac. 3843. Physician and Bargees DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Fhlpps bldg., rooma 210-311-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, 9 a. at. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathle physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nctt-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, of flea 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyalclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, it. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phones: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. ro. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Roa. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgooa. St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Rcsldonco phono Doll 273. Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tico limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Rosldenco phenes: Farnior lOxxC Eaglo Point and Roguo Rlvor lino. Second Floor Garnett-Coroy Building Medford, Oregon. Drs. Saunders & Grocn Special ists Eyo, Ear, Noso and Thfoat. "Not only tho cheapest, hut tho best." HERMANN F. RATTE, M. D. Of flco ovor Medford National Batik building. Offlco phono G721; Res., Hotol Holland. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block, Stonographlo work done quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAaH CO. Offlco 10 South Fir. Phone Doll 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Service guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and, Emhalmer. Office 28 South Dart lott st. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Bell 47$, Home 179-L. Calls answered Bight or day, Amhiilnnno enrvlc Vacuum Cleanws HAL HARRINGTON (The Dost) General Vacuum Cleat-lug. Jack Bonylllo. Bell Mom 175. 74 ,.! HI mmmm,Aiamip1&W,fU