, in'iiniwwwwwto AMiiMMAtoaifc4WirwfcM . .., .J-SSTXifiv ItEDFORD MATt. TRtBUNE, MBOTOUD. QHKdON'. fr'KlllAV. MAY ill, IM2. Is 1 " i 'r) rAGE TWO 1 Hocaland It If H t PERSONAL- E. A. Hans of Patterson, N. .1,, who owns n rnnch near Englo Point leaves booh (or lila New Jersey homo but will roturn thin fall. lie visits the valley regularly each year hut will return this fall to remain nermnnent- iy. W. II.' Canon, Dr. J. F, lteiltly ami John, M. lloot returned Thursday evening from San Francisco whore thoy went In the Interest of the Wuo Ledge railroad. Thoy report making somo headway hut stato that at pres ent nothing has developed to warrant publication. The Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, tho only music school In Southern Oregon with a full corps ot teachers, will bo open all summon Q. Talllandler, director. Jlr. and Mrs. J. D. Samuels of the Modoc orchard spent Friday In Med ford. Mathews & Son do draylng, tram fcrrlng and furniture packing. Both phonqs. Sunday work n specialty. 86 E. , T. Stnples of Ashland, spent Friday In Medford on n short busi ness trip. D. B. Reame, tho Wonder soap and talc man. Is tho best sowing machine repairer oa the coast. 246 North Oakdale. Rex H. Connnnt of Portland whp has been doing Investigating work in the city for the board of underwriters and rcratlng risks, has completed his work and returns to .Portland today. CordVood, hardwood and fir $4.50 per single cord. Special low prices In carload Iota. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6tii,and F,lr. L. H. Wlllott of tho Cougar mine Is spending a few days in Medford on business. E, D. 'Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or placo by appointment. Phone II. 1471 W. H. Barr has returned from a business trip to the Grants Pass.mln Ing.dlstrlct. Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Mrs. I. Strnssburger who under went nn operation at tho Sacred Heart hospital Thursday Js reported to, ,bo much Improved today. Her husband recently purchased, the Mc Brlde confectionery in this city. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50 per single cord. Special low prices In carload .lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. " Mrs. ?.W. Qulncy of Woodvllle district Is "Bppndlng a few days visit ing rejatlvcs in this city. Shaplolgh, Hardware, 2S So. Cen tral. . ' Charles Carney, quarry superinten dent of, tho Oregon Granite company. Is spepding a few days with friends lnIcdfprd. G. H. Bads 7iaa.purcn.ascd tho coal and -fuel business formerly qonducted by, J. W. BarbliSgo and, will at all times. have In stock a full and com plete lino ot foci ot all kinds. In cluding mill block wood for summer use. A. B. Vincent of Jackson Creek, spejit, Friday with friends in Mcd foi'Ov . . Cordwood, hardwood and fir J4.G0 per slnglo cord. Special low prices In carload, lots. Gpld Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. .Artlipr Wilson spent Friday, at Ashland on business. Dr. M, C. Barber, physician and Burgeon, has moved from tho M. F. & II. building to room 0 Palm block, OppoBlto tho Nash hotel. G4" Mrs. B. 11. King or this city left Friday for a visit with friends at Roguo Rvpr. In stalls 11 and 12 at tho public market Saturday will bo displayed for Balesqmo very choice mutton and pork. Chpkens will also be offered at ridiculously low prices. -Come early and tako your choice. 60 L. O. Powers of Stockton, Cal., 1b looking oyer tho valloy with a view ot locating hero if ho can find what ho wants In tho alfalfa line. Pacific & Eastern railway will run an excursion to Butto Falls Sunday June 2, leaving Medford 8 o'clock returning reaching Medford 15:50, 1.50 round trip. Join tho crowd. C2 Louis F. Crane who has a home stead on tbo.Umpquu divido back of Ellc creek, Is spending a few days In Medford. For four months tills win ter ho was back in the Crater Lake country trapping. Ho reports. ajr success, Carkin & Taylor, (John H. Carkin, Glonn O. Toylor), nttornoyB-at-law, over JackBon County Bank building, Medford, James Fronch of Asnlnnd spout Friday, iu. Medford on it short busi ness trip,-- i, ' . s WceRs&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS y Vnont M71 Miykt VfcoBtal JT. W. Wctka 071 A. XL Orr, MM ' X.A.BY AiBHiTAXT. D. S. Attics of Barron precinct spent, Friday with Medford .friends, lie reports, hitnipor crops in thn end ot th.q, valley. Ho was In Medford looking up matters in connection with the public, market recently opened here. Lost our baby "Baby Ruth Jumper," Invaluable to careworn mothers can bo found at Weeks &. McGownn Furniture Btore. 60 Mrs. Florenro Klmblo left Friday morning for an extended eastern trip. She will go cast over the southern route via Xow Orleans and roturn after visiting her former home nt Newport by way of tho Canadian Pa cific. She Is accompanied by hor daughter Edith. Great excitement, storo crowded with ladles and gontlcmen, and the greatest bargains ever hoard ot are being bought out of tho Van do Car bankrupt Jewelry stock, finest stock over seen In this part ot tho country. Diamond ring and other valuable presents given away free to tho lad les. Aurtlon sale every day at 2 to 7:30 until sold. 230 E. Main street. 60 Arthur Evans of Central Polut. spent Friday In Medford on business. Mrs. Jones arrived iii tho city yes terday, She reported that sho was the happiest woman in tho world as sho had purchased a "Baby Ruth Jumper" for her one-year-old baby which was tho whole Joy of her homo. 60 Bert Doano of Gold Hill is in Med ford on business. Tired, worn-out mothers can ovcr como all this difficulty by securing one of those Baby Ruth Jumpers at Weeks & McGowan'B. 60 Jack Merrill or Gold Hill motored to Medford Friday on a short busi ness trip. Pacific & Eastern railway will run nn excursion to Butte Falls Sunday, Juno 2, leaving Medford S o'clock returning reaching Medford 5:30, $1.50 round trip. Join tho crowd. 62 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. McMilleu ot Pasadena, have arrived for a visit In the valley. Mr. McMlIien has busi ness Interests In the valley. Kodak work done neatly and quickly at Gregory's, the old reliable, A. W. Rickman of Council Bluffs is in Medford. He is being enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hater. Gregory is making big reductions on all photos to graduating pupils. W. X. Campbell, formerly a resi dent of this city who has recently been making his home at Vllllsca, Iowa, has arrived for a visit with friends in this city. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over..Jackson County bank. Sam L. Sandry of Woodvllle, dis trict deputy fish and game warden. spent a few hours Thursday in Med ford on business. In staljs .11 and 12 at tho public market Saturday will bo displayed for salo somo very cbolco mutton and pork. Chickens will also bo offered at ridiculously low prices. Come early and take your choice. CO Henry Vllliers ot Toronto is in Medford for a short visit with trlonds. Mrs. Vllliers was formerly Miss Josle Smithson of this city. Don't fnll to go to Week's & Mc Cowan's Furnituro storo Friday af ternoon at 3:30 and see tho most complete arrangement for the care of tho baby. .CO Miss Alice Lodson of Hilt, Cal., Is visiting Miss Henrietta Abbott of this city. Lawn and garden supplies. Shap- lelgh JIardwarc. . A number of fancy bred Holstelns wero disposed of by II. J., Tlchnor who hold an auction salo nt his ranch on Ross Lane Thursday and at fair prices. Tho herd was one ot the fin est Iii the valley and wero offered for salo following Mr, Tlcbpor's determi nation to rcilro from the dairying business. The cows were shipped last fall from tho fast. Ono of tho greatest Joys In the world Is whero thero is a bouncing baby in tho family and where tho baby is contented and tho mother Jreo from care. AH this can bo brought about by tho Baby Ruth Jumpers which will be on display at 3:30 Priduy afternoon at Weeks & McGowans. 60 S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & II. Co. bldg. Have you evqr heard of a baby taking care ot itself. This Is truo If in ono of "Baby Ruth Jumpers" while tho mother cares for her house hold duties. 60 Groat excitement, storo crowded with Indies and gentlemen and tho greatest bargains ever heard of are being, bought out of tho Van do Car .bankrupt jqwelry stock, finest stock ever eeou in this part ot, tho country. Diamond ring tml other valuable presents given nwuy free to tho lad J les. Auction Kale every day at 2 to 7:30 until sold. 230 K. Main street. 00 S.ivo 10 per cent on your Juno gro cery account by trading with mo .Oakdalu grocery. 61 ithz-?4i YESTERDAY'S SCORES: L. P. C. 6 .82 4 15 .615 IS .500 17 .500 21 .175 19 .424 2 1 .35 1 22 .313, NATIONAL W. Now York 2S Cluclnnatl 24 Chicago IS Pittsburg ... - 17 St. Louis 11 Philadelphia 14 Boston V.....1......M13 Brooklyn ...,10 Philadelphia 1-1, New York 7-6. Chicago 3-1, Cincinnati 2-S Pittsburg 3-Ji, St. Uiuls 8-7. Brooklyn .7, Boston 6. Second game, rain. ,,,, AMERICAN W. L. Chicago 28 12 Boston ...- 25 13 Detroit .20 1 Philadelphia 17 16 Cleveland 17 19 Washington KS 21 JO O'l 25 FROM LOS ANGELES TO PORTLAND BY CYCLE Willi his mucliiuo lioaxily )mU' fore unit nfl H'lmtlc Tut nor, njjt'd (10 your, nrrivnl in MciUVnl I Ills moming it liuVtK front bis An pelt's, lie snv$ liu ikhIhIIoi' or uk1uiI llu wheel elose to 1011 mile na lie miiile iv number f j-'ule trip nn.l vnine h.v wny of KliuiuUH Knlln. Tur ner onrriort i (em, evlm olotltiujx, tiro nml oookuiK ill1'"'"' H"l i IioihIoiI for IVrtlntnl. The only .object in (ho trip, Turner "ny. i " loriito a job. liiritleiittitlv ho mlverlisos the bioyoln nml tires," I 13 New York .. St. Louis .... Xew York I, Philadelphia 7. ond game, rain. Boston 3-0, Washington 2-5. St. Louis 3-3. Detroit 0-10. Cleveland 1-10, .Chicago 3-1. C. .700 .658 .513 .515 .472 .462 .342 .342 Soc- SCULPT0R PUTNAM IS RAPIDLY RECOVERING i ,ii t That Aitliur Pulimm. lite Califor nia sculptor, who was twice oporut.'d upon for tmijn trouble lust full, i fnt roj:iiiiiiiii health iliv abortion of Me.Hirs, Roddy nml t'unoti, wlu rolurnotl Thursday from San Krnu oNoo. .Mr. Putnam, thoy stnto. . nine io wiiik aiioiit willinui iimiiiiiioi ami oaii move hi left arm, (IioiikIi mx months ago hi entire loft Mile wiw jviralyxed. He Im sever.il nn-- sistnuts liiisy nt Ijis .mlin and is utile to do some work lutncll. Ihov Wire the soulptor'- cuestrt at liiiuer nt the Hohctniaii olub, whore some of his ltronze are displnyod. what Made the hand play doleful music One of io most pooiillnr iiiuiiifiw. luliiuix of Hip iH-ljililiorlv -spiiil iih lie (wood wo noailiy (owih uollooil lately was the milrlt o.vliihlloil hy (Iraiits Puks H'oplo nml uowspupoiM on tho ocensnion of CVnlrul Point' roooul ovonrsioii to tlm loHopliiuo motropolis, mi.vhi I lie (Vntrnl I'oint llornlil. So far as vUllors eoiiM olmorvo (limits mts hutt hoc iol liiuiil in Iln Hliuj; that tlnv. (utrnl I'oiuloi-s liuil u good limn mi their own nooouut ami puiil full nrioo for evorytliimr tlivv pit iiieliiiliui: tho imm thoy wnltoil for mipiior. In return llio daily Courier on Monday ovoiiuig iHsiulseil t (ifonsion with a glont over the km mo moiv n two lino rof oro'ioo to the 17, OMturnioiiittM Jrom Central Point uinl the remark that "Central Point rooters brought Iheir hiuiti aloni; nml (ho Itutnl played n few doleful airs." . Miiylu? wo wore iloloful,'' hut. fn HntP iiltiue, wh.it TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MOTHER WAS WORRIED COAST W. Veruon 3 1 Oakland 32 Los Angeles 2S San Francisco 22 Sacramento 21 Portland 20 L. 20 23 31 30 27 P. C. .60S .593 .52S .415 .412 .426 R. 11. E. 10 1 10 2 Mltzc; Oakland 3 Vornon 3 Batteries Gregory and Breckenrldgo and Brown. Oakland ... 7 15 3 Vernon 9 15 2 Batteries Abies. Malarkey and Mltze; Tiedmann, Hltt nnd Hogan. ios Angeles . . 10 15 1 San Francisco . 0 3 4 Batteries Slaglo and Brooks; Ba ker and Berry. Los Angeles 5 7 0 Sau Francisco !T...... 3 9 3 Batteries Levercnz and Beles: I Delhi and Schmidt. Portland S 13 0 Sacramento . . 13 3 Battcrlos Harkness and Burch; Fitzgerald and Check. llcrniiM' Voung Daughtoi Couglioil so Much What She liltl Just think how anxious Mrs, Wil liam Archer, of Long Hrnnch, N. J., must have been about her 14-year-old daughter. She says: "Sho was very thin, had a bad cough, was nervous nnd did not sleep well. Vlnol has helped hor wonderfully. Sho can sleep nil night no without cough ing once, in face, her cough Is gone. Her appetite in greatly improved nnd she has gained weight. I wish every mother knew what Vlnol will do for dollcato children." Nothing can poMlhly bo moro Im portant than the health of children and that Is why we earnestly ndvlso tho use of Vlnol In all cases whero n child Is weak, pale, run down, has a cough, or poor appetite. Wo have seen It make so many children strong and rosy that we believe In It. Children tako Vlnol eagerly be cause It tastes good and it puts now strength Into thelr-llttlo bodies. We guarantco Vlnol to give perfect sat isfaction and give lack your money It It does not. Medford Pharmacy, Med fprd, Oregon. w V . FOR SALE Leaving tow'ii. will soil J 175 worth of chickens at hnlf price; nUo Cycle Incubator. Phono Hell 732-J1. ci WANTED Woman without children to cook for men on ranch. Phono Hollywood, S06 F-3, from 12 to 1 or after 6:30 p. in. ooulil mukc a liiiuoli of mtriiinl tuilimH mv.ro Ho tl(un (vlo l marooned In (Iritiilrt.lNmijifor fjvninoilul litff ' EMMA GOLDMAN COMING t0 0REG0NJTO LECTURE SACNAMKNTO, Cnl., Mnv !l. Kninin (loldimiu nml Or.' lieu licit mini, hor mniiiiKor, slipped out if Suortimi'iito this moiiiiug shoitly ultor midnight, on llio Poilluml o prosH. Iloforo mi aiidicnco of I'M at it fro lecture hnro Miss (loldiituii told of hoi' Sail Dlcgo cvpcricuocs mid iniido lii'i usilnl iitlnok on llio institution of miirilauo. Wanted .. (.'nnd llclo or 't'ypc.wrlloc. lll cxcliaugo o flo-)oar to'liiit nrsltlp hi (lit liilcinatloniil Coc rotMnilciuo Nclosds, lto T. It, Tribune, Freckles Don't Hide Tlicm With n Vclt M iiimo Tlicm Willi llio Now Drug An eminent nklu siKsdiillnt locont ly illncovorod n now drug, olhliio doublo iitiougth. which In mi uni formly niiccohriful In removing frock I on ami giving a clear, beautiful com. plo.iin that It Is mild by tiny flint olnsrt diugulst In Modfonl iimlor nit abiioluto guarantco to lofuml tho iiiouoy It It falln, Don't hlilo your frooldcn iimlor a voll; get an ounce, of otblno lUiul ro move thoui. Even thu firnt nlglit'ti ii no will tihow a wonderful Impiovu incut, miiiin of the lighter frouklua vaiilHblug entirely, It h nlmolutoly hnriultuis, and cannot Injiiro tho imint tender nklu, He dure to imk any flrnt-elaint drug. f.lMt In Medford for tho doublo Mrongth otlilue; It Is this (hut In nold on the money- back gtmrauloc. FOR SALE I wlji deliver by the crate, fancy berries In Medford or Central Peint: am also taking ord ers for fine plants to bo delivered In thy fall. .1. s. Norwood, Central Point, R. F. D, No. 2. 65 FOR RENT-Furnished rooiim. hot and cold water, electric, lights, close In, 221 North Holly street. 62 FOR RENrirji room almrttuoTil. modern. Rcanonnblc. Inquire of Oakdale Cash Grocery. 65s FOR RENT Light homo-keeping rooms, electric light nnd gas. 322 South Central. 61 WANTED TO RENTI to 5 aero tract In country with hoimo nnd barn. Address A-23, Mall Tribune. 60 -" BEDDING PLANTS We have a riioo liuo bedding plunks such as Gonuiiums, Snlvia, Vorbonaa,.Lobolins, Chrysan themums, Potuniaa, Holiotropo, Cannaa, otc. Always Nico Lino Cut Flowora MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Home Phone. 237-X: Alain :1T-1 1 . m Main Si rent & WANTED IX) 1IUY-5 to 15 ncre untidy creek bottom laud not over five mllcH from Medford. Addrciu A-23. Mall Tribune. 60 FOR SALE Five room modem cot tage, largo mi any rootim and orrcenod Bleeping porch, on paved titrcet In excellent neighborhood, near Eaut Main street, elomt In Lawn, garden, woodshed, fruit and alindu tree. Can bo bought from owner for 12,000; uuiall down pay ment and balance like tout. TIiIh1 Is n real bargain. Ilox T. It., Tribune.. I 61 i LOST Cold necklace with cameo pendant. Reward. Leave at City Hall. 60 MEDFORD THEATRE Tuesday, June 4 Mizzi Hajos The ritmgnriim player who created Ihe part, in tho original production of ' (i The Spring Maid IN VIENNA with Original production in its cntiretv and comes endorsenient of the press everywhere. Spocial Train Sorvico Arranged for. Train for (he north leaves after perforin! nee. Train for south held until after performance. Seats nl I laskins. "Prices $2.00, $1.00 A : mJm$mJm """' Portland -........., R Sacramento -. 4, Datterles Hlgglnbotham, ter and Hawley, Durch; Gaddy, Wll Hams and Check. 10 1 11 1 Klawlt- Alexander The Suit Man Call And lopk over twolvo hundred eamplos ot tho latest weaves in Men's Suitiugs. A made to your (measure suit, ab solutely guaranteed .to fit, guaran teed all puro wool and guaranteed to hold Its Bhupe, Mado to your meas ure suits, $18.00 to flO.OO Room 8, Palm Building. NORTHWEST W. Portland 24 Vancouver 23 Tacoma 2 1 Victoria .22 Seattle ID Spokane 19 L. 20 20 21 21 24 R. . 4 II. 8 4 P. C. .545 .535 .500 .512 .412 .463 E. Bpokano Bcattlo 3 4 0 Batteries Willis and Do Vogt, Ostdlek; Snyder and Whaling. Spoknno , ,...,. 4 0 2 Spattlo 17 5 Batteries Cardcau and Do Vogt; James and Whaling. Vancouver 8 13 2 Tncoma , 10 1 Batteries Bclford and Sepujvlda; Schmltz and Lalongo, Victoria ! 12 0 2 Portland 5 13 4 Batteries McCrcory and Griudlu; Tonncrson and Mooro. Victoria 4 5 4 Portland 5 7 2 Batteries Kaufman and Meek; Doty and Harris. Carnival of Bargains GLOVES Two-clasp lisle CJ loves, Saturday 23 a pair AT JO button Silk Gloves, $1.20 quality, Saturd'y 98 a pair MANN'S CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. O. 100 now Lingerie Waists, up to $2..r)0 values 98 tmuli WAISTS 100 new l.'orcahs AVaistsj Saturday 5f) each Lega.1 Wnnfcs M thoJUcUorrt P.rnt- log company. t Good. Investments 160 acres on Applegate, 35 clear; house, barn; cheap. 160 acres, all good fruit and al falfa land; orchard, good Iiouho und barn, Ono of best buys In tho valley. 70 acres at Eaglo Point, 25 acres' planted to pears; will sell or trado for small tract near Medford, 3 f T T y t REMNANT SALE 500 Uenmants of Silks, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Mus lins, Sheetings, Toweling, White Goods, Laces and Hmbroiduricg; all good Jengt'hs, on sale Saturday AT AND BELOW COST HOSIERY SALE oOOO pairs Hosiery for Womeii and Children, on salo Satunjay at Fabulously Low Prices. Y Parasol Sale 100 Women's Muicy Parasols, all now style goods, A colors, $1.(50 values, Saturday, each 98 4 f i i(! omen's ljurson Hose, values, on salo Sat urday, a pair 18 !J j)air for f)0e Women's all silk ITose, iii the new colors, on salo Saturday, a pair ...,48 Children's Hose, all fast Hl.es, black rood 5, goon (iiality, Saturday price, a pair 10 Boy Scout ITdSft, the best made, on sale Sat urday, a pair.,... 25 k f H 4ft ( Underwear Sale Sovoral small tructs Medford property, - . j to tradn for A. J. LUPTON Cor. Sixth nml Fir Bis. & Women's sleeveless Vests, worth jl .ioc. Wiitiiruuy, c icn J.uc Children 's' fiislin Dr;iWej's and f t T f y f y ww i Aiiisls, 25c quality, Saturday, (meh ...:..;r,,f;v., ,121-2 ryoiiic'ii,Htjiiioh'BViilH, good tpiul i(y, fSaturt)ayra suit, ., 25 Women's XJml)rella Pants, spe cial, a pair ., ". f 25 Women lisk'' Vests, many new &, atyjes, Qiiisa)o,f3Ht(ip:da,Y,oa. ? i ... - i lit '." r Little Things at Low Prices Talcum Powder why On salt! Saturday, at, Colgate's pa, ')") I a can 15 Women's Wasli'lTnlls, with gen uine pearl buckle, worth 25o. Sat urday, each 15 Wqinon's Wash P-agsj worth ,7f)e, now styles,, on sale Saturday, at, each , 48 Women's Fancy Neckwear, good styles, up to 50c values. Special, each .tf 10 . Domestics Good Sheets, bleached, 72x00, V worth GQh: on sale Saturday,' at, Y i. ' vi.i ! , .iuy. I each Hest quality Table Oil Cloth, Sat urday, a yard 19 Good Bleached Hath Towtdri, worth tiOcj Saturday, each -14 Pleached Table Damask, good quality, 50e grade. Special price, i yard JHty (Jood Long Cloth, 12 yard bolts. Spocial, a bp(t, ...,...,t.v...M.,.l.:tQ Y T T T T T y y T y y y y KAx A A A A A A .. . .. . A A M:K0KH9;n;nv9VVVv;: t r r r r Y r Y I t Y Y Y V t Y Y y Y r Y Y Y t Y f Y Y ? y y f Y Y y y V . . I ii. fV -N l il T'-'WOC23errr!ipr!t- - -sr -" "vfBAHHi'lfclfcw. , --